]> (define %refentry-xref-link% #t) (define ($email-footer$) (make sequence (make element gi: "p" attributes: (list (list "align" "center")) (make element gi: "small" (literal "This file, and other release-related documents, can be downloaded from ") (create-link (list (list "HREF" (entity-text "release.url"))) (literal (entity-text "release.url"))) (literal "."))) (make element gi: "p" attributes: (list (list "align" "center")) (make element gi: "small" (literal "For questions about FreeBSD, read the ") (create-link (list (list "HREF" "http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html")) (literal "documentation")) (literal " before contacting <") (create-link (list (list "HREF" "mailto:questions@FreeBSD.org")) (literal "questions@FreeBSD.org")) (literal ">."))) (make element gi: "p" attributes: (list (list "align" "center")) (make element gi: "small" (literal "All users of FreeBSD ") (literal (entity-text "release.branch")) (literal " should subscribe to the ") (literal "<") (create-link (list (list "HREF" "mailto:stable@FreeBSD.org")) (literal "stable@FreeBSD.org")) (literal "> mailing list."))) (make element gi: "p" attributes: (list (list "align" "center")) (make element gi: "small" (literal "For questions about this documentation, e-mail <") (create-link (list (list "HREF" "mailto:doc@FreeBSD.org")) (literal "doc@FreeBSD.org")) (literal ">."))))) ]]>