$value ) { if ( $seconds > $max_time ) { $max_time = $seconds; } } }else{ $max_time = 8400; } $this->now = $GLOBALS['timedate']->nowDb(); $this->max = $GLOBALS['timedate']->getNow()->modify("+{$max_time} seconds")->asDb(); } /** * main method that runs reminding process * @return boolean */ public function process() { $admin = new Administration(); $admin->retrieveSettings(); $meetings = $this->getMeetingsForRemind(); foreach($meetings as $id ) { $recipients = $this->getRecipients($id,'Meetings'); $bean = new Meeting(); $bean->retrieve($id); if ( $this->sendReminders($bean, $admin, $recipients) ) { $bean->email_reminder_sent = 1; $bean->save(); } } $calls = $this->getCallsForRemind(); foreach($calls as $id ) { $recipients = $this->getRecipients($id,'Calls'); $bean = new Call(); $bean->retrieve($id); if ( $this->sendReminders($bean, $admin, $recipients) ) { $bean->email_reminder_sent = 1; $bean->save(); } } return true; } /** * send reminders * @param SugarBean $bean * @param Administration $admin * @param array $recipients * @return boolean */ protected function sendReminders(SugarBean $bean, Administration $admin, $recipients) { if ( empty($_SESSION['authenticated_user_language']) ) { $current_language = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_language']; }else{ $current_language = $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language']; } if ( !empty($bean->created_by) ) { $user_id = $bean->created_by; }else if ( !empty($bean->assigned_user_id) ) { $user_id = $bean->assigned_user_id; }else { $user_id = $GLOBLAS['current_user']->id; } $user = new User(); $user->retrieve($bean->created_by); $OBCharset = $GLOBALS['locale']->getPrecedentPreference('default_email_charset'); require_once("include/SugarPHPMailer.php"); $mail = new SugarPHPMailer(); $mail->setMailerForSystem(); $from_address = $user->emailAddress->getReplyToAddress($user); $from_address = !empty($from_address) ? $from_address : $admin->settings['notify_fromaddress']; $mail->From = $from_address; $from_name = !empty($user->full_name) ? $user->full_name : $admin->settings['notify_fromname']; $mail->FromName = $from_name; $xtpl = new XTemplate(get_notify_template_file($current_language)); $xtpl = $this->setReminderBody($xtpl, $bean, $user); $template_name = $GLOBALS['beanList'][$bean->module_dir].'Reminder'; $xtpl->parse($template_name); $xtpl->parse($template_name . "_Subject"); $mail->Body = from_html(trim($xtpl->text($template_name))); $mail->Subject = from_html($xtpl->text($template_name . "_Subject")); $oe = new OutboundEmail(); $oe = $oe->getSystemMailerSettings(); if ( empty($oe->mail_smtpserver) ) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Email Reminder: error sending email, system smtp server is not set"); return; } foreach($recipients as $r ) { $mail->ClearAddresses(); $mail->AddAddress($r['email'],$GLOBALS['locale']->translateCharsetMIME(trim($r['name']), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset)); $mail->prepForOutbound(); if ( !$mail->Send() ) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Email Reminder: error sending e-mail (method: {$mail->Mailer}), (error: {$mail->ErrorInfo})"); } } return true; } /** * set reminder body * @param XTemplate $xtpl * @param SugarBean $bean * @param User $user * @return XTemplate */ protected function setReminderBody(XTemplate $xtpl, SugarBean $bean, User $user) { $object = strtoupper($bean->object_name); $xtpl->assign("{$object}_SUBJECT", $bean->name); $date = $GLOBALS['timedate']->fromUser($bean->date_start,$GLOBALS['current_user']); $xtpl->assign("{$object}_STARTDATE", $GLOBALS['timedate']->asUser($date, $user)." ".TimeDate::userTimezoneSuffix($date, $user)); if ( isset($bean->location) ) { $xtpl->assign("{$object}_LOCATION", $bean->location); } $xtpl->assign("{$object}_CREATED_BY", $user->full_name); $xtpl->assign("{$object}_DESCRIPTION", $bean->description); return $xtpl; } /** * get meeting ids list for remind * @return array */ public function getMeetingsForRemind() { global $db; $query = " SELECT id, date_start, email_reminder_time FROM meetings WHERE email_reminder_time != -1 AND deleted = 0 AND email_reminder_sent = 0 AND status != 'Held' AND date_start >= '{$this->now}' AND date_start <= '{$this->max}' "; $re = $db->query($query); $meetings = array(); while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($re) ) { $remind_ts = $GLOBALS['timedate']->fromDb($db->fromConvert($row['date_start'],'datetime'))->modify("-{$row['email_reminder_time']} seconds")->ts; $now_ts = $GLOBALS['timedate']->getNow()->ts; if ( $now_ts >= $remind_ts ) { $meetings[] = $row['id']; } } return $meetings; } /** * get calls ids list for remind * @return array */ public function getCallsForRemind() { global $db; $query = " SELECT id, date_start, email_reminder_time FROM calls WHERE email_reminder_time != -1 AND deleted = 0 AND email_reminder_sent = 0 AND status != 'Held' AND date_start >= '{$this->now}' AND date_start <= '{$this->max}' "; $re = $db->query($query); $calls = array(); while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($re) ) { $remind_ts = $GLOBALS['timedate']->fromDb($db->fromConvert($row['date_start'],'datetime'))->modify("-{$row['email_reminder_time']} seconds")->ts; $now_ts = $GLOBALS['timedate']->getNow()->ts; if ( $now_ts >= $remind_ts ) { $calls[] = $row['id']; } } return $calls; } /** * get recipients of reminding email for specific activity * @param string $id * @param string $module * @return array */ protected function getRecipients($id, $module = "Meetings") { global $db; switch($module ) { case "Meetings": $field_part = "meeting"; break; case "Calls": $field_part = "call"; break; default: return array(); } $emails = array(); // fetch users $query = "SELECT user_id FROM {$field_part}s_users WHERE {$field_part}_id = '{$id}' AND accept_status != 'decline' AND deleted = 0 "; $re = $db->query($query); while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($re) ) { $user = new User(); $user->retrieve($row['user_id']); if ( !empty($user->email1) ) { $arr = array( 'type' => 'Users', 'name' => $user->full_name, 'email' => $user->email1, ); $emails[] = $arr; } } // fetch contacts $query = "SELECT contact_id FROM {$field_part}s_contacts WHERE {$field_part}_id = '{$id}' AND accept_status != 'decline' AND deleted = 0"; $re = $db->query($query); while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($re) ) { $contact = new Contact(); $contact->retrieve($row['contact_id']); if ( !empty($contact->email1) ) { $arr = array( 'type' => 'Contacts', 'name' => $contact->full_name, 'email' => $contact->email1, ); $emails[] = $arr; } } // fetch leads $query = "SELECT lead_id FROM {$field_part}s_leads WHERE {$field_part}_id = '{$id}' AND accept_status != 'decline' AND deleted = 0"; $re = $db->query($query); while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($re) ) { $lead = new Lead(); $lead->retrieve($row['lead_id']); if ( !empty($lead->email1) ) { $arr = array( 'type' => 'Leads', 'name' => $lead->full_name, 'email' => $lead->email1, ); $emails[] = $arr; } } return $emails; } }