/* Copyright (c) 2010, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html version: 3.3.0 build: 3167 */ YUI.add('frame', function(Y) { /** * Creates a wrapper around an iframe. It loads the content either from a local * file or from script and creates a local YUI instance bound to that new window and document. * @module editor * @submodule frame */ /** * Creates a wrapper around an iframe. It loads the content either from a local * file or from script and creates a local YUI instance bound to that new window and document. * @class Frame * @for Frame * @extends Base * @constructor */ var Frame = function() { Frame.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; Y.extend(Frame, Y.Base, { /** * @private * @property _ready * @description Internal reference set when the content is ready. * @type Boolean */ _ready: null, /** * @private * @property _rendered * @description Internal reference set when render is called. * @type Boolean */ _rendered: null, /** * @private * @property _iframe * @description Internal Node reference to the iFrame or the window * @type Node */ _iframe: null, /** * @private * @property _instance * @description Internal reference to the YUI instance bound to the iFrame or window * @type YUI */ _instance: null, /** * @private * @method _create * @description Create the iframe or Window and get references to the Document & Window * @return {Object} Hash table containing references to the new Document & Window */ _create: function(cb) { var win, doc, res, node; this._iframe = Y.Node.create(Frame.HTML); this._iframe.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden'); this._iframe.set('src', this.get('src')); this.get('container').append(this._iframe); this._iframe.set('height', '99%'); var html = '', extra_css = ((this.get('extracss')) ? '' : ''); html = Y.substitute(Frame.PAGE_HTML, { DIR: this.get('dir'), LANG: this.get('lang'), TITLE: this.get('title'), META: Frame.META, LINKED_CSS: this.get('linkedcss'), CONTENT: this.get('content'), BASE_HREF: this.get('basehref'), DEFAULT_CSS: Frame.DEFAULT_CSS, EXTRA_CSS: extra_css }); if (Y.config.doc.compatMode != 'BackCompat') { //html = Frame.DOC_TYPE + "\n" + html; html = Frame.getDocType() + "\n" + html; } else { } res = this._resolveWinDoc(); res.doc.open(); res.doc.write(html); res.doc.close(); if (this.get('designMode')) { res.doc.designMode = 'on'; } if (!res.doc.documentElement) { var timer = Y.later(1, this, function() { if (res.doc && res.doc.documentElement) { cb(res); timer.cancel(); } }, null, true); } else { cb(res); } }, /** * @private * @method _resolveWinDoc * @description Resolves the document and window from an iframe or window instance * @param {Object} c The YUI Config to add the window and document to * @return {Object} Object hash of window and document references, if a YUI config was passed, it is returned. */ _resolveWinDoc: function(c) { var config = (c) ? c : {}; config.win = Y.Node.getDOMNode(this._iframe.get('contentWindow')); config.doc = Y.Node.getDOMNode(this._iframe.get('contentWindow.document')); if (!config.doc) { config.doc = Y.config.doc; } if (!config.win) { config.win = Y.config.win; } return config; }, /** * @private * @method _onDomEvent * @description Generic handler for all DOM events fired by the iframe or window. This handler * takes the current EventFacade and augments it to fire on the Frame host. It adds two new properties * to the EventFacade called frameX and frameY which adds the scroll and xy position of the iframe * to the original pageX and pageY of the event so external nodes can be positioned over the frame. * @param {Event.Facade} e */ _onDomEvent: function(e) { var xy, node; e.frameX = e.frameY = 0; if (e.pageX > 0 || e.pageY > 0) { if (e.type.substring(0, 3) !== 'key') { node = this._instance.one('win'); xy = this._iframe.getXY(); e.frameX = xy[0] + e.pageX - node.get('scrollLeft'); e.frameY = xy[1] + e.pageY - node.get('scrollTop'); } } e.frameTarget = e.target; e.frameCurrentTarget = e.currentTarget; e.frameEvent = e; this.fire('dom:' + e.type, e); }, initializer: function() { this.publish('ready', { emitFacade: true, defaultFn: this._defReadyFn }); }, destructor: function() { var inst = this.getInstance(); inst.one('doc').detachAll(); inst = null; this._iframe.remove(); }, /** * @private * @method _DOMPaste * @description Simple pass thru handler for the paste event so we can do content cleanup * @param {Event.Facade} e */ _DOMPaste: function(e) { var inst = this.getInstance(), data = '', win = inst.config.win; if (e._event.originalTarget) { data = e._event.originalTarget; } if (e._event.clipboardData) { data = e._event.clipboardData.getData('Text'); } if (win.clipboardData) { data = win.clipboardData.getData('Text'); if (data === '') { // Could be empty, or failed // Verify failure if (!win.clipboardData.setData('Text', data)) { data = null; } } } e.frameTarget = e.target; e.frameCurrentTarget = e.currentTarget; e.frameEvent = e; if (data) { e.clipboardData = { data: data, getData: function() { return data; } }; } else { e.clipboardData = null; } this.fire('dom:paste', e); }, /** * @private * @method _defReadyFn * @description Binds DOM events, sets the iframe to visible and fires the ready event */ _defReadyFn: function() { var inst = this.getInstance(), fn = Y.bind(this._onDomEvent, this), kfn = ((Y.UA.ie) ? Y.throttle(fn, 200) : fn); inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.activate = 1; inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.beforedeactivate = 1; inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.focusin = 1; inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.deactivate = 1; inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.focusout = 1; //Y.each(inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS, function(v, k) { Y.each(Frame.DOM_EVENTS, function(v, k) { if (v === 1) { if (k !== 'focus' && k !== 'blur' && k !== 'paste') { if (k.substring(0, 3) === 'key') { if (k === 'keydown') { inst.on(k, fn, inst.config.doc); } else { inst.on(k, kfn, inst.config.doc); } } else { inst.on(k, fn, inst.config.doc); } } } }, this); inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.paste = 1; inst.on('paste', Y.bind(this._DOMPaste, this), inst.one('body')); //Adding focus/blur to the window object inst.on('focus', fn, inst.config.win); inst.on('blur', fn, inst.config.win); inst._use = inst.use; inst.use = Y.bind(this.use, this); this._iframe.setStyles({ visibility: 'inherit' }); inst.one('body').setStyle('display', 'block'); if (Y.UA.ie) { this._fixIECursors(); } }, /** * It appears that having a BR tag anywhere in the source "below" a table with a percentage width (in IE 7 & 8) * if there is any TEXTINPUT's outside the iframe, the cursor will rapidly flickr and the CPU would occasionally * spike. This method finds all
's below the sourceIndex of the first table. Does some checks to see if they * can be modified and replaces then with a so the layout will remain in tact, but the flickering will * no longer happen. * @method _fixIECursors * @private */ _fixIECursors: function() { var inst = this.getInstance(), tables = inst.all('table'), brs = inst.all('br'), si; if (tables.size() && brs.size()) { //First Table si = tables.item(0).get('sourceIndex'); brs.each(function(n) { var p = n.get('parentNode'), c = p.get('children'), b = p.all('>br'); if (p.test('div')) { if (c.size() > 2) { n.replace(inst.Node.create('')); } else { if (n.get('sourceIndex') > si) { if (b.size()) { n.replace(inst.Node.create('')); } } else { if (b.size() > 1) { n.replace(inst.Node.create('')); } } } } }); } }, /** * @private * @method _onContentReady * @description Called once the content is available in the frame/window and calls the final use call * on the internal instance so that the modules are loaded properly. */ _onContentReady: function(e) { if (!this._ready) { this._ready = true; var inst = this.getInstance(), args = Y.clone(this.get('use')); this.fire('contentready'); if (e) { inst.config.doc = Y.Node.getDOMNode(e.target); } //TODO Circle around and deal with CSS loading... args.push(Y.bind(function() { if (inst.Selection) { inst.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG = this.get('defaultblock'); } this.fire('ready'); }, this)); inst.use.apply(inst, args); inst.one('doc').get('documentElement').addClass('yui-js-enabled'); } }, /** * @private * @method _resolveBaseHref * @description Resolves the basehref of the page the frame is created on. Only applies to dynamic content. * @param {String} href The new value to use, if empty it will be resolved from the current url. * @return {String} */ _resolveBaseHref: function(href) { if (!href || href === '') { href = Y.config.doc.location.href; if (href.indexOf('?') !== -1) { //Remove the query string href = href.substring(0, href.indexOf('?')); } href = href.substring(0, href.lastIndexOf('/')) + '/'; } return href; }, /** * @private * @method _getHTML * @description Get the content from the iframe * @param {String} html The raw HTML from the body of the iframe. * @return {String} */ _getHTML: function(html) { if (this._ready) { var inst = this.getInstance(); html = inst.one('body').get('innerHTML'); } return html; }, /** * @private * @method _setHTML * @description Set the content of the iframe * @param {String} html The raw HTML to set the body of the iframe to. * @return {String} */ _setHTML: function(html) { if (this._ready) { var inst = this.getInstance(); inst.one('body').set('innerHTML', html); } else { //This needs to be wrapped in a contentready callback for the !_ready state this.on('contentready', Y.bind(function(html, e) { var inst = this.getInstance(); inst.one('body').set('innerHTML', html); }, this, html)); } return html; }, /** * @private * @method _setLinkedCSS * @description Set's the linked CSS on the instance.. */ _getLinkedCSS: function(urls) { if (!Y.Lang.isArray(urls)) { urls = [urls]; } var str = ''; if (!this._ready) { Y.each(urls, function(v) { if (v !== '') { str += ''; } }); } else { str = urls; } return str; }, /** * @private * @method _setLinkedCSS * @description Set's the linked CSS on the instance.. */ _setLinkedCSS: function(css) { if (this._ready) { var inst = this.getInstance(); inst.Get.css(css); } return css; }, /** * @private * @method _setExtraCSS * @description Set's the extra CSS on the instance.. */ _setExtraCSS: function(css) { if (this._ready) { var inst = this.getInstance(), node = inst.get('#extra_css'); node.remove(); inst.one('head').append(''); } return css; }, /** * @private * @method _instanceLoaded * @description Called from the first YUI instance that sets up the internal instance. * This loads the content into the window/frame and attaches the contentready event. * @param {YUI} inst The internal YUI instance bound to the frame/window */ _instanceLoaded: function(inst) { this._instance = inst; this._onContentReady(); var doc = this._instance.config.doc; if (this.get('designMode')) { if (!Y.UA.ie) { try { //Force other browsers into non CSS styling doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, false); doc.execCommand('insertbronreturn', false, false); } catch (err) {} } } }, //BEGIN PUBLIC METHODS /** * @method use * @description This is a scoped version of the normal YUI.use method & is bound to this frame/window. * At setup, the inst.use method is mapped to this method. */ use: function() { var inst = this.getInstance(), args = Y.Array(arguments), cb = false; if (Y.Lang.isFunction(args[args.length - 1])) { cb = args.pop(); } if (cb) { args.push(function() { cb.apply(inst, arguments); }); } inst._use.apply(inst, args); }, /** * @method delegate * @description A delegate method passed to the instance's delegate method * @param {String} type The type of event to listen for * @param {Function} fn The method to attach * @param {String} cont The container to act as a delegate, if no "sel" passed, the body is assumed as the container. * @param {String} sel The selector to match in the event (optional) * @return {EventHandle} The Event handle returned from Y.delegate */ delegate: function(type, fn, cont, sel) { var inst = this.getInstance(); if (!inst) { return false; } if (!sel) { sel = cont; cont = 'body'; } return inst.delegate(type, fn, cont, sel); }, /** * @method getInstance * @description Get a reference to the internal