0){ //backward compatibility is on $backwardModules[] = $mod; } } } $newFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path($unzip_dir . '/' . $zip_from_dir), array()); $zipPath = clean_path($unzip_dir . '/' . $zip_from_dir); // handle special do-not-overwrite conditions $doNotOverwrite = array(); $doNotOverwrite[] = '__stub'; if(isset($_REQUEST['overwrite_files_serial'])) { $doNotOverwrite = explode('::', $_REQUEST['overwrite_files_serial']); } $copiedFiles = array(); $skippedFiles = array(); foreach($newFiles as $file) { $cleanFile = str_replace($zipPath, '', $file); $srcFile = $zipPath . $cleanFile; $targetFile = clean_path(getcwd() . '/' . $cleanFile); if($backwardModules != null && sizeof($backwardModules) >0){ foreach($backwardModules as $mod){ $splitPath = explode('/',trim($cleanFile)); if('modules' == trim($splitPath[1]) && $mod == trim($splitPath[2])){ $cleanFile = str_replace('/modules/'.$mod, '/modules/'.$mod.'/.500', $cleanFile); $targetFile = clean_path(getcwd() . '/' . $cleanFile); } } } if(!is_dir(dirname($targetFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($targetFile)); // make sure the directory exists } if((!file_exists($targetFile)) || /* brand new file */ (!in_array($targetFile, $doNotOverwrite)) /* manual diff file */ ) { // handle sugar_version.php if(strpos($targetFile, 'sugar_version.php') !== false && !preg_match('/\/portal\/sugar_version\.php$/i', $targetFile)) { logThis('Skipping "sugar_version.php" - file copy will occur at end of successful upgrade', $path); $_SESSION['sugar_version_file'] = $srcFile; continue; } //logThis('Copying file to destination: ' . $targetFile, $path); if(!copy($srcFile, $targetFile)) { logThis('*** ERROR: could not copy file: ' . $targetFile, $path); } else { $copiedFiles[] = $targetFile; } } else { //logThis('Skipping file: ' . $targetFile, $path); $skippedFiles[] = $targetFile; } } logThis('File copy done.', $path); $ret = array(); $ret['copiedFiles'] = $copiedFiles; $ret['skippedFiles'] = $skippedFiles; return $ret; } //On cancel put back the copied files from 500 to 451 state function copyFilesOnCancel($step){ //place hoder for cancel action } function removeFileFromPath($file,$path, $deleteNot=array()){ $removed = 0; $cur = $path . '/' . $file; if(file_exists($cur)){ $del = true; foreach($deleteNot as $dn){ if($cur == $dn){ $del = false; } } if($del){ unlink($cur); $removed++; } } if(!file_exists($path))return $removed; $d = dir($path); while(false !== ($e = $d->read())){ // Fixed bug. !== is required to literally match the type and value of false, so that a filename that could evaluate and cast to false, ie "false" or "0", still allows the while loop to continue. From example at http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.dir.php $next = $path . '/'. $e; if(substr($e, 0, 1) != '.' && is_dir($next)){ $removed += removeFileFromPath($file, $next, $deleteNot); } } $d->close(); // from example at http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.dir.php return $removed; } /** * This function copies/overwrites between directories * * @param string the directory name to remove * @param boolean whether to just empty the given directory, without deleting the given directory. * @return boolean True/False whether the directory was deleted. */ function copyRecursiveBetweenDirectories($from,$to){ if(file_exists($from)){ $modifiedFiles = array(); $modifiedFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path($from), $modifiedFiles); $cwd = clean_path(getcwd()); foreach($modifiedFiles as $file) { $srcFile = clean_path($file); if (strpos($srcFile,".svn") === false) { $targetFile = str_replace($from, $to, $srcFile); if(!is_dir(dirname($targetFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($targetFile)); // make sure the directory exists } // handle sugar_version.php if(strpos($targetFile, 'sugar_version.php') !== false && !preg_match('/\/portal\/sugar_version\.php$/i', $targetFile)) { logThis('Skipping "sugar_version.php" - file copy will occur at end of successful upgrade', $targetFile); $_SESSION['sugar_version_file'] = $srcFile; continue; } if(!copy($srcFile, $targetFile)) { logThis("*** ERROR: could not copy file $srcFile to $targetFile"); } } } } } function deleteDirectory($dirname,$only_empty=false) { if (!is_dir($dirname)) return false; $dscan = array(realpath($dirname)); $darr = array(); while (!empty($dscan)) { $dcur = array_pop($dscan); $darr[] = $dcur; if ($d=opendir($dcur)) { while ($f=readdir($d)) { if ($f=='.' || $f=='..') continue; $f=$dcur.'/'.$f; if (is_dir($f)) $dscan[] = $f; else unlink($f); } closedir($d); } } $i_until = ($only_empty)? 1 : 0; for ($i=count($darr)-1; $i>=$i_until; $i--) { if (rmdir($darr[$i])) logThis('Success :Copying file to destination: ' . $darr[$i]); else logThis('Copy problem:Copying file to destination: ' . $darr[$i]); } return (($only_empty)? (count(scandir)<=2) : (!is_dir($dirname))); } /** * Get all the customized modules. Compare the file md5s with the base md5s * If a file has been modified then put the module in the list of customized * modules. Show the list in the preflight check UI. */ function deleteAndOverWriteSelectedFiles($unzip_dir, $zip_from_dir,$delete_dirs){ if($delete_dirs != null){ foreach($delete_dirs as $del_dir){ deleteDirectory($del_dir); $newFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path($unzip_dir . '/' . $zip_from_dir.'/'.$del_dir), array()); $zipPath = clean_path($unzip_dir . '/' . $zip_from_dir.'/'.$del_dir); $copiedFiles = array(); $skippedFiles = array(); foreach($newFiles as $file) { $cleanFile = str_replace($zipPath, '', $file); $srcFile = $zipPath . $cleanFile; $targetFile = clean_path(getcwd() . '/' . $cleanFile); if(!is_dir(dirname($targetFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($targetFile)); // make sure the directory exists } if(!file_exists($targetFile)){ // handle sugar_version.php if(strpos($targetFile, 'sugar_version.php') !== false) { logThis('Skipping sugar_version.php - file copy will occur at end of successful upgrade'); $_SESSION['sugar_version_file'] = $srcFile; continue; } //logThis('Copying file to destination: ' . $targetFile); if(!copy($srcFile, $targetFile)) { logThis('*** ERROR: could not copy file: ' . $targetFile); } else { $copiedFiles[] = $targetFile; } } else { //logThis('Skipping file: ' . $targetFile); $skippedFiles[] = $targetFile; } } } } $ret = array(); $ret['copiedFiles'] = $copiedFiles; $ret['skippedFiles'] = $skippedFiles; return $ret; } //Default is empty the directory. For removing set it to false // to use this function to totally remove a directory, write: // recursive_remove_directory('path/to/directory/to/delete',FALSE); // to use this function to empty a directory, write: // recursive_remove_directory('path/to/full_directory'); function recursive_empty_or_remove_directory($directory, $exclude_dirs=null,$exclude_files=null,$empty=TRUE) { // if the path has a slash at the end we remove it here if(substr($directory,-1) == '/') { $directory = substr($directory,0,-1); } // if the path is not valid or is not a directory ... if(!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory)) { // ... we return false and exit the function return FALSE; // ... if the path is not readable }elseif(!is_readable($directory)) { // ... we return false and exit the function return FALSE; // ... else if the path is readable }else{ // we open the directory $handle = opendir($directory); // and scan through the items inside while (FALSE !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { // if the filepointer is not the current directory // or the parent directory if($item != '.' && $item != '..') { // we build the new path to delete $path = $directory.'/'.$item; // if the new path is a directory //add another check if the dir is in the list to exclude delete if(is_dir($path) && $exclude_dirs != null && in_array($path,$exclude_dirs)){ //do nothing } else if(is_dir($path)) { // we call this function with the new path recursive_empty_or_remove_directory($path); } // if the new path is a file else{ // we remove the file if($exclude_files != null && in_array($path,$exclude_files)){ //do nothing } else{ unlink($path); } } } } // close the directory closedir($handle); // if the option to empty is not set to true if($empty == FALSE) { // try to delete the now empty directory if(!rmdir($directory)) { // return false if not possible return FALSE; } } // return success return TRUE; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------ function getAllCustomizedModules() { require_once('files.md5'); $return_array = array(); $modules = getAllModules(); foreach($modules as $mod) { //find all files in each module if the files have been modified //as compared to the base version then add the module to the //customized modules array $modFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path(getcwd())."/modules/$mod", array()); foreach($modFiles as $file){ $fileContents = file_get_contents($file); $file = str_replace(clean_path(getcwd()),'',$file); if($md5_string['./' . $file]){ if(md5($fileContents) != $md5_string['./' . $file]) { //A file has been customized in the module. Put the module into the // customized modules array. echo 'Changed File'.$file; $return_array[$mod]; break; } } else{ // This is a new file in user's version and indicates that module has been //customized. Put the module in the customized array. echo 'New File'.$file; $return_array[$mod]; break; } } } //foreach return $return_array; } /** * Array of all Modules in the version bein upgraded * This method returns an Array of all modules * @return $modules Array of modules. */ function getAllModules() { $modules = array(); $d = dir('modules'); while($e = $d->read()){ if(substr($e, 0, 1) == '.' || !is_dir('modules/' . $e))continue; $modules[] = $e; } return $modules; } //Remove files with the smae md5 function removeMd5MatchingFiles($deleteNot=array()){ $md5_string = array(); if(file_exists(clean_path(getcwd().'/files.md5'))){ require(clean_path(getcwd().'/files.md5')); } $modulesAll = getAllModules(); foreach($modulesAll as $mod){ $allModFiles = array(); if(is_dir('modules/'.$mod)){ $allModFiles = findAllFiles('modules/'.$mod,$allModFiles); foreach($allModFiles as $file){ if(file_exists($file) && !in_array(basename($file),$deleteNot)){ if(isset($md5_string['./'.$file])) { $fileContents = file_get_contents($file); if(md5($fileContents) == $md5_string['./'.$file]) { unlink($file); } } } } } } } /** * Handles requirements for creating reminder Tasks and Emails * @param array skippedFiles Array of files that were not overwriten and must be manually mereged. * @param string path Optional full path to alternate upgradeWizard log. */ function commitHandleReminders($skippedFiles, $path='') { global $mod_strings; global $current_user; if(empty($mod_strings)) $mod_strings = return_module_language('en_us', 'UpgradeWizard'); if(empty($current_user->id)) { $current_user->getSystemUser(); } if(count($skippedFiles) > 0) { $desc = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_OVERVIEW'] . "\n\n"; $desc .= $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_DESC_1']; $desc .= $_SESSION['uw_restore_dir'] . "\n\n"; $desc .= $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_DESC_2'] . "\n\n"; foreach($skippedFiles as $file) { $desc .= $file . "\n"; } //MFH #13468 /// Not using new TimeDate stuff here because it needs to be compatible with 6.0 $nowDate = gmdate('Y-m-d'); $nowTime = gmdate('H:i:s'); $nowDateTime = $nowDate . ' ' . $nowTime; if($_REQUEST['addTaskReminder'] == 'remind') { logThis('Adding Task for admin for manual merge.', $path); $task = new Task(); $task->name = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_NAME']; $task->description = $desc; $task->date_due = $nowDate; $task->time_due = $nowTime; $task->priority = 'High'; $task->status = 'Not Started'; $task->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $task->created_by = $current_user->id; $task->date_entered = $nowDateTime; $task->date_modified = $nowDateTime; $task->save(); } if($_REQUEST['addEmailReminder'] == 'remind') { logThis('Sending Reminder for admin for manual merge.', $path); $email = new Email(); $email->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $email->name = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_NAME']; $email->description = $desc; $email->description_html = nl2br($desc); $email->from_name = $current_user->full_name; $email->from_addr = $current_user->email1; $email->to_addrs_arr = $email->parse_addrs($current_user->email1, '', '', ''); $email->cc_addrs_arr = array(); $email->bcc_addrs_arr = array(); $email->date_entered = $nowDateTime; $email->date_modified = $nowDateTime; $email->send(); $email->save(); } } } function deleteCache(){ //Clean modules from cache $cachedir = sugar_cached('modules'); if(is_dir($cachedir)){ $allModFiles = array(); $allModFiles = findAllFiles($cachedir,$allModFiles, true); foreach($allModFiles as $file) { if(file_exists($file)) { if(is_dir($file)) { rmdir_recursive($file); } else { unlink($file); } } } } //Clean jsLanguage from cache $cachedir = sugar_cached('jsLanguage'); if(is_dir($cachedir)){ $allModFiles = array(); $allModFiles = findAllFiles($cachedir,$allModFiles); foreach($allModFiles as $file){ if(file_exists($file)){ unlink($file); } } } //Clean smarty from cache $cachedir = sugar_cached('smarty'); if(is_dir($cachedir)){ $allModFiles = array(); $allModFiles = findAllFiles($cachedir,$allModFiles); foreach($allModFiles as $file){ if(file_exists($file)){ unlink($file); } } } //Rebuild dashlets cache require_once('include/Dashlets/DashletCacheBuilder.php'); $dc = new DashletCacheBuilder(); $dc->buildCache(); } function deleteChance(){ //Clean folder from cache if(is_dir('include/SugarObjects/templates/chance')){ rmdir_recursive('include/SugarObjects/templates/chance'); } if(is_dir('include/SugarObjects/templates/chance')){ if(!isset($_SESSION['chance'])){ $_SESSION['chance'] = ''; } $_SESSION['chance'] = 'include/SugarObjects/templates/chance'; //rename('include/SugarObjects/templates/chance','include/SugarObjects/templates/chance_removeit'); } } /** * upgradeUWFiles * This function copies upgrade wizard files from new patch if that dir exists * * @param $file String path to uploaded zip file */ function upgradeUWFiles($file) { $cacheUploadUpgradesTemp = mk_temp_dir(sugar_cached("upgrades/temp")); unzip($file, $cacheUploadUpgradesTemp); if(!file_exists("$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp/manifest.php")) { logThis("*** ERROR: no manifest file detected while bootstraping upgrade wizard files!"); return; } else { include("$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp/manifest.php"); } $allFiles = array(); $from_dir = "{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}"; // Localization if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/Localization/Localization.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/include/Localization/Localization.php"; } // upgradeWizard if(file_exists("$from_dir/modules/UpgradeWizard")) { $allFiles[] = findAllFiles("$from_dir/modules/UpgradeWizard", $allFiles); } // moduleInstaller if(file_exists("$from_dir/ModuleInstall")) { $allFiles[] = findAllFiles("$from_dir/ModuleInstall", $allFiles); } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/javascript/yui")) { $allFiles[] = findAllFiles("$from_dir/include/javascript/yui", $allFiles); } if(file_exists("$from_dir/HandleAjaxCall.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/HandleAjaxCall.php"; } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/SugarTheme")) { $allFiles[] = findAllFiles("$from_dir/include/SugarTheme", $allFiles); } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/SugarCache")) { $allFiles[] = findAllFiles("$from_dir/include/SugarCache", $allFiles); } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/utils/external_cache.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/include/utils/external_cache.php"; } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/upload_file.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/include/upload_file.php"; } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/file_utils.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/include/file_utils.php"; } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/upload_file.