listFontFiles()){ $error = implode("
",$fontManager->errors); } $this->ss->assign("MODULE_TITLE", get_module_title( $mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_ID'], $mod_strings['LBL_FONTMANAGER_TITLE'], false ) ); if(!empty($_REQUEST['error'])){ $error .= "
".$_REQUEST['error']; } $this->ss->assign("error", $error); $this->ss->assign("MOD", $mod_strings); $this->ss->assign("APP", $app_strings); $this->ss->assign("JAVASCRIPT", $this->_getJS()); if(isset($_REQUEST['return_action'])){ $this->ss->assign("RETURN_ACTION", $_REQUEST['return_action']); }else{ $this->ss->assign("RETURN_ACTION", 'SugarpdfSettings'); } $this->ss->assign("K_PATH_FONTS", K_PATH_FONTS); // YUI List $this->ss->assign("COLUMNDEFS", $this->getYuiColumnDefs($fontManager->fontList)); $this->ss->assign("DATASOURCE", $this->getYuiDataSource($fontManager->fontList)); $this->ss->assign("RESPONSESCHEMA", $this->getYuiResponseSchema()); //display $this->ss->display('modules/Configurator/tpls/fontmanager.tpl'); } /** * Returns JS used in this view */ private function _getJS() { global $mod_strings; return <<isAllOOBFont($fontList)) $removeColumn = ''; $return = <<$v){ if($first){ $first=false; }else{ $return .= ','; } $return .= '{'; if(!empty($v['displayname'])){ $return .= 'name:"'.$v['displayname'].'"'; }else if(!empty($v['name'])){ $return .= 'name:"'.$v['name'].'"'; } $return .= ', filename:"'.$v['filename'].'"'; $return .= ', fontpath:"'.$v['fontpath'].'"'; $return .= ', style:"'.$this->formatStyle($v['style']).'"'; $return .= ', type:"'.$this->formatType($v['type']).'"'; $return .= ', filesize:'.$v['filesize']; if(!empty($v['enc'])){ $return .= ', enc:"'.$v['enc'].'"'; } if($v['embedded'] == true){ $return .= ', embedded:""}'; }else{ $return .= ', embedded:""}'; } } $return .= "]"; return $return; } /** * Return the Response Schema for the YUI data table * @return String */ private function getYuiResponseSchema(){ return <<"; }else{ switch($style[0]){ case "bold": $return .= "".$mod_strings['LBL_FONT_BOLD'].""; break; case "italic": $return .= "".$mod_strings['LBL_FONT_ITALIC'].""; break; default: $return .= $mod_strings['LBL_FONT_REGULAR']; } } return $return; } private function formatType($type){ global $mod_strings; switch($type){ case "cidfont0": $return = $mod_strings['LBL_FONT_TYPE_CID0'];break; case "core": $return = $mod_strings['LBL_FONT_TYPE_CORE'];break; case "TrueType": $return = $mod_strings['LBL_FONT_TYPE_TRUETYPE'];break; case "Type1": $return = $mod_strings['LBL_FONT_TYPE_TYPE1'];break; case "TrueTypeUnicode": $return = $mod_strings['LBL_FONT_TYPE_TRUETYPEU'];break; default: $return = ""; } return $return; } /** * Determine if all the fonts are core fonts * @param $fontList * @return boolean return true if all the fonts are core type */ private function isAllOOBFont($fontList){ foreach($fontList as $v){ if($v['type'] != "core" && $v['fontpath'] != K_PATH_FONTS) return false; } return true; } }