YUI instance. * @return {YUI} The internal YUI instance */ getInstance: function() { return this._instance; }, /** * @method render * @description Render the iframe into the container config option or open the window. * @param {String/HTMLElement/Node} node The node to render to * @return {Y.Frame} * @chainable */ render: function(node) { if (this._rendered) { return this; } this._rendered = true; if (node) { this.set('container', node); } this._create(Y.bind(function(res) { var inst, timer, cb = Y.bind(function(i) { this._instanceLoaded(i); }, this), args = Y.clone(this.get('use')), config = { debug: false, win: res.win, doc: res.doc }, fn = Y.bind(function() { config = this._resolveWinDoc(config); inst = YUI(config); try { inst.use('node-base', cb); if (timer) { clearInterval(timer); } } catch (e) { timer = setInterval(function() { fn(); }, 350); } }, this); args.push(fn); Y.use.apply(Y, args); }, this)); return this; }, /** * @private * @method _handleFocus * @description Does some tricks on focus to set the proper cursor position. */ _handleFocus: function() { var inst = this.getInstance(), sel = new inst.Selection(); if (sel.anchorNode) { var n = sel.anchorNode, c = n.get('childNodes'); if (c.size() == 1) { if (c.item(0).test('br')) { sel.selectNode(n, true, false); } if (c.item(0).test('p')) { n = c.item(0).one('br.yui-cursor').get('parentNode'); sel.selectNode(n, true, false); } } } }, /** * @method focus * @description Set the focus to the iframe * @param {Function} fn Callback function to execute after focus happens * @return {Frame} * @chainable */ focus: function(fn) { if (Y.UA.ie) { try { Y.one('win').focus(); this.getInstance().one('win').focus(); } catch (ierr) { } if (fn === true) { this._handleFocus(); } if (Y.Lang.isFunction(fn)) { fn(); } } else { try { Y.one('win').focus(); Y.later(100, this, function() { this.getInstance().one('win').focus(); if (fn === true) { this._handleFocus(); } if (Y.Lang.isFunction(fn)) { fn(); } }); } catch (ferr) { } } return this; }, /** * @method show * @description Show the iframe instance * @return {Frame} * @chainable */ show: function() { this._iframe.setStyles({ position: 'static', left: '' }); if (Y.UA.gecko) { try { this._instance.config.doc.designMode = 'on'; } catch (e) { } this.focus(); } return this; }, /** * @method hide * @description Hide the iframe instance * @return {Frame} * @chainable */ hide: function() { this._iframe.setStyles({ position: 'absolute', left: '-999999px' }); return this; } }, { /** * @static * @property DOM_EVENTS * @description The DomEvents that the frame automatically attaches and bubbles * @type Object */ DOM_EVENTS: { dblclick: 1, click: 1, paste: 1, mouseup: 1, mousedown: 1, keyup: 1, keydown: 1, keypress: 1, activate: 1, deactivate: 1, beforedeactivate: 1, focusin: 1, focusout: 1 }, /** * @static * @property DEFAULT_CSS * @description The default css used when creating the document. * @type String */ //DEFAULT_CSS: 'html { height: 95%; } body { padding: 7px; background-color: #fff; font: 13px/1.22 arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;*font-size:small;*font:x-small; } a, a:visited, a:hover { color: blue !important; text-decoration: underline !important; cursor: text !important; } img { cursor: pointer !important; border: none; }', DEFAULT_CSS: 'body { background-color: #fff; font: 13px/1.22 arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;*font-size:small;*font:x-small; } a, a:visited, a:hover { color: blue !important; text-decoration: underline !important; cursor: text !important; } img { cursor: pointer !important; border: none; }', /** * @static * @property HTML * @description The template string used to create the iframe * @type String */ //HTML: '', HTML: '', /** * @static * @property PAGE_HTML * @description The template used to create the page when created dynamically. * @type String */ PAGE_HTML: '{TITLE}{META}{LINKED_CSS}{EXTRA_CSS}{CONTENT}', /** * @static * @method getDocType * @description Parses document.doctype and generates a DocType to match the parent page, if supported. * For IE8, it grabs document.all[0].nodeValue and uses that. For IE < 8, it falls back to Frame.DOC_TYPE. * @returns {String} The normalized DocType to apply to the iframe */ getDocType: function() { var dt = Y.config.doc.doctype, str = Frame.DOC_TYPE; if (dt) { str = ''; } else { if (Y.config.doc.all) { dt = Y.config.doc.all[0]; if (dt.nodeType) { if (dt.nodeType === 8) { if (dt.nodeValue) { if (dt.nodeValue.toLowerCase().indexOf('doctype') !== -1) { str = ''; } } } } } } return str; }, /** * @static * @property DOC_TYPE * @description The DOCTYPE to prepend to the new document when created. Should match the one on the page being served. * @type String */ DOC_TYPE: '', /** * @static * @property META * @description The meta-tag for Content-Type to add to the dynamic document * @type String */ //META: '', META: '', /** * @static * @property NAME * @description The name of the class (frame) * @type String */ NAME: 'frame', ATTRS: { /** * @attribute title * @description The title to give the blank page. * @type String */ title: { value: 'Blank Page' }, /** * @attribute dir * @description The default text direction for this new frame. Default: ltr * @type String */ dir: { value: 'ltr' }, /** * @attribute lang * @description The default language. Default: en-US * @type String */ lang: { value: 'en-US' }, /** * @attribute src * @description The src of the iframe/window. Defaults to javascript:; * @type String */ src: { //Hackish, IE needs the false in the Javascript URL value: 'javascript' + ((Y.UA.ie) ? ':false' : ':') + ';' }, /** * @attribute designMode * @description Should designMode be turned on after creation. * @writeonce * @type Boolean */ designMode: { writeOnce: true, value: false }, /** * @attribute content * @description The string to inject into the body of the new frame/window. * @type String */ content: { value: '
', setter: '_setHTML', getter: '_getHTML' }, /** * @attribute basehref * @description The base href to use in the iframe. * @type String */ basehref: { value: false, getter: '_resolveBaseHref' }, /** * @attribute use * @description Array of modules to include in the scoped YUI instance at render time. Default: ['none', 'selector-css2'] * @writeonce * @type Array */ use: { writeOnce: true, value: ['substitute', 'node', 'node-style', 'selector-css3'] }, /** * @attribute container * @description The container to append the iFrame to on render. * @type String/HTMLElement/Node */ container: { value: 'body', setter: function(n) { return Y.one(n); } }, /** * @attribute node * @description The Node instance of the iframe. * @type Node */ node: { readOnly: true, value: null, getter: function() { return this._iframe; } }, /** * @attribute id * @description Set the id of the new Node. (optional) * @type String * @writeonce */ id: { writeOnce: true, getter: function(id) { if (!id) { id = 'iframe-' + Y.guid(); } return id; } }, /** * @attribute linkedcss * @description An array of url's to external linked style sheets * @type String */ linkedcss: { value: '', getter: '_getLinkedCSS', setter: '_setLinkedCSS' }, /** * @attribute extracss * @description A string of CSS to add to the Head of the Editor * @type String */ extracss: { value: '', setter: '_setExtraCSS' }, /** * @attribute host * @description A reference to the Editor instance * @type Object */ host: { value: false }, /** * @attribute defaultblock * @description The default tag to use for block level items, defaults to: p * @type String */ defaultblock: { value: 'p' } } }); Y.Frame = Frame; }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['base', 'node', 'selector-css3', 'substitute'], skinnable:false}); YUI.add('selection', function(Y) { /** * Wraps some common Selection/Range functionality into a simple object * @module editor * @submodule selection */ /** * Wraps some common Selection/Range functionality into a simple object * @class Selection * @for Selection * @constructor */ //TODO This shouldn't be there, Y.Node doesn't normalize getting textnode content. var textContent = 'textContent', INNER_HTML = 'innerHTML', FONT_FAMILY = 'fontFamily'; if (Y.UA.ie) { textContent = 'nodeValue'; } Y.Selection = function(domEvent) { var sel, par, ieNode, nodes, rng, i; if (Y.config.win.getSelection) { sel = Y.config.win.getSelection(); } else if (Y.config.doc.selection) { sel = Y.config.doc.selection.createRange(); } this._selection = sel; if (sel.pasteHTML) { this.isCollapsed = (sel.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', sel)) ? false : true; if (this.isCollapsed) { this.anchorNode = this.focusNode = Y.one(sel.parentElement()); if (domEvent) { ieNode = Y.config.doc.elementFromPoint(domEvent.clientX, domEvent.clientY); } if (!ieNode) { par = sel.parentElement(); nodes = par.childNodes; rng = sel.duplicate(); for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { //This causes IE to not allow a selection on a doubleclick //rng.select(nodes[i]); if (rng.inRange(sel)) { if (!ieNode) { ieNode = nodes[i]; } } } } this.ieNode = ieNode; if (ieNode) { if (ieNode.nodeType !== 3) { if (ieNode.firstChild) { ieNode = ieNode.firstChild; } if (ieNode && ieNode.tagName && ieNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'body') { if (ieNode.firstChild) { ieNode = ieNode.firstChild; } } } this.anchorNode = this.focusNode = Y.Selection.resolve(ieNode); this.anchorOffset = this.focusOffset = (this.anchorNode.nodeValue) ? this.anchorNode.nodeValue.length : 0 ; this.anchorTextNode = this.focusTextNode = Y.one(ieNode); } } else { //This helps IE deal with a selection and nodeChange events if (sel.htmlText) { var n = Y.Node.create(sel.htmlText); if (n.get('id')) { var id = n.get('id'); this.anchorNode = this.focusNode = Y.one('#' + id); } else { n = n.get('childNodes'); this.anchorNode = this.focusNode = n.item(0); } } } //var self = this; //debugger; } else { this.isCollapsed = sel.isCollapsed; this.anchorNode = Y.Selection.resolve(sel.anchorNode); this.focusNode = Y.Selection.resolve(sel.focusNode); this.anchorOffset = sel.anchorOffset; this.focusOffset = sel.focusOffset; this.anchorTextNode = Y.one(sel.anchorNode); this.focusTextNode = Y.one(sel.focusNode); } if (Y.Lang.isString(sel.text)) { this.text = sel.text; } else { if (sel.toString) { this.text = sel.toString(); } else { this.text = ''; } } }; /** * Performs a prefilter on all nodes in the editor. Looks for nodes with a style: fontFamily or font face * It then creates a dynamic class assigns it and removed the property. This is so that we don't lose * the fontFamily when selecting nodes. * @static * @method filter */ Y.Selection.filter = function(blocks) { var startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var nodes = Y.all(Y.Selection.ALL), baseNodes = Y.all('strong,em'), doc = Y.config.doc, hrs = doc.getElementsByTagName('hr'), classNames = {}, cssString = '', ls; var startTime1 = (new Date()).getTime(); nodes.each(function(n) { var raw = Y.Node.getDOMNode(n); if (raw.style[FONT_FAMILY]) { classNames['.' + n._yuid] = raw.style[FONT_FAMILY]; n.addClass(n._yuid); raw.style[FONT_FAMILY] = 'inherit'; raw.removeAttribute('face'); if (raw.getAttribute('style') === '') { raw.removeAttribute('style'); } //This is for IE if (raw.getAttribute('style')) { if (raw.getAttribute('style').toLowerCase() === 'font-family: ') { raw.removeAttribute('style'); } } } /* if (n.getStyle(FONT_FAMILY)) { classNames['.' + n._yuid] = n.getStyle(FONT_FAMILY); n.addClass(n._yuid); n.removeAttribute('face'); n.setStyle(FONT_FAMILY, ''); if (n.getAttribute('style') === '') { n.removeAttribute('style'); } //This is for IE if (n.getAttribute('style').toLowerCase() === 'font-family: ') { n.removeAttribute('style'); } } */ }); var endTime1 = (new Date()).getTime(); Y.all('.hr').addClass('yui-skip').addClass('yui-non'); Y.each(hrs, function(hr) { var el = doc.createElement('div'); el.className = 'hr yui-non yui-skip'; el.setAttribute('readonly', true); el.setAttribute('contenteditable', false); //Keep it from being Edited if (hr.parentNode) { hr.parentNode.replaceChild(el, hr); } //Had to move to inline style. writes for ie's < 8. They don't render el.setAttribute('style'); var s = el.style; s.border = '1px solid #ccc'; s.lineHeight = '0'; s.fontSize = '0'; s.marginTop = '5px'; s.marginBottom = '5px'; s.marginLeft = '0px'; s.marginRight = '0px'; s.padding = '0'; }); Y.each(classNames, function(v, k) { cssString += k + ' { font-family: ' + v.replace(/"/gi, '') + '; }'; }); Y.StyleSheet(cssString, 'editor'); //Not sure about this one? baseNodes.each(function(n, k) { var t = n.get('tagName').toLowerCase(), newTag = 'i'; if (t === 'strong') { newTag = 'b'; } Y.Selection.prototype._swap(baseNodes.item(k), newTag); }); //Filter out all the empty UL/OL's ls = Y.all('ol,ul'); ls.each(function(v, k) { var lis = v.all('li'); if (!lis.size()) { v.remove(); } }); if (blocks) { Y.Selection.filterBlocks(); } var endTime = (new Date()).getTime(); }; /** * Method attempts to replace all "orphined" text nodes in the main body by wrapping them with a

