db->query( "delete from " . $this->table_name . " where id = " . $this->db->quoted($this->id)); } function UpgradeHistory() { parent::SugarBean(); $this->disable_row_level_security = true; } function getAllOrderBy($orderBy){ $query = "SELECT id FROM " . $this->table_name . " ORDER BY ".$orderBy; return $this->getList($query); } /** * Given a name check if it exists in the table * @param name the unique key from the manifest * @param id the id of the item you are comparing to * @return upgrade_history object if found, null otherwise */ function checkForExisting($patch_to_check){ $uh = new UpgradeHistory(); if($patch_to_check != null){ if(empty($patch_to_check->id_name)){ $where = " WHERE name = '$patch_to_check->name' "; }else{ $where = " WHERE id_name = '$patch_to_check->id_name' "; } if(!empty($patch_to_check->id)){ $where .= " AND id != '$patch_to_check->id' "; }else{ $where .= " AND id is not null "; } $query = "SELECT id FROM " . $this->table_name . " ". $where; $result = $uh->db->query($query); if(empty($result)){ return null; } $row = $uh->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if(empty($row)){ return null; } if(!empty($row['id'])){ return $uh->retrieve($row['id']); } } return null; } /** * Check if this is an upgrade, if it is then return the latest version before this installation */ function determineIfUpgrade($id_name, $version){ $query = "SELECT id, version FROM " . $this->table_name . " WHERE id_name = '$id_name' ORDER BY date_entered DESC"; $result = $this->db->query($query); if(empty($result)){ return null; }else{ $temp_version = 0; $id = ''; while($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { if(!$this->is_right_version_greater(explode('.', $row['version']), explode('.', $temp_version))){ $temp_version = $row['version']; $id = $row['id']; } }//end while if($this->is_right_version_greater(explode('.', $temp_version), explode('.', $version), false)) return array('id' => $id, 'version' => $temp_version); else return null; } } function getAll() { $query = "SELECT id FROM " . $this->table_name . " ORDER BY date_entered desc"; return $this->getList($query); } function getList($query){ return( parent::build_related_list( $query, $this ) ); } function findByMd5( $var_md5 ) { $query = "SELECT id FROM " . $this->table_name . " where md5sum = '$var_md5'"; return( parent::build_related_list( $query, $this ) ); } function UninstallAvailable($patch_list, $patch_to_check) { //before we even go through the list, let us try to see if we find a match. $history_object = $this->checkForExisting($patch_to_check); if($history_object != null){ if((!empty($history_object->id_name) && !empty($patch_to_check->id_name) && strcmp($history_object->id_name, $patch_to_check->id_name) == 0) || strcmp($history_object->name, $patch_to_check->name) == 0){ //we have found a match //if the patch_to_check version is greater than the found version return ($this->is_right_version_greater(explode('.', $history_object->version), explode('.', $patch_to_check->version))); }else{ return true; } } //we will only go through this loop if we have not found another UpgradeHistory object //with a matching unique_key in the database foreach($patch_list as $more_recent_patch) { if($more_recent_patch->id == $patch_to_check->id) break; //we will only resort to checking the files if we cannot find the unique_keys //or the unique_keys do not match $patch_to_check_backup_path = clean_path(remove_file_extension(from_html($patch_to_check->filename))).'-restore'; $more_recent_patch_backup_path = clean_path(remove_file_extension(from_html($more_recent_patch->filename))).'-restore'; $patch_to_check_timestamp = TimeDate::getInstance()->fromUser($patch_to_check->date_entered)->getTimestamp(); $more_resent_patch_timestamp = TimeDate::getInstance()->fromUser($more_recent_patch->date_entered)->getTimestamp(); if ( $this->foundConflict($patch_to_check_backup_path, $more_recent_patch_backup_path) && ($more_resent_patch_timestamp >= $patch_to_check_timestamp) ) { return false; } } return true; } function foundConflict($check_path, $recent_path) { if(is_file($check_path)) { if(file_exists($recent_path)) return true; else return false; } elseif(is_dir($check_path)) { $status = false; $d = dir( $check_path ); while( $f = $d->read() ) { if( $f == "." || $f == ".." ) continue; $status = $this->foundConflict("$check_path/$f", "$recent_path/$f"); if($status) break; } $d->close(); return( $status ); } return false; } /** * Given a left version and a right version, determine if the right hand side is greater * * @param left the client sugar version * @param right the server version * * return true if the right version is greater or they are equal * false if the left version is greater */ function is_right_version_greater($left, $right, $equals_is_greater = true){ if(count($left) == 0 && count($right) == 0){ return $equals_is_greater; } else if(count($left) == 0 || count($right) == 0){ return true; } else if($left[0] == $right[0]){ array_shift($left); array_shift($right); return $this->is_right_version_greater($left, $right, $equals_is_greater); } else if($left[0] < $right[0]){ return true; } else return false; } /** * Given an array of id_names and versions, check if the dependencies are installed * * @param dependencies an array of id_name, version to check if these dependencies are installed * on the system * * @return not_found an array of id_names that were not found to be installed on the system */ function checkDependencies($dependencies = array()){ $not_found = array(); foreach($dependencies as $dependent){ $found = false; $query = "SELECT id FROM $this->table_name WHERE id_name = '".$dependent['id_name']."'"; $matches = $this->getList($query); if(0 != sizeof($matches)){ foreach($matches as $match){ if($this->is_right_version_greater(explode('.', $match->version), explode('.', $dependent['version']))){ $found = true; break; }//fi }//rof }//fi if(!$found){ $not_found[] = $dependent['id_name']; }//fi }//rof return $not_found; } function retrieve($id = -1, $encode=true,$deleted=true) { return parent::retrieve($id,$encode,false); //ignore the deleted filter. the table does not have the deleted column in it. } } ?>