Input: 1.23 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns 1.23 = #3f9d70a4 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "1.23" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #3f9d70a3 = 1.2299999 fI[1] = #3f9d70a4 = 1.23 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.23e+20 strtof consumes 8 bytes and returns 1.23e+20 = #60d55ef9 g_ffmt(0) gives 8 bytes: "1.23e+20" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 8 bytes. fI[0] = #60d55ef9 = 1.23e+20 fI[1] = #60d55efa = 1.2300001e+20 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.23e-20 strtof consumes 8 bytes and returns 1.23e-20 = #1e685726 g_ffmt(0) gives 8 bytes: "1.23e-20" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 8 bytes. fI[0] = #1e685726 = 1.23e-20 fI[1] = #1e685727 = 1.23e-20 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.23456789 strtof consumes 10 bytes and returns 1.2345679 = #3f9e0652 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.2345679" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 10 bytes. fI[0] = #3f9e0652 = 1.2345679 fI[1] = #3f9e0653 = 1.234568 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.23456589e+20 strtof consumes 14 bytes and returns 1.2345659e+20 = #60d629bd g_ffmt(0) gives 13 bytes: "1.2345659e+20" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 14 bytes. fI[0] = #60d629bd = 1.2345659e+20 fI[1] = #60d629be = 1.234566e+20 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.23e+30 strtof consumes 8 bytes and returns 1.23e+30 = #71786582 g_ffmt(0) gives 8 bytes: "1.23e+30" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 8 bytes. fI[0] = #71786582 = 1.23e+30 fI[1] = #71786583 = 1.23e+30 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.23e-30 strtof consumes 8 bytes and returns 1.23e-30 = #dc79433 g_ffmt(0) gives 8 bytes: "1.23e-30" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 8 bytes. fI[0] = #dc79433 = 1.23e-30 fI[1] = #dc79434 = 1.23e-30 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.23456789e-20 strtof consumes 14 bytes and returns 1.2345679e-20 = #1e69340a g_ffmt(0) gives 13 bytes: "1.2345679e-20" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 14 bytes. fI[0] = #1e69340a = 1.2345679e-20 fI[1] = #1e69340b = 1.234568e-20 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.23456789e-30 strtof consumes 14 bytes and returns 1.2345679e-30 = #dc851f2 g_ffmt(0) gives 13 bytes: "1.2345679e-30" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 14 bytes. fI[0] = #dc851f1 = 1.2345678e-30 fI[1] = #dc851f2 = 1.2345679e-30 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.234567890123456789 strtof consumes 20 bytes and returns 1.2345679 = #3f9e0652 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.2345679" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 20 bytes. fI[0] = #3f9e0652 = 1.2345679 fI[1] = #3f9e0653 = 1.234568 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.23456789012345678901234567890123456789 strtof consumes 40 bytes and returns 1.2345679 = #3f9e0652 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.2345679" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 40 bytes. fI[0] = #3f9e0652 = 1.2345679 fI[1] = #3f9e0653 = 1.234568 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.23e306 strtof consumes 8 bytes and returns Infinity = #7f800000 g_ffmt(0) gives 8 bytes: "Infinity" strtoIf returns 163, consuming 8 bytes. fI[0] = #7f7fffff = 3.4028235e+38 fI[1] = #7f800000 = Infinity fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.23e-306 strtof consumes 9 bytes and returns 0 = #0 g_ffmt(0) gives 1 bytes: "0" strtoIf returns 80, consuming 9 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.23e-320 strtof consumes 9 bytes and returns 0 = #0 g_ffmt(0) gives 1 bytes: "0" strtoIf returns 80, consuming 9 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.23e-20 strtof consumes 8 bytes and returns 1.23e-20 = #1e685726 g_ffmt(0) gives 8 bytes: "1.23e-20" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 8 bytes. fI[0] = #1e685726 = 1.23e-20 fI[1] = #1e685727 = 1.23e-20 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.23456789e307 strtof consumes 14 bytes and returns Infinity = #7f800000 g_ffmt(0) gives 8 bytes: "Infinity" strtoIf returns 163, consuming 14 bytes. fI[0] = #7f7fffff = 3.4028235e+38 fI[1] = #7f800000 = Infinity fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.23456589e-307 strtof consumes 15 bytes and returns 0 = #0 g_ffmt(0) gives 1 bytes: "0" strtoIf returns 80, consuming 15 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.234567890123456789 strtof consumes 20 bytes and returns 1.2345679 = #3f9e0652 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.2345679" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 20 bytes. fI[0] = #3f9e0652 = 1.2345679 fI[1] = #3f9e0653 = 1.234568 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.234567890123456789e301 strtof consumes 24 bytes and returns Infinity = #7f800000 g_ffmt(0) gives 8 bytes: "Infinity" strtoIf returns 163, consuming 24 bytes. fI[0] = #7f7fffff = 3.4028235e+38 fI[1] = #7f800000 = Infinity fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.234567890123456789e-301 strtof consumes 25 bytes and returns 0 = #0 g_ffmt(0) gives 1 bytes: "0" strtoIf returns 80, consuming 25 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.234567890123456789e-321 strtof consumes 25 bytes and returns 0 = #0 g_ffmt(0) gives 1 bytes: "0" strtoIf returns 80, consuming 25 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 1e23 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns 9.9999998e+22 = #65a96816 g_ffmt(0) gives 5 bytes: "1e+23" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #65a96816 = 9.9999998e+22 fI[1] = #65a96817 = 1.0000001e+23 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1e310 strtof consumes 5 bytes and returns Infinity = #7f800000 g_ffmt(0) gives 8 bytes: "Infinity" strtoIf returns 163, consuming 5 bytes. fI[0] = #7f7fffff = 3.4028235e+38 fI[1] = #7f800000 = Infinity fI[1] == strtof Input: 9.0259718793241475e-277 strtof consumes 23 bytes and returns 0 = #0 g_ffmt(0) gives 1 bytes: "0" strtoIf returns 80, consuming 23 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 9.025971879324147880346310405869e-277 strtof consumes 37 bytes and returns 0 = #0 g_ffmt(0) gives 1 bytes: "0" strtoIf returns 80, consuming 37 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 9.025971879324147880346310405868e-277 strtof consumes 37 bytes and returns 0 = #0 g_ffmt(0) gives 1 bytes: "0" strtoIf returns 80, consuming 37 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 2.2250738585072014e-308 strtof consumes 23 