. Called from filter. * @static * @method filterBlocks */ Y.Selection.filterBlocks = function() { var startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var childs = Y.config.doc.body.childNodes, i, node, wrapped = false, doit = true, sel, single, br, divs, spans, c, s; if (childs) { for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) { node = Y.one(childs[i]); if (!node.test(Y.Selection.BLOCKS)) { doit = true; if (childs[i].nodeType == 3) { c = childs[i][textContent].match(Y.Selection.REG_CHAR); s = childs[i][textContent].match(Y.Selection.REG_NON); if (c === null && s) { doit = false; } } if (doit) { if (!wrapped) { wrapped = []; } wrapped.push(childs[i]); } } else { wrapped = Y.Selection._wrapBlock(wrapped); } } wrapped = Y.Selection._wrapBlock(wrapped); } single = Y.all(Y.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG); if (single.size() === 1) { br = single.item(0).all('br'); if (br.size() === 1) { if (!br.item(0).test('.yui-cursor')) { br.item(0).remove(); } var html = single.item(0).get('innerHTML'); if (html === '' || html === ' ') { single.set('innerHTML', Y.Selection.CURSOR); sel = new Y.Selection(); sel.focusCursor(true, true); } } } else { single.each(function(p) { var html = p.get('innerHTML'); if (html === '') { p.remove(); } }); } if (!Y.UA.ie) { /* divs = Y.all('div, p'); divs.each(function(d) { if (d.hasClass('yui-non')) { return; } var html = d.get('innerHTML'); if (html === '') { d.remove(); } else { if (d.get('childNodes').size() == 1) { if (d.ancestor('p')) { d.replace(d.get('firstChild')); } } } });*/ /** Removed this, as it was causing Pasting to be funky in Safari spans = Y.all('.Apple-style-span, .apple-style-span'); spans.each(function(s) { s.setAttribute('style', ''); }); */ } var endTime = (new Date()).getTime(); }; /** * Regular Expression to determine if a string has a character in it * @static * @property REG_CHAR */ Y.Selection.REG_CHAR = /[a-zA-Z-0-9_]/gi; /** * Regular Expression to determine if a string has a non-character in it * @static * @property REG_NON */ Y.Selection.REG_NON = /[\s\S|\n|\t]/gi; /** * Regular Expression to remove all HTML from a string * @static * @property REG_NOHTML */ Y.Selection.REG_NOHTML = /<\S[^><]*>/g; /** * Wraps an array of elements in a Block level tag * @static * @private * @method _wrapBlock */ Y.Selection._wrapBlock = function(wrapped) { if (wrapped) { var newChild = Y.Node.create('<' + Y.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG + '>'), firstChild = Y.one(wrapped[0]), i; for (i = 1; i < wrapped.length; i++) { newChild.append(wrapped[i]); } firstChild.replace(newChild); newChild.prepend(firstChild); } return false; }; /** * Undoes what filter does enough to return the HTML from the Editor, then re-applies the filter. * @static * @method unfilter * @return {String} The filtered HTML */ Y.Selection.unfilter = function() { var nodes = Y.all('body [class]'), html = '', nons, ids, body = Y.one('body'); nodes.each(function(n) { if (n.hasClass(n._yuid)) { //One of ours n.setStyle(FONT_FAMILY, n.getStyle(FONT_FAMILY)); n.removeClass(n._yuid); if (n.getAttribute('class') === '') { n.removeAttribute('class'); } } }); nons = Y.all('.yui-non'); nons.each(function(n) { if (!n.hasClass('yui-skip') && n.get('innerHTML') === '') { n.remove(); } else { n.removeClass('yui-non').removeClass('yui-skip'); } }); ids = Y.all('body [id]'); ids.each(function(n) { if (n.get('id').indexOf('yui_3_') === 0) { n.removeAttribute('id'); n.removeAttribute('_yuid'); } }); if (body) { html = body.get('innerHTML'); } Y.all('.hr').addClass('yui-skip').addClass('yui-non'); /* nodes.each(function(n) { n.addClass(n._yuid); n.setStyle(FONT_FAMILY, ''); if (n.getAttribute('style') === '') { n.removeAttribute('style'); } }); */ return html; }; /** * Resolve a node from the selection object and return a Node instance * @static * @method resolve * @param {HTMLElement} n The HTMLElement to resolve. Might be a TextNode, gives parentNode. * @return {Node} The Resolved node */ Y.Selection.resolve = function(n) { if (n && n.nodeType === 3) { //Adding a try/catch here because in rare occasions IE will //Throw a error accessing the parentNode of a stranded text node. //In the case of Ctrl+Z (Undo) try { n = n.parentNode; } catch (re) { n = 'body'; } } return Y.one(n); }; /** * Returns the innerHTML of a node with all HTML tags removed. * @static * @method getText * @param {Node} node The Node instance to remove the HTML from * @return {String} The string of text */ Y.Selection.getText = function(node) { var txt = node.get('innerHTML').replace(Y.Selection.REG_NOHTML, ''); //Clean out the cursor subs to see if the Node is empty txt = txt.replace('
', '').replace('
', ''); return txt; }; //Y.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG = 'div'; Y.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG = 'p'; /** * The selector to use when looking for Nodes to cache the value of: [style],font[face] * @static * @property ALL */ Y.Selection.ALL = '[style],font[face]'; /** * The selector to use when looking for block level items. * @static * @property BLOCKS */ Y.Selection.BLOCKS = 'p,div,ul,ol,table,style'; /** * The temporary fontname applied to a selection to retrieve their values: yui-tmp * @static * @property TMP */ Y.Selection.TMP = 'yui-tmp'; /** * The default tag to use when creating elements: span * @static * @property DEFAULT_TAG */ Y.Selection.DEFAULT_TAG = 'span'; /** * The id of the outer cursor wrapper * @static * @property DEFAULT_TAG */ Y.Selection.CURID = 'yui-cursor'; /** * The id used to wrap the inner space of the cursor position * @static * @property CUR_WRAPID */ Y.Selection.CUR_WRAPID = 'yui-cursor-wrapper'; /** * The default HTML used to focus the cursor.. * @static * @property CURSOR */ Y.Selection.CURSOR = '
'; Y.Selection.hasCursor = function() { var cur = Y.all('#' + Y.Selection.CUR_WRAPID); return cur.size(); }; /** * Called from Editor keydown to remove the "extra" space before the cursor. * @static * @method cleanCursor */ Y.Selection.cleanCursor = function() { var cur, sel = 'br.yui-cursor'; cur = Y.all(sel); if (cur.size()) { cur.each(function(b) { var c = b.get('parentNode.parentNode.childNodes'), html; if (c.size() > 1) { b.remove(); } else { html = Y.Selection.getText(c.item(0)); if (html !== '') { b.remove(); } } }); } /* var cur = Y.all('#' + Y.Selection.CUR_WRAPID); if (cur.size()) { cur.each(function(c) { var html = c.get('innerHTML'); if (html == ' ' || html == '
') { if (c.previous() || c.next()) { c.remove(); } } }); } */ }; Y.Selection.prototype = { /** * Range text value * @property text * @type String */ text: null, /** * Flag to show if the range is collapsed or not * @property isCollapsed * @type Boolean */ isCollapsed: null, /** * A Node instance of the parentNode of the anchorNode of the range * @property anchorNode * @type Node */ anchorNode: null, /** * The offset from the range object * @property anchorOffset * @type Number */ anchorOffset: null, /** * A Node instance of the actual textNode of the range. * @property anchorTextNode * @type Node */ anchorTextNode: null, /** * A Node instance of the parentNode of the focusNode of the range * @property focusNode * @type Node */ focusNode: null, /** * The offset from the range object * @property focusOffset * @type Number */ focusOffset: null, /** * A Node instance of the actual textNode of the range. * @property focusTextNode * @type Node */ focusTextNode: null, /** * The actual Selection/Range object * @property _selection * @private */ _selection: null, /** * Wrap an element, with another element * @private * @method _wrap * @param {HTMLElement} n The node to wrap * @param {String} tag The tag to use when creating the new element. * @return {HTMLElement} The wrapped node */ _wrap: function(n, tag) { var tmp = Y.Node.create('<' + tag + '>'); tmp.set(INNER_HTML, n.get(INNER_HTML)); n.set(INNER_HTML, ''); n.append(tmp); return Y.Node.getDOMNode(tmp); }, /** * Swap an element, with another element * @private * @method _swap * @param {HTMLElement} n The node to swap * @param {String} tag The tag to use when creating the new element. * @return {HTMLElement} The new node */ _swap: function(n, tag) { var tmp = Y.Node.create('<' + tag + '>'); tmp.set(INNER_HTML, n.get(INNER_HTML)); n.replace(tmp, n); return Y.Node.getDOMNode(tmp); }, /** * Get all the nodes in the current selection. This method will actually perform a filter first. * Then it calls doc.execCommand('fontname', null, 'yui-tmp') to touch all nodes in the selection. * The it compiles a list of all nodes affected by the execCommand and builds a NodeList to return. * @method getSelected * @return {NodeList} A NodeList of all items in the selection. */ getSelected: function() { Y.Selection.filter(); Y.config.doc.execCommand('fontname', null, Y.Selection.TMP); var nodes = Y.all(Y.Selection.ALL), items = []; nodes.each(function(n, k) { if (n.getStyle(FONT_FAMILY) == Y.Selection.TMP) { n.setStyle(FONT_FAMILY, ''); n.removeAttribute('face'); if (n.getAttribute('style') === '') { n.removeAttribute('style'); } if (!n.test('body')) { items.push(Y.Node.getDOMNode(nodes.item(k))); } } }); return Y.all(items); }, /** * Insert HTML at the current cursor position and return a Node instance of the newly inserted element. * @method insertContent * @param {String} html The HTML to insert. * @return {Node} The inserted Node. */ insertContent: function(html) { return this.insertAtCursor(html, this.anchorTextNode, this.anchorOffset, true); }, /** * Insert HTML at the current cursor position, this method gives you control over the text node to insert into and the offset where to put it. * @method insertAtCursor * @param {String} html The HTML to insert. * @param {Node} node The text node to break when inserting. * @param {Number} offset The left offset of the text node to break and insert the new content. * @param {Boolean} collapse Should the range be collapsed after insertion. default: false * @return {Node} The inserted Node. */ insertAtCursor: function(html, node, offset, collapse) { var cur = Y.Node.create('<' + Y.Selection.DEFAULT_TAG + ' class="yui-non">'), inHTML, txt, txt2, newNode, range = this.createRange(), b; if (node && node.test('body')) { b = Y.Node.create(''); node.append(b); node = b; } if (range.pasteHTML) { newNode = Y.Node.create(html); try { range.pasteHTML(''); } catch (e) {} inHTML = Y.one('#rte-insert'); if (inHTML) { inHTML.set('id', ''); inHTML.replace(newNode); return newNode; } else { Y.on('available', function() { inHTML.set('id', ''); inHTML.replace(newNode); }, '#rte-insert'); } } else { //TODO using Y.Node.create here throws warnings & strips first white space character //txt = Y.one(Y.Node.create(inHTML.substr(0, offset))); //txt2 = Y.one(Y.Node.create(inHTML.substr(offset))); if (offset > 0) { inHTML = node.get(textContent); txt = Y.one(Y.config.doc.createTextNode(inHTML.substr(0, offset))); txt2 = Y.one(Y.config.doc.createTextNode(inHTML.substr(offset))); node.replace(txt, node); newNode = Y.Node.create(html); if (newNode.get('nodeType') === 11) { b = Y.Node.create(''); b.append(newNode); newNode = b; } txt.insert(newNode, 'after'); //if (txt2 && txt2.get('length')) { if (txt2) { newNode.insert(cur, 'after'); cur.insert(txt2, 'after'); this.selectNode(cur, collapse); } } else { if (node.get('nodeType') === 3) { node = node.get('parentNode'); } newNode = Y.Node.create(html); html = node.get('innerHTML').replace(/\n/gi, ''); if (html === '' || html === '
