job_queue_table = $job->table_name; } protected function getUser() { if(empty($this->user)) { $this->user = Scheduler::initUser(); } return $this->user; } /** * Function returns an Admin user for running Schedulers or false if no admin users are present in the system * (which means the Scheduler Jobs which need admin rights will fail to execute) */ public static function initUser() { $user = new User(); $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); //Check is default admin exists $adminId = $db->getOne( 'SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = ' . $db->quoted('1') . ' AND is_admin = 1 AND deleted = 0 AND status = ' . $db->quoted('Active'), true, 'Error retrieving Admin account info' ); if ($adminId === false) {// Retrieve another admin if default admin doesn't exist $adminId = $db->getOne( 'SELECT id FROM users WHERE is_admin = 1 AND deleted = 0 AND status = ' . $db->quoted('Active'), true, 'Error retrieving Admin account info' ); if ($adminId) {// Get admin user $user->retrieve($adminId); } else {// Return false and log error $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('No Admin account found!'); return false; } } else {// Scheduler jobs run as default Admin $user->retrieve('1'); } return $user; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// SCHEDULER HELPER FUNCTIONS /** * calculates if a job is qualified to run */ public function fireQualified() { if(empty($this->id)) { // execute only if we have an instance $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Scheduler called fireQualified() in a non-instance'); return false; } $now = TimeDate::getInstance()->getNow(); $now = $now->setTime($now->hour, $now->min, "00")->asDb(); $validTimes = $this->deriveDBDateTimes($this); if(is_array($validTimes) && in_array($now, $validTimes)) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('----->Scheduler found valid job ('.$this->name.') for time GMT('.$now.')'); return true; } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('----->Scheduler did NOT find valid job ('.$this->name.') for time GMT('.$now.')'); return false; } } /** * Create a job from this scheduler * @return SchedulersJob */ public function createJob() { $job = new SchedulersJob(); $job->scheduler_id = $this->id; $job->name = $this->name; $job->execute_time = $GLOBALS['timedate']->nowDb(); $job->assigned_user_id = $this->getUser()->id; $job->target = $this->job; return $job; } /** * Checks if any jobs qualify to run at this moment * @param SugarJobQueue $queue */ public function checkPendingJobs($queue) { $allSchedulers = $this->get_full_list('', "schedulers.status='Active' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT id FROM {$this->job_queue_table} WHERE AND status!='".SchedulersJob::JOB_STATUS_DONE."')"); $GLOBALS['log']->info('-----> Scheduler found [ '.count($allSchedulers).' ] ACTIVE jobs'); if(!empty($allSchedulers)) { foreach($allSchedulers as $focus) { if($focus->fireQualified()) { $job = $focus->createJob(); $queue->submitJob($job, $this->getUser()); } } } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('----->No Schedulers found'); } } /** * This function takes a Scheduler object and uses its job_interval * attribute to derive DB-standard datetime strings, as many as are * qualified by its ranges. The times are from the time of calling the * script. * * @param $focus Scheduler object * @return $dateTimes array loaded with DB datetime strings derived from * the job_interval attribute * @return false If we the Scheduler is not in scope, return false. */ function deriveDBDateTimes($focus) { global $timedate; $GLOBALS['log']->debug('----->Schedulers->deriveDBDateTimes() got an object of type: '.