'EditView' , MB_DETAILVIEW => 'DetailView' , MB_QUICKCREATE => 'QuickCreate', ) ; protected $FILLER ; /* * Constructor * @param string view The view type, that is, editview, searchview etc * @param string moduleName The name of the module to which this view belongs * @param string packageName If not empty, the name of the package to which this view belongs */ function __construct ($view , $moduleName , $packageName = '') { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( get_class ( $this ) . "->__construct( {$view} , {$moduleName} , {$packageName} )" ) ; $view = strtolower ( $view ) ; $this->FILLER = array ( 'name' => MBConstants::$FILLER['name'] , 'label' => translate ( MBConstants::$FILLER['label'] ) ) ; $this->_moduleName = $moduleName ; $this->_view = $view ; if (empty ( $packageName )) { require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/DeployedMetaDataImplementation.php' ; $this->implementation = new DeployedMetaDataImplementation ( $view, $moduleName, self::$variableMap ) ; } else { require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/UndeployedMetaDataImplementation.php' ; $this->implementation = new UndeployedMetaDataImplementation ( $view, $moduleName, $packageName ) ; } $viewdefs = $this->implementation->getViewdefs () ; if (!isset(self::$variableMap [ $view ])) self::$variableMap [ $view ] = $view; if (!isset($viewdefs [ self::$variableMap [ $view ]])){ sugar_die ( get_class ( $this ) . ": incorrect view variable for $view" ) ; } $viewdefs = $viewdefs [ self::$variableMap [ $view ] ] ; if (! isset ( $viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ] )) sugar_die ( get_class ( $this ) . ": missing templateMeta section in layout definition (case sensitive)" ) ; if (! isset ( $viewdefs [ 'panels' ] )) sugar_die ( get_class ( $this ) . ": missing panels section in layout definition (case sensitive)" ) ; $this->_viewdefs = $viewdefs ; if ($this->getMaxColumns () < 1) sugar_die ( get_class ( $this ) . ": maxColumns=" . $this->getMaxColumns () . " - must be greater than 0!" ) ; $this->_fielddefs = $this->implementation->getFielddefs() ; $this->_standardizeFieldLabels( $this->_fielddefs ); $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] = $this->_convertFromCanonicalForm ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] , $this->_fielddefs ) ; // put into our internal format $this->_originalViewDef = $this->getFieldsFromLayout($this->implementation->getOriginalViewdefs ()); } /* * Save a draft layout */ function writeWorkingFile ($populate = true) { if ($populate) $this->_populateFromRequest ( $this->_fielddefs ) ; $viewdefs = $this->_viewdefs ; $viewdefs [ 'panels' ] = $this->_convertToCanonicalForm ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] , $this->_fielddefs ) ; $this->implementation->save ( array ( self::$variableMap [ $this->_view ] => $viewdefs ) ) ; } /* * Deploy the layout * @param boolean $populate If true (default), then update the layout first with new layout information from the $_REQUEST array */ function handleSave ($populate = true) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->info ( get_class ( $this ) . "->handleSave()" ) ; if ($populate) $this->_populateFromRequest ( $this->_fielddefs ) ; $viewdefs = $this->_viewdefs ; $viewdefs [ 'panels' ] = $this->_convertToCanonicalForm ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] , $this->_fielddefs ) ; $this->implementation->deploy ( array ( self::$variableMap [ $this->_view ] => $viewdefs ) ) ; } /* * Return the layout, padded out with (empty) and (filler) fields ready for display */ function getLayout () { $viewdefs = array () ; $fielddefs = $this->_fielddefs; $fielddefs [ $this->FILLER [ 'name' ] ] = $this->FILLER ; $fielddefs [ MBConstants::$EMPTY [ 'name' ] ] = MBConstants::$EMPTY ; foreach ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] as $panelID => $panel ) { foreach ( $panel as $rowID => $row ) { foreach ( $row as $colID => $fieldname ) { if (isset ($this->_fielddefs [ $fieldname ])) { $viewdefs [ $panelID ] [ $rowID ] [ $colID ] = self::_trimFieldDefs( $this->_fielddefs [ $fieldname ] ) ; } else if (isset($this->_originalViewDef [ $fieldname ]) && is_array($this->_originalViewDef [ $fieldname ])) { $viewdefs [ $panelID ] [ $rowID ] [ $colID ] = self::_trimFieldDefs( $this->_originalViewDef [ $fieldname ] ) ; } else { $viewdefs [ $panelID ] [ $rowID ] [ $colID ] = array("name" => $fieldname, "label" => $fieldname); } } } } return $viewdefs ; } function getMaxColumns () { if (!empty( $this->_viewdefs) && isset($this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ] [ 'maxColumns' ])) { return $this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ] [ 'maxColumns' ] ; }else { return 2; } } function getAvailableFields () { // Obtain the full list of valid fields in this module $availableFields = array () ; foreach ( $this->_fielddefs as $key => $def ) { if ( GridLayoutMetaDataParser::validField ( $def, $this->_view ) || isset($this->_originalViewDef[$key]) ) { //If the field original label existing, we should use the original label instead the label in its fielddefs. if(isset($this->_originalViewDef[$key]) && is_array($this->_originalViewDef[$key]) && isset($this->_originalViewDef[$key]['label'])){ $availableFields [ $key ] = array ( 'name' => $key , 'label' => $this->_originalViewDef[$key]['label']) ; }else{ $availableFields [ $key ] = array ( 'name' => $key , 'label' => isset($def [ 'label' ]) ? $def [ 'label' ] : $def['vname'] ) ; // layouts use 'label' not 'vname' for the label entry } $availableFields[$key]['translatedLabel'] = translate( isset($def [ 'label' ]) ? $def [ 'label' ] : $def['vname'], $this->_moduleName); } } // Available fields are those that are in the Model and the original layout definition, but not already shown in the View // So, because the formats of the two are different we brute force loop through View and unset the fields we find in a copy of Model if (! empty ( $this->_viewdefs )) { foreach ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] as $panel ) { foreach ( $panel as $row ) { foreach ( $row as $field ) { unset ( $availableFields [ $field ] ) ; } } } } //eggsurplus: Bug 10329 - sort on intuitive display labels //sort by translatedLabel function cmpLabel($a, $b) { return strcmp($a["translatedLabel"], $b["translatedLabel"]); } usort($availableFields , 'cmpLabel'); return $availableFields ; } function getPanelDependency ( $panelID ) { if ( ! isset ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ][ 'dependency' ] ) && ! isset ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ][ 'dependency' ] [ $panelID ] ) ) return false; return $this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ][ 'dependency' ] [ $panelID ] ; } /* * Add a new field to the layout * If $panelID is passed in, attempt to add to that panel, otherwise add to the first panel * The field is added in place of the first empty (not filler) slot after the last field in the panel; if that row is full, then a new row will be added to the end of the panel * and the field added to the start of it. * @param array $def Set of properties for the field, in same format as in the viewdefs * @param string $panelID Identifier of the panel to add the field to; empty or false if we should use the first panel */ function addField ( $def , $panelID = FALSE) { if (count ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] ) == 0) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->error ( get_class ( $this ) . "->addField(): _viewdefs empty for module {$this->_moduleName} and view {$this->_view}" ) ; } // if a panelID was not provided, use the first available panel in the list if (! $panelID) { $panels = array_keys ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] ) ; list ( $dummy, $panelID ) = each ( $panels ) ; } if (isset ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] )) { $panel = $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] ; $lastrow = count ( $panel ) - 1 ; // index starts at 0 $maxColumns = $this->getMaxColumns () ; $lastRowDef = $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] [ $lastrow ]; for ( $column = 0 ; $column < $maxColumns ; $column ++ ) { if (! isset ( $lastRowDef [ $column ] ) || (is_array( $lastRowDef [ $column ]) && $lastRowDef [ $column ][ 'name' ] == '(empty)') || (is_string( $lastRowDef [ $column ]) && $lastRowDef [ $column ] == '(empty)') ){ break ; } } // if we're on the last column of the last row, start a new row if ($column >= $maxColumns) { $lastrow ++ ; $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] [ $lastrow ] = array ( ) ; $column = 0 ; } $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] [ $lastrow ] [ $column ] = $def [ 'name' ] ; // now update the fielddefs if (isset($this->_fielddefs [ $def [ 'name' ] ])) { $this->_fielddefs [ $def [ 'name' ] ] = array_merge ( $this->_fielddefs [ $def [ 'name' ] ] , $def ) ; } else { $this->_fielddefs [ $def [ 'name' ] ] = $def; } } return true ; } /* * Remove all instances of a field from the layout, and replace by (filler) * Filler because we attempt to preserve the customized layout as much as possible - replacing by (empty) would mean that the positions or sizes of adjacent fields may change * If the last row of a panel only consists of (filler) after removing the fields, then remove the row also. This undoes the standard addField() scenario; * If the fields had been moved around in the layout however then this will not completely undo any addField() * @param string $fieldName Name of the field to remove * @return boolean True if the field was removed; false otherwise */ function removeField ($fieldName) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->info ( get_class ( $this ) . "->removeField($fieldName)" ) ; $result = false ; reset ( $this->_viewdefs ) ; $firstPanel = each ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] ) ; $firstPanelID = $firstPanel [ 'key' ] ; foreach ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] as $panelID => $panel ) { $lastRowTouched = false ; $lastRowID = count ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] ) - 1 ; // zero offset foreach ( $panel as $rowID => $row ) { foreach ( $row as $colID => $field ) if ($field == $fieldName) { $lastRowTouched = $rowID ; $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] [ $rowID ] [ $colID ] = $this->FILLER [ 'name' ]; } } // if we removed a field from the last row of this panel, tidy up if the last row now consists only of (empty) or (filler) if ( $lastRowTouched == $lastRowID ) { $lastRow = $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] [ $lastRowID ] ; // can't use 'end' for this as we need the key as well as the value... $empty = true ; foreach ( $lastRow as $colID => $field ) $empty &= $field == MBConstants::$EMPTY ['name' ] || $field == $this->FILLER [ 'name' ] ; if ($empty) { unset ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] [ $lastRowID ] ) ; // if the row was the only one in the panel, and the panel is not the first (default) panel, then remove the panel also if ( count ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] ) == 0 && $panelID != $firstPanelID ) unset ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] ) ; } } $result |= ($lastRowTouched !== false ); // explicitly compare to false as row 0 will otherwise evaluate as false } return $result ; } function setPanelDependency ( $panelID , $dependency ) { // only accept dependencies for pre-existing panels if ( ! isset ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] ) ) return false; $this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ] [ 'dependency' ] [ $panelID ] = $dependency ; return true ; } /* * Return an integer value for the next unused panel identifier, such that it and any larger numbers are guaranteed to be unused already in the layout * Necessary when adding new panels to a layout * @return integer First unique panel ID suffix */ function getFirstNewPanelId () { $firstNewPanelId = 0 ; foreach ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] as $panelID => $panel ) { // strip out all but the numerics from the panelID - can't just use a cast as numbers may not be first in the string for ( $i = 0, $result = '' ; $i < strlen ( $panelID ) ; $i ++ ) { if (is_numeric ( $panelID [ $i ] )) { $result .