') { node.append(newNode); } else { if (newNode.get('parentNode')) { node.insert(newNode, 'before'); } else { Y.one('body').prepend(newNode); } } if (node.get('firstChild').test('br')) { node.get('firstChild').remove(); } } } return newNode; }, /** * Get all elements inside a selection and wrap them with a new element and return a NodeList of all elements touched. * @method wrapContent * @param {String} tag The tag to wrap all selected items with. * @return {NodeList} A NodeList of all items in the selection. */ wrapContent: function(tag) { tag = (tag) ? tag : Y.Selection.DEFAULT_TAG; if (!this.isCollapsed) { var items = this.getSelected(), changed = [], range, last, first, range2; items.each(function(n, k) { var t = n.get('tagName').toLowerCase(); if (t === 'font') { changed.push(this._swap(items.item(k), tag)); } else { changed.push(this._wrap(items.item(k), tag)); } }, this); range = this.createRange(); first = changed[0]; last = changed[changed.length - 1]; if (this._selection.removeAllRanges) { range.setStart(changed[0], 0); range.setEnd(last, last.childNodes.length); this._selection.removeAllRanges(); this._selection.addRange(range); } else { range.moveToElementText(Y.Node.getDOMNode(first)); range2 = this.createRange(); range2.moveToElementText(Y.Node.getDOMNode(last)); range.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range2); range.select(); } changed = Y.all(changed); return changed; } else { return Y.all([]); } }, /** * Find and replace a string inside a text node and replace it with HTML focusing the node after * to allow you to continue to type. * @method replace * @param {String} se The string to search for. * @param {String} re The string of HTML to replace it with. * @return {Node} The node inserted. */ replace: function(se,re) { var range = this.createRange(), node, txt, index, newNode; if (range.getBookmark) { index = range.getBookmark(); txt = this.anchorNode.get('innerHTML').replace(se, re); this.anchorNode.set('innerHTML', txt); range.moveToBookmark(index); newNode = Y.one(range.parentElement()); } else { node = this.anchorTextNode; txt = node.get(textContent); index = txt.indexOf(se); txt = txt.replace(se, ''); node.set(textContent, txt); newNode = this.insertAtCursor(re, node, index, true); } return newNode; }, /** * Destroy the range. * @method remove * @chainable * @return {Y.Selection} */ remove: function() { this._selection.removeAllRanges(); return this; }, /** * Wrapper for the different range creation methods. * @method createRange * @return {RangeObject} */ createRange: function() { if (Y.config.doc.selection) { return Y.config.doc.selection.createRange(); } else { return Y.config.doc.createRange(); } }, /** * Select a Node (hilighting it). * @method selectNode * @param {Node} node The node to select * @param {Boolean} collapse Should the range be collapsed after insertion. default: false * @chainable * @return {Y.Selection} */ selectNode: function(node, collapse, end) { if (!node) { return; } end = end || 0; node = Y.Node.getDOMNode(node); var range = this.createRange(); if (range.selectNode) { range.selectNode(node); this._selection.removeAllRanges(); this._selection.addRange(range); if (collapse) { try { this._selection.collapse(node, end); } catch (err) { this._selection.collapse(node, 0); } } } else { if (node.nodeType === 3) { node = node.parentNode; } try { range.moveToElementText(node); } catch(e) {} if (collapse) { range.collapse(((end) ? false : true)); } range.select(); } return this; }, /** * Put a placeholder in the DOM at the current cursor position. * @method setCursor * @return {Node} */ setCursor: function() { this.removeCursor(false); return this.insertContent(Y.Selection.CURSOR); }, /** * Get the placeholder in the DOM at the current cursor position. * @method getCursor * @return {Node} */ getCursor: function() { return Y.all('#' + Y.Selection.CURID); }, /** * Remove the cursor placeholder from the DOM. * @method removeCursor * @param {Boolean} keep Setting this to true will keep the node, but remove the unique parts that make it the cursor. * @return {Node} */ removeCursor: function(keep) { var cur = this.getCursor(); if (cur) { if (keep) { cur.removeAttribute('id'); cur.set('innerHTML', '
'); } else { cur.remove(); } } return cur; }, /** * Gets a stored cursor and focuses it for editing, must be called sometime after setCursor * @method focusCursor * @return {Node} */ focusCursor: function(collapse, end) { if (collapse !== false) { collapse = true; } if (end !== false) { end = true; } var cur = this.removeCursor(true); if (cur) { cur.each(function(c) { this.selectNode(c, collapse, end); }, this); } }, /** * Generic toString for logging. * @method toString * @return {String} */ toString: function() { return 'Selection Object'; } }; }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['node'], skinnable:false}); YUI.add('exec-command', function(Y) { /** * Plugin for the frame module to handle execCommands for Editor * @module editor * @submodule exec-command */ /** * Plugin for the frame module to handle execCommands for Editor * @class Plugin.ExecCommand * @extends Base * @constructor */ var ExecCommand = function() { ExecCommand.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; Y.extend(ExecCommand, Y.Base, { /** * An internal reference to the keyCode of the last key that was pressed. * @private * @property _lastKey */ _lastKey: null, /** * An internal reference to the instance of the frame plugged into. * @private * @property _inst */ _inst: null, /** * Execute a command on the frame's document. * @method command * @param {String} action The action to perform (bold, italic, fontname) * @param {String} value The optional value (helvetica) * @return {Node/NodeList} Should return the Node/Nodelist affected */ command: function(action, value) { var fn = ExecCommand.COMMANDS[action]; /* if (action !== 'insertbr') { Y.later(0, this, function() { var inst = this.getInstance(); if (inst && inst.Selection) { inst.Selection.cleanCursor(); } }); } */ if (fn) { return fn.call(this, action, value); } else { return this._command(action, value); } }, /** * The private version of execCommand that doesn't filter for overrides. * @private * @method _command * @param {String} action The action to perform (bold, italic, fontname) * @param {String} value The optional value (helvetica) */ _command: function(action, value) { var inst = this.getInstance(); try { try { inst.config.doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', null, 1); } catch (e1) { try { inst.config.doc.execCommand('useCSS', null, 0); } catch (e2) { } } inst.config.doc.execCommand(action, null, value); } catch (e) { } }, /** * Get's the instance of YUI bound to the parent frame * @method getInstance * @return {YUI} The YUI instance bound to the parent frame */ getInstance: function() { if (!this._inst) { this._inst = this.get('host').getInstance(); } return this._inst; }, initializer: function() { Y.mix(this.get('host'), { execCommand: function(action, value) { return this.exec.command(action, value); }, _execCommand: function(action, value) { return this.exec._command(action, value); } }); this.get('host').on('dom:keypress', Y.bind(function(e) { this._lastKey = e.keyCode; }, this)); } }, { /** * execCommand * @property NAME * @static */ NAME: 'execCommand', /** * exec * @property NS * @static */ NS: 'exec', ATTRS: { host: { value: false } }, /** * Static object literal of execCommand overrides * @property COMMANDS * @static */ COMMANDS: { /** * Wraps the content with a new element of type (tag) * @method COMMANDS.wrap * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: wrap * @param {String} tag The tag to wrap the selection with * @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command. */ wrap: function(cmd, tag) { var inst = this.getInstance(); return (new inst.Selection()).wrapContent(tag); }, /** * Inserts the provided HTML at the cursor, should be a single element. * @method COMMANDS.inserthtml * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: inserthtml * @param {String} html The html to insert * @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command. */ inserthtml: function(cmd, html) { var inst = this.getInstance(); if (inst.Selection.hasCursor() || Y.UA.ie) { return (new inst.Selection()).insertContent(html); } else { this._command('inserthtml', html); } }, /** * Inserts the provided HTML at the cursor, and focuses the cursor afterwards. * @method COMMANDS.insertandfocus * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: insertandfocus * @param {String} html The html to insert * @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command. */ insertandfocus: function(cmd, html) { var inst = this.getInstance(), out, sel; if (inst.Selection.hasCursor()) { html += inst.Selection.CURSOR; out = this.command('inserthtml', html); sel = new inst.Selection(); sel.focusCursor(true, true); } else { this.command('inserthtml', html); } return out; }, /** * Inserts a BR at the current cursor position * @method COMMANDS.insertbr * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: insertbr */ insertbr: function(cmd) { var inst = this.getInstance(), cur, sel = new inst.Selection(); sel.setCursor(); cur = sel.getCursor(); cur.insert('
', 'before'); sel.focusCursor(true, false); return ((cur && cur.previous) ? cur.previous() : null); }, /** * Inserts an image at the cursor position * @method COMMANDS.insertimage * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: insertimage * @param {String} img The url of the image to be inserted * @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command. */ insertimage: function(cmd, img) { return this.command('inserthtml', ''); }, /** * Add a class to all of the elements in the selection * @method COMMANDS.addclass * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: addclass * @param {String} cls The className to add * @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command. */ addclass: function(cmd, cls) { var inst = this.getInstance(); return (new inst.Selection()).getSelected().addClass(cls); }, /** * Remove a class from all of the elements in the selection * @method COMMANDS.removeclass * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: removeclass * @param {String} cls The className to remove * @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command. */ removeclass: function(cmd, cls) { var inst = this.getInstance(); return (new inst.Selection()).getSelected().removeClass(cls); }, /** * Adds a forecolor to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it * @method COMMANDS.forecolor * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: forecolor * @param {String} val The color value to apply * @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command. */ forecolor: function(cmd, val) { var inst = this.getInstance(), sel = new inst.Selection(), n; if (!Y.UA.ie) { this._command('useCSS', false); } if (inst.Selection.hasCursor()) { if (sel.isCollapsed) { if (sel.anchorNode && (sel.anchorNode.get('innerHTML') === ' ')) { sel.anchorNode.setStyle('color', val); n = sel.anchorNode; } else { n = this.command('inserthtml', '' + inst.Selection.CURSOR + ''); sel.focusCursor(true, true); } return n; } else { return this._command(cmd, val); } } else { this._command(cmd, val); } }, /** * Adds a background color to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it * @method COMMANDS.backcolor * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: backcolor * @param {String} val The color value to apply * @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command. */ backcolor: function(cmd, val) { var inst = this.getInstance(), sel = new inst.Selection(), n; if (Y.UA.gecko || Y.UA.opera) { cmd = 'hilitecolor'; } if (!Y.UA.ie) { this._command('useCSS', false); } if (inst.Selection.hasCursor()) { if (sel.isCollapsed) { if (sel.anchorNode && (sel.anchorNode.get('innerHTML') === ' ')) { sel.anchorNode.setStyle('backgroundColor', val); n = sel.anchorNode; } else { n = this.command('inserthtml', '' + inst.Selection.CURSOR + ''); sel.focusCursor(true, true); } return n; } else { return this._command(cmd, val); } } else { this._command(cmd, val); } }, /** * Sugar method, calles backcolor * @method COMMANDS.hilitecolor * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: backcolor * @param {String} val The color value to apply * @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command. */ hilitecolor: function() { return ExecCommand.COMMANDS.backcolor.