'getDefaultFields' , 'LBL_AVAILABLE' => 'getAdditionalFields' , 'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'getAvailableFields' ) ; protected $labelIdentifier = 'label' ; // labels in the listviewdefs.php are tagged 'label' => protected $allowParent = false; /* * Simple function for array_udiff_assoc function call in getAvailableFields() */ static function getArrayDiff ($one , $two) { $retArray = array(); foreach($one as $key => $value) { if (!isset($two[$key])) { $retArray[$key] = $value; } } return $retArray; } /* * Constructor * @param string view The view type, that is, editview, searchview etc * @param string moduleName The name of the module to which this listview belongs * @param string packageName If not empty, the name of the package to which this listview belongs */ function __construct ($view , $moduleName , $packageName = '') { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( get_class ( $this ) . ": __construct()" ) ; // BEGIN ASSERTIONS $views = array ( MB_LISTVIEW, MB_DASHLET, MB_DASHLETSEARCH, MB_POPUPLIST, MB_POPUPSEARCH ) ; if (! in_array ( $view , $views ) ) { sugar_die ( "ListLayoutMetaDataParser: View $view is not supported" ) ; } // END ASSERTIONS if (empty ( $packageName )) { require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/DeployedMetaDataImplementation.php' ; $this->implementation = new DeployedMetaDataImplementation ( $view, $moduleName ) ; } else { require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/UndeployedMetaDataImplementation.php' ; $this->implementation = new UndeployedMetaDataImplementation ( $view, $moduleName, $packageName ) ; } $this->view = $view; $this->_fielddefs = $this->implementation->getFielddefs () ; $this->_standardizeFieldLabels( $this->_fielddefs ); $this->_viewdefs = array_change_key_case ( $this->implementation->getViewdefs () ) ; // force to lower case so don't have problems with case mismatches later } /* * Deploy the layout * @param boolean $populate If true (default), then update the layout first with new layout information from the $_REQUEST array */ function handleSave ($populate = true) { if ($populate) $this->_populateFromRequest () ; $this->implementation->deploy ( array_change_key_case ( $this->_viewdefs, CASE_UPPER ) ) ; // force the field names back to upper case so the list view will work correctly } function getLayout () { return $this->_viewdefs ; } /** * Return a list of the default fields for a listview * @return array List of default fields as an array, where key = value = */ function getDefaultFields () { $defaultFields = array ( ) ; foreach ( $this->_viewdefs as $key => $def ) { // add in the default fields from the listviewdefs but hide fields disabled in the listviewdefs. if (! empty ( $def [ 'default' ] ) && (!isset($def['enabled']) || $def['enabled'] != false) && (!isset($def [ 'studio' ]) || ($def [ 'studio' ] !== false && $def [ 'studio' ] != "false"))) { if (isset($this->_fielddefs [ $key ] )) { $defaultFields [ $key ] = self::_trimFieldDefs ( $this->_fielddefs [ $key ] ) ; if (!empty($def['label'])) $defaultFields [ $key ]['label'] = $def['label']; } else { $defaultFields [ $key ] = $def; } } } return $defaultFields ; } /** * Returns additional fields available for users to create fields @return array List of additional fields as an array, where key = value = */ function getAdditionalFields () { $additionalFields = array ( ) ; foreach ( $this->_viewdefs as $key => $def ) { //#25322 if(strtolower ( $key ) == 'email_opt_out'){ continue; } if (empty ( $def [ 'default' ] )) { if (isset($this->_fielddefs [ $key ] )) $additionalFields [ $key ] = self::_trimFieldDefs ( $this->_fielddefs [ $key ] ) ; else $additionalFields [ $key ] = $def; } } return $additionalFields ; } /** * Returns unused fields that are available for use in either default or additional list views * @return array List of available fields as an array, where key = value = */ function getAvailableFields () { $availableFields = array ( ) ; // Select available fields from the field definitions - don't need to worry about checking if ok to include as the Implementation has done that already in its constructor foreach ( $this->_fielddefs as $key => $def ) { if ($this->isValidField($key, $def) && !isset($this->_viewdefs[$key])) $availableFields [ $key ] = self::_trimFieldDefs( $this->_fielddefs [ $key ] ) ; } $origDefs = $this->getOriginalViewDefs(); foreach($origDefs as $key => $def) { if (!isset($this->_viewdefs[$key]) || (isset($this->_viewdefs[$key]['enabled']) && $this->_viewdefs[$key]['enabled'] == false)) $availableFields [ $key ] = $def; } return $availableFields; } public function isValidField($key, $def) { if (isset($def['studio'])) { if (is_array($def['studio'])) { $view = !empty($_REQUEST['view']) ? $_REQUEST['view'] : $this->view; // fix for removing email1 field from studio popup searchview - bug 42902 if($view == 'popupsearch' && $key == 'email1') { return false; } //end bug 42902 if (!empty($view) && isset($def['studio'][$view]) && ($def['studio'][$view] !== false && (string)$def['studio'][$view] != 'false' && (string)$def['studio'][$view] != 'hidden')) { return true; } if (isset($def['studio']['listview']) && ($def['studio']['listview'] !== false && (string)$def['studio']['listview'] != 'false' && (string)$def['studio']['listview'] != 'hidden')) { return true; } if (isset($def ['studio']['visible'])) { return $def['studio']['visible']; } } else if(is_string($def['studio'])) { return $def['studio'] != 'false' && $def['studio'] != 'hidden'; } else if(is_bool($def['studio'])) { return $def['studio']; } } //Bug 32520. We need to dissalow currency_id fields on list views. //This should be removed once array based studio definitions are in. if (isset($def['type']) && $def['type'] == "id" && $def['name'] == 'currency_id') { return false; } //Check fields types if (isset($def['dbType']) && $def['dbType'] == "id") { return false; } if (isset($def['type'])) { if ($def['type'] == 'html' || ($def['type'] == 'parent' && !$this->allowParent) || $def['type'] == "id" || $def['type'] == "link" || $def['type'] == 'image') return false; } //hide currency_id, deleted, and _name fields by key-name if(strcmp ( $key, 'deleted' ) == 0 ) { return false; } //if all the tests failed, the field is probably ok return true; } protected function _populateFromRequest () { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( get_class ( $this ) . "->populateFromRequest() - fielddefs = ".print_r($this->_fielddefs, true)); // Transfer across any reserved fields, that is, any where studio !== true, which are not editable but must be preserved $newViewdefs = array ( ) ; $rejectTypes = array ( 'html'=>'html', 'text'=>'text', 'encrypt'=>'encrypt' ) ; $originalViewDefs = $this->getOriginalViewDefs(); foreach ( $this->_viewdefs as $key => $def ) { //If the field is on the layout, but studio disabled, put it back on the layout at the front if (isset ($def['studio']) && ( (is_array($def['studio']) && isset($def['studio']['listview']) && ($def['studio']['listview'] === false || strtolower($def['studio']['listview']) == 'false' || strtolower($def['studio']['listview']) == 'required') ) || (!is_array($def['studio']) && ($def [ 'studio' ] === false || strtolower($def['studio']) == 'false' || strtolower($def['studio']) == 'required')) )) { $newViewdefs [ $key ] = $def ; } } // only take items from group_0 for searchviews (basic_search or advanced_search) and subpanels (which both are missing the Available column) - take group_0, _1 and _2 for all other list views $lastGroup = (isset ( $this->columns [ 'LBL_AVAILABLE' ] )) ? 