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/include/upload_file.php"; } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php"; } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/utils/autoloader.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/include/utils/autoloader.php"; } upgradeUWFilesCopy($allFiles, $from_dir); } /** * upgradeUWFilesCopy * * This function recursively copies files from the upgradeUWFiles Array * @see upgradeUWFiles * * @param array $allFiles Array of files to copy over after zip file has been uploaded * @param string $from_dir Source directory */ function upgradeUWFilesCopy($allFiles, $from_dir) { foreach($allFiles as $file) { if(is_array($file)) { upgradeUWFilesCopy($file, $from_dir); } else { $destFile = str_replace($from_dir."/", "", $file); if(!is_dir(dirname($destFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($destFile)); // make sure the directory exists } if(stristr($file,'uw_main.tpl')) logThis('Skipping "'.$file.'" - file copy will during commit step.'); else { logThis('updating UpgradeWizard code: '.$destFile); copy_recursive($file, $destFile); } } } } /** * gets valid patch file names that exist in upload/upgrade/patch/ */ function getValidPatchName($returnFull = true) { global $base_upgrade_dir; global $mod_strings; global $uh; global $sugar_version; global $sugar_config; $uh = new UpgradeHistory(); list($base_upgrade_dir, $base_tmp_upgrade_dir) = getUWDirs(); $return = array(); // scan for new files (that are not installed) logThis('finding new files for upgrade'); $upgrade_content = ''; $upgrade_contents = findAllFiles($base_upgrade_dir, array(), false, 'zip'); //other variations of zip file i.e. ZIP, zIp,zIP,Zip,ZIp,ZiP $ready = "\n"; $return['ready'] = $ready; $return['disabled'] = $disabled; if($returnFull) { return $return; } } /** * finalizes upgrade by setting upgrade versions in DB (config table) and sugar_version.php * @return bool true on success */ function updateVersions($version) { global $db; global $sugar_config; global $path; logThis('At updateVersions()... updating config table and sugar_version.php.', $path); // handle file copy if(isset($_SESSION['sugar_version_file']) && !empty($_SESSION['sugar_version_file'])) { if(!copy($_SESSION['sugar_version_file'], clean_path(getcwd().'/sugar_version.php'))) { logThis('*** ERROR: sugar_version.php could not be copied to destination! Cannot complete upgrade', $path); return false; } else { logThis('sugar_version.php successfully updated!', $path); } } else { logThis('*** ERROR: no sugar_version.php file location found! - cannot complete upgrade...', $path); return false; } $q1 = "DELETE FROM config WHERE category = 'info' AND name = 'sugar_version'"; $q2 = "INSERT INTO config (category, name, value) VALUES ('info', 'sugar_version', '{$version}')"; logThis('Deleting old DB version info from config table.', $path); $db->query($q1); logThis('Inserting updated version info into config table.', $path); $db->query($q2); logThis('updateVersions() complete.', $path); return true; } /** * gets a module's lang pack - does not need to be a SugarModule * @param lang string Language * @param module string Path to language folder * @return array mod_strings */ function getModuleLanguagePack($lang, $module) { $mod_strings = array(); if(!empty($lang) && !empty($module)) { $langPack = clean_path(getcwd().'/'.$module.'/language/'.$lang.'.lang.php'); $langPackEn = clean_path(getcwd().'/'.$module.'/language/en_us.lang.php'); if (file_exists($langPack)) { include($langPack); } elseif (file_exists($langPackEn)) { include($langPackEn); } } return $mod_strings; } /** * checks system compliance for 4.5+ codebase * @return array Mixed values */ function checkSystemCompliance() { global $sugar_config; global $current_language; global $db; global $mod_strings; global $app_strings; if(!defined('SUGARCRM_MIN_MEM')) { define('SUGARCRM_MIN_MEM', 40); } $installer_mod_strings = getModuleLanguagePack($current_language, './install'); $ret = array(); $ret['error_found'] = false; // PHP version $php_version = constant('PHP_VERSION'); $check_php_version_result = check_php_version($php_version); switch($check_php_version_result) { case -1: $ret['phpVersion'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_PHP_INVALID_VER']} {$php_version} )"; $ret['error_found'] = true; break; case 0: $ret['phpVersion'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_PHP_UNSUPPORTED']} {$php_version} )"; break; case 1: $ret['phpVersion'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_PHP_OK']} {$php_version} )"; break; } // database and connect $canInstall = $db->canInstall(); if ($canInstall !== true) { $ret['error_found'] = true; if (count($canInstall) == 1) { $ret['dbVersion'] = "" . $installer_mod_strings[$canInstall[0]] . ""; } else { $ret['dbVersion'] = "" . sprintf($installer_mod_strings[$canInstall[0]], $canInstall[1]) . ""; } } // XML Parsing if(function_exists('xml_parser_create')) { $ret['xmlStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } else { $ret['xmlStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_NOT_AVAILABLE']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } // cURL if(function_exists('curl_init')) { $ret['curlStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } else { $ret['curlStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_CURL']}"; $ret['error_found'] = false; } // mbstrings if(function_exists('mb_strlen')) { $ret['mbstringStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } else { $ret['mbstringStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_MBSTRING']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } // imap if(function_exists('imap_open')) { $ret['imapStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } else { $ret['imapStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_IMAP']}"; $ret['error_found'] = false; } // safe mode if('1' == ini_get('safe_mode')) { $ret['safeModeStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_SAFE_MODE']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } else { $ret['safeModeStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } // call time pass by ref if('1' == ini_get('allow_call_time_pass_reference')) { $ret['callTimeStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_CALL_TIME']}"; //continue upgrading } else { $ret['callTimeStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } // memory limit $ret['memory_msg'] = ""; $memory_limit = "-1";//ini_get('memory_limit'); $sugarMinMem = constant('SUGARCRM_MIN_MEM'); // logic based on: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.memory-limit if( $memory_limit == "" ){ // memory_limit disabled at compile time, no memory limit $ret['memory_msg'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_MEM_OK']}"; } elseif( $memory_limit == "-1" ){ // memory_limit enabled, but set to unlimited $ret['memory_msg'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_MEM_UNLIMITED']}"; } else { rtrim($memory_limit, 'M'); $memory_limit_int = (int) $memory_limit; if( $memory_limit_int < constant('SUGARCRM_MIN_MEM') ){ $ret['memory_msg'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_MEM_LIMIT_1']}" . constant('SUGARCRM_MIN_MEM') . "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_MEM_LIMIT_2']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } else { $ret['memory_msg'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']} ({$memory_limit})"; } } // zip support if (!class_exists("ZipArchive")) { $ret['ZipStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_ZIP']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } else { $ret['ZipStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } // PCRE if(defined('PCRE_VERSION')) { if (version_compare(PCRE_VERSION, '7.0') < 0) { $ret['pcreVersion'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_PCRE_VER']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } else { $ret['pcreVersion'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } } else { $ret['pcreVersion'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_PCRE']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } // Suhosin allow to use upload:// $ret['stream_msg'] = ''; if (UploadStream::getSuhosinStatus() == true) { $ret['stream_msg'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } else { $ret['stream_msg'] = "{$app_strings['ERR_SUHOSIN']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } /* mbstring.func_overload $ret['mbstring.func_overload'] = ''; $mb = ini_get('mbstring.func_overload'); if($mb > 1) { $ret['mbstring.func_overload'] = "{$mod_strings['ERR_UW_MBSTRING_FUNC_OVERLOAD']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } */ return $ret; } /** * is a file that we blow away automagically */ function isAutoOverwriteFile($file) { $overwriteDirs = array( './sugar_version.php', './modules/UpgradeWizard/uw_main.tpl', ); $file = trim('.'.str_replace(clean_path(getcwd()), '', $file)); if(in_array($file, $overwriteDirs)) { return true; } $fileExtension = substr(strrchr($file, "."), 1); if($fileExtension == 'tpl' || $fileExtension == 'html') { return false; } return true; } /** * flatfile logger */ function logThis($entry, $path='') { global $mod_strings; if(file_exists('include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php')){ require_once('include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php'); } $log = empty($path) ? clean_path(getcwd().'/upgradeWizard.log') : clean_path($path); // create if not exists if(!file_exists($log)) { if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $fp = @sugar_fopen($log, 'w+'); // attempts to create file } else{ $fp = fopen($log, 'w+'); // attempts to create file } if(!is_resource($fp)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('UpgradeWizard could not create the upgradeWizard.log file'); die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_LOG_FILE_UNWRITABLE']); } } else { if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $fp = @sugar_fopen($log, 'a+'); // write pointer at end of file } else{ $fp = @fopen($log, 'a+'); // write pointer at end of file } if(!is_resource($fp)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('UpgradeWizard could not open/lock upgradeWizard.log file'); die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_LOG_FILE_UNWRITABLE']); } } $line = date('r').' [UpgradeWizard] - '.$entry."\n"; if(@fwrite($fp, $line) === false) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('UpgradeWizard could not write to upgradeWizard.log: '.$entry); die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_LOG_FILE_UNWRITABLE']); } if(is_resource($fp)) { fclose($fp); } } /** * @params : none * @author: nsingh * @desc This function is to be used in the upgrade process to preserve changes/customaizations made to pre 5.1 quickcreate layout. * Prior to 5.1 we have been using editviewdefs as the base for quickcreatedefs. If a custom field was added to edit view layout, it * was automatically picked up by the quick create. [Addresses Bug 21469] * This function will check if customizations were made, and will create quickcreatedefs.php in the /cutom/working/$module_name directory. **/ function updateQuickCreateDefs(){ $d = dir('modules'); $studio_modules = array(); while($e = $d->read()){ //collect all studio modules. if(substr($e, 0, 1) == '.' || !is_dir('modules/' . $e))continue; if(file_exists('modules/' . $e . '/metadata/studio.php')) { array_push($studio_modules, $e); } } foreach( $studio_modules as $modname ){ //for each studio enabled module //Check !exists modules/$modname/metadata/quickcreatedefs.php && //exists custom/$modname/editviewdefs.php (module was customized) && //!exists custom/$modname/quickcreateviewdefs.php $editviewdefs = "custom/working/modules/".$modname."/metadata/editviewdefs.php"; $quickcreatedefs = "custom/working/modules/".$modname."/metadata/quickcreatedefs.php"; if ( !file_exists("modules/".$modname."/metadata/quickcreatedefs.php") && file_exists($editviewdefs) && !file_exists($quickcreatedefs) ){ //clone editviewdef and save it in custom/working/modules/metadata $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Copying editviewdefs.php as quickcreatedefs.php for the $modname module in custom/working/modules/$modname/metadata!"); if(copy( $editviewdefs, $quickcreatedefs)){ if(file_exists($quickcreatedefs) && is_readable($quickcreatedefs)){ $file = file($quickcreatedefs); //replace 'EditView' with 'QuickCreate' $fp = fopen($quickcreatedefs,'w'); foreach($file as &$line){ if(preg_match('/^\s*\'EditView\'\s*=>\s*$/', $line) > 0){ $line = "'QuickCreate' =>\n"; } fwrite($fp, $line); } //write back. fclose($fp); } else{ $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Failed to replace 'EditView' with QuickCreate because $quickcreatedefs is either not readable or does not exist."); } }else{ $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Failed to copy $editviewdefs to $quickcreatedefs!"); } } } } /** * test perms for CREATE queries */ function testPermsCreate($db, $out) { logThis('Checking CREATE TABLE permissions...'); global $mod_strings; if(!$db->checkPrivilege("CREATE TABLE")) { logThis('cannot CREATE TABLE!'); $out['db']['dbNoCreate'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_CREATE']}"; } return $out; } /** * test perms for INSERT */ function testPermsInsert($db, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking INSERT INTO permissions...'); global $mod_strings; if(!$db->checkPrivilege("INSERT")) { logThis('cannot INSERT INTO!'); $out['db']['dbNoInsert'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_INSERT']}"; } return $out; } /** * test perms for UPDATE TABLE */ function testPermsUpdate($db, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking UPDATE TABLE permissions...'); global $mod_strings; if(!$db->checkPrivilege("UPDATE")) { logThis('cannot UPDATE TABLE!'); $out['db']['dbNoUpdate'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_UPDATE']}"; } return $out; } /** * test perms for SELECT */ function testPermsSelect($db, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking SELECT permissions...'); global $mod_strings; if(!$db->checkPrivilege("SELECT")) { logThis('cannot SELECT!'); $out['db']['dbNoSelect'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_SELECT']}"; } return $out; } /** * test perms for DELETE */ function testPermsDelete($db, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking DELETE FROM permissions...'); global $mod_strings; if(!$db->checkPrivilege("DELETE")) { logThis('cannot DELETE FROM!'); $out['db']['dbNoDelete'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_DELETE']}"; } return $out; } /** * test perms for ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN */ function testPermsAlterTableAdd($db, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN permissions...'); global $mod_strings; if(!$db->checkPrivilege("ADD COLUMN")) { logThis('cannot ADD COLUMN!'); $out['db']['dbNoAddColumn'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_ADD_COLUMN']}"; } return $out; } /** * test perms for ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN */ function testPermsAlterTableChange($db, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN permissions...'); global $mod_strings; if(!$db->checkPrivilege("CHANGE COLUMN")) { logThis('cannot CHANGE COLUMN!'); $out['db']['dbNoChangeColumn'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_CHANGE_COLUMN']}"; } return $out; } /** * test perms for ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN */ function testPermsAlterTableDrop($db, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN permissions...'); global $mod_strings; if(!$db->checkPrivilege("DROP COLUMN")) { logThis('cannot DROP COLUMN!'); $out['db']['dbNoDropColumn'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_DROP_COLUMN']}"; } return $out; } /** * test perms for DROP TABLE */ function testPermsDropTable($db, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking DROP TABLE permissions...'); global $mod_strings; if(!$db->checkPrivilege("DROP TABLE")) { logThis('cannot DROP TABLE!'); $out['db']['dbNoDropTable'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_DROP_TABLE']}"; } return $out; } function getFormattedError($error, $query) { $error = "
".$error; $error .= "::{$query}
