_table_names['page_tbl']; $this->page_tbl_fields = "$page_tbl.id AS id, substring($page_tbl.pagename from $p) AS pagename, $page_tbl.hits AS hits"; pg_set_client_encoding("iso-8859-1"); } function get_all_pagenames() { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $pat = PAGE_PREFIX; $p = strlen($pat) + 1; return $dbh->getCol("SELECT substring(pagename from $p)" . " FROM $nonempty_tbl, $page_tbl" . " WHERE $nonempty_tbl.id=$page_tbl.id" . " AND substring($page_tbl.pagename from 0 for $p) = '$pat'"); } function numPages($filter = false, $exclude = '') { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $pat = PAGE_PREFIX; $p = strlen($pat) + 1; return $dbh->getOne("SELECT count(*)" . " FROM $nonempty_tbl, $page_tbl" . " WHERE $nonempty_tbl.id=$page_tbl.id" . " AND substring($page_tbl.pagename from 0 for $p) = '$pat'"); } function get_pagedata($pagename) { return parent::get_pagedata(PAGE_PREFIX . $pagename); } function update_pagedata($pagename, $newdata) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; $page_tbl = $this->_table_names['page_tbl']; // Hits is the only thing we can update in a fast manner. if (count($newdata) == 1 && isset($newdata['hits'])) { // Note that this will fail silently if the page does not // have a record in the page table. Since it's just the // hit count, who cares? $pagename = PAGE_PREFIX . $pagename; $dbh->query(sprintf("UPDATE $page_tbl SET hits=%d WHERE pagename='%s'", $newdata['hits'], $dbh->escapeSimple($pagename))); return; } $this->lock(array($page_tbl), true); $data = $this->get_pagedata($pagename); if (!$data) { $data = array(); $this->_get_pageid($pagename, true); // Creates page record } if (isset($data['hits'])) { $hits = (int)$data['hits']; unset($data['hits']); } else { $hits = 0; } foreach ($newdata as $key => $val) { if ($key == 'hits') $hits = (int)$val; else if (empty($val)) unset($data[$key]); else $data[$key] = $val; } /* Portability issue -- not all DBMS supports huge strings * so we need to 'bind' instead of building a simple SQL statment. * Note that we do not need to escapeSimple when we bind $dbh->query(sprintf("UPDATE $page_tbl" . " SET hits=%d, pagedata='%s'" . " WHERE pagename='%s'", $hits, $dbh->escapeSimple($this->_serialize($data)), $dbh->escapeSimple($pagename))); */ $pagename = PAGE_PREFIX . $pagename; $dbh->query("UPDATE $page_tbl" . " SET hits=?, pagedata=?" . " WHERE pagename=?", array($hits, $this->_serialize($data), $pagename)); $this->unlock(array($page_tbl)); } function get_latest_version($pagename) { return parent::get_latest_version(PAGE_PREFIX . $pagename); } function get_previous_version($pagename, $version) { return parent::get_previous_version(PAGE_PREFIX . $pagename, $version); } function get_versiondata($pagename, $version, $want_content = false) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); extract($this->_expressions); // assert(is_string($pagename) and $pagename != ""); // assert($version > 0); //trigger_error("GET_REVISION $pagename $version $want_content", E_USER_NOTICE); // FIXME: optimization: sometimes don't get page data? if ($want_content) { $fields = $this->page_tbl_fields . ",$page_tbl.pagedata as pagedata," . $this->version_tbl_fields; } else { $fields = $this->page_tbl_fields . "," . "mtime, minor_edit, versiondata," . "$iscontent AS have_content"; } $pagename = PAGE_PREFIX . $pagename; $result = $dbh->getRow(sprintf("SELECT $fields" . " FROM $page_tbl, $version_tbl" . " WHERE $page_tbl.id=$version_tbl.id" . " AND pagename='%s'" . " AND version=%d", $dbh->escapeSimple($pagename), $version), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); return $this->_extract_version_data($result); } function get_cached_html($pagename) { return parent::get_cached_html(PAGE_PREFIX . $pagename); } function set_cached_html($pagename, $data) { return parent::set_cached_html(PAGE_PREFIX . $pagename, $data); } function _get_pageid($pagename, $create_if_missing = false) { // check id_cache global $request; $cache =& $request->_dbi->_cache->_id_cache; if (isset($cache[$pagename])) { if ($cache[$pagename] or !