markTestIncomplete('Skip for now'); $this->db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); if($this->db->dbType == 'mysql') { $sql = 'ALTER TABLE meetings ALTER COLUMN status SET DEFAULT NULL'; $sql2 = 'ALTER TABLE calls ALTER COLUMN status SET DEFAULT NULL'; $sql3 = 'ALTER TABLE tasks ALTER COLUMN status SET DEFAULT NULL'; //Run the SQL $this->db->query($sql); $this->db->query($sql2); $this->db->query($sql3); } } public function tearDown() { if($this->db->dbType == 'mysql') { $sql = "ALTER TABLE meetings ALTER COLUMN status SET DEFAULT 'Planned'"; $sql2 = "ALTER TABLE calls ALTER COLUMN status SET DEFAULT 'Planned'"; $sql3 = "ALTER TABLE tasks ALTER COLUMN status SET DEFAULT 'Not Started'"; //Run the SQL $this->db->query($sql); $this->db->query($sql2); $this->db->query($sql3); } } public function testRepairTableParams() { if($this->db->dbType != 'mysql') { $this->markTestSkipped('Skip if not mysql db'); return; } $bean = new Meeting(); $result = $this->getRepairTableParamsResult($bean); $this->assertRegExp('/ALTER TABLE meetings\s+?modify column status varchar\(100\) DEFAULT \'Planned\' NULL/i', $result); /* $bean = new Call(); $result = $this->getRepairTableParamsResult($bean); $this->assertTrue(!empty($result)); $this->assertRegExp('/ALTER TABLE calls\s+?modify column status varchar\(100\) DEFAULT \'Planned\' NULL/i', $result); */ $bean = new Task(); $result = $this->getRepairTableParamsResult($bean); $this->assertTrue(!empty($result)); $this->assertRegExp('/ALTER TABLE tasks\s+?modify column status varchar\(100\) DEFAULT \'Not Started\' NULL/i', $result); } private function getRepairTableParamsResult($bean) { $indices = $bean->getIndices(); $fielddefs = $bean->getFieldDefinitions(); $tablename = $bean->getTableName(); //Clean the indicies to prevent duplicate definitions $new_indices = array(); foreach($indices as $ind_def) { $new_indices[$ind_def['name']] = $ind_def; } global $dictionary; $engine=null; if (isset($dictionary[$bean->getObjectName()]['engine']) && !empty($dictionary[$bean->getObjectName()]['engine']) ) { $engine = $dictionary[$bean->getObjectName()]['engine']; } $result = $this->db->repairTableParams($bean->table_name, $fielddefs, $new_indices, false, $engine); return $result; } }