'debug'),$t)); echo "
\n"; } $t = TransformText(_("You may sign in using any [WikiWord|AddingPages] as a user id. (Any characters in %s etc. may be used too). The user id will be used as a link in RecentChanges to your home page."), 2.0, true); printf(asXML($t), $examplechars); /* On disabled DbPrefs (PagePrefs only) note the user to create his PersonalPage. */ if (!(!empty($GLOBALS['DBAuthParams']['pref_update']) and $GLOBALS['DBParams']['dbtype'] == 'SQL')) { echo TransformText(_("Note: If you create your personal HomePage with same the pagename as your user id, you will be able to store your UserPreferences also. Otherwise not.")); } ?>

getDbh(); $checked = (!empty($userid) and $dbi->isWikiPage($userid)) ? '' : 'checked="checked"'; */ ?>
checked="checked" />
getArgs(), false, array('auth')) ?>