$create_if_missing) { return $cache[$pagename]; } } // attributes play this game. if ($pagename === '') return 0; $dbh = &$this->_dbh; $page_tbl = $this->_table_names['page_tbl']; $pagename = PAGE_PREFIX . $pagename; $query = sprintf("SELECT id FROM $page_tbl WHERE pagename='%s'", $dbh->escapeSimple($pagename)); if (!$create_if_missing) return $dbh->getOne($query); $id = $dbh->getOne($query); if (empty($id)) { $this->lock(array($page_tbl), true); // write lock $max_id = $dbh->getOne("SELECT MAX(id) FROM $page_tbl"); $id = $max_id + 1; // requires createSequence and on mysql lock the interim table ->getSequenceName //$id = $dbh->nextId($page_tbl . "_id"); $dbh->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO $page_tbl" . " (id,pagename,hits)" . " VALUES (%d,'%s',0)", $id, $dbh->escapeSimple($pagename))); $this->unlock(array($page_tbl)); } return $id; } function purge_page($pagename) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $this->lock(); if (($id = $this->_get_pageid($pagename, false))) { $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $nonempty_tbl WHERE id=$id"); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $recent_tbl WHERE id=$id"); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $version_tbl WHERE id=$id"); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $link_tbl WHERE linkfrom=$id"); $nlinks = $dbh->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $link_tbl WHERE linkto=$id"); if ($nlinks) { // We're still in the link table (dangling link) so we can't delete this // altogether. $dbh->query("UPDATE $page_tbl SET hits=0, pagedata='' WHERE id=$id"); $result = 0; } else { $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $page_tbl WHERE id=$id"); $result = 1; } } else { $result = -1; // already purged or not existing } $this->unlock(); return $result; } function get_links($pagename, $reversed = true, $include_empty = false, $sortby = '', $limit = '', $exclude = '', $want_relations = false) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); if ($reversed) list($have, $want) = array('linkee', 'linker'); else list($have, $want) = array('linker', 'linkee'); $orderby = $this->sortby($sortby, 'db', array('pagename')); if ($orderby) $orderby = " ORDER BY $want." . $orderby; if ($exclude) // array of pagenames $exclude = " AND $want.pagename NOT IN " . $this->_sql_set($exclude); else $exclude = ''; $pat = PAGE_PREFIX; $p = strlen($pat) + 1; $qpagename = $dbh->escapeSimple($pagename); // MeV+APe 2007-11-14 // added "dummyname" so that database accepts "ORDER BY" $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT $want.id AS id, substring($want.pagename from $p) AS pagename, $want.pagename AS dummyname," . ($want_relations ? " related.pagename as linkrelation" : " $want.hits AS hits") . " FROM " . (!$include_empty ? "$nonempty_tbl, " : '') . " $page_tbl linkee, $page_tbl linker, $link_tbl " . ($want_relations ? " JOIN $page_tbl related ON ($link_tbl.relation=related.id)" : '') . " WHERE linkfrom=linker.id AND linkto=linkee.id" . " AND $have.pagename='$pat$qpagename'" . " AND substring($want.pagename from 0 for $p) = '$pat'" . (!