"; const SMARTY_TAG_BEGIN = "{"; const SMARTY_TAG_END = "}"; const CLAUSE_TAG_BEGIN = "("; const CLAUSE_TAG_END = ")"; /** * @var integer the counter for generating automatic input field names. */ public static $count=0; /** * @static * Create an open html element * * @param String $tagName - the tag name * @param array $params - the element attributes * @param bool $self_closing - whether the element is self-closing or not * @return string - generated html string */ public static function createOpenTag($tagName, $params = array(), $self_closing = false) { $self_closing_tag = ($self_closing) ? "/" : ""; if(empty($params)) return "<{$tagName}{$self_closing_tag}>"; $options = self::createAttributes($params); return "<{$tagName} {$options}{$self_closing_tag}>"; } /** * @static * Create a close html element * * @param String $tagName - the tag name * @return string - generated html string */ public static function createCloseTag($tagName) { return ""; } /** * @static * Create a html block given a cascade array tree. * Resemble the array form generated by parseHtmlTag * @see SugarHtml::parseHtmlTag * * @param array $dom_tree - Cascade array form *
     * 1. Simple html format
     * array(
     *      'tag' => 'div',
     *      // all attributes are assigned in key-value form
     *      'id' => 'div_id',
     *      'class' => 'wrapper',
     *      ...
     * )
     * 2. Cascade html format
     * array(
     *      'tag' => 'div',
     *      //all subitems are assigned in container
     *      'container' => array(
     *          array(
     *              'tag' => 'input',
     *              'type' => 'hidden',
     *          )
     *      )
     * )
     * 3. Siblings
     * array(
     *      //all siblings are assigned in a parallel array form
     *      array('tag' => 'input', 'type' => 'button', ... ),
     *      array('tag' => 'input', 'type' => 'submit', ... )
     * )
     * 4. Smarty
     * array(
     *      'smarty' => array(
     *          array(
     *              //smarty must contain 'template'. Container will replace with the same key value
     *              'template' => '{if}[CONTENT1]{else}[CONTENT2]{/if}',
     *              //content1 will be assign on the lefthand side, and content2 will be on righthand side
     *              '[CONTENT1]' => array(
     *                  //cascade valid array form
     *              )
     *              '[CONTENT2]' => array(...)
     *          ),
     *      )
     * )
* * @return string - generated html string */ public static function createHtml($dom_tree = array()) { $out = ""; if(isset($dom_tree[0])) { //dom contains sibling items foreach($dom_tree as $dom) { $out .= is_array($dom) ? self::createHtml($dom) : $dom; } } else if( isset($dom_tree['tag']) ) { $tagName = $dom_tree['tag']; $self_closing = $dom_tree['self_closing']; unset($dom_tree['tag']); unset($dom_tree['self_closing']); if(isset($dom_tree['container'])) { $container = $dom_tree['container']; unset($dom_tree['container']); } $out .= self::HTML_TAG_BEGIN."{$tagName} "; if(isset($dom_tree['smarty'])) { $out .= self::createHtml(array( 'smarty' => $dom_tree['smarty'] )).' '; unset($dom_tree['smarty']); } $out .= self::createHtml($dom_tree); if($self_closing) { $out .= '/>'; } else{ $out .= self::HTML_TAG_END; $out .= (is_array($container)) ? self::createHtml($container) : $container; $out .= self::createCloseTag($tagName); } } else if( isset($dom_tree['smarty']) ) { //dom contains smarty function $count = 0; foreach($dom_tree['smarty'] as $blocks) { $template = $blocks['template']; unset($blocks['template']); $replacement = array(); foreach($blocks as $key => $value) { $replacement[$key] = is_array($value) ? self::createHtml($value) : $value; } if($count++ > 0) $out .= ' '; $out .= strtr($template, $replacement); } } else { $count = 0; foreach($dom_tree as $attr => $value) { if($count++ > 0) $out .= ' '; $out .= (empty($value)) ? $attr : $attr.'="'.