$focus->object_name); /* [min][hr][dates][mon][days] */ $dateTimes = array(); $ints = explode('::', str_replace(' ','',$focus->job_interval)); $days = $ints[4]; $mons = $ints[3]; $dates = $ints[2]; $hrs = $ints[1]; $mins = $ints[0]; $today = getdate($timedate->getNow()->ts); // derive day part $dayName = array(); if($days == '*') { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('----->got * day'); } elseif(strstr($days, '*/')) { // the "*/x" format is nonsensical for this field // do basically nothing. $theDay = str_replace('*/','',$days); $dayName[] = $theDay; } elseif($days != '*') { // got particular day(s) if(strstr($days, ',')) { $exDays = explode(',',$days); foreach($exDays as $k1 => $dayGroup) { if(strstr($dayGroup,'-')) { $exDayGroup = explode('-', $dayGroup); // build up range and iterate through for($i=$exDayGroup[0];$i<=$exDayGroup[1];$i++) { $dayName[] = $i; } } else { // individuals $dayName[] = $dayGroup; } } } elseif(strstr($days, '-')) { $exDayGroup = explode('-', $days); // build up range and iterate through for($i=$exDayGroup[0];$i<=$exDayGroup[1];$i++) { $dayName[] = $i; } } else { $dayName[] = $days; } // check the day to be in scope: if(!in_array($today['wday'], $dayName)) { return false; } } else { return false; } // derive months part if($mons == '*') { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('----->got * months'); } elseif(strstr($mons, '*/')) { $mult = str_replace('*/','',$mons); $startMon = $timedate->fromDb(date_time_start)->month; $startFrom = ($startMon % $mult); $compMons = array(); for($i=$startFrom;$i<=12;$i+$mult) { $compMons[] = $i+$mult; $i += $mult; } // this month is not in one of the multiplier months if(!in_array($today['mon'],$compMons)) { return false; } } elseif($mons != '*') { $monName = array(); if(strstr($mons,',')) { // we have particular (groups) of months $exMons = explode(',',$mons); foreach($exMons as $k1 => $monGroup) { if(strstr($monGroup, '-')) { // we have a range of months $exMonGroup = explode('-',$monGroup); for($i=$exMonGroup[0];$i<=$exMonGroup[1];$i++) { $monName[] = $i; } } else { $monName[] = $monGroup; } } } elseif(strstr($mons, '-')) { $exMonGroup = explode('-', $mons); for($i=$exMonGroup[0];$i<=$exMonGroup[1];$i++) { $monName[] = $i; } } else { // one particular month $monName[] = $mons; } // check that particular months are in scope if(!in_array($today['mon'], $monName)) { return false; } } // derive dates part $dateName = array(); if($dates == '*') { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('----->got * dates'); } elseif(strstr($dates, '*/')) { $mult = str_replace('*/','',$dates); $startDate = $timedate->fromDb($focus->date_time_start)->day; $startFrom = ($startDate % $mult); for($i=$startFrom; $i<=31; $i+$mult) { $dateName[] = str_pad(($i+$mult),2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); $i += $mult; } if(!in_array($today['mday'], $dateName)) { return false; } } elseif($dates != '*') { if(strstr($dates, ',')) { $exDates = explode(',', $dates); foreach($exDates as $k1 => $dateGroup) { if(strstr($dateGroup, '-')) { $exDateGroup = explode('-', $dateGroup); for($i=$exDateGroup[0];$i<=$exDateGroup[1];$i++) { $dateName[] = $i; } } else { $dateName[] = $dateGroup; } } } elseif(strstr($dates, '-')) { $exDateGroup = explode('-', $dates); for($i=$exDateGroup[0];$i<=$exDateGroup[1];$i++) { $dateName[] = $i; } } else { $dateName[] = $dates; } // check that dates are in scope if(!in_array($today['mday'], $dateName)) { return false; } } // derive hours part //$currentHour = gmdate('G'); //$currentHour = date('G', strtotime('00:00')); $hrName = array(); if($hrs == '*') { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('----->got * hours'); for($i=0;$i<24; $i++) { $hrName[]=$i; } } elseif(strstr($hrs, '*/')) { $mult = str_replace('*/','',$hrs); for($i=0; $i<24; $i) { // weird, i know $hrName[]=$i; $i += $mult; } } elseif($hrs != '*') { if(strstr($hrs, ',')) { $exHrs = explode(',',$hrs); foreach($exHrs as $k1 => $hrGroup) { if(strstr($hrGroup, '-')) { $exHrGroup = explode('-', $hrGroup); for($i=$exHrGroup[0];$i<=$exHrGroup[1];$i++) { $hrName[] = $i; } } else { $hrName[] = $hrGroup; } } } elseif(strstr($hrs, '-')) { $exHrs = explode('-', $hrs); for($i=$exHrs[0];$i<=$exHrs[1];$i++) { $hrName[] = $i; } } else { $hrName[] = $hrs; } } //_pp($hrName); // derive minutes //$currentMin = date('i'); $minName = array(); $currentMin = $timedate->getNow()->minute; if(substr($currentMin, 0, 1) == '0') { $currentMin = substr($currentMin, 1, 1); } if($mins == '*') { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('----->got * mins'); for($i=0; $i<60; $i++) { if(($currentMin + $i) > 59) { $minName[] = ($i + $currentMin - 60); } else { $minName[] = ($i+$currentMin); } } } elseif(strstr($mins,'*/')) { $mult = str_replace('*/','',$mins); $startMin = $timedate->fromDb($focus->date_time_start)->minute; $startFrom = ($startMin % $mult); for($i=$startFrom; $i<=59; $i) { if(($currentMin + $i) > 59) { $minName[] = ($i + $currentMin - 60); } else { $minName[] = ($i+$currentMin); } $i += $mult; } } elseif($mins != '*') { if(strstr($mins, ',')) { $exMins = explode(',',$mins); foreach($exMins as $k1 => $minGroup) { if(strstr($minGroup, '-')) { $exMinGroup = explode('-', $minGroup); for($i=$exMinGroup[0]; $i<=$exMinGroup[1]; $i++) { $minName[] = $i; } } else { $minName[] = $minGroup; } } } elseif(strstr($mins, '-')) { $exMinGroup = explode('-', $mins); for($i=$exMinGroup[0]; $i<=$exMinGroup[1]; $i++) { $minName[] = $i; } } else { $minName[] = $mins; } } //_pp($minName); // prep some boundaries - these are not in GMT b/c gmt is a 24hour period, possibly bridging 2 local days if(empty($focus->time_from) && empty($focus->time_to) ) { $timeFromTs = 0; $timeToTs = $timedate->getNow(true)->get('+1 day')->ts; } else { $tfrom = $timedate->fromDbType($focus->time_from, 'time'); $timeFromTs = $timedate->getNow(true)->setTime($tfrom->hour, $tfrom->min)->ts; $tto = $timedate->fromDbType($focus->time_to, 'time'); $timeToTs = $timedate->getNow(true)->setTime($tto->hour, $tto->min)->ts; } $timeToTs++; if(empty($focus->last_run)) { $lastRunTs = 0; } else { $lastRunTs = $timedate->fromDb($focus->last_run)->ts; } /** * initialize return array */ $validJobTime = array(); global $timedate; $timeStartTs = $timedate->fromDb($focus->date_time_start)->ts; if(!empty($focus->date_time_end)) { // do the same for date_time_end if not empty $timeEndTs = $timedate->fromDb($focus->date_time_end)->ts; } else { $timeEndTs = $timedate->getNow(true)->get('+1 day')->ts; // $dateTimeEnd = '2020-12-31 23:59:59'; // if empty, set it to something ridiculous } $timeEndTs++; /*_pp('hours:'); _pp($hrName);_pp('mins:'); _pp($minName);*/ $dateobj = $timedate->getNow(); $nowTs = $dateobj->ts; $GLOBALS['log']->debug(sprintf("Constraints: start: %s from: %s end: %s to: %s now: %s", gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timeStartTs), gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timeFromTs), gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timeEndTs), gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timeToTs), $timedate->nowDb() )); // _pp('currentHour: '. $currentHour); // _pp('timeStartTs: '.date('r',$timeStartTs)); // _pp('timeFromTs: '.date('r',$timeFromTs)); // _pp('timeEndTs: '.date('r',$timeEndTs)); // _pp('timeToTs: '.date('r',$timeToTs)); // _pp('mktime: '.date('r',mktime())); // _pp('timeLastRun: '.date('r',$lastRunTs)); // // _pp('hours: '); // _pp($hrName); // _pp('mins: '); // _ppd($minName); foreach($hrName as $kHr=>$hr) { foreach($minName as $kMin=>$min) { $timedate->tzUser($dateobj); $dateobj->setTime($hr, $min, 0); $tsGmt = $dateobj->ts; if( $tsGmt >= $timeStartTs ) { // start is greater than the date specified by admin if( $tsGmt >= $timeFromTs ) { // start is greater than the time_to spec'd by admin if($tsGmt > $lastRunTs) { // start from last run, last run should not be included if( $tsGmt <= $timeEndTs ) { // this is taken care of by the initial query - start is less than the date spec'd by admin if( $tsGmt <= $timeToTs ) { // start is less than the time_to $validJobTime[] = $dateobj->asDb(); } else { //_pp('Job Time is NOT smaller that TimeTO: '.