authenticationDir.'/' . $this->userAuthenticateClass . '.php')) { require_once('custom/modules/Users/authentication/'.$this->authenticationDir.'/' . $this->userAuthenticateClass . '.php'); } elseif (file_exists('modules/Users/authentication/'.$this->authenticationDir.'/' . $this->userAuthenticateClass . '.php')) { require_once('modules/Users/authentication/'.$this->authenticationDir.'/' . $this->userAuthenticateClass . '.php'); } $this->userAuthenticate = new $this->userAuthenticateClass(); } /** * Authenticates a user based on the username and password * returns true if the user was authenticated false otherwise * it also will load the user into current user if he was authenticated * * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return boolean */ function loginAuthenticate($username, $password, $fallback=false, $PARAMS = array ()){ global $mod_strings; unset($_SESSION['login_error']); $usr= new user(); $usr_id=$usr->retrieve_user_id($username); $usr->retrieve($usr_id); $_SESSION['login_error']=''; $_SESSION['waiting_error']=''; $_SESSION['hasExpiredPassword']='0'; if ($this->userAuthenticate->loadUserOnLogin($username, $password, $fallback, $PARAMS)) { require_once('modules/Users/password_utils.php'); if(hasPasswordExpired($username)) { $_SESSION['hasExpiredPassword'] = '1'; } // now that user is authenticated, reset loginfailed if ($usr->getPreference('loginfailed') != '' && $usr->getPreference('loginfailed') != 0) { $usr->setPreference('loginfailed','0'); $usr->savePreferencesToDB(); } return $this->postLoginAuthenticate(); } else { if(!empty($usr_id) && $res['lockoutexpiration'] > 0){ if (($logout=$usr->getPreference('loginfailed'))=='') $usr->setPreference('loginfailed','1'); else $usr->setPreference('loginfailed',$logout+1); $usr->savePreferencesToDB(); } } if(strtolower(get_class($this)) != 'sugarauthenticate'){ $sa = new SugarAuthenticate(); $error = (!empty($_SESSION['login_error']))?$_SESSION['login_error']:''; if($sa->loginAuthenticate($username, $password, true, $PARAMS)){ return true; } $_SESSION['login_error'] = $error; } $_SESSION['login_user_name'] = $username; $_SESSION['login_password'] = $password; if(empty($_SESSION['login_error'])){ $_SESSION['login_error'] = translate('ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD', 'Users'); } return false; } /** * Once a user is authenticated on login this function will be called. Populate the session with what is needed and log anything that needs to be logged * */ function postLoginAuthenticate(){ global $reset_theme_on_default_user, $reset_language_on_default_user, $sugar_config; //THIS SECTION IS TO ENSURE VERSIONS ARE UPTODATE require_once ('modules/Versions/CheckVersions.php'); $invalid_versions = get_invalid_versions(); if (!empty ($invalid_versions)) { if (isset ($invalid_versions['Rebuild Relationships'])) { unset ($invalid_versions['Rebuild Relationships']); // flag for pickup in DisplayWarnings.php $_SESSION['rebuild_relationships'] = true; } if (isset ($invalid_versions['Rebuild Extensions'])) { unset ($invalid_versions['Rebuild Extensions']); // flag for pickup in DisplayWarnings.php $_SESSION['rebuild_extensions'] = true; } $_SESSION['invalid_versions'] = $invalid_versions; } //just do a little house cleaning here unset($_SESSION['login_password']); unset($_SESSION['login_error']); unset($_SESSION['login_user_name']); unset($_SESSION['ACL']); //set the server unique key if (isset ($sugar_config['unique_key']))$_SESSION['unique_key'] = $sugar_config['unique_key']; //set user language if (isset ($reset_language_on_default_user) && $reset_language_on_default_user && $GLOBALS['current_user']->user_name == $sugar_config['default_user_name']) { $authenticated_user_language = $sugar_config['default_language']; } else { $authenticated_user_language = isset($_REQUEST['login_language']) ? $_REQUEST['login_language'] : (isset ($_REQUEST['ck_login_language_20']) ? $_REQUEST['ck_login_language_20'] : $sugar_config['default_language']); } $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'] = $authenticated_user_language; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("authenticated_user_language is $authenticated_user_language"); // Clear all uploaded import files for this user if it exists require_once('modules/Import/ImportCacheFiles.php'); $tmp_file_name = ImportCacheFiles::getImportDir()."/IMPORT_" . $GLOBALS['current_user']->id; if (file_exists($tmp_file_name)) { unlink($tmp_file_name); } return true; } /** * On every page hit this will be called to ensure a user is authenticated * @return boolean */ function sessionAuthenticate(){ global $module, $action, $allowed_actions; $authenticated = false; $allowed_actions = array ("Authenticate", "Login"); // these are actions where the user/server keys aren't compared if (isset ($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("We have an authenticated user id: ".