= $panelID [ $i ] ; } } $firstNewPanelId = max ( ( int ) $result, $firstNewPanelId ) ; } return $firstNewPanelId + 1 ; } /* * Load the panel layout from the submitted form and update the _viewdefs */ protected function _populateFromRequest ( &$fielddefs ) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( get_class ( $this ) . "->populateFromRequest()" ) ; $i = 1 ; // set up the map of panel# (as provided in the _REQUEST) to panel ID (as used in $this->_viewdefs['panels']) $i = 1 ; foreach ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] as $panelID => $panel ) { $panelMap [ $i ++ ] = $panelID ; } foreach ( $_REQUEST as $key => $displayLabel ) { $components = explode ( '-', $key ) ; if ($components [ 0 ] == 'panel' && $components [ 2 ] == 'label') { $panelMap [ $components [ '1' ] ] = $displayLabel ; } } $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] = array () ; // because the new field properties should replace the old fields, not be merged // run through the $_REQUEST twice - first to obtain the fieldnames, the second to update the field properties for ( $pass=1 ; $pass<=2 ; $pass++ ) { foreach ( $_REQUEST as $slot => $value ) { $slotComponents = explode ( '-', $slot ) ; // [0] = 'slot', [1] = panel #, [2] = slot #, [3] = property name if ($slotComponents [ 0 ] == 'slot') { $slotNumber = $slotComponents [ '2' ] ; $panelID = $panelMap [ $slotComponents [ '1' ] ] ; $rowID = floor ( $slotNumber / $this->getMaxColumns () ) ; $colID = $slotNumber - ($rowID * $this->getMaxColumns ()) ; $property = $slotComponents [ '3' ] ; //If this field has a custom definition, copy that over if ( $pass == 1 ) { if ( $property == 'name' ) $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] [ $rowID ] [ $colID ] = $value ; } else { // update fielddefs for this property in the provided position if ( isset ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] [ $rowID ] [ $colID ] ) ) { $fieldname = $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ] [ $panelID ] [ $rowID ] [ $colID ] ; $fielddefs [ $fieldname ] [ $property ] = $value ; } } } } } //Set the tabs setting if (isset($_REQUEST['panels_as_tabs'])) { if ($_REQUEST['panels_as_tabs'] == false || $_REQUEST['panels_as_tabs'] == "false") $this->setUseTabs( false ); else $this->setUseTabs( true ); } //bug: 38232 - Set the sync detail and editview settings if (isset($_REQUEST['sync_detail_and_edit'])) { if ($_REQUEST['sync_detail_and_edit'] === false || $_REQUEST['sync_detail_and_edit'] === "false") { $this->setSyncDetailEditViews( false ); } elseif(!empty($_REQUEST['sync_detail_and_edit'])) { $this->setSyncDetailEditViews( true ); } } $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( print_r ( $this->_viewdefs [ 'panels' ], true ) ) ; } /* Convert our internal format back to the standard Canonical MetaData layout * First non-(empty) field goes in at column 0; all other (empty)'s removed * Studio required fields are also added to the layout. * Do this AFTER reading in all the $_REQUEST parameters as can't guarantee the order of those, and we need to operate on complete rows */ protected function _convertToCanonicalForm ( $panels , $fielddefs ) { $previousViewDef = $this->getFieldsFromLayout($this->implementation->getViewdefs ()); $oldDefs = $this->implementation->getViewdefs (); $currentFields = $this->getFieldsFromLayout($this->_viewdefs); foreach($fielddefs as $field => $def) { if (self::fieldIsRequired($def) && !isset($currentFields[$field])) { //Use the previous viewdef if this field was on it. if (isset($previousViewDef[$field])) { $def = $previousViewDef[$field]; } //next