empty($admin_export_only) ? false : $admin_export_only, 'export_delimiter' => empty($export_delimiter) ? ',' : $export_delimiter, 'cache_dir' => empty($cache_dir) ? 'cache/' : $cache_dir, 'calculate_response_time' => empty($calculate_response_time) ? true : $calculate_response_time, 'create_default_user' => empty($create_default_user) ? false : $create_default_user, 'chartEngine' => 'Jit', 'date_formats' => empty($dateFormats) ? array( 'Y-m-d'=>'2010-12-23', 'd-m-Y' => '23-12-2010', 'm-d-Y'=>'12-23-2010', 'Y/m/d'=>'2010/12/23', 'd/m/Y' => '23/12/2010', 'm/d/Y'=>'12/23/2010', 'Y.m.d' => '2010.12.23', 'd.m.Y' => '23.12.2010', 'm.d.Y' => '12.23.2010' ) : $dateFormats, 'dbconfig' => $dbconfig, // this must be set!! 'dbconfigoption' => $dbconfigoption, // this must be set!! 'default_action' => empty($default_action) ? 'index' : $default_action, 'default_charset' => empty($default_charset) ? 'UTF-8' : $default_charset, 'default_currency_name' => empty($default_currency_name) ? 'US Dollar' : $default_currency_name, 'default_currency_symbol' => empty($default_currency_symbol) ? '$' : $default_currency_symbol, 'default_currency_iso4217' => empty($default_currency_iso4217) ? '$' : $default_currency_iso4217, 'default_date_format' => empty($defaultDateFormat) ? 'm/d/Y' : $defaultDateFormat, 'default_locale_name_format' => empty($defaultNameFormat) ? 's f l' : $defaultNameFormat, 'default_export_charset' => 'UTF-8', 'default_language' => empty($default_language) ? 'en_us' : $default_language, 'default_module' => empty($default_module) ? 'Home' : $default_module, 'default_password' => empty($default_password) ? '' : $default_password, 'default_permissions' => array ( 'dir_mode' => 02770, 'file_mode' => 0660, 'chown' => '', 'chgrp' => '', ), 'default_theme' => empty($default_theme) ? 'Sugar5' : $default_theme, 'default_time_format' => empty($defaultTimeFormat) ? 'h:ia' : $defaultTimeFormat, 'default_user_is_admin' => empty($default_user_is_admin) ? false : $default_user_is_admin, 'default_user_name' => empty($default_user_name) ? '' : $default_user_name, 'disable_export' => empty($disable_export) ? false : $disable_export, 'disable_persistent_connections' => empty($disable_persistent_connections) ? false : $disable_persistent_connections, 'display_email_template_variable_chooser' => empty($display_email_template_variable_chooser) ? false : $display_email_template_variable_chooser, 'display_inbound_email_buttons' => empty($display_inbound_email_buttons) ? false : $display_inbound_email_buttons, 'history_max_viewed' => empty($history_max_viewed) ? 50 : $history_max_viewed, 'host_name' => empty($host_name) ? 'localhost' : $host_name, 'import_dir' => $import_dir, // this must be set!! 'import_max_records_per_file' => 100, 'import_max_records_total_limit' => '', 'languages' => empty($languages) ? array('en_us' => 'English (US)') : $languages, 'list_max_entries_per_page' => empty($list_max_entries_per_page) ? 20 : $list_max_entries_per_page, 'list_max_entries_per_subpanel' => empty($list_max_entries_per_subpanel) ? 10 : $list_max_entries_per_subpanel, 'lock_default_user_name' => empty($lock_default_user_name) ? false : $lock_default_user_name, 'log_memory_usage' => empty($log_memory_usage) ? false : $log_memory_usage, 'name_formats' => empty($nameFormats) ? array( 's f l' => 's f l', 'f l' => 'f l', 's l' => 's l', 'l, s f' => 'l, s f', 'l, f' => 'l, f', 's l, f' => 's l, f', 'l s f' => 'l s f', 'l f s' => 'l f s' ) : $nameFormats, 'portal_view' => 'single_user', 'resource_management' => array ( 'special_query_limit' => 50000, 'special_query_modules' => array('Reports', 'Export', 'Import', 'Administration', 'Sync'), 'default_limit' => 1000, ), 'require_accounts' => empty($requireAccounts) ? true : $requireAccounts, 'rss_cache_time' => empty($RSS_CACHE_TIME) ? '10800' : $RSS_CACHE_TIME, 'session_dir' => $session_dir, // this must be set!! 'site_url' => empty($site_URL) ? $site_url : $site_URL, // this must be set!! 'showDetailData' => true, // if true, read-only ACL fields will still appear on EditViews as non-editable 'showThemePicker' => true, 'sugar_version' => empty($sugar_version) ? 'unknown' : $sugar_version, 'time_formats' => empty($timeFormats) ? array ( 'H:i'=>'23:00', 'h:ia'=>'11:00 pm', 'h:iA'=>'11:00PM', 'H.i'=>'23.00', 'h.ia'=>'11.00 pm', 'h.iA'=>'11.00PM' ) : $timeFormats, 'tmp_dir' => $tmp_dir, // this must be set!! 'translation_string_prefix' => empty($translation_string_prefix) ? false : $translation_string_prefix, 'unique_key' => empty($unique_key) ? md5(create_guid()) : $unique_key, 'upload_badext' => empty($upload_badext) ? array ( 'php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'pl', 'cgi', 'py', 'asp', 'cfm', 'js', 'vbs', 'html', 'htm' ) : $upload_badext, 'upload_dir' => $upload_dir, // this must be set!! 'upload_maxsize' => empty($upload_maxsize) ? 30000000 : $upload_maxsize, 'import_max_execution_time' => empty($import_max_execution_time) ? 3600 : $import_max_execution_time, 'lock_homepage' => false, 'lock_subpanels' => false, 'max_dashlets_homepage' => 15, 'dashlet_display_row_options' => array('1','3','5','10'), 'default_max_tabs' => empty($max_tabs) ? '7' : $max_tabs, 'default_subpanel_tabs' => empty($subpanel_tabs) ? true : $subpanel_tabs, 'default_subpanel_links' => empty($subpanel_links) ? false : $subpanel_links, 'default_swap_last_viewed' => empty($swap_last_viewed) ? false : $swap_last_viewed, 'default_swap_shortcuts' => empty($swap_shortcuts) ? false : $swap_shortcuts, 'default_navigation_paradigm' => empty($navigation_paradigm) ? 'gm' : $navigation_paradigm, 'default_call_status' => 'Planned', 'js_lang_version' => 1, 'passwordsetting' => empty($passwordsetting) ? array ( 'SystemGeneratedPasswordON' => '', 'generatepasswordtmpl' => '', 'lostpasswordtmpl' => '', 'forgotpasswordON' => true, 'linkexpiration' => '1', 'linkexpirationtime' => '30', 'linkexpirationtype' => '1', 'systexpiration' => '0', 'systexpirationtime' => '', 'systexpirationtype' => '0', 'systexpirationlogin' => '', ) : $passwordsetting, 'use_sprites' => function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor'), 'search_wildcard_infront' => false, 'search_wildcard_char' => '%', 'jobs' => array( 'min_retry_interval' => 60, // minimal job retry delay 'max_retries' => 5, // how many times to retry the job 'timeout' => 86400, // how long a job may spend as running before being force-failed ), "cron" => array( 'max_cron_jobs' => 10, // max jobs per cron schedule run 'max_cron_runtime' => 60, // max runtime for cron jobs 'min_cron_interval' => 30, // minimal interval between cron jobs ), ); } function get_sugar_config_defaults() { global $locale; /** * used for getting base values for array style config.php. used by the * installer and to fill in new entries on upgrades. see also: * sugar_config_union */ $sugar_config_defaults = array ( 'admin_export_only' => false, 'export_delimiter' => ',', 'cache_dir' => 'cache/', 'calculate_response_time' => true, 'create_default_user' => false, 'chartEngine' => 'Jit', 'date_formats' => array ( 'Y-m-d' => '2010-12-23', 'm-d-Y' => '12-23-2010', 'd-m-Y' => '23-12-2010', 'Y/m/d' => '2010/12/23', 'm/d/Y' => '12/23/2010', 'd/m/Y' => '23/12/2010', 'Y.m.d' => '2010.12.23', 'd.m.Y' => '23.12.2010', 'm.d.Y' => '12.23.2010',), 'name_formats' => array ( 's f l' => 's f l', 'f l' => 'f l', 's l' => 's l', 'l, s f' => 'l, s f', 'l, f' => 'l, f', 's l, f' => 's l, f', 'l s f' => 'l s f', 'l f s' => 'l f s' ), 'dbconfigoption' => array ( 'persistent' => true, 'autofree' => false, 'debug' => 0, 'ssl' => false ), 'default_action' => 'index', 'default_charset' => return_session_value_or_default('default_charset', 'UTF-8'), 'default_currency_name' => return_session_value_or_default('default_currency_name', 'US Dollar'), 'default_currency_symbol' => return_session_value_or_default('default_currency_symbol', '$'), 'default_currency_iso4217' => return_session_value_or_default('default_currency_iso4217', 'USD'), 'default_currency_significant_digits' => return_session_value_or_default('default_currency_significant_digits', 2), 'default_number_grouping_seperator' => return_session_value_or_default('default_number_grouping_seperator', ','), 'default_decimal_seperator' => return_session_value_or_default('default_decimal_seperator', '.'), 'default_date_format' => 'm/d/Y', 'default_locale_name_format' => 's f l', 'default_export_charset' => 'UTF-8', 'default_language' => return_session_value_or_default('default_language', 'en_us'), 'default_module' => 'Home', 'default_password' => '', 'default_permissions' => array ( 'dir_mode' => 02770, 'file_mode' => 0660, 'user' => '', 'group' => '', ), 'default_theme' => return_session_value_or_default('site_default_theme', 'Sugar5'), 'default_time_format' => 'h:ia', 'default_user_is_admin' => false, 'default_user_name' => '', 'disable_export' => false, 'disable_persistent_connections' => return_session_value_or_default('disable_persistent_connections', 'false'), 'display_email_template_variable_chooser' => false, 'display_inbound_email_buttons' => false, 'dump_slow_queries' => false, 'email_address_separator' => ',', // use RFC2368 spec unless we have a noncompliant email client 'email_default_editor' => 'html', 'email_default_client' => 'sugar', 'email_default_delete_attachments' => true, 'history_max_viewed' => 50, 'installer_locked' => true, 'import_max_records_per_file' => 100, 'import_max_records_total_limit' => '', 'languages' => array('en_us' => 'English (US)'), 'large_scale_test' => false, 'list_max_entries_per_page' => 20, 'list_max_entries_per_subpanel' => 10, 'lock_default_user_name' => false, 'log_memory_usage' => false, 'portal_view' => 'single_user', 'resource_management' => array ( 'special_query_limit' => 50000, 'special_query_modules' => array('Reports', 'Export', 'Import', 'Administration', 'Sync'), 'default_limit' => 1000, ), 'require_accounts' => true, 'rss_cache_time' => return_session_value_or_default('rss_cache_time', '10800'), 'save_query' => 'all', 'showDetailData' => true, // if true, read-only ACL fields will still appear on EditViews as non-editable 'showThemePicker' => true, 'slow_query_time_msec' => '100', 'sugarbeet' => true, 'time_formats' => array ( 'H:i'=>'23:00', 'h:ia'=>'11:00pm', 'h:iA'=>'11:00PM', 'h:i a'=>'11:00 pm', 'h:i A'=>'11:00 PM', 'H.i'=>'23.00', 'h.ia'=>'11.00pm', 'h.iA'=>'11.00PM', 'h.i a'=>'11.00 pm', 'h.i A'=>'11.00 PM' ), 'tracker_max_display_length' => 15, 'translation_string_prefix' => return_session_value_or_default('translation_string_prefix', false), 'upload_badext' => array ( 'php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'pl', 'cgi', 'py', 'asp', 'cfm', 'js', 'vbs', 'html', 'htm' ), 'upload_maxsize' => 30000000, 'import_max_execution_time' => 3600, // 'use_php_code_json' => returnPhpJsonStatus(), 'verify_client_ip' => true, 'js_custom_version' => '', 'js_lang_version' => 1, 'lead_conv_activity_opt' => 'donothing', 'default_number_grouping_seperator' => ',', 'default_decimal_seperator' => '.', 'lock_homepage' => false, 'lock_subpanels' => false, 'max_dashlets_homepage' => '15', 'default_max_tabs' => '7', 'dashlet_display_row_options' => array('1','3','5','10'), 'default_subpanel_tabs' => true, 'default_subpanel_links' => false, 'default_swap_last_viewed' => false, 'default_swap_shortcuts' => false, 'default_navigation_paradigm' => 'gm', 'admin_access_control' => false, 'use_common_ml_dir' => false, 'common_ml_dir' => '', 'vcal_time' => '2', 'calendar' => array( 'default_view' => 'week', 'show_calls_by_default' => true, 'show_tasks_by_default' => true, 'editview_width' => 990, 'editview_height' => 485, 'day_timestep' => 15, 'week_timestep' => 30, 'items_draggable' => true, 'items_resizable' => true, 'enable_repeat' => true, 'max_repeat_count' => 1000, ), 'passwordsetting' => empty($passwordsetting) ? array ( 'SystemGeneratedPasswordON' => '', 'generatepasswordtmpl' => '', 'lostpasswordtmpl' => '', 'forgotpasswordON' => false, 'linkexpiration' => '1', 'linkexpirationtime' => '30', 'linkexpirationtype' => '1', 'systexpiration' => '0', 'systexpirationtime' => '', 'systexpirationtype' => '0', 'systexpirationlogin' => '', ) : $passwordsetting, 'use_real_names' => true, 'search_wildcard_infront' => false, 'search_wildcard_char' => '%', 'jobs' => array( 'min_retry_interval' => 30, // 30 seconds minimal job retry 'max_retries' => 5, // how many times to retry the job 'timeout' => 86400, // how long a job may spend as running before being force-failed ), "cron" => array( 'max_cron_jobs' => 10, // max jobs per cron schedule run 'max_cron_runtime' => 30, // max runtime for cron jobs 'min_cron_interval' => 30, // minimal interval between cron jobs ), ); if(!is_object($locale)) { $locale = new Localization(); } $sugar_config_defaults['default_currencies'] = $locale->getDefaultCurrencies(); $sugar_config_defaults = sugarArrayMerge($locale->getLocaleConfigDefaults(), $sugar_config_defaults); return( $sugar_config_defaults ); } /** * @deprecated use SugarView::getMenu() instead */ function load_menu($path){ global $module_menu; if(file_exists($path . 'Menu.php')) { require($path . 'Menu.php'); } if(file_exists('custom/' . $path . 'Ext/Menus/menu.ext.php')) { require('custom/' . $path . 'Ext/Menus/menu.ext.php'); } if(file_exists('custom/application/Ext/Menus/menu.ext.php')) { require('custom/application/Ext/Menus/menu.ext.php'); } return $module_menu; } /** * get_notify_template_file * This function will return the location of the email notifications template to use * * @return string relative file path to email notifications template file */ function get_notify_template_file($language){ /* * Order of operation: * 1) custom version of specified language * 2) stock version of specified language * 3) custom version of en_us template * 4) stock en_us template */ // set $file to the base code template so it's set if none of the conditions pass $file = "include/language/en_us.notify_template.html"; if(file_exists("custom/include/language/{$language}.notify_template.html")){ $file = "custom/include/language/{$language}.notify_template.html"; } else if(file_exists("include/language/{$language}.notify_template.html")){ $file = "include/language/{$language}.notify_template.html"; } else if(file_exists("custom/include/language/en_us.notify_template.html")){ $file = "custom/include/language/en_us.notify_template.html"; } return $file; } function sugar_config_union( $default, $override ){ // a little different then array_merge and array_merge_recursive. we want // the second array to override the first array if the same value exists, // otherwise merge the unique keys. it handles arrays of arrays recursively // might be suitable for a generic array_union if( !is_array( $override ) ){ $override = array(); } foreach( $default as $key => $value ){ if( !array_key_exists($key, $override) ){ $override[$key] = $value; } else if( is_array( $key ) ){ $override[$key] = sugar_config_union( $value, $override[$key] ); } } return( $override ); } function make_not_writable( $file ){ // Returns true if the given file/dir has been made not writable $ret_val = false; if( is_file($file) || is_dir($file) ){ if( !is_writable($file) ){ $ret_val = true; } else { $original_fileperms = fileperms($file); // take away writable permissions $new_fileperms = $original_fileperms & ~0x0092; @sugar_chmod($file, $new_fileperms); if( !is_writable($file) ){ $ret_val = true; } } } return $ret_val; } /** This function returns the name of the person. * It currently returns "first last". It should not put the space if either name is not available. * It should not return errors if either name is not available. * If no names are present, it will return "" * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function return_name($row, $first_column, $last_column) { $first_name = ""; $last_name = ""; $full_name = ""; if(isset($row[$first_column])) { $first_name = stripslashes($row[$first_column]); } if(isset($row[$last_column])) { $last_name = stripslashes($row[$last_column]); } $full_name = $first_name; // If we have a first name and we have a last name if($full_name != "" && $last_name != "") { // append a space, then the last name $full_name .= " ".$last_name; } // If we have no first name, but we have a last name else if($last_name != "") { // append the last name without the space. $full_name .