bytes and returns 0 = #0 g_ffmt(0) gives 1 bytes: "0" strtoIf returns 80, consuming 23 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 2.2250738585072013e-308 strtof consumes 23 bytes and returns 0 = #0 g_ffmt(0) gives 1 bytes: "0" strtoIf returns 80, consuming 23 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Rounding mode for strtor... changed from 1 (nearest) to 0 (toward zero) Input: 1.1 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.0999999 = #3f8ccccc g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.0999999" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3f8ccccc = 1.0999999 fI[1] = #3f8ccccd = 1.1 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.1 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.0999999 = #bf8ccccc g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.0999999" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bf8ccccd = -1.1 fI[1] = #bf8ccccc = -1.0999999 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.2 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.1999999 = #3f999999 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.1999999" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3f999999 = 1.1999999 fI[1] = #3f99999a = 1.2 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.2 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.1999999 = #bf999999 g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.1999999" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bf99999a = -1.2 fI[1] = #bf999999 = -1.1999999 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.3 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.3 = #3fa66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.3" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fa66666 = 1.3 fI[1] = #3fa66667 = 1.3000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.3 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.3 = #bfa66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.3" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfa66667 = -1.3000001 fI[1] = #bfa66666 = -1.3 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.4 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.4 = #3fb33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.4" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fb33333 = 1.4 fI[1] = #3fb33334 = 1.4000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.4 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.4 = #bfb33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.4" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfb33334 = -1.4000001 fI[1] = #bfb33333 = -1.4 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.5 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.5 = #3fc00000 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.5" strtoIf returns 1, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.5 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.5 = #bfc00000 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.5" strtoIf returns 9, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.6 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.5999999 = #3fcccccc g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.5999999" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fcccccc = 1.5999999 fI[1] = #3fcccccd = 1.6 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.6 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.5999999 = #bfcccccc g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.5999999" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfcccccd = -1.6 fI[1] = #bfcccccc = -1.5999999 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.7 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.6999999 = #3fd99999 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.6999999" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fd99999 = 1.6999999 fI[1] = #3fd9999a = 1.7 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.7 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.6999999 = #bfd99999 g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.6999999" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfd9999a = -1.7 fI[1] = #bfd99999 = -1.6999999 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.8 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.8 = #3fe66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.8" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fe66666 = 1.8 fI[1] = #3fe66667 = 1.8000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.8 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.8 = #bfe66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.8" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfe66667 = -1.8000001 fI[1] = #bfe66666 = -1.8 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.9 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.9 = #3ff33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.9" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3ff33333 = 1.9 fI[1] = #3ff33334 = 1.9000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.9 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.9 = #bff33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.9" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bff33334 = -1.9000001 fI[1] = #bff33333 = -1.9 fI[1] == strtof Rounding mode for strtor... changed from 0 (toward zero) to 1 (nearest) Input: 1.1 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.1 = #3f8ccccd g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.1" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3f8ccccc = 1.0999999 fI[1] = #3f8ccccd = 1.1 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.1 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.1 = #bf8ccccd g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.1" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bf8ccccd = -1.1 fI[1] = #bf8ccccc = -1.0999999 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.2 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.2 = #3f99999a g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.2" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3f999999 = 1.1999999 fI[1] = #3f99999a = 1.2 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.2 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.2 = #bf99999a g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.2" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bf99999a = -1.2 fI[1] = #bf999999 = -1.1999999 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.3 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.3 = #3fa66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.3" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fa66666 = 1.3 