$_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"]); $authenticated = $this->postSessionAuthenticate(); } else if (isset ($action) && isset ($module) && $action == "Authenticate" && $module == "Users") { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("We are authenticating user now"); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("The current user does not have a session. Going to the login page"); $action = "Login"; $module = "Users"; $_REQUEST['action'] = $action; $_REQUEST['module'] = $module; } if (empty ($GLOBALS['current_user']->id) && !in_array($action, $allowed_actions)) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("The current user is not logged in going to login page"); $action = "Login"; $module = "Users"; $_REQUEST['action'] = $action; $_REQUEST['module'] = $module; } if($authenticated && ((empty($_REQUEST['module']) || empty($_REQUEST['action'])) || ($_REQUEST['module'] != 'Users' || $_REQUEST['action'] != 'Logout'))){ $this->validateIP(); } return $authenticated; } /** * Called after a session is authenticated - if this returns false the sessionAuthenticate will return false and destroy the session * and it will load the current user * @return boolean */ function postSessionAuthenticate(){ global $action, $allowed_actions, $sugar_config; $_SESSION['userTime']['last'] = time(); $user_unique_key = (isset ($_SESSION['unique_key'])) ? $_SESSION['unique_key'] : ''; $server_unique_key = (isset ($sugar_config['unique_key'])) ? $sugar_config['unique_key'] : ''; //CHECK IF USER IS CROSSING SITES if (($user_unique_key != $server_unique_key) && (!in_array($action, $allowed_actions)) && (!isset ($_SESSION['login_error']))) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Destroying Session User has crossed Sites'); session_destroy(); header("Location: index.php?action=Login&module=Users".$GLOBALS['app']->getLoginRedirect()); sugar_cleanup(true); } if (!$this->userAuthenticate->loadUserOnSession($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { session_destroy(); header("Location: index.php?action=Login&module=Users&loginErrorMessage=LBL_SESSION_EXPIRED"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Current user session does not exist redirecting to login'); sugar_cleanup(true); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Current user is: '.$GLOBALS['current_user']->user_name); return true; } /** * Make sure a user isn't stealing sessions so check the ip to ensure that the ip address hasn't dramatically changed * */ function validateIP() { global $sugar_config; // grab client ip address $clientIP = query_client_ip(); $classCheck = 0; // check to see if config entry is present, if not, verify client ip if (!isset ($sugar_config['verify_client_ip']) || $sugar_config['verify_client_ip'] == true) { // check to see if we've got a current ip address in $_SESSION // and check to see if the session has been hijacked by a foreign ip if (isset ($_SESSION["ipaddress"])) { $session_parts = explode(".", $_SESSION["ipaddress"]); $client_parts = explode(".", $clientIP); if(count($session_parts) < 4) { $classCheck = 0; } else { // match class C IP addresses for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i ++) { if ($session_parts[$i] == $client_parts[$i]) { $classCheck = 1; continue; } else { $classCheck = 0; break; } } } // we have a different IP address if ($_SESSION["ipaddress"] != $clientIP && empty ($classCheck)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("IP Address mismatch: SESSION IP: {$_SESSION['ipaddress']} CLIENT IP: {$clientIP}"); session_destroy(); die("Your session was terminated due to a significant change in your IP address. Return to Home"); } } else { $_SESSION["ipaddress"] = $clientIP; } } } /** * Called when a user requests to logout * */ function logout(){ session_destroy(); ob_clean(); header('Location: index.php?module=Users&action=Login'); sugar_cleanup(true); } /** * Encodes a users password. This is a static function and can be called at any time. * * @param STRING $password * @return STRING $encoded_password */ function encodePassword($password){ return strtolower(md5($password)); } /** * If a user may change there password through the Sugar UI * */ function canChangePassword(){ return true; } /** * If a user may change there user name through the Sugar UI * */ function canChangeUserName(){ return true; } /** * pre_login * * This function allows the SugarAuthenticate subclasses to perform some pre login initialization as needed */ function pre_login() { if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { ob_clean(); // fixing bug #46837: Previosly links/URLs to records in Sugar from MSO Excel/Word were referred to the home screen and not the record // It used to appear when default browser was not MS IE header("Location: ".$GLOBALS['app']->getLoginRedirect()); sugar_cleanup(true); } } }