false, 'noheader' => false, 'page' => '[pagename]', 'linkmore' => '', // If count>0 and limit>0 display a link with // the number of all results, linked to the given pagename. )); } // info arg allows multiple columns // info=mtime,hits,summary,version,author,locked,minor // exclude arg allows multiple pagenames exclude=HomePage,RecentChanges // NEW: info=count : number of links // page=foo,bar : backlinks to both pages function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); extract($args); if (empty($page) and $page != '0') return ''; // exclude is now already expanded in WikiPlugin::getArgs() if (empty($exclude)) $exclude = array(); if (!$include_self) $exclude[] = $page; if ($info) { $info = explode(",", $info); if (in_array('count', $info)) $args['types']['count'] = new _PageList_Column_BackLinks_count('count', _("#"), 'center'); } if (!empty($limit)) $args['limit'] = $limit; // $args['dosort'] = !empty($args['sortby']); // override DB sort (??) $pagelist = new PageList($info, $exclude, $args); // support logical AND: page1,page2 $pages = explodePageList($page); $count = count($pages); if (count($pages) > 1) { // AND: the intersection of all these pages $bl = array(); foreach ($pages as $p) { $dp = $dbi->getPage($p); $bi = $dp->getBackLinks(false, $sortby, 0, $exclude); while ($b = $bi->next()) { $name = $b->getName(); if (isset($bl[$name])) $bl[$name]++; else $bl[$name] = 1; } } foreach ($bl as $b => $v) if ($v == $count) $pagelist->addPage($b); } else { $p = $dbi->getPage($page); $pagelist->addPages($p->getBackLinks(false, $sortby, 0, $exclude)); } $total = $pagelist->getTotal(); // Localization note: In English, the differences between the // various phrases spit out here may seem subtle or negligible // enough to tempt you to combine/normalize some of these // strings together, but the grammar employed most by other // languages does not always end up with so subtle a // distinction as it does with English in this case. :) if (!$noheader) { if ($page == $request->getArg('pagename') and !$dbi->isWikiPage($page) ) { // BackLinks plugin is more than likely being called // upon for an empty page on said page, while either // 'browse'ing, 'create'ing or 'edit'ing. // // Don't bother displaying a WikiLink 'unknown', just // the Un~WikiLink~ified (plain) name of the uncreated // page currently being viewed. $pagelink = $page; if ($pagelist->isEmpty()) return HTML::p(fmt("No other page links to %s yet.", $pagelink)); if ($total == 1) $pagelist->setCaption(fmt("One page would link to %s:", $pagelink)); // Some future localizations will actually require // this... (BelieveItOrNot, English-only-speakers!(:) // // else if ($pagelist->getTotal() == 2) // $pagelist->setCaption(fmt("Two pages would link to %s:", // $pagelink)); else $pagelist->setCaption(fmt("%s pages would link to %s:", $total, $pagelink)); } else { if ($count) { $tmp_pages = $pages; $p = array_shift($tmp_pages); $pagelink = HTML(WikiLink($p, 'auto')); foreach ($tmp_pages as $p) $pagelink->pushContent(" ", _("AND"), " ", WikiLink($p, 'auto')); } else // BackLinks plugin is being displayed on a normal page. $pagelink = WikiLink($page, 'auto'); if ($pagelist->isEmpty()) return HTML::p(fmt("No page links to %s.", $pagelink)); //trigger_error("DEBUG: " . $pagelist->getTotal()); if ($total == 1) $pagelist->setCaption(fmt("One page links to %s:", $pagelink)); // Some future localizations will actually require // this... (BelieveItOrNot, English-only-speakers!(:) // // else if ($pagelist->getTotal() == 2) // $pagelist->setCaption(fmt("Two pages link to %s:", // $pagelink)); else $pagelist->setCaption(fmt("%s pages link to %s:", $limit > 0 ? $total : _("Those"), $pagelink)); } } if (!empty($args['linkmore']) and $dbi->isWikiPage($args['linkmore']) and $limit > 0 and $total > $limit ) $pagelist->addCaption(WikiLink($args['linkmore'], "auto", _("More..."))); return $pagelist; } } ; // how many links from this backLink to other pages class _PageList_Column_BackLinks_count extends _PageList_Column { function _getValue($page, &$revision_handle) { $iter = $page->getPageLinks(); $count = $iter->count(); return $count; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: