new _UserPreference(''), // really store this also? 'passwd' => new _UserPreference(''), 'email' => new _UserPreference(''), 'emailVerified' => new _UserPreference_bool(), 'notifyPages' => new _UserPreference(''), 'theme' => new _UserPreference_theme(THEME), 'lang' => new _UserPreference_language(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE), 'editWidth' => new _UserPreference_int(80, 30, 150), 'editHeight' => new _UserPreference_int(22, 5, 80), 'timeOffset' => new _UserPreference_numeric(0, -26, 26), 'relativeDates' => new _UserPreference_bool() ); class WikiUser { var $_userid = false; var $_level = false; var $_request, $_dbi, $_authdbi, $_homepage; var $_authmethod = '', $_authhow = ''; /** * Constructor. */ function WikiUser ($userid = false, $authlevel = false) { $this->_request = &$GLOBALS['request']; $this->_dbi = &$this->_request->getDbh(); if (isa($userid, 'WikiUser')) { $this->_userid = $userid->_userid; $this->_level = $userid->_level; } else { $this->_userid = $userid; $this->_level = $authlevel; } if ($this->_userid) $this->_homepage = $this->_dbi->getPage($this->_userid); if (!$this->_ok()) { // Paranoia: if state is at all inconsistent, log out... $this->_userid = false; $this->_level = false; $this->_homepage = false; $this->_authhow .= ' paranoia logout'; } } function auth_how() { return $this->_authhow; } /** Invariant */ function _ok () { if (empty($this->_userid) || empty($this->_level)) { // This is okay if truly logged out. return $this->_userid === false && $this->_level === false; } // User is logged in... // Check for valid authlevel. if (!in_array($this->_level, array(WIKIAUTH_BOGO, WIKIAUTH_USER, WIKIAUTH_ADMIN))) return false; // Check for valid userid. if (!is_string($this->_userid)) return false; return true; } function getId () { return ( $this->isSignedIn() ? $this->_userid : $this->_request->get('REMOTE_ADDR') ); // FIXME: globals } function getAuthenticatedId() { return ( $this->isAuthenticated() ? $this->_userid : $this->_request->get('REMOTE_ADDR') ); // FIXME: globals } function isSignedIn () { return $this->_level >= WIKIAUTH_BOGO; } function isAuthenticated () { return $this->_level >= WIKIAUTH_USER; } function isAdmin () { return $this->_level == WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; } function hasAuthority ($require_level) { return $this->_level >= $require_level; } function AuthCheck ($postargs) { // Normalize args, and extract. $keys = array('userid', 'passwd', 'require_level', 'login', 'logout', 'cancel'); foreach ($keys as $key) $args[$key] = isset($postargs[$key]) ? $postargs[$key] : false; extract($args); $require_level = max(0, min(WIKIAUTH_ADMIN, (int) $require_level)); if ($logout) return new WikiUser; // Log out elseif ($cancel) return false; // User hit cancel button. elseif (!$login && !$userid) return false; // Nothing to do? $authlevel = $this->_pwcheck($userid, $passwd); if (!$authlevel) return _("Invalid password or userid."); elseif ($authlevel < $require_level) return _("Insufficient permissions."); // Successful login. $user = new WikiUser; $user->_userid = $userid; $user->_level = $authlevel; return $user; } function PrintLoginForm (&$request, $args, $fail_message = false, $seperate_page = true) { include_once('lib/Template.php'); $userid = ''; $require_level = 0; extract($args); // fixme $require_level = max(0, min(WIKIAUTH_ADMIN, (int) $require_level)); $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); $login = new Template('login', $request, compact('pagename', 'userid', 'require_level', 'fail_message', 'pass_required')); if ($seperate_page) { $top = new Template('html', $request, array('TITLE' => _("Sign In"))); return $top->printExpansion($login); } else { return $login; } } /** * Check password. */ function _pwcheck ($userid, $passwd) { global $WikiNameRegexp; if (!empty($userid) && $userid == ADMIN_USER) { // $this->_authmethod = 'pagedata'; if (defined('ENCRYPTED_PASSWD') && ENCRYPTED_PASSWD) if (!empty($passwd) && crypt($passwd, ADMIN_PASSWD) == ADMIN_PASSWD) return WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; if (!empty($passwd)) { if ($passwd == ADMIN_PASSWD) return WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; else { // maybe we forgot to enable ENCRYPTED_PASSWD? if (function_exists('crypt') and crypt($passwd, ADMIN_PASSWD) == ADMIN_PASSWD) { trigger_error(_("You forgot to set ENCRYPTED_PASSWD to true. Please update your /index.php"), E_USER_WARNING); return WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; } } } return false; } // HTTP Authentification elseif (ALLOW_HTTP_AUTH_LOGIN and !empty($PHP_AUTH_USER)) { // if he ignored the password field, because he is already authentificated // try the previously given password. if (empty($passwd)) $passwd = $PHP_AUTH_PW; } // WikiDB_User DB/File Authentification from $DBAuthParams // Check if we have the user. If not try other methods. if (ALLOW_USER_LOGIN) { // and !empty($passwd)) { $request = $this->_request; // first check if the user is known if ($this->exists($userid)) { $this->_authmethod = 'pagedata'; return ($this->checkPassword($passwd)) ? WIKIAUTH_USER : false; } else { // else try others such as LDAP authentication: if (ALLOW_LDAP_LOGIN and !empty($passwd)) { if ($ldap = ldap_connect(LDAP_AUTH_HOST)) { // must be a valid LDAP server! $r = @ldap_bind($ldap); // this is an anonymous bind $st_search = "uid=$userid"; // Need to set the right root search information. see ../index.php $sr = ldap_search($ldap, LDAP_AUTH_SEARCH, "$st_search"); $info = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sr); // there may be more hits with this userid. try every for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) { $dn = $info[$i]["dn"]; // The password is still plain text. if ($r = @ldap_bind($ldap, $dn, $passwd)) { // ldap_bind will return TRUE if everything matches ldap_close($ldap); $this->_authmethod = 'LDAP'; return WIKIAUTH_USER; } } } else { trigger_error("Unable to connect to LDAP server " . LDAP_AUTH_HOST, E_USER_WARNING); } } // imap authentication. added by limako if (ALLOW_IMAP_LOGIN and !empty($passwd)) { $mbox = @imap_open( "{" . IMAP_AUTH_HOST . ":143}", $userid, $passwd, OP_HALFOPEN ); if( $mbox ) { imap_close( $mbox ); $this->_authmethod = 'IMAP'; return WIKIAUTH_USER; } } } } if (ALLOW_BOGO_LOGIN && preg_match('/\A' . $WikiNameRegexp . '\z/', $userid)) { $this->_authmethod = 'BOGO'; return WIKIAUTH_BOGO; } return false; } // Todo: try our WikiDB backends. function getPreferences() { // Restore saved preferences. // I'd rather prefer only to store the UserId in the cookie or session, // and get the preferences from the db or page. if (!($prefs = $this->_request->getCookieVar('WIKI_PREFS2'))) $prefs = $this->_request->getSessionVar('wiki_prefs'); //if (!$this->_userid and !empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']['WIKI_ID'])) { // $this->_userid = $GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']['WIKI_ID']; //} // before we get his prefs we should check if he is signed in if (USE_PREFS_IN_PAGE and $this->homePage()) { // in page metadata if ($pref = $this->_homepage->get('pref')) { //trigger_error("pref=".$pref);//debugging $prefs = unserialize($pref); } } return new UserPreferences($prefs); } // No cookies anymore for all prefs, only the userid. // PHP creates a session cookie in memory, which is much more efficient. // // Return the number of changed entries? function setPreferences($prefs, $id_only = false) { // update the id $this->_request->setSessionVar('wiki_prefs', $prefs); // $this->_request->setCookieVar('WIKI_PREFS2', $this->_prefs, 365); // simple unpacked cookie if ($this->_userid) setcookie('WIKI_ID', $this->_userid, 365, '/'); // We must ensure that any password is encrypted. // We don't need any plaintext password. if (! $id_only ) { if ($this->isSignedIn()) { if ($this->isAdmin()) $prefs->set('passwd',''); // this is already stored in index.php, // and it might be plaintext! well oh well if ($homepage = $this->homePage()) { $homepage->set('pref',serialize($prefs->_prefs)); return sizeof($prefs->_prefs); } else { trigger_error('No homepage for user found. Creating one...', E_USER_WARNING); $this->createHomepage($prefs); //$homepage->set('pref',serialize($prefs->_prefs)); return sizeof($prefs->_prefs); } } else { trigger_error('you must be signed in',E_USER_WARNING); } } return 0; } // check for homepage with user flag. // can be overriden from the auth backends function exists() { $homepage = $this->homePage(); return ($this->_userid and $homepage and $homepage->get('pref')); } // doesn't check for existance!!! hmm. // how to store metadata in not existing pages? how about versions? function homePage() { if (!$this->_userid) return false; if (!empty($this->_homepage)) { return $this->_homepage; } else { $this->_homepage = $this->_dbi->getPage($this->_userid); return $this->_homepage; } } // create user by checking his homepage function createUser ($pref, $createDefaultHomepage = true) { if ($this->exists()) return; if ($createDefaultHomepage) { $this->createHomepage ($pref); } else { // empty page include "lib/loadsave.php"; $pageinfo = array('pagedata' => array('pref' => serialize($pref->_pref)), 'versiondata' => array('author' => $this->_userid), 'pagename' => $this->_userid, 'content' => _('CategoryHomepage')); SavePage (&$this->_request, $pageinfo, false, false); } $this->setPreferences($pref); } // create user and default user homepage function createHomepage ($pref) { $pagename = $this->_userid; include "lib/loadsave.php"; // create default homepage: // properly expanded template and the pref metadata $template = Template('homepage.tmpl',$this->_request); $text = $template->getExpansion(); $pageinfo = array('pagedata' => array('pref' => serialize($pref->_pref)), 'versiondata' => array('author' => $this->_userid), 'pagename' => $pagename, 'content' => $text); SavePage (&$this->_request, $pageinfo, false, false); // create Calender $pagename = $this->_userid . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . _('Preferences'); if (! isWikiPage($pagename)) { $pageinfo = array('pagedata' => array(), 'versiondata' => array('author' => $this->_userid), 'pagename' => $pagename, 'content' => "\n"); SavePage (&$this->_request, $pageinfo, false, false); } // create Preferences $pagename = $this->_userid . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . _('Preferences'); if (! isWikiPage($pagename)) { $pageinfo = array('pagedata' => array(), 'versiondata' => array('author' => $this->_userid), 'pagename' => $pagename, 'content' => "\n"); SavePage (&$this->_request, $pageinfo, false, false); } } function tryAuthBackends() { return ''; // crypt('') will never be '' } // Auth backends must store the crypted password where? // Not in the preferences. function checkPassword($passwd) { $prefs = $this->getPreferences(); $stored_passwd = $prefs->get('passwd'); // crypted if (empty($prefs->_prefs['passwd'])) // not stored in the page // allow empty passwords? At least store a '*' then. // try other backend. hmm. $stored_passwd = $this->tryAuthBackends($this->_userid); if (empty($stored_passwd)) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("Old UserPage %s without stored password updated with empty password. Set a password in your UserPreferences."), $this->_userid), E_USER_NOTICE); $prefs->set('passwd','*'); return true; } if ($stored_passwd == '*') return true; if (!empty($passwd) && crypt($passwd, $stored_passwd) == $stored_passwd) return true; else return false; } function changePassword($newpasswd, $passwd2 = false) { if (! $this->mayChangePassword() ) { trigger_error(sprintf("Attempt to change an external password for '%s'. Not allowed!", $this->_userid), E_USER_ERROR); return; } if ($passwd2 and $passwd2 != $newpasswd) { trigger_error("The second passwort must be the same as the first to change it", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $prefs = $this->getPreferences(); //$oldpasswd = $prefs->get('passwd'); $prefs->set('passwd', crypt($newpasswd)); $this->setPreferences($prefs); } function mayChangePassword() { // on external DBAuth maybe. on IMAP or LDAP not // on internal DBAuth yes if (in_array($this->_authmethod, array('IMAP', 'LDAP'))) return false; if ($this->isAdmin()) return false; if ($this->_authmethod == 'pagedata') return true; if ($this->_authmethod == 'authdb') return true; } } // create user and default user homepage function createUser ($userid, $pref) { $user = new WikiUser ($userid); $user->createUser($pref); } class _UserPreference { function _UserPreference ($default_value) { $this->default_value = $default_value; } function sanify ($value) { return (string) $value; } function update ($value) { } } class _UserPreference_numeric extends _UserPreference { function _UserPreference_numeric ($default, $minval = false, $maxval = false) { $this->_UserPreference((double) $default); $this->_minval = (double) $minval; $this->_maxval = (double) $maxval; } function sanify ($value) { $value = (double) $value; if ($this->_minval !== false && $value < $this->_minval) $value = $this->_minval; if ($this->_maxval !== false && $value > $this->_maxval) $value = $this->_maxval; return $value; } } class _UserPreference_int extends _UserPreference_numeric { function _UserPreference_int ($default, $minval = false, $maxval = false) { $this->_UserPreference_numeric((int) $default, (int)$minval, (int)$maxval); } function sanify ($value) { return (int) parent::sanify((int)$value); } } class _UserPreference_bool extends _UserPreference { function _UserPreference_bool ($default = false) { $this->_UserPreference((bool) $default); } function sanify ($value) { if (is_array($value)) { /* This allows for constructs like: * * * * * (If the checkbox is not checked, only the hidden input gets sent. * If the checkbox is sent, both inputs get sent.) */ foreach ($value as $val) { if ($val) return true; } return false; } return (bool) $value; } } class _UserPreference_language extends _UserPreference { function _UserPreference_language ($default = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) { $this->_UserPreference($default); } function sanify ($value) { // FIXME: check for valid locale return $value; } } class _UserPreference_theme extends _UserPreference { function _UserPreference_theme ($default = THEME) { $this->_UserPreference($default); } function sanify ($value) { if (file_exists($this->_themefile($value))) return $value; return $this->default_value; } function update ($newvalue) { global $Theme; include_once($this->_themefile($newvalue)); if (empty($Theme)) include_once($this->_themefile(THEME)); } function _themefile ($theme) { return "themes/$theme/themeinfo.php"; } } // don't save default preferences for efficiency. class UserPreferences { function UserPreferences ($saved_prefs = false) { $this->_prefs = array(); if (isa($saved_prefs, 'UserPreferences') and $saved_prefs->_prefs) { foreach ($saved_prefs->_prefs as $name => $value) $this->set($name, $value); } elseif (is_array($saved_prefs)) { foreach ($saved_prefs as $name => $value) $this->set($name, $value); } } function _getPref ($name) { global $UserPreferences; if (!isset($UserPreferences[$name])) { if ($name == 'passwd2') return false; trigger_error("$name: unknown preference", E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } return $UserPreferences[$name]; } function get ($name) { if (isset($this->_prefs[$name])) return $this->_prefs[$name]; if (!($pref = $this->_getPref($name))) return false; return $pref->default_value; } function set ($name, $value) { if (!($pref = $this->_getPref($name))) return false; $newvalue = $pref->sanify($value); $oldvalue = $this->get($name); // update on changes if ($newvalue != $oldvalue) $pref->update($newvalue); // don't set default values to save space (in cookies, db and sesssion) if ($value == $pref->default_value) unset($this->_prefs[$name]); else $this->_prefs[$name] = $newvalue; } } // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>