$include_empty ? " AND $nonempty_tbl.id=$want.id" : "") //. " GROUP BY $want.id" . $exclude . $orderby; if ($limit) { // extract from,count from limit list($from, $count) = $this->limit($limit); $result = $dbh->limitQuery($sql, $from, $count); } else { $result = $dbh->query($sql); } return new WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter($this, $result); } function get_all_pages($include_empty = false, $sortby = '', $limit = '', $exclude = '') { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $pat = PAGE_PREFIX; $p = strlen($pat) + 1; $orderby = $this->sortby($sortby, 'db'); if ($orderby) $orderby = ' ORDER BY ' . $orderby; if ($exclude) // array of pagenames $exclude = " AND $page_tbl.pagename NOT IN " . $this->_sql_set($exclude); else $exclude = ''; if (strstr($orderby, 'mtime ')) { // multiple columns possible if ($include_empty) { $sql = "SELECT " . $this->page_tbl_fields . " FROM $page_tbl, $recent_tbl, $version_tbl" . " WHERE $page_tbl.id=$recent_tbl.id" . " AND $page_tbl.id=$version_tbl.id AND latestversion=version" . " AND substring($page_tbl.pagename from 0 for $p) = '$pat'" . $exclude . $orderby; } else { $sql = "SELECT " . $this->page_tbl_fields . " FROM $nonempty_tbl, $page_tbl, $recent_tbl, $version_tbl" . " WHERE $nonempty_tbl.id=$page_tbl.id" . " AND $page_tbl.id=$recent_tbl.id" . " AND $page_tbl.id=$version_tbl.id AND latestversion=version" . " AND substring($page_tbl.pagename from 0 for $p) = '$pat'" . $exclude . $orderby; } } else { if ($include_empty) { $sql = "SELECT " . $this->page_tbl_fields . " FROM $page_tbl" . ($exclude ? " WHERE $exclude" : '') . ($exclude ? " AND " : " WHERE ") . " substring($page_tbl.pagename from 0 for $p) = '$pat'" . $orderby; } else { $sql = "SELECT " . $this->page_tbl_fields . " FROM $nonempty_tbl, $page_tbl" . " WHERE $nonempty_tbl.id=$page_tbl.id" . " AND substring($page_tbl.pagename from 0 for $p) = '$pat'" . $exclude . $orderby; } } if ($limit && $orderby) { // extract from,count from limit list($from, $count) = $this->limit($limit); $result = $dbh->limitQuery($sql, $from, $count); $options = array('limit_by_db' => 1); } else { $result = $dbh->query($sql); $options = array('limit_by_db' => 0); } return new WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter($this, $result, $options); } function most_popular($limit = 20, $sortby = '-hits') { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $pat = PAGE_PREFIX; $p = strlen($pat) + 1; if ($limit < 0) { $order = "hits ASC"; $limit = -$limit; $where = ""; } else { $order = "hits DESC"; $where = " AND hits > 0"; } $orderby = ''; if ($sortby != '-hits') { if ($order = $this->sortby($sortby, 'db')) $orderby = " ORDER BY " . $order; } else { $orderby = " ORDER BY $order"; } //$limitclause = $limit ? " LIMIT $limit" : ''; $sql = "SELECT " . $this->page_tbl_fields . " FROM $nonempty_tbl, $page_tbl" . " WHERE $nonempty_tbl.id=$page_tbl.id" . " AND substring($page_tbl.pagename from 0 for $p) = '$pat'" . $where . $orderby; if ($limit) { list($from, $count) = $this->limit($limit); $result = $dbh->limitQuery($sql, $from, $count); } else { $result = $dbh->query($sql); } return new WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter($this, $result); } function most_recent($params) { $limit = 0; $since = 0; $include_minor_revisions = false; $exclude_major_revisions = false; $include_all_revisions = false; extract($params); $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $pick = array(); if ($since) $pick[] = "mtime >= $since"; if ($include_all_revisions) { // Include all revisions of each page. $table = "$page_tbl, $version_tbl"; $join_clause = "$page_tbl.id=$version_tbl.id"; if ($exclude_major_revisions) { // Include only minor revisions $pick[] = "minor_edit <> 0"; } elseif (!$include_minor_revisions) { // Include only major revisions $pick[] = "minor_edit = 0"; } } else { $table = "$page_tbl, $recent_tbl"; $join_clause = "$page_tbl.id=$recent_tbl.id"; $table .= ", $version_tbl"; $join_clause .= " AND $version_tbl.id=$page_tbl.id"; if ($exclude_major_revisions) { // Include only most recent minor revision $pick[] = 'version=latestminor'; } elseif (!