retrieve($_REQUEST['record']); } $camp_steps[] = 'wiz_step1_'; $camp_steps[] = 'wiz_step2_'; $campaign_focus = populateFromPost('', $campaign_focus); foreach($camp_steps as $step){ $campaign_focus = populate_wizard_bean_from_request($campaign_focus,$step); } //save here so we can link relationships $campaign_focus->save(); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Saved record with id of ".$campaign_focus->id); //process prospect lists //process subscription lists if this is a newsletter if($campaign_focus->campaign_type =='NewsLetter'){ $pl_list = process_subscriptions_from_request($campaign_focus->name); $campaign_focus->load_relationship('prospectlists'); $existing_pls = $campaign_focus->prospectlists->get(); $ui_ids = array(); //for each list returned, add the list to the relationship foreach($pl_list as $pl){ $campaign_focus->prospectlists->add($pl->id); //populate array with id's from UI' $ui_ids[] = $pl->id; } //now remove the lists that may have existed before, but were not specified in UI. //this will enforce that Newsletters only have 3 available target lists. foreach($existing_pls as $pl_del){ if (!in_array($pl_del, $ui_ids)){ $campaign_focus->prospectlists->delete($campaign_focus->id, $pl_del); } } }else{ //process target lists if this is not a newsletter //remove Target Lists if defined if(isset($_REQUEST['wiz_remove_target_list'])){ $remove_target_strings = explode(",", $_REQUEST['wiz_remove_target_list']); foreach($remove_target_strings as $remove_trgt_string){ if(!empty($remove_trgt_string)){ //load relationship and add to the list $campaign_focus->load_relationship('prospectlists'); $campaign_focus->prospectlists->delete($campaign_focus->id,$remove_trgt_string); } } } //create new campaign tracker and save if defined if(isset($_REQUEST['wiz_list_of_targets'])){ $target_strings = explode(",", $_REQUEST['wiz_list_of_targets']); foreach($target_strings as $trgt_string){ $target_values = explode("@@", $trgt_string); if(count($target_values)==3){ if(!empty($target_values[0])){ //this is a selected target, as the id is already populated, retrieve and link $trgt_focus = new ProspectList(); $trgt_focus->retrieve($target_values[0]); //load relationship and add to the list $campaign_focus->load_relationship('prospectlists'); $campaign_focus->prospectlists->add($trgt_focus ->id); }else{ //this is a new target, as the id is not populated, need to create and link $trgt_focus = new ProspectList(); $trgt_focus->name = $target_values[1]; $trgt_focus->list_type = $target_values[2]; $trgt_focus->save(); //load relationship and add to the list $campaign_focus->load_relationship('prospectlists'); $campaign_focus->prospectlists->add($trgt_focus->id); } } } } } //remove campaign trackers if defined if(isset($_REQUEST['wiz_remove_tracker_list'])){ $remove_tracker_strings = explode(",", $_REQUEST['wiz_remove_tracker_list']); foreach($remove_tracker_strings as $remove_trkr_string){ if(!empty($remove_trkr_string)){ //load relationship and add to the list $campaign_focus->load_relationship('tracked_urls'); $campaign_focus->tracked_urls->delete($campaign_focus->id,$remove_trkr_string); } } } //save campaign trackers and save if defined if(isset($_REQUEST['wiz_list_of_existing_trackers'])){ $tracker_strings = explode(",", $_REQUEST['wiz_list_of_existing_trackers']); foreach($tracker_strings as $trkr_string){ $tracker_values = explode("@@", $trkr_string); $ct_focus = new CampaignTracker(); $ct_focus->retrieve($tracker_values[0]); if(!empty($ct_focus->tracker_name)){ $ct_focus->tracker_name = $tracker_values[1]; $ct_focus->is_optout = $tracker_values[2]; $ct_focus->tracker_url = $tracker_values[3]; $ct_focus->save(); //load relationship and add to the list $campaign_focus->load_relationship('tracked_urls'); $campaign_focus->tracked_urls->add($ct_focus->id); } } } //create new campaign tracker and save if defined if(isset($_REQUEST['wiz_list_of_trackers'])){ $tracker_strings = explode(",", $_REQUEST['wiz_list_of_trackers']); foreach($tracker_strings as $trkr_string){ $tracker_values = explode("@@", $trkr_string); if(count($tracker_values)==3){ $ct_focus = new CampaignTracker(); $ct_focus->tracker_name = $tracker_values[0]; $ct_focus->is_optout = $tracker_values[1]; $ct_focus->tracker_url = $tracker_values[2]; $ct_focus->save(); //load relationship and add to the list $campaign_focus->load_relationship('tracked_urls'); $campaign_focus->tracked_urls->add($ct_focus->id); } } } //set navigation details $_REQUEST['return_id'] = $campaign_focus->id; $_REQUEST['return_module'] = $campaign_focus->module_dir; $_REQUEST['return_action'] = "WizardNewsLetter"; $_REQUEST['action'] = "WizardMarketing"; $_REQUEST['record'] = $campaign_focus->id;; $action = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['wiz_direction']) && $_REQUEST['wiz_direction']== 'continue'){ $action = 'WizardMarketing'; }else{ $action = 'WizardHome&record='.