"; return $error; } /** * parses a query finding the table name * @param string query The query * @return string table The table */ function getTableFromQuery($query) { $standardQueries = array('ALTER TABLE', 'DROP TABLE', 'CREATE TABLE', 'INSERT INTO', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE FROM'); $query = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\_\s]/", "", $query); $query = trim(str_replace($standardQueries, '', $query)); $firstSpc = strpos($query, " "); $end = ($firstSpc > 0) ? $firstSpc : strlen($query); $table = substr($query, 0, $end); return $table; } //prelicense check function preLicenseCheck() { require_once('modules/UpgradeWizard/uw_files.php'); global $sugar_config; global $mod_strings; global $sugar_version; if (empty($sugar_version)) { require('sugar_version.php'); } if(!isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || empty($_SESSION['unzip_dir'])) { logThis('unzipping files in upgrade archive...'); $errors = array(); list($base_upgrade_dir, $base_tmp_upgrade_dir) = getUWDirs(); $unzip_dir = ''; //also come up with mechanism to read from upgrade-progress file if(!isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || empty($_SESSION['install_file']) || !is_file($_SESSION['install_file'])) { if (file_exists(clean_path($base_tmp_upgrade_dir)) && $handle = opendir(clean_path($base_tmp_upgrade_dir))) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if($file !="." && $file !="..") { if(is_file($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php")){ require_once($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php"); $package_name= $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']; if(file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/".$package_name) && file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/scripts") && file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php")){ $unzip_dir = $base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file; if(file_exists("$base_upgrade_dir/patch/".$package_name.'.zip')){ $_SESSION['install_file'] = $package_name.".zip"; break; } } } } } } } if(empty($_SESSION['install_file'])){ unlinkUWTempFiles(); resetUwSession(); echo 'Upload File not found so redirecting to Upgrade Start '; $redirect_new_wizard = $sugar_config['site_url' ].'/index.php?module=UpgradeWizard&action=index'; echo '
'; $upgrade_directories_not_found =<< 'Upload file missing or has been deleted. Refresh the page to go back to UpgradeWizard start' eoq; $uwMain = $upgrade_directories_not_found; return ''; } $install_file = "$base_upgrade_dir/patch/".basename(urldecode( $_SESSION['install_file'] )); $show_files = true; if(empty($unzip_dir)){ $unzip_dir = mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir ); } $zip_from_dir = "."; $zip_to_dir = "."; $zip_force_copy = array(); if(!$unzip_dir){ logThis('Could not create a temporary directory using mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir )'); die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_NO_CREATE_TMP_DIR']); } //double check whether unzipped . if(file_exists($unzip_dir ."/scripts") && file_exists($unzip_dir."/manifest.php")){ //already unzipped } else{ unzip( $install_file, $unzip_dir ); } // assumption -- already validated manifest.php at time of upload require_once( "$unzip_dir/manifest.php" ); if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir'] != "" ){ $zip_from_dir = $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']; } if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir'] != "" ){ $zip_to_dir = $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir']; } if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy'] != "" ){ $zip_force_copy = $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy']; } if( isset( $manifest['version'] ) ){ $version = $manifest['version']; } if( !is_writable( "config.php" ) ){ return $mod_strings['ERR_UW_CONFIG']; } $_SESSION['unzip_dir'] = clean_path($unzip_dir); $_SESSION['zip_from_dir'] = clean_path($zip_from_dir); logThis('unzip done.'); } else { $unzip_dir = $_SESSION['unzip_dir']; $zip_from_dir = $_SESSION['zip_from_dir']; } //check if $_SESSION['unzip_dir'] and $_SESSION['zip_from_dir'] exist if(!isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || !file_exists($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || !isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || empty($_SESSION['install_file']) || !file_exists($_SESSION['install_file'])){ //redirect to start unlinkUWTempFiles(); resetUwSession(); echo 'Upload File not found so redirecting to Upgrade Start '; $redirect_new_wizard = $sugar_config['site_url' ].'/index.php?module=UpgradeWizard&action=index'; echo ''; $upgrade_directories_not_found =<< 'Upload file missing or has been deleted. Refresh the page to go back to UpgradeWizard start' eoq; $uwMain = $upgrade_directories_not_found; return ''; } logThis ('is SugarConfig there '.file_exists(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/include/SugarObjects/SugarConfig.php"))); if(file_exists(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/include/SugarObjects/SugarConfig.php"))) { $file = clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/include/SugarObjects/SugarConfig.php"); $destFile = str_replace(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir), $cwd, $file); if(!is_dir(dirname($destFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($destFile)); // make sure the directory exists } copy($file,$destFile); //also copy include utils array utils $file = clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/include/utils/array_utils.php"); $destFile = str_replace(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir), $cwd, $file); if(!is_dir(dirname($destFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($destFile)); // make sure the directory exists } copy($file,$destFile); } } function preflightCheck() { require_once('modules/UpgradeWizard/uw_files.php'); global $sugar_config; global $mod_strings; global $sugar_version; if (empty($sugar_version)) { require('sugar_version.php'); } unset($_SESSION['rebuild_relationships']); unset($_SESSION['rebuild_extensions']); // don't bother if are rechecking $manualDiff = array(); if(!isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || empty($_SESSION['unzip_dir'])) { logThis('unzipping files in upgrade archive...'); $errors = array(); list($base_upgrade_dir, $base_tmp_upgrade_dir) = getUWDirs(); $unzip_dir = ''; //Following is if User logged out unexpectedly and then logged into UpgradeWizard again. //also come up with mechanism to read from upgrade-progress file. if(!isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || empty($_SESSION['install_file']) || !is_file($_SESSION['install_file'])) { if (file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir) && $handle = opendir($base_tmp_upgrade_dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if($file !="." && $file !="..") { if(is_file($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php")){ require_once($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php"); $package_name= $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']; if(file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/".$package_name) && file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/scripts") && file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php")){ $unzip_dir = $base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file; if(file_exists("$base_upgrade_dir/patch/".$package_name.'.zip')){ $_SESSION['install_file'] = $package_name.".zip"; break; } } } } } } } if(empty($_SESSION['install_file'])){ unlinkUWTempFiles(); resetUwSession(); echo 'Upload File not found so redirecting to Upgrade Start '; $redirect_new_wizard = $sugar_config['site_url' ].'/index.php?module=UpgradeWizard&action=index'; echo ''; $upgrade_directories_not_found =<< 'Upload file missing or has been deleted. Refresh the page to go back to UpgradeWizard start' eoq; $uwMain = $upgrade_directories_not_found; return ''; } $install_file = "$base_upgrade_dir/patch/".basename(urldecode( $_SESSION['install_file'] )); $show_files = true; if(empty($unzip_dir)){ $unzip_dir = mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir ); } $zip_from_dir = "."; $zip_to_dir = "."; $zip_force_copy = array(); if(!$unzip_dir){ logThis('Could not create a temporary directory using mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir )'); die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_NO_CREATE_TMP_DIR']); } //double check whether unzipped . if(file_exists($unzip_dir ."/scripts") && file_exists($unzip_dir."/manifest.php")){ //already unzipped } else{ unzip( $install_file, $unzip_dir ); } // assumption -- already validated manifest.php at time of upload require_once( "$unzip_dir/manifest.php" ); if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir'] != "" ){ $zip_from_dir = $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']; } if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir'] != "" ){ $zip_to_dir = $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir']; } if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy'] != "" ){ $zip_force_copy = $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy']; } if( isset( $manifest['version'] ) ){ $version = $manifest['version']; } if( !is_writable( "config.php" ) ){ return $mod_strings['ERR_UW_CONFIG']; } $_SESSION['unzip_dir'] = clean_path($unzip_dir); $_SESSION['zip_from_dir'] = clean_path($zip_from_dir); //logThis('unzip done.'); } else { $unzip_dir = $_SESSION['unzip_dir']; $zip_from_dir = $_SESSION['zip_from_dir']; } //check if $_SESSION['unzip_dir'] and $_SESSION['zip_from_dir'] exist if(!isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || !file_exists($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || !isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || empty($_SESSION['install_file']) || !file_exists($_SESSION['install_file'])){ //redirect to start unlinkUWTempFiles(); resetUwSession(); echo 'Upload File not found so redirecting to Upgrade Start '; $redirect_new_wizard = $sugar_config['site_url' ].'/index.php?module=UpgradeWizard&action=index'; echo ''; $upgrade_directories_not_found =<< 'Upload file missing or has been deleted. Refresh the page to go back to UpgradeWizard start' eoq; $uwMain = $upgrade_directories_not_found; return ''; } //copy minimum required files fileCopy('include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php'); $upgradeFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path("$unzip_dir/$zip_from_dir"), array()); $cache_html_files= array(); // get md5 sums $md5_string = array(); if(file_exists(clean_path(getcwd().'/files.md5'))){ require(clean_path(getcwd().'/files.md5')); } // file preflight checks logThis('verifying md5 checksums for files...'); foreach($upgradeFiles as $file) { if(in_array(str_replace(clean_path("$unzip_dir/$zip_from_dir") . "/", '', $file), $uw_files)) continue; // skip already loaded files if(strpos($file, '.md5')) continue; // skip md5 file // normalize file paths $file = clean_path($file); // check that we can move/delete the upgraded file if(!is_writable($file)) { $errors[] = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE'].": ".$file; } // check that destination files are writable $destFile = getcwd().str_replace(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir), '', $file); if(is_file($destFile)) { // of course it needs to exist first... if(!is_writable($destFile)) { $errors[] = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE'].": ".$destFile; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// DIFFS // compare md5s and build up a manual merge list $targetFile = clean_path(".".str_replace(getcwd(),'',$destFile)); $targetMd5 = '0'; if(is_file($destFile)) { if(strpos($targetFile, '.php')) { // handle PHP files that were hit with the security regex $fp = ''; if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $fp = sugar_fopen($destFile, 'r'); } else{ $fp = fopen($destFile, 'r'); } $filesize = filesize($destFile); if($filesize > 0) { $fileContents = stream_get_contents($fp); $targetMd5 = md5($fileContents); } } else { $targetMd5 = md5_file($destFile); } } if(isset($md5_string[$targetFile]) && $md5_string[$targetFile] != $targetMd5) { logThis('found a file with a differing md5: ['.$targetFile.']'); $manualDiff[] = $destFile; } //// END DIFFS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } logThis('md5 verification done.'); $errors['manual'] = $manualDiff; return $errors; } function fileCopy($file_path){ if(file_exists(clean_path($_SESSION['unzip_dir'].'/'.$_SESSION['zip_from_dir'].'/'.$file_path))) { $file = clean_path($_SESSION['unzip_dir'].'/'.$_SESSION['zip_from_dir'].'/'.$file_path); $destFile = str_replace(clean_path($_SESSION['unzip_dir'].'/'.$_SESSION['zip_from_dir']), clean_path(getcwd()), $file); if(!is_dir(dirname($destFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($destFile)); // make sure the directory exists } copy_recursive($file,$destFile); } } function getChecklist($steps, $step) { global $mod_strings; $skip = array('start', 'cancel', 'uninstall','end'); $j=0; $i=1; $ret = ''; $ret .= ''; foreach($steps['desc'] as $k => $desc) { if(in_array($steps['files'][$j], $skip)) { $j++; continue; } //$status = "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_INCOMPLETE']}"; $desc_mod_pre = ''; $desc_mod_post = ''; /* if(isset($_SESSION['step'][$steps['files'][$k]]) && $_SESSION['step'][$steps['files'][$k]] == 'success') { //$status = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMPLETE']; } */ if($k == $_REQUEST['step']) { //$status = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_IN_PROGRESS']; $desc_mod_pre = ""; $desc_mod_post = ""; } $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $i++; $j++; } $ret .= "
 {$i}: {$desc_mod_pre}{$desc}{$desc_mod_post}
"; return $ret; } function prepSystemForUpgrade() { global $sugar_config; global $sugar_flavor; global $mod_strings; global $current_language; global $subdirs; global $base_upgrade_dir; global $base_tmp_upgrade_dir; list($p_base_upgrade_dir, $p_base_tmp_upgrade_dir) = getUWDirs(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Make sure variables exist if(empty($base_upgrade_dir)){ $base_upgrade_dir = $p_base_upgrade_dir; } if(empty($base_tmp_upgrade_dir)){ $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = $p_base_tmp_upgrade_dir; } sugar_mkdir($base_tmp_upgrade_dir, 0775, true); if(!isset($subdirs) || empty($subdirs)){ $subdirs = array('full', 'langpack', 'module', 'patch', 'theme'); } $upgrade_progress_dir = $base_tmp_upgrade_dir; $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ if(function_exists('get_upgrade_progress') && function_exists('didThisStepRunBefore')){ if(didThisStepRunBefore('end')){ include($upgrade_progress_file); unset($upgrade_config); unlink($upgrade_progress_file); } } } // increase the cuttoff time to 1 hour ini_set("max_execution_time", "3600"); // make sure dirs exist if($subdirs != null){ foreach($subdirs as $subdir) { sugar_mkdir("$base_upgrade_dir/$subdir", 0775, true); } } // array of special scripts that are executed during (un)installation-- key is type of script, value is filename if(!defined('SUGARCRM_PRE_INSTALL_FILE')) { define('SUGARCRM_PRE_INSTALL_FILE', 'scripts/pre_install.php'); define('SUGARCRM_POST_INSTALL_FILE', 'scripts/post_install.php'); define('SUGARCRM_PRE_UNINSTALL_FILE', 'scripts/pre_uninstall.php'); define('SUGARCRM_POST_UNINSTALL_FILE', 'scripts/post_uninstall.php'); } $script_files = array( "pre-install" => constant('SUGARCRM_PRE_INSTALL_FILE'), "post-install" => constant('SUGARCRM_POST_INSTALL_FILE'), "pre-uninstall" => constant('SUGARCRM_PRE_UNINSTALL_FILE'), "post-uninstall" => constant('SUGARCRM_POST_UNINSTALL_FILE'), ); // check that the upload limit is set to 6M or greater define('SUGARCRM_MIN_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE_BYTES', 6 * 1024 * 1024); // 6 Megabytes $upload_max_filesize = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); $upload_max_filesize_bytes = return_bytes($upload_max_filesize); if($upload_max_filesize_bytes < constant('SUGARCRM_MIN_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE_BYTES')) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("detected upload_max_filesize: $upload_max_filesize"); $admin_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Administration'); echo '

'.$admin_strings['MSG_INCREASE_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE'].' '.get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path')."