$include_minor_revisions) { // Include only most recent major revision $pick[] = 'version=latestmajor'; } else { // Include only the latest revision (whether major or minor). $pick[] = 'version=latestversion'; } } $order = "DESC"; if ($limit < 0) { $order = "ASC"; $limit = -$limit; } // $limitclause = $limit ? " LIMIT $limit" : ''; $where_clause = $join_clause; if ($pick) $where_clause .= " AND " . join(" AND ", $pick); $pat = PAGE_PREFIX; $p = strlen($pat) + 1; // FIXME: use SQL_BUFFER_RESULT for mysql? $sql = "SELECT " . $this->page_tbl_fields . ", " . $this->version_tbl_fields . " FROM $table" . " WHERE $where_clause" . " AND substring($page_tbl.pagename from 0 for $p) = '$pat'" . " ORDER BY mtime $order"; if ($limit) { list($from, $count) = $this->limit($limit); $result = $dbh->limitQuery($sql, $from, $count); } else { $result = $dbh->query($sql); } return new WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter($this, $result); } function wanted_pages($exclude_from = '', $exclude = '', $sortby = '', $limit = '') { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $pat = PAGE_PREFIX; $p = strlen($pat) + 1; if ($orderby = $this->sortby($sortby, 'db', array('pagename', 'wantedfrom'))) $orderby = 'ORDER BY ' . $orderby; if ($exclude_from) // array of pagenames $exclude_from = " AND pp.pagename NOT IN " . $this->_sql_set($exclude_from); if ($exclude) // array of pagenames $exclude = " AND p.pagename NOT IN " . $this->_sql_set($exclude); $p = strlen(PAGE_PREFIX) + 1; $sql = "SELECT substring(p.pagename from $p) AS wantedfrom, substring(pp.pagename from $p) AS pagename" . " FROM $page_tbl p, $link_tbl linked" . " LEFT JOIN $page_tbl pp ON linked.linkto = pp.id" . " LEFT JOIN $nonempty_tbl ne ON linked.linkto = ne.id" . " WHERE ne.id IS NULL" . " AND p.id = linked.linkfrom" . " AND substring(p.pagename from 0 for $p) = '$pat'" . " AND substring(pp.pagename from 0 for $p) = '$pat'" . $exclude_from . $exclude . $orderby; if ($limit) { // oci8 error: WHERE NULL = NULL appended list($from, $count) = $this->limit($limit); $result = $dbh->limitQuery($sql, $from, $count * 3); } else { $result = $dbh->query($sql); } return new WikiDB_backend_PearDB_generic_iter($this, $result); } function rename_page($pagename, $to) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $this->lock(); if (($id = $this->_get_pageid($pagename, false))) { if ($new = $this->_get_pageid($to, false)) { // Cludge Alert! // This page does not exist (already verified before), but exists in the page table. // So we delete this page. $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $nonempty_tbl WHERE id=$new"); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $recent_tbl WHERE id=$new"); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $version_tbl WHERE id=$new"); // We have to fix all referring tables to the old id $dbh->query("UPDATE $link_tbl SET linkfrom=$id WHERE linkfrom=$new"); $dbh->query("UPDATE $link_tbl SET linkto=$id WHERE linkto=$new"); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $page_tbl WHERE id=$new"); } $dbh->query(sprintf("UPDATE $page_tbl SET pagename='%s' WHERE id=$id", $dbh->escapeSimple(PAGE_PREFIX . $to))); } $this->unlock(); return $id; } function is_wiki_page($pagename) { return parent::is_wiki_page(PAGE_PREFIX . $pagename); } function increaseHitCount($pagename) { return parent::increaseHitCount(PAGE_PREFIX . $pagename); } function _serialize($data) { return WikiDB_backend_PearDB::_serialize($data); } /** * Pack tables. * NOTE: Disable vacuum, wikiuser is not the table owner */ function optimize() { return 0; } /** * Title search. */ function text_search($search, $fulltext = false, $sortby = '', $limit = '', $exclude = '') { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $pat = PAGE_PREFIX; $len = strlen($pat) + 1; $orderby = $this->sortby($sortby, 'db'); if ($sortby and $orderby) $orderby = ' ORDER BY ' . $orderby; $searchclass = get_class($this) . "_search"; // no need to define it everywhere and then fallback. memory! if (!class_exists($searchclass)) $searchclass = "WikiDB_backend_PearDB_search"; $searchobj = new $searchclass($search, $dbh); $table = "$nonempty_tbl, $page_tbl"; $join_clause = "$nonempty_tbl.id=$page_tbl.id"; $fields = $this->page_tbl_fields; if ($fulltext) { $table .