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Adds a font name to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it * @method COMMANDS.fontname * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: fontname * @param {String} val The font name to apply * @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command. */ fontname: function(cmd, val) { this._command('fontname', val); var inst = this.getInstance(), sel = new inst.Selection(); if (sel.isCollapsed && (this._lastKey != 32)) { if (sel.anchorNode.test('font')) { sel.anchorNode.set('face', val); } } }, /** * Adds a fontsize to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it * @method COMMANDS.fontsize * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: fontsize * @param {String} val The font size to apply * @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command. */ fontsize: function(cmd, val) { this._command('fontsize', val); var inst = this.getInstance(), sel = new inst.Selection(); if (sel.isCollapsed && sel.anchorNode && (this._lastKey != 32)) { if (Y.UA.webkit) { if (sel.anchorNode.getStyle('lineHeight')) { sel.anchorNode.setStyle('lineHeight', ''); } } if (sel.anchorNode.test('font')) { sel.anchorNode.set('size', val); } else if (Y.UA.gecko) { var p = sel.anchorNode.ancestor(inst.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG); if (p) { p.setStyle('fontSize', ''); } } } } } }); /** * This method is meant to normalize IE's in ability to exec the proper command on elements with CSS styling. * @method fixIETags * @protected * @param {String} cmd The command to execute * @param {String} tag The tag to create * @param {String} rule The rule that we are looking for. */ var fixIETags = function(cmd, tag, rule) { var inst = this.getInstance(), doc = inst.config.doc, sel = doc.selection.createRange(), o = doc.queryCommandValue(cmd), html, reg, m, p, d, s, c; if (o) { html = sel.htmlText; reg = new RegExp(rule, 'g'); m = html.match(reg); if (m) { html = html.replace(rule + ';', '').replace(rule, ''); sel.pasteHTML(''); p = doc.getElementById('yui-ie-bs'); d = doc.createElement('div'); s = doc.createElement(tag); d.innerHTML = html; if (p.parentNode !== inst.config.doc.body) { p = p.parentNode; } c = d.childNodes; p.parentNode.replaceChild(s, p); Y.each(c, function(f) { s.appendChild(f); }); sel.collapse(); sel.moveToElementText(s); sel.select(); } } this._command(cmd); }; if (Y.UA.ie) { ExecCommand.COMMANDS.bold = function() { fixIETags.call(this, 'bold', 'b', 'FONT-WEIGHT: bold'); } ExecCommand.COMMANDS.italic = function() { fixIETags.call(this, 'italic', 'i', 'FONT-STYLE: italic'); } ExecCommand.COMMANDS.underline = function() { fixIETags.call(this, 'underline', 'u', 'TEXT-DECORATION: underline'); } } Y.namespace('Plugin'); Y.Plugin.ExecCommand = ExecCommand; }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['frame'], skinnable:false}); YUI.add('editor-tab', function(Y) { /** * Handles tab and shift-tab indent/outdent support. * @module editor * @submodule editor-tab */ /** * Handles tab and shift-tab indent/outdent support. * @class Plugin.EditorTab * @constructor * @extends Base */ var EditorTab = function() { EditorTab.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, HOST = 'host'; Y.extend(EditorTab, Y.Base, { /** * Listener for host's nodeChange event and captures the tabkey interaction. * @private * @method _onNodeChange * @param {Event} e The Event facade passed from the host. */ _onNodeChange: function(e) { var action = 'indent'; if (e.changedType === 'tab') { if (!e.changedNode.test('li, li *')) { e.changedEvent.halt(); e.preventDefault(); if (e.changedEvent.shiftKey) { action = 'outdent'; } this.get(HOST).execCommand(action, ''); } } }, initializer: function() { this.get(HOST).on('nodeChange', Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this)); } }, { /** * editorTab * @property NAME * @static */ NAME: 'editorTab', /** * tab * @property NS * @static */ NS: 'tab', ATTRS: { host: { value: false } } }); Y.namespace('Plugin'); Y.Plugin.EditorTab = EditorTab; }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['editor-base'], skinnable:false}); YUI.add('createlink-base', function(Y) { /** * Base class for Editor. Handles the business logic of Editor, no GUI involved only utility methods and events. * @module editor * @submodule createlink-base */ /** * Adds prompt style link creation. Adds an override for the createlink execCommand. * @class Plugin.CreateLinkBase * @static */ var CreateLinkBase = {}; /** * Strings used by the plugin * @property STRINGS * @static */ CreateLinkBase.STRINGS = { /** * String used for the Prompt * @property PROMPT * @static */ PROMPT: 'Please enter the URL for the link to point to:', /** * String used as the default value of the Prompt * @property DEFAULT * @static */ DEFAULT: 'http://' }; Y.namespace('Plugin'); Y.Plugin.CreateLinkBase = CreateLinkBase; Y.mix(Y.Plugin.ExecCommand.COMMANDS, { /** * Override for the createlink method from the CreateLinkBase plugin. * @for ExecCommand * @method COMMANDS.createlink * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: createlink * @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command. */ createlink: function(cmd) { var inst = this.get('host').getInstance(), out, a, sel, holder, url = prompt(CreateLinkBase.STRINGS.PROMPT, CreateLinkBase.STRINGS.DEFAULT); if (url) { holder = inst.config.doc.createElement('div'); url = inst.config.doc.createTextNode(url); holder.appendChild(url); url = holder.innerHTML; this.get('host')._execCommand(cmd, url); sel = new inst.Selection(); out = sel.getSelected(); if (!sel.isCollapsed && out.size()) { //We have a selection a = out.item(0).one('a'); if (a) { out.item(0).replace(a); } if (Y.UA.gecko) { if (a.get('parentNode').test('span')) { if (a.get('parentNode').one('br.yui-cursor')) { a.get('parentNode').insert(a, 'before'); } } } } else { //No selection, insert a new node.. this.get('host').execCommand('inserthtml', '' + url + ''); } } return a; } }); }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['editor-base'], skinnable:false}); YUI.add('editor-base', function(Y) { /** * Base class for Editor. Handles the business logic of Editor, no GUI involved only utility methods and events. * @module editor * @submodule editor-base */ /** * Base class for Editor. Handles the business logic of Editor, no GUI involved only utility methods and events. * @class EditorBase * @for EditorBase * @extends Base * @constructor */ var EditorBase = function() { EditorBase.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, LAST_CHILD = ':last-child', BODY = 'body'; Y.extend(EditorBase, Y.Base, { /** * Internal reference to the Y.Frame instance * @property frame */ frame: null, initializer: function() { var frame = new Y.Frame({ designMode: true, title: EditorBase.STRINGS.title, use: EditorBase.USE, dir: this.get('dir'), extracss: this.get('extracss'), linkedcss: this.get('linkedcss'), defaultblock: this.get('defaultblock'), host: this }).plug(Y.Plugin.ExecCommand); frame.after('ready', Y.bind(this._afterFrameReady, this)); frame.addTarget(this); this.frame = frame; this.publish('nodeChange', { emitFacade: true, bubbles: true, defaultFn: this._defNodeChangeFn }); //this.plug(Y.Plugin.EditorPara); }, destructor: function() { this.frame.destroy(); this.detachAll(); }, /** * Copy certain styles from one node instance to another (used for new paragraph creation mainly) * @method copyStyles * @param {Node} from The Node instance to copy the styles from * @param {Node} to The Node instance to copy the styles to */ copyStyles: function(from, to) { if (from.test('a')) { //Don't carry the A styles return; } var styles = ['color', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'backgroundColor', 'fontStyle' ], newStyles = {}; Y.each(styles, function(v) { newStyles[v] = from.getStyle(v); }); if (from.ancestor('b,strong')) { newStyles.fontWeight = 'bold'; } if (from.ancestor('u')) { if (!newStyles.textDecoration) { newStyles.textDecoration = 'underline'; } } to.setStyles(newStyles); }, /** * Holder for the selection bookmark in IE. * @property _lastBookmark * @private */ _lastBookmark: null, /** * Resolves the e.changedNode in the nodeChange event if it comes from the document. If * the event came from the document, it will get the last child of the last child of the document * and return that instead. * @method _resolveChangedNode * @param {Node} n The node to resolve * @private */ _resolveChangedNode: function(n) { var inst = this.getInstance(), lc, lc2, found; if (inst && n && n.test('html')) { lc = inst.one(BODY).one(LAST_CHILD); while (!found) { if (lc) { lc2 = lc.one(LAST_CHILD); if (lc2) { lc = lc2; } else { found = true; } } else { found = true; } } if (lc) { if (lc.test('br')) { if (lc.previous()) { lc = lc.previous(); } else { lc = lc.get('parentNode'); } } if (lc) { n = lc; } } } return n; }, /** * The default handler for the nodeChange event. * @method _defNodeChangeFn * @param {Event} e The event * @private */ _defNodeChangeFn: function(e) { var startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var inst = this.getInstance(), sel, cur, btag = inst.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG; if (Y.UA.ie) { try { sel = inst.config.doc.selection.createRange(); if (sel.getBookmark) { this._lastBookmark = sel.getBookmark(); } } catch (ie) {} } e.changedNode = this._resolveChangedNode(e.changedNode); /* * @TODO * This whole method needs to be fixed and made more dynamic. * Maybe static functions for the e.changeType and an object bag * to walk through and filter to pass off the event to before firing.. */ switch (e.changedType) { case 'keydown': if (!Y.UA.gecko) { if (!EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.changedEvent.keyCode] && !e.changedEvent.shiftKey && !e.changedEvent.ctrlKey && (e.changedEvent.keyCode !== 13)) { //inst.later(100, inst, inst.Selection.cleanCursor); } } break; case 'tab': if (!e.changedNode.test('li, li *') && !e.changedEvent.shiftKey) { e.changedEvent.frameEvent.preventDefault(); if (Y.UA.webkit) { this.execCommand('inserttext', '\t'); } else if (Y.UA.gecko) { this.frame.exec._command('inserthtml', '     '); } else if (Y.UA.ie) { sel = new inst.Selection(); sel._selection.pasteHTML(EditorBase.TABKEY); } } break; } if (Y.UA.webkit && e.commands && (e.commands.indent || e.commands.outdent)) { /** * When executing execCommand 'indent or 'outdent' Webkit applies * a class to the BLOCKQUOTE that adds left/right margin to it * This strips that style so it is just a normal BLOCKQUOTE */ var bq = inst.all('.webkit-indent-blockquote'); if (bq.size()) { bq.setStyle('margin', ''); } } var changed = this.getDomPath(e.changedNode, false), cmds = {}, family, fsize, classes = [], fColor = '', bColor = ''; if (e.commands) { cmds = e.commands; } Y.each(changed, function(el) { var tag = el.tagName.toLowerCase(), cmd = EditorBase.TAG2CMD[tag]; if (cmd) { cmds[cmd] = 1; } //Bold and Italic styles var s = el.currentStyle || el.style; if ((''+s.fontWeight) == 'bold') { //Cast this to a string cmds.bold = 1; } if (Y.UA.ie) { if (s.fontWeight > 400) { cmds.bold = 1; } } if (s.fontStyle == 'italic') { cmds.italic = 1; } if (s.textDecoration == 'underline') { cmds.underline = 1; } if (s.textDecoration == 'line-through') { cmds.strikethrough = 1; } var n = inst.one(el); if (n.getStyle('fontFamily')) { var family2 = n.getStyle('fontFamily').split(',')[0].toLowerCase(); if (family2) { family = family2; } if (family) { family = family.replace(/'/g, '').replace(/"/g, ''); } } fsize = EditorBase.NORMALIZE_FONTSIZE(n); var cls = el.className.split(' '); Y.each(cls, function(v) { if (v !== '' && (v.substr(0, 4) !== 'yui_')) { classes.push(v); } }); fColor = EditorBase.FILTER_RGB(n.getStyle('color')); var bColor2 = EditorBase.FILTER_RGB(s.backgroundColor); if (bColor2 !== 'transparent') { if (bColor2 !== '') { bColor = bColor2; } } }); e.dompath = inst.all(changed); e.classNames = classes; e.commands = cmds; //TODO Dont' like this, not dynamic enough.. if (!e.fontFamily) { e.fontFamily = family; } if (!e.fontSize) { e.fontSize = fsize; } if (!e.fontColor) { e.fontColor = fColor; } if (!e.backgroundColor) { e.backgroundColor = bColor; } var endTime = (new Date()).getTime(); }, /** * Walk the dom tree from this node up to body, returning a reversed array of parents. * @method getDomPath * @param {Node} node The Node to start from */ getDomPath: function(node, nodeList) { var domPath = [], domNode, inst = this.frame.getInstance(); domNode = inst.Node.getDOMNode(node); //return inst.all(domNode); while (domNode !