= $last_name; } return $full_name; } function get_languages() { global $sugar_config; $lang = $sugar_config['languages']; if(!empty($sugar_config['disabled_languages'])){ foreach(explode(',', $sugar_config['disabled_languages']) as $disable) { unset($lang[$disable]); } } return $lang; } function get_all_languages() { global $sugar_config; return $sugar_config['languages']; } function get_language_display($key) { global $sugar_config; return $sugar_config['languages'][$key]; } function get_assigned_user_name($assigned_user_id, $is_group = '') { static $saved_user_list = null; if(empty($saved_user_list)) { $saved_user_list = get_user_array(false, '', '', false, null, $is_group); } if(isset($saved_user_list[$assigned_user_id])) { return $saved_user_list[$assigned_user_id]; } return ''; } /** * retrieves the user_name column value (login) * @param string id GUID of user * @return string */ function get_user_name($id) { global $db; if(empty($db)) $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $q = "SELECT user_name FROM users WHERE id='{$id}'"; $r = $db->query($q); $a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r); return (empty($a)) ? '' : $a['user_name']; } //TODO Update to use global cache /** * get_user_array * * This is a helper function to return an Array of users depending on the parameters passed into the function. * This function uses the get_register_value function by default to use a caching layer where supported. * * @param bool $add_blank Boolean value to add a blank entry to the array results, true by default * @param string $status String value indicating the status to filter users by, "Active" by default * @param string $user_id String value to specify a particular user id value (searches the id column of users table), blank by default * @param bool $use_real_name Boolean value indicating whether or not results should include the full name or just user_name, false by default * @param String $user_name_filter String value indicating the user_name filter (searches the user_name column of users table) to optionally search with, blank by default * @param string $portal_filter String query filter for portal users (defaults to searching non-portal users), change to blank if you wish to search for all users including portal users * @param bool $from_cache Boolean value indicating whether or not to use the get_register_value function for caching, true by default * @return array Array of users matching the filter criteria that may be from cache (if similar search was previously run) */ function get_user_array($add_blank=true, $status="Active", $user_id='', $use_real_name=false, $user_name_filter='', $portal_filter=' AND portal_only=0 ', $from_cache = true) { global $locale; global $sugar_config; if(empty($locale)) { $locale = new Localization(); } if($from_cache) { $key_name = $add_blank. $status . $user_id . $use_real_name . $user_name_filter . $portal_filter; $user_array = get_register_value('user_array', $key_name); } if(empty($user_array)) { $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $temp_result = Array(); // Including deleted users for now. if (empty($status)) { $query = "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, user_name from users WHERE 1=1".$portal_filter; } else { $query = "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, user_name from users WHERE status='$status'".$portal_filter; } if (!empty($user_name_filter)) { $user_name_filter = $db->quote($user_name_filter); $query .= " AND user_name LIKE '$user_name_filter%' "; } if (!empty($user_id)) { $query .= " OR id='{$user_id}'"; } $query = $query.' ORDER BY user_name ASC'; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("get_user_array query: $query"); $result = $db->query($query, true, "Error filling in user array: "); if ($add_blank==true) { // Add in a blank row $temp_result[''] = ''; } // Get the id and the name. while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { if($use_real_name == true || showFullName()) { if(isset($row['last_name'])) { // cn: we will ALWAYS have both first_name and last_name (empty value if blank in db) $temp_result[$row['id']] = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName($row['first_name'],$row['last_name']); } else { $temp_result[$row['id']] = $row['user_name']; } } else { $temp_result[$row['id']] = $row['user_name']; } } $user_array = $temp_result; if($from_cache) { set_register_value('user_array', $key_name, $temp_result); } } return $user_array; } /** * uses a different query to return a list of users than get_user_array() * Used from QuickSearch.php * @param args string where clause entry * @return array Array of Users' details that match passed criteria */ function getUserArrayFromFullName($args, $hide_portal_users = false) { global $locale; $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $argArray = array(); if(strpos($args, " ")) { $argArray = explode(" ", $args); } else { $argArray[] = $args; } $inClause = ''; foreach($argArray as $arg) { if(!empty($inClause)) { $inClause .= ' OR '; } if(empty($arg)) continue; $arg = $db->quote($arg); $inClause .= "(first_name LIKE '{$arg}%' OR last_name LIKE '{$arg}%')"; } $query = "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, user_name FROM users WHERE status='Active' AND deleted=0 AND "; if ( $hide_portal_users ) { $query .= " portal_only=0 AND "; } $query .= $inClause; $query .= " ORDER BY last_name ASC"; $r = $db->query($query); $ret = array(); while($a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { $ret[$a['id']] = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName($a['first_name'], $a['last_name']); } return $ret; } /** * * based on user pref then system pref */ function showFullName() { global $sugar_config; global $current_user; static $showFullName = null; if (is_null($showFullName)) { $sysPref = !empty($sugar_config['use_real_names']); $userPref = (is_object($current_user)) ? $current_user->getPreference('use_real_names') : null; if($userPref != null) { $showFullName = ($userPref == 'on'); } else { $showFullName = $sysPref; } } return $showFullName; } function clean($string, $maxLength) { $string = substr($string, 0, $maxLength); return escapeshellcmd($string); } /** * Copy the specified request variable to the member variable of the specified object. * Do no copy if the member variable is already set. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function safe_map($request_var, & $focus, $always_copy = false) { safe_map_named($request_var, $focus, $request_var, $always_copy); } /** * Copy the specified request variable to the member variable of the specified object. * Do no copy if the member variable is already set. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function safe_map_named($request_var, & $focus, $member_var, $always_copy) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$request_var]) && ($always_copy || is_null($focus->$member_var))) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("safe map named called assigning '{$_REQUEST[$request_var]}' to $member_var"); $focus->$member_var = $_REQUEST[$request_var]; } } /** * This function retrieves an application language file and returns the array of strings included in the $app_list_strings var. * * @param string $language specific language to load * @return array lang strings */ function return_app_list_strings_language($language) { global $app_list_strings; global $sugar_config; $cache_key = 'app_list_strings.'.$language; // Check for cached value $cache_entry = sugar_cache_retrieve($cache_key); if(!empty($cache_entry)) { return $cache_entry; } $default_language = $sugar_config['default_language']; $temp_app_list_strings = $app_list_strings; $langs = array(); if ($language != 'en_us') { $langs[] = 'en_us'; } if ($default_language != 'en_us' && $language != $default_language) { $langs[] = $default_language; } $langs[] = $language; $app_list_strings_array = array(); foreach ( $langs as $lang ) { $app_list_strings = array(); if(file_exists("include/language/$lang.lang.php")) { include("include/language/$lang.lang.php"); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Found language file: $lang.lang.php"); } if(file_exists("include/language/$lang.lang.override.php")) { include("include/language/$lang.lang.override.php"); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Found override language file: $lang.lang.override.php"); } if(file_exists("include/language/$lang.lang.php.override")) { include("include/language/$lang.lang.php.override"); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Found override language file: $lang.lang.php.override"); } $app_list_strings_array[] = $app_list_strings; } $app_list_strings = array(); foreach ( $app_list_strings_array as $app_list_strings_item ) { $app_list_strings = sugarLangArrayMerge($app_list_strings, $app_list_strings_item); } foreach ( $langs as $lang ) { if(file_exists("custom/application/Ext/Language/$lang.lang.ext.php")) { $app_list_strings = _mergeCustomAppListStrings("custom/application/Ext/Language/$lang.lang.ext.php" , $app_list_strings); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Found extended language file: $lang.lang.ext.php"); } if(file_exists("custom/include/language/$lang.lang.php")) { include("custom/include/language/$lang.lang.php"); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Found custom language file: $lang.lang.php"); } } if(!isset($app_list_strings)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Unable to load the application language file for the selected language ($language) or the default language ($default_language) or the en_us language"); return null; } $return_value = $app_list_strings; $app_list_strings = $temp_app_list_strings; sugar_cache_put($cache_key, $return_value); return $return_value; } /** * The dropdown items in custom language files is $app_list_strings['$key']['$second_key'] = $value not * $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['$key'] = $value, so we have to delete the original ones in app_list_strings and relace it with the custom ones. * @param file string the language that you want include, * @param app_list_strings array the golbal strings * @return array */ //jchi 25347 function _mergeCustomAppListStrings($file , $app_list_strings){ $app_list_strings_original = $app_list_strings; unset($app_list_strings); // FG - bug 45525 - $exemptDropdown array is defined (once) here, not inside the foreach // This way, language file can add items to save specific standard codelist from being overwritten $exemptDropdowns = array(); include($file); if(!isset($app_list_strings) || !is_array($app_list_strings)){ return $app_list_strings_original; } //Bug 25347: We should not merge custom dropdown fields unless they relate to parent fields or the module list. // FG - bug 45525 - Specific codelists must NOT be overwritten $exemptDropdowns[] = "moduleList"; $exemptDropdowns[] = "parent_type_display"; $exemptDropdowns[] = "record_type_display"; $exemptDropdowns[] = "record_type_display_notes"; foreach($app_list_strings as $key=>$value) { if (!in_array($key, $exemptDropdowns) && array_key_exists($key, $app_list_strings_original)) { unset($app_list_strings_original["$key"]); } } $app_list_strings = sugarArrayMergeRecursive($app_list_strings_original , $app_list_strings); return $app_list_strings; } /** * This function retrieves an application language file and returns the array of strings included. * * @param string $language specific language to load * @return array lang strings */ function return_application_language($language) { global $app_strings, $sugar_config; $cache_key = 'app_strings.'.$language; // Check for cached value $cache_entry = sugar_cache_retrieve($cache_key); if(!empty($cache_entry)) { return $cache_entry; } $temp_app_strings = $app_strings; $default_language = $sugar_config['default_language']; $langs = array(); if ($language != 'en_us') { $langs[] = 'en_us'; } if ($default_language != 'en_us' && $language != $default_language) { $langs[] = $default_language; } $langs[] = $language; $app_strings_array = array(); foreach ( $langs as $lang ) { $app_strings = array(); if(file_exists("include/language/$lang.lang.php")) { include("include/language/$lang.lang.php"); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Found language file: $lang.lang.php"); } if(file_exists("include/language/$lang.lang.override.php")) { include("include/language/$lang.lang.override.php"); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Found override language file: $lang.lang.override.php"); } if(file_exists("include/language/$lang.lang.php.override")) { include("include/language/$lang.lang.php.override"); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Found override language file: $lang.lang.php.override"); } if(file_exists("custom/application/Ext/Language/$lang.lang.ext.php")) { include("custom/application/Ext/Language/$lang.lang.ext.php"); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Found extended language file: $lang.lang.ext.php"); } if(file_exists("custom/include/language/$lang.lang.php")) { include("custom/include/language/$lang.lang.php"); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Found custom language file: $lang.lang.php"); } $app_strings_array[] = $app_strings; } $app_strings = array(); foreach ( $app_strings_array as $app_strings_item ) { $app_strings = sugarLangArrayMerge($app_strings, $app_strings_item); } if(!isset($app_strings)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Unable to load the application language strings"); return null; } // If we are in debug mode for translating, turn on the prefix now! if($sugar_config['translation_string_prefix']) { foreach($app_strings as $entry_key=>$entry_value) { $app_strings[$entry_key] = $language.' '.$entry_value; } } if(isset($_SESSION['show_deleted'])) { $app_strings['LBL_DELETE_BUTTON'] = $app_strings['LBL_UNDELETE_BUTTON']; $app_strings['LBL_DELETE_BUTTON_LABEL'] = $app_strings['LBL_UNDELETE_BUTTON_LABEL']; $app_strings['LBL_DELETE_BUTTON_TITLE'] = $app_strings['LBL_UNDELETE_BUTTON_TITLE']; $app_strings['LBL_DELETE'] = $app_strings['LBL_UNDELETE']; } $app_strings['LBL_ALT_HOT_KEY'] = get_alt_hot_key(); $return_value = $app_strings; $app_strings = $temp_app_strings; sugar_cache_put($cache_key, $return_value); return $return_value; } /** * This function retrieves a module's language file and returns the array of strings included. * * @param string $language specific language to load * @param string $module module name to load strings for * @param bool $refresh optional, true if you want to rebuild the language strings * @return array lang strings */ function return_module_language($language, $module, $refresh=false) { global $mod_strings; global $sugar_config; global $currentModule; // Jenny - Bug 8119: Need to check if $module is not empty if (empty($module)) { $stack = debug_backtrace(); $GLOBALS['log']->warn("Variable module is not in return_module_language ". var_export($stack, true)); return array(); } if( !$refresh ) { $cache_key = LanguageManager::getLanguageCacheKey($module, $language); // Check for cached value $cache_entry = sugar_cache_retrieve($cache_key); if(!empty($cache_entry)) { return $cache_entry; } } // Store the current mod strings for later $temp_mod_strings = $mod_strings; $loaded_mod_strings = array(); $language_used = $language; $default_language = $sugar_config['default_language']; if(empty($language)) { $language = $default_language; } // Bug 21559 - So we can get all the strings defined in the template, refresh // the vardefs file if the cached language file doesn't exist. if(!file_exists(sugar_cached('modules/'). $module . '/language/'.$language.'.lang.php') && !empty($GLOBALS['beanList'][$module])){ $object = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); VardefManager::refreshVardefs($module,$object); } $loaded_mod_strings = LanguageManager::loadModuleLanguage($module, $language,$refresh); // cn: bug 6048 - merge en_us with requested language if($language != $sugar_config['default_language']) $loaded_mod_strings = sugarLangArrayMerge( LanguageManager::loadModuleLanguage($module, $sugar_config['default_language'],$refresh), $loaded_mod_strings ); // Load in en_us strings by default if($language != 'en_us' && $sugar_config['default_language'] != 'en_us') $loaded_mod_strings = sugarLangArrayMerge( LanguageManager::loadModuleLanguage($module, 'en_us', $refresh), $loaded_mod_strings ); // If we are in debug mode for translating, turn on the prefix now! if($sugar_config['translation_string_prefix']) { foreach($loaded_mod_strings as $entry_key=>$entry_value) { $loaded_mod_strings[$entry_key] = $language_used.' '.$entry_value; } } $return_value = $loaded_mod_strings; if(!isset($mod_strings)){ $mod_strings = $return_value; } else $mod_strings = $temp_mod_strings; $cache_key = LanguageManager::getLanguageCacheKey($module, $language); sugar_cache_put($cache_key, $return_value); return $return_value; } /** This function retrieves an application language file and returns the array of strings included in the $mod_list_strings var. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. * If you are using the current language, do not call this function unless you are loading it for the first time */ function return_mod_list_strings_language($language,$module) { global $mod_list_strings; global $sugar_config; global $currentModule; $cache_key = "mod_list_str_lang.".$language.$module; // Check for cached value $cache_entry = sugar_cache_retrieve($cache_key); if(!empty($cache_entry)) { return $cache_entry; } $language_used = $language; $temp_mod_list_strings = $mod_list_strings; $default_language = $sugar_config['default_language']; if($currentModule == $module && isset($mod_list_strings) && $mod_list_strings != null) { return $mod_list_strings; } // cn: bug 6351 - include en_us if file langpack not available // cn: bug 6048 - merge en_us with requested language include("modules/$module/language/en_us.lang.php"); $en_mod_list_strings = array(); if($language_used != $default_language) $en_mod_list_strings = $mod_list_strings; if(file_exists("modules/$module/language/$language.lang.php")) { include("modules/$module/language/$language.lang.php"); } if(file_exists("modules/$module/language/$language.lang.override.php")){ include("modules/$module/language/$language.lang.override.php"); } if(file_exists("modules/$module/language/$language.lang.php.override")){ echo 'Please Change:
