start_time = clone $args[0]; $this->end_time = clone $args[1]; $this->sugar_bean = null; $timedate->tzGMT($this->start_time); $timedate->tzGMT($this->end_time); return; } // else do regular constructor.. $sugar_bean = $args; $this->sugar_bean = $sugar_bean; if ($sugar_bean->object_name == 'Task'){ if (!empty($this->sugar_bean->date_start)) { $this->start_time = $timedate->fromUser($this->sugar_bean->date_start); } else { $this->start_time = $timedate->fromUser($this->sugar_bean->date_due); } if ( empty($this->start_time)){ return; } $this->end_time = $timedate->fromUser($this->sugar_bean->date_due); }else{ $this->start_time = $timedate->fromUser($this->sugar_bean->date_start); if ( empty($this->start_time)){ return; } $hours = $this->sugar_bean->duration_hours; if(empty($hours)){ $hours = 0; } $mins = $this->sugar_bean->duration_minutes; if(empty($mins)){ $mins = 0; } $this->end_time = $this->start_time->get("+$hours hours $mins minutes"); } // Convert it back to database time so we can properly manage it for getting the proper start and end dates $timedate->tzGMT($this->start_time); $timedate->tzGMT($this->end_time); } /** * Get where clause for fetching entries from DB for within two dates timespan * @param string $table_name t * @param string $rel_table table for accept status, not used in Tasks * @param SugarDateTime $start_ts_obj start date * @param SugarDateTime $end_ts_obj end date * @param string $field_name date field in table * @param string $view view; not used for now, left for compatibility * @return string */ function get_occurs_within_where_clause($table_name, $rel_table, $start_ts_obj, $end_ts_obj, $field_name = 'date_start', $view) { return self::getOccursWhereClauseGeneral($table_name, $rel_table, $start_ts_obj, $end_ts_obj, $field_name, array('self', 'within')); } /** * Get where clause for fetching entries from DB for until certain date timespan * @param string $table_name t * @param string $rel_table table for accept status, not used in Tasks * @param SugarDateTime $start_ts_obj start date * @param SugarDateTime $end_ts_obj end date * @param string $field_name date field in table * @param string $view view; not used for now, left for compatibility * @return string */ public static function get_occurs_until_where_clause($table_name, $rel_table, $start_ts_obj, $end_ts_obj, $field_name = 'date_start', $view) { return self::getOccursWhereClauseGeneral($table_name, $rel_table, $start_ts_obj, $end_ts_obj, $field_name, array('self', 'until')); } function get_freebusy_activities($user_focus, $start_date_time, $end_date_time){ $act_list = array(); $vcal_focus = new vCal(); $vcal_str = $vcal_focus->get_vcal_freebusy($user_focus); $lines = explode("\n",$vcal_str); $utc = new DateTimeZone("UTC"); foreach ($lines as $line){ if ( preg_match('/^FREEBUSY.*?:([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)/i',$line,$matches)){ $dates_arr = array(SugarDateTime::createFromFormat(vCal::UTC_FORMAT, $matches[1], $utc), SugarDateTime::createFromFormat(vCal::UTC_FORMAT, $matches[2], $utc)); $act_list[] = new CalendarActivity($dates_arr); } } return $act_list; } /** * Get array of activities * @param string $user_id * @param boolean $show_tasks * @param SugarDateTime $view_start_time start date * @param SugarDateTime $view_end_time end date * @param string $view view; not used for now, left for compatibility * @param boolean $show_calls * @param boolean $show_completed use to allow filtering completed events * @return array */ function get_activities($user_id, $show_tasks, $view_start_time, $view_end_time, $view, $show_calls = true, $show_completed = true) { global $current_user; $act_list = array(); $seen_ids = array(); $completedCalls = ''; $completedMeetings = ''; $completedTasks = ''; if (!$show_completed) { $completedCalls = " AND calls.status = 'Planned' "; $completedMeetings = " AND meetings.status = 'Planned' "; $completedTasks = " AND tasks.status != 'Completed' "; } // get all upcoming meetings, tasks due, and calls for a user if(ACLController::checkAccess('Meetings', 'list', $current_user->id == $user_id)) { $meeting = new Meeting(); if($current_user->id == $user_id) { $meeting->disable_row_level_security = true; } $where = self::get_occurs_until_where_clause($meeting->table_name, $meeting->rel_users_table, $view_start_time, $view_end_time, 'date_start', $view); $where .= $completedMeetings; $focus_meetings_list = build_related_list_by_user_id($meeting, $user_id, $where); foreach($focus_meetings_list as $meeting) { if(isset($seen_ids[$meeting->id])) { continue; } $seen_ids[$meeting->id] = 1; $act = new CalendarActivity($meeting); if(!empty($act)) { $act_list[] = $act; } } } if($show_calls){ if(ACLController::checkAccess('Calls', 'list',$current_user->id == $user_id)) { $call = new Call(); if($current_user->id == $user_id) { $call->disable_row_level_security = true; } $where = CalendarActivity::get_occurs_within_where_clause($call->table_name, $call->rel_users_table, $view_start_time, $view_end_time, 'date_start', $view); $where .= $completedCalls; $focus_calls_list = build_related_list_by_user_id($call, $user_id, $where); foreach($focus_calls_list as $call) { if(isset($seen_ids[$call->id])) { continue; } $seen_ids[$call->id] = 1; $act = new CalendarActivity($call); if(!empty($act)) { $act_list[] = $act; } } } } if($show_tasks){ if(ACLController::checkAccess('Tasks', 'list',$current_user->id == $user_id)) { $task = new Task(); $where = CalendarActivity::get_occurs_within_where_clause('tasks', '', $view_start_time, $view_end_time, 'date_due', $view); $where .= " AND tasks.assigned_user_id='$user_id' "; $where .= $completedTasks; $focus_tasks_list = $task->get_full_list("", $where, true); if(!isset($focus_tasks_list)) { $focus_tasks_list = array(); } foreach($focus_tasks_list as $task) { $act = new CalendarActivity($task); if(!empty($act)) { $act_list[] = $act; } } } } return $act_list; } /** * Get where clause for fetching entries from DB (is used by certain get_occurs.. methods) * @param string $table_name t * @param string $rel_table table for accept status, not used in Tasks * @param SugarDateTime $start_ts_obj start date * @param SugarDateTime $end_ts_obj end date * @param string $field_name date field in table * @param array $callback callback function to generete specific SQL query-part * @return string */ protected static function getOccursWhereClauseGeneral($table_name, $rel_table, $start_ts_obj, $end_ts_obj, $field_name, $callback) { $start = clone $start_ts_obj; $end = clone $end_ts_obj; $field_date = $table_name . '.' . $field_name; $start_day = $GLOBALS['db']->convert("'{$start->asDb()}'",'datetime'); $end_day = $GLOBALS['db']->convert("'{$end->asDb()}'",'datetime'); $where = '('; $where .= call_user_func($callback, $field_date, $start_day, $end_day); if ($rel_table != ''){ $where .= " AND $rel_table.accept_status != 'decline'"; } $where .= ")"; return $where; } /** * Helper-method to generate within two dates sql clause * @param $field_date string table_name.field_name to compare * @param $start_day string period start date * @param $end_day string period end date * @return string */ protected static function within($field_date, $start_day, $end_day) { return "$field_date >= $start_day AND $field_date < $end_day"; } /** * Helper-method to generate until some date sql clause * @param $field_date string table_name.field_name to compare * @param $start_day string period start date * @param $end_day string period end date * @return string */ protected static function until($field_date, $start_day, $end_day) { return "$field_date < $end_day"; } } ?>