\n"; } } if ( !function_exists('extractFile') ) { function extractFile($zip_file, $file_in_zip) { global $base_tmp_upgrade_dir; // strip cwd $absolute_base_tmp_upgrade_dir = clean_path($base_tmp_upgrade_dir); $relative_base_tmp_upgrade_dir = clean_path(str_replace(clean_path(getcwd()), '', $absolute_base_tmp_upgrade_dir)); // mk_temp_dir expects relative pathing $my_zip_dir = mk_temp_dir($relative_base_tmp_upgrade_dir); unzip_file($zip_file, $file_in_zip, $my_zip_dir); return("$my_zip_dir/$file_in_zip"); } } if ( !function_exists('extractManifest') ) { function extractManifest($zip_file) { logThis('extracting manifest.'); return(extractFile($zip_file, "manifest.php")); } } if ( !function_exists('getInstallType') ) { function getInstallType($type_string) { // detect file type global $subdirs; $subdirs = array('full', 'langpack', 'module', 'patch', 'theme', 'temp'); foreach($subdirs as $subdir) { if(preg_match("#/$subdir/#", $type_string)) { return($subdir); } } // return empty if no match return(""); } } function getImageForType($type) { global $image_path; global $mod_strings; $icon = ""; switch($type) { case "full": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("Upgrade", "",null,null,'.gif',$mod_strings['LBL_UPGRADE']); break; case "langpack": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("LanguagePacks", "",null,null,'.gif',$mod_strings['LBL_LANGPACKS']); break; case "module": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("ModuleLoader", "",null,null,'.gif',$mod_strings['LBL_MODULELOADER']); break; case "patch": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("PatchUpgrades", "",null,null,'.gif',$mod_strings['LBL_PATCHUPGRADES']); break; case "theme": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("Themes", "",null,null,'.gif',$mod_strings['LBL_THEMES']); break; default: break; } return($icon); } if ( !function_exists('getLanguagePackName') ) { function getLanguagePackName($the_file) { require_once("$the_file"); if(isset($app_list_strings["language_pack_name"])) { return($app_list_strings["language_pack_name"]); } return(""); } } function getUITextForType($type) { if($type == "full") { return("Full Upgrade"); } if($type == "langpack") { return("Language Pack"); } if($type == "module") { return("Module"); } if($type == "patch") { return("Patch"); } if($type == "theme") { return("Theme"); } } if ( !function_exists('validate_manifest') ) { /** * Verifies a manifest from a patch or module to be compatible with the current Sugar version and flavor * @param array manifest Standard manifest array * @return string Error message, blank on success */ function validate_manifest($manifest) { logThis('validating manifest.php file'); // takes a manifest.php manifest array and validates contents global $subdirs; global $sugar_version; global $sugar_flavor; global $mod_strings; if(!isset($manifest['type'])) { return $mod_strings['ERROR_MANIFEST_TYPE']; } $type = $manifest['type']; if(getInstallType("/$type/") == "") { return $mod_strings['ERROR_PACKAGE_TYPE']. ": '" . $type . "'."; } if(isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions'])) { $version_ok = false; $matches_empty = true; if(isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['exact_matches'])) { $matches_empty = false; foreach($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['exact_matches'] as $match) { if($match == $sugar_version) { $version_ok = true; } } } if(!$version_ok && isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['regex_matches'])) { $matches_empty = false; foreach($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['regex_matches'] as $match) { if(preg_match("/$match/", $sugar_version)) { $version_ok = true; } } } if(!$matches_empty && !$version_ok) { return $mod_strings['ERROR_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE']."
". $mod_strings['ERR_UW_VERSION'].$sugar_version; } } if(isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors']) && sizeof($manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors']) > 0) { $flavor_ok = false; foreach($manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors'] as $match) { if($match == $sugar_flavor) { $flavor_ok = true; } } if(!$flavor_ok) { return $mod_strings['ERROR_FLAVOR_INCOMPATIBLE']."
". $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FLAVOR'].$sugar_flavor."
". $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FLAVOR_2'].$manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors'][0]; } } return ''; } } function unlinkUploadFiles() { return; // logThis('at unlinkUploadFiles()'); // // if(isset($_SESSION['install_file']) && !empty($_SESSION['install_file'])) { // $upload = $_SESSION['install_file']; // // if(is_file($upload)) { // logThis('unlinking ['.$upload.']'); // @unlink($upload); // } // } } /** * deletes files created by unzipping a package */ function unlinkUWTempFiles() { global $sugar_config; global $path; logThis('at unlinkUWTempFiles()'); $tempDir=''; list($upgDir, $tempDir) = getUWDirs(); if(file_exists($tempDir) && is_dir($tempDir)){ $files = findAllFiles($tempDir, array(), false); rsort($files); foreach($files as $file) { if(!is_dir($file)) { //logThis('unlinking ['.$file.']', $path); @unlink($file); } } // now do dirs $files = findAllFiles($tempDir, array(), true); foreach($files as $dir) { if(is_dir($dir)) { //logThis('removing dir ['.$dir.']', $path); @rmdir($dir); } } $cacheFile = sugar_cached("modules/UpgradeWizard/_persistence.php"); if(is_file($cacheFile)) { logThis("Unlinking Upgrade cache file: '_persistence.php'", $path); @unlink($cacheFile); } } logThis("finished!"); } /** * finds all files in the passed path, but skips select directories * @param string dir Relative path * @param array the_array Collections of found files/dirs * @param bool include_dir True if we want to include directories in the * returned collection */ function uwFindAllFiles($dir, $theArray, $includeDirs=false, $skipDirs=array(), $echo=false) { // check skips if (whetherNeedToSkipDir($dir, $skipDirs)) { return $theArray; } if (!is_dir($dir)) { return $theArray; } // Bug # 46035, just checking for valid dir $d = dir($dir); if ($d === false) { return $theArray; } // Bug # 46035, more checking while($f = $d->read()) { // bug 40793 Skip Directories array in upgradeWizard does not function correctly if($f == "." || $f == ".." || whetherNeedToSkipDir("$dir/$f", $skipDirs)) { // skip *nix self/parent continue; } // for AJAX length count if($echo) { echo '.'; ob_flush(); } if(is_dir("$dir/$f")) { if($includeDirs) { // add the directory if flagged $theArray[] = clean_path("$dir/$f"); } // recurse in $theArray = uwFindAllFiles("$dir/$f/", $theArray, $includeDirs, $skipDirs, $echo); } else { $theArray[] = clean_path("$dir/$f"); } } rsort($theArray); $d->close(); return $theArray; } /** * unset's UW's Session Vars */ function resetUwSession() { logThis('resetting $_SESSION'); if(isset($_SESSION['committed'])) unset($_SESSION['committed']); if(isset($_SESSION['sugar_version_file'])) unset($_SESSION['sugar_version_file']); if(isset($_SESSION['upgrade_complete'])) unset($_SESSION['upgrade_complete']); if(isset($_SESSION['allTables'])) unset($_SESSION['allTables']); if(isset($_SESSION['alterCustomTableQueries'])) unset($_SESSION['alterCustomTableQueries']); if(isset($_SESSION['skip_zip_upload'])) unset($_SESSION['skip_zip_upload']); if(isset($_SESSION['install_file'])) unset($_SESSION['install_file']); if(isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir'])) unset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']); if(isset($_SESSION['zip_from_dir'])) unset($_SESSION['zip_from_dir']); if(isset($_SESSION['overwrite_files'])) unset($_SESSION['overwrite_files']); if(isset($_SESSION['schema_change'])) unset($_SESSION['schema_change']); if(isset($_SESSION['uw_restore_dir'])) unset($_SESSION['uw_restore_dir']); if(isset($_SESSION['step'])) unset($_SESSION['step']); if(isset($_SESSION['files'])) unset($_SESSION['files']); if(isset($_SESSION['Upgraded451Wizard'])){ unset($_SESSION['Upgraded451Wizard']); } if(isset($_SESSION['Initial_451to500_Step'])){ unset($_SESSION['Initial_451to500_Step']); } if(isset($_SESSION['license_shown'])) unset($_SESSION['license_shown']); if(isset($_SESSION['sugarMergeRunResults'])) unset($_SESSION['sugarMergeRunResults']); } /** * runs rebuild scripts */ function UWrebuild() { global $db; global $path; /* //CCL - Comment this block out, it is called in end.php logThis('Rebuilding everything...', $path); require_once('modules/Administration/QuickRepairAndRebuild.php'); $randc = new RepairAndClear(); $randc->repairAndClearAll(array('clearAll'),array(translate('LBL_ALL_MODULES')), false, false); */ $query = "DELETE FROM versions WHERE name='Rebuild Extensions'"; $db->query($query); logThis('Registering rebuild record: '.$query, $path); logThis('Rebuild done.', $path); // insert a new database row to show the rebuild extensions is done $id = create_guid(); $gmdate = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $date_entered = db_convert("'$gmdate'", 'datetime'); $query = 'INSERT INTO versions (id, deleted, date_entered, date_modified, modified_user_id, created_by, name, file_version, db_version) ' . "VALUES ('$id', '0', $date_entered, $date_entered, '1', '1', 'Rebuild Extensions', '4.0.0', '4.0.0')"; $db->query($query); logThis('Registering rebuild record in versions table: '.$query, $path); } function getCustomTables() { global $db; return $db->tablesLike('%_cstm'); } function alterCustomTables($customTables) { return array(); } function getAllTables() { global $db; return $db->getTablesArray(); } function printAlterTableSql($tables) { $alterTableSql = ''; foreach($tables as $table) $alterTableSql .= "ALTER TABLE " . $table . " CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;" . "\n"; return $alterTableSql; } function executeConvertTablesSql($tables) { global $db; foreach($tables as $table){ $query = "ALTER TABLE " . $table . " CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"; if(!empty($table)){ logThis("Sending query: ".$query); $db->query($query);//, true, "An error has occured while performing db query. See log file for details.
"); } } return true; } function testThis() { $files = uwFindAllFiles(getcwd().'/test', array()); $out = "\n"; $priorPath = ''; foreach($files as $file) { $relativeFile = clean_path(str_replace(getcwd().'/test', '', $file)); $relativeFile = ($relativeFile{0} == '/') ? substr($relativeFile, 1, strlen($relativeFile)) : $relativeFile; $relativePath = dirname($relativeFile); if($relativePath == $priorPath) { // same dir, new file $out .= ""; $priorPath = $relativePath; } else { // new dir } } $out .= "
"; echo $out; } function testThis2($dir, $id=0, $hide=false) { global $mod_strings; $path = $dir; $dh = opendir($dir); rewinddir($dh); $doHide = ($hide) ? 'none' : ''; $out = "
"; $out .= "\n"; while($file = readdir($dh)) { if($file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == 'CVS' || $file == '.cvsignore') continue; if(is_dir($path.'/'.$file)) { $file = $path.'/'.$file; $newI = create_guid(); $out .= "\n"; $out .= ""; $out .= ""; } else { $out .= "\n"; $out .= ""; } } $out .= "
".SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("Workflow", "", null, null, ".gif", $mod_strings['LBL_WORKFLOW'])."".basename($file)."
".testThis2($file, $newI, true)."