' . "modules/$module/language/$language.lang.php.override" . '
' . 'Please Change:
' . "modules/$module/language/$language.lang.override.php"; include("modules/$module/language/$language.lang.php.override"); } // cn: bug 6048 - merge en_us with requested language $mod_list_strings = sugarLangArrayMerge($en_mod_list_strings, $mod_list_strings); // if we still don't have a language pack, then log an error if(!isset($mod_list_strings)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Unable to load the application list language file for the selected language($language) or the default language($default_language) for module({$module})"); return null; } $return_value = $mod_list_strings; $mod_list_strings = $temp_mod_list_strings; sugar_cache_put($cache_key, $return_value); return $return_value; } /** This function retrieves a theme's language file and returns the array of strings included. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function return_theme_language($language, $theme) { global $mod_strings, $sugar_config, $current_language; $language_used = $language; $default_language = $sugar_config['default_language']; include(SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme)->getFilePath()."/language/$current_language.lang.php"); if(file_exists(SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme)->getFilePath()."/language/$current_language.lang.override.php")){ include(SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme)->getFilePath()."/language/$current_language.lang.override.php"); } if(file_exists(SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme)->getFilePath()."/language/$current_language.lang.php.override")){ echo 'Please Change:
' . SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme)->getFilePath()."/language/$current_language.lang.php.override" . '
' . 'Please Change:
' . SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme)->getFilePath()."/language/$current_language.lang.override.php"; include(SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme)->getFilePath()."/language/$current_language.lang.php.override"); } if(!isset($theme_strings)) { $GLOBALS['log']->warn("Unable to find the theme file for language: ".$language." and theme: ".$theme); require(SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme)->getFilePath()."/language/$default_language.lang.php"); $language_used = $default_language; } if(!isset($theme_strings)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Unable to load the theme($theme) language file for the selected language($language) or the default language($default_language)"); return null; } // If we are in debug mode for translating, turn on the prefix now! if($sugar_config['translation_string_prefix']) { foreach($theme_strings as $entry_key=>$entry_value) { $theme_strings[$entry_key] = $language_used.' '.$entry_value; } } return $theme_strings; } /** If the session variable is defined and is not equal to "" then return it. Otherwise, return the default value. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function return_session_value_or_default($varname, $default) { if(isset($_SESSION[$varname]) && $_SESSION[$varname] != "") { return $_SESSION[$varname]; } return $default; } /** * Creates an array of where restrictions. These are used to construct a where SQL statement on the query * It looks for the variable in the $_REQUEST array. If it is set and is not "" it will create a where clause out of it. * @param &$where_clauses - The array to append the clause to * @param $variable_name - The name of the variable to look for an add to the where clause if found * @param $SQL_name - [Optional] If specified, this is the SQL column name that is used. If not specified, the $variable_name is used as the SQL_name. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function append_where_clause(&$where_clauses, $variable_name, $SQL_name = null) { if($SQL_name == null) { $SQL_name = $variable_name; } if(isset($_REQUEST[$variable_name]) && $_REQUEST[$variable_name] != "") { array_push($where_clauses, "$SQL_name like '".$GLOBALS['db']->quote($_REQUEST[$variable_name])."%'"); } } /** * Generate the appropriate SQL based on the where clauses. * @param $where_clauses - An Array of individual where clauses stored as strings * @returns string where_clause - The final SQL where clause to be executed. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function generate_where_statement($where_clauses) { $where = ""; foreach($where_clauses as $clause) { if($where != "") $where .= " and "; $where .= $clause; } $GLOBALS['log']->info("Here is the where clause for the list view: $where"); return $where; } /** * determines if a passed string matches the criteria for a Sugar GUID * @param string $guid * @return bool False on failure */ function is_guid($guid) { if(strlen($guid) != 36) { return false; } if(preg_match("/\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}/i", $guid)) { return true; } return true;; } /** * A temporary method of generating GUIDs of the correct format for our DB. * @return String contianing a GUID in the format: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee * * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function create_guid() { $microTime = microtime(); list($a_dec, $a_sec) = explode(" ", $microTime); $dec_hex = dechex($a_dec* 1000000); $sec_hex = dechex($a_sec); ensure_length($dec_hex, 5); ensure_length($sec_hex, 6); $guid = ""; $guid .= $dec_hex; $guid .= create_guid_section(3); $guid .= '-'; $guid .= create_guid_section(4); $guid .= '-'; $guid .= create_guid_section(4); $guid .= '-'; $guid .= create_guid_section(4); $guid .= '-'; $guid .= $sec_hex; $guid .= create_guid_section(6); return $guid; } function create_guid_section($characters) { $return = ""; for($i=0; $i<$characters; $i++) { $return .= dechex(mt_rand(0,15)); } return $return; } function ensure_length(&$string, $length) { $strlen = strlen($string); if($strlen < $length) { $string = str_pad($string,$length,"0"); } else if($strlen > $length) { $string = substr($string, 0, $length); } } function microtime_diff($a, $b) { list($a_dec, $a_sec) = explode(" ", $a); list($b_dec, $b_sec) = explode(" ", $b); return $b_sec - $a_sec + $b_dec - $a_dec; } // check if Studio is displayed. function displayStudioForCurrentUser() { global $current_user; if ( $current_user->isAdmin() ) { return true; } return true; } function displayWorkflowForCurrentUser() { $_SESSION['display_workflow_for_user'] = false; return false; } // return an array with all modules where the user is an admin. function get_admin_modules_for_user($user) { $GLOBALS['log']->deprecated("get_admin_modules_for_user() is deprecated as of 6.2.2 and may disappear in the future, use Users->getDeveloperModules() instead"); if(!isset($user)){ $modules = array(); return $modules; } return($user->getDeveloperModules()); } function get_workflow_admin_modules_for_user($user){ if (isset($_SESSION['get_workflow_admin_modules_for_user'])) { return $_SESSION['get_workflow_admin_modules_for_user']; } global $moduleList; $workflow_mod_list = array(); foreach($moduleList as $module){ $workflow_mod_list[$module] = $module; } // This list is taken from teh previous version of workflow_utils.php $workflow_mod_list['Tasks'] = "Tasks"; $workflow_mod_list['Calls'] = "Calls"; $workflow_mod_list['Meetings'] = "Meetings"; $workflow_mod_list['Notes'] = "Notes"; $workflow_mod_list['ProjectTask'] = "Project Tasks"; $workflow_mod_list['Leads'] = "Leads"; $workflow_mod_list['Opportunities'] = "Opportunities"; // End of list $workflow_admin_modules = array(); if(empty($user)) { return $workflow_admin_modules; } $actions = ACLAction::getUserActions($user->id); //check for ForecastSchedule because it doesn't exist in $workflow_mod_list if (isset($actions['ForecastSchedule']['module']['admin']['aclaccess']) && ($actions['ForecastSchedule']['module']['admin']['aclaccess']==ACL_ALLOW_DEV || $actions['ForecastSchedule']['module']['admin']['aclaccess']==ACL_ALLOW_ADMIN_DEV)) { $workflow_admin_modules['Forecasts'] = 'Forecasts'; } foreach ($workflow_mod_list as $key=>$val) { if(!in_array($val, $workflow_admin_modules) && ($val!='iFrames' && $val!='Feeds' && $val!='Home' && $val!='Dashboard' && $val!='Calendar' && $val!='Activities' && $val!='Reports') && ($user->isDeveloperForModule($key))) { $workflow_admin_modules[$key] = $val; } } $_SESSION['get_workflow_admin_modules_for_user'] = $workflow_admin_modules; return ($workflow_admin_modules); } // Check if user is admin for at least one module. function is_admin_for_any_module($user) { if (!isset($user)){ return false; } if($user->isAdmin()) { return true; } return false; } // Check if user is admin for a specific module. function is_admin_for_module($user,$module) { if (!isset($user)) { return false; } if ($user->isAdmin()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if user id belongs to a system admin. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function is_admin($user) { if(empty($user)) { return false; } return $user->isAdmin(); } /** * Return the display name for a theme if it exists. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. * * @deprecated use SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme)->name instead */ function get_theme_display($theme) { return SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme)->name; } /** * Return an array of directory names. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. * * @deprecated use SugarThemeRegistry::availableThemes() instead. */ function get_themes() { return SugarThemeRegistry::availableThemes(); } /** * THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED AND SHOULD NOT BE USED; USE get_select_options_with_id() * Create HTML to display select options in a dropdown list. To be used inside * of a select statement in a form. * param $option_list - the array of strings to that contains the option list * param $selected - the string which contains the default value * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function get_select_options ($option_list, $selected) { return get_select_options_with_id($option_list, $selected); } /** * Create HTML to display select options in a dropdown list. To be used inside * of a select statement in a form. This method expects the option list to have keys and values. The keys are the ids. The values are the display strings. * param $option_list - the array of strings to that contains the option list * param $selected - the string which contains the default value * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function get_select_options_with_id ($option_list, $selected_key) { return get_select_options_with_id_separate_key($option_list, $option_list, $selected_key); } /** * Create HTML to display select options in a dropdown list. To be used inside * of a select statement in a form. This method expects the option list to have keys and values. The keys are the ids. The values are the display strings. * param $label_list - the array of strings to that contains the option list * param $key_list - the array of strings to that contains the values list * param $selected - the string which contains the default value * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function get_select_options_with_id_separate_key ($label_list, $key_list, $selected_key, $massupdate=false) { global $app_strings; $select_options = ""; //for setting null selection values to human readable --None-- $pattern = "/'0?'>".$app_strings['LBL_NONE']."<"; if($massupdate){ $replacement .= "/OPTION>\n"; } $select_options = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $select_options); return $select_options; } /** * Call this method instead of die(). * Then we call the die method with the error message that is passed in. */ function sugar_die($error_message) { global $focus; sugar_cleanup(); die($error_message); } /** * Create javascript to clear values of all elements in a form. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function get_clear_form_js () { $the_script = << function clear_form(form) { var newLoc = 'index.php?action=' + form.action.value + '&module=' + form.module.value + '&query=true&clear_query=true'; if(typeof(form.advanced) != 'undefined'){ newLoc += '&advanced=' + form.advanced.value; } document.location.href= newLoc; } EOQ; return $the_script; } /** * Create javascript to set the cursor focus to specific field in a form * when the screen is rendered. The field name is currently hardcoded into the * the function. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function get_set_focus_js () { //TODO Clint 5/20 - Make this function more generic so that it can take in the target form and field names as variables $the_script = << EOQ; return $the_script; } /** * Very cool algorithm for sorting multi-dimensional arrays. Found at http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.array-multisort.php * Syntax: $new_array = array_csort($array [, 'col1' [, SORT_FLAG [, SORT_FLAG]]]...); * Explanation: $array is the array you want to sort, 'col1' is the name of the column * you want to sort, SORT_FLAGS are : SORT_ASC, SORT_DESC, SORT_REGULAR, SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_STRING * you can repeat the 'col',FLAG,FLAG, as often you want, the highest prioritiy is given to * the first - so the array is sorted by the last given column first, then the one before ... * Example: $array = array_csort($array,'town','age',SORT_DESC,'name'); * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function array_csort() { $args = func_get_args(); $marray = array_shift($args); $i = 0; $msortline = "return(array_multisort("; foreach ($args as $arg) { $i++; if (is_string($arg)) { foreach ($marray as $row) { $sortarr[$i][] = $row[$arg]; } } else { $sortarr[$i] = $arg; } $msortline .= "\$sortarr[".$i."],"; } $msortline .= "\$marray));"; eval($msortline); return $marray; } /** * Converts localized date format string to jscalendar format * Example: $array = array_csort($array,'town','age',SORT_DESC,'name'); * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function parse_calendardate($local_format) { preg_match('/\(?([^-]{1})[^-]*-([^-]{1})[^-]*-([^-]{1})[^-]*\)/', $local_format, $matches); $calendar_format = "%" . $matches[1] . "-%" . $matches[2] . "-%" . $matches[3]; return str_replace(array("y", "ᅣ1�7", "a", "j"), array("Y", "Y", "Y", "d"), $calendar_format); } function translate($string, $mod='', $selectedValue=''){ //$test_start = microtime(); //static $mod_strings_results = array(); if(!empty($mod)){ global $current_language; //Bug 31275 if(isset($_REQUEST['login_language'])){ $current_language = ($_REQUEST['login_language'] == $current_language)? $current_language : $_REQUEST['login_language']; } $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $mod); }else{ global $mod_strings; } $returnValue = ''; global $app_strings, $app_list_strings; if(isset($mod_strings[$string])) $returnValue = $mod_strings[$string]; else if(isset($app_strings[$string])) $returnValue = $app_strings[$string]; else if(isset($app_list_strings[$string])) $returnValue = $app_list_strings[$string]; else if(isset($app_list_strings['moduleList']) && isset($app_list_strings['moduleList'][$string])) $returnValue = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$string]; //$test_end = microtime(); // // $mod_strings_results[$mod] = microtime_diff($test_start,$test_end); // // echo("translate results:"); // $total_time = 0; // $total_strings = 0; // foreach($mod_strings_results as $key=>$value) // { // echo("Module $key \t\t time $value \t\t
"); // $total_time += $value; // } // // echo("Total time: $total_time
