/********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2012 SugarCRM Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ var CAL = {}; CAL.dropped = 0; CAL.records_openable = true; CAL.moved_from_cell = ""; CAL.deleted_id = ""; CAL.deleted_module = ""; CAL.old_caption = ""; CAL.disable_creating = false; CAL.record_editable = false; CAL.tp = false; CAL.tp1 = false; CAL.shared_users = {}; CAL.shared_users_count = 0; CAL.script_evaled = false; CAL.editDialog = false; CAL.settingsDialog = false; CAL.scroll_slot = 0; CAL.update_dd = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("update_dd"); CAL.dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; CAL.get = YAHOO.util.Dom.get; CAL.query = YAHOO.util.Selector.query; CAL.arrange_slot = function (cell_id){ if(!cell_id) return; cellElm = document.getElementById(cell_id); if(cellElm){ var total_height = 0; var prev_i = 0; var first = 1; var top = 0; var height = 0; var cnt = 0; var child_cnt = cellElm.childNodes.length; for(var i = 0; i < child_cnt; i++){ var width_p = (92 / child_cnt); width = width_p.toString() + "%"; if(cellElm.childNodes[i].tagName == "DIV"){ cellElm.childNodes[i].style.top = "-1px"; cellElm.childNodes[i].style.left = "-"+(cnt+1)+"px"; cellElm.childNodes[i].style.width = width cnt++; prev_i = i; } } } } // prevent item overlapping CAL.arrange_column = function(column){ for(var i = 0; i < column.childNodes.length; i++){ for(var j = 0; j < column.childNodes[i].childNodes.length; j++){ var el = column.childNodes[i].childNodes[j]; if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(el,"empty")){ el.parentNode.removeChild(el); j--; } } } var slots = column.childNodes; var start = 0; var end = slots.length; var slot_count = end; var level = 0; var affected_slots = new Array(); var affected_items = Array(); var ol = new Array(); // fill ol array with groups of overlapping items to fit them bit later find_overlapping(null,start,end,level,null); // add transparent empty blocks to the left for(var i = 0; i < ol.length; i++){ var ol_group = ol[i]; var depth = ol_group.depth; for(var j = 0; j < ol_group.items.length; j++){ var el_id = ol_group.items[j]['id']; var level = ol_group.items[j]['level']; var el = CAL.get(el_id); var node = el; var pos = 0; while(node.previousSibling){ pos++; node = node.previousSibling; } insert_empty_items(el,level - 1 - pos,false); } } // add transparent empty blocks to the right for(var i = 0; i < ol.length; i++){ var ol_group = ol[i]; var depth = ol_group.depth; for(var j = 0; j < ol_group.items.length; j++){ var el_id = ol_group.items[j]['id']; var el = CAL.get(el_id); var cnt = el.parentNode.childNodes.length; insert_empty_items(el,depth - cnt,true); } } CAL.each(affected_slots,function(i,v){ CAL.arrange_slot(affected_slots[i]); }); function find_overlapping(el,start,end,level,ol_group){ if(level > 20) return; var depth = level; if(el != null){ if(level == 1){ ol_group = {}; ol_group.items = new Array(); } ol_group.items.push({ id: el.id, level: level }); affected_items.push(el.id); } for(var i = start; i < end; i++){ if(i >= slot_count) break; if(typeof slots[i].childNodes != 'undefined' && typeof slots[i].childNodes[0] != 'undefined'){ var pos = 0; if(i == start){ var node = slots[i].childNodes[0]; while(node.nextSibling && contains(affected_items,node.id)){ node = node.nextSibling; pos ++; } } var current = slots[i].childNodes[pos]; var slots_takes = parseInt(current.getAttribute('duration_coef')); if(contains(affected_items,current.id)) continue; if(pos == 0){ var slot_id = current.parentNode.id; if(!contains(affected_slots,slot_id)) affected_slots.push(slot_id); } if(slots_takes > 0){ var k = find_overlapping(current, i, i + slots_takes, level + 1,ol_group); if(k > depth) depth = k; } } } if(level == 1){ ol_group.depth = depth; ol.push(ol_group); } return depth; } function insert_empty_items(el,count,to_end){ var slot = el.parentNode; for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){ var empty = document.createElement("div"); empty.className = "act_item empty"; empty.style.zIndex = "-1"; empty.style.width = "1px"; if(to_end == true){ slot.appendChild(empty); }else{ slot.insertBefore(empty,slot.firstChild); } } } function contains(a, obj){ var i = a.length; while(i--) if (a[i] === obj) return true; return false; } } CAL.arrange_advanced = function (){ var nodes = CAL.query("#cal-grid .day_col"); for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){ CAL.arrange_column(nodes[i]); } CAL.update_dd.fire(); } CAL.add_item_to_grid = function (item){ var suffix = ""; var id_suffix = ""; if( item.user_id != "" && CAL.view == 'shared'){ suffix = "_" + CAL.shared_users[item.user_id]; id_suffix = '____' + CAL.shared_users[item.user_id]; } var e = CAL.get(item.record + id_suffix); if(e){ e.parentNode.removeChild(e); } var duration_text = item.duration_hours + CAL.lbl_hours_abbrev; if(item.duration_minutes > 0) duration_text += item.duration_minutes + CAL.lbl_mins_abbrev; var start_text = CAL.get_header_text(item.type,item.time_start,item.status,item.record); var time_cell = item.timestamp - item.timestamp % (CAL.t_step * 60); var duration_coef; if(item.module_name == 'Tasks'){ duration_coef = 1; duration_text = " "; }else{ if((item.duration_minutes < CAL.t_step) && (item.duration_hours == 0)) duration_coef = 1; else duration_coef = (parseInt(item.duration_hours) * 60 + parseInt(item.duration_minutes)) / CAL.t_step; } var item_text = ""; if(CAL.item_text && (typeof item[CAL.item_text] != "undefined") ) item_text = item[CAL.item_text]; var contain_style = ""; if(duration_coef < 1.75) contain_style = "style='display: none;'"; var elm_id = item.record + id_suffix; var el = document.createElement("div"); el.innerHTML = "
" + start_text + "
" + "" + "
" + item_text + "
"; el.className = "act_item" + " " + item.type+"_item"; el.setAttribute("id",elm_id); el.setAttribute("module_name",item.module_name); el.setAttribute("record",item.record); el.setAttribute("dur",duration_text); el.setAttribute("subj",item.record_name); el.setAttribute("date_start",item.date_start); el.setAttribute("desc",item.description); el.setAttribute("parent_name",item.parent_name); el.setAttribute("parent_type",item.parent_type); el.setAttribute("parent_id",item.parent_id); el.setAttribute("status",item.status); el.setAttribute("detail",item.detail); el.setAttribute("edit",item.edit); el.setAttribute("duration_coef",duration_coef); el.style.backgroundColor = CAL.activity_colors[item.module_name]['body']; el.style.borderColor = CAL.activity_colors[item.module_name]['border']; el.style.height = parseInt(15 * duration_coef - 1) + "px"; if(item.module_name == "Tasks") el.setAttribute("date_due",item.date_due); YAHOO.util.Event.on(el,"click",function(){ if(this.getAttribute('detail') == "1") CAL.load_form(this.getAttribute('module_name'),this.getAttribute('record'),false); }); YAHOO.util.Event.on(el,"mouseover",function(){ if(!CAL.records_openable) return; CAL.disable_creating = true; CAL.tp = setTimeout( function(){ var e; if(e = CAL.get(elm_id)) e.style.zIndex = 2; }, 150 ); }); YAHOO.util.Event.on(el,"mouseout",function(){ if(!CAL.records_openable) return; clearTimeout(CAL.tp); CAL.get(elm_id).style.zIndex = ''; CAL.disable_creating = false; }); var slot; if(slot = CAL.get("t_" + time_cell + suffix)){ slot.appendChild(el); CAL.cut_record(item.record + id_suffix); if(duration_coef < 1.75 && CAL.mouseover_expand){ YAHOO.util.Event.on(elm_id,"mouseover",function(){ if(CAL.records_openable) CAL.expand_record(this.getAttribute("id")); }); YAHOO.util.Event.on(elm_id,"mouseout",function(){ CAL.unexpand_record(this.getAttribute("id")); }); YAHOO.util.Event.on(elm_id,"click",function(){ CAL.unexpand_record(this.getAttribute("id")); }); } if(CAL.items_draggable && item.edit == 1){ var border = 'cal-grid'; if(CAL.view != "shared" && CAL.view != "month") border = 'cal-scrollable'; var dd = new YAHOO.util.DDCAL(elm_id,"cal",{isTarget: false,cont: border}); dd.onInvalidDrop = function(e){ CAL.arrange_slot(this.el.parentNode.getAttribute("id")); if(CAL.dropped == 0){ this.el.childNodes[0].innerHTML = CAL.old_caption; } CAL.records_openable = true; CAL.disable_creating = false; } dd.onMouseDown = function(e){ YAHOO.util.DDM.mode = YAHOO.util.DDM.POINT; YAHOO.util.DDM.clickPixelThresh = 20; } dd.onMouseUp = function(e){ YAHOO.util.DDM.mode = YAHOO.util.DDM.INTERSECT; YAHOO.util.DDM.clickPixelThresh = 3; } dd.startDrag = function(x,y){ this.el = document.getElementById(this.id); this.el.style.zIndex = 5; CAL.dropped = 0; CAL.records_openable = false; CAL.disable_creating = true; CAL.old_caption = this.el.childNodes[0].innerHTML; CAL.moved_from_cell = this.el.parentNode.id; this.setDelta(2,2); } dd.endDrag = function(x,y){ this.el = document.getElementById(this.id); this.el.style.zIndex = ""; var nodes = CAL.query("#cal-grid .slot"); CAL.each(nodes,function(i,v){ YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(nodes[i],"slot_active"); }); } dd.onDragDrop = function(e,id){ var slot = document.getElementById(id); YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(slot,"slot_active"); if(CAL.dropped) // prevent dropping on two slots in same time return; CAL.dropped = 1; this.el.style.position = "relative"; this.el.style.cssFloat = "none"; if(CAL.view != 'shared'){ var box_id = this.id; var slot_id = id; var ex_slot_id = CAL.moved_from_cell; CAL.move_activity(box_id,slot_id,ex_slot_id); }else{ var record = this.el.getAttribute("record"); var tid = id; var tar = tid.split("_"); var timestamp = tar[1]; var tid = CAL.moved_from_cell; var tar = tid.split("_"); var ex_timestamp = tar[1]; for(i = 0; i < CAL.shared_users_count; i++){ var box_id = ""+record+"____"+i; var slot_id = "t_"+timestamp+"_"+i; var ex_slot_id = "t_"+ex_timestamp+"_"+i; CAL.move_activity(box_id,slot_id,ex_slot_id); } } var callback = { success: function(o){ try{ res = eval("("+o.responseText+")"); }catch(err){ alert(CAL.lbl_error_saving); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); return; } CAL.records_openable = true; CAL.disable_creating = false; CAL.update_vcal(); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); } }; ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_SAVING')); var url = "index.php?module=Calendar&action=Reschedule&sugar_body_only=true"; var data = { "current_module" : this.el.getAttribute("module_name"), "record" : this.el.getAttribute("record"), "datetime" : slot.getAttribute("datetime") }; YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',url,callback,CAL.toURI(data)); YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(slot,"slot_active"); } dd.onDragOver = function(e,id){ var slot = document.getElementById(id); if(!YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(slot,"slot_active")) YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(slot,"slot_active"); this.el.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].innerHTML = slot.getAttribute('time'); } dd.onDragOut = function(e,id){ var slot = document.getElementById(id); YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(slot,"slot_active"); } } CAL.arrange_slot("t_" + time_cell + suffix); } } CAL.expand_record = function (id){ CAL.tp1 = setTimeout( function(){ var el = CAL.get(id); if(el){ el.style.height = parseInt(15 * 2 - 1) + "px"; el.childNodes[1].style.display = "block"; } }, 350 ); } CAL.unexpand_record = function (id){ clearTimeout(CAL.tp1); var el = CAL.get(id); el.style.height = parseInt(15 * CAL.get(id).getAttribute("duration_coef") - 2) + "px"; el.childNodes[1].style.display = "none"; //innerHTML = ""; CAL.cut_record(id); } CAL.get_header_text = function (type,time_start,status,record){ var start_text = "" + time_start + " " + SUGAR.language.languages.app_list_strings[type +'_status_dom'][status]; return start_text; } CAL.cut_record = function (id){ var el = CAL.get(id); if(!el) return; var duration_coef = el.getAttribute("duration_coef"); var real_celcount = CAL.celcount; if(CAL.view == 'day' || CAL.view == 'week') real_celcount = CAL.cells_per_day; var celpos = 0; var s = el.parentNode; while(s.previousSibling){ celpos++; s = s.previousSibling; } if(CAL.view == 'week') celpos = celpos + 1; if(real_celcount - celpos - duration_coef < 0) duration_coef = real_celcount - celpos + 1; el.style.height = parseInt(15 * duration_coef - 1) + "px"; } CAL.init_edit_dialog = function (params){ CAL.editDialog = false; var rd = CAL.get("cal-edit"); var content = CAL.get("edit-dialog-content"); if(CAL.dashlet && rd){ document.getElementById("content").appendChild(rd); } rd.style.width = params.width+"px"; content.style.height = params.height+"px"; content.style.overflow = "auto"; content.style.padding = "0"; CAL.editDialog = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog("cal-edit",{ draggable : true, visible : false, modal : true, close : true, zIndex : 10 }); var listeners = new YAHOO.util.KeyListener(document, { keys : 27 }, {fn: function() { CAL.editDialog.cancel();} } ); CAL.editDialog.cfg.queueProperty("keylisteners", listeners); CAL.editDialog.cancelEvent.subscribe(function(e, a, o){ CAL.close_edit_dialog(); }); rd.style.display = "block"; CAL.editDialog.render(); rd.style.overflow = "auto"; rd.style.overflowX = "hidden"; rd.style.outline = "0 none"; rd.style.height = "auto"; } CAL.open_edit_dialog = function (params){ // Reset display parameter, if the delete button was hidden CAL.get("btn-delete").style.display = ""; CAL.editDialog.center(); CAL.editDialog.show(); var nodes = CAL.query("#cal-tabs li a"); CAL.each(nodes,function(i,v){ YAHOO.util.Event.on(nodes[i], 'click', function(){ CAL.select_tab(this.getAttribute("tabname")); }); }); var nodes_li = CAL.query("#cal-tabs li"); CAL.each(nodes_li,function(j,v){ CAL.dom.removeClass(nodes_li[j],"selected"); if(j == 0) CAL.dom.addClass(nodes_li[j],"selected"); }); var nodes = CAL.query(".yui-nav"); CAL.each(nodes,function(i,v){ nodes[i].style.overflowX = "visible"; }); } CAL.close_edit_dialog = function (){ CAL.reset_edit_dialog(); } CAL.remove_edit_dialog = function(){ var rd_c = CAL.get("cal-edit_c"); if(rd_c){ rd_c.parentNode.removeChild(rd_c); } } CAL.reset_edit_dialog = function (){ var e; document.getElementById("form_content").innerHTML = ""; document.forms["CalendarEditView"].elements["current_module"].value = "Meetings"; CAL.get("radio_call").removeAttribute("disabled"); CAL.get("radio_meeting").removeAttribute("disabled"); CAL.get("radio_call").checked = false; CAL.get("radio_meeting").checked = true; CAL.get("send_invites").value = ""; if(e = CAL.get("record")) e.value = ""; if(e = CAL.get("list_div_win")) e.style.display = "none"; CAL.GR_update_focus("Meetings",""); CAL.select_tab("cal-tab-1"); QSFieldsArray = new Array(); QSProcessedFieldsArray = new Array(); } CAL.select_tab = function (tid){ var nodes_li = CAL.query("#cal-tabs li"); CAL.each(nodes_li,function(j,v){ CAL.dom.removeClass(nodes_li[j],"selected"); }); CAL.dom.addClass(CAL.get(tid + "-link").parentNode,"selected"); var nodes = CAL.query("#cal-tabs .yui-content"); CAL.each(nodes,function(i,v){ nodes[i].style.display = "none"; }); var nodes = CAL.query("#cal-tabs #"+tid); CAL.each(nodes,function(i,v){ nodes[i].style.display = "block"; }); } CAL.GR_update_user = function (user_id){ var callback = { success: function(o){ res = eval(o.responseText); GLOBAL_REGISTRY.focus.users_arr_hash = undefined; //SugarWidgetScheduler.update_time(); } }; var data = { "users": user_id }; var url = "index.php?module=Calendar&action=GetGRUsers&sugar_body_only=true"; YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',url,callback,CAL.toURI(data)); } CAL.GR_update_focus = function (module,record){ if(record == ""){ GLOBAL_REGISTRY["focus"] = {"module":module, users_arr:[],fields:{"id":"-1"}}; SugarWidgetScheduler.update_time(); }else{ var callback = { success: function(o){ res = eval(o.responseText); SugarWidgetScheduler.update_time(); if(CAL.record_editable){ CAL.get("btn-save").removeAttribute("disabled"); CAL.get("btn-delete").removeAttribute("disabled"); CAL.get("btn-apply").removeAttribute("disabled"); CAL.get("btn-send-invites").removeAttribute("disabled"); } } }; var url = 'index.php?module=Calendar&action=GetGR&sugar_body_only=true&type=' + module + '&record=' + record; YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',url,callback,false); } } CAL.toggle_settings = function (){ var sd = CAL.get("settings_dialog"); if(!CAL.settingsDialog){ CAL.settingsDialog = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog("settings_dialog",{ fixedcenter: true, draggable: false, visible : false, modal : true, close: true }); var listeners = new YAHOO.util.KeyListener(document, { keys : 27 }, {fn: function() { CAL.settingsDialog.cancel();} } ); CAL.settingsDialog.cfg.queueProperty("keylisteners", listeners); } CAL.settingsDialog.cancelEvent.subscribe(function(e, a, o){ CAL.get("form_settings").reset(); }); sd.style.display = "block"; CAL.settingsDialog.render(); CAL.settingsDialog.show(); } CAL.toggle_whole_day = function (){ var wd = CAL.get("whole_day"); if(!wd.value) wd.value = "1"; else wd.value = ""; setTimeout( function(){ if(wd.value){ var nodes = CAL.query("#cal-grid .owt"); CAL.each(nodes,function(i,v){ nodes[i].style.display = "block"; }); }else{ var nodes = CAL.query("#cal-grid .owt"); CAL.each(nodes,function(i,v){ nodes[i].style.display = "none"; }); } }, 25); } CAL.fill_invitees = function (){ CAL.get("user_invitees").value = ""; CAL.get("contact_invitees").value = ""; CAL.get("lead_invitees").value = ""; CAL.each( GLOBAL_REGISTRY['focus'].users_arr, function(i,v){ var field_name = ""; if(v.module == "User") field_name = "user_invitees"; if(v.module == "Contact") field_name = "contact_invitees"; if(v.module == "Lead") field_name = "lead_invitees"; var str = CAL.get(field_name).value; CAL.get(field_name).value = str + v.fields.id + ","; } ); } CAL.load_form = function (module_name,record,run_one_time){ var e; var to_open = true; if(module_name == "Tasks") to_open = false; if(to_open && CAL.records_openable){ CAL.get("form_content").style.display = "none"; CAL.get("btn-delete").setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); CAL.get("btn-apply").setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); CAL.get("btn-save").setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); CAL.get("btn-send-invites").setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); CAL.get("title-cal-edit").innerHTML = CAL.lbl_loading; ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_LOADING')); CAL.open_edit_dialog(); CAL.get("record").value = ""; var callback = { success: function(o){ try{ res = eval("("+o.responseText+")"); }catch(err){ alert(CAL.lbl_error_loading); CAL.editDialog.cancel(); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); return; } if(res.success == 'yes'){ var fc = document.getElementById("form_content"); CAL.script_evaled = false; fc.innerHTML = ''+res.html; if(!CAL.script_evaled){ SUGAR.util.evalScript(res.html); } CAL.get("record").value = res.record; CAL.get("current_module").value = res.module_name; var mod_name = res.module_name; if(mod_name == "Meetings") CAL.get("radio_meeting").checked = true; if(mod_name == "Calls") CAL.get("radio_call").checked = true; if(res.edit == 1){ CAL.record_editable = true; }else{ CAL.record_editable = false; } CAL.get("radio_call").setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); CAL.get("radio_meeting").setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); eval(res.gr); SugarWidgetScheduler.update_time(); if(CAL.record_editable){ CAL.get("btn-save").removeAttribute("disabled"); CAL.get("btn-delete").removeAttribute("disabled"); CAL.get("btn-apply").removeAttribute("disabled"); CAL.get("btn-send-invites").removeAttribute("disabled"); } CAL.get("form_content").style.display = ""; CAL.get("title-cal-edit").innerHTML = CAL.lbl_edit; ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); setTimeout(function(){ enableQS(false); disableOnUnloadEditView(); },500); }else alert(CAL.lbl_error_loading); }, failure: function(){ alert(CAL.lbl_error_loading); } }; var url = "index.php?module=Calendar&action=QuickEdit&sugar_body_only=true"; var data = { "current_module" : module_name, "record" : record }; YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',url,callback,CAL.toURI(data)); } CAL.records_openable = true; } CAL.remove_shared = function (record_id){ var e; var cell_id; if(e = CAL.get(record_id + '____' + "0")) cell_id = e.parentNode.id; if(typeof cell_id != "undefined"){ var cell_id_arr = cell_id.split("_"); cell_id = "t_" + cell_id_arr[1]; } CAL.each(CAL.shared_users,function(i,v){ if(e = CAL.get(record_id + '____' + v)) e.parentNode.removeChild(e); CAL.arrange_slot(cell_id + '_' + v); }); } CAL.add_item = function (item){ if(CAL.view != 'shared'){ CAL.add_item_to_grid(item); }else{ CAL.remove_shared(item.record); record_id = item.record; //var rec_id = item.rec_id; var timestamp = item.timestamp; CAL.each( item.users, function (i,v){ var rec = item; //rec.rec_id = rec_id; rec.timestamp = timestamp; rec.user_id = v; rec.record = record_id; CAL.add_item_to_grid(rec); CAL.each( rec.arr_rec, function (j,r){ rec.record = r.record; rec.timestamp = r.timestamp; //rec.rec_id = record_id; CAL.add_item_to_grid(rec); } ); } ); } CAL.arrange_advanced(); } CAL.move_activity = function (box_id,slot_id,ex_slot_id){ var u,s; if(u = CAL.get(box_id)){ if(s = CAL.get(slot_id)){ s.appendChild(u); CAL.arrange_column(document.getElementById(slot_id).parentNode); CAL.arrange_column(document.getElementById(ex_slot_id).parentNode); CAL.update_dd.fire(); CAL.cut_record(box_id); var start_text = CAL.get_header_text(CAL.act_types[u.getAttribute('module_name')],s.getAttribute('time'),u.getAttribute('status'),u.getAttribute('record')); var date_field = "date_start"; if(u.getAttribute('module_name') == "Tasks") date_field = "date_due"; u.setAttribute(date_field,s.getAttribute("datetime")); u.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].innerHTML = start_text; } } } CAL.change_activity_type = function (mod_name){ if(typeof CAL.current_params.module_name != "undefined" ) if(CAL.current_params.module_name == mod_name) return; var e,user_name,user_id,date_start; CAL.get("title-cal-edit").innerHTML = CAL.lbl_loading; document.forms["CalendarEditView"].elements["current_module"].value = mod_name; CAL.current_params.module_name = mod_name; QSFieldsArray = new Array(); QSProcessedFieldsArray = new Array(); CAL.load_create_form(CAL.current_params); } CAL.load_create_form = function (params){ ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_LOADING')); var callback = { success: function(o){ try{ res = eval("("+o.responseText+")"); }catch(err){ alert(CAL.lbl_error_loading); CAL.editDialog.cancel(); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); return; } if(res.success == 'yes'){ var fc = document.getElementById("form_content"); CAL.script_evaled = false; fc.innerHTML = ''+res.html; if(!CAL.script_evaled){ SUGAR.util.evalScript(res.html); } CAL.get("record").value = ""; CAL.get("current_module").value = res.module_name; var mod_name = res.module_name; if(res.edit == 1){ CAL.record_editable = true; }else{ CAL.record_editable = false; } CAL.get("title-cal-edit").innerHTML = CAL.lbl_create_new; setTimeout(function(){ SugarWidgetScheduler.update_time(); enableQS(false); disableOnUnloadEditView(); },500); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); }else{ alert(CAL.lbl_error_loading); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); } }, failure: function() { alert(CAL.lbl_error_loading); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); } }; var url = "index.php?module=Calendar&action=QuickEdit&sugar_body_only=true"; var data = { "current_module" : params.module_name, "assigned_user_id" : params.user_id, "assigned_user_name" : params.user_name, "date_start" : params.date_start }; YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',url,callback,CAL.toURI(data)); } CAL.dialog_create = function (cell){ var e,user_id,user_name; CAL.get("title-cal-edit").innerHTML = CAL.lbl_loading; CAL.open_edit_dialog(); // Hide and disable delete button when creating a new record CAL.get("btn-delete").setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); CAL.get("btn-delete").style.display = "none"; var module_name = CAL.get("current_module").value; if(CAL.view == 'shared'){ user_name = cell.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("user_name"); user_id = cell.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("user_id"); CAL.GR_update_user(user_id); }else{ user_id = CAL.current_user_id; user_name = CAL.current_user_name; CAL.GR_update_user(CAL.current_user_id); } var params = { 'module_name': module_name, 'user_id': user_id, 'user_name': user_name, 'date_start': cell.getAttribute("datetime") }; CAL.current_params = params; CAL.load_create_form(CAL.current_params); } CAL.dialog_save = function(){ ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_SAVING')); CAL.get("title-cal-edit").innerHTML = CAL.lbl_saving; CAL.fill_invitees(); //CAL.fill_recurrence(); var callback = { success: function(o){ try{ res = eval("("+o.responseText+")"); }catch(err){ alert(CAL.lbl_error_saving); CAL.editDialog.cancel(); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); return; } if(res.success == 'yes'){ CAL.add_item(res); CAL.editDialog.cancel(); CAL.update_vcal(); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); }else{ alert(CAL.lbl_error_saving); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); } }, failure: function(){ alert(CAL.lbl_error_saving); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); } }; var url = "index.php?module=Calendar&action=SaveActivity&sugar_body_only=true"; YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(CAL.get("CalendarEditView")); YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',url,callback,false); } CAL.dialog_apply = function(){ ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_SAVING')); CAL.get("title-cal-edit").innerHTML = CAL.lbl_saving; CAL.fill_invitees(); //CAL.fill_recurrence(); var e; if(e = CAL.get("radio_call")) e.setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); if(e = CAL.get("radio_meeting")) e.setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); var callback = { success: function(o){ try{ res = eval("("+o.responseText+")"); }catch(err){ alert(CAL.lbl_error_saving); CAL.editDialog.cancel(); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); return; } if(res.success == 'yes'){ var e; CAL.get("record").value = res.record; //SugarWidgetScheduler.update_time(); //CAL.GR_update_focus(CAL.get("current_module").value,res.record); CAL.add_item(res); CAL.update_vcal(); CAL.get("title-cal-edit").innerHTML = CAL.lbl_edit; if(e = CAL.get("send_invites")) e.removeAttribute("checked"); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); // If new data is added with Apply, show the Delete button CAL.get("btn-delete").removeAttribute("disabled"); CAL.get("btn-delete").style.display = ""; }else{ alert(CAL.lbl_error_saving); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); } }, failure: function(){ alert(CAL.lbl_error_saving); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); } }; var url = "index.php?module=Calendar&action=SaveActivity&sugar_body_only=true"; YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(CAL.get("CalendarEditView")); YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',url,callback,false); } CAL.dialog_remove = function(){ CAL.deleted_id = CAL.get("record").value; CAL.deleted_module = CAL.get("current_module").value; var delete_recurring = false; var callback = { success: function(o){ try{ res = eval("("+o.responseText+")"); }catch(err){ alert(CAL.lbl_error_saving); CAL.editDialog.cancel(); ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); return; } var e,cell_id; if(e = CAL.get(CAL.deleted_id)) cell_id = e.parentNode.id; if(CAL.view == 'shared') CAL.remove_shared(CAL.deleted_id); if(e = CAL.get(CAL.deleted_id)) e.parentNode.removeChild(e); CAL.arrange_advanced(); }, failure: function(){ alert(CAL.lbl_error_saving); } }; var data = { "current_module" : CAL.deleted_module, "record" : CAL.deleted_id, "delete_recurring": delete_recurring }; var url = "index.php?module=Calendar&action=Remove&sugar_body_only=true"; YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',url,callback,CAL.toURI(data)); CAL.editDialog.cancel(); } CAL.show_additional_details = function (id){ var obj = CAL.get(id); var record = obj.getAttribute("record"); mod = obj.getAttribute("module_name"); var atype = CAL.act_types[mod]; var subj = obj.getAttribute("subj"); var date_start = obj.getAttribute("date_start"); var duration = obj.getAttribute("dur"); var desc = obj.getAttribute("desc"); var detail = parseInt(obj.getAttribute("detail")); var edit = parseInt(obj.getAttribute("edit")); var date_str = ""; if(date_start != "") date_str += ''+CAL.lbl_start+': ' + date_start; if(mod == "Tasks"){ var date_due = obj.getAttribute("date_due"); if(date_due != ""){ if(date_str != "") date_str += "
"; date_str += ''+CAL.lbl_due+': ' + date_due; } } var related = ""; if(obj.getAttribute("parent_id") != '' && obj.getAttribute("parent_name") != '') related = "" + CAL.lbl_related + ": "+obj.getAttribute("parent_name")+"" + "
"; if(desc != '') desc = ''+ CAL.lbl_desc + ':
' + desc +'
'; if(subj == '') return ""; var date_lbl = CAL.lbl_start; if(duration != ""){ var duration_text = ''+CAL.lbl_duration+': ' + duration + '
'; if(mod == "Tasks"){ date_lbl = CAL.lbl_due; duration_text = ""; } }else duration_text = ""; var caption = "
"; if(edit){ caption += ""; } if(detail){ caption += ""; } caption += "
