0. INSTALLATION PhpWiki requires PHP version 3.0.9 or greater, since it uses the preg_*() family of functions. Untar/gzip this file into the directory where you want it to live. That's it. bash$ gzip -d phpwiki-X.XX.tar.gz bash$ tar -xvf phpwiki-X.XX.tar To improve efficiency, edit lib/config.php and set the $ServerAddress by hand; this will save a regexp call on every invocation. Example: Let's say you own the web server http://www.foo.com/. You untar in the server's root directory; then you should be able to just go to your new Wiki: http://www.foo.com/phpwiki/index.php If you configure your server to recognize index.php as the index of a directory, you can just do: http://www.foo.com/phpwiki/ If you get a blank page, PhpWiki tried to open the wrong DBM file type, most likely. Edit the file lib/config.php and set DBM_FILE_TYPE to the correct type for your system. 'gdbm' or 'db3' usually work. 1. CONFIGURATION The first time you run this Wiki it will load a set of basic pages from the pgsrc/ directory. These should be enough to get your Wiki started. PhpWiki will create some DBM files in /tmp. They contain the pages of the live site, archived pages, and some additional information. If you don't want the DBM files to live in /tmp you must make sure the web server can read/write to your chosen location. It's probably a bad idea to leave it in /tmp. (Again, edit lib/config.php). For example, you create a subdirectory called "pages" in the wiki directory made when you untarred PhpWiki. Move the DBM files there. The files are called: wikipagesdb, wikiarchivedb, wikilinksdb, wikihottopicsdb, and wikihitcountdb. The files should already have proper rights and owners, as they were created by the web server. Otherwise change them accordingly so your web server can read/write the DBM files. (Note you must be root to move files created by the web server). Then you must ensure that the web server can access the "pages" directory and can create new files in it. These can be achieved e.g. by doing bash$ chown nobody:youraccount pages bash$ chmod 755 pages if your web server runs as user 'nobody'. This is necessary so that the server can also create/set the lock file (PHP has a built in locking mechanism for DBM file access). Or if you're really lazy and don't worry much about security: bash$ chmod 777 pages Note: this is insecure. The proper way is to let the directory be owned by the web servers GUID and give it read and write access. 2. ALLOWING EMBEDDED HTML PhpWiki ships with this featured disabled by default. According to CERT (http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2000-02.html) malicious users can embed HTML in your pages that allow pure evil to happen. You can uncomment the "elseif" in lib/transform.php to allow embedded HTML; but you should NEVER do this if your Wiki is publically accessible. 3. ETC Installing PHP is beyond the scope of this document :-) You should visit http://www.php.net/ if you don't have PHP. Note that you should have the web server configured to allow index.php as the root document of a directory. This web application was written under PHP version 3.0.12 and the latest build of PHP4. It's tested under the following systems: MySQL + Debian mSQL + Red Hat 4.1 DBM or Postgresql on Red Hat 6.2 Win2000 + MySQL and dba + Apache 1.3.26 + PHP: 4.0.6, 4.1.2, 4.2.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.5, 4.3.7 That should be all. Send patches, bugs etc. to: phpwiki-talk@lists.sourceforge.net FIN