retrieve($_REQUEST['record']); } elseif(!empty($_REQUEST['origin_id'])) { $focus->retrieve($_REQUEST['origin_id']); unset($focus->id); } foreach($focus->column_fields as $field) { if($field == 'email_password' && empty($_REQUEST['email_password']) && !empty($_REQUEST['email_user'])) { continue; } if(isset($_REQUEST[$field])) { if ($field != "group_id") { $focus->$field = trim($_REQUEST[$field]); } } } foreach($focus->additional_column_fields as $field) { if(isset($_REQUEST[$field])) { $value = trim($_REQUEST[$field]); $focus->$field = $value; } } foreach($focus->required_fields as $field) { if(isset($_REQUEST[$field])) { $value = trim($_REQUEST[$field]); $focus->$field = $value; } } $focus->protocol = $_REQUEST['protocol']; if( isset($_REQUEST['is_create_case']) && $_REQUEST['is_create_case'] == 'on' ) $focus->mailbox_type = 'createcase'; else { if( empty($focus->mailbox_type) || $focus->mailbox_type == 'createcase' ) $focus->mailbox_type = 'pick'; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// SERVICE STRING CONCATENATION $useSsl = (isset($_REQUEST['ssl']) && $_REQUEST['ssl'] == 1) ? true : false; $optimum = $focus->getSessionConnectionString($focus->server_url, $focus->email_user, $focus->port, $focus->protocol); if (empty($optimum)) { $optimum = $focus->findOptimumSettings($useSsl, $focus->email_user, $focus->email_password, $focus->server_url, $focus->port, $focus->protocol, $focus->mailbox); } // if $delimiter = $focus->getSessionInboundDelimiterString($focus->server_url, $focus->email_user, $focus->port, $focus->protocol); //added check to ensure the $optimum['serial']) is not empty. if(is_array($optimum) && (count($optimum) > 0) && !empty( $optimum['serial'])) { $focus->service = $optimum['serial']; } else { // no save // allowing bad save to allow Email Campaigns configuration to continue even without IMAP $focus->service = "::::::".$focus->protocol."::::"; // save bogus info. $error = "&error=true"; } //// END SERVICE STRING CONCAT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(isset($_REQUEST['mark_read']) && $_REQUEST['mark_read'] == 1) { $focus->delete_seen = 0; } else { $focus->delete_seen = 0; } // handle stored_options serialization if(isset($_REQUEST['only_since']) && $_REQUEST['only_since'] == 1) { $onlySince = true; } else { $onlySince = false; } $stored_options = array(); $stored_options['from_name'] = trim($_REQUEST['from_name']); $stored_options['from_addr'] = trim($_REQUEST['from_addr']); $stored_options['reply_to_name'] = trim($_REQUEST['reply_to_name']); $stored_options['reply_to_addr'] = trim($_REQUEST['reply_to_addr']); $stored_options['only_since'] = $onlySince; $stored_options['filter_domain'] = $_REQUEST['filter_domain']; $stored_options['email_num_autoreplies_24_hours'] = $_REQUEST['email_num_autoreplies_24_hours']; $stored_options['allow_outbound_group_usage'] = isset($_REQUEST['allow_outbound_group_usage']) ? true : false; if (!$focus->isPop3Protocol()) { $stored_options['trashFolder'] = (isset($_REQUEST['trashFolder']) ? trim($_REQUEST['trashFolder']) : ""); $stored_options['sentFolder'] = (isset($_REQUEST['sentFolder']) ? trim($_REQUEST['sentFolder']) : ""); } // if if ( $focus->isMailBoxTypeCreateCase() || ($focus->mailbox_type == 'createcase' && empty($_REQUEST['id']) ) ) { $stored_options['distrib_method'] = (isset($_REQUEST['distrib_method'])) ? $_REQUEST['distrib_method'] : ""; $stored_options['create_case_email_template'] = (isset($_REQUEST['create_case_template_id'])) ? $_REQUEST['create_case_template_id'] : ""; } // if $storedOptions['folderDelimiter'] = $delimiter; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// CREATE MAILBOX QUEUE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!isset($focus->id)) { $groupId = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['group_id']) && empty($_REQUEST['group_id'])) { $groupId = $_REQUEST['group_id']; } else { $groupId = create_guid(); } $focus->group_id = $groupId; } if( isset($_REQUEST['is_auto_import']) && $_REQUEST['is_auto_import'] == 'on' ) { if( empty($focus->groupfolder_id) ) { $groupFolderId = $focus->createAutoImportSugarFolder(); $focus->groupfolder_id = $groupFolderId; } } else { $focus->groupfolder_id = ""; //If the user is turning the auto-import feature off then remove all previous subscriptions. if( !empty($focus->fetched_row['groupfolder_id'] ) ) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Clearining all subscriptions to folder id: {$focus->fetched_row['groupfolder_id']}"); $f = new SugarFolder(); $f->clearSubscriptionsForFolder($focus->fetched_row['groupfolder_id']); //Now delete the old group folder. $f->retrieve($focus->fetched_row['groupfolder_id']); $f->delete(); } } if (!empty($focus->groupfolder_id)) { if ($_REQUEST['leaveMessagesOnMailServer'] == "1") $stored_options['leaveMessagesOnMailServer'] = 1; else $stored_options['leaveMessagesOnMailServer'] = 0; } $focus->stored_options = base64_encode(serialize($stored_options)); $GLOBALS['log']->info('----->InboundEmail now saving self'); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// SEND US TO SAVE DESTINATION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //When an admin is creating an IE account we do not want their private team to be added //or they may be included in a round robin assignment. $previousTeamAccessCheck = isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['disable_team_access_check']) ? $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['disable_team_access_check'] : null; $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['disable_team_access_check'] = TRUE; $focus->save(); //Reset the value so no other saves are affected. $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['disable_team_access_check'] = $previousTeamAccessCheck; //Sync any changes within the IE account that need to be synced with the Sugar Folder. //Need to do this post save so the correct team/teamset id is generated correctly. $monitor_fields = array('name', 'status', ); //Only sync IE accounts with a group folder. Need to sync new records as team set assignment is processed //after save. if( !empty($focus->groupfolder_id) ) { foreach ($monitor_fields as $singleField) { //Check if the value is being changed during save. if($focus->fetched_row[$singleField] != $focus->$singleField) syncSugarFoldersWithBeanChanges($singleField, $focus); } } $_REQUEST['return_id'] = $focus->id; $edit=''; if(isset($_REQUEST['return_module']) && $_REQUEST['return_module'] != "") { $return_module = $_REQUEST['return_module']; } else { $return_module = "InboundEmail"; } if(isset($_REQUEST['return_action']) && $_REQUEST['return_action'] != "") { $return_action = $_REQUEST['return_action']; } else { $return_action = "DetailView"; } if(isset($_REQUEST['return_id']) && $_REQUEST['return_id'] != "") { $return_id = $_REQUEST['return_id']; } if(!empty($_REQUEST['edit'])) { $return_id=''; $edit='&edit=true'; } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Saved record with id of ".$return_id); header("Location: index.php?module=$return_module&action=$return_action&record=$return_id$edit$error"); /** * Certain updates to the IE account need to be reflected in the related SugarFolder since they are * created automatically. Only valid for IE accounts with auto import turned on. * * @param string $fieldName The field name that changed * @param SugarBean $focus The InboundEmail bean being saved. */ function syncSugarFoldersWithBeanChanges($fieldName, $focus) { $f = new SugarFolder(); $f->retrieve($focus->groupfolder_id); switch ($fieldName) { case 'name': case 'team_id': case 'team_set_id': $f->$fieldName = $focus->$fieldName; $f->save(); break; case 'status': if($focus->status == 'Inactive') $f->clearSubscriptionsForFolder($focus->groupfolder_id); else if($focus->mailbox_type != 'bounce' ) $f->addSubscriptionsToGroupFolder(); break; } }