Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 19:08:00 +0200 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki 1.3.14-20080124) Content-Type: application/x-phpwiki; pagename=Help%2FLdapSearchPlugin; flags=""; markup=2; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary [WikiPlugin|Help:WikiPlugin] which displays a LDAP query as table. !!! Usage !!! Arguments host _(default: from LDAP_AUTH_HOST or localhost)_: hostname or ip or ldap:// uri to connect to. port _(default: from LDAP_AUTH_HOST or 389)_: portnumber to connect to. basedn _(default: LDAP_BASE_DN)_: connect string: "ou=Users,o=Development," filter _(default: "(cn=*)")_: Optional ldap_search() filter argument attributes _(default: empty)_ : space seperated fields to return as table columns: "cn sn" options: ldap_set_option(). Default: LDAP_SET_OPTION if host == LDAP_AUTH_HOST Column seperated name=value pairs. Esp. needed for Windows Active directory: "LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION=3:LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS=0" user: Default: LDAP_AUTH_USER if host == LDAP_AUTH_HOST password: Default: LDAP_AUTH_PASSWORD if host == LDAP_AUTH_HOST user and password are required for Windows Active directory. !!! Examples !!! Author [John Lines|PhpWiki:JohnLines] !!! See Also ---- [PhpWikiDocumentation] [WikiPlugin|Help:WikiPlugin]