$campaign_focus->id; } //require_once('modules/Campaigns/WizardMarketing.php'); $header_URL = "Location: index.php?return_module=Campaigns&module=Campaigns&action=".$action."&campaign_id=".$campaign_focus->id."&return_action=WizardNewsLetter&return_id=".$campaign_focus->id; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("about to post header URL of: $header_URL"); header($header_URL); /* * This function will populate the passed in bean with the post variables * that contain the specified prefix */ function populate_wizard_bean_from_request($bean,$prefix){ foreach($_REQUEST as $key=> $val){ $key = trim($key); if((strstr($key, $prefix )) && (strpos($key, $prefix )== 0)){ $field =substr($key, strlen($prefix)) ; if(isset($_REQUEST[$key]) && !empty($_REQUEST[$key])){ //echo "prefix is $prefix, field is $field, key is $key, and value is $val
"; $value = $_REQUEST[$key]; $bean->$field = $value; } } } return $bean; } /* * This function will process any specified prospect lists and attach them to current campaign * If no prospect lists have been specified, then it will create one for you. A total of 3 prospect lists * will be created for you (Subscription, Unsubscription, and test) */ function process_subscriptions_from_request($campaign_name){ global $mod_strings; $pl_list = array(); //process default target list $create_new = true; $pl_subs = new ProspectList($campaign_name); if(!empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_list_id'])){ //if subscription list is specified then attach $pl_subs->retrieve($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_list_id']); //check to see name matches the bean, if not, then the user has chosen to create new bean if($pl_subs->name == $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_name']){ $pl_list[] = $pl_subs; $create_new = false; } } //create new bio if one was not retrieved succesfully if($create_new){ //use default name if one has not been specified $name = $campaign_name . " ".$mod_strings['LBL_SUBSCRIPTION_LIST']; if(isset($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_name'])){ $name = $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_name']; } //if subscription list is not specified then create and attach default one $pl_subs->name = $name; $pl_subs->list_type = 'default'; $pl_subs->assigned_user_id= $GLOBALS['current_user']->id; $pl_subs->save(); $pl_list[] = $pl_subs; } //process exempt target list $create_new = true; $pl_un_subs = new ProspectList(); if(!empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_list_id'])){ //if unsubscription list is specified then attach $pl_un_subs->retrieve($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_list_id']); //check to see name matches the bean, if not, then the user has chosen to create new bean if($pl_un_subs->name == $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_name']){ $pl_list[] = $pl_un_subs; $create_new = false; } } //create new bean if one was not retrieved succesfully if($create_new){ //use default name if one has not been specified $name = $campaign_name . " ".$mod_strings['LBL_UNSUBSCRIPTION_LIST']; if(isset($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_name'])){ $name = $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_name']; } //if unsubscription list is not specified then create and attach default one $pl_un_subs->name = $name; $pl_un_subs->list_type = 'exempt'; $pl_un_subs->assigned_user_id= $GLOBALS['current_user']->id; $pl_un_subs->save(); $pl_list[] = $pl_un_subs; } //process test target list $pl_test = new ProspectList(); $create_new = true; if(!empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_list_id'])){ //if test list is specified then attach $pl_test->retrieve($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_list_id']); //check to see name matches the bean, if not, then the user has chosen to create new bean if($pl_test->name == $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_name']){ $pl_list[] = $pl_test; $create_new = false; } } //create new bio if one was not retrieved succesfully if($create_new){ //use default name if one has not been specified $name = $campaign_name . " ".$mod_strings['LBL_TEST_LIST']; if(isset($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_name'])){ $name = $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_name']; } //if test list is not specified then create and attach default one $pl_test->name = $name; $pl_test->list_type = 'test'; $pl_test->assigned_user_id= $GLOBALS['current_user']->id; $pl_test->save(); $pl_list[] = $pl_test; } return $pl_list; } ?>