read()){ if(file_exists('modules/'. $entry . '/EditView.php')){ $this->scanForDropDowns('modules/'. $entry . '/EditView.php', $entry); } } } function scanForDropDowns($filepath, $module){ $contents = file_get_contents($filepath); $matches = array(); preg_match_all('/app_list_strings\s*\[\s*[\'\"]([^\]]*)[\'\"]\s*]/', $contents, $matches); if(!empty($matches[1])){ foreach($matches[1] as $match){ $this->modules[$module][$match] = $match; } } } /** * Allow for certain dropdowns to be filtered when edited by pre 5.0 studio (eg. Rename Tabs) * * @param string name * @param array dropdown * @return array Filtered dropdown list */ function filterDropDown($name,$dropdown) { $results = array(); switch ($name) { //When renaming tabs ensure that the modList dropdown is filtered properly. case 'moduleList': $hiddenModList = array_flip($GLOBALS['modInvisList']); $moduleList = array_flip($GLOBALS['moduleList']); foreach ($dropdown as $k => $v) { if( isset($moduleList[$k]) ) // && !$hiddenModList[$k]) $results[$k] = $v; } break; default: //By default perform no filtering $results = $dropdown; } return $results; } /** * Takes in the request params from a save request and processes * them for the save. * * @param REQUEST params $params */ function saveDropDown($params){ $count = 0; $dropdown = array(); $dropdown_name = $params['dropdown_name']; $selected_lang = (!empty($params['dropdown_lang'])?$params['dropdown_lang']:$_SESSION['authenticated_user_language']); $my_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language($selected_lang); while(isset($params['slot_' . $count])){ $index = $params['slot_' . $count]; $key = (isset($params['key_' . $index]))?to_html(remove_xss(from_html($params['key_' . $index]))): 'BLANK'; $value = (isset($params['value_' . $index]))?to_html(remove_xss(from_html($params['value_' . $index]))): ''; if($key == 'BLANK'){ $key = ''; } $key = trim($key); $value = trim($value); if(empty($params['delete_' . $index])){ $dropdown[$key] = $value; } $count++; } if($selected_lang == $GLOBALS['current_language']){ $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$dropdown_name] = $dropdown; } $contents = return_custom_app_list_strings_file_contents($selected_lang); //get rid of closing tags they are not needed and are just trouble $contents = str_replace("?>", '', $contents); if(empty($contents))$contents = "$value){ //only if the value has changed or does not exist do we want to add it this way if(!isset($my_list_strings[$dropdown_name][$key]) || strcmp($my_list_strings[$dropdown_name][$key], $value) != 0 ){ //clear out the old value $pattern_match = '/\s*\$app_list_strings\s*\[\s*\''.$dropdown_name.'\'\s*\]\[\s*\''.$key.'\'\s*\]\s*=\s*[\'\"]{1}.*?[\'\"]{1};\s*/ism'; $contents = preg_replace($pattern_match, "\n", $contents); //add the new ones $contents .= "\n\$app_list_strings['$dropdown_name']['$key']=" . var_export_helper($value) . ";"; } } }else{ //clear out the old value $pattern_match = '/\s*\$app_list_strings\s*\[\s*\''.$dropdown_name.'\'\s*\]\s*=\s*array\s*\([^\)]*\)\s*;\s*/ism'; $contents = preg_replace($pattern_match, "\n", $contents); //add the new ones $contents .= "\n\$app_list_strings['$dropdown_name']=" . var_export_helper($dropdown) . ";"; } // Bug 40234 - If we have no contents, we don't write the file. Checking for "module_list = array(translate('LBL_ALL_MODULES')); $repairAndClear->show_output = false; $repairAndClear->clearJsLangFiles(); // ~~~~~~~~ } } ?>