name = $name; $this->load(); } function loadModules($force=false){ if(!file_exists(MB_PACKAGE_PATH . '/' . $this->name .'/modules'))return; $d = dir(MB_PACKAGE_PATH . '/' . $this->name .'/modules'); while($e = $d->read()){ if(substr($e, 0, 1) != '.' && is_dir(MB_PACKAGE_PATH . '/'. $this->name. '/modules/' . $e)){ $this->getModule($e, $force); } } } /** * Loads the translated module titles from the selected language into. * Will override currently loaded string to reflect undeployed label changes. * $app_list_strings * @return * @param $languge String language identifyer */ function loadModuleTitles($languge = '') { if (empty($language)) { $language = $GLOBALS['current_language']; } global $app_list_strings; $packLangFilePath = $this->getPackageDir() . "/language/application/" . $language . ".lang.php"; if (file_exists($packLangFilePath)) { require($packLangFilePath); } } function getModule($name, $force=true){ if(!$force && !empty($this->modules[$name]))return; $path = $this->getPackageDir(); $this->modules[$name] = new MBModule($name, $path, $this->name, $this->key); } function deleteModule($name){ $this->modules[$name]->delete(); unset($this->modules[$name]); } function getManifest($version_specific = false, $for_export = false){ //If we are exporting the package, we must ensure a different install key $pre = $for_export ? MB_EXPORTPREPEND : ""; $date = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb(); $time = time(); $this->description = to_html($this->description); $is_uninstallable = ($this->is_uninstallable ? 'true' : 'false'); $flavor = "'" . $GLOBALS['sugar_flavor'] . "'"; if($GLOBALS['sugar_flavor'] == 'CE')$flavor = "'CE', 'PRO','ENT'"; $version = (!empty($version_specific))?"'" . $GLOBALS['sugar_version'] . "'" : ''; $header = file_get_contents('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/header.php'); return << array ( $version ), 'acceptable_sugar_flavors' => array( $flavor ), 'readme'=>'$this->readme', 'key'=>'$this->key', 'author' => '$this->author', 'description' => '$this->description', 'icon' => '', 'is_uninstallable' => $is_uninstallable, 'name' => '$pre$this->name', 'published_date' => '$date', 'type' => 'module', 'version' => '$time', 'remove_tables' => 'prompt', ); EOQ; } function buildInstall($path){ $installdefs = array ('id' => $this->name, 'beans'=>array(), 'layoutdefs'=>array(), 'relationships'=>array(), ); if($this->has_images){ $installdefs['image_dir'] = '/icons'; } foreach(array_keys($this->modules) as $module){ $this->modules[$module]->build($path); $this->modules[$module]->addInstallDefs($installdefs); } $this->path = $this->getPackageDir(); if(file_exists($this->path . '/language')){ $d= dir($this->path . '/language'); while($e = $d->read()){ $lang_path = $this->path .'/language/' . $e; if(substr($e, 0, 1) != '.' && is_dir($lang_path)){ $f = dir($lang_path); while($g = $f->read()){ if(substr($g, 0, 1) != '.' && is_file($lang_path.'/'. $g)){ $lang = substr($g, 0, strpos($g, '.')); $installdefs['language'][] = array( 'from'=> '/SugarModules/language/'.$e . '/'. $g, 'to_module'=> $e, 'language'=> $lang ); } } } } copy_recursive( $this->path . '/language/', $path . '/language/'); $icon_path = $path . '/../icons/default/images/'; mkdir_recursive($icon_path); copy_recursive($this->path . '/icons/', $icon_path); } return "\n".'$installdefs = ' . var_export_helper($installdefs). ';'; } function getPackageDir(){ return MB_PACKAGE_PATH . '/' . $this->name; } function getBuildDir(){ return MB_PACKAGE_BUILD . '/' . $this->name; } function getZipDir(){ return $this->getPackageDir() . '/zips'; } function load(){ $path = $this->getPackageDir(); if(file_exists($path .'/manifest.php')){ require($path . '/manifest.php'); if(!empty($manifest)){ $this->date_modified = $manifest['published_date']; $this->is_uninstallable = $manifest['is_uninstallable']; $this->author = $manifest['author']; $this->key = $manifest['key']; $this->description = $manifest['description']; if(!empty($manifest['readme'])) $this->readme = $manifest['readme']; } } $this->loadModules(true); } function save(){ $path = $this->getPackageDir(); if(mkdir_recursive($path)){ $fp = sugar_fopen($path .'