"); if(empty($returnValue)){ return $string; } if(is_array($returnValue) && ! empty($selectedValue) && isset($returnValue[$selectedValue]) ){ return $returnValue[$selectedValue]; } return $returnValue; } function unTranslateNum($num) { static $dec_sep; static $num_grp_sep; global $current_user, $sugar_config; if($dec_sep == null) { $user_dec_sep = $current_user->getPreference('dec_sep'); $dec_sep = (empty($user_dec_sep) ? $sugar_config['default_decimal_seperator'] : $user_dec_sep); } if($num_grp_sep == null) { $user_num_grp_sep = $current_user->getPreference('num_grp_sep'); $num_grp_sep = (empty($user_num_grp_sep) ? $sugar_config['default_number_grouping_seperator'] : $user_num_grp_sep); } $num = preg_replace("'" . preg_quote($num_grp_sep) . "'", '', $num); $num = preg_replace("'" . preg_quote($dec_sep) . "'", '.', $num); return $num; } function add_http($url) { if(!preg_match("@://@i", $url)) { $scheme = "http"; if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on') { $scheme = 'https'; } return "{$scheme}://{$url}"; } return $url; } /** * returns a default array of XSS tags to clean * @return array */ function getDefaultXssTags() { $tmp = array( "applet" => "applet", "base" => "base", "embed" => "embed", "form" => "form", "frame" => "frame", "frameset" => "frameset", "iframe" => "iframe", "import" => "\?import", "layer" => "layer", "link" => "link", "object" => "object", "script" => "script", "xmp" => "xmp", ); $ret = base64_encode(serialize($tmp)); return $ret; } /** * Remove potential xss vectors from strings * @param string str String to search for XSS attack vectors * @deprecated * @return string */ function remove_xss($str) { return SugarCleaner::cleanHtml($str, false); } /** * Detects typical XSS attack patterns * @deprecated * @param string str String to search for XSS attack vectors * @param bool cleanImg Flag to allow tags to survive - only used by InboundEmail for inline images. * @return array Array of matches, empty on clean string */ function clean_xss($str, $cleanImg=true) { global $sugar_config; if(empty($sugar_config['email_xss'])) $sugar_config['email_xss'] = getDefaultXssTags(); $xsstags = unserialize(base64_decode($sugar_config['email_xss'])); // cn: bug 13079 - "on\w" matched too many non-events (cONTact, strONG, etc.) $jsEvents = "onblur|onfocus|oncontextmenu|onresize|onscroll|onunload|ondblclick|onclick|"; $jsEvents .= "onmouseup|onmouseover|onmousedown|onmouseenter|onmouseleave|onmousemove|onload|onchange|"; $jsEvents .= "onreset|onselect|onsubmit|onkeydown|onkeypress|onkeyup|onabort|onerror|ondragdrop"; $attribute_regex = "#\b({$jsEvents})\s*=\s*(?|(?!['\"])\S+|['\"].+?['\"])#sim"; $javascript_regex = '@<[^/>][^>]+(expression\(|j\W*a\W*v\W*a|v\W*b\W*s\W*c\W*r|&#|/\*|\*/)[^>]*>@sim'; $imgsrc_regex = '#<[^>]+src[^=]*=([^>]*?http(s)?://[^>]*)>#sim'; $css_url = '#url\(.*\.\w+\)#'; $tagsrex = '#<\/?(\w+)((?:\s+(?:\w|\w[\w-]*\w)(?:\s*=\s*(?:\".*?\"|\'.*?\'|[^\'\">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)\/?>#im'; $tagmatches = array(); $matches = array(); preg_match_all($tagsrex, $str, $tagmatches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); foreach($tagmatches[1] as $no => $tag) { if(in_array($tag, $xsstags)) { // dangerous tag - take out whole $matches[] = $tagmatches[0][$no]; continue; } $attrmatch = array(); preg_match_all($attribute_regex, $tagmatches[2][$no], $attrmatch, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if(!empty($attrmatch[0])) { $matches = array_merge($matches, $attrmatch[0]); } } $matches = array_merge($matches, xss_check_pattern($javascript_regex, $str)); if($cleanImg) { $matches = array_merge($matches, xss_check_pattern($imgsrc_regex, $str) ); } // cn: bug 13498 - custom white-list of allowed domains that vet remote images preg_match_all($css_url, $str, $cssUrlMatches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if(isset($sugar_config['security_trusted_domains']) && !empty($sugar_config['security_trusted_domains']) && is_array($sugar_config['security_trusted_domains'])) { if(is_array($cssUrlMatches) && count($cssUrlMatches) > 0) { // normalize whitelist foreach($sugar_config['security_trusted_domains'] as $k => $v) { $sugar_config['security_trusted_domains'][$k] = strtolower($v); } foreach($cssUrlMatches[0] as $match) { $domain = strtolower(substr(strstr($match, "://"), 3)); $baseUrl = substr($domain, 0, strpos($domain, "/")); if(!in_array($baseUrl, $sugar_config['security_trusted_domains'])) { $matches[] = $match; } } } } else { $matches = array_merge($matches, $cssUrlMatches[0]); } return $matches; } /** * Helper function used by clean_xss() to parse for known-bad vectors * @param string pattern Regex pattern to use * @param string str String to parse for badness * @return array */ function xss_check_pattern($pattern, $str) { preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); return $matches[1]; } /** * Designed to take a string passed in the URL as a parameter and clean all "bad" data from it * * @param string $str * @param string $filter which corresponds to a regular expression to use; choices are: * "STANDARD" ( default ) * "STANDARDSPACE" * "FILE" * "NUMBER" * "SQL_COLUMN_LIST" * "PATH_NO_URL" * "SAFED_GET" * "UNIFIED_SEARCH" * "AUTO_INCREMENT" * "ALPHANUM" * @param boolean $dieOnBadData true (default) if you want to die if bad data if found, false if not */ function clean_string($str, $filter = "STANDARD", $dieOnBadData = true) { global $sugar_config; $filters = Array( "STANDARD" => '#[^A-Z0-9\-_\.\@]#i', "STANDARDSPACE" => '#[^A-Z0-9\-_\.\@\ ]#i', "FILE" => '#[^A-Z0-9\-_\.]#i', "NUMBER" => '#[^0-9\-]#i', "SQL_COLUMN_LIST" => '#[^A-Z0-9\(\),_\.]#i', "PATH_NO_URL" => '#://#i', "SAFED_GET" => '#[^A-Z0-9\@\=\&\?\.\/\-_~+]#i', /* range of allowed characters in a GET string */ "UNIFIED_SEARCH" => "#[\\x00]#", /* cn: bug 3356 & 9236 - MBCS search strings */ "AUTO_INCREMENT" => '#[^0-9\-,\ ]#i', "ALPHANUM" => '#[^A-Z0-9\-]#i', ); if (preg_match($filters[$filter], $str)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['log']) && is_object($GLOBALS['log'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("SECURITY[$filter]: bad data passed in; string: {$str}"); } if ( $dieOnBadData ) { die("Bad data passed in; Return to Home"); } return false; } else { return $str; } } function clean_special_arguments() { if(isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { if (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) clean_string($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'SAFED_GET'); } if (!empty($_REQUEST) && !empty($_REQUEST['login_theme'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['login_theme'], "STANDARD"); if (!empty($_REQUEST) && !empty($_REQUEST['login_module'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['login_module'], "STANDARD"); if (!empty($_REQUEST) && !empty($_REQUEST['login_action'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['login_action'], "STANDARD"); if (!empty($_REQUEST) && !empty($_REQUEST['ck_login_theme_20'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['ck_login_theme_20'], "STANDARD"); if (!empty($_SESSION) && !empty($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme'])) clean_string($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme'], "STANDARD"); if (!empty($_REQUEST) && !empty($_REQUEST['module_name'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['module_name'], "STANDARD"); if (!empty($_REQUEST) && !empty($_REQUEST['module'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['module'], "STANDARD"); if (!empty($_POST) && !empty($_POST['parent_type'])) clean_string($_POST['parent_type'], "STANDARD"); if (!empty($_REQUEST) && !empty($_REQUEST['mod_lang'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['mod_lang'], "STANDARD"); if (!empty($_SESSION) && !empty($_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'])) clean_string($_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'], "STANDARD"); if (!empty($_SESSION) && !empty($_SESSION['dyn_layout_file'])) clean_string($_SESSION['dyn_layout_file'], "PATH_NO_URL"); if (!empty($_GET) && !empty($_GET['from'])) clean_string($_GET['from']); if (!empty($_GET) && !empty($_GET['gmto'])) clean_string($_GET['gmto'], "NUMBER"); if (!empty($_GET) && !empty($_GET['case_number'])) clean_string($_GET['case_number'], "AUTO_INCREMENT"); if (!empty($_GET) && !empty($_GET['bug_number'])) clean_string($_GET['bug_number'], "AUTO_INCREMENT"); if (!empty($_GET) && !empty($_GET['quote_num'])) clean_string($_GET['quote_num'], "AUTO_INCREMENT"); clean_superglobals('stamp', 'ALPHANUM'); // for vcr controls clean_superglobals('offset', 'ALPHANUM'); clean_superglobals('return_action'); clean_superglobals('return_module'); return TRUE; } /** * cleans the given key in superglobals $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST */ function clean_superglobals($key, $filter = 'STANDARD') { if(isset($_GET[$key])) clean_string($_GET[$key], $filter); if(isset($_POST[$key])) clean_string($_POST[$key], $filter); if(isset($_REQUEST[$key])) clean_string($_REQUEST[$key], $filter); } function set_superglobals($key, $val){ $_GET[$key] = $val; $_POST[$key] = $val; $_REQUEST[$key] = $val; } // Works in conjunction with clean_string() to defeat SQL injection, file inclusion attacks, and XSS function clean_incoming_data() { global $sugar_config; global $RAW_REQUEST; if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // magic quotes screw up data, we'd have to clean up $RAW_REQUEST = array_map("cleanup_slashes", $_REQUEST); } else { $RAW_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) { $req = array_map("preprocess_param", $_REQUEST); $post = array_map("preprocess_param", $_POST); $get = array_map("preprocess_param", $_GET); } else { $req = array_map("securexss", $_REQUEST); $post = array_map("securexss", $_POST); $get = array_map("securexss", $_GET); } // PHP cannot stomp out superglobals reliably foreach($post as $k => $v) { $_POST[$k] = $v; } foreach($get as $k => $v) { $_GET[$k] = $v; } foreach($req as $k => $v) { $_REQUEST[$k] = $v; //ensure the keys are safe as well securexsskey($k); } // Any additional variables that need to be cleaned should be added here if (isset($_REQUEST['login_theme'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['login_theme']); if (isset($_REQUEST['login_module'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['login_module']); if (isset($_REQUEST['login_action'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['login_action']); if (isset($_REQUEST['login_language'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['login_language']); if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['action']); if (isset($_REQUEST['module'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['module']); if (isset($_REQUEST['record'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['record'], 'STANDARDSPACE'); if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme'])) clean_string($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme']); if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'])) clean_string($_SESSION['authenticated_user_language']); if (isset($_REQUEST['language'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['language']); if (isset($sugar_config['default_theme'])) clean_string($sugar_config['default_theme']); if (isset($_REQUEST['offset'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['offset']); if (isset($_REQUEST['stamp'])) clean_string($_REQUEST['stamp']); if(isset($_REQUEST['lvso'])){ set_superglobals('lvso', (strtolower($_REQUEST['lvso']) === 'desc')?'desc':'asc'); } // Clean "offset" and "order_by" parameters in URL foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $val) { if (str_end($key, "_offset")) { clean_string($_REQUEST[$key], "ALPHANUM"); // keep this ALPHANUM for disable_count_query set_superglobals($key, $_REQUEST[$key]); } elseif (str_end($key, "_ORDER_BY")) { clean_string($_REQUEST[$key], "SQL_COLUMN_LIST"); set_superglobals($key, $_REQUEST[$key]); } } return 0; } // Returns TRUE if $str begins with $begin function str_begin($str, $begin) { return (substr($str, 0, strlen($begin)) == $begin); } // Returns TRUE if $str ends with $end function str_end($str, $end) { return (substr($str, strlen($str) - strlen($end)) == $end); } function securexss($value) { if(is_array($value)){ $new = array(); foreach($value as $key=>$val){ $new[$key] = securexss($val); } return $new; } static $xss_cleanup= array(""" => "&", '"' =>'"', "'" => ''' , '<' =>'<' , '>'=>'>'); $value = preg_replace(array('/javascript:/i', '/\0/'), array('java script:', ''), $value); $value = preg_replace('/javascript:/i', 'java script:', $value); return str_replace(array_keys($xss_cleanup), array_values($xss_cleanup), $value); } function securexsskey($value, $die=true){ global $sugar_config; $matches = array(); preg_match('/[\'"<>]/', $value, $matches); if(!empty($matches)){ if($die){ die("Bad data passed in; Return to Home"); }else{ unset($_REQUEST[$value]); unset($_POST[$value]); unset($_GET[$value]); } } } function preprocess_param($value){ if(is_string($value)){ if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1){ $value = stripslashes($value); } $value = securexss($value); } return $value; } function cleanup_slashes($value) { if(is_string($value)) return stripslashes($value); return $value; } function set_register_value($category, $name, $value){ return sugar_cache_put("{$category}:{$name}", $value); } function get_register_value($category,$name){ return sugar_cache_retrieve("{$category}:{$name}"); } function clear_register_value($category,$name){ return sugar_cache_clear("{$category}:{$name}"); } // this function cleans id's when being imported function convert_id($string) { return preg_replace_callback( '|[^A-Za-z0-9\-]|', create_function( // single quotes are essential here, // or alternative escape all $ as \$ '$matches', 'return ord($matches[0]);' ) ,$string); } /** * @deprecated use SugarTheme::getImage() */ function get_image($image,$other_attributes,$width="",$height="",$ext='.gif',$alt="") { return SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage(basename($image), $other_attributes, empty($width) ? null : $width, empty($height) ? null : $height, $ext, $alt ); } /** * @deprecated use SugarTheme::getImageURL() */ function getImagePath($image_name) { return SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL($image_name); } function getWebPath($relative_path){ //if it has a :// then it isn't a relative path if(substr_count($relative_path, '://') > 0) return $relative_path; if(defined('TEMPLATE_URL'))$relative_path = SugarTemplateUtilities::getWebPath($relative_path); return $relative_path; } function getVersionedPath($path, $additional_attrs='') { if(empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['js_custom_version'])) $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['js_custom_version'] = 1; $js_version_key = isset($GLOBALS['js_version_key'])?$GLOBALS['js_version_key']:''; if(inDeveloperMode()) { static $rand; if(empty($rand)) $rand = mt_rand(); $dev = $rand; } else { $dev = ''; } if(is_array($additional_attrs)) { $additional_attrs = join("|",$additional_attrs); } // cutting 2 last chars here because since md5 is 32 chars, it's always == $str = substr(base64_encode(md5("$js_version_key|{$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['js_custom_version']}|$dev|$additional_attrs", true)), 0, -2); // remove / - it confuses some parsers $str = strtr($str, '/+', '-_'); if(empty($path)) return $str; return $path . "?v=$str"; } function getVersionedScript($path, $additional_attrs='') { return ''; } function getJSPath($relative_path, $additional_attrs='') { if(defined('TEMPLATE_URL'))$relative_path = SugarTemplateUtilities::getWebPath($relative_path); return getVersionedPath($relative_path).(!empty($additional_attrs)?"&$additional_attrs":""); } function getSWFPath($relative_path, $additional_params=''){ $path = $relative_path; if (!empty($additional_params)){ $path .= '?' . $additional_params; } if (defined('TEMPLATE_URL')){ $path = TEMPLATE_URL . '/' . $path; } return $path; } function getSQLDate($date_str) { if (preg_match('/^(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{4})$/',$date_str,$match)) { if ( strlen($match[2]) == 1) { $match[2] = "0".$match[2]; } if ( strlen($match[1]) == 1) { $match[1] = "0".$match[1]; } return "{$match[3]}-{$match[1]}-{$match[2]}"; } else if (preg_match('/^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{4})$/',$date_str,$match)) { if ( strlen($match[2]) == 1) { $match[2] = "0".$match[2]; } if ( strlen($match[1]) == 1) { $match[1] = "0".