_userid = $userid; $this->_ratings_loaded = false; $this->_ratings = array(); $this->_num_ratings = 0; $this->_mean_ratings = array(); $this->_pearson_sims = array(); } function getId() { return $this->_userid; } function _get_rating_dbi() { // This is a hack, because otherwise this object doesn't know about a // DBI at all. Perhaps all this ratings stuff should live somewhere // else that's less of a base class. if (isset($this->_rdbi)) return $this->_rdbi; $this->_rdbi = RatingsDb::getTheRatingsDb(); return $this->_rdbi; } // XXX: may want to think about caching ratings in the PHP session // since a WikiUser is created for *every* access, in which case rate.php // will want to change to use this object instead of direct db access /** * Check whether $user is allowed to view this user's ratings * * @return bool True if $user can view this user's ratings, false otherwise */ function allow_view_ratings($user) { return true; } /** * Gets this user's ratings * * @return array Assoc. array [page_name][dimension] = _UserRating object */ function get_ratings() { $this->_load_ratings(); return $this->_ratings; } /** * Gets this user's mean rating across a dimension * * @return float Mean rating */ function mean_rating($dimension = 0) { // use memoized result if available if (isset($this->_mean_ratings[$dimension])) { return $this->_mean_ratings[$dimension]; } $ratings = $this->get_ratings(); $total = 0; $n = 0; // walk the ratings and aggregate those in this dimension foreach($ratings as $page => $rating) { if (isset($rating[$dimension])) { $total += $rating[$dimension]->get_rating(); $n++; } } // memoize and return result $this->_mean_ratings[$dimension] = ($n == 0 ? 0 : $total / $n); return $this->_mean_ratings[$dimension]; } // Note: the following has_rated, get_rating, set_rating, and unset_rating // methods are colossally inefficient as they do a full ratings load from // the database before performing their intended operation -- as such, the // rate.php script still uses the direct database methods (plus, it's very // ephemeral and doesn't particularly care about the ratings count or any // other features that these methods might provide down the road) function has_rated($pagename, $dimension = null) { // XXX: does this really want to do a full ratings load? (scalability?) $this->_load_ratings(); if (isset($dimension)) { if (isset($this->_ratings[$pagename][$dimension])) { return true; } } else { if (isset($this->_ratings[$pagename])) { return true; } } return false; } function get_rating($pagename, $dimension = 0) { // XXX: does this really want to do a full ratings load? (scalability?) $this->_load_ratings(); if ($this->has_rated($pagename, $dimension)) { return $this->_ratings[$pagename][$dimension]->get_rating(); } return false; } function set_rating($pagename, $dimension, $rating) { // XXX: does this really want to do a full ratings load? (scalability?) $this->_load_ratings(); // XXX: what to do on failure? $dbi = $this->_get_rating_dbi(); if (!($dbi->rate($this->_userid, $pagename, $dimension, $rating))) { return; } if ($this->has_rated($pagename, $dimension)) { $this->_ratings[$pagename][$dimension]->set_rating($rating); } else { $this->_num_ratings++; $this->_ratings[$rating['pagename']][$rating['dimension']] = new _UserRating($this->_userid, $pagename, $dimension, $rating); } } function unset_rating($pagename, $dimension) { // XXX: does this really want to do a full ratings load? (scalability?) $this->_load_ratings(); if ($this->has_rated($pagename, $dimension)) { // XXX: what to do on failure? if ($this->_dbi->delete_rating($this->_userid,$pagename,$dimension)) { $this->_num_ratings--; unset($this->_ratings[$pagename][$dimension]); if (!count($this->_ratings[$pagename])) { unset($this->_ratings[$pagename]); } } } } function pearson_similarity($user, $dimension = 0) { // use memoized result if available if (isset($this->_pearson_sims[$user->getId()][$dimension])) { return $this->_pearson_sims[$user->getId()][$dimension]; } $ratings1 = $this->get_ratings(); $mean1 = $this->mean_rating($dimension); // XXX: sanify user input? $ratings2 = $user->get_ratings(); $mean2 = $user->mean_rating($dimension); // swap if it would speed things up a bit if (count($ratings1) < count($ratings2)) { $tmp = $ratings1; $ratings1 = $ratings2; $ratings2 = $tmp; $tmp = $mean1; $mean1 = $mean2; $mean2 = $tmp; } list($sum11, $sum22, $sum12, $n) = array(0,0,0,0); // compute sum(x*x), sum(y*y), sum(x*y) over co-rated items foreach ($ratings1 as $page => $rating1) { if (isset($rating1[$dimension]) && isset($ratings2[$page])) { $rating2 = $ratings2[$page]; if (isset($rating2[$dimension])) { $r1 = $rating1[$dimension]->get_rating(); $r2 = $rating2[$dimension]->get_rating(); // print "co-rating with " . $user->getId() . " $page $r1 $r2