"; $out .= "
"; closedir($dh); return $out; } function testThis3(&$files, $id, $hide, $previousPath = '') { if(!is_array($files) || empty($files)) return ''; $out = ''; global $mod_strings; // expecting full path here foreach($files as $k => $file) { $file = str_replace(getcwd(), '', $file); $path = dirname($file); $fileName = basename($file); if($fileName == 'CVS' || $fileName == '.cvsignore') continue; if($path == $previousPath) { // same directory // new row for each file $out .= " "; $out .= "{$fileName}"; } else { // new directory $newI = $k; $out .= "".SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("Workflow", "", null, null, ".gif", $mod_strings['LBL_WORKFLOW'])."\n"; $out .= "".$fileName.""; $recurse = testThis3($files, $newI, true, $previousPath); $out .= "".$recurse.""; } $previousPath = $path; } $display = ($hide) ? 'none' : ''; $ret = << {$out}
eoq; return $ret; } function testThis4($filePath, $fileNodes=array(), $fileName='') { $path = dirname($filePath); $file = basename($filePath); $exFile = explode('/', $path); foreach($exFile as $pathSegment) { if(is_array($fileNodes[$pathSegment])) { // path already processed } else { // newly found path $fileNodes[$pathSegment] = array(); } if($fileName != '') { $fileNodes[$pathSegment][] = $fileName; } } return $fileNodes; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// SYSTEM CHECK FUNCTIONS /** * generates an array with all files in the SugarCRM root directory, skipping * cache/ * @return array files Array of files with absolute paths */ function getFilesForPermsCheck() { global $sugar_config; logThis('Got JSON call to find all files...'); $filesNotWritable = array(); $filesNWPerms = array(); // add directories here that should be skipped when doing file permissions checks (cache/upload is the nasty one) $skipDirs = array( $sugar_config['upload_dir'], ); $files = uwFindAllFiles(".", array(), true, $skipDirs, true); return $files; } /** * checks files for permissions * @param array files Array of files with absolute paths * @return string result of check */ function checkFiles($files, $echo=false) { global $mod_strings; $filesNotWritable = array(); $i=0; $filesOut = " {$mod_strings['LBL_UW_SHOW_NW_FILES']} '; // not a stop error $errors['files']['filesNotWritable'] = (count($filesNotWritable) > 0) ? true : false; if(count($filesNotWritable) < 1) { $filesOut = "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_FILE_NO_ERRORS']}"; } return $filesOut; } function deletePackageOnCancel(){ global $mod_strings; global $sugar_config; list($base_upgrade_dir, $base_tmp_upgrade_dir) = getUWDirs(); logThis('running delete'); if(!isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || ($_SESSION['install_file'] == "")) { logThis('ERROR: trying to delete non-existent file: ['.$_REQUEST['install_file'].']'); $error = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_NO_FILE_UPLOADED']; } // delete file in upgrades/patch $delete_me = "$base_upgrade_dir/patch/".basename(urldecode( $_REQUEST['install_file'] )); if(@unlink($delete_me)) { //logThis('unlinking: '.$delete_me); $out = basename($delete_me).$mod_strings['LBL_UW_FILE_DELETED']; } else { logThis('ERROR: could not delete ['.$delete_me.']'); $error = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FILE_NOT_DELETED'].$delete_me; } if(!empty($error)) { $out = "{$error}
"; } } function handleExecuteSqlKeys($db, $tableName, $disable) { if(empty($tableName)) return true; if(is_callable(array($db, "supports"))) { // new API return $disable?$db->disableKeys($tableName):$db->enableKeys($tableName); } else { // old api $op = $disable?"DISABLE":"ENABLE"; return $db->query("ALTER TABLE $tableName $op KEYS"); } } function parseAndExecuteSqlFile($sqlScript,$forStepQuery='',$resumeFromQuery='') { global $sugar_config; $alterTableSchema = ''; $sqlErrors = array(); if(!isset($_SESSION['sqlSkippedQueries'])){ $_SESSION['sqlSkippedQueries'] = array(); } $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $disable_keys = ($db->dbType == "mysql"); // have to use old way for now for upgrades if(strpos($resumeFromQuery,",") != false){ $resumeFromQuery = explode(",",$resumeFromQuery); } if(file_exists($sqlScript)) { $fp = fopen($sqlScript, 'r'); $contents = stream_get_contents($fp); $anyScriptChanges =$contents; $resumeAfterFound = false; if(rewind($fp)) { $completeLine = ''; $count = 0; while($line = fgets($fp)) { if(strpos($line, '--') === false) { $completeLine .= " ".trim($line); if(strpos($line, ';') !== false) { $query = ''; $query = str_replace(';','',$completeLine); //if resume from query is not null then find out from where //it should start executing the query. if($query != null && $resumeFromQuery != null){ if(!$resumeAfterFound){ if(strpos($query,",") != false){ $queArray = explode(",",$query); for($i=0;$i1){ $tableName = getAlterTable($query); if($disable_keys) { handleExecuteSqlKeys($db, $tableName, true); } $db->query($query); if($db->checkError()){ //put in the array to use later on $_SESSION['sqlSkippedQueries'][] = $query; } if($disable_keys) { handleExecuteSqlKeys($db, $tableName, false); } $progQuery[$forStepQuery]=$query; post_install_progress($progQuery,$action='set'); }//if } elseif($query != null){ $tableName = getAlterTable($query); if($disable_keys) { handleExecuteSqlKeys($db, $tableName, true); } $db->query($query); if($disable_keys) { handleExecuteSqlKeys($db, $tableName, false); } $progQuery[$forStepQuery]=$query; post_install_progress($progQuery,$action='set'); if($db->checkError()){ //put in the array to use later on $_SESSION['sqlSkippedQueries'][] = $query; } } $completeLine = ''; } } }//while } } } function getAlterTable($query){ $query = strtolower($query); if (preg_match('/^\s*alter\s+table\s+/', $query)) { $sqlArray = explode(" ", $query); $key = array_search('table', $sqlArray); return $sqlArray[($key+1)]; }else { return ''; } } function set_upgrade_vars(){ logThis('setting session variables...'); $upgrade_progress_dir = sugar_cached('upgrades/temp'); if(!is_dir($upgrade_progress_dir)){ mkdir_recursive($upgrade_progress_dir); } $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); } else{ fopen($upgrade_progress_file, 'w+'); } if(!isset($upgrade_config) || $upgrade_config == null){ $upgrade_config = array(); $upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars']=array(); } if(isset($upgrade_config[1]) && isset($upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars']) && !is_array($upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars'])){ $upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars'] = array(); } if(!isset($upgrade_vars) || $upgrade_vars == NULL){ $upgrade_vars = array(); } if(isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) && !empty($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) && file_exists($_SESSION['unzip_dir'])){ $upgrade_vars['unzip_dir']=$_SESSION['unzip_dir']; } if(isset($_SESSION['install_file']) && !empty($_SESSION['install_file']) && file_exists($_SESSION['install_file'])){ $upgrade_vars['install_file']=$_SESSION['install_file']; } if(isset($_SESSION['Upgraded451Wizard']) && !empty($_SESSION['Upgraded451Wizard'])){ $upgrade_vars['Upgraded451Wizard']=$_SESSION['Upgraded451Wizard']; } if(isset($_SESSION['license_shown']) && !empty($_SESSION['license_shown'])){ $upgrade_vars['license_shown']=$_SESSION['license_shown']; } if(isset($_SESSION['Initial_451to500_Step']) && !empty($_SESSION['Initial_451to500_Step'])){ $upgrade_vars['Initial_451to500_Step']=$_SESSION['Initial_451to500_Step']; } if(isset($_SESSION['zip_from_dir']) && !empty($_SESSION['zip_from_dir'])){ $upgrade_vars['zip_from_dir']=$_SESSION['zip_from_dir']; } //place into the upgrade_config array and rewrite config array only if new values are being inserted if(isset($upgrade_vars) && $upgrade_vars != null && sizeof($upgrade_vars) > 0){ foreach($upgrade_vars as $key=>$val){ if($key != null && $val != null){ $upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars'][$key]=$upgrade_vars[$key]; } } ksort($upgrade_config); if(is_writable($upgrade_progress_file) && write_array_to_file( "upgrade_config", $upgrade_config, $upgrade_progress_file)) { //writing to the file } } } function initialize_session_vars(){ $upgrade_progress_dir = sugar_cached('upgrades/temp'); $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); if(isset($upgrade_config) && $upgrade_config != null && is_array($upgrade_config) && sizeof($upgrade_config) >0){ $currVarsArray=$upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars']; //print_r($currVarsArray); if(isset($currVarsArray) && $currVarsArray != null && is_array($currVarsArray) && sizeof($currVarsArray)>0){ foreach($currVarsArray as $key=>$val){ if($key != null && $val !=null){ //set session variables $_SESSION[$key]=$val; //set varibales '$'.$key=$val; } } } } } } //track the upgrade progress on each step //track the upgrade progress on each step function set_upgrade_progress($currStep,$currState,$currStepSub='',$currStepSubState=''){ $upgrade_progress_dir = sugar_cached('upgrades/temp'); if(!is_dir($upgrade_progress_dir)){ mkdir_recursive($upgrade_progress_dir); } $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); } else{ if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ sugar_fopen($upgrade_progress_file, 'w+'); } else{ fopen($upgrade_progress_file, 'w+'); } } if(!isset($upgrade_config) || $upgrade_config == null){ $upgrade_config = array(); $upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars']=array(); } if(!is_array($upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars'])){ $upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars'] = array(); } if($currStep != null && $currState != null){ if(sizeof($upgrade_config) > 0){ if($currStepSub != null && $currStepSubState !=null){ //check if new status to be set or update //get the latest in array. since it has sub components prepare an array if(!empty($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep]) && is_array($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep])){ $latestStepSub = currSubStep($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep]); if($latestStepSub == $currStepSub){ $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep][$latestStepSub]=$currStepSubState; $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep][$currStep] = $currState; } else{ $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep][$currStepSub]=$currStepSubState; $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep][$currStep] = $currState; } } else{ $currArray = array(); $currArray[$currStep] = $currState; $currArray[$currStepSub] = $currStepSubState; $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)+1][$currStep] = $currArray; } } else{ //get the current upgrade progress $latestStep = get_upgrade_progress(); //set the upgrade progress if($latestStep == $currStep){ //update the current step with new progress status $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$latestStep]=$currState; } else{ //it's a new step $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)+1][$currStep]=$currState; } // now check if there elements within array substeps } } else{ //set the upgrade progress (just starting) $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)+1][$currStep]= $currState; } if(is_writable($upgrade_progress_file) && write_array_to_file( "upgrade_config", $upgrade_config, $upgrade_progress_file)) { //writing to the file } } } function get_upgrade_progress(){ $upgrade_progress_dir = sugar_cached('upgrades/temp'); $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; $currState = ''; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); if(!isset($upgrade_config) || $upgrade_config == null){ $upgrade_config = array(); } if($upgrade_config != null && sizeof($upgrade_config) >1){ $currArr = $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]; if(is_array($currArr)){ foreach($currArr as $key=>$val){ $currState = $key; } } } } return $currState; } function currSubStep($currStep){ $currSubStep = ''; if(is_array($currStep)){ foreach($currStep as $key=>$val){ if($key != null){ $currState = $key; } } } return $currState; } function currUpgradeState($currState){ $currState = ''; if(is_array($currState)){ foreach($currState as $key=>$val){ if(is_array($val)){ foreach($val as $k=>$v){ if($k != null){ $currState = $k; } } } else{ $currState = $key; } } } return $currState; } function didThisStepRunBefore($step,$SubStep=''){ if($step == null) return; $upgrade_progress_dir = sugar_cached('upgrades/temp'); $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; $currState = ''; $stepRan = false; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); if(isset($upgrade_config) && $upgrade_config != null && is_array($upgrade_config) && sizeof($upgrade_config) >0){ for($i=1;$i<=sizeof($upgrade_config);$i++){ if(is_array($upgrade_config[$i])){ foreach($upgrade_config[$i] as $key=>$val){ if($key==$step){ if(is_array($upgrade_config[$i][$step])){ //now process foreach ($upgrade_config[$i][$step] as $k=>$v){ if(is_array($v)){ foreach($v as $k1=>$v1){ if($SubStep != null){ if($SubStep ==$k1 && $v1=='done'){ $stepRan = true; break; } } }//foreach } elseif($SubStep !=null){ if($SubStep==$k && $v=='done'){ $stepRan = true; break; } } elseif($step==$k && $v=='done'){ $stepRan = true; break; } }//foreach } elseif($val=='done'){ $stepRan = true; } } }//foreach } }//for } } return $stepRan; } //get and set post install status function post_install_progress($progArray='',$action=''){ $upgrade_progress_dir = sugar_cached('upgrades/temp'); $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; if($action=='' || $action=='get'){ //get the state of post install $currProg = array(); if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); if(is_array($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install']) && sizeof($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install'])>0){ foreach($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install'] as $k=>$v){ $currProg[$k]=$v; } } } return $currProg; } elseif($action=='set'){ if(!is_dir($upgrade_progress_dir)){ mkdir($upgrade_progress_dir); } if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); } else{ fopen($upgrade_progress_file, 'w+'); } if(!is_array($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install'])){ $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install']=array(); $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install']['post_install'] = 'in_progress'; } if($progArray != null && is_array($progArray)){ foreach($progArray as $key=>$val){ $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install'][$key]=$val; } } if(is_writable($upgrade_progress_file) && write_array_to_file( "upgrade_config", $upgrade_config, $upgrade_progress_file)) { //writing to the file } } } function repairDBForUpgrade($execute=false,$path=''){ global $current_user, $beanFiles; global $dictionary; set_time_limit(3600); $db = &DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $sql = ''; VardefManager::clearVardef(); require_once('include/ListView/ListView.php'); foreach ($beanFiles as $bean => $file) { require_once ($file); $focus = new $bean (); $sql .= $db->repairTable($focus, $execute); } //echo $sql; $olddictionary = $dictionary; unset ($dictionary); include ('modules/TableDictionary.php'); foreach ($dictionary as $meta) { $tablename = $meta['table']; $fielddefs = $meta['fields']; $indices = $meta['indices']; $sql .= $db->repairTableParams($tablename, $fielddefs, $indices, $execute); } $qry_str = ""; foreach (explode("\n", $sql) as $line) { if (!empty ($line) && substr($line, -2) != "*/") { $line .= ";"; } $qry_str .= $line . "\n"; } $sql = str_replace( array( "\n", ''', ), array( '', "'", ), preg_replace('#(/\*.+?\*/\n*)#', '', $qry_str) ); logThis("*******START EXECUTING DB UPGRADE QUERIES***************",$path); logThis($sql,$path); logThis("*******END EXECUTING DB UPGRADE QUERIES****************",$path); if(!