$match[1]; } return "{$match[3]}-{$match[1]}-{$match[2]}"; } else { return ""; } } function clone_history(&$db, $from_id,$to_id, $to_type) { global $timedate; $old_note_id=null; $old_filename=null; require_once('include/upload_file.php'); $tables = array('calls'=>'Call', 'meetings'=>'Meeting', 'notes'=>'Note', 'tasks'=>'Task'); $location=array('Email'=>"modules/Emails/Email.php", 'Call'=>"modules/Calls/Call.php", 'Meeting'=>"modules/Meetings/Meeting.php", 'Note'=>"modules/Notes/Note.php", 'Tasks'=>"modules/Tasks/Task.php", ); foreach($tables as $table=>$bean_class) { if (!class_exists($bean_class)) { require_once($location[$bean_class]); } $bProcessingNotes=false; if ($table=='notes') { $bProcessingNotes=true; } $query = "SELECT id FROM $table WHERE parent_id='$from_id'"; $results = $db->query($query); while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results)) { //retrieve existing record. $bean= new $bean_class(); $bean->retrieve($row['id']); //process for new instance. if ($bProcessingNotes) { $old_note_id=$row['id']; $old_filename=$bean->filename; } $bean->id=null; $bean->parent_id=$to_id; $bean->parent_type=$to_type; if ($to_type=='Contacts' and in_array('contact_id',$bean->column_fields)) { $bean->contact_id=$to_id; } $bean->update_date_modified = false; $bean->update_modified_by = false; if(isset($bean->date_modified)) $bean->date_modified = $timedate->to_db($bean->date_modified); if(isset($bean->date_entered)) $bean->date_entered = $timedate->to_db($bean->date_entered); //save $new_id=$bean->save(); //duplicate the file now. for notes. if ($bProcessingNotes && !empty($old_filename)) { UploadFile::duplicate_file($old_note_id,$new_id,$old_filename); } //reset the values needed for attachment duplication. $old_note_id=null; $old_filename=null; } } } function values_to_keys($array) { $new_array = array(); if(!is_array($array)) { return $new_array; } foreach($array as $arr){ $new_array[$arr] = $arr; } return $new_array; } function clone_relationship(&$db, $tables = array(), $from_column, $from_id, $to_id) { foreach($tables as $table) { if ($table == 'emails_beans') { $query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $from_column='$from_id' and bean_module='Leads'"; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $from_column='$from_id'"; } $results = $db->query($query); while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results)) { $query = "INSERT INTO $table "; $names = ''; $values = ''; $row[$from_column] = $to_id; $row['id'] = create_guid(); if ($table=='emails_beans') { $row['bean_module'] =='Contacts'; } foreach($row as $name=>$value) { if(empty($names)) { $names .= $name; $values .= "'$value'"; } else { $names .= ', '. $name; $values .= ", '$value'"; } } $query .= "($names) VALUES ($values)"; $db->query($query); } } } function get_unlinked_email_query($type, $bean) { global $current_user; $return_array['select']='SELECT emails.id '; $return_array['from']='FROM emails '; $return_array['where']=""; $return_array['join'] = " JOIN (select DISTINCT email_id from emails_email_addr_rel eear join email_addr_bean_rel eabr on eabr.bean_id ='$bean->id' and eabr.bean_module = '$bean->module_dir' and eabr.email_address_id = eear.email_address_id and eabr.deleted=0 where eear.deleted=0 and eear.email_id not in (select eb.email_id from emails_beans eb where eb.bean_module ='$bean->module_dir' and eb.bean_id = '$bean->id') ) derivedemails on derivedemails.email_id = emails.id"; $return_array['join_tables'][0] = ''; if (isset($type) and !empty($type['return_as_array'])) { return $return_array; } return $return_array['select'] . $return_array['from'] . $return_array['where'] . $return_array['join'] ; } // fn function get_emails_by_assign_or_link($params) { $relation = $params['link']; $bean = $GLOBALS['app']->controller->bean; if(empty($bean->$relation)) { $bean->load_relationship($relation); } if(empty($bean->$relation)) { $GLOBALS['log']->error("Bad relation '$relation' for bean '{$bean->object_name}' id '{$bean->id}'"); return array(); } $rel_module = $bean->$relation->getRelatedModuleName(); $rel_join = $bean->$relation->getJoin(array( 'join_table_alias' => 'link_bean', 'join_table_link_alias' => 'linkt', )); $rel_join = str_replace("{$bean->table_name}.id", "'{$bean->id}'", $rel_join); $return_array['select']='SELECT emails.id '; $return_array['from'] = "FROM emails "; $return_array['join'] = " INNER JOIN (". // directly assigned emails "select eb.email_id FROM emails_beans eb where eb.bean_module = '{$bean->module_dir}' AND eb.bean_id = '{$bean->id}' AND eb.deleted=0 ". " UNION ". // Assigned to contacts "select DISTINCT eb.email_id FROM emails_beans eb $rel_join AND link_bean.id = eb.bean_id where eb.bean_module = '$rel_module' AND eb.deleted=0". " UNION ". // Related by directly by email "select DISTINCT eear.email_id from emails_email_addr_rel eear INNER JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr ON eabr.bean_id ='{$bean->id}' AND eabr.bean_module = '{$bean->module_dir}' AND eabr.email_address_id = eear.email_address_id and eabr.deleted=0 where eear.deleted=0". " UNION ". // Related by email to linked contact "select DISTINCT eear.email_id FROM emails_email_addr_rel eear INNER JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr ON eabr.email_address_id=eear.email_address_id AND eabr.bean_module = '$rel_module' AND eabr.deleted=0 $rel_join AND link_bean.id = eabr.bean_id where eear.deleted=0". ") email_ids ON emails.id=email_ids.email_id "; $return_array['where']=" WHERE emails.deleted=0 "; //$return_array['join'] = ''; $return_array['join_tables'][0] = ''; if(0 && $bean->object_name == "Case" && !empty($bean->case_number)) { $where = str_replace("%1", $bean->case_number, $bean->getEmailSubjectMacro()); $return_array["where"] .= "\n AND emails.name LIKE '%$where%'"; } return $return_array; } /** * Check to see if the number is empty or non-zero * @param $value * @return boolean **/ function number_empty($value) { return empty($value) && $value != '0'; } function get_bean_select_array($add_blank=true, $bean_name, $display_columns, $where='', $order_by='', $blank_is_none=false) { global $beanFiles; require_once($beanFiles[$bean_name]); $focus = new $bean_name(); $user_array = array(); $key = ($bean_name == 'EmailTemplate') ? $bean_name : $bean_name . $display_columns. $where . $order_by; $user_array = get_register_value('select_array', $key ); if(!$user_array) { $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $temp_result = Array(); $query = "SELECT {$focus->table_name}.id, {$display_columns} as display from {$focus->table_name} "; $query .= "where "; if ( $where != '') { $query .= $where." AND "; } $query .= " {$focus->table_name}.deleted=0"; if ( $order_by != '') { $query .= " order by {$focus->table_name}.{$order_by}"; } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("get_user_array query: $query"); $result = $db->query($query, true, "Error filling in user array: "); if ($add_blank==true){ // Add in a blank row if($blank_is_none == true) { // set 'blank row' to "--None--" global $app_strings; $temp_result[''] = $app_strings['LBL_NONE']; } else { $temp_result[''] = ''; } } // Get the id and the name. while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $temp_result[$row['id']] = $row['display']; } $user_array = $temp_result; set_register_value('select_array', $key ,$temp_result); } return $user_array; } /** * * * @param unknown_type $listArray */ // function parse_list_modules // searches a list for items in a user's allowed tabs and returns an array that removes unallowed tabs from list function parse_list_modules(&$listArray) { global $modListHeader; $returnArray = array(); foreach($listArray as $optionName => $optionVal) { if(array_key_exists($optionName, $modListHeader)) { $returnArray[$optionName] = $optionVal; } // special case for projects if(array_key_exists('Project', $modListHeader)) { $returnArray['ProjectTask'] = $listArray['ProjectTask']; } } $acldenied = ACLController::disabledModuleList($listArray,false); foreach($acldenied as $denied){ unset($returnArray[$denied]); } asort($returnArray); return $returnArray; } function display_notice($msg = false){ global $error_notice; //no error notice - lets just display the error to the user if(!isset($error_notice)){ echo '
'.$msg . '
'; }else{ $error_notice .= $msg . '
'; } } /* checks if it is a number that at least has the plus at the beginning. */ function skype_formatted($number){ //kbrill - BUG #15375 if(isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action']=="Popup") { return false; } else { return substr($number, 0, 1) == '+' || substr($number, 0, 2) == '00' || substr($number, 0, 3) == '011'; } // return substr($number, 0, 1) == '+' || substr($number, 0, 2) == '00' || substr($number, 0, 2) == '011'; } function format_skype($number) { return preg_replace('/[^\+0-9]/','',$number); } function insert_charset_header() { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); } function getCurrentURL() { $href = "http:"; if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on') { $href = 'https:'; } $href.= "//".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; return $href; } function javascript_escape($str) { $new_str = ''; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) { if(ord(substr($str, $i, 1))==10){ $new_str .= '\n'; }elseif(ord(substr($str, $i, 1))==13){ $new_str .= '\r'; } else { $new_str .= $str{$i}; } } $new_str = str_replace("'", "\\'", $new_str); return $new_str; } function js_escape($str, $keep=true){ $str = html_entity_decode(str_replace("\\", "", $str), ENT_QUOTES); if($keep){ $str = javascript_escape($str); } else { $str = str_replace("'", " ", $str); $str = str_replace('"', " ", $str); } return $str; //end function js_escape } function br2nl($str) { $regex = "#<[^>]+br.+?>#i"; preg_match_all($regex, $str, $matches); foreach($matches[0] as $match) { $str = str_replace($match, "
", $str); } $brs = array('
', '
'); $str = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $str); // make from windows-returns, *nix-returns $str = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $str); // make from windows-returns, *nix-returns $str = str_replace("\r", "\n", $str); // make from windows-returns, *nix-returns $str = str_ireplace($brs, "\n", $str); // to retrieve it return $str; } /** * Private helper function for displaying the contents of a given variable. * This function is only intended to be used for SugarCRM internal development. * The ppd stands for Pre Print Die. */ function _ppd($mixed) { } /** * Private helper function for displaying the contents of a given variable in * the Logger. This function is only intended to be used for SugarCRM internal * development. The pp stands for Pre Print. * @param $mixed var to print_r() * @param $die boolean end script flow * @param $displayStackTrace also show stack trace */ function _ppl($mixed, $die=false, $displayStackTrace=false, $loglevel="fatal") { if(!isset($GLOBALS['log']) || empty($GLOBALS['log'])) { $GLOBALS['log'] = LoggerManager :: getLogger('SugarCRM'); } $mix = print_r($mixed, true); // send print_r() output to $mix $stack = debug_backtrace(); $GLOBALS['log']->$loglevel('------------------------------ _ppLogger() output start -----------------------------'); $GLOBALS['log']->$loglevel($mix); if($displayStackTrace) { foreach($stack as $position) { $GLOBALS['log']->$loglevel($position['file']."({$position['line']})"); } } $GLOBALS['log']->$loglevel('------------------------------ _ppLogger() output end -----------------------------'); $GLOBALS['log']->$loglevel('------------------------------ _ppLogger() file: '.$stack[0]['file'].' line#: '.$stack[0]['line'].'-----------------------------'); if($die) { die(); } } /** * private helper function to quickly show the major, direct, field attributes of a given bean. * The ppf stands for Pre[formatted] Print Focus [object] * @param object bean The focus bean */ function _ppf($bean, $die=false) { } /** * Private helper function for displaying the contents of a given variable. * This function is only intended to be used for SugarCRM internal development. * The pp stands for Pre Print. */ function _pp($mixed) { } /** * Private helper function for displaying the contents of a given variable. * This function is only intended to be used for SugarCRM internal development. * The pp stands for Pre Print. */ function _pstack_trace($mixed=NULL) { } /** * Private helper function for displaying the contents of a given variable. * This function is only intended to be used for SugarCRM internal development. * The pp stands for Pre Print Trace. */ function _ppt($mixed, $textOnly=false) { } /** * Private helper function for displaying the contents of a given variable. * This function is only intended to be used for SugarCRM internal development. * The pp stands for Pre Print Trace Die. */ function _pptd($mixed) { } /** * Private helper function for decoding javascript UTF8 * This function is only intended to be used for SugarCRM internal development. */ function decodeJavascriptUTF8($str) { } /** * Will check if a given PHP version string is supported (tested on this ver), * unsupported (results unknown), or invalid (something will break on this * ver). Do not pass in any pararameter to default to a check against the * current environment's PHP version. * * @return 1 implies supported, 0 implies unsupported, -1 implies invalid */ function check_php_version($sys_php_version = '') { $sys_php_version = empty($sys_php_version) ? constant('PHP_VERSION') : $sys_php_version; // versions below $min_considered_php_version considered invalid by default, // versions equal to or above this ver will be considered depending // on the rules that follow $min_considered_php_version = '5.2.1'; // only the supported versions, // should be mutually exclusive with $invalid_php_versions $supported_php_versions = array ( '5.2.1', '5.2.2', '5.2.3', '5.2.4', '5.2.5', '5.2.6', '5.2.8', '5.3.0' ); // invalid versions above the $min_considered_php_version, // should be mutually exclusive with $supported_php_versions // SugarCRM prohibits install on PHP 5.2.7 on all platforms $invalid_php_versions = array('5.2.7'); // default unsupported $retval = 0; // versions below $min_considered_php_version are invalid if(1 == version_compare($sys_php_version, $min_considered_php_version, '<')) { $retval = -1; } // supported version check overrides default unsupported foreach($supported_php_versions as $ver) { if(1 == version_compare($sys_php_version, $ver, 'eq') || strpos($sys_php_version,$ver) !== false) { $retval = 1; break; } } // invalid version check overrides default unsupported foreach($invalid_php_versions as $ver) { if(1 == version_compare($sys_php_version, $ver, 'eq') && strpos($sys_php_version,$ver) !== false) { $retval = -1; break; } } //allow a redhat distro to install, regardless of version. We are assuming the redhat naming convention is followed //and the php version contains 'rh' characters if(strpos($sys_php_version, 'rh') !== false) { $retval = 1; } return $retval; } /** * Will check if a given IIS version string is supported (tested on this ver), * unsupported (results unknown), or invalid (something will break on this * ver). * * @return 1 implies supported, 0 implies unsupported, -1 implies invalid */ function check_iis_version($sys_iis_version = '') { $server_software = $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]; $iis_version = ''; if(strpos($server_software,'Microsoft-IIS') !== false && preg_match_all("/^.*\/(\d+\.?\d*)$/", $server_software, $out)) $iis_version = $out[1][0]; $sys_iis_version = empty($sys_iis_version) ? $iis_version : $sys_iis_version; // versions below $min_considered_iis_version considered invalid by default, // versions equal to or above this ver will be considered depending // on the rules that follow $min_considered_iis_version = '6.0'; // only the supported versions, // should be mutually exclusive with $invalid_iis_versions $supported_iis_versions = array ('6.0', '7.0',); $unsupported_iis_versions = array(); $invalid_iis_versions = array('5.0',); // default unsupported $retval = 0; // versions below $min_considered_iis_version are invalid if(1 == version_compare($sys_iis_version, $min_considered_iis_version, '<')) { $retval = -1; } // supported version check overrides default unsupported foreach($supported_iis_versions as $ver) { if(1 == version_compare($sys_iis_version, $ver, 'eq') || strpos($sys_iis_version,$ver) !== false) { $retval = 1; break; } } // unsupported version check overrides default unsupported foreach($unsupported_iis_versions as $ver) { if(1 == version_compare($sys_iis_version, $ver, 'eq') && strpos($sys_iis_version,$ver) !== false) { $retval = 0; break; } } // invalid version check overrides default unsupported foreach($invalid_iis_versions as $ver) { if(1 == version_compare($sys_iis_version, $ver, 'eq') && strpos($sys_iis_version,$ver) !== false) { $retval = -1; break; } } return $retval; } function pre_login_check(){ global $action, $login_error; if(!empty($action)&& $action == 'Login'){ if(!empty($login_error)){ $login_error = htmlentities($login_error); $login_error = str_replace(array("<pre>","</pre>","\r\n", "\n"), "
