encode($displayParams); $vardefJSON = $json->encode($vardef); $this->ss->assign('displayParamsJSON', '{literal}'.$displayParamsJSON.'{/literal}'); $this->ss->assign('vardefJSON', '{literal}'.$vardefJSON.'{/literal}'); $this->setup($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex); if(empty($this->tpl_path)){ $this->tpl_path = 'include/SugarFields/Fields/Collection/DetailView.tpl'; } return $this->fetch($this->tpl_path); } function getEditViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex, $searchView = false) { if($searchView){ $form_name = 'search_form'; }else{ $form_name = 'EditView'; } $json = getJSONobj(); $displayParamsJSON = $json->encode($displayParams); $vardefJSON = $json->encode($vardef); $this->ss->assign('required', !empty($vardef['required'])); $this->ss->assign('displayParamsJSON', '{literal}'.$displayParamsJSON.'{/literal}'); $this->ss->assign('vardefJSON', '{literal}'.$vardefJSON.'{/literal}'); $this->setup($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex); if(!$searchView) { if(empty($this->tpl_path)){ $this->tpl_path = 'include/SugarFields/Fields/Collection/EditView.tpl'; } return $this->fetch($this->tpl_path); } } function getSearchViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex) { $this->getEditViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex, true); } /** * This should be called when the bean is saved. The bean itself will be passed by reference * @param SugarBean bean - the bean performing the save * @param array params - an array of paramester relevant to the save, most likely will be $_REQUEST */ public function save(&$bean, $params, $field, $properties, $prefix = ''){ if(isset($_POST["primary_" . $field . "_collection"])){ $save = false; $value_name = $field . "_values"; $link_field = array(); // populate $link_field from POST foreach($_POST as $name=>$value){ if(strpos($name, $field . "_collection_") !== false){ $num = substr($name, -1); if(is_numeric($num)){ settype($num, 'int'); if(strpos($name, $field . "_collection_extra_") !== false){ $extra_field = substr($name, $field . "_collection_extra_" . $num); $link_field[$num]['extra_field'][$extra_field]=$value; }else if ($name == $field . "_collection_" . $num){ $link_field[$num]['name']=$value; }else if ($name == "id_" . $field . "_collection_" . $num){ $link_field[$num]['id']=$value; } } } } // Set Primary if(isset($_POST["primary_" . $field . "_collection"])){ $primary = $_POST["primary_" . $field . "_collection"]; settype($primary, 'int'); $link_field[$primary]['primary']=true; } // Create or update record and take care of the extra_field require('include/modules.php'); require_once('data/Link.php'); $class = load_link_class($bean->field_defs[$field]); $link_obj = new $class($bean->field_defs[$field]['relationship'], $bean, $bean->field_defs[$field]); $module = $link_obj->getRelatedModuleName(); $beanName = $beanList[$module]; require_once($beanFiles[$beanName]); foreach($link_field as $k=>$v){ $save = false; $update_fields = array(); $obj = new $beanName(); if(!isset($link_field[$k]['name']) || empty($link_field[$k]['name'])){ // There is no name so it is an empty record -> ignore it! unset($link_field[$k]); break; } if(!isset($link_field[$k]['id']) || empty($link_field[$k]['id']) || (isset($_POST[$field . "_new_on_update"]) && $_POST[$field . "_new_on_update"] === 'true')){ // Create a new record if(isset($_POST[$field . "_allow_new"]) && ($_POST[$field . "_allow_new"] === 'false' || $_POST[$field . "_allow_new"] === false)){ // Not allow to create a new record so remove from $link_field unset($link_field[$k]); break; } if(!isset($link_field[$k]['id']) || empty($link_field[$k]['id'])){ // There is no ID so it is a new record $save = true; $obj->name=$link_field[$k]['name']; }else{ // We duplicate an existing record because new_on_update is set $obj->retrieve($link_field[$k]['id']); $obj->id=''; $obj->name = $obj->name . '_DUP'; } }else{ // id exist so retrieve the data $obj->retrieve($link_field[$k]['id']); } // Update the extra field for the new or the existing record if(isset($v['extra_field']) && is_array($v['extra_field'])){ // Retrieve the changed fields if(isset($_POST["update_fields_{$field}_collection"]) && !empty($_POST["update_fields_{$field}_collection"])){ $JSON = getJSONobj(); $update_fields = $JSON->decode(html_entity_decode($_POST["update_fields_{$field}_collection"])); } // Update the changed fields foreach($update_fields as $kk=>$vv){ if(!isset($_POST[$field . "_allow_update"]) || ($_POST[$field . "_allow_update"] !== 'false' && $_POST[$field . "_allow_update"] !== false)){ //allow to update the extra_field in the record if(isset($v['extra_field'][$kk]) && $vv == true){ $extra_field_name = str_replace("_".$field."_collection_extra_".$k,"",$kk); if($obj->$extra_field_name != $v['extra_field'][$kk]){ $save = true; $obj->$extra_field_name=$v['extra_field'][$kk]; } } } } } // Save the new or updated record if($save){ if(!$obj->ACLAccess('save')){ ACLController::displayNoAccess(true); sugar_cleanup(true); } $obj->save(); $link_field[$k]['id']=$obj->id; } } // Save new relationship or delete deleted relationship if(!empty($link_field)){ if($bean->load_relationship($field)){ $oldvalues = $bean->$field->get(true); $role_field = $bean->$field->_get_link_table_role_field($bean->$field->_relationship_name); foreach($link_field as $new_v){ if(!empty($new_v['id'])){ if(!empty($role_field)){ if(isset($new_v['primary']) && $new_v['primary']){ $bean->$field->add($new_v['id'], array($role_field=>'primary')); }else{ $bean->$field->add($new_v['id'], array($role_field=>'NULL')); } }else{ $bean->$field->add($new_v['id'], array()); } } } foreach($oldvalues as $old_v){ $match = false; foreach($link_field as $new_v){ if($new_v['id'] == $old_v['id']){ $match = true; } } if(!$match){ $bean->$field->delete($bean->id, $old_v['id']); } } } } } } } ?>