== null) { if ((domNode === inst.config.doc.documentElement) || (domNode === inst.config.doc) || !domNode.tagName) { domNode = null; break; } if (!inst.DOM.inDoc(domNode)) { domNode = null; break; } //Check to see if we get el.nodeName and nodeType if (domNode.nodeName && domNode.nodeType && (domNode.nodeType == 1)) { domPath.push(domNode); } if (domNode == inst.config.doc.body) { domNode = null; break; } domNode = domNode.parentNode; } /*{{{ Using Node while (node !== null) { if (node.test('html') || node.test('doc') || !node.get('tagName')) { node = null; break; } if (!node.inDoc()) { node = null; break; } //Check to see if we get el.nodeName and nodeType if (node.get('nodeName') && node.get('nodeType') && (node.get('nodeType') == 1)) { domPath.push(inst.Node.getDOMNode(node)); } if (node.test('body')) { node = null; break; } node = node.get('parentNode'); } }}}*/ if (domPath.length === 0) { domPath[0] = inst.config.doc.body; } if (nodeList) { return inst.all(domPath.reverse()); } else { return domPath.reverse(); } }, /** * After frame ready, bind mousedown & keyup listeners * @method _afterFrameReady * @private */ _afterFrameReady: function() { var inst = this.frame.getInstance(); this.frame.on('dom:mouseup', Y.bind(this._onFrameMouseUp, this)); this.frame.on('dom:mousedown', Y.bind(this._onFrameMouseDown, this)); this.frame.on('dom:keydown', Y.bind(this._onFrameKeyDown, this)); if (Y.UA.ie) { this.frame.on('dom:activate', Y.bind(this._onFrameActivate, this)); this.frame.on('dom:beforedeactivate', Y.bind(this._beforeFrameDeactivate, this)); } this.frame.on('dom:keyup', Y.bind(this._onFrameKeyUp, this)); this.frame.on('dom:keypress', Y.bind(this._onFrameKeyPress, this)); inst.Selection.filter(); this.fire('ready'); }, /** * Caches the current cursor position in IE. * @method _beforeFrameDeactivate * @private */ _beforeFrameDeactivate: function() { var inst = this.getInstance(), sel = inst.config.doc.selection.createRange(); if ((!sel.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', sel))) { sel.pasteHTML(''); } }, /** * Moves the cached selection bookmark back so IE can place the cursor in the right place. * @method _onFrameActivate * @private */ _onFrameActivate: function() { var inst = this.getInstance(), sel = new inst.Selection(), range = sel.createRange(), cur = inst.all('#yui-ie-cursor'); if (cur.size()) { cur.each(function(n) { n.set('id', ''); range.moveToElementText(n._node); range.move('character', -1); range.move('character', 1); range.select(); range.text = ''; n.remove(); }); } }, /** * Fires nodeChange event * @method _onFrameMouseUp * @private */ _onFrameMouseUp: function(e) { this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: e.frameTarget, changedType: 'mouseup', changedEvent: e.frameEvent }); }, /** * Fires nodeChange event * @method _onFrameMouseDown * @private */ _onFrameMouseDown: function(e) { this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: e.frameTarget, changedType: 'mousedown', changedEvent: e.frameEvent }); }, /** * Caches a copy of the selection for key events. Only creating the selection on keydown * @property _currentSelection * @private */ _currentSelection: null, /** * Holds the timer for selection clearing * @property _currentSelectionTimer * @private */ _currentSelectionTimer: null, /** * Flag to determine if we can clear the selection or not. * @property _currentSelectionClear * @private */ _currentSelectionClear: null, /** * Fires nodeChange event * @method _onFrameKeyDown * @private */ _onFrameKeyDown: function(e) { var inst, sel; if (!this._currentSelection) { if (this._currentSelectionTimer) { this._currentSelectionTimer.cancel(); } this._currentSelectionTimer = Y.later(850, this, function() { this._currentSelectionClear = true; }); inst = this.frame.getInstance(); sel = new inst.Selection(e); this._currentSelection = sel; } else { sel = this._currentSelection; } inst = this.frame.getInstance(); sel = new inst.Selection(); this._currentSelection = sel; if (sel && sel.anchorNode) { this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: 'keydown', changedEvent: e.frameEvent }); if (EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode]) { this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode], changedEvent: e.frameEvent }); this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode] + '-down', changedEvent: e.frameEvent }); } } }, /** * Fires nodeChange event * @method _onFrameKeyPress * @private */ _onFrameKeyPress: function(e) { var sel = this._currentSelection; if (sel && sel.anchorNode) { this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: 'keypress', changedEvent: e.frameEvent }); if (EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode]) { this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode] + '-press', changedEvent: e.frameEvent }); } } }, /** * Fires nodeChange event for keyup on specific keys * @method _onFrameKeyUp * @private */ _onFrameKeyUp: function(e) { var sel = this._currentSelection; if (sel && sel.anchorNode) { this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: 'keyup', selection: sel, changedEvent: e.frameEvent }); if (EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode]) { this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode] + '-up', selection: sel, changedEvent: e.frameEvent }); } } if (this._currentSelectionClear) { this._currentSelectionClear = this._currentSelection = null; } }, /** * Pass through to the frame.execCommand method * @method execCommand * @param {String} cmd The command to pass: inserthtml, insertimage, bold * @param {String} val The optional value of the command: Helvetica * @return {Node/NodeList} The Node or Nodelist affected by the command. Only returns on override commands, not browser defined commands. */ execCommand: function(cmd, val) { var ret = this.frame.execCommand(cmd, val), inst = this.frame.getInstance(), sel = new inst.Selection(), cmds = {}, e = { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: 'execcommand', nodes: ret }; switch (cmd) { case 'forecolor': e.fontColor = val; break; case 'backcolor': e.backgroundColor = val; break; case 'fontsize': e.fontSize = val; break; case 'fontname': e.fontFamily = val; break; } cmds[cmd] = 1; e.commands = cmds; this.fire('nodeChange', e); return ret; }, /** * Get the YUI instance of the frame * @method getInstance * @return {YUI} The YUI instance bound to the frame. */ getInstance: function() { return this.frame.getInstance(); }, /** * Renders the Y.Frame to the passed node. * @method render * @param {Selector/HTMLElement/Node} node The node to append the Editor to * @return {EditorBase} * @chainable */ render: function(node) { this.frame.set('content', this.get('content')); this.frame.render(node); return this; }, /** * Focus the contentWindow of the iframe * @method focus * @param {Function} fn Callback function to execute after focus happens * @return {EditorBase} * @chainable */ focus: function(fn) { this.frame.focus(fn); return this; }, /** * Handles the showing of the Editor instance. Currently only handles the iframe * @method show * @return {EditorBase} * @chainable */ show: function() { this.frame.show(); return this; }, /** * Handles the hiding of the Editor instance. Currently only handles the iframe * @method hide * @return {EditorBase} * @chainable */ hide: function() { this.frame.hide(); return this; }, /** * (Un)Filters the content of the Editor, cleaning YUI related code. //TODO better filtering * @method getContent * @return {String} The filtered content of the Editor */ getContent: function() { var html = '', inst = this.getInstance(); if (inst && inst.Selection) { html = inst.Selection.unfilter(); } //Removing the _yuid from the objects in IE html = html.replace(/ _yuid="([^>]*)"/g, ''); return html; } }, { /** * @static * @method NORMALIZE_FONTSIZE * @description Pulls the fontSize from a node, then checks for string values (x-large, x-small) * and converts them to pixel sizes. If the parsed size is different from the original, it calls * node.setStyle to update the node with a pixel size for normalization. */ NORMALIZE_FONTSIZE: function(n) { var size = n.getStyle('fontSize'), oSize = size; switch (size) { case '-webkit-xxx-large': size = '48px'; break; case 'xx-large': size = '32px'; break; case 'x-large': size = '24px'; break; case 'large': size = '18px'; break; case 'medium': size = '16px'; break; case 'small': size = '13px'; break; case 'x-small': size = '10px'; break; } if (oSize !== size) { n.setStyle('fontSize', size); } return size; }, /** * @static * @property TABKEY * @description The HTML markup to use for the tabkey */ TABKEY: '     ', /** * @static * @method FILTER_RGB * @param String css The CSS string containing rgb(#,#,#); * @description Converts an RGB color string to a hex color, example: rgb(0, 255, 0) converts to #00ff00 * @return String */ FILTER_RGB: function(css) { if (css.toLowerCase().indexOf('rgb') != -1) { var exp = new RegExp("(.*?)rgb\\s*?\\(\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?\\)(.*?)", "gi"); var rgb = css.replace(exp, "$1,$2,$3,$4,$5").split(','); if (rgb.length == 5) { var r = parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16); var g = parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16); var b = parseInt(rgb[3], 10).toString(16); r = r.length == 1 ? '0' + r : r; g = g.length == 1 ? '0' + g : g; b = b.length == 1 ? '0' + b : b; css = "#" + r + g + b; } } return css; }, /** * @static * @property TAG2CMD * @description A hash table of tags to their execcomand's */ TAG2CMD: { 'b': 'bold', 'strong': 'bold', 'i': 'italic', 'em': 'italic', 'u': 'underline', 'sup': 'superscript', 'sub': 'subscript', 'img': 'insertimage', 'a' : 'createlink', 'ul' : 'insertunorderedlist', 'ol' : 'insertorderedlist' }, /** * Hash table of keys to fire a nodeChange event for. * @static * @property NC_KEYS * @type Object */ NC_KEYS: { 8: 'backspace', 9: 'tab', 13: 'enter', 32: 'space', 33: 'pageup', 34: 'pagedown', 35: 'end', 36: 'home', 37: 'left', 38: 'up', 39: 'right', 40: 'down', 46: 'delete' }, /** * The default modules to use inside the Frame * @static * @property USE * @type Array */ USE: ['substitute', 'node', 'selector-css3', 'selection', 'stylesheet'], /** * The Class Name: editorBase * @static * @property NAME */ NAME: 'editorBase', /** * Editor Strings * @static * @property STRINGS */ STRINGS: { /** * Title of frame document: Rich Text Editor * @static * @property STRINGS.title */ title: 'Rich Text Editor' }, ATTRS: { /** * The content to load into the Editor Frame * @attribute content */ content: { value: '
', setter: function(str) { if (str.substr(0, 1) === "\n") { str = str.substr(1); } if (str === '') { str = '
'; } if (str === ' ') { if (Y.UA.gecko) { str = '
'; } } return this.frame.set('content', str); }, getter: function() { return this.frame.get('content'); } }, /** * The value of the dir attribute on the HTML element of the frame. Default: ltr * @attribute dir */ dir: { writeOnce: true, value: 'ltr' }, /** * @attribute linkedcss * @description An array of url's to external linked style sheets * @type String */ linkedcss: { value: '', setter: function(css) { if (this.frame) { this.frame.set('linkedcss', css); } return css; } }, /** * @attribute extracss * @description A string of CSS to add to the Head of the Editor * @type String */ extracss: { value: false, setter: function(css) { if (this.frame) { this.frame.set('extracss', css); } return css; } }, /** * @attribute defaultblock * @description The default tag to use for block level items, defaults to: p * @type String */ defaultblock: { value: 'p' } } }); Y.EditorBase = EditorBase; /** * @event nodeChange * @description Fired from mouseup & keyup. * @param {Event.Facade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific properties added: *

The event that caused the nodeChange
The node that was interacted with
The type of change: mousedown, mouseup, right, left, backspace, tab, enter, etc..