$tsGmt .'<='. $timeToTs); } } else { //_pp('Job Time is NOT smaller that DateTimeEnd: '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$tsGmt) .'<='. $dateTimeEnd); //_pp( $tsGmt .'<='. $timeEndTs ); } } } else { //_pp('Job Time is NOT bigger that TimeFrom: '.$tsGmt .'>='. $timeFromTs); } } else { //_pp('Job Time is NOT Bigger than DateTimeStart: '.date('Y-m-d H:i',$tsGmt) .'>='. $dateTimeStart); } } } //_ppd($validJobTime); // need ascending order to compare oldest time to last_run sort($validJobTime); /** * If "Execute If Missed bit is set */ $now = TimeDate::getInstance()->getNow(); $now = $now->setTime($now->hour, $now->min, "00")->asDb(); if($focus->catch_up == 1) { if($focus->last_run == null) { // always "catch-up" $validJobTime[] = $now; } else { // determine what the interval in min/hours is // see if last_run is in it // if not, add NOW if(!empty($validJobTime) && ($focus->last_run < $validJobTime[0]) && ($now > $validJobTime[0])) { // cn: empty() bug 5914; // if(!empty) should be checked, becasue if a scheduler is defined to run every day 4pm, then after 4pm, and it runs as 4pm, // the $validJobTime will be empty, and it should not catch up. // If $focus->last_run is the the day before yesterday, it should run yesterday and tomorrow, // but it hadn't run yesterday, then it should catch up today. // But today is already filtered out when doing date check before. The catch up will not work on this occasion. // If the scheduler runs at least one time on each day, I think this bug can be avoided. $validJobTime[] = $now; } } } return $validJobTime; } function handleIntervalType($type, $value, $mins, $hours) { global $mod_strings; /* [0]:min [1]:hour [2]:day of month [3]:month [4]:day of week */ $days = array ( 1 => $mod_strings['LBL_MON'], 2 => $mod_strings['LBL_TUE'], 3 => $mod_strings['LBL_WED'], 4 => $mod_strings['LBL_THU'], 5 => $mod_strings['LBL_FRI'], 6 => $mod_strings['LBL_SAT'], 0 => $mod_strings['LBL_SUN'], '*' => $mod_strings['LBL_ALL']); switch($type) { case 0: // minutes if($value == '0') { //return; return trim($mod_strings['LBL_ON_THE']).$mod_strings['LBL_HOUR_SING']; } elseif(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $hours) && !preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $value)) { return; } elseif(preg_match('/\*\//', $value)) { $value = str_replace('*/','',$value); return $value.$mod_strings['LBL_MINUTES']; } elseif(!preg_match('[^0-9]', $value)) { return $mod_strings['LBL_ON_THE'].$value.$mod_strings['LBL_MIN_MARK']; } else { return $value; } case 1: // hours global $current_user; if(preg_match('/\*\//', $value)) { // every [SOME INTERVAL] hours $value = str_replace('*/','',$value); return $value.$mod_strings['LBL_HOUR']; } elseif(preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $mins)) { // got a range, or multiple of mins, so we return an 'Hours' label return $value; } else { // got a "minutes" setting, so it will be at some o'clock. $datef = $current_user->getUserDateTimePreferences(); return date($datef['time'], strtotime($value.':'.str_pad($mins, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT))); } case 2: // day of month if(preg_match('/\*/', $value)) { return $value; } else { return date('jS', strtotime('December '.$value)); } case 3: // months return date('F', strtotime('2005-'.$value.'