$Id: INSTALL.pgsql,v 1.3 2000-06-23 02:54:50 wainstead Exp $ These instructions are not quite complete yet. If you find something I missed, please let me know (swain@panix.com). Installation instructions for PhpWiki with a Postgresql database Installation of Postgresql will not be discussed here... you can get a copy from http://www.postgresql.org/. However if you are running Red Hat Linux, all you need to do is install the PHP RPM and the Postgresql RPM and edit your Apache httpd.conf file, and uncomment the lines for all PHP files (and add index.php3 to the list of directory files while you're at it! :-) It's probably a good idea to install PhpWiki as-is first, running it off the DBM file. This way you can test most of the functionality of the Wiki. Once that's done and you have the basic stuff done that's listed in the INSTALL, the time comes to move to Postgresql. Edit wiki_config.php3 and comment out the lines for DBM file usage; then uncomment the lines for Postgresql. The lines are clearly commented and you should have no problem with this. Next you need to create a database called "wiki". bash$ createdb wiki Now run the script schemas/schema.psql bash$ psql wiki -f schemas/schema.psql For some reason I had to stop/start the database so that these changes took effect.. after that just open up the Wiki in your browser and you should have a brand-new PhpWiki running! Steve Wainstead swain@panix.com