The list of execCommands that belong to this change and the dompath that's associated with the changedNode
An array of classNames that are applied to the changedNode and all of it's parents
A sorted array of node instances that make up the DOM path from the changedNode to body.
The cascaded backgroundColor of the changedNode
The cascaded fontColor of the changedNode
The cascaded fontFamily of the changedNode
The cascaded fontSize of the changedNode
* @type {Event.Custom} */ /** * @event ready * @description Fired after the frame is ready. * @param {Event.Facade} event An Event Facade object. * @type {Event.Custom} */ }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['base', 'frame', 'node', 'exec-command', 'selection', 'editor-para'], skinnable:false}); YUI.add('editor-lists', function(Y) { /** * Handles list manipulation inside the Editor. Adds keyboard manipulation and execCommand support. Adds overrides for the insertorderedlist and insertunorderedlist execCommands. * @module editor * @submodule editor-lists */ /** * Handles list manipulation inside the Editor. Adds keyboard manipulation and execCommand support. Adds overrides for the insertorderedlist and insertunorderedlist execCommands. * @class Plugin.EditorLists * @constructor * @extends Base */ var EditorLists = function() { EditorLists.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, LI = 'li', OL = 'ol', UL = 'ul', HOST = 'host'; Y.extend(EditorLists, Y.Base, { /** * Listener for host's nodeChange event and captures the tabkey interaction only when inside a list node. * @private * @method _onNodeChange * @param {Event} e The Event facade passed from the host. */ _onNodeChange: function(e) { var inst = this.get(HOST).getInstance(), sel, li, newLi, newList, sTab, par, moved = false, tag, focusEnd = false; if (Y.UA.ie && e.changedType === 'enter') { if (e.changedNode.test(LI + ', ' + LI + ' *')) { e.changedEvent.halt(); e.preventDefault(); li = e.changedNode; newLi = inst.Node.create('<' + LI + '>' + EditorLists.NON + ''); if (!li.test(LI)) { li = li.ancestor(LI); } li.insert(newLi, 'after'); sel = new inst.Selection(); sel.selectNode(newLi.get('firstChild'), true, false); } } if (e.changedType === 'tab') { if (e.changedNode.test(LI + ', ' + LI + ' *')) { e.changedEvent.halt(); e.preventDefault(); li = e.changedNode; sTab = e.changedEvent.shiftKey; par = li.ancestor(OL + ',' + UL); tag = UL; if (par.get('tagName').toLowerCase() === OL) { tag = OL; } if (!li.test(LI)) { li = li.ancestor(LI); } if (sTab) { if (li.ancestor(LI)) { li.ancestor(LI).insert(li, 'after'); moved = true; focusEnd = true; } } else { //li.setStyle('border', '1px solid red'); if (li.previous(LI)) { newList = inst.Node.create('<' + tag + '>'); li.previous(LI).append(newList); newList.append(li); moved = true; } } } if (moved) { if (!li.test(LI)) { li = li.ancestor(LI); } li.all(EditorLists.REMOVE).remove(); if (Y.UA.ie) { li = li.append(EditorLists.NON).one(EditorLists.NON_SEL); } //Selection here.. (new inst.Selection()).selectNode(li, true, focusEnd); } } }, initializer: function() { this.get(HOST).on('nodeChange', Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this)); } }, { /** * The non element placeholder, used for positioning the cursor and filling empty items * @property REMOVE * @static */ NON: ' ', /** * The selector query to get all non elements * @property NONSEL * @static */ NON_SEL: 'span.yui-non', /** * The items to removed from a list when a list item is moved, currently removes BR nodes * @property REMOVE * @static */ REMOVE: 'br', /** * editorLists * @property NAME * @static */ NAME: 'editorLists', /** * lists * @property NS * @static */ NS: 'lists', ATTRS: { host: { value: false } } }); Y.namespace('Plugin'); Y.Plugin.EditorLists = EditorLists; Y.mix(Y.Plugin.ExecCommand.COMMANDS, { /** * Override for the insertunorderedlist method from the EditorLists plugin. * @for ExecCommand * @method COMMANDS.insertunorderedlist * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: insertunorderedlist * @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command. */ insertunorderedlist: function(cmd) { var inst = this.get('host').getInstance(), out; this.get('host')._execCommand(cmd, ''); }, /** * Override for the insertorderedlist method from the EditorLists plugin. * @for ExecCommand * @method COMMANDS.insertorderedlist * @static * @param {String} cmd The command executed: insertorderedlist * @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command. */ insertorderedlist: function(cmd) { var inst = this.get('host').getInstance(), out; this.get('host')._execCommand(cmd, ''); } }); }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['editor-base'], skinnable:false}); YUI.add('editor-bidi', function(Y) { /** * Plugin for Editor to support BiDirectional (bidi) text operations. * @module editor * @submodule editor-bidi */ /** * Plugin for Editor to support BiDirectional (bidi) text operations. * @class Plugin.EditorBidi * @extends Base * @constructor */ var EditorBidi = function() { EditorBidi.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, HOST = 'host', DIR = 'dir', BODY = 'BODY', NODE_CHANGE = 'nodeChange', B_C_CHANGE = 'bidiContextChange', FIRST_P = BODY + ' > p'; Y.extend(EditorBidi, Y.Base, { /** * Place holder for the last direction when checking for a switch * @private * @property lastDirection */ lastDirection: null, /** * Tells us that an initial bidi check has already been performed * @private * @property firstEvent */ firstEvent: null, /** * Method checks to see if the direction of the text has changed based on a nodeChange event. * @private * @method _checkForChange */ _checkForChange: function() { var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(), sel = new inst.Selection(), node, direction; if (sel.isCollapsed) { node = EditorBidi.blockParent(sel.focusNode); direction = node.getStyle('direction'); if (direction !== this.lastDirection) { host.fire(B_C_CHANGE, { changedTo: direction }); this.lastDirection = direction; } } else { host.fire(B_C_CHANGE, { changedTo: 'select' }); this.lastDirection = null; } }, /** * Checked for a change after a specific nodeChange event has been fired. * @private * @method _afterNodeChange */ _afterNodeChange: function(e) { // If this is the first event ever, or an event that can result in a context change if (this.firstEvent || EditorBidi.EVENTS[e.changedType]) { this._checkForChange(); this.firstEvent = false; } }, /** * Checks for a direction change after a mouseup occurs. * @private * @method _afterMouseUp */ _afterMouseUp: function(e) { this._checkForChange(); this.firstEvent = false; }, initializer: function() { var host = this.get(HOST); this.firstEvent = true; host.after(NODE_CHANGE, Y.bind(this._afterNodeChange, this)); host.after('dom:mouseup', Y.bind(this._afterMouseUp, this)); } }, { /** * The events to check for a direction change on * @property EVENTS * @static */ EVENTS: { 'backspace-up': true, 'pageup-up': true, 'pagedown-down': true, 'end-up': true, 'home-up': true, 'left-up': true, 'up-up': true, 'right-up': true, 'down-up': true, 'delete-up': true }, /** * More elements may be needed. BODY *must* be in the list to take care of the special case. * * blockParent could be changed to use inst.Selection.BLOCKS * instead, but that would make Y.Plugin.EditorBidi.blockParent * unusable in non-RTE contexts (it being usable is a nice * side-effect). * @property BLOCKS * @static */ BLOCKS: Y.Selection.BLOCKS+',LI,HR,' + BODY, /** * Template for creating a block element * @static * @property DIV_WRAPPER */ DIV_WRAPPER: '
', /** * Returns a block parent for a given element * @static * @method blockParent */ blockParent: function(node, wrap) { var parent = node, divNode, firstChild; if (!parent) { parent = Y.one(BODY); } if (!parent.test(EditorBidi.BLOCKS)) { parent = parent.ancestor(EditorBidi.BLOCKS); } if (wrap && parent.test(BODY)) { // This shouldn't happen if the RTE handles everything // according to spec: we should get to a P before BODY. But // we don't want to set the direction of BODY even if that // happens, so we wrap everything in a DIV. // The code is based on YUI3's Y.Selection._wrapBlock function. divNode = Y.Node.create(EditorBidi.DIV_WRAPPER); parent.get('children').each(function(node, index) { if (index === 0) { firstChild = node; } else { divNode.append(node); } }); firstChild.replace(divNode); divNode.prepend(firstChild); parent = divNode; } return parent; }, /** * The data key to store on the node. * @static * @property _NODE_SELECTED */ _NODE_SELECTED: 'bidiSelected', /** * Generates a list of all the block parents of the current NodeList * @static * @method addParents */ addParents: function(nodeArray) { var i, parent, addParent; for (i = 0; i < nodeArray.length; i += 1) { nodeArray[i].setData(EditorBidi._NODE_SELECTED, true); } // This works automagically, since new parents added get processed // later themselves. So if there's a node early in the process that // we haven't discovered some of its siblings yet, thus resulting in // its parent not added, the parent will be added later, since those // siblings will be added to the array and then get processed. for (i = 0; i < nodeArray.length; i += 1) { parent = nodeArray[i].get('parentNode'); // Don't add the parent if the parent is the BODY element. // We don't want to change the direction of BODY. Also don't // do it if the parent is already in the list. if (!parent.test(BODY) && !parent.getData(EditorBidi._NODE_SELECTED)) { addParent = true; parent.get('children').some(function(sibling) { if (!sibling.getData(EditorBidi._NODE_SELECTED)) { addParent = false; return true; // stop more processing } }); if (addParent) { nodeArray.push(parent); parent.setData(EditorBidi._NODE_SELECTED, true); } } } for (i = 0; i < nodeArray.length; i += 1) { nodeArray[i].clearData(EditorBidi._NODE_SELECTED); } return nodeArray; }, /** * editorBidi * @static * @property NAME */ NAME: 'editorBidi', /** * editorBidi * @static * @property NS */ NS: 'editorBidi', ATTRS: { host: { value: false } } }); Y.namespace('Plugin'); Y.Plugin.EditorBidi = EditorBidi; /** * bidi execCommand override for setting the text direction of a node. * @for Plugin.ExecCommand * @property COMMANDS.bidi */ Y.Plugin.ExecCommand.COMMANDS.bidi = function(cmd, direction) { var inst = this.getInstance(), sel = new inst.Selection(), returnValue, block, selected, selectedBlocks, dir; inst.Selection.filterBlocks(); if (sel.isCollapsed) { // No selection block = EditorBidi.blockParent(sel.anchorNode); if (!direction) { //If no direction is set, auto-detect the proper setting to make it "toggle" dir = block.getAttribute(DIR); if (!dir || dir == 'ltr') { direction = 'rtl'; } else { direction = 'ltr'; } } block.setAttribute(DIR, direction); returnValue = block; } else { // some text is selected selected = sel.getSelected(); selectedBlocks = []; selected.each(function(node) { /* * Temporarily removed this check, should already be fixed * in Y.Selection.getSelected() */ //if (!node.test(BODY)) { // workaround for a YUI bug selectedBlocks.push(EditorBidi.blockParent(node)); //} }); selectedBlocks = inst.all(EditorBidi.addParents(selectedBlocks)); selectedBlocks.setAttribute(DIR, direction); returnValue = selectedBlocks; } this.get(HOST).get(HOST).editorBidi._checkForChange(); return returnValue; }; }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['editor-base'], skinnable:false}); YUI.add('editor-para', function(Y) { /** * Plugin for Editor to paragraph auto wrapping and correction. * @module editor * @submodule editor-para */ /** * Plugin for Editor to paragraph auto wrapping and correction. * @class Plugin.EditorPara * @extends Base * @constructor */ var EditorPara = function() { EditorPara.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, HOST = 'host', BODY = 'body', NODE_CHANGE = 'nodeChange', PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode', FIRST_P = BODY + ' > p', P = 'p', BR = '
