'getDefaultFields' , 'LBL_AVAILABLE' => 'getAdditionalFields' , 'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'getAvailableFields' ) ; /* * Constructor * Must set: * $this->columns Array of 'Column LBL'=>function_to_retrieve_fields_for_this_column() - expected by the view * * @param string moduleName The name of the module to which this listview belongs * @param string packageName If not empty, the name of the package to which this listview belongs */ function __construct ($view, $moduleName , $packageName = '') { $this->search = ($view == MB_DASHLETSEARCH) ? true : false; $this->_moduleName = $moduleName; $this->_packageName = $packageName; $this->_view = $view ; if ($this->search) { $this->columns = array ( 'LBL_DEFAULT' => 'getAdditionalFields' , 'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'getAvailableFields' ) ; parent::__construct ( MB_DASHLETSEARCH, $moduleName, $packageName ) ; } else { parent::__construct ( MB_DASHLET, $moduleName, $packageName ) ; } $this->_viewdefs = $this->mergeFieldDefinitions($this->_viewdefs, $this->_fielddefs); } /** * Dashlets contain both a searchview and list view definition, therefore we need to merge only the relevant info */ function mergeFieldDefinitions ( $viewdefs, $fielddefs ) { if ($this->_view == MB_DASHLETSEARCH && isset($viewdefs['searchfields'])) { //Remove any relate fields from the possible defs as they will break the homepage foreach($fielddefs as $id=>$def) { if (isset($def['type']) && $def['type'] == 'relate') { if( isset($fielddefs[$id]['id_name'])){ $fielddefs[$fielddefs[$id]['id_name']] = $def; unset($fielddefs[$id]); } } } $viewdefs = array_change_key_case($viewdefs['searchfields']); $viewdefs = $this->_viewdefs = $this->ConvertSearchToDashletDefs($viewdefs); } else if ($this->_view == MB_DASHLET && isset($viewdefs['columns'])) { $viewdefs = $this->_viewdefs = array_change_key_case($viewdefs['columns']); $viewdefs = $this->_viewdefs = $this->convertSearchToListDefs($viewdefs); } return $viewdefs; } function convertSearchToListDefs($defs) { $temp = array(); foreach($defs as $key=>$value) { $temp[$key] = $value; if (!isset ($temp[$key]['name'])) { $temp[$key]['name'] = $key; } } return $temp; } private function ConvertSearchToDashletDefs($defs) { $temp = array(); foreach($defs as $key=>$value) { if($value['default']) { //$temp[$key] = $value; $temp[$key] = array('default' => ''); }else{ $temp[$key] = $value; } } return $temp; } function handleSave ($populate = true) { if (empty ( $this->_packageName )) { foreach(array(MB_CUSTOMMETADATALOCATION , MB_BASEMETADATALOCATION) as $value){ $file = $this->implementation->getFileName(MB_DASHLET, $this->_moduleName, $value); if(file_exists($file)){ break; } } $writeTodashletName = $dashletName = $this->implementation->getLanguage().'Dashlet'; if(!file_exists($file)){ $file = "modules/{$this->_moduleName}/Dashlets/My{$this->_moduleName}Dashlet/My{$this->_moduleName}Dashlet.data.php"; $dashletName = 'My'.$this->implementation->getLanguage().'Dashlet'; } $writeFile = $this->implementation->getFileName(MB_DASHLET, $this->_moduleName); if(!file_exists($writeFile)){ mkdir_recursive ( dirname ( $writeFile ) ) ; } } else{ $writeFile = $file = $this->implementation->getFileName(MB_DASHLET, $this->_moduleName, $this->_packageName); $writeTodashletName = $dashletName =$this->implementation->module->key_name . 'Dashlet'; } $this->implementation->_history->append ( $file ) ; if ($populate) $this->_populateFromRequest() ; $out = "_view == MB_DASHLETSEARCH) { $dashletData[$dashletName]['searchFields'] = $this->ConvertSearchToDashletDefs($this->_viewdefs); } else { $dashletData[$dashletName]['columns'] = $this->_viewdefs; } $out .= "\$dashletData['$writeTodashletName']['searchFields'] = " . var_export_helper ($dashletData[$dashletName]['searchFields']) . ";\n"; $out .= "\$dashletData['$writeTodashletName']['columns'] = " . var_export_helper ($dashletData[$dashletName]['columns']) . ";\n"; fputs ( $fh, $out) ; fclose ( $fh ) ; } } } ?>