2 : 1 ; for ( $i = 0 ; isset ( $_POST [ 'group_' . $i ] ) && $i < $lastGroup ; $i ++ ) { foreach ( $_POST [ 'group_' . $i ] as $fieldname ) { $fieldname = strtolower ( $fieldname ) ; //Check if the field was previously on the layout if (isset ($this->_viewdefs[$fieldname])) { $newViewdefs [ $fieldname ] = $this->_viewdefs[$fieldname]; // print_r($this->_viewdefs[ $fieldname ]); } //Next check if the original view def contained it else if (isset($originalViewDefs[ $fieldname ])) { $newViewdefs [ $fieldname ] = $originalViewDefs[ $fieldname ]; } //create a definition from the fielddefs else { // if we don't have a valid fieldname then just ignore it and move on... if ( ! isset ( $this->_fielddefs [ $fieldname ] ) ) continue ; $newViewdefs [ $fieldname ] = $this->_trimFieldDefs($this->_fielddefs [ $fieldname ]) ; // fixing bug #25640: Value of "Relate" custom field is not displayed as a link in list view // we should set additional params such as 'link' and 'id' to be stored in custom listviewdefs.php if (isset($this->_fielddefs[$fieldname]['type']) && $this->_fielddefs[$fieldname]['type'] == 'relate') { $newViewdefs[$fieldname]['id'] = strtoupper($this->_fielddefs[$fieldname]['id_name']); $newViewdefs[$fieldname]['link'] = true; } // sorting fields of certain types will cause a database engine problems if ( isset($this->_fielddefs[$fieldname]['type']) && isset ( $rejectTypes [ $this->_fielddefs [ $fieldname ] [ 'type' ] ] )) { $newViewdefs [ $fieldname ] [ 'sortable' ] = false ; } // Bug 23728 - Make adding a currency type field default to setting the 'currency_format' to true if (isset ( $this->_fielddefs [ $fieldname ] [ 'type' ]) && $this->_fielddefs [ $fieldname ] [ 'type' ] == 'currency') { $newViewdefs [ $fieldname ] [ 'currency_format' ] = true; } if ($this->_fielddefs[$fieldname]['type'] == 'parent') { $newViewdefs[$fieldname]['link'] = true; $newViewdefs[$fieldname]['sortable'] = false; $newViewdefs[$fieldname]['ACLTag' ] = 'PARENT'; $newViewdefs[$fieldname]['dynamic_module'] = strtoupper($this->_fielddefs[$fieldname]['type_name']); $newViewdefs[$fieldname]['id'] = strtoupper($this->_fielddefs[$fieldname]['id_name']); $newViewdefs[$fieldname]['related_fields'] = array('parent_id', 'parent_type'); } } if (isset($newViewdefs [ $fieldname ]['enabled'])) $newViewdefs [ $fieldname ]['enabled'] = true; if (isset ( $_REQUEST [ strtolower ( $fieldname ) . 'width' ] )) { $width = substr ( $_REQUEST [ $fieldname . 'width' ], 6, 3 ) ; if (strpos ( $width, "%" ) != false) { $width = substr ( $width, 0, 2 ) ; } if (!($width < 101 && $width > 0)) { $width = 10; } $newViewdefs [ $fieldname ] [ 'width' ] = $width."%" ; } else if (isset ( $this->_viewdefs [ $fieldname ] [ 'width' ] )) { $newViewdefs [ $fieldname ] [ 'width' ] = $this->_viewdefs [ $fieldname ] [ 'width' ] ; } else { $newViewdefs [ $fieldname ] [ 'width' ] = "10%"; } $newViewdefs [ $fieldname ] [ 'default' ] = ($i == 0) ; } } $this->_viewdefs = $newViewdefs ; } /* * Remove all instances of a field from the layout * @param string $fieldName Name of the field to remove * @return boolean True if the field was removed; false otherwise */ function removeField ($fieldName) { if (isset ( $this->_viewdefs [ $fieldName ] )) { unset( $this->_viewdefs [ $fieldName ] ) ; return true ; } return false ; } function getOriginalViewDefs() { $defs = $this->implementation->getOriginalViewdefs (); $out = array(); foreach ($defs as $field => $def) { $out[strtolower($field)] = $def; } return $out; } static function _trimFieldDefs ( $def ) { if ( isset ( $def [ 'vname' ] ) ) $def [ 'label' ] = $def [ 'vname' ] ; return array_intersect_key ( $def , array ( 'type' => true, 'studio' => true , 'label' => true , 'width' => true , 'sortable' => true , 'related_fields' => true , 'default' => true , 'link' => true , 'align' => true , 'orderBy' => true ,'hideLabel' => true, 'customLable' => true , 'currency_format' => true ) ) ; } }