$value.'"'; } } return $out; } public static function parseSugarHtml($sugar_html = array()) { $output = array(); $input_types = array( 'submit', 'button', 'hidden', 'checkbox', 'input' ); if(in_array($sugar_html['type'], $input_types)) { $sugar_html['htmlOptions']['type'] = (empty($sugar_html['htmlOptions']['type'])) ? $sugar_html['type'] : $sugar_html['htmlOptions']['type']; $sugar_html['htmlOptions']['value'] = $sugar_html['value']; $output = array_merge(array( 'tag' => 'input', 'self_closing' => true, ), $sugar_html['htmlOptions']); } if(isset($sugar_html['template'])) { $output = array( 'smarty' => array( array( 'template' => $sugar_html['template'], '[CONTENT]' => $output ) ) ); } return $output; } /** * @static * Disassemble html string into a cascaded array form elements * * @param String $code - html string (support the mixed html string with smarty blocks) * @param array $appendTo - Precedent siblings * @return array - structual array form, can be restored in a html code by createHtml * @see SugarHtml::createHtml */ public static function parseHtmlTag($code, $appendTo = array()) { $code = ltrim($code); $start_pos = strpos($code, ' ') ? strpos($code, ' ') : strpos($code, self::HTML_TAG_END); $output = array(); if(substr($code, 0, 1) != self::HTML_TAG_BEGIN || $start_pos === false) { self::parseSmartyTag($code, $output); } else { $tag = substr($code, 1, $start_pos - 1); $closing_tag = ' 0) { $_right = strpos($code, $_smarty_closing, $_right + strlen($_smarty_closing)); } $_right = strpos($code, self::SMARTY_TAG_END, $_right); } $smarty_string = substr($code, $i, $_right + 1 - $i); $clauses = array_slice( //split into each clause preg_split("/[\{\}]/i", $smarty_string), 1, -1 //slice out the first and last items, which is empty. ); $smarty_template = array( 'template' => '', ); //Concatenate smarty variables $queue = 0; for($seq = 0; $seq < count($clauses); $seq++) { if($seq > 0 && substr(ltrim($clauses[$seq]), 0, 1) == '$' ) { $clauses[--$queue] .= self::SMARTY_TAG_BEGIN.$clauses[$seq].self::SMARTY_TAG_END; if($seq < count($clauses)) { $clauses[$queue++] .= $clauses[++$seq]; } } else { $clauses[$queue++] = $clauses[$seq]; } } array_splice($clauses, $queue); //Split phrases for the conditional statement $count = 0; $queue = 0; for($seq = 0; $seq < count($clauses); $seq++) { if ($seq > 0 && substr(ltrim($clauses[$seq]), 0, 2) == 'if') { $count++; } if($count > 0) { $clauses[--$queue] .= ($seq % 2 == 0) ? self::SMARTY_TAG_BEGIN.$clauses[$seq].self::SMARTY_TAG_END : $clauses[$seq]; if($seq < count($clauses)) { $clauses[$queue++] .= $clauses[++$seq]; } } else { $clauses[$queue++] = $clauses[$seq]; } if ( $seq > 0 && substr(ltrim($clauses[$seq - 1]), 0, 3) == '/if') { $count--; } } array_splice($clauses, $queue); //resemble the smarty phases $seq = 0; foreach($clauses as $index => $clause) { if($index % 2 == 0) { $smarty_template['template'] .= '{'.$clause.'}'; } else { $key = '[CONTENT'.($seq++).']'; $smarty_template['template'] .= $key; $params = array(); if($is_attr) self::extractAttributes($clause, $params); else $params = self::parseHtmlTag($clause); $smarty_template[$key] = $params; } } $output['smarty'][] = $smarty_template; $i = $_right + 1; } public static function extractAttributes($code, &$output) { $var_assign = false; $quote_encoded = false; $smarty_encoded = false; $cache = array(); $code = rtrim($code); for($i = 0; $i < strlen($code) ; $i ++) { $char = $code[$i]; if( !$smarty_encoded && ($char == self::SINGLE_QUOTE || $char == self::DOUBLE_QUOTE) ) { if(empty($quote_type)) { $quote_encoded = true; $quote_type = $char; } else if ($quote_type == $char) { if(!empty($cache)) { $string = implode('', $cache); if(empty($var_name)) { $var_name = $string; } else if($var_assign) { $output[$var_name] = $string; unset($var_name); } } $quote_type = ''; $var_assign = false; $cache = array(); $quote_encoded = false; } else { array_push($cache, $char); } } else if ( $quote_encoded && $char == self::SMARTY_TAG_BEGIN ) { $smarty_encoded = true; array_push($cache, $char); } else if ( $quote_encoded && $char == self::SMARTY_TAG_END ) { $smarty_encoded = false; array_push($cache, $char); } else if ( !$quote_encoded && $char == ' ' ) { if(!empty($cache)) { $string = implode('', $cache); if(empty($var_name)) { $var_name = $string; } else if($var_assign) { $output[$var_name] = $string; unset($var_name); } $quote_encoded = false; $var_assign = false; $cache = array(); } } else if ( !$quote_encoded && $char == self::ASSIGN_SIGN ) { if(!empty($var_name)) { $output[$var_name] = ''; } $string = implode('', $cache); if(trim($string) != "") { $var_name = $string; } $var_assign = true; $cache = array(); } else if ( !$quote_encoded && $char == self::SMARTY_TAG_BEGIN) { self::parseSmartyTag($code, $output, $i, true); } else if ( !$quote_encoded && $char == self::HTML_TAG_END ) { break; } else { array_push($cache, $char); } } if(!empty($cache)) { $var_name = implode('', $cache); $output[$var_name] = ''; } if(isset($output['self_closing']) && $output['self_closing'] === false) { $output['container'] = self::parseHtmlTag(substr($code, $i + 1)); return ''; } return substr($code, $i + 1); } public static function createAttributes($params) { $options = ""; foreach($params as $attr => $value) { if($value) $options .= $attr.'="'.$value.'" '; } return $options; } }