fI[1] = #3fa66667 = 1.3000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.3 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.3 = #bfa66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.3" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfa66667 = -1.3000001 fI[1] = #bfa66666 = -1.3 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.4 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.4 = #3fb33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.4" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fb33333 = 1.4 fI[1] = #3fb33334 = 1.4000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.4 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.4 = #bfb33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.4" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfb33334 = -1.4000001 fI[1] = #bfb33333 = -1.4 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.5 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.5 = #3fc00000 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.5" strtoIf returns 1, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.5 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.5 = #bfc00000 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.5" strtoIf returns 9, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.6 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.6 = #3fcccccd g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.6" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fcccccc = 1.5999999 fI[1] = #3fcccccd = 1.6 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.6 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.6 = #bfcccccd g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.6" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfcccccd = -1.6 fI[1] = #bfcccccc = -1.5999999 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.7 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.7 = #3fd9999a g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.7" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fd99999 = 1.6999999 fI[1] = #3fd9999a = 1.7 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.7 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.7 = #bfd9999a g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.7" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfd9999a = -1.7 fI[1] = #bfd99999 = -1.6999999 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.8 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.8 = #3fe66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.8" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fe66666 = 1.8 fI[1] = #3fe66667 = 1.8000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.8 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.8 = #bfe66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.8" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfe66667 = -1.8000001 fI[1] = #bfe66666 = -1.8 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.9 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.9 = #3ff33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.9" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3ff33333 = 1.9 fI[1] = #3ff33334 = 1.9000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.9 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.9 = #bff33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.9" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bff33334 = -1.9000001 fI[1] = #bff33333 = -1.9 fI[1] == strtof Rounding mode for strtor... changed from 1 (nearest) to 2 (toward +Infinity) Input: 1.1 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.1 = #3f8ccccd g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.1" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3f8ccccc = 1.0999999 fI[1] = #3f8ccccd = 1.1 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.1 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.0999999 = #bf8ccccc g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.0999999" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bf8ccccd = -1.1 fI[1] = #bf8ccccc = -1.0999999 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.2 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.2 = #3f99999a g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.2" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3f999999 = 1.1999999 fI[1] = #3f99999a = 1.2 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.2 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.1999999 = #bf999999 g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.1999999" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bf99999a = -1.2 fI[1] = #bf999999 = -1.1999999 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.3 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.3000001 = #3fa66667 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.3000001" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fa66666 = 1.3 fI[1] = #3fa66667 = 1.3000001 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.3 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.3 = #bfa66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.3" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfa66667 = -1.3000001 fI[1] = #bfa66666 = -1.3 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.4 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.4000001 = #3fb33334 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.4000001" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fb33333 = 1.4 fI[1] = #3fb33334 = 1.4000001 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.4 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.4 = #bfb33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.4" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfb33334 = -1.4000001 fI[1] = #bfb33333 = -1.4 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.5 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.5 = #3fc00000 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.5" strtoIf returns 1, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.5 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.5 = #bfc00000 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.5" strtoIf returns 9, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.6 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.6 = #3fcccccd g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.6" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fcccccc = 1.5999999 fI[1] = #3fcccccd = 1.6 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.6 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.5999999 = #bfcccccc g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.5999999" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfcccccd = -1.6 fI[1] = #bfcccccc = -1.5999999 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.7 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.7 = #3fd9999a g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.7" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fd99999 = 1.6999999 fI[1] = #3fd9999a = 1.7 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.7 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.6999999 = #bfd99999 g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.6999999" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfd9999a = -1.7 fI[1] = #bfd99999 = -1.6999999 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.8 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.8000001 = #3fe66667 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.8000001" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fe66666 = 1.8 fI[1] = #3fe66667 = 1.8000001 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.8 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.8 = #bfe66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.8" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfe66667 = -1.8000001 fI[1] = #bfe66666 = -1.8 fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.9 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.9000001 = #3ff33334 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.9000001" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3ff33333 = 1.9 fI[1] = #3ff33334 = 1.9000001 fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.9 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.9 = #bff33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.9" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bff33334 = -1.9000001 fI[1] = #bff33333 = -1.9 fI[1] == strtof Rounding mode for strtor... changed from 2 (toward +Infinity) to 3 (toward -Infinity) Input: 1.1 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.0999999 = #3f8ccccc g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.0999999" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3f8ccccc = 1.0999999 fI[1] = #3f8ccccd = 1.1 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.1 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.1 = #bf8ccccd g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.1" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bf8ccccd = -1.1 fI[1] = #bf8ccccc = -1.0999999 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.2 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.1999999 = #3f999999 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.1999999" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3f999999 = 1.1999999 fI[1] = #3f99999a = 1.2 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.2 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.2 = #bf99999a g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.2" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bf99999a = -1.2 fI[1] = #bf999999 = -1.1999999 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.3 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.3 = #3fa66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.3" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fa66666 = 1.3 fI[1] = #3fa66667 = 1.3000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.3 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.3000001 = #bfa66667 g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.3000001" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfa66667 = -1.3000001 fI[1] = #bfa66666 = -1.3 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.4 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.4 = #3fb33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.4" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fb33333 = 1.4 fI[1] = #3fb33334 = 1.4000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.4 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.4000001 = #bfb33334 g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.4000001" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfb33334 = -1.4000001 fI[1] = #bfb33333 = -1.4 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.5 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.5 = #3fc00000 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.5" strtoIf returns 1, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: -1.5 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.5 = #bfc00000 g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.5" strtoIf returns 9, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] == fI[1] == strtof Input: 1.6 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.5999999 = #3fcccccc g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.5999999" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fcccccc = 1.5999999 fI[1] = #3fcccccd = 1.6 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.6 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.6 = #bfcccccd g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.6" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfcccccd = -1.6 fI[1] = #bfcccccc = -1.5999999 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.7 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.6999999 = #3fd99999 g_ffmt(0) gives 9 bytes: "1.6999999" strtoIf returns 33, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fd99999 = 1.6999999 fI[1] = #3fd9999a = 1.7 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.7 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.7 = #bfd9999a g_ffmt(0) gives 4 bytes: "-1.7" strtoIf returns 41, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfd9999a = -1.7 fI[1] = #bfd99999 = -1.6999999 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.8 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.8 = #3fe66666 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.8" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3fe66666 = 1.8 fI[1] = #3fe66667 = 1.8000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.8 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.8000001 = #bfe66667 g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.8000001" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bfe66667 = -1.8000001 fI[1] = #bfe66666 = -1.8 fI[0] == strtof Input: 1.9 strtof consumes 3 bytes and returns 1.9 = #3ff33333 g_ffmt(0) gives 3 bytes: "1.9" strtoIf returns 17, consuming 3 bytes. fI[0] = #3ff33333 = 1.9 fI[1] = #3ff33334 = 1.9000001 fI[0] == strtof Input: -1.9 strtof consumes 4 bytes and returns -1.9000001 = #bff33334 g_ffmt(0) gives 10 bytes: "-1.9000001" strtoIf returns 25, consuming 4 bytes. fI[0] = #bff33334 = -1.9000001 fI[1] = #bff33333 = -1.9 fI[0] == strtof