$execute){ return $sql; } } /** * upgradeUserPreferences * This method updates the user_preferences table and sets the pages/dashlets for users * which have ACL access to Trackers so that the Tracker dashlets are set in their user perferences * */ function upgradeUserPreferences() { global $sugar_config, $sugar_version; $uw_strings = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], 'UpgradeWizard'); $localization = new Localization(); $localeCoreDefaults = $localization->getLocaleConfigDefaults(); // check the current system wide default_locale_name_format and add it to the list if it's not there if(empty($sugar_config['name_formats'])) { $sugar_config['name_formats'] = $localeCoreDefaults['name_formats']; if(!rebuildConfigFile($sugar_config, $sugar_version)) { $errors[] = $uw_strings['ERR_UW_CONFIG_WRITE']; } } $currentDefaultLocaleNameFormat = $sugar_config['default_locale_name_format']; if ($localization->isAllowedNameFormat($currentDefaultLocaleNameFormat)) { upgradeLocaleNameFormat($currentDefaultLocaleNameFormat); } else { $sugar_config['default_locale_name_format'] = $localeCoreDefaults['default_locale_name_format']; if(!rebuildConfigFile($sugar_config, $sugar_version)) { $errors[] = $uw_strings['ERR_UW_CONFIG_WRITE']; } $localization->createInvalidLocaleNameFormatUpgradeNotice(); } $db = &DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $result = $db->query("SELECT id FROM users where deleted = '0'"); while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $current_user = new User(); $current_user->retrieve($row['id']); // get the user's name locale format, check if it's in our list, add it if it's not, keep it as user's default $currentUserNameFormat = $current_user->getPreference('default_locale_name_format'); if ($localization->isAllowedNameFormat($currentUserNameFormat)) { upgradeLocaleNameFormat($currentUserNameFormat); } else { $current_user->setPreference('default_locale_name_format', 's f l', 0, 'global'); $current_user->savePreferencesToDB(); } $changed = false; if(!$current_user->getPreference('calendar_publish_key')) { // set publish key if not set already $current_user->setPreference('calendar_publish_key', create_guid()); $changed = true; } // we need to force save the changes to disk, otherwise we lose them. if($changed) { $current_user->savePreferencesToDB(); } } //while } /** * Checks if a locale name format is part of the default list, if not adds it to the config * @param $name_format string a local name format string such as 's f l' * @return bool true on successful write to config file, false on failure; */ function upgradeLocaleNameFormat($name_format) { global $sugar_config, $sugar_version; $localization = new Localization(); $localeConfigDefaults = $localization->getLocaleConfigDefaults(); $uw_strings = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], 'UpgradeWizard'); if(empty($sugar_config['name_formats'])) { $sugar_config['name_formats'] = $localeConfigDefaults['name_formats']; if(!rebuildConfigFile($sugar_config, $sugar_version)) { $errors[] = $uw_strings['ERR_UW_CONFIG_WRITE']; } } if (!in_array($name_format, $sugar_config['name_formats'])) { $new_config = sugarArrayMerge($sugar_config['name_formats'], array($name_format=>$name_format)); $sugar_config['name_formats'] = $new_config; if(!rebuildConfigFile($sugar_config, $sugar_version)) { $errors[] = $uw_strings['ERR_UW_CONFIG_WRITE']; return false; } } return true; } function add_custom_modules_favorites_search(){ $module_directories = scandir('modules'); foreach($module_directories as $module_dir){ if($module_dir == '.' || $module_dir == '..' || !is_dir("modules/{$module_dir}")){ continue; } $matches = array(); preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]{1,5}_[a-z0-9_]+$/i' , $module_dir, $matches); // Make sure the module was created by module builder if(empty($matches)){ continue; } $full_module_dir = "modules/{$module_dir}/"; $read_searchdefs_from = "{$full_module_dir}/metadata/searchdefs.php"; $read_SearchFields_from = "{$full_module_dir}/metadata/SearchFields.php"; $read_custom_SearchFields_from = "custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata/SearchFields.php"; // Studio can possibly override this file, so we check for a custom version of it if(file_exists("custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata/searchdefs.php")){ $read_searchdefs_from = "custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata/searchdefs.php"; } if(file_exists($read_searchdefs_from) && file_exists($read_SearchFields_from)){ $found_sf1 = false; $found_sf2 = false; require($read_searchdefs_from); foreach($searchdefs[$module_dir]['layout']['basic_search'] as $sf_array){ if(isset($sf_array['name']) && $sf_array['name'] == 'favorites_only'){ $found_sf1 = true; } } require($read_SearchFields_from); if(isset($searchFields[$module_dir]['favorites_only'])){ $found_sf2 = true; } if(!$found_sf1 && !$found_sf2){ $searchdefs[$module_dir]['layout']['basic_search']['favorites_only'] = array('name' => 'favorites_only','label' => 'LBL_FAVORITES_FILTER','type' => 'bool',); $searchdefs[$module_dir]['layout']['advanced_search']['favorites_only'] = array('name' => 'favorites_only','label' => 'LBL_FAVORITES_FILTER','type' => 'bool',); $searchFields[$module_dir]['favorites_only'] = array( 'query_type'=>'format', 'operator' => 'subquery', 'subquery' => 'SELECT sugarfavorites.record_id FROM sugarfavorites WHERE sugarfavorites.deleted=0 and sugarfavorites.module = \''.$module_dir.'\' and sugarfavorites.assigned_user_id = \'{0}\'', 'db_field'=>array('id') ); if(!is_dir("custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata")){ mkdir_recursive("custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata"); } $success_sf1 = write_array_to_file('searchdefs', $searchdefs, "custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata/searchdefs.php"); $success_sf2 = write_array_to_file('searchFields', $searchFields, "{$full_module_dir}/metadata/SearchFields.php"); if(!$success_sf1){ logThis("add_custom_modules_favorites_search failed for searchdefs.php for {$module_dir}"); } if(!$success_sf2){ logThis("add_custom_modules_favorites_search failed for SearchFields.php for {$module_dir}"); } if($success_sf1 && $success_sf2){ logThis("add_custom_modules_favorites_search successfully updated searchdefs and searchFields for {$module_dir}"); } } } } } /** * upgradeModulesForTeamsets * * This method adds the team_set_id values to the module tables that have the new team_set_id column * added through the SugarCRM 5.5.x upgrade process. It also adds the values into the team_sets and * team_sets_teams tables. * * @param filter Array of modules to process; empty by default */ function upgradeModulesForTeamsets($filter=array()) { require('include/modules.php'); foreach($beanList as $moduleName=>$beanName) { if(!empty($filter) && array_search($moduleName, $filter) === false) { continue; } if($moduleName == 'TeamMemberships' || $moduleName == 'ForecastOpportunities'){ continue; } $bean = loadBean($moduleName); if(empty($bean) || empty($bean->table_name)) { continue; } $FieldArray = $GLOBALS['db']->helper->get_columns($bean->table_name); if(!isset($FieldArray['team_id'])) { continue; } upgradeTeamColumn($bean, 'team_id'); } //foreach //Upgrade users table $bean = loadBean('Users'); upgradeTeamColumn($bean, 'default_team'); $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT id FROM teams where deleted=0"); while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $teamset = new TeamSet(); $teamset->addTeams($row['id']); } } /** * upgradeTeamColumn * Helper function to create a team_set_id column and also set team_set_id column * to have the value of the $column_name parameter * * @param $bean SugarBean which we are adding team_set_id column to * @param $column_name The name of the column containing the default team_set_id value */ function upgradeTeamColumn($bean, $column_name) { //first let's check to ensure that the team_set_id field is defined, if not it could be the case that this is an older //module that does not use the SugarObjects if(empty($bean->field_defs['team_set_id']) && $bean->module_dir != 'Trackers'){ //at this point we could assume that since we have a team_id defined and not a team_set_id that we need to //add that field and the corresponding relationships $object = $bean->object_name; $module = $bean->module_dir; $object_name = $object; $_object_name = strtolower($object_name); if(!empty($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['table'])){ $table_name = $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['table']; }else{ $table_name = strtolower($module); } $path = 'include/SugarObjects/implements/team_security/vardefs.php'; require($path); //go through each entry in the vardefs from team_security and unset anything that is already set in the core module //this will ensure we have the proper ordering. $fieldDiff = array_diff_assoc($vardefs['fields'], $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$bean->object_name]['fields']); $file = 'custom/Extension/modules/' . $bean->module_dir. '/Ext/Vardefs/teams.php'; $contents = " $val){ $contents .= "\n\$GLOBALS['dictionary']['". $object . "']['fields']['". $key . "']=" . var_export_helper($val) . ";"; } } $relationshipDiff = array_diff_assoc($vardefs['relationships'], $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$bean->object_name]['relationships']); if(!empty($relationshipDiff)){ foreach($relationshipDiff as $key => $val){ $contents .= "\n\$GLOBALS['dictionary']['". $object . "']['relationships']['". $key . "']=" . var_export_helper($val) . ";"; } } $indexDiff = array_diff_assoc($vardefs['indices'], $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$bean->object_name]['indices']); if(!empty($indexDiff)){ foreach($indexDiff as $key => $val){ $contents .= "\n\$GLOBALS['dictionary']['". $object . "']['indices']['". $key . "']=" . var_export_helper($val) . ";"; } } if( $fh = @sugar_fopen( $file, 'wt' ) ) { fputs( $fh, $contents); fclose( $fh ); } //we have written out the teams.php into custom/Extension/modules/{$module_dir}/Ext/Vardefs/teams.php' //now let's merge back into vardefs.ext.php require_once('ModuleInstall/ModuleInstaller.php'); $mi = new ModuleInstaller(); $mi->merge_files('Ext/Vardefs/', 'vardefs.ext.php'); VardefManager::loadVardef($bean->module_dir, $bean->object_name, true); $bean->field_defs = $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$bean->object_name]['fields']; } if(isset($bean->field_defs['team_set_id'])) { //Create the team_set_id column $FieldArray = $GLOBALS['db']->helper->get_columns($bean->table_name); if(!isset($FieldArray['team_set_id'])) { $GLOBALS['db']->addColumn($bean->table_name, $bean->field_defs['team_set_id']); } $indexArray = $GLOBALS['db']->helper->get_indices($bean->table_name); $indexName = getValidDBName('idx_'.strtolower($bean->table_name).'_tmst_id', true, 34); $indexDef = array( array( 'name' => $indexName, 'type' => 'index', 'fields' => array('team_set_id') ) ); if(!isset($indexArray[$indexName])) { $GLOBALS['db']->addIndexes($bean->table_name, $indexDef); } //Update the table's team_set_id column to have the same values as team_id $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE {$bean->table_name} SET team_set_id = {$column_name}"); } } /** * Update the folder subscription table which confirms to the team security mechanism but * the class SugarFolders does not extend SugarBean and is therefore never picked up by the * upgradeModulesForTeamsets function. */ function upgradeFolderSubscriptionsTeamSetId() { logThis("In upgradeFolderSubscriptionsTeamSetId()"); $query = "UPDATE folders SET team_set_id = team_id"; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query); logThis("Finished upgradeFolderSubscriptionsTeamSetId()"); } /** * upgradeModulesForTeam * * This method update the associated_user_id, name, name_2 to the private team records on teams table * This function is used for upgrade process from 5.1.x and 5.2.x. * */ function upgradeModulesForTeam() { logThis("In upgradeModulesForTeam()"); $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT id, user_name, first_name, last_name FROM users where deleted=0"); while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $results2 = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT id FROM teams WHERE name = '({$row['user_name']})'"); $assoc = ''; if(!$assoc = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($results2)) { //if team does not exist, then lets create the team for this user $team = new Team(); $user = new User(); $user->retrieve($row['id']); $team->new_user_created($user); $team_id = $team->id; }else{ $team_id =$assoc['id']; } //upgrade the team $name = is_null($row['first_name'])?'':$row['first_name']; $name_2 = is_null($row['last_name'])?'':$row['last_name']; $associated_user_id = $row['id']; //Bug 32914 //Ensure team->name is not empty by using team->name_2 if available if(empty($name) && !empty($name_2)) { $name = $name_2; $name_2 = ''; } $query = "UPDATE teams SET name = '{$name}', name_2 = '{$name_2}', associated_user_id = '{$associated_user_id}' WHERE id = '{$team_id}'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($query); } //while //Update the team_set_id and default_team columns $ce_to_pro_or_ent = (isset($_SESSION['upgrade_from_flavor']) && ($_SESSION['upgrade_from_flavor'] == 'SugarCE to SugarPro' || $_SESSION['upgrade_from_flavor'] == 'SugarCE to SugarEnt' || $_SESSION['upgrade_from_flavor'] == 'SugarCE to SugarCorp' || $_SESSION['upgrade_from_flavor'] == 'SugarCE to SugarUlt')); //Update team_set_id if($ce_to_pro_or_ent) { $GLOBALS['db']->query("update users set team_set_id = (select teams.id from teams where teams.associated_user_id = users.id)"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("update users set default_team = (select teams.id from teams where teams.associated_user_id = users.id)"); } } function addNewSystemTabsFromUpgrade($from_dir){ global $path; if(isset($_SESSION['upgrade_from_flavor'])){ //check to see if there are any new files that need to be added to systems tab //retrieve old modules list logThis('check to see if new modules exist',$path); $oldModuleList = array(); $newModuleList = array(); include($from_dir.'/include/modules.php'); $oldModuleList = $moduleList; include('include/modules.php'); $newModuleList = $moduleList; //include tab controller require_once('modules/MySettings/TabController.php'); $newTB = new TabController(); //make sure new modules list has a key we can reference directly $newModuleList = $newTB->get_key_array($newModuleList); $oldModuleList = $newTB->get_key_array($oldModuleList); //iterate through list and remove commonalities to get new modules foreach ($newModuleList as $remove_mod){ if(in_array($remove_mod, $oldModuleList)){ unset($newModuleList[$remove_mod]); } } //new modules list now has left over modules which are new to this install, so lets add them to the system tabs logThis('new modules to add are '.var_export($newModuleList,true),$path); if(!empty($newModuleList)) { //grab the existing system tabs $tabs = $newTB->get_system_tabs(); //add the new tabs to the array foreach($newModuleList as $nm ){ $tabs[$nm] = $nm; } $newTB->set_system_tabs($tabs); } logThis('module tabs updated',$path); } } /** * fix_dropdown_list * This method attempts to fix dropdown lists that were incorrectly named. * There were versions of SugarCRM that did not enforce naming convention rules * for the dropdown list field name. This method attempts to resolve that by * fixing the language files that may have been affected and then updating the * fields_meta_data table accordingly. It also refreshes any vardefs that may * have been affected. * */ function fix_dropdown_list() { if(file_exists('custom/include/language')) { $files = array(); $affected_modules = array(); $affected_keys = array(); getFiles($files, 'custom/include/language', '/\.php$/i'); foreach($files as $file) { if(file_exists($file . '.bak')) { $bak_mod_time = filemtime($file . '.bak'); $php_mod_time = filemtime($file); //We're saying if the .php file was modified 30 seconds no more than php.bak file then we //run these additional cleanup checks if($php_mod_time - $bak_mod_time < 30) { $app_list_strings = array(); $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] = array(); require($file . '.bak'); $bak_app_list_strings = array_merge($app_list_strings, $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']); $app_list_strings = array(); $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] = array(); require($file); $php_app_list_strings = array_merge($app_list_strings, $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']); //Get the file contents $contents = file_get_contents($file); //Now simulate a fix for the file before we compare w/ the .php file //we also append to the $contents foreach($bak_app_list_strings as $key=>$entry) { if(preg_match('/([^A-Za-z_])/', $key, $matches) && is_array($entry)) { $new_key = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z_]/', '_', $key); $bak_app_list_strings[$new_key] = $bak_app_list_strings[$key]; unset($bak_app_list_strings[$key]); //Now if the entry doesn't exists in the .php file, then add to contents if(!isset($php_app_list_strings[$new_key])) { $contents .