-01')); case 4: // days of week return $days[$value]; default: return 'bad'; // no condition to touch this branch } } function setIntervalHumanReadable() { global $current_user; global $mod_strings; /* [0]:min [1]:hour [2]:day of month [3]:month [4]:day of week */ $ints = $this->intervalParsed; $intVal = array('-', ','); $intSub = array($mod_strings['LBL_RANGE'], $mod_strings['LBL_AND']); $intInt = array(0 => $mod_strings['LBL_MINS'], 1 => $mod_strings['LBL_HOUR']); $tempInt = ''; $iteration = ''; foreach($ints['raw'] as $key => $interval) { if($tempInt != $iteration) { $tempInt .= '; '; } $iteration = $tempInt; if($interval != '*' && $interval != '*/1') { if(false !== strpos($interval, ',')) { $exIndiv = explode(',', $interval); foreach($exIndiv as $val) { if(false !== strpos($val, '-')) { $exRange = explode('-', $val); foreach($exRange as $valRange) { if($tempInt != '') { $tempInt .= $mod_strings['LBL_AND']; } $tempInt .= $this->handleIntervalType($key, $valRange, $ints['raw'][0], $ints['raw'][1]); } } elseif($tempInt != $iteration) { $tempInt .= $mod_strings['LBL_AND']; } $tempInt .= $this->handleIntervalType($key, $val, $ints['raw'][0], $ints['raw'][1]); } } elseif(false !== strpos($interval, '-')) { $exRange = explode('-', $interval); $tempInt .= $mod_strings['LBL_FROM']; $check = $tempInt; foreach($exRange as $val) { if($tempInt == $check) { $tempInt .= $this->handleIntervalType($key, $val, $ints['raw'][0], $ints['raw'][1]); $tempInt .= $mod_strings['LBL_RANGE']; } else { $tempInt .= $this->handleIntervalType($key, $val, $ints['raw'][0], $ints['raw'][1]); } } } elseif(false !== strpos($interval, '*/')) { $tempInt .= $mod_strings['LBL_EVERY']; $tempInt .= $this->handleIntervalType($key, $interval, $ints['raw'][0], $ints['raw'][1]); } else { $tempInt .= $this->handleIntervalType($key, $interval, $ints['raw'][0], $ints['raw'][1]); } } } // end foreach() if($tempInt == '') { $this->intervalHumanReadable = $mod_strings['LBL_OFTEN']; } else { $tempInt = trim($tempInt); if(';' == substr($tempInt, (strlen($tempInt)-1), strlen($tempInt))) { $tempInt = substr($tempInt, 0, (strlen($tempInt)-1)); } $this->intervalHumanReadable = $tempInt; } } /* take an integer and return its suffix */ function setStandardArraysAttributes() { global $mod_strings; global $app_list_strings; // using from month _dom list $suffArr = array('','st','nd','rd'); for($i=1; $i<32; $i++) { if($i > 3 && $i < 21) { $this->suffixArray[$i] = $i."th"; } elseif (substr($i,-1,1) < 4 && substr($i,-1,1) > 0) { $this->suffixArray[$i] = $i.$suffArr[substr($i,-1,1)]; } else { $this->suffixArray[$i] = $i."th"; } $this->datesArray[$i] = $i; } $this->dayInt = array('*',1,2,3,4,5,6,0); $this->dayLabel = array('*',$mod_strings['LBL_MON'],$mod_strings['LBL_TUE'],$mod_strings['LBL_WED'],$mod_strings['LBL_THU'],$mod_strings['LBL_FRI'],$mod_strings['LBL_SAT'],$mod_strings['LBL_SUN']); $this->monthsInt = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12); $this->monthsLabel = $app_list_strings['dom_cal_month_long']; $this->metricsVar = array("*", "/", "-", ","); $this->metricsVal = array(' every ','',' thru ',' and '); } /** * takes the serialized interval string and renders it into an array */ function parseInterval() { global $metricsVar; $ws = array(' ', '\r','\t'); $blanks = array('','',''); $intv = $this->job_interval; $rawValues = explode('::', $intv); $rawProcessed = str_replace($ws,$blanks,$rawValues); // strip all whitespace $hours = $rawValues[1].':::'.$rawValues[0]; $months = $rawValues[3].':::'.$rawValues[2]; $intA = array ( 'raw' => $rawProcessed, 'hours' => $hours, 'months' => $months, ); $this->intervalParsed = $intA; } /** * checks for cURL libraries */ function checkCurl() { global $mod_strings; if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { echo '
'.$mod_strings['LBL_WARN_CURL'].' '.$mod_strings['LBL_WARN_NO_CURL'].'