/manifest.php', 'w'); //Save all the modules when we save a package $this->updateModulesMetaData(true); fwrite($fp, $this->getManifest() ); fclose($fp); } } function build($export=true, $clean = false){ $this->loadModules(); require_once('include/utils/zip_utils.php'); $package_path = $this->getPackageDir(); $path = $this->getBuildDir() . '/SugarModules'; if($clean && file_exists($path))rmdir_recursive($path); if(mkdir_recursive($path)){ $manifest = $this->getManifest().$this->buildInstall($path); $fp = sugar_fopen($this->getBuildDir() .'/manifest.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $manifest); fclose($fp); } if(file_exists('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/LICENSE.txt')){ copy('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/LICENSE.txt', $this->getBuildDir() . '/LICENSE.txt'); }else if(file_exists('LICENSE.txt')){ copy('LICENSE.txt', $this->getBuildDir() . '/LICENSE.txt'); } $package_dir = $this->getPackageDir(); $date = date('Y_m_d_His'); $zipDir = $this->getZipDir(); if(!file_exists($zipDir))mkdir_recursive($zipDir); $cwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->getBuildDir()); zip_dir('.',$cwd . '/'. $zipDir. '/'. $this->name. $date. '.zip'); chdir($cwd); if($export){ header('Location:' . $zipDir. '/'. $this->name. $date. '.zip'); } return array( 'zip'=>$zipDir. '/'. $this->name. $date. '.zip', 'manifest'=>$this->getBuildDir(). '/manifest.php', 'name'=>$this->name. $date, ); } function getNodes(){ $this->loadModules(); $node = array('name'=>$this->name, 'action'=>'module=ModuleBuilder&action=package&package=' . $this->name, 'children'=>array()); foreach(array_keys($this->modules) as $module){ $node['children'][] = $this->modules[$module]->getNodes(); } return $node; } function populateFromPost(){ $this->description = $_REQUEST['description']; $this->author = $_REQUEST['author']; $this->key = $_REQUEST['key']; $this->readme = $_REQUEST['readme']; } function rename($new_name){ $old= $this->getPackageDir(); $this->name = $new_name; $new = $this->getPackageDir(); if(file_exists($new)){ return false; } if(rename($old, $new)){ return true; } return false; } function updateModulesMetaData($save=false){ foreach(array_keys($this->modules) as $module){ $old_name = $this->modules[$module]->key_name; $this->modules[$module]->key_name = $this->key . '_' . $this->modules[$module]->name; $this->modules[$module]->renameMetaData($this->modules[$module]->getModuleDir(), $old_name); $this->modules[$module]->renameLanguageFiles($this->modules[$module]->getModuleDir()); if($save)$this->modules[$module]->save(); } } function copy($new_name){ $old= $this->getPackageDir(); $count = 0; $this->name = $new_name; $new= $this->getPackageDir(); while(file_exists($new)){ $count++; $this->name = $new_name . $count; $new= $this->getPackageDir(); } $new = $this->getPackageDir(); if(copy_recursive($old, $new)){ $this->updateModulesMetaData(); return true; } return false; } function delete(){ return rmdir_recursive($this->getPackageDir()); } //creation of the installdefs[] array for the manifest when exporting customizations function customBuildInstall($modules, $path, $extensions = array()){ $columns=$this->getColumnsName(); $installdefs = array ('id' => $this->name); $include_path="$path/SugarModules/include/language"; if(file_exists($include_path) && is_dir($include_path)){ $dd= dir($include_path); while($gg = $dd->read()){ if(substr($gg, 0, 1) != '.' && is_file($include_path . '/' . $gg)){ $lang = substr($gg, 0, strpos($gg, '.')); $installdefs['language'][] = array( 'from'=> '/SugarModules/include/language/'. $gg, 'to_module'=> 'application', 'language'=>$lang ); } } } foreach($modules as $value){ $custom_module = $this->getCustomModules($value); foreach($custom_module as $va){ if ($va == 'language'){ $this->getLanguageManifestForModule($value, $installdefs); $this->getCustomFieldsManifestForModule($value, $installdefs); }//fi if($va == 'metadata'){ $this->getCustomMetadataManifestForModule($value, $installdefs); }//fi }//foreach }//foreach if (is_dir("$path/Extension")) { $this->getExtensionsManifestForPackage($path, $installdefs); } return "\n".'