= "\n\$GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['{$new_key}'] = " . var_export_helper($bak_app_list_strings[$new_key]) . ";"; } } //if } //foreach //Now load the .php file to do the comparison foreach($php_app_list_strings as $key=>$entry) { if(isset($bak_app_list_strings[$key])) { $diff = array_diff($bak_app_list_strings[$key], $entry); if(!empty($diff)) { //There is a difference, so copy the $bak_app_list_strings version into the .php file $contents .= "\n\$GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['{$key}'] = " . var_export_helper($bak_app_list_strings[$key]) . ";"; } //if } //if } //foreach //Now write out the file contents //Create backup just in case copy($file, $file . '.php_bak'); $fp = @sugar_fopen($file, 'w'); if($fp) { fwrite($fp, $contents); fclose($fp); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->error("Unable to update file contents in fix_dropdown_list for {$file}"); } //if-else } } unset($GLOBALS['app_strings']); unset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']); $app_list_strings = array(); require($file); $touched = false; $contents = file_get_contents($file); if ( !isset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']) ) { $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] = $app_list_strings; } else { $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] = array_merge($app_list_strings, $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']); } if(isset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']) && is_array($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] as $key=>$entry) { if(preg_match('/([^A-Za-z_])/', $key, $matches) && is_array($entry)) { $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT custom_module FROM fields_meta_data WHERE ext1 = '{$key}'"); if(!empty($result)) { while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $custom_module = $row['custom_module']; if(!empty($GLOBALS['beanList'][$custom_module])) { $affected_modules[$custom_module] = $GLOBALS['beanList'][$custom_module]; } } //while } //Replace all invalid characters with '_' character $new_key = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z_]/', '_', $key); $affected_keys[$key] = $new_key; $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$new_key] = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$key]; unset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$key]); $pattern_match = "/(\[\s*\'{$key}\'\s*\])/"; $new_key = "['{$new_key}']"; $out = preg_replace($pattern_match, $new_key, $contents); $contents = $out; $touched = true; } //if } //foreach //This is a check for g => h instances where the file contents were incorrectly written //and also fixes the scenario where via a UI upgrade, the app_list_strings were incorrectly //merged with app_list_strings variables declared elsewhere if(!$touched) { if(preg_match('/\$GLOBALS\s*\[\s*[\"|\']app_list_strings[\"|\']\s*\]\s*=\s*array\s*\(/', $contents)) { //Now also remove all the non-custom labels that were added if(preg_match('/language\/([^\.]+)\.lang\.php$/', $file, $matches)) { $language = $matches[1]; $app_list_strings = array(); if(file_exists("include/language/$language.lang.php")) { include("include/language/$language.lang.php"); } if(file_exists("include/language/$language.lang.override.php")) { $app_list_strings = _mergeCustomAppListStrings("include/language/$language.lang.override.php" , $app_list_strings) ; } if(file_exists("custom/application/Ext/Language/$language.ext.lang.php")) { $app_list_strings = _mergeCustomAppListStrings("custom/application/Ext/Language/$language.ext.lang.php" , $app_list_strings) ; } if(file_exists("custom/application/Ext/Language/$language.lang.ext.php")) { $app_list_strings = _mergeCustomAppListStrings("custom/application/Ext/Language/$language.lang.ext.php" , $app_list_strings) ; } $all_non_custom_include_language_strings = $app_strings; $all_non_custom_include_language_list_strings = $app_list_strings; $unset_keys = array(); if(!empty($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] as $key=>$value) { $diff = array(); if(isset($all_non_custom_include_language_list_strings[$key])) { $diff = array_diff($all_non_custom_include_language_list_strings[$key], $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$key]); } if(!empty($all_non_custom_include_language_list_strings[$key]) && empty($diff)) { $unset_keys[] = $key; } } } foreach($unset_keys as $key) { unset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$key]); } if(!empty($GLOBALS['app_strings'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['app_strings'] as $key=>$value) { if(!empty($all_non_custom_include_language_strings[$key])) { unset($GLOBALS['app_strings'][$key]); } } } } //if(preg_match...) $out = "$entry) { $out .= "\n\$GLOBALS['app_strings']['$key']=" . var_export_helper($entry) . ";"; } } foreach($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] as $key=>$entry) { $out .= "\n\$GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['$key']=" . var_export_helper($entry) . ";"; } //foreach $touched = true; } //if(preg_match...) } //if(!$touched) if($touched) { //Create a backup just in case copy($file, $file . '.bak'); $fp = @sugar_fopen($file, 'w'); if($fp) { fwrite($fp, $out); fclose($fp); } else { //If we can't update the file, just return $GLOBALS['log']->error("Unable to update file contents in fix_dropdown_list."); return; } } //if($touched) } //if } //foreach($files) //Update db entries (the order matters here... need to process database changes first) if(!empty($affected_keys)) { foreach($affected_keys as $old_key=>$new_key) { $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE fields_meta_data SET ext1 = '{$new_key}' WHERE ext1 = '{$old_key}'"); } } //Update vardef files for affected modules if(!empty($affected_modules)) { foreach($affected_modules as $module=>$object) { VardefManager::refreshVardefs($module, $object); } } } } function update_iframe_dashlets(){ require_once(sugar_cached('dashlets/dashlets.php')); $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $query = "SELECT id, contents, assigned_user_id FROM user_preferences WHERE deleted = 0 AND category = 'Home'"; $result = $db->query($query, true, "Unable to update new default dashlets! "); while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $content = unserialize(base64_decode($row['contents'])); $assigned_user_id = $row['assigned_user_id']; $record_id = $row['id']; $current_user = new User(); $current_user->retrieve($row['assigned_user_id']); if(!empty($content['dashlets']) && !empty($content['pages'])){ $originalDashlets = $content['dashlets']; foreach($originalDashlets as $key => $ds){ if(!empty($ds['options']['url']) && stristr($ds['options']['url'],'http://www.sugarcrm.com/crm/product/gopro')){ unset($originalDashlets[$key]); } } $current_user->setPreference('dashlets', $originalDashlets, 0, 'Home'); } } } /** * convertImageToText * @deprecated * This method attempts to convert date type image to text on Microsoft SQL Server. * This method could NOT be used in any other type of datebases. */ function convertImageToText($table_name,$column_name){ $set_lang = "SET LANGUAGE us_english"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($set_lang); if($GLOBALS['db']->lastError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$set_lang); } $q="SELECT data_type FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables T JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns C ON T.TABLE_NAME = C.TABLE_NAME where T.TABLE_NAME = '$table_name' and C.COLUMN_NAME = '$column_name'"; $res= $GLOBALS['db']->query($q); if($GLOBALS['db']->lastError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$q); } $row= $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($res); if(trim(strtolower($row['data_type'])) == 'image'){ $addContent_temp = "alter table {$table_name} add {$column_name}_temp text null"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($addContent_temp); if($GLOBALS['db']->lastError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$addContent_temp); } $qN = "select count=datalength({$column_name}), id, {$column_name} from {$table_name}"; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($qN); while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result)){ if($row['count'] >8000){ $contentLength = $row['count']; $start = 1; $next=8000; $convertedContent = ''; while($contentLength >0){ $stepsQuery = "select cont=convert(varchar(max), convert(varbinary(8000), substring({$column_name},{$start},{$next}))) from {$table_name} where id= '{$row['id']}'"; $steContQ = $GLOBALS['db']->query($stepsQuery); if($GLOBALS['db']->lastError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$stepsQuery); } $stepCont = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($steContQ); if(isset($stepCont['cont'])){ $convertedContent = $convertedContent.$stepCont['cont']; } $start = $start+$next; $contentLength = $contentLength - $next; } $addContentDataText="update {$table_name} set {$column_name}_temp = '{$convertedContent}' where id= '{$row['id']}'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($addContentDataText); if($GLOBALS['db']->lastError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$addContentDataText); } } else{ $addContentDataText="update {$table_name} set {$column_name}_temp = convert(varchar(max), convert(varbinary(8000), {$column_name})) where id= '{$row['id']}'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($addContentDataText); if($GLOBALS['db']->lastError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$addContentDataText); } } } //drop the contents now and change contents_temp to contents $dropColumn = "alter table {$table_name} drop column {$column_name}"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($dropColumn); if($GLOBALS['db']->lastError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$dropColumn); } $changeColumnName = "EXEC sp_rename '{$table_name}.[{$column_name}_temp]','{$column_name}','COLUMN'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($changeColumnName); if($GLOBALS['db']->lastError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$changeColumnName); } } } /** * clearHelpFiles * This method attempts to delete all English inline help files. * This method was introduced by 5.5.0RC2. */ function clearHelpFiles(){ $modulePath = clean_path(getcwd() . '/modules'); $allHelpFiles = array(); getFiles($allHelpFiles, $modulePath, "/en_us.help.*/"); foreach( $allHelpFiles as $the_file ){ if( is_file( $the_file ) ){ unlink( $the_file ); logThis("Deleted file: $the_file"); } } } /** * upgradeDateTimeFields * * This method came from bug: 39757 where the date_end field is a date field and not a datetime field * which prevents you from performing timezone offset calculations once the data has been saved. * * @param path String location to log file, empty by default */ function upgradeDateTimeFields($path) { //bug: 39757 global $db; $meetingsSql = "UPDATE meetings SET date_end = ".$db->convert("date_start", 'add_time', array('duration_hours', 'duration_minutes')); $callsSql = "UPDATE calls SET date_end = ".$db->convert("date_start", 'add_time', array('duration_hours', 'duration_minutes')); logThis('upgradeDateTimeFields Meetings SQL:' . $meetingsSql, $path); $db->query($meetingsSql); logThis('upgradeDateTimeFields Calls SQL:' . $callsSql, $path); $db->query($callsSql); } /** * upgradeDocumentTypeFields * */ function upgradeDocumentTypeFields($path){ //bug: 39757 global $db; $documentsSql = "UPDATE documents SET doc_type = 'Sugar' WHERE doc_type IS NULL"; $meetingsSql = "UPDATE meetings SET type = 'Sugar' WHERE type IS NULL"; logThis('upgradeDocumentTypeFields Documents SQL:' . $documentsSql, $path); $db->query($documentsSql); logThis('upgradeDocumentTypeFields Meetings SQL:' . $meetingsSql, $path); $db->query($meetingsSql); } /** * merge_config_si_settings * This method checks for the presence of a config_si.php file and, if found, merges the configuration * settings from the config_si.php file into config.php. If a config_si_location parameter value is not * supplied it will attempt to discover the config_si.php file location from where the executing script * was invoked. * * @param write_to_upgrade_log boolean optional value to write to the upgradeWizard.log file * @param config_location String optional value to config.php file location * @param config_si_location String optional value to config_si.php file location * @param path String file of the location of log file to write to * @return boolean value indicating whether or not a merge was attempted with config_si.php file */ function merge_config_si_settings($write_to_upgrade_log=false, $config_location='', $config_si_location='', $path='') { if(!empty($config_location) && !file_exists($config_location)) { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('config.php file specified in ' . $config_si_location . ' could not be found. Skip merging', $path); } return false; } else if(empty($config_location)) { global $argv; //We are assuming this is from the silentUpgrade scripts so argv[3] will point to SugarCRM install location if(isset($argv[3]) && is_dir($argv[3])) { $config_location = $argv[3] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php'; } } //If config_location is still empty or if the file cannot be found, skip merging if(empty($config_location) || !file_exists($config_location)) { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('config.php file at (' . $config_location . ') could not be found. Skip merging.', $path); } return false; } else { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('Loading config.php file at (' . $config_location . ') for merging.', $path); } include($config_location); if(empty($sugar_config)) { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('config.php contents are empty. Skip merging.', $path); } return false; } } if(!empty($config_si_location) && !file_exists($config_si_location)) { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('config_si.php file specified in ' . $config_si_location . ' could not be found. Skip merging', $path); } return false; } else if(empty($config_si_location)) { if(isset($argv[0]) && is_file($argv[0])) { $php_file = $argv[0]; $p_info = pathinfo($php_file); $php_dir = (isset($p_info['dirname']) && $p_info['dirname'] != '.') ? $p_info['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : ''; $config_si_location = $php_dir . 