'; } } function displayCronInstructions() { global $mod_strings; global $sugar_config; $error = ''; if (!isset($_SERVER['Path'])) { $_SERVER['Path'] = getenv('Path'); } if(is_windows()) { if(isset($_SERVER['Path']) && !empty($_SERVER['Path'])) { // IIS IUSR_xxx may not have access to Path or it is not set if(!strpos($_SERVER['Path'], 'php')) { // $error = ''.$mod_strings['LBL_NO_PHP_CLI'].''; } } } else { if(isset($_SERVER['Path']) && !empty($_SERVER['Path'])) { // some Linux servers do not make this available if(!strpos($_SERVER['PATH'], 'php')) { // $error = ''.$mod_strings['LBL_NO_PHP_CLI'].''; } } } if(is_windows()) { echo '
'; echo '
cd '.realpath('./').'
php.exe -f cron.php
'; } else { echo '
'; echo '
*    *    *    *    *     cd '.realpath('./').'; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1
'; } } /** * Archives schedulers of the same functionality, then instantiates new * ones. */ function rebuildDefaultSchedulers() { $mod_strings = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], 'Schedulers'); // truncate scheduler-related tables $this->db->query('DELETE FROM schedulers'); $sched3 = new Scheduler(); $sched3->name = $mod_strings['LBL_OOTB_TRACKER']; $sched3->job = 'function::trimTracker'; $sched3->date_time_start = create_date(2005,1,1) . ' ' . create_time(0,0,1); $sched3->date_time_end = create_date(2020,12,31) . ' ' . create_time(23,59,59); $sched3->job_interval = '0::2::1::*::*'; $sched3->status = 'Active'; $sched3->created_by = '1'; $sched3->modified_user_id = '1'; $sched3->catch_up = '1'; $sched3->save(); $sched4 = new Scheduler(); $sched4->name = $mod_strings['LBL_OOTB_IE']; $sched4->job = 'function::pollMonitoredInboxes'; $sched4->date_time_start = create_date(2005,1,1) . ' ' . create_time(0,0,1); $sched4->date_time_end = create_date(2020,12,31) . ' ' . create_time(23,59,59); $sched4->job_interval = '*::*::*::*::*'; $sched4->status = 'Active'; $sched4->created_by = '1'; $sched4->modified_user_id = '1'; $sched4->catch_up = '0'; $sched4->save(); $sched5 = new Scheduler(); $sched5->name = $mod_strings['LBL_OOTB_BOUNCE']; $sched5->job = 'function::pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails'; $sched5->date_time_start = create_date(2005,1,1) . ' ' . create_time(0,0,1); $sched5->date_time_end = create_date(2020,12,31) . ' ' . create_time(23,59,59); $sched5->job_interval = '0::2-6::*::*::*'; $sched5->status = 'Active'; $sched5->created_by = '1'; $sched5->modified_user_id = '1'; $sched5->catch_up = '1'; $sched5->save(); $sched6 = new Scheduler(); $sched6->name = $mod_strings['LBL_OOTB_CAMPAIGN']; $sched6->job = 'function::runMassEmailCampaign'; $sched6->date_time_start = create_date(2005,1,1) . ' ' . create_time(0,0,1); $sched6->date_time_end = create_date(2020,12,31) . ' ' . create_time(23,59,59); $sched6->job_interval = '0::2-6::*::*::*'; $sched6->status = 'Active'; $sched6->created_by = '1'; $sched6->modified_user_id = '1'; $sched6->catch_up = '1'; $sched6->save(); $sched7 = new Scheduler(); $sched7->name = $mod_strings['LBL_OOTB_PRUNE']; $sched7->job = 'function::pruneDatabase'; $sched7->date_time_start = create_date(2005,1,1) . ' ' . create_time(0,0,1); $sched7->date_time_end = create_date(2020,12,31) . ' ' . create_time(23,59,59); $sched7->job_interval = '0::4::1::*::*'; $sched7->status = 'Inactive'; $sched7->created_by = '1'; $sched7->modified_user_id = '1'; $sched7->catch_up = '0'; $sched7->save(); $sched12 = new Scheduler(); $sched12->name = $mod_strings['LBL_OOTB_SEND_EMAIL_REMINDERS']; $sched12->job = 'function::sendEmailReminders'; $sched12->date_time_start = create_date(2008,1,1) . ' ' . create_time(0,0,1); $sched12->date_time_end = create_date(2020,12,31) . ' ' . create_time(23,59,59); $sched12->job_interval = '*::*::*::*::*'; $sched12->status = 'Active'; $sched12->created_by = '1'; $sched12->modified_user_id = '1'; $sched12->catch_up = '0'; $sched12->save(); $sched13 = new Scheduler(); $sched13->name = $mod_strings['LBL_OOTB_CLEANUP_QUEUE']; $sched13->job = 'function::cleanJobQueue'; $sched13->date_time_start = create_date(2012,1,1) . ' ' . create_time(0,0,1); $sched13->date_time_end = create_date(2030,12,31) . ' ' . create_time(23,59,59); $sched13->job_interval = '0::5::*::*::*'; $sched13->status = 'Active'; $sched13->created_by = '1'; $sched13->modified_user_id = '1'; $sched13->catch_up = '0'; $sched13->save(); $sched14 = new Scheduler(); $sched14->name = $mod_strings['LBL_OOTB_REMOVE_DOCUMENTS_FROM_FS']; $sched14->job = 'function::removeDocumentsFromFS'; $sched14->date_time_start = create_date(2012, 1, 1) . ' ' . create_time(0, 0, 1); $sched14->date_time_end = create_date(2030, 12, 31) . ' ' . create_time(23, 59, 59); $sched14->job_interval = '0::3::1::*::*'; $sched14->status = 'Active'; $sched14->created_by = '1'; $sched14->modified_user_id = '1'; $sched14->catch_up = '0'; $sched14->save(); $sched15 = new Scheduler(); $sched15->name = $mod_strings['LBL_OOTB_SUGARFEEDS']; $sched15->job = 'function::trimSugarFeeds'; $sched15->date_time_start = create_date(2005,1,1) . ' ' . create_time(0,0,1); $sched15->date_time_end = create_date(2020,12,31) . ' ' . create_time(23,59,59); $sched15->job_interval = '0::2::1::*::*'; $sched15->status = 'Active'; $sched15->created_by = '1'; $sched15->modified_user_id = '1'; $sched15->catch_up = '1'; $sched15->save(); } //// END SCHEDULER HELPER FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// STANDARD SUGARBEAN OVERRIDES /** * function overrides the one in SugarBean.php */ function create_export_query($order_by, $where, $show_deleted = 0) { return $this->create_new_list_query($order_by, $where,array(),array(), $show_deleted = 0); } /** * function overrides the one in SugarBean.php */ /** * function overrides the one in SugarBean.php */ function fill_in_additional_list_fields() { $this->fill_in_additional_detail_fields(); } /** * function overrides the one in SugarBean.php */ function fill_in_additional_detail_fields() { } /** * function overrides the one in SugarBean.php */ function get_list_view_data() { global $mod_strings; $temp_array = $this->get_list_view_array(); $temp_array["ENCODED_NAME"]=$this->name; $this->parseInterval(); $this->setIntervalHumanReadable(); $temp_array['JOB_INTERVAL'] = $this->intervalHumanReadable; if($this->date_time_end == '2020-12-31 23:59' || $this->date_time_end == '') { $temp_array['DATE_TIME_END'] = $mod_strings['LBL_PERENNIAL']; } $this->created_by_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->created_by); $this->modified_by_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->modified_user_id); return $temp_array; } /** * returns the bean name - overrides SugarBean's */ function get_summary_text() { return $this->name; } //// END STANDARD SUGARBEAN OVERRIDES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static public function getJobsList() { if(empty(self::$job_strings)) { global $mod_strings; include_once('modules/Schedulers/_AddJobsHere.php'); // job functions self::$job_strings = array('url::' => 'URL'); foreach($job_strings as $k=>$v){ self::$job_strings['function::' . $v] = $mod_strings['LBL_'.strtoupper($v)]; } } return self::$job_strings; } } // end class definition