MySQL The MySQL schema has changed since PhpWiki 1.2.0. If you're upgrading from PhpWiki 1.2.0 and you use the MySQL back end, you need to update the schema. As long as you use the stock table names you can just do something like: mysql -u -p wiki < schemas/update.mysql.1.2.0-1.2.1 If you don't use the stock table names, look at the script in schemas/update.mysql.1.2.0-1.2.1 and use it as a guide. Flat File We are now (since 1.2.0) urlencoding the characters '%', '/', '\\', and ':' when forming filenames from page names. (This is to fix a bug having to do with page names containing slashes.) If you currently have any page names with any of those special characters, they will not be visible to PhpWiki after you upgrade. (Any pages without those funny characters in their names will be unaffected.) If you do have pages with slashes, colons or percent signs in their names, you should probably make a backup dump of your database before upgrading and re-load the database after upgrading.