'config_si.php'; } } //If config_si_location is still empty or if the file cannot be found, skip merging if(empty($config_si_location) || !file_exists($config_si_location)) { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('config_si.php file at (' . $config_si_location . ') could not be found. Skip merging.', $path); } return false; } else { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('Loading config_si.php file at (' . $config_si_location . ') for merging.', $path); } include($config_si_location); if(empty($sugar_config_si)) { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('config_si.php contents are empty. Skip merging.', $path); } return false; } } //Now perform the merge operation $modified = false; foreach($sugar_config_si as $key=>$value) { if(!preg_match('/^setup_/', $key) && !isset($sugar_config[$key])) { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('Merge key (' . $key . ') with value (' . $value . ')', $path); } $sugar_config[$key] = $value; $modified = true; } } if($modified) { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('Update config.php file with new values', $path); } if(!write_array_to_file("sugar_config", $sugar_config, $config_location)) { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('*** ERROR: could not write to config.php', $path); } return false; } } else { if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('config.php values are in sync with config_si.php values. Skipped merging.', $path); } return false; } if($write_to_upgrade_log) { logThis('End merge_config_si_settings', $path); } return true; } /** * upgrade_connectors * * This function handles support for upgrading connectors it is invoked from both end.php and silentUpgrade_step2.php * */ function upgrade_connectors() { require_once('include/connectors/utils/ConnectorUtils.php'); if(!ConnectorUtils::updateMetaDataFiles()) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Cannot update metadata files for connectors'); } //Delete the custom connectors.php file if it exists so that it may be properly rebuilt if(file_exists('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata/connectors.php')) { unlink('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata/connectors.php'); } } /** * Enable the InsideView connector for the four default modules. */ function upgradeEnableInsideViewConnector($path='') { logThis('Begin upgradeEnableInsideViewConnector', $path); // Load up the existing mapping and hand it to the InsideView connector to have it setup the correct logic hooks $mapFile = 'modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/ext/rest/insideview/mapping.php'; if ( file_exists('custom/'.$mapFile) ) { logThis('Found CUSTOM mappings', $path); require('custom/'.$mapFile); } else { logThis('Used default mapping', $path); require($mapFile); } require_once('include/connectors/sources/SourceFactory.php'); $source = SourceFactory::getSource('ext_rest_insideview'); // $mapping is brought in from the mapping.php file above $source->saveMappingHook($mapping); require_once('include/connectors/utils/ConnectorUtils.php'); ConnectorUtils::installSource('ext_rest_insideview'); // Now time to set the various modules to active, because this part ignores the default config require(CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE); // $modules_sources come from that config file foreach ( $source->allowedModuleList as $module ) { $modules_sources[$module]['ext_rest_insideview'] = 'ext_rest_insideview'; } if(!write_array_to_file('modules_sources', $modules_sources, CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE)) { //Log error and return empty array logThis("Cannot write \$modules_sources to " . CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE,$path); } logThis('End upgradeEnableInsideViewConnector', $path); } function repair_long_relationship_names($path='') { logThis("Begin repair_long_relationship_names", $path); require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/DeployedRelationships.php' ; $GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables'] = false; $touched = array(); foreach($GLOBALS['moduleList'] as $module) { $relationships = new DeployedRelationships ($module) ; foreach($relationships->getRelationshipList() as $rel_name) { if (strlen($rel_name) > 27 && empty($touched[$rel_name])) { logThis("Rebuilding relationship fields for $rel_name", $path); $touched[$rel_name] = true; $rel_obj = $relationships->get($rel_name); $rel_obj->setReadonly(false); $relationships->delete($rel_name); $relationships->save(); $relationships->add($rel_obj); $relationships->save(); $relationships->build () ; } } } logThis("End repair_long_relationship_names", $path); } function removeSilentUpgradeVarsCache(){ global $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded; $cacheFileDir = "{$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir']}/silentUpgrader"; $cacheFile = "{$cacheFileDir}/silentUpgradeCache.php"; if(file_exists($cacheFile)){ unlink($cacheFile); } $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded = array(); // Set to empty to reset it return true; } function loadSilentUpgradeVars(){ global $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded; if(empty($silent_upgrade_vars_loaded)){ $cacheFile = "{$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir']}/silentUpgrader/silentUpgradeCache.php"; // We have no pre existing vars if(!file_exists($cacheFile)){ // Set the vars array so it's loaded $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded = array('vars' => array()); } else{ require_once($cacheFile); $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded = $silent_upgrade_vars_cache; } } return true; } function writeSilentUpgradeVars(){ global $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded; if(empty($silent_upgrade_vars_loaded)){ return false; // You should have set some values before trying to write the silent upgrade vars } $cacheFileDir = "{$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir']}/silentUpgrader"; $cacheFile = "{$cacheFileDir}/silentUpgradeCache.php"; require_once('include/dir_inc.php'); if(!mkdir_recursive($cacheFileDir)){ return false; } require_once('include/utils/file_utils.php'); if(!write_array_to_file('silent_upgrade_vars_cache', $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded, $cacheFile, 'w')){ global $path; logThis("WARNING: writeSilentUpgradeVars could not write to {$cacheFile}", $path); return false; } return true; } function setSilentUpgradeVar($var, $value){ if(!loadSilentUpgradeVars()){ return false; } global $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded; $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded['vars'][$var] = $value; return true; } function getSilentUpgradeVar($var){ if(!loadSilentUpgradeVars()){ return false; } global $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded; if(!isset($silent_upgrade_vars_loaded['vars'][$var])){ return null; } else{ return $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded['vars'][$var]; } } /** * add_unified_search_to_custom_modules_vardefs * * This method calls the repair code to remove the unified_search_modules.php fiel * */ function add_unified_search_to_custom_modules_vardefs() { if(file_exists($cachefile = sugar_cached('modules/unified_search_modules.php'))) { unlink($cachefile); } } /** * change from using the older SugarCache in 6.1 and below to the new one in 6.2 */ function upgradeSugarCache($file) { global $sugar_config; $cacheUploadUpgradesTemp = mk_temp_dir(sugar_cached('upgrades/temp')); unzip($file, $cacheUploadUpgradesTemp); if(!file_exists(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/manifest.php"))) { logThis("*** ERROR: no manifest file detected while bootstraping upgrade wizard files!"); return; } else { include(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/manifest.php")); } $from_dir = "{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}"; $allFiles = array(); if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/SugarCache")) { $allFiles = findAllFiles("$from_dir/include/SugarCache", $allFiles); } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/database")) { $allFiles = findAllFiles("$from_dir/include/database", $allFiles); } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/utils/external_cache.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/include/utils/external_cache.php"; } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php"; } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php"; } if(file_exists("$from_dir/include/utils/autoloader.php")) { $allFiles[] = "$from_dir/include/utils/autoloader.php"; } foreach($allFiles as $k => $file) { $destFile = str_replace($from_dir."/", "", $file); if(!is_dir(dirname($destFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($destFile)); // make sure the directory exists } if ( stristr($file,'uw_main.tpl') ) logThis('Skipping "'.$file.'" - file copy will during commit step.'); else { logThis('updating UpgradeWizard code: '.$destFile); copy_recursive($file, $destFile); } } } /** * unlinkUpgradeFiles * This is a helper function to clean up * * @param $version String value of current system version (pre upgrade) */ function unlinkUpgradeFiles($version) { if(!isset($version)) { return; } //First check if we even have the scripts_for_patch/files_to_remove directory require_once('modules/UpgradeWizard/UpgradeRemoval.php'); /* if(empty($_SESSION['unzip_dir'])) { global $sugar_config; $base_upgrade_dir = $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . "/upgrades"; $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; $_SESSION['unzip_dir'] = mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir ); } */ if(isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) && file_exists($_SESSION['unzip_dir'].'/scripts/files_to_remove')) { $files_to_remove = glob($_SESSION['unzip_dir'].'/scripts/files_to_remove/*.php'); foreach($files_to_remove as $script) { if(preg_match('/UpgradeRemoval(\d+)x\.php/', $script, $matches)) { $upgradeClass = 'UpgradeRemoval' . $matches[1] . 'x'; require_once($_SESSION['unzip_dir'].'/scripts/files_to_remove/' . $upgradeClass . '.php'); if (class_exists($upgradeClass) == false) { continue; } //Check to make sure we should load and run this UpgradeRemoval instance $upgradeInstance = new $upgradeClass(); if ($upgradeInstance instanceof UpgradeRemoval && version_compare($upgradeInstance->version, $version, '<=')) { logThis('Running UpgradeRemoval instance ' . $upgradeClass); logThis('Files will be backed up to custom/backup'); $files = $upgradeInstance->getFilesToRemove($version); foreach($files as $file) { logThis($file); } $upgradeInstance->processFilesToRemove($files); } } } } //Check if we have a custom directory if(file_exists('custom/scripts/files_to_remove')) { //Now find $files_to_remove = glob('custom/scripts/files_to_remove/*.php'); foreach($files_to_remove as $script) { if(preg_match('/\/files_to_remove\/(.*?)\.php$/', $script, $matches)) { require_once($script); $upgradeClass = $matches[1]; if(!class_exists($upgradeClass)) { continue; } $upgradeInstance = new $upgradeClass(); if($upgradeInstance instanceof UpgradeRemoval) { logThis('Running Custom UpgradeRemoval instance ' . $upgradeClass); $files = $upgradeInstance->getFilesToRemove($version); foreach($files as $file) { logThis($file); } $upgradeInstance->processFilesToRemove($files); } } } } } if (!function_exists("getValidDBName")) { /* * Return a version of $proposed that can be used as a column name in any of our supported databases * Practically this means no longer than 25 characters as the smallest identifier length for our supported DBs is 30 chars for Oracle plus we add on at least four characters in some places (for indicies for example) * @param string $name Proposed name for the column * @param string $ensureUnique * @return string Valid column name trimmed to right length and with invalid characters removed */ function getValidDBName ($name, $ensureUnique = false, $maxLen = 30) { // first strip any invalid characters - all but alphanumerics and - $name = preg_replace ( '/[^\w-]+/i', '', $name ) ; $len = strlen ( $name ) ; $result = $name; if ($ensureUnique) { $md5str = md5($name); $tail = substr ( $name, -11) ; $temp = substr($md5str , strlen($md5str)-4 ); $result = substr ( $name, 0, 10) . $temp . $tail ; }else if ($len > ($maxLen - 5)) { $result = substr ( $name, 0, 11) . substr ( $name, 11 - $maxLen + 5); } return strtolower ( $result ) ; } } /** * Get UW directories * Provides compatibility with both 6.3 and pre-6.3 setup */ function getUWDirs() { if(!class_exists('UploadStream')) { // we're still running the old code global $sugar_config; return array($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . "/upgrades", $sugar_config['cache_dir'] . "upload/upgrades/temp"); } else { if(!in_array("upload", stream_get_wrappers())) { UploadStream::register(); // just in case file was copied, but not run } return array("upload://upgrades", sugar_cached("upgrades/temp")); } } /** * Whether directory exists within list of directories to skip * @param string $dir dir to be checked * @param array $skipDirs list with skipped dirs * @return boolean */ function whetherNeedToSkipDir($dir, $skipDirs) { foreach($skipDirs as $skipMe) { if(strpos( clean_path($dir), $skipMe ) !== false) { return true; } } return false; } /* * rebuildSprites * @param silentUpgrade boolean flag indicating whether or not we should treat running the SugarSpriteBuilder as an upgrade operation * */ function rebuildSprites($fromUpgrade=true) { require_once('modules/Administration/SugarSpriteBuilder.php'); $sb = new SugarSpriteBuilder(); $sb->cssMinify = true; $sb->fromSilentUpgrade = $fromUpgrade; $sb->silentRun = $fromUpgrade; // add common image directories $sb->addDirectory('default', 'include/images'); $sb->addDirectory('default', 'themes/default/images'); $sb->addDirectory('default', 'themes/default/images/SugarLogic'); // add all theme image directories if($dh = opendir('themes')) { while (($dir = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($dir != "." && $dir != ".." && $dir != 'default' && is_dir('themes/'.$dir)) { $sb->addDirectory($dir, "themes/{$dir}/images"); } } closedir($dh); } // add all theme custom image directories $custom_themes_dir = "custom/themes"; if (is_dir($custom_themes_dir)) { if($dh = opendir($custom_themes_dir)) { while (($dir = readdir($dh)) !== false) { //Since the custom theme directories don't require an images directory // we check for it implicitly if ($dir != "." && $dir != ".." && is_dir('custom/themes/'.$dir."/images")) { $sb->addDirectory($dir, "custom/themes/{$dir}/images"); } } closedir($dh); } } // generate the sprite goodies // everything is saved into cache/sprites $sb->createSprites(); } /** * repairSearchFields * * This method goes through the list of SearchFields files based and calls TemplateRange::repairCustomSearchFields * method on the files in an attempt to ensure the range search attributes are properly set in SearchFields.php. * * @param $globString String value used for glob search defaults to searching for all SearchFields.php files in modules directory * @param $path String value used to point to log file should logging be required. Defaults to empty. * */ function repairSearchFields($globString='modules/*/metadata/SearchFields.php', $path='') { if(!empty($path)) { logThis('Begin repairSearchFields', $path); } require_once('include/dir_inc.php'); require_once('modules/DynamicFields/templates/Fields/TemplateRange.php'); require('include/modules.php'); global $beanList; $searchFieldsFiles = glob($globString); foreach($searchFieldsFiles as $file) { if(preg_match('/modules\/(.*?)\/metadata\/SearchFields\.php/', $file, $matches) && isset($beanList[$matches[1]])) { $module = $matches[1]; $beanName = $beanList[$module]; VardefManager::loadVardef($module, $beanName); if(isset($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$beanName]['fields'])) { if(!empty($path)) { logThis('Calling TemplateRange::repairCustomSearchFields for module ' . $module, $path); } TemplateRange::repairCustomSearchFields($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$beanName]['fields'], $module); } } } if(!empty($path)) { logThis('End repairSearchFields', $path); } } /** * repairUpgradeHistoryTable * * This is a helper function used in the upgrade process to fix upgrade_history entries so that the filename column points * to the new upload directory location introduced in 6.4 versions */ function repairUpgradeHistoryTable() { require_once('modules/Configurator/Configurator.php'); new Configurator(); global $sugar_config; //Now upgrade the upgrade_history table entries $results = $GLOBALS['db']->query('SELECT id, filename FROM upgrade_history'); $upload_dir = $sugar_config['cache_dir'].'upload/'; //Create regular expression string to $match = '/^' . str_replace('/', '\/', $upload_dir) . '(.*?)$/'; while(($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($results))) { $file = str_replace('//', '/', $row['filename']); //Strip out double-paths that may exist if(!empty($file) && preg_match($match, $file, $matches)) { //Update new file location to use the new $sugar_config['upload_dir'] value $new_file_location = $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $matches[1]; $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE upgrade_history SET filename = '{$new_file_location}' WHERE id = '{$row['id']}'"); } } }