"; $r1 -= $mean1; $r2 -= $mean2; $sum11 += $r1 * $r1; $sum22 += $r2 * $r2; $sum12 += $r1 * $r2; $n++; } } } // this returns both the computed similarity and the number of co-rated // items that the similarity was based on // prevent division-by-zero if (sqrt($sum11) == 0 || sqrt($sum12) == 0) $sim = array(0, $n); else // Pearson similarity $sim = array($sum12 / (sqrt($sum11) * sqrt($sum22)), $n); // print "sim is " . $sim[0] . "

"; // memoize result $this->_pearson_sims[$user->getId()][$dimension] = $sim; return $this->_pearson_sims[$user->getId()][$dimension] = $sim; } function knn_uu_predict($pagename, &$neighbors, $dimension = 0) { /* print "
        print "
"; print "pred for $pagename
"; */ $total = 0; $total_sim = 0; // foreach($neighbors as $nbor) // { for($i = 0; $i < count($neighbors); $i++) { // more silly PHP references... $nbor =& $neighbors[$i]; // ignore self-neighbor if ($this->getId() == $nbor->getId()) continue; if ($nbor->has_rated($pagename, $dimension)) { list($sim, $n_items) = $this->pearson_similarity($nbor); // ignore absolute sims below 0.1, negative sims?? // XXX: no filtering done... small-world = too few neighbors if (1 || ($sim > 0 && abs($sim) >= 0.1)) { // n/50 sig weighting if ($n_items < 50) $sim *= $n_items / 50; /* print "neighbor is " . $nbor->getId() . "
"; print "weighted sim is " . $sim . "
"; print "dev from mean is " . ($nbor->get_rating($pagename, $dimension) - $nbor->mean_rating($dimension)) . "
"; */ $total += $sim * ($nbor->get_rating($pagename, $dimension) - $nbor->mean_rating($dimension)); $total_sim += abs($sim); } } } $my_mean = $this->mean_rating($dimension); /* print "your mean is $my_mean
"; print "pred dev from mean is " . ($total_sim == 0 ? -1 : ($total / $total_sim)) . "
"; print "pred is " . ($total_sim == 0 ? -1 : ($total / $total_sim + $my_mean)) . "

"; */ // XXX: what to do if no neighbors have rated pagename? return ($total_sim == 0 ? 0 : ($total / $total_sim + $my_mean)); } function _load_ratings($force = false) { if (!$this->_ratings_loaded || $force) { // print "load " . $this->getId() . "
"; $this->_ratings = array(); $this->_num_ratings = 0; // only signed-in users have ratings (XXX: authenticated?) // passing null as first parameter to indicate all dimensions $dbi = $this->_get_rating_dbi(); //$rating_iter = $dbi->sql_get_rating(null, $this->_userid, null); $rating_iter = $dbi->get_rating_page(null, $this->_userid); while($rating = $rating_iter->next()) { $this->_num_ratings++; $this->_ratings[$rating['pagename']][$rating['dimension']] = new _UserRating($this->_userid, $rating['pagename'], $rating['dimension'], $rating['ratingvalue']); } $this->_ratings_loaded = true; } } } /** Represent a rating. */ class _UserRating { function _UserRating ($rater, $ratee, $dimension, $rating) { $this->rater = (string)$rater; $this->ratee = (string)$ratee; $this->dimension = (int)$dimension; $this->rating = (float)$rating; } function get_rater() { return $this->rater; } function get_ratee() { return $this->ratee; } function get_rating() { return $this->rating; } function get_dimension() { return $this->dimension; } function set_rater() { $this->rater = (string)$rater; } function set_ratee() { $this->ratee = (string)$ratee; } function set_rating() { $this->rating = (float)$rating; } function set_dimension() { $this->dimension = (int)$dimension; } } // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.3 2004/06/30 20:06:44 dfrankow // Use RatingsDb singleton. // // Revision 1.2 2004/06/21 17:01:41 rurban // fix typo and rating method call // // Revision 1.1 2004/06/18 14:42:17 rurban // added wikilens libs (not yet merged good enough, some work for DanFr) // // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>