$installdefs = ' . var_export_helper($installdefs). ';'; } private function getLanguageManifestForModule($module, &$installdefs) { $lang_path = 'custom/modules/' . $module . '/language'; foreach(scandir($lang_path) as $langFile) { if(substr($langFile, 0, 1) != '.' && is_file($lang_path . '/' . $langFile)){ $lang = substr($langFile, 0, strpos($langFile, '.')); $installdefs['language'][] = array( 'from'=> '/SugarModules/modules/' . $module . '/language/'. $langFile, 'to_module'=> $module, 'language'=>$lang ); } } } private function getCustomFieldsManifestForModule($module, &$installdefs) { $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $result=$db->query("SELECT * FROM fields_meta_data where custom_module='$module'"); while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)){ $name = $row['id']; foreach($row as $col=>$res){ switch ($col) { case 'custom_module': $installdefs['custom_fields'][$name]['module'] = $res; break; case 'required': $installdefs['custom_fields'][$name]['require_option'] = $res; break; case 'vname': $installdefs['custom_fields'][$name]['label'] = $res; break; case 'required': $installdefs['custom_fields'][$name]['require_option'] = $res; break; case 'massupdate': $installdefs['custom_fields'][$name]['mass_update'] = $res; break; case 'comments': $installdefs['custom_fields'][$name]['comments'] = $res; break; case 'help': $installdefs['custom_fields'][$name]['help'] = $res; break; case 'len': $installdefs['custom_fields'][$name]['max_size'] = $res; break; default: $installdefs['custom_fields'][$name][$col] = $res; }//switch }//foreach }//while } private function getCustomMetadataManifestForModule($module, &$installdefs) { $meta_path = 'custom/modules/' . $module . '/metadata'; foreach(scandir($meta_path) as $meta_file) { if(substr($meta_file, 0, 1) != '.' && is_file($meta_path . '/' . $meta_file)){ if($meta_file == 'listviewdefs.php'){ $installdefs['copy'][] = array( 'from'=> '/SugarModules/modules/'. $module . '/metadata/'. $meta_file, 'to'=> 'custom/modules/'. $module . '/metadata/' . $meta_file, ); } else{ $installdefs['copy'][] = array( 'from'=> '/SugarModules/modules/'. $module . '/metadata/'. $meta_file, 'to'=> 'custom/modules/'. $module . '/metadata/' . $meta_file, ); $installdefs['copy'][] = array( 'from'=> '/SugarModules/modules/'. $module . '/metadata/'. $meta_file, 'to'=> 'custom/working/modules/'. $module . '/metadata/' . $meta_file, ); } } } } private function getExtensionsManifestForPackage($path, &$installdefs) { $extPath = "$path/Extension/modules"; foreach(scandir($extPath) as $moduleDir) { if(substr($moduleDir, 0, 1) != '.' && is_dir("$extPath/$moduleDir/Ext")){ foreach(scandir("$extPath/$moduleDir/Ext") as $type) { if(substr($type, 0, 1) != '.' && is_dir("$extPath/$moduleDir/Ext/$type")){ foreach(scandir("$extPath/$moduleDir/Ext/$type") as $file) { if(substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' && strtolower(substr($file, -4)) == ".php") { $installdefs['copy'][] = array( 'from'=> "/Extension/modules/$moduleDir/Ext/$type/$file", 'to'=> "custom/Extension/modules/$moduleDir/Ext/$type/$file", ); } } } } } } } //return an array which contain the name of fields_meta_data table's columns function getColumnsName(){ $meta = new FieldsMetaData(); $arr = array(); foreach($meta->getFieldDefinitions() as $key=>$value) { $arr[] = $key; } return $arr; } //creation of the custom fields ZIP file (use getmanifest() and customBuildInstall() ) function exportCustom($modules, $export=true, $clean = true){ $path=$this->getBuildDir(); if($clean && file_exists($path))rmdir_recursive($path); //Copy the custom files to the build dir foreach($modules as $mod){ $extensions = $this->getExtensionsList($mod); $pathmod="$path/SugarModules/modules/$mod"; if(mkdir_recursive($pathmod)){ if(file_exists("custom/modules/$mod")){ copy_recursive("custom/modules/$mod", "$pathmod"); //Don't include cached extension files if (is_dir("$pathmod/Ext")) rmdir_recursive("$pathmod/Ext"); } //Convert modstring files to extension compatible arrays $this->convertLangFilesToExtensions("$pathmod/language"); } $pathext="$path/Extension/modules/$mod/Ext"; if (!empty($extensions) && mkdir_recursive($pathext)) { foreach($extensions as $type => $files) { sugar_mkdir("$pathext/$type"); foreach($files as $file => $filePath) { copy ($filePath, "$pathext/$type/$file"); } } } } $this->copyCustomDropdownValuesForModules($modules,$path); if(file_exists($path)){ $manifest = $this->getManifest(true).