"; var body = ''+CAL.lbl_name+': ' + subj + '
' + date_str + '
' + duration_text + related + desc; return overlib(body, CAPTION, caption, DELAY, 200, STICKY, MOUSEOFF, 200, WIDTH, 300, CLOSETEXT, '', CLOSETITLE, SUGAR.language.get('app_strings','LBL_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS_CLOSE_TITLE'), CLOSECLICK, FGCLASS, 'olFgClass', CGCLASS, 'olCgClass', BGCLASS, 'olBgClass', TEXTFONTCLASS, 'olFontClass', CAPTIONFONTCLASS, 'olCapFontClass ecCapFontClass', CLOSEFONTCLASS, 'olCloseFontClass'); } CAL.toggle_shared_edit = function (id){ if(document.getElementById(id).style.display == 'none'){ document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'inline' if(document.getElementById(id+"link") != undefined){ document.getElementById(id+"link").style.display='none'; } }else{ document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none' if(document.getElementById(id+"link") != undefined){ document.getElementById(id+"link").style.display = 'inline'; } } } CAL.goto_date_call = function (){ var date_string = CAL.get("goto_date").value; var date_arr = []; date_arr = date_string.split("/"); window.location.href = "index.php?module=Calendar&view="+CAL.view+"&day="+date_arr[1]+"&month="+date_arr[0]+"&year="+date_arr[2]; } CAL.toURI = function (a){ t=[]; for(x in a){ if(!(a[x].constructor.toString().indexOf('Array') == -1)){ for(i in a[x]) t.push(x+"[]="+encodeURIComponent(a[x][i])); }else t.push(x+"="+encodeURIComponent(a[x])); } return t.join("&"); } CAL.each = function (object, callback) { if(typeof object == "undefined") return; var name, i = 0, length = object.length, isObj = (length === undefined) || (typeof (object) === "function"); if(isObj){ for (name in object) { if (callback.call(object[name], name, object[name]) === false) { break; } } }else{ for (; i < length;) { if (callback.call(object[i], i, object[i++]) === false) { break; } } } return object; } CAL.update_vcal = function(){ var v = CAL.current_user_id; var callback = { success: function(result){ if (typeof GLOBAL_REGISTRY.freebusy == 'undefined') { GLOBAL_REGISTRY.freebusy = new Object(); } if (typeof GLOBAL_REGISTRY.freebusy_adjusted == 'undefined') { GLOBAL_REGISTRY.freebusy_adjusted = new Object(); } // parse vCal and put it in the registry using the user_id as a key: GLOBAL_REGISTRY.freebusy[v] = SugarVCalClient.parseResults(result.responseText, false); // parse for current user adjusted vCal GLOBAL_REGISTRY.freebusy_adjusted[v] = SugarVCalClient.parseResults(result.responseText, true); SugarWidgetScheduler.update_time(); } }; var url = "vcal_server.php?type=vfb&source=outlook&user_id="+v; YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET',url,callback,false); } CAL.fit_grid = function(){ var day_width; var cal_width = document.getElementById("cal-grid").parentNode.parentNode.offsetWidth; var left_width = 80; if(CAL.view == "day") day_width = parseInt((cal_width - left_width)); else day_width = parseInt((cal_width - left_width) / 7 ); var nodes = CAL.query("#cal-grid div.day_col"); CAL.each(nodes, function(i,v){ nodes[i].style.width = day_width + "px"; }); document.getElementById("cal-grid").style.visibility = ""; } YAHOO.util.DDCAL = function(id, sGroup, config){ this.cont = config.cont; YAHOO.util.DDCAL.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.util.DDCAL, YAHOO.util.DD, { cont: null, init: function(){ YAHOO.util.DDCAL.superclass.init.apply(this, arguments); this.initConstraints(); CAL.update_dd.subscribe(function(type, args, dd){ dd.resetConstraints(); dd.initConstraints(); },this); }, initConstraints: function() { var region = YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion(this.cont); var el = this.getEl(); var xy = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(el); var width = parseInt(YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(el, 'width'), 10); var height = parseInt(YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(el, 'height'), 10); var left = xy[0] - region.left; var right = region.right - xy[0] - width; var top = xy[1] - region.top; var bottom = region.bottom - xy[1] - height; this.setXConstraint(left, right); this.setYConstraint(top, bottom); } }); CAL.remove_edit_dialog(); var cal_loaded = true;