mSQL support is fairly stable. However, due to the limitations of mSQL's SQL syntax, certain features found in the MySQL and Postgresql versions are not available. This is not to say they can't be done, but it will require a lot more code in msql.php to compensate for the lack of advanced SQL syntax. Simplicity is one of mSQL's virtues however. Setting up mSQL is beyond the scope of this document. See for information on downloading and instructions. Create the database. You might need system privledges to do this: [root@localhost phpwiki]# msqladmin create wiki Database "wiki" created. [root@localhost phpwiki]# Load the database schema (here I'm in the phpwiki/ directory created after untarring the application): [swain@localhost phpwiki]$ msql wiki < schemas/schema.minisql You will see a few error messages like this: mSQL > -> ERROR : Unknown table "wiki" This is normal because the schema file drops the table and then creates it... dropping a nonexistent table is a nonfatal error and you don't have to worry about it. You should see a lot of these: mSQL > -> -> Query OK. 1 row(s) modified or retrieved. mSQL > -> Bye! Now the database is created; edit lib/config.php and comment out the DBM file settings. Uncomment the mSQL settings, making sure the values are correct. That should be all! Try accessing your Wiki now. Read INSTALL and README for more information, plus the comments in lib/config.php. --Steve Wainstead $Id: INSTALL.mSQL,v 1.3 2001-02-01 04:12:38 wainstead Exp $