$this->customBuildInstall($modules,$path); sugar_file_put_contents($path .'/manifest.php', $manifest);; } if(file_exists('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/LICENSE.txt')){ copy('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/LICENSE.txt', $path . '/LICENSE.txt'); } else if(file_exists('LICENSE.txt')){ copy('LICENSE.txt', $path . '/LICENSE.txt'); } require_once('include/utils/zip_utils.php'); $date = date('Y_m_d_His'); $zipDir = $this->getZipDir(); if(!file_exists($zipDir))mkdir_recursive($zipDir); $cwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->getBuildDir()); zip_dir('.',$cwd . '/'. $zipDir. '/'. $this->name. $date. '.zip'); chdir($cwd); if($clean && file_exists($this->getBuildDir()))rmdir_recursive($this->getBuildDir()); if($export){ header('Location:' . $zipDir. '/'. $this->name. $date. '.zip'); } return $zipDir. '/'. $this->name. $date. '.zip'; } private function convertLangFilesToExtensions($langDir) { if (is_dir($langDir)) { foreach(scandir($langDir) as $langFile) { $mod_strings = array(); if (strcasecmp(substr($langFile, -4), ".php") != 0) continue; include("$langDir/$langFile"); $out = " $lbl_val ) { $out .= override_value_to_string("mod_strings", $lbl_key, $lbl_val) . "\n"; } $out .= "\n?>\n"; sugar_file_put_contents("$langDir/$langFile", $out); } } } private function copyCustomDropdownValuesForModules($modules, $path) { if(file_exists("custom/include/language")){ if(mkdir_recursive("$path/SugarModules/include")){ global $app_list_strings; $backStrings = $app_list_strings; foreach(scandir("custom/include/language") as $langFile) { $app_list_strings = array(); if (strcasecmp(substr($langFile, -4), ".php") != 0) continue; include("custom/include/language/$langFile"); $out = "getCustomDropDownStringsForModules($modules, $app_list_strings); foreach($options as $name => $arr) { $out .= override_value_to_string('app_list_strings', $name, $arr); } mkdir_recursive("$path/SugarModules/include/language/"); sugar_file_put_contents("$path/SugarModules/include/language/$lang.$this->name.php", $out); } $app_list_strings = $backStrings; } } } function getCustomDropDownStringsForModules($modules, $list_strings) { global $beanList, $beanFiles; $options = array(); foreach($modules as $module) { if (!empty($beanList[$module])) { require_once($beanFiles[$beanList[$module]]); $bean = new $beanList[$module](); foreach($bean->field_defs as $field => $def) { if (isset($def['options']) && isset($list_strings[$def['options']])) { $options[$def['options']] = $list_strings[$def['options']]; } } } } return $options; } //if $module=false : return an array with custom module and there customizations. //if $module=!false : return an array with the directories of custom/module/$module. function getCustomModules($module=false){ global $mod_strings; $path='custom/modules/'; $extPath = 'custom/Extension/modules/'; if(!file_exists($path) || !is_dir($path)){ return array($mod_strings['LBL_EC_NOCUSTOM'] => ""); } else{ if ($module != false ){ $path=$path . $module . '/'; } $scanlisting = scandir($path); $dirlisting = array(); foreach ($scanlisting as $value){ if(is_dir($path . $value) == true && $value != '.' && $value != '..') { $dirlisting[] = $value; } } if(empty($dirlisting)){ return array($mod_strings['LBL_EC_NOCUSTOM'] => ""); } if ($module == false ){ foreach ($dirlisting as $value){ if(!file_exists('modules/' . $value . '/metadata/studio.php')) continue; $custommodules[$value]=$this->getCustomModules($value); foreach ($custommodules[$value] as $va){ switch ($va) { case 'language': $return[$value][$va] = $mod_strings['LBL_EC_CUSTOMFIELD']; break; case 'metadata': $return[$value][$va] = $mod_strings['LBL_EC_CUSTOMLAYOUT']; break; case 'Ext': $return[$value][$va] = $mod_strings['LBL_EC_CUSTOMFIELD']; break; case '': $return[$value . " " . $mod_strings['LBL_EC_EMPTYCUSTOM']] = ""; break; default: $return[$value][$va] = $mod_strings['LBL_UNDEFINED']; } } } return $return; } else{ return $dirlisting; } } } private function getExtensionsList($module, $excludeRelationships = true) { require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/DeployedRelationships.php' ; $extPath = 'custom/Extension/modules/'; $modExtPath = $extPath . $module . '/Ext'; $rels = new DeployedRelationships($module); $relList = $rels->getRelationshipList (); $ret = array(); if (is_dir($modExtPath)) { $extFolders = scandir($modExtPath); foreach($extFolders as $extFolder) { if (!is_dir("$modExtPath/$extFolder") || substr($extFolder, 0, 1) == ".") continue; foreach( scandir("$modExtPath/$extFolder") as $extFile) { if (substr($extFile, 0, 1) == "." || strtolower(substr($extFile, -4)) != ".php") continue; //Exclude relattionship extension files if ($excludeRelationships && ( (substr($extFile, 0, 6) == "custom" && isset($relList[substr($extFile, 6, strlen($extFile) - 10)])) || (substr($extFile, 6, 6) == "custom" && isset($relList[substr($extFile, 12, strlen($extFile) - 16)])) )) { continue; } if (!isset($ret[$extFolder])) $ret[$extFolder] = array(); $ret[$extFolder][$extFile ] = "$modExtPath/$extFolder/$extFile"; } } } return $ret; } /** * Returns a set of field defs for fields that will exist when this package is deployed * based on the relationships in all of its modules. * * @param $moduleName (module must be from whithin this package) * @return array Field defs */ function getRelationshipsForModule($moduleName) { $ret = array(); if (isset($this->modules[$moduleName])) { $keyName = $this->modules[$moduleName]->key_name; foreach($this->modules as $mName => $module) { $rels = $module->getRelationships(); $relList = $rels->getRelationshipList(); foreach($relList as $rName ) { $rel = $rels->get ( $rName ) ; if ($rel->lhs_module == $keyName || $rel->rhs_module == $keyName) { $ret[$rName] = $rel; } } } } return $ret; } function exportProjectInstall($package, $for_export){ $pre = $for_export ? MB_EXPORTPREPEND : ""; $installdefs = array ('id' => $pre . $this->name); $installdefs['copy'][] = array( 'from'=> '/' . $this->name, 'to'=> 'custom/modulebuilder/packages/'. $this->name, ); return "\n".'$installdefs = ' . var_export_helper($installdefs). ';'; } function exportProject($package, $export=true, $clean = true){ $tmppath="custom/modulebuilder/projectTMP/"; if(file_exists($this->getPackageDir())){ if(mkdir_recursive($tmppath)){ copy_recursive($this->getPackageDir(), $tmppath ."/". $this->name); $manifest = $this->getManifest(true, $export).$this->exportProjectInstall($package, $export); $fp = sugar_fopen($tmppath .'/manifest.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $manifest); fclose($fp); if(file_exists('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/LICENSE.txt')){ copy('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/LICENSE.txt', $tmppath . '/LICENSE.txt'); } else if(file_exists('LICENSE.txt')){ copy('LICENSE.txt', $tmppath . '/LICENSE.txt'); } $readme_contents = $this->readme; $readmefp = sugar_fopen($tmppath.'/README.txt','w'); fwrite($readmefp, $readme_contents); fclose($readmefp); } } require_once('include/utils/zip_utils.php'); $date = date('Y_m_d_His'); $zipDir = "custom/modulebuilder/packages/ExportProjectZips"; if(!file_exists($zipDir))mkdir_recursive($zipDir); $cwd = getcwd(); chdir($tmppath); zip_dir('.',$cwd . '/'. $zipDir. '/project_'. $this->name. $date. '.zip'); chdir($cwd); if($clean && file_exists($tmppath))rmdir_recursive($tmppath); if($export){ header('Location:' . $zipDir. '/project_'. $this->name. $date. '.zip'); } return $zipDir. '/project_'. $this->name. $date. '.zip'; } } ?>