see if the field was on the original layout. else if (isset ($this->_originalViewDef [ $field ])) { $def = $this->_originalViewDef [ $field ] ; } //Otherwise make up a viewdef for it from field_defs else { $def = self::_trimFieldDefs( $def ) ; } $this->addField($def); } } foreach ( $panels as $panelID => $panel ) { // remove all (empty)s foreach ( $panel as $rowID => $row ) { $startOfRow = true ; $offset = 0 ; foreach ( $row as $colID => $fieldname ) { if ($fieldname == MBConstants::$EMPTY[ 'name' ]) { // if a leading (empty) then remove (by noting that remaining fields need to be shuffled along) if ($startOfRow) { $offset ++ ; } unset ( $row [ $colID ] ) ; } else { $startOfRow = false ; } } // reindex to remove leading (empty)s and replace fieldnames by full definition from fielddefs $newRow = array ( ) ; foreach ( $row as $colID => $fieldname ) { if ($fieldname == null) continue; //Backwards compatibility and a safeguard against multiple calls to _convertToCanonicalForm if(is_array($fieldname)) { $newRow [ $colID - $offset ] = $fieldname; continue; } //Replace (filler) with the empty string if ($fieldname == $this->FILLER[ 'name' ]) { $newRow [ $colID - $offset ] = '' ; } //Use the previous viewdef if this field was on it. else if (isset($previousViewDef[$fieldname])) { $newRow[$colID - $offset] = $this->getNewRowItem($previousViewDef[$fieldname], $fielddefs[$fieldname]); } //next see if the field was on the original layout. else if (isset ($this->_originalViewDef [ $fieldname ])) { $newRow[$colID - $offset] = $this->getNewRowItem($this->_originalViewDef[$fieldname], $fielddefs[$fieldname]); } //Otherwise make up a viewdef for it from field_defs else if (isset ($fielddefs [ $fieldname ])) { $newRow [ $colID - $offset ] = self::_trimFieldDefs( $fielddefs [ $fieldname ] ) ; } //No additional info on this field can be found, jsut use the name; else { $newRow [ $colID - $offset ] = $fieldname; } } $panels [ $panelID ] [ $rowID ] = $newRow ; } } return $panels ; } /* * fixing bug #44428: Studio | Tab Order causes layout errors * @param string|array $source it can be a string which contain just a name of field * or an array with field attributes including name * @param array $fielddef stores field defs from request * @return string|array definition of new row item */ function getNewRowItem($source, $fielddef) { //We should copy over the tabindex if it is set. $newRow = array(); if (isset ($fielddef) && !empty($fielddef['tabindex'])) { if (is_array($source)) { $newRow = $source; } else { $newRow['name'] = $source; } $newRow['tabindex'] = $fielddef['tabindex']; } else { $newRow = $source; } return $newRow; } /* * Convert from the standard MetaData format to our internal format * Replace NULL with (filler) and missing entries with (empty) */ protected function _convertFromCanonicalForm ( $panels , $fielddefs ) { if (empty ( $panels )) return ; // Fix for a flexibility in the format of the panel sections - if only one panel, then we don't have a panel level defined, // it goes straight into rows // See EditView2 for similar treatment if (! empty ( $panels ) && count ( $panels ) > 0) { $keys = array_keys ( $panels ) ; if (is_numeric ( $keys [ 0 ] )) { $defaultPanel = $panels ; unset ( $panels ) ; //blow away current value $panels [ 'default' ] = $defaultPanel ; } } $newPanels = array ( ) ; // replace '' with (filler) foreach ( $panels as $panelID => $panel ) { foreach ( $panel as $rowID => $row ) { $cols = 0; foreach ( $row as $colID => $col ) { if ( ! empty ( $col ) ) { if ( is_string ( $col )) { $fieldname = $col ; } else if (! empty ( $col [ 'name' ] )) { $fieldname = $col [ 'name' ] ; } } else { $fieldname = $this->FILLER['name'] ; } $newPanels [ $panelID ] [ $rowID ] [ $cols ] = $fieldname ; $cols++; } } } // replace missing fields with (empty) foreach ( $newPanels as $panelID => $panel ) { $column = 0 ; foreach ( $panel as $rowID => $row ) { // pad between fields on a row foreach ( $row as $colID => $col ) { for ( $i = $column + 1 ; $i < $colID ; $i ++ ) { $row [ $i ] = MBConstants::$EMPTY ['name']; } $column = $colID ; } // now pad out to the end of the row if (($column + 1) < $this->getMaxColumns ()) { // last column is maxColumns-1 for ( $i = $column + 1 ; $i < $this->getMaxColumns () ; $i ++ ) { $row [ $i ] = MBConstants::$EMPTY ['name'] ; } } ksort ( $row ) ; $newPanels [ $panelID ] [ $rowID ] = $row ; } } return $newPanels ; } protected function getFieldsFromLayout($viewdef) { if (isset($viewdef['panels'])) { $panels = $viewdef['panels']; } else { $panels = $viewdef[self::$variableMap [ $this->_view ] ]['panels']; } $ret = array(); if (is_array($panels)) { foreach ( $panels as $rows) { foreach ($rows as $fields) { //wireless layouts have one less level of depth if (is_array($fields) && isset($fields['name'])) { $ret[$fields['name']] = $fields; continue; } if (!is_array($fields)) { $ret[$fields] = $fields; continue; } foreach ($fields as $field) { if (is_array($field) && !empty($field['name'])) { $ret[$field['name']] = $field; } else if(!is_array($field)){ $ret[$field] = $field; } } } } } return $ret; } protected function fieldIsRequired($def) { if (isset($def['studio'])) { if (is_array($def['studio'])) { if (!empty($def['studio'][$this->_view]) && $def['studio'][$this->_view] == "required") { return true; } else if (!empty($def['studio']['required']) && $def['studio']['required'] == true) { return true; } } else if ($def['studio'] == "required" ){ return true; } } return false; } static function _trimFieldDefs ( $def ) { $ret = array_intersect_key ( $def , array ( 'studio' => true , 'name' => true , 'label' => true , 'displayParams' => true , 'comment' => true , 'customCode' => true , 'customLabel' => true , 'tabindex' => true , 'hideLabel' => true) ) ; if (!empty($def['vname']) && empty($def['label'])) $ret['label'] = $def['vname']; return $ret; } public function getUseTabs(){ if (isset($this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ]['useTabs'])) return $this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ]['useTabs']; return false; } public function setUseTabs($useTabs){ $this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ]['useTabs'] = $useTabs; } /** * Return whether the Detail & EditView should be in sync. */ public function getSyncDetailEditViews(){ if (isset($this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ]['syncDetailEditViews'])) return $this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ]['syncDetailEditViews']; return false; } /** * Sync DetailView & EditView. This should only be set on the EditView * @param bool $syncViews */ public function setSyncDetailEditViews($syncDetailEditViews){ $this->_viewdefs [ 'templateMeta' ]['syncDetailEditViews'] = $syncDetailEditViews; } /** * Getter function to get the implementation method which is a private variable * @return DeployedMetaDataImplementation */ public function getImplementation(){ return $this->implementation; } /** * Public access to _convertFromCanonicalForm * @param $panels * @param $fielddefs * @return array */ public function convertFromCanonicalForm ( $panels , $fielddefs ) { return $this->_convertFromCanonicalForm ( $panels , $fielddefs ); } /** * Public access to _convertToCanonicalForm * @param $panels * @param $fielddefs * @return array */ public function convertToCanonicalForm ( $panels , $fielddefs ) { return $this->_convertToCanonicalForm ( $panels , $fielddefs ); } /** * @return Array list of fields in this module that have the calculated property */ public function getCalculatedFields() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->_fielddefs as $field => $def) { if(!empty($def['calculated']) && !empty($def['formula'])) { $ret[] = $field; } } return $ret; } /** * @return Array fields in the given panel */ public function getFieldsInPanel($targetPanel) { return iterator_to_array(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($this->_viewdefs['panels'][$targetPanel]))); } } ?>