', FC = 'firstChild', LI = 'li'; Y.extend(EditorPara, Y.Base, { /** * Utility method to create an empty paragraph when the document is empty. * @private * @method _fixFirstPara */ _fixFirstPara: function() { var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(), sel; inst.one('body').set('innerHTML', '<' + P + '>' + inst.Selection.CURSOR + ''); var n = inst.one(FIRST_P); sel = new inst.Selection(); sel.selectNode(n, true, false); }, /** * nodeChange handler to handle fixing an empty document. * @private * @method _onNodeChange */ _onNodeChange: function(e) { var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(), html, txt, par , d, sel, btag = inst.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG, inHTML, txt2, childs, aNode, index, node2, top, n, sib, ps, br, item, p, imgs, t, LAST_CHILD = ':last-child'; switch (e.changedType) { case 'enter-up': var para = ((this._lastPara) ? this._lastPara : e.changedNode), b = para.one('br.yui-cursor'); if (this._lastPara) { delete this._lastPara; } if (b) { if (b.previous() || b.next()) { b.remove(); } } if (!para.test(btag)) { var para2 = para.ancestor(btag); if (para2) { para = para2; para2 = null; } } if (para.test(btag)) { var prev = para.previous(), lc, lc2, found = false; if (prev) { lc = prev.one(LAST_CHILD); while (!found) { if (lc) { lc2 = lc.one(LAST_CHILD); if (lc2) { lc = lc2; } else { found = true; } } else { found = true; } } if (lc) { host.copyStyles(lc, para); } } } break; case 'enter': if (Y.UA.webkit) { //Webkit doesn't support shift+enter as a BR, this fixes that. if (e.changedEvent.shiftKey) { host.execCommand('insertbr'); e.changedEvent.preventDefault(); } } //TODO Move this to a GECKO MODULE - Can't for the moment, requires no change to metadata (YMAIL) if (Y.UA.gecko && host.get('defaultblock') !== 'p') { par = e.changedNode; if (!par.test(LI) && !par.ancestor(LI)) { if (!par.test(btag)) { par = par.ancestor(btag); } d = inst.Node.create('<' + btag + '>'); par.insert(d, 'after'); sel = new inst.Selection(); if (sel.anchorOffset) { inHTML = sel.anchorNode.get('textContent'); txt = inst.one(inst.config.doc.createTextNode(inHTML.substr(0, sel.anchorOffset))); txt2 = inst.one(inst.config.doc.createTextNode(inHTML.substr(sel.anchorOffset))); aNode = sel.anchorNode; aNode.setContent(''); //I node2 = aNode.cloneNode(); //I node2.append(txt2); //text top = false; sib = aNode; //I while (!top) { sib = sib.get(PARENT_NODE); //B if (sib && !sib.test(btag)) { n = sib.cloneNode(); n.set('innerHTML', ''); n.append(node2); //Get children.. childs = sib.get('childNodes'); var start = false; childs.each(function(c) { if (start) { n.append(c); } if (c === aNode) { start = true; } }); aNode = sib; //Top sibling node2 = n; } else { top = true; } } txt2 = node2; sel.anchorNode.append(txt); if (txt2) { d.append(txt2); } } if (d.get(FC)) { d = d.get(FC); } d.prepend(inst.Selection.CURSOR); sel.focusCursor(true, true); html = inst.Selection.getText(d); if (html !== '') { inst.Selection.cleanCursor(); } e.changedEvent.preventDefault(); } } break; case 'keydown': if (inst.config.doc.childNodes.length < 2) { var cont = inst.config.doc.body.innerHTML; if (cont && cont.length < 5 && cont.toLowerCase() == BR) { this._fixFirstPara(); } } break; case 'backspace-up': case 'backspace-down': case 'delete-up': if (!Y.UA.ie) { ps = inst.all(FIRST_P); item = inst.one(BODY); if (ps.item(0)) { item = ps.item(0); } br = item.one('br'); if (br) { br.removeAttribute('id'); br.removeAttribute('class'); } txt = inst.Selection.getText(item); txt = txt.replace(/ /g, '').replace(/\n/g, ''); imgs = item.all('img'); if (txt.length === 0 && !imgs.size()) { //God this is horrible.. if (!item.test(P)) { this._fixFirstPara(); } p = null; if (e.changedNode && e.changedNode.test(P)) { p = e.changedNode; } if (!p && host._lastPara && host._lastPara.inDoc()) { p = host._lastPara; } if (p && !p.test(P)) { p = p.ancestor(P); } if (p) { if (!p.previous() && p.get(PARENT_NODE) && p.get(PARENT_NODE).test(BODY)) { e.changedEvent.frameEvent.halt(); } } } if (Y.UA.webkit) { if (e.changedNode) { item = e.changedNode; if (item.test('li') && (!item.previous() && !item.next())) { html = item.get('innerHTML').replace(BR, ''); if (html === '') { if (item.get(PARENT_NODE)) { item.get(PARENT_NODE).replace(inst.Node.create(BR)); e.changedEvent.frameEvent.halt(); e.preventDefault(); inst.Selection.filterBlocks(); } } } } } } if (Y.UA.gecko) { /** * This forced FF to redraw the content on backspace. * On some occasions FF will leave a cursor residue after content has been deleted. * Dropping in the empty textnode and then removing it causes FF to redraw and * remove the "ghost cursors" */ d = e.changedNode; t = inst.config.doc.createTextNode(' '); d.appendChild(t); d.removeChild(t); } break; } if (Y.UA.gecko) { if (e.changedNode && !e.changedNode.test(btag)) { var p = e.changedNode.ancestor(btag); if (p) { this._lastPara = p; } } } }, /** * Performs a block element filter when the Editor is first ready * @private * @method _afterEditorReady */ _afterEditorReady: function() { var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(), btag; if (inst) { inst.Selection.filterBlocks(); btag = inst.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG; FIRST_P = BODY + ' > ' + btag; P = btag; } }, /** * Performs a block element filter when the Editor after an content change * @private * @method _afterContentChange */ _afterContentChange: function() { var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(); if (inst && inst.Selection) { inst.Selection.filterBlocks(); } }, /** * Performs block/paste filtering after paste. * @private * @method _afterPaste */ _afterPaste: function() { var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(), sel = new inst.Selection(); Y.later(50, host, function() { inst.Selection.filterBlocks(); }); }, initializer: function() { var host = this.get(HOST); if (host.editorBR) { Y.error('Can not plug EditorPara and EditorBR at the same time.'); return; } host.on(NODE_CHANGE, Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this)); host.after('ready', Y.bind(this._afterEditorReady, this)); host.after('contentChange', Y.bind(this._afterContentChange, this)); if (Y.Env.webkit) { host.after('dom:paste', Y.bind(this._afterPaste, this)); } } }, { /** * editorPara * @static * @property NAME */ NAME: 'editorPara', /** * editorPara * @static * @property NS */ NS: 'editorPara', ATTRS: { host: { value: false } } }); Y.namespace('Plugin'); Y.Plugin.EditorPara = EditorPara; }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['node'], skinnable:false}); YUI.add('editor-br', function(Y) { /** * Plugin for Editor to normalize BR's. * @module editor * @submodule editor-br */ /** * Plugin for Editor to normalize BR's. * @class Plugin.EditorBR * @extends Base * @constructor */ var EditorBR = function() { EditorBR.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, HOST = 'host', LI = 'li'; Y.extend(EditorBR, Y.Base, { /** * Frame keyDown handler that normalizes BR's when pressing ENTER. * @private * @method _onKeyDown */ _onKeyDown: function(e) { if (e.stopped) { e.halt(); return; } if (e.keyCode == 13) { var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(), sel = new inst.Selection(), last = ''; if (sel) { if (Y.UA.ie) { if (!sel.anchorNode || (!sel.anchorNode.test(LI) && !sel.anchorNode.ancestor(LI))) { sel._selection.pasteHTML('
'); sel._selection.collapse(false); sel._selection.select(); e.halt(); } } if (Y.UA.webkit) { if (!sel.anchorNode.test(LI) && !sel.anchorNode.ancestor(LI)) { host.frame._execCommand('insertlinebreak', null); e.halt(); } } } } }, /** * Adds listeners for keydown in IE and Webkit. Also fires insertbeonreturn for supporting browsers. * @private * @method _afterEditorReady */ _afterEditorReady: function() { var inst = this.get(HOST).getInstance(); try { inst.config.doc.execCommand('insertbronreturn', null, true); } catch (bre) {}; if (Y.UA.ie || Y.UA.webkit) { inst.on('keydown', Y.bind(this._onKeyDown, this), inst.config.doc); } }, /** * Adds a nodeChange listener only for FF, in the event of a backspace or delete, it creates an empy textNode * inserts it into the DOM after the e.changedNode, then removes it. Causing FF to redraw the content. * @private * @method _onNodeChange * @param {Event} e The nodeChange event. */ _onNodeChange: function(e) { switch (e.changedType) { case 'backspace-up': case 'backspace-down': case 'delete-up': /** * This forced FF to redraw the content on backspace. * On some occasions FF will leave a cursor residue after content has been deleted. * Dropping in the empty textnode and then removing it causes FF to redraw and * remove the "ghost cursors" */ var inst = this.get(HOST).getInstance(); var d = e.changedNode; var t = inst.config.doc.createTextNode(' '); d.appendChild(t); d.removeChild(t); break; } }, initializer: function() { var host = this.get(HOST); if (host.editorPara) { Y.error('Can not plug EditorBR and EditorPara at the same time.'); return; } host.after('ready', Y.bind(this._afterEditorReady, this)); if (Y.UA.gecko) { host.on('nodeChange', Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this)); } } }, { /** * editorBR * @static * @property NAME */ NAME: 'editorBR', /** * editorBR * @static * @property NS */ NS: 'editorBR', ATTRS: { host: { value: false } } }); Y.namespace('Plugin'); Y.Plugin.EditorBR = EditorBR; }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['node'], skinnable:false}); YUI.add('editor', function(Y){}, '3.3.0' ,{skinnable:false, use:['frame', 'selection', 'exec-command', 'editor-base', 'editor-para', 'editor-br', 'editor-bidi', 'createlink-base']});