#include "config.h" #include "unity.h" //#include //#include //#include //#include //#include //#include "ntpd.h" //#include "ntp_config.h" //#include "ntpsim.h" //#include "ntp_scanner.h" //#include "ntp_parser.h" #include "ntp_scanner.c" /* ntp_keyword.h declares finite state machine and token text */ //#include "ntp_keyword.h" void test_keywordIncorrectToken(void); void test_keywordServerToken(void); void test_DropUninitializedStack(void); void test_IncorrectlyInitializeLexStack(void); void test_InitializeLexStack(void); void test_keywordIncorrectToken(void){ const char * temp = keyword(999); //printf("%s\n",temp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("(keyword not found)",temp); } void test_keywordServerToken(void){ const char * temp = keyword(T_Server); //printf("%s",temp); //143 or 401 ? TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("server",temp); } void test_DropUninitializedStack(void){ lex_drop_stack(); } void test_IncorrectlyInitializeLexStack(void){ TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(lex_init_stack(NULL,NULL)); lex_drop_stack(); } void test_InitializeLexStack(void){ //Some sort of server is required for this to work. sockaddr_u * remote_addr; char origin[128] ={ "" } ; strcat(origin,""); //snprintf(origin, sizeof(origin), "remote config from %s", stoa(remote_addr)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(lex_init_stack(origin,NULL)); //path, mode -> NULL is ok! lex_drop_stack(); } void test_PopEmptyStack(void){ int temp = lex_pop_file(); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(temp); } void test_IsInteger(void){ //boolean int temp = is_integer("123"); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); temp = is_integer("-999"); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); temp = is_integer("0"); //what about -0? TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); temp = is_integer("16.5"); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(temp); temp = is_integer("12ab"); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(temp); temp = is_integer("2147483647"); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); temp = is_integer("2347483647"); //too big for signed int TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(temp); } void test_IsUint(void){ int temp; temp = is_u_int("-123"); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(temp); temp = is_u_int("0"); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); //-0 fails btw temp = is_u_int("2347483647"); //fits into u_int TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); temp = is_u_int("112347483647"); //too big even for uint TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); } void test_IsDouble(void){ int temp; temp = is_double("0"); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); temp = is_double("123"); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); temp = is_double("123.45"); //DOESN'T WORK WITH 123,45, not sure if intented? TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); temp = is_double("-123.45"); //DOESN'T WORK WITH 123,45, not sure if intented? TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); } void test_SpecialSymbols(void){ int temp ; temp = is_special('a'); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(temp); temp = is_special('?'); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(temp); } void test_EOC(void){ int temp; if(old_config_style){ temp = is_EOC('\n'); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); } else { temp = is_EOC(';'); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(temp); } temp = is_EOC('A'); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(temp); temp = is_EOC('1'); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(temp); }