= ", $recent_tbl"; $join_clause .= " AND $page_tbl.id=$recent_tbl.id"; $table .= ", $version_tbl"; $join_clause .= " AND $page_tbl.id=$version_tbl.id AND latestversion=version"; $fields .= ", $page_tbl.pagedata as pagedata, " . $this->version_tbl_fields; // TODO: title still ignored, need better rank and subselect $callback = new WikiMethodCb($searchobj, "_fulltext_match_clause"); $search_string = $search->makeTsearch2SqlClauseObj($callback); $search_string = str_replace('%', '', $search_string); $search_clause = "substring(plugin_wiki_page.pagename from 0 for $len) = '$pat') AND ("; $search_clause .= "idxFTI @@ to_tsquery('english', '$search_string')"; if (!$orderby) $orderby = " ORDER BY ts_rank(idxFTI, to_tsquery('english', '$search_string')) DESC"; } else { $callback = new WikiMethodCb($searchobj, "_pagename_match_clause"); $search_clause = "substring(plugin_wiki_page.pagename from 0 for $len) = '$pat') AND ("; $search_clause .= $search->makeSqlClauseObj($callback); } $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $table" . " WHERE $join_clause" . " AND ($search_clause)" . $orderby; if ($limit) { list($from, $count) = $this->limit($limit); $result = $dbh->limitQuery($sql, $from, $count); } else { $result = $dbh->query($sql); } $iter = new WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter($this, $result); $iter->stoplisted = @$searchobj->stoplisted; return $iter; } function exists_link($pagename, $link, $reversed = false) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); if ($reversed) list($have, $want) = array('linkee', 'linker'); else list($have, $want) = array('linker', 'linkee'); $qpagename = $dbh->escapeSimple($pagename); $qlink = $dbh->escapeSimple($link); $row = $dbh->GetRow("SELECT $want.pagename as result" . " FROM $link_tbl, $page_tbl linker, $page_tbl linkee, $nonempty_tbl" . " WHERE linkfrom=linker.id AND linkto=linkee.id" . " AND $have.pagename='$qpagename'" . " AND $want.pagename='$qlink'" . " LIMIT 1"); return $row['result'] ? 1 : 0; } } class WikiDB_backend_PearDB_ffpgsql_search extends WikiDB_backend_PearDB_pgsql_search { function _pagename_match_clause($node) { $word = $node->sql(); // @alu: use _quote maybe instead of direct pg_escape_string $word = pg_escape_string($word); $len = strlen(PAGE_PREFIX) + 1; if ($node->op == 'REGEX') { // posix regex extensions return ($this->_case_exact ? "substring(pagename from $len) ~* '$word'" : "substring(pagename from $len) ~ '$word'"); } else { return ($this->_case_exact ? "substring(pagename from $len) LIKE '$word'" : "substring(pagename from $len) ILIKE '$word'"); } } /** * use tsearch2. See schemas/psql-tsearch2.sql and /usr/share/postgresql/contrib/tsearch2.sql * TODO: don't parse the words into nodes. rather replace "[ +]" with & and "-" with "!" and " or " with "|" * tsearch2 query language: @@ "word | word", "word & word", ! word * ~* '.*something that does not exist.*' */ /* phrase search for "history lesson": SELECT id FROM tab WHERE ts_idx_col @@ to_tsquery('history&lesson') AND text_col ~* '.*history\\s+lesson.*'; The full-text index will still be used, and the regex will be used to prune the results afterwards. */ function _fulltext_match_clause($node) { $word = strtolower($node->word); // $word = str_replace(" ", "&", $word); // phrase fix // @alu: use _quote maybe instead of direct pg_escape_string $word = pg_escape_string($word); return $word; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: