'cases', 'account_id' => 'accounts', 'contact_id'=>'contacts', 'task_id'=>'tasks', 'note_id'=>'notes', 'meeting_id'=>'meetings', 'call_id'=>'calls', 'email_id'=>'emails'); function Bug() { parent::SugarBean(); $this->setupCustomFields('Bugs'); foreach ($this->field_defs as $field) { $this->field_name_map[$field['name']] = $field; } } var $new_schema = true; function get_summary_text() { return "$this->name"; } function create_list_query($order_by, $where, $show_deleted = 0) { // Fill in the assigned_user_name // $this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id); $custom_join = $this->getCustomJoin(); $query = "SELECT "; $query .= " bugs.* ,users.user_name as assigned_user_name, releases.id release_id, releases.name release_name"; $query .= $custom_join['select']; $query .= " FROM bugs "; $query .= " LEFT JOIN releases ON bugs.found_in_release=releases.id LEFT JOIN users ON bugs.assigned_user_id=users.id"; $query .= " "; $query .= $custom_join['join']; $where_auto = '1=1'; if($show_deleted == 0){ $where_auto = " $this->table_name.deleted=0 "; }else if($show_deleted == 1){ $where_auto = " $this->table_name.deleted=1 "; } if($where != "") $query .= "where $where AND ".$where_auto; else $query .= "where ".$where_auto; if(substr_count($order_by, '.') > 0){ $query .= " ORDER BY $order_by"; } else if($order_by != "") $query .= " ORDER BY $order_by"; else $query .= " ORDER BY bugs.name"; return $query; } function create_export_query(&$order_by, &$where, $relate_link_join='') { $custom_join = $this->getCustomJoin(true, true, $where); $custom_join['join'] .= $relate_link_join; $query = "SELECT bugs.*, r1.name found_in_release_name, r2.name fixed_in_release_name, users.user_name assigned_user_name"; $query .= $custom_join['select']; $query .= " FROM bugs "; $query .= " LEFT JOIN releases r1 ON bugs.found_in_release = r1.id LEFT JOIN releases r2 ON bugs.fixed_in_release = r2.id LEFT JOIN users ON bugs.assigned_user_id=users.id"; $query .= $custom_join['join']; $query .= ""; $where_auto = " bugs.deleted=0 "; if($where != "") $query .= " where $where AND ".$where_auto; else $query .= " where ".$where_auto; if($order_by != "") $query .= " ORDER BY $order_by"; else $query .= " ORDER BY bugs.bug_number"; return $query; } function fill_in_additional_list_fields() { parent::fill_in_additional_list_fields(); // Fill in the assigned_user_name //$this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id); // $this->set_fixed_in_release(); } function fill_in_additional_detail_fields() { /* // Fill in the assigned_user_name $this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id); */ parent::fill_in_additional_detail_fields(); //$this->created_by_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->created_by); //$this->modified_by_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->modified_user_id); $this->set_release(); $this->set_fixed_in_release(); } public function set_release() { static $releases; if ( empty($this->found_in_release) ) { return; } if ( isset($releases[$this->found_in_release]) ) { $this->release_name = $releases[$this->found_in_release]; return; } $query = "SELECT r1.name from releases r1, $this->table_name i1 where r1.id = i1.found_in_release and i1.id = '$this->id' and i1.deleted=0 and r1.deleted=0"; $result = $this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: "); // Get the id and the name. $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if($row != null) { $this->release_name = $row['name']; } else { $this->release_name = ''; } $releases[$this->found_in_release] = $this->release_name; } public function set_fixed_in_release() { static $releases; if ( empty($this->fixed_in_release) ) { return; } if ( isset($releases[$this->fixed_in_release]) ) { $this->fixed_in_release_name = $releases[$this->fixed_in_release]; return; } $query = "SELECT r1.name from releases r1, $this->table_name i1 where r1.id = i1.fixed_in_release and i1.id = '$this->id' and i1.deleted=0 and r1.deleted=0"; $result = $this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: "); // Get the id and the name. $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if($row != null) { $this->fixed_in_release_name = $row['name']; } else { $this->fixed_in_release_name = ''; } $releases[$this->fixed_in_release] = $this->fixed_in_release_name; } function get_list_view_data(){ global $current_language; $the_array = parent::get_list_view_data(); $app_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language($current_language); $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Bugs'); $this->set_release(); // The new listview code only fetches columns that we're displaying and not all // the columns so we need these checks. $the_array['NAME'] = (($this->name == "") ? "blank" : $this->name); $the_array['PRIORITY'] = empty($this->priority)? "" : (!isset($app_list_strings[$this->field_name_map['priority']['options']][$this->priority]) ? $this->priority : $app_list_strings[$this->field_name_map['priority']['options']][$this->priority]); $the_array['STATUS'] = empty($this->status)? "" : (!isset($app_list_strings[$this->field_name_map['status']['options']][$this->status]) ? $this->status : $app_list_strings[$this->field_name_map['status']['options']][$this->status]); $the_array['TYPE'] = empty($this->type)? "" : (!isset($app_list_strings[$this->field_name_map['type']['options']][$this->type]) ? $this->type : $app_list_strings[$this->field_name_map['type']['options']][$this->type]); $the_array['RELEASE']= $this->release_name; $the_array['BUG_NUMBER'] = $this->bug_number; $the_array['ENCODED_NAME']=$this->name; return $the_array; } /** builds a generic search based on the query string using or do not include any $this-> because this is called on without having the class instantiated */ function build_generic_where_clause ($the_query_string) { $where_clauses = Array(); $the_query_string = $this->db->quote($the_query_string); array_push($where_clauses, "bugs.name like '$the_query_string%'"); if (is_numeric($the_query_string)) array_push($where_clauses, "bugs.bug_number like '$the_query_string%'"); $the_where = ""; foreach($where_clauses as $clause) { if($the_where != "") $the_where .= " or "; $the_where .= $clause; } return $the_where; } function set_notification_body($xtpl, $bug) { global $mod_strings, $app_list_strings; $bug->set_release(); $xtpl->assign("BUG_SUBJECT", $bug->name); $xtpl->assign("BUG_TYPE", $app_list_strings['bug_type_dom'][$bug->type]); $xtpl->assign("BUG_PRIORITY", $app_list_strings['bug_priority_dom'][$bug->priority]); $xtpl->assign("BUG_STATUS", $app_list_strings['bug_status_dom'][$bug->status]); $xtpl->assign("BUG_RESOLUTION", $app_list_strings['bug_resolution_dom'][$bug->resolution]); $xtpl->assign("BUG_RELEASE", $bug->release_name); $xtpl->assign("BUG_DESCRIPTION", $bug->description); $xtpl->assign("BUG_WORK_LOG", $bug->work_log); $xtpl->assign("BUG_BUG_NUMBER", $bug->bug_number); return $xtpl; } function bean_implements($interface){ switch($interface){ case 'ACL':return true; } return false; } function save($check_notify = FALSE){ return parent::save($check_notify); } } function getReleaseDropDown(){ static $releases = null; if(!$releases){ $seedRelease = new Release(); $releases = $seedRelease->get_releases(TRUE, "Active"); } return $releases; } ?>