", $login_error); $_SESSION['login_error'] = $login_error; echo ''; } } } function sugar_cleanup($exit = false) { static $called = false; if($called)return; $called = true; set_include_path(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); chdir(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..')); global $sugar_config; require_once('include/utils/LogicHook.php'); LogicHook::initialize(); $GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('', 'server_round_trip'); //added this check to avoid errors during install. if (empty($sugar_config['dbconfig'])) { if ($exit) exit; else return; } if (!class_exists('Tracker', true)) { require_once 'modules/Trackers/Tracker.php'; } Tracker::logPage(); // Now write the cached tracker_queries if(!empty($GLOBALS['savePreferencesToDB']) && $GLOBALS['savePreferencesToDB']) { if ( isset($GLOBALS['current_user']) && $GLOBALS['current_user'] instanceOf User ) $GLOBALS['current_user']->savePreferencesToDB(); } //check to see if this is not an `ajax call AND the user preference error flag is set if( (isset($_SESSION['USER_PREFRENCE_ERRORS']) && $_SESSION['USER_PREFRENCE_ERRORS']) && ($_REQUEST['action']!='modulelistmenu' && $_REQUEST['action']!='DynamicAction') && ($_REQUEST['action']!='favorites' && $_REQUEST['action']!='DynamicAction') && (empty($_REQUEST['to_pdf']) || !$_REQUEST['to_pdf'] ) && (empty($_REQUEST['sugar_body_only']) || !$_REQUEST['sugar_body_only'] ) ){ global $app_strings; //this is not an ajax call and the user preference error flag is set, so reset the flag and print js to flash message $err_mess = $app_strings['ERROR_USER_PREFS']; $_SESSION['USER_PREFRENCE_ERRORS'] = false; echo " "; } pre_login_check(); if(class_exists('DBManagerFactory')) { $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $db->disconnect(); if($exit) { exit; } } } register_shutdown_function('sugar_cleanup'); /* check_logic_hook - checks to see if your custom logic is in the logic file if not, it will add it. If the file isn't built yet, it will create the file */ function check_logic_hook_file($module_name, $event, $action_array){ require_once('include/utils/logic_utils.php'); $add_logic = false; if(file_exists("custom/modules/$module_name/logic_hooks.php")){ $hook_array = get_hook_array($module_name); if(check_existing_element($hook_array, $event, $action_array)==true){ //the hook at hand is present, so do nothing } else { $add_logic = true; $logic_count = 0; if(!empty($hook_array[$event])) { $logic_count = count($hook_array[$event]); } if($action_array[0]==""){ $action_array[0] = $logic_count + 1; } $hook_array[$event][] = $action_array; } //end if the file exists already } else { $add_logic = true; if($action_array[0]==""){ $action_array[0] = 1; } $hook_array = array(); $hook_array[$event][] = $action_array; //end if else file exists already } if($add_logic == true){ //reorder array by element[0] //$hook_array = reorder_array($hook_array, $event); //!!!Finish this above TODO $new_contents = replace_or_add_logic_type($hook_array); write_logic_file($module_name, $new_contents); //end if add_element is true } //end function check_logic_hook_file } function remove_logic_hook($module_name, $event, $action_array) { require_once('include/utils/logic_utils.php'); $add_logic = false; if(file_exists("custom/modules/".$module_name."/logic_hooks.php")){ // The file exists, let's make sure the hook is there $hook_array = get_hook_array($module_name); if(check_existing_element($hook_array, $event, $action_array)==true){ // The hook is there, time to take it out. foreach ( $hook_array[$event] as $i => $hook ) { // We don't do a full comparison below just in case the filename changes if ( $hook[0] == $action_array[0] && $hook[1] == $action_array[1] && $hook[3] == $action_array[3] && $hook[4] == $action_array[4] ) { unset($hook_array[$event][$i]); } } $new_contents = replace_or_add_logic_type($hook_array); write_logic_file($module_name, $new_contents); } } } function display_stack_trace($textOnly=false){ $stack = debug_backtrace(); echo "\n\n display_stack_trace caller, file: " . $stack[0]['file']. ' line#: ' .$stack[0]['line']; if(!$textOnly) echo '
'; $first = true; $out = ''; foreach($stack as $item) { $file = ''; $class = ''; $line = ''; $function = ''; if(isset($item['file'])) $file = $item['file']; if(isset($item['class'])) $class = $item['class']; if(isset($item['line'])) $line = $item['line']; if(isset($item['function'])) $function = $item['function']; if(!$first) { if(!$textOnly) { $out .= ''; } $out .= $file; if(!$textOnly) { $out .= ''; } $out .= "[L:{$line}]"; if(!$textOnly) { $out .= ''; } $out .= "({$class}:{$function})"; if(!$textOnly) { $out .= '
'; } else { $out .= "\n"; } } else { $first = false; } } echo $out; } function StackTraceErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile,$errline, $errcontext) { $error_msg = " $errstr occured in $errfile on line $errline [" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . ']'; $halt_script = true; switch($errno){ case 2048: return; //depricated we have lots of these ignore them case E_USER_NOTICE: case E_NOTICE: if ( error_reporting() & E_NOTICE ) { $halt_script = false; $type = 'Notice'; } else return; break; case E_USER_WARNING: case E_COMPILE_WARNING: case E_CORE_WARNING: case E_WARNING: $halt_script = false; $type = "Warning"; break; case E_USER_ERROR: case E_COMPILE_ERROR: case E_CORE_ERROR: case E_ERROR: $type = "Fatal Error"; break; case E_PARSE: $type = "Parse Error"; break; default: //don't know what it is might not be so bad $halt_script = false; $type = "Unknown Error ($errno)"; break; } $error_msg = ''.$type.':' . $error_msg; echo $error_msg; display_stack_trace(); if($halt_script){ exit -1; } } if(isset($sugar_config['stack_trace_errors']) && $sugar_config['stack_trace_errors']){ set_error_handler('StackTraceErrorHandler'); } function get_sub_cookies($name){ $cookies = array(); if(isset($_COOKIE[$name])){ $subs = explode('#', $_COOKIE[$name]); foreach($subs as $cookie){ if(!empty($cookie)){ $cookie = explode('=', $cookie); $cookies[$cookie[0]] = $cookie[1]; } } } return $cookies; } function mark_delete_components($sub_object_array, $run_second_level=false, $sub_sub_array=""){ if(!empty($sub_object_array)){ foreach($sub_object_array as $sub_object){ //run_second level is set to true if you need to remove sub-sub components if($run_second_level==true){ mark_delete_components($sub_object->get_linked_beans($sub_sub_array['rel_field'],$sub_sub_array['rel_module'])); //end if run_second_level is true } $sub_object->mark_deleted($sub_object->id); //end foreach sub component } //end if this is not empty } //end function mark_delete_components } /** * For translating the php.ini memory values into bytes. e.g. input value of '8M' will return 8388608. */ function return_bytes($val) { $val = trim($val); $last = strtolower($val{strlen($val)-1}); switch($last) { // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0 case 'g': $val *= 1024; case 'm': $val *= 1024; case 'k': $val *= 1024; } return $val; } /** * Adds the href HTML tags around any URL in the $string */ function url2html($string) { // $return_string = preg_replace('/(\w+:\/\/)(\S+)/', ' \\1\\2', $string); return $return_string; } // End customization by Julian /** * tries to determine whether the Host machine is a Windows machine */ function is_windows() { static $is_windows = null; if (!isset($is_windows)) { $is_windows = strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN'; } return $is_windows; } /** * equivalent for windows filesystem for PHP's is_writable() * @param string file Full path to the file/dir * @return bool true if writable */ function is_writable_windows($file) { if($file{strlen($file)-1}=='/') { return is_writable_windows($file.uniqid(mt_rand()).'.tmp'); } // the assumption here is that Windows has an inherited permissions scheme // any file that is a descendant of an unwritable directory will inherit // that property and will trigger a failure below. if(is_dir($file)) { return true; } $file = str_replace("/", '\\', $file); if(file_exists($file)) { if (!($f = @sugar_fopen($file, 'r+'))) return false; fclose($f); return true; } if(!($f = @sugar_fopen($file, 'w'))) return false; fclose($f); unlink($file); return true; } /** * best guesses Timezone based on webserver's TZ settings */ function lookupTimezone($userOffset = 0) { return TimeDate::guessTimezone($userOffset); } function convert_module_to_singular($module_array){ global $beanList; foreach($module_array as $key => $value){ if(!empty($beanList[$value])) $module_array[$key] = $beanList[$value]; if($value=="Cases") { $module_array[$key] = "Case"; } if($key=="projecttask"){ $module_array['ProjectTask'] = "Project Task"; unset($module_array[$key]); } } return $module_array; //end function convert_module_to_singular } /* * Given the bean_name which may be plural or singular return the singular * bean_name. This is important when you need to include files. */ function get_singular_bean_name($bean_name){ global $beanFiles, $beanList; if(array_key_exists($bean_name, $beanList)){ return $beanList[$bean_name]; } else{ return $bean_name; } } /* * Given the potential module name (singular name, renamed module name) * Return the real internal module name. */ function get_module_from_singular($singular) { // find the internal module name for a singular name if (isset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleListSingular'])) { $singular_modules = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleListSingular']; foreach ($singular_modules as $mod_name=>$sin_name) { if ($singular == $sin_name and $mod_name != $sin_name) { return $mod_name; } } } // find the internal module name for a renamed module if (isset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList'])) { $moduleList = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList']; foreach ($moduleList as $mod_name=>$name) { if ($singular == $name and $mod_name != $name) { return $mod_name; } } } // if it's not a singular name, nor a renamed name, return the original value return $singular; } function get_label($label_tag, $temp_module_strings){ global $app_strings; if(!empty($temp_module_strings[$label_tag])){ $label_name = $temp_module_strings[$label_tag]; } else { if(!empty($app_strings[$label_tag])){ $label_name = $app_strings[$label_tag]; } else { $label_name = $label_tag; } } return $label_name; //end function get_label } function search_filter_rel_info(& $focus, $tar_rel_module, $relationship_name){ $rel_list = array(); foreach($focus->relationship_fields as $rel_key => $rel_value){ if($rel_value == $relationship_name){ $temp_bean = get_module_info($tar_rel_module); // echo $focus->$rel_key; $temp_bean->retrieve($focus->$rel_key); if($temp_bean->id!=""){ $rel_list[] = $temp_bean; return $rel_list; } } } foreach($focus->field_defs as $field_name => $field_def){ //Check if the relationship_name matches a "relate" field if(!empty($field_def['type']) && $field_def['type'] == 'relate' && !empty($field_def['id_name']) && !empty($focus->field_defs[$field_def['id_name']]) && !empty($focus->field_defs[$field_def['id_name']]['relationship']) && $focus->field_defs[$field_def['id_name']]['relationship'] == $relationship_name) { $temp_bean = get_module_info($tar_rel_module); // echo $focus->$field_def['id_name']; $temp_bean->retrieve($focus->$field_def['id_name']); if($temp_bean->id!=""){ $rel_list[] = $temp_bean; return $rel_list; } //Check if the relationship_name matches a "link" in a relate field } else if(!empty($rel_value['link']) && !empty($rel_value['id_name']) && $rel_value['link'] == $relationship_name){ $temp_bean = get_module_info($tar_rel_module); // echo $focus->$rel_value['id_name']; $temp_bean->retrieve($focus->$rel_value['id_name']); if($temp_bean->id!=""){ $rel_list[] = $temp_bean; return $rel_list; } } } // special case for unlisted parent-type relationships if( !empty($focus->parent_type) && $focus->parent_type == $tar_rel_module && !empty($focus->parent_id)) { $temp_bean = get_module_info($tar_rel_module); $temp_bean->retrieve($focus->parent_id); if($temp_bean->id!=""){ $rel_list[] = $temp_bean; return $rel_list; } } return $rel_list; //end function search_filter_rel_info } function get_module_info($module_name){ global $beanList; global $dictionary; //Get dictionary and focus data for module $vardef_name = $beanList[$module_name]; if($vardef_name=="aCase"){ $class_name = "Case"; } else { $class_name = $vardef_name; } if(!file_exists('modules/'. $module_name . '/'.$class_name.'.php')){ return; } include_once('modules/'. $module_name . '/'.$class_name.'.php'); $module_bean = new $vardef_name(); return $module_bean; //end function get_module_table } /** * In order to have one place to obtain the proper object name. aCase for example causes issues throughout the application. * * @param string $moduleName */ function get_valid_bean_name($module_name){ global $beanList; $vardef_name = $beanList[$module_name]; if($vardef_name=="aCase"){ $bean_name = "Case"; } else { $bean_name = $vardef_name; } return $bean_name; } function checkAuthUserStatus(){ //authUserStatus(); } /** * This function returns an array of phpinfo() results that can be parsed and * used to figure out what version we run, what modules are compiled in, etc. * @param $level int info level constant (1,2,4,8...64); * @return $returnInfo array array of info about the PHP environment * @author original by "code at adspeed dot com" Fron php.net * @author customized for Sugar by Chris N. */ function getPhpInfo($level=-1) { /** Name (constant) Value Description INFO_GENERAL 1 The configuration line, php.ini location, build date, Web Server, System and more. INFO_CREDITS 2 PHP Credits. See also phpcredits(). INFO_CONFIGURATION 4 Current Local and Master values for PHP directives. See also ini_get(). INFO_MODULES 8 Loaded modules and their respective settings. See also get_loaded_extensions(). INFO_ENVIRONMENT 16 Environment Variable information that's also available in $_ENV. INFO_VARIABLES 32 Shows all predefined variables from EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server). INFO_LICENSE 64 PHP License information. See also the license FAQ. INFO_ALL -1 Shows all of the above. This is the default value. */ ob_start(); phpinfo($level); $phpinfo = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $phpinfo = strip_tags($phpinfo,'

'); $phpinfo = preg_replace('/]*>([^<]+)<\/th>/',"\\1",$phpinfo); $phpinfo = preg_replace('/]*>([^<]+)<\/td>/',"\\1",$phpinfo); $parsedInfo = preg_split('/([^<]+<\/h.>)/', $phpinfo, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $match = ''; $version = ''; $returnInfo = array(); if(preg_match('/

PHP Version ([^<]+)<\/h1>/', $phpinfo, $version)) { $returnInfo['PHP Version'] = $version[1]; } for ($i=1; $i([^<]+)<\/h.>/', $parsedInfo[$i], $match)) { $vName = trim($match[1]); $parsedInfo2 = explode("\n",$parsedInfo[$i+1]); foreach ($parsedInfo2 AS $vOne) { $vPat = '([^<]+)<\/info>'; $vPat3 = "/$vPat\s*$vPat\s*$vPat/"; $vPat2 = "/$vPat\s*$vPat/"; if (preg_match($vPat3,$vOne,$match)) { // 3cols $returnInfo[$vName][trim($match[1])] = array(trim($match[2]),trim($match[3])); } elseif (preg_match($vPat2,$vOne,$match)) { // 2cols $returnInfo[$vName][trim($match[1])] = trim($match[2]); } } } elseif(true) { } } return $returnInfo; } /** * This function will take a string that has tokens like {0}, {1} and will replace * those tokens with the args provided * @param $format string to format * @param $args args to replace * @return $result a formatted string */ function string_format($format, $args){ $result = $format; /** Bug47277 fix. * If args array has only one argument, and it's empty, so empty single quotes are used '' . That's because * IN () fails and IN ('') works. */ if (count($args) == 1) { reset($args); $singleArgument = current($args); if (empty($singleArgument)) { return str_replace("{0}", "''", $result); } } /* End of fix */ for($i = 0; $i < count($args); $i++){ $result = str_replace('{'.$i.'}', $args[$i], $result); } return $result; } /** * Generate a string for displaying a unique identifier that is composed * of a system_id and number. This is use to allow us to generate quote * numbers using a DB auto-increment key from offline clients and still * have the number be unique (since it is modified by the system_id. * * @param $num of bean * @param $system_id from system * @return $result a formatted string */ function format_number_display($num, $system_id){ global $sugar_config; if(isset($num) && !empty($num)){ $num=unformat_number($num); if(isset($system_id) && $system_id == 1){ return sprintf("%d", $num); } else{ return sprintf("%d-%d", $num, $system_id); } } } function checkLoginUserStatus(){ } /** * This function will take a number and system_id and format * @param $url URL containing host to append port * @param $port the port number - if '' is passed, no change to url * @return $resulturl the new URL with the port appended to the host */ function appendPortToHost($url, $port) { $resulturl = $url; // if no port, don't change the url if($port != '') { $split = explode("/", $url); //check if it starts with http, in case they didn't include that in url if(str_begin($url, 'http')) { //third index ($split[2]) will be the host $split[2] .= ":".$port; } else // otherwise assumed to start with host name { //first index ($split[0]) will be the host $split[0] .= ":".$port; } $resulturl = implode("/", $split); } return $resulturl; } /** * Singleton to return JSON object * @return JSON object */ function getJSONobj() { static $json = null; if(!isset($json)) { require_once('include/JSON.php'); $json = new JSON(JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); } return $json; } require_once('include/utils/db_utils.php'); /** * Set default php.ini settings for entry points */ function setPhpIniSettings() { // zlib module // Bug 37579 - Comment out force enabling zlib.output_compression, since it can cause problems on certain hosts /* if(function_exists('gzclose') && headers_sent() == false) { ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 1); } */ // mbstring module //nsingh: breaks zip/unzip functionality. Commenting out 4/23/08 /*if(function_exists('mb_strlen')) { ini_set('mbstring.func_overload', 7); ini_set('mbstring.internal_encoding', 'UTF-8'); }*/ // http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.pcre.php#ini.pcre.backtrack-limit // starting with 5.2.0, backtrack_limit breaks JSON decoding $backtrack_limit = ini_get('pcre.backtrack_limit'); if(!empty($backtrack_limit)) { ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', '-1'); } } /** * Identical to sugarArrayMerge but with some speed improvements and used specifically to merge * language files. Language file merges do not need to account for null values so we can get some * performance increases by using this specialized function. Note this merge function does not properly * handle null values. * * @param $gimp * @param $dom * @return array */ function sugarLangArrayMerge($gimp, $dom) { if(is_array($gimp) && is_array($dom)) { foreach($dom as $domKey => $domVal) { if(isset($gimp[$domKey])) { if(is_array($domVal)) { $tempArr = array(); foreach ( $domVal as $domArrKey => $domArrVal ) $tempArr[$domArrKey] = $domArrVal; foreach ( $gimp[$domKey] as $gimpArrKey => $gimpArrVal ) if ( !isset($tempArr[$gimpArrKey]) ) $tempArr[$gimpArrKey] = $gimpArrVal; $gimp[$domKey] = $tempArr; } else { $gimp[$domKey] = $domVal; } } else { $gimp[$domKey] = $domVal; } } } // if the passed value for gimp isn't an array, then return the $dom elseif(is_array($dom)) { return $dom; } return $gimp; } /** * like array_merge() but will handle array elements that are themselves arrays; * PHP's version just overwrites the element with the new one. * * @internal Note that this function deviates from the internal array_merge() * functions in that it does does not treat numeric keys differently * than string keys. Additionally, it deviates from * array_merge_recursive() by not creating an array when like values * found. * * @param array gimp the array whose values will be overloaded * @param array dom the array whose values will pwn the gimp's * @return array beaten gimp */ function sugarArrayMerge($gimp, $dom) { if(is_array($gimp) && is_array($dom)) { foreach($dom as $domKey => $domVal) { if(array_key_exists($domKey, $gimp)) { if(is_array($domVal)) { $tempArr = array(); foreach ( $domVal as $domArrKey => $domArrVal ) $tempArr[$domArrKey] = $domArrVal; foreach ( $gimp[$domKey] as $gimpArrKey => $gimpArrVal ) if ( !array_key_exists($gimpArrKey, $tempArr) ) $tempArr[$gimpArrKey] = $gimpArrVal; $gimp[$domKey] = $tempArr; } else { $gimp[$domKey] = $domVal; } } else { $gimp[$domKey] = $domVal; } } } // if the passed value for gimp isn't an array, then return the $dom elseif(is_array($dom)) return $dom; return $gimp; } /** * Similiar to sugarArrayMerge except arrays of N depth are merged. * * @param array gimp the array whose values will be overloaded * @param array dom the array whose values will pwn the gimp's * @return array beaten gimp */ function sugarArrayMergeRecursive($gimp, $dom) { if(is_array($gimp) && is_array($dom)) { foreach($dom as $domKey => $domVal) { if(array_key_exists($domKey, $gimp)) { if(is_array($domVal) && is_array($gimp[$domKey])) { $gimp[$domKey] = sugarArrayMergeRecursive($gimp[$domKey], $domVal); } else { $gimp[$domKey] = $domVal; } } else { $gimp[$domKey] = $domVal; } } } // if the passed value for gimp isn't an array, then return the $dom elseif(is_array($dom)) return $dom; return $gimp; } /** * finds the correctly working versions of PHP-JSON * @return bool True if NOT found or WRONG version */ function returnPhpJsonStatus() { if(function_exists('json_encode')) { $phpInfo = getPhpInfo(8); return version_compare($phpInfo['json']['json version'], '1.1.1', '<'); } return true; // not found } /** * getTrackerSubstring * * Returns a [number]-char or less string for the Tracker to display in the header * based on the tracker_max_display_length setting in config.php. If not set, * or invalid length, then defaults to 15 for COM editions, 30 for others. * * @param string name field for a given Object * @return string [number]-char formatted string if length of string exceeds the max allowed */ function getTrackerSubstring($name) { static $max_tracker_item_length; //Trim the name $name = html_entity_decode($name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $strlen = function_exists('mb_strlen') ? mb_strlen($name) : strlen($name); global $sugar_config; if(!isset($max_tracker_item_length)) { if(isset($sugar_config['tracker_max_display_length'])) { $max_tracker_item_length = (is_int($sugar_config['tracker_max_display_length']) && $sugar_config['tracker_max_display_length'] > 0 && $sugar_config['tracker_max_display_length'] < 50) ? $sugar_config['tracker_max_display_length'] : 15; } else { $max_tracker_item_length = 15; } } if($strlen > $max_tracker_item_length) { $chopped = function_exists('mb_substr') ? mb_substr($name, 0, $max_tracker_item_length, "UTF-8") : substr($name, 0, $max_tracker_item_length); } else { $chopped = $name; } return $chopped; } function generate_search_where ($field_list=array(),$values=array(),&$bean,$add_custom_fields=false,$module='') { $where_clauses= array(); $like_char='%'; $table_name=$bean->object_name; foreach ($field_list[$module] as $field=>$parms) { if(isset($values[$field]) && $values[$field] != "") { $operator='like'; if (!empty($parms['operator'])) { $operator=$parms['operator']; } if (is_array($values[$field])) { $operator='in'; $field_value=''; foreach ($values[$field] as $key => $val) { if ($val != ' ' and $val != '') { if (!empty($field_value)) { $field_value.=','; } $field_value .= "'".$GLOBALS['db']->quote($val)."'"; } } } else { $field_value=$GLOBALS['db']->quote($values[$field]); } //set db_fields array. if (!isset($parms['db_field']) ) { $parms['db_field'] = array($field); } if (isset($parms['my_items']) and $parms['my_items'] == true) { global $current_user; $field_value = $GLOBALS['db']->quote($current_user->id); $operator='='; } $where=''; $itr=0; if ($field_value != '') { foreach ($parms['db_field'] as $db_field) { if (strstr($db_field,'.')===false) { $db_field=$bean->table_name.".".$db_field; } if ($GLOBALS['db']->supports('case_sensitive') && isset($parms['query_type']) && $parms['query_type']=='case_insensitive') { $db_field='upper('.$db_field.")"; $field_value=strtoupper($field_value); } $itr++; if (!empty($where)) { $where .= " OR "; } switch (strtolower($operator)) { case 'like' : $where .= $db_field . " like '".$field_value.$like_char."'"; break; case 'in': $where .= $db_field . " in (".$field_value.')'; break; case '=': $where .= $db_field . " = '".$field_value ."'"; break; } } } if (!empty($where)) { if ($itr>1) { array_push($where_clauses, '( '.$where.' )'); } else { array_push($where_clauses, $where); } } } } if ($add_custom_fields) { require_once('modules/DynamicFields/DynamicField.php'); $bean->setupCustomFields($module); $bean->custom_fields->setWhereClauses($where_clauses); } return $where_clauses; } function add_quotes($str) { return "'{$str}'"; } /** * This function will rebuild the config file * @param $sugar_config * @param $sugar_version * @return bool true if successful */ function rebuildConfigFile($sugar_config, $sugar_version) { // add defaults to missing values of in-memory sugar_config $sugar_config = sugarArrayMerge(get_sugar_config_defaults(), $sugar_config ); // need to override version with default no matter what $sugar_config['sugar_version'] = $sugar_version; ksort( $sugar_config ); if( write_array_to_file( "sugar_config", $sugar_config, "config.php" ) ){ return true; } else { return false; } } /** * getJavascriptSiteURL * This function returns a URL for the client javascript calls to access * the site. It uses $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] in the event that Proxy servers * are used to access the site. Thus, the hostname in the URL returned may * not always match that of $sugar_config['site_url']. Basically, the * assumption is that however the user accessed the website is how they * will continue to with subsequent javascript requests. If the variable * $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] is not found then we default to old algorithm. * @return $site_url The url used to refer to the website */ function getJavascriptSiteURL() { global $sugar_config; if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $replacement_url = $url['scheme']."://".$url['host']; if(!empty($url['port'])) $replacement_url .= ':'.$url['port']; $site_url = preg_replace('/^http[s]?\:\/\/[^\/]+/',$replacement_url,$sugar_config['site_url']); } else { $site_url = preg_replace('/^http(s)?\:\/\/[^\/]+/',"http$1://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],$sugar_config['site_url']); if(!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) &&$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '443') { $site_url = preg_replace('/^http\:/','https:',$site_url); } } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("getJavascriptSiteURL(), site_url=". $site_url); return $site_url; } // works nicely with array_map() -- can be used to wrap single quotes around each element in an array function add_squotes($str) { return "'" . $str . "'"; } // recursive function to count the number of levels within an array function array_depth($array, $depth_count=-1, $depth_array=array()){ $depth_count++; if (is_array($array)){ foreach ($array as $key => $value){ $depth_array[] = array_depth($value, $depth_count); } } else{ return $depth_count; } foreach ($depth_array as $value){ $depth_count = $value > $depth_count ? $value : $depth_count; } return $depth_count; } /** * Creates a new Group User * @param string $name Name of Group User * @return string GUID of new Group User */ function createGroupUser($name) { $group = new User(); $group->user_name = $name; $group->last_name = $name; $group->is_group = 1; $group->deleted = 0; $group->status = 'Active'; // cn: bug 6711 $group->setPreference('timezone', TimeDate::userTimezone()); $group->save(); return $group->id; } /* * Helper function to locate an icon file given only a name * Searches through the various paths for the file * @param string iconFileName The filename of the icon * @return string Relative pathname of the located icon, or '' if not found */ function _getIcon($iconFileName) { $iconName = "icon_{$iconFileName}.gif"; $iconFound = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL($iconName,false); //First try un-ucfirst-ing the icon name if ( empty($iconFound) ) $iconName = "icon_" . strtolower(substr($iconFileName,0,1)).substr($iconFileName,1) . ".gif"; $iconFound = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL($iconName,false); //Next try removing the icon prefix if ( empty($iconFound) ) $iconName = "{$iconFileName}.gif"; $iconFound = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL($iconName,false); if ( empty($iconFound) ) $iconName = ''; return $iconName; } /** * Function to grab the correct icon image for Studio * @param string $iconFileName Name of the icon file * @param string $altfilename Name of a fallback icon file (displayed if the imagefilename doesn't exist) * @param string $width Width of image * @param string $height Height of image * @param string $align Alignment of image * @param string $alt Alt tag of image * @return string $string tag with corresponding image */ function getStudioIcon($iconFileName='', $altFileName='', $width='48', $height='48', $align='baseline', $alt='' ) { global $app_strings, $theme; $iconName = _getIcon($iconFileName); if(empty($iconName)){ $iconName = _getIcon($altFileName); if (empty($iconName)) { return $app_strings['LBL_NO_IMAGE']; } } return SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage($iconName, "align=\"$align\" border=\"0\"", $width, $height); } /** * Function to grab the correct icon image for Dashlets Dialog * @param string $filename Location of the icon file * @param string $module Name of the module to fall back onto if file does not exist * @param string $width Width of image * @param string $height Height of image * @param string $align Alignment of image * @param string $alt Alt tag of image * @return string $string tag with corresponding image */ function get_dashlets_dialog_icon($module='', $width='32', $height='32', $align='absmiddle',$alt=''){ global $app_strings, $theme; $iconName = _getIcon($module . "_32"); if (empty($iconName)) { $iconName = _getIcon($module); } if(empty($iconName)){ return $app_strings['LBL_NO_IMAGE']; } return SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage($iconName, "align=\"$align\" border=\"0\"", $width, $height); } // works nicely to change UTF8 strings that are html entities - good for PDF conversions function html_entity_decode_utf8($string) { static $trans_tbl; // replace numeric entities //php will have issues with numbers with leading zeros, so do not include them in what we send to code2utf. $string = preg_replace('~�*([0-9a-f]+);~ei', 'code2utf(hexdec("\\1"))', $string); $string = preg_replace('~�*([0-9]+);~e', 'code2utf(\\1)', $string); // replace literal entities if (!isset($trans_tbl)) { $trans_tbl = array(); foreach (get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES) as $val=>$key) $trans_tbl[$key] = utf8_encode($val); } return strtr($string, $trans_tbl); } // Returns the utf string corresponding to the unicode value function code2utf($num) { if ($num < 128) return chr($num); if ($num < 2048) return chr(($num >> 6) + 192) . chr(($num & 63) + 128); if ($num < 65536) return chr(($num >> 12) + 224) . chr((($num >> 6) & 63) + 128) . chr(($num & 63) + 128); if ($num < 2097152) return chr(($num >> 18) + 240) . chr((($num >> 12) & 63) + 128) . chr((($num >> 6) & 63) + 128) . chr(($num & 63) + 128); return ''; } function str_split_php4($string, $length = 1) { $string_length = strlen($string); $return = array(); $cursor = 0; if ($length > $string_length) { // use the string_length as the string is shorter than the length $length = $string_length; } for ($cursor = 0; $cursor < $string_length; $cursor = $cursor + $length) { $return[] = substr($string, $cursor, $length); } return $return; } if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '<')) { function str_split($string, $length = 1) { return str_split_php4($string, $length); } } /* * @deprecated use DBManagerFactory::isFreeTDS */ function is_freetds() { return DBManagerFactory::isFreeTDS(); } /** * Chart dashlet helper function that returns the correct CSS file, dependent on the current theme. * * @todo this won't work completely right until we impliment css compression and combination * for now, we'll just include the last css file found. * * @return chart.css file to use */ function chartStyle() { return SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getCSSURL('chart.css'); } /** * Chart dashlet helper functions that returns the correct XML color file for charts, * dependent on the current theme. * * @return sugarColors.xml to use */ function chartColors() { if (SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getCSSURL('sugarColors.xml')=='') return SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('sugarColors.xml'); return SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getCSSURL('sugarColors.xml'); } /* End Chart Dashlet helper functions */ /** * This function is designed to set up the php enviroment * for AJAX requests. */ function ajaxInit() { ini_set('display_errors', 'false'); } /** * Returns an absolute path from the given path, determining if it is relative or absolute * * @param string $path * @return string */ function getAbsolutePath( $path, $currentServer = false ) { $path = trim($path); // try to match absolute paths like \\server\share, /directory or c:\ if ( ( substr($path,0,2) == '\\\\' ) || ( $path[0] == '/' ) || preg_match('/^[A-z]:/i',$path) || $currentServer ) return $path; return getcwd().'/'.$path; } /** * Returns the bean object of the given module * * @deprecated use SugarModule::loadBean() instead * @param string $module * @return object */ function loadBean( $module ) { return SugarModule::get($module)->loadBean(); } /** * Returns true if the application is being accessed on a touch screen interface ( like an iPad ) */ function isTouchScreen() { $ua = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? "undefined" : strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // first check if we have forced use of the touch enhanced interface if ( isset($_COOKIE['touchscreen']) && $_COOKIE['touchscreen'] == '1' ) { return true; } // next check if we should use the touch interface with our device if ( strpos($ua, 'ipad') !== false ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns the shortcut keys to access the shortcut links. Shortcut * keys vary depending on browser versions and operating systems. * @return String value of the shortcut keys */ function get_alt_hot_key() { $ua = ''; if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ) $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $isMac = strpos($ua, 'mac') !== false; $isLinux = strpos($ua, 'linux') !== false; if(!$isMac && !$isLinux && strpos($ua, 'mozilla') !== false) { if(preg_match('/firefox\/(\d)?\./', $ua, $matches)) { return $matches[1] < 2 ? 'Alt+' : 'Alt+Shift+'; } } return $isMac ? 'Ctrl+' : 'Alt+'; } function can_start_session(){ if(!empty($_GET['PHPSESSID'])) { return true; } $session_id = session_id(); return empty($session_id) ? true : false; } function load_link_class($properties){ $class = 'Link2'; if(!empty($properties['link_class']) && !empty($properties['link_file'])){ require_once($properties['link_file']); $class = $properties['link_class']; } return $class; } function inDeveloperMode() { return isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['developerMode']) && $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['developerMode']; } /** * Filter the protocol list for inbound email accounts. * * @param array $protocol */ function filterInboundEmailPopSelection($protocol) { if ( !isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['allow_pop_inbound']) || ! $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['allow_pop_inbound'] ) { if( isset($protocol['pop3']) ) unset($protocol['pop3']); } else $protocol['pop3'] = 'POP3'; return $protocol; } /** * The function is used because currently we are not supporting mbstring.func_overload * For some user using mssql without FreeTDS, they may store multibyte charaters in varchar using latin_general collation. It cannot store so many mutilbyte characters, so we need to use strlen. * The varchar in MySQL, Orcale, and nvarchar in FreeTDS, we can store $length mutilbyte charaters in it. we need mb_substr to keep more info. * @returns the substred strings. */ function sugar_substr($string, $length, $charset='UTF-8') { if(mb_strlen($string,$charset) > $length) { $string = trim(mb_substr(trim($string),0,$length,$charset)); } return $string; } /** * The function is used because on FastCGI enviroment, the ucfirst(Chinese Characters) will produce bad charcters. * This will work even without setting the mbstring.*encoding */ function sugar_ucfirst($string, $charset='UTF-8') { return mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($string, 0, 1, $charset), $charset) . mb_substr($string, 1, mb_strlen($string), $charset); } /** * */ function unencodeMultienum($string) { if (is_array($string)) { return $string; } if (substr($string, 0 ,1) == "^" && substr($string, -1) == "^") { $string = substr(substr($string, 1), 0, strlen($string) -2); } return explode('^,^', $string); } function encodeMultienumValue($arr) { if (!is_array($arr)) return $arr; if (empty($arr)) return ""; $string = "^" . implode('^,^', $arr) . "^"; return $string; } /** * create_export_query is used for export and massupdate * We haven't handle the these fields: $field['type'] == 'relate' && isset($field['link'] * This function will correct the where clause and output necessary join condition for them * @param $module: the module name * @param $searchFields: searchFields which is got after $searchForm->populateFromArray() * @param $where: where clauses * @return $ret_array['where']: corrected where clause * @return $ret_array['join']: extra join condition */ function create_export_query_relate_link_patch($module, $searchFields, $where){ if(file_exists('modules/'.$module.'/SearchForm.html')){ $ret_array['where'] = $where; return $ret_array; } $seed = loadBean($module); foreach($seed->field_defs as $name=>$field) { if( $field['type'] == 'relate' && isset($field['link']) && !empty($searchFields[$name]['value']) ){ $seed->load_relationship($field['link']); $params = array(); if(empty($join_type)) { $params['join_type'] = ' LEFT JOIN '; } else { $params['join_type'] = $join_type; } if(isset($data['join_name'])) { $params['join_table_alias'] = $field['join_name']; } else { $params['join_table_alias'] = 'join_'.$field['name']; } if(isset($data['join_link_name'])) { $params['join_table_link_alias'] = $field['join_link_name']; } else { $params['join_table_link_alias'] = 'join_link_'.$field['name']; } $join = $seed->$field['link']->getJoin($params, true); $join_table_alias = 'join_'.$field['name']; if(isset($field['db_concat_fields'])){ $db_field = db_concat($join_table_alias, $field['db_concat_fields']); $where = preg_replace('/'.$field['name'].'/', $db_field, $where); }else{ $where = preg_replace('/(^|[\s(])' . $field['name'] . '/', '${1}' . $join_table_alias . '.'.$field['rname'], $where); } } } $ret_array = array('where'=>$where, 'join'=>$join['join']); return $ret_array; } /** * We need to clear all the js cache files, including the js language files in serval places in MB. So I extract them into a util function here. * @Depends on QuickRepairAndRebuild.php * @Relate bug 30642 ,23177 */ function clearAllJsAndJsLangFilesWithoutOutput(){ global $current_language , $mod_strings; $MBmodStrings = $mod_strings; $mod_strings = return_module_language ( $current_language, 'Administration' ) ; include_once ('modules/Administration/QuickRepairAndRebuild.php') ; $repair = new RepairAndClear(); $repair->module_list = array(); $repair->show_output = false; $repair->clearJsLangFiles(); $repair->clearJsFiles(); $mod_strings = $MBmodStrings; } /** * This function will allow you to get a variable value from query string */ function getVariableFromQueryString($variable, $string){ $matches = array(); $number = preg_match("/{$variable}=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)[&]?/", $string, $matches); if($number){ return $matches[1]; } else{ return false; } } /** * should_hide_iframes * This is a helper method to determine whether or not to show iframes (My Sites) related * information in the application. * * @return boolean flag indicating whether or not iframes module should be hidden */ function should_hide_iframes() { //Remove the MySites module if(file_exists('modules/iFrames/iFrame.php')) { if(!class_exists("iFrame")) { require_once('modules/iFrames/iFrame.php'); } return false; } return true; } /** * Given a version such as 5.5.0RC1 return RC. If we have a version such as: 5.5 then return GA * * @param string $version * @return string RC, BETA, GA */ function getVersionStatus($version){ if(preg_match('/^[\d\.]+?([a-zA-Z]+?)[\d]*?$/si', $version, $matches)) { return strtoupper($matches[1]); }else{ return 'GA'; } } /** * Return the numeric portion of a version. For example if passed 5.5.0RC1 then return 5.5. If given * 5.5.1RC1 then return 5.5.1 * * @param string $version * @return version */ function getMajorMinorVersion($version){ if(preg_match('/^([\d\.]+).*$/si', $version, $matches2)){ $version = $matches2[1]; $arr = explode('.', $version); if(count($arr) > 2){ if($arr[2] == '0'){ $version = substr($version, 0, 3); } } } return $version; } /** * Return string composed of seconds & microseconds of current time, without dots * @return string */ function sugar_microtime() { $now = explode(' ', microtime()); $unique_id = $now[1].str_replace('.', '', $now[0]); return $unique_id; } /** * Extract urls from a piece of text * @param $string * @return array of urls found in $string */ function getUrls($string) { $lines = explode("
", trim($string)); $urls = array(); foreach($lines as $line){ $regex = '/http?\:\/\/[^\" ]+/i'; preg_match_all($regex, $line, $matches); foreach($matches[0] as $match){ $urls[] = $match; } } return $urls; } /** * Sanitize image file from hostile content * @param string $path Image file * @param bool $jpeg Accept only JPEGs? */ function verify_image_file($path, $jpeg = false) { if(function_exists('imagepng') && function_exists('imagejpeg') && function_exists('imagecreatefromstring')) { $img = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($path)); if(!$img) { return false; } $img_size = getimagesize($path); $filetype = $img_size['mime']; //if filetype is jpeg or if we are only allowing jpegs, create jpg image if($filetype == "image/jpeg" || $jpeg) { ob_start(); imagejpeg($img); $image = ob_get_clean(); // not writing directly because imagejpeg does not work with streams if(file_put_contents($path, $image)) { return true; } } elseif ($filetype == "image/png") { // else if the filetype is png, create png imagealphablending($img, true); imagesavealpha($img, true); ob_start(); imagepng($img); $image = ob_get_clean(); if(file_put_contents($path, $image)) { return true; } } else { return false; } } else { // check image manually $fp = fopen($path, "r"); if(!$fp) return false; $data = fread($fp, 4096); fclose($fp); if(preg_match("/<(html|!doctype|script|body|head|plaintext|table|img |pre(>| )|frameset|iframe|object|link|base|style|font|applet|meta|center|form|isindex)/i", $data, $m)) { $GLOBALS['log']->info("Found {$m[0]} in $path, not allowing upload"); return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * Verify uploaded image * Verifies that image has proper extension, MIME type and doesn't contain hostile contant * @param string $path Image path * @param bool $jpeg_only Accept only JPEGs? */ function verify_uploaded_image($path, $jpeg_only = false) { $supportedExtensions = array('jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg'); if(!$jpeg_only) { $supportedExtensions['png'] = 'image/png'; } if(!file_exists($path) || !is_file($path)) { return false; } $img_size = getimagesize($path); $filetype = $img_size['mime']; $ext = end(explode(".", $path)); if(substr_count('..', $path) > 0 || ($ext !== $path && !in_array(strtolower($ext), array_keys($supportedExtensions))) || !in_array($filetype, array_values($supportedExtensions))) { return false; } return verify_image_file($path, $jpeg_only); } function cmp_beans($a, $b) { global $sugar_web_service_order_by; //If the order_by field is not valid, return 0; if (empty($sugar_web_service_order_by) || !isset($a->$sugar_web_service_order_by) || !isset($b->$sugar_web_service_order_by)){ return 0; } if (is_object($a->$sugar_web_service_order_by) || is_object($b->$sugar_web_service_order_by) || is_array($a->$sugar_web_service_order_by) || is_array($b->$sugar_web_service_order_by)) { return 0; } if ($a->$sugar_web_service_order_by < $b->$sugar_web_service_order_by) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } function order_beans($beans, $field_name) { //Since php 5.2 doesn't include closures, we must use a global to pass the order field to cmp_beans. global $sugar_web_service_order_by; $sugar_web_service_order_by = $field_name; usort($beans, "cmp_beans"); return $beans; } /** * Return search like string * This function takes a user input string and returns a string that contains wild card(s) that can be used in db query. * @param string $str string to be searched * @param string $like_char Database like character, usually '%' * @return string Returns a string to be searched in db query */ function sql_like_string($str, $like_char, $wildcard = '%', $appendWildcard = true) { // override default wildcard character if (isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['search_wildcard_char']) && strlen($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['search_wildcard_char']) == 1) { $wildcard = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['search_wildcard_char']; } // add wildcard at the beginning of the search string if (isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['search_wildcard_infront']) && $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['search_wildcard_infront'] == true) { if (substr($str,0,1) <> $wildcard) $str = $wildcard.$str; } // add wildcard at the end of search string (default) if ($appendWildcard) { if(substr($str,-1) <> $wildcard) { $str .= $wildcard; } } return str_replace($wildcard, $like_char, $str); } //check to see if custom utils exists if(file_exists('custom/include/custom_utils.php')){ include_once('custom/include/custom_utils.php'); } //check to see if custom utils exists in Extension framework if(file_exists('custom/application/Ext/Utils/custom_utils.ext.php')) { include_once('custom/application/Ext/Utils/custom_utils.ext.php'); } /** * @param $input - the input string to sanitize * @param int $quotes - use quotes * @param string $charset - the default charset * @param bool $remove - strip tags or not * @return string - the sanitized string */ function sanitize($input, $quotes = ENT_QUOTES, $charset = 'UTF-8', $remove = false) { return htmlentities($input, $quotes, $charset); } /** * @return string - the full text search engine name */ function getFTSEngineType() { if (isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['full_text_engine']) && is_array($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['full_text_engine'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['full_text_engine'] as $name => $defs) { return $name; } } return ''; } /** * @param string $optionName - name of the option to be retrieved from app_list_strings * @return array - the array to be used in option element */ function getFTSBoostOptions($optionName) { if (isset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$optionName])) { return $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$optionName]; } else { return array(); } } /** * utf8_recursive_encode * * This function walks through an Array and recursively calls utf8_encode on the * values of each of the elements. * * @param $data Array of data to encode * @return utf8 encoded Array data */ function utf8_recursive_encode($data) { $result = array(); foreach($data as $key=>$val) { if(is_array($val)) { $result[$key] = utf8_recursive_encode($val); } else { $result[$key] = utf8_encode($val); } } return $result; } /** * get_language_header * * This is a utility function for 508 Compliance. It returns the lang=[Current Language] text string used * inside the tag. If no current language is specified, it defaults to lang='en'. * * @return String The lang=[Current Language] markup to insert into the tag */ function get_language_header() { return isset($GLOBALS['current_language']) ? "lang='{$GLOBALS['current_language']}'" : "lang='en'"; } /** * get_custom_file_if_exists * * This function handles the repetitive code we have where we first check if a file exists in the * custom directory to determine whether we should load it, require it, include it, etc. This function returns the * path of the custom file if it exists. It basically checks if custom/{$file} exists and returns this path if so; * otherwise it return $file * * @param $file String of filename to check * @return $file String of filename including custom directory if found */ function get_custom_file_if_exists($file) { return file_exists("custom/{$file}") ? "custom/{$file}" : $file; } /** * get_help_url * * This will return the URL used to redirect the user to the help documentation. * It can be overriden completely by setting the custom_help_url or partially by setting the custom_help_base_url * in config.php or config_override.php. * * @param string $send_edition * @param string $send_version * @param string $send_lang * @param string $send_module * @param string $send_action * @param string $dev_status * @param string $send_key * @param string $send_anchor * @return string the completed help URL */ function get_help_url($send_edition = '', $send_version = '', $send_lang = '', $send_module = '', $send_action = '', $dev_status = '', $send_key = '', $send_anchor = '') { global $sugar_config; if (!empty($sugar_config['custom_help_url'])) { $sendUrl = $sugar_config['custom_help_url']; } else { if (!empty($sugar_config['custom_help_base_url'])) { $baseUrl= $sugar_config['custom_help_base_url']; } else { $baseUrl = "http://www.sugarcrm.com/crm/product_doc.php"; } $sendUrl = $baseUrl . "?edition={$send_edition}&version={$send_version}&lang={$send_lang}&module={$send_module}&help_action={$send_action}&status={$dev_status}&key={$send_key}"; if(!empty($send_anchor)) { $sendUrl .= "&anchor=".$send_anchor; } } return $sendUrl; } /** * generateETagHeader * * This function generates the necessary cache headers for using ETags with dynamic content. You * simply have to generate the ETag, pass it in, and the function handles the rest. * * @param string $etag ETag to use for this content. */ function generateETagHeader($etag){ header("cache-control:"); header('Expires: '); header("ETag: " . $etag); header("Pragma:"); if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"])){ if($etag == $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"]){ ob_clean(); header("Status: 304 Not Modified"); header("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified"); die(); } } }