config = HTMLPurifier_Config::create($config); $this->strategy = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_Core(); } /** * Adds a filter to process the output. First come first serve * @param $filter HTMLPurifier_Filter object */ public function addFilter($filter) { trigger_error('HTMLPurifier->addFilter() is deprecated, use configuration directives in the Filter namespace or Filter.Custom', E_USER_WARNING); $this->filters[] = $filter; } /** * Filters an HTML snippet/document to be XSS-free and standards-compliant. * * @param $html String of HTML to purify * @param $config HTMLPurifier_Config object for this operation, if omitted, * defaults to the config object specified during this * object's construction. The parameter can also be any type * that HTMLPurifier_Config::create() supports. * @return Purified HTML */ public function purify($html, $config = null) { // :TODO: make the config merge in, instead of replace $config = $config ? HTMLPurifier_Config::create($config) : $this->config; // implementation is partially environment dependant, partially // configuration dependant $lexer = HTMLPurifier_Lexer::create($config); $context = new HTMLPurifier_Context(); // setup HTML generator $this->generator = new HTMLPurifier_Generator($config, $context); $context->register('Generator', $this->generator); // set up global context variables if ($config->get('Core.CollectErrors')) { // may get moved out if other facilities use it $language_factory = HTMLPurifier_LanguageFactory::instance(); $language = $language_factory->create($config, $context); $context->register('Locale', $language); $error_collector = new HTMLPurifier_ErrorCollector($context); $context->register('ErrorCollector', $error_collector); } // setup id_accumulator context, necessary due to the fact that // AttrValidator can be called from many places $id_accumulator = HTMLPurifier_IDAccumulator::build($config, $context); $context->register('IDAccumulator', $id_accumulator); $html = HTMLPurifier_Encoder::convertToUTF8($html, $config, $context); // setup filters $filter_flags = $config->getBatch('Filter'); $custom_filters = $filter_flags['Custom']; unset($filter_flags['Custom']); $filters = array(); foreach ($filter_flags as $filter => $flag) { if (!$flag) continue; if (strpos($filter, '.') !== false) continue; $class = "HTMLPurifier_Filter_$filter"; $filters[] = new $class; } foreach ($custom_filters as $filter) { // maybe "HTMLPurifier_Filter_$filter", but be consistent with AutoFormat $filters[] = $filter; } $filters = array_merge($filters, $this->filters); // maybe prepare(), but later for ($i = 0, $filter_size = count($filters); $i < $filter_size; $i++) { $html = $filters[$i]->preFilter($html, $config, $context); } // purified HTML $html = $this->generator->generateFromTokens( // list of tokens $this->strategy->execute( // list of un-purified tokens $lexer->tokenizeHTML( // un-purified HTML $html, $config, $context ), $config, $context ) ); for ($i = $filter_size - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $html = $filters[$i]->postFilter($html, $config, $context); } $html = HTMLPurifier_Encoder::convertFromUTF8($html, $config, $context); $this->context =& $context; return $html; } /** * Filters an array of HTML snippets * @param $config Optional HTMLPurifier_Config object for this operation. * See HTMLPurifier::purify() for more details. * @return Array of purified HTML */ public function purifyArray($array_of_html, $config = null) { $context_array = array(); foreach ($array_of_html as $key => $html) { $array_of_html[$key] = $this->purify($html, $config); $context_array[$key] = $this->context; } $this->context = $context_array; return $array_of_html; } /** * Singleton for enforcing just one HTML Purifier in your system * @param $prototype Optional prototype HTMLPurifier instance to * overload singleton with, or HTMLPurifier_Config * instance to configure the generated version with. */ public static function instance($prototype = null) { if (!self::$instance || $prototype) { if ($prototype instanceof HTMLPurifier) { self::$instance = $prototype; } elseif ($prototype) { self::$instance = new HTMLPurifier($prototype); } else { self::$instance = new HTMLPurifier(); } } return self::$instance; } /** * @note Backwards compatibility, see instance() */ public static function getInstance($prototype = null) { return HTMLPurifier::instance($prototype); } } /** * Defines common attribute collections that modules reference */ class HTMLPurifier_AttrCollections { /** * Associative array of attribute collections, indexed by name */ public $info = array(); /** * Performs all expansions on internal data for use by other inclusions * It also collects all attribute collection extensions from * modules * @param $attr_types HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes instance * @param $modules Hash array of HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule members */ public function __construct($attr_types, $modules) { // load extensions from the modules foreach ($modules as $module) { foreach ($module->attr_collections as $coll_i => $coll) { if (!isset($this->info[$coll_i])) { $this->info[$coll_i] = array(); } foreach ($coll as $attr_i => $attr) { if ($attr_i === 0 && isset($this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i])) { // merge in includes $this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i] = array_merge( $this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i], $attr); continue; } $this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i] = $attr; } } } // perform internal expansions and inclusions foreach ($this->info as $name => $attr) { // merge attribute collections that include others $this->performInclusions($this->info[$name]); // replace string identifiers with actual attribute objects $this->expandIdentifiers($this->info[$name], $attr_types); } } /** * Takes a reference to an attribute associative array and performs * all inclusions specified by the zero index. * @param &$attr Reference to attribute array */ public function performInclusions(&$attr) { if (!isset($attr[0])) return; $merge = $attr[0]; $seen = array(); // recursion guard // loop through all the inclusions for ($i = 0; isset($merge[$i]); $i++) { if (isset($seen[$merge[$i]])) continue; $seen[$merge[$i]] = true; // foreach attribute of the inclusion, copy it over if (!isset($this->info[$merge[$i]])) continue; foreach ($this->info[$merge[$i]] as $key => $value) { if (isset($attr[$key])) continue; // also catches more inclusions $attr[$key] = $value; } if (isset($this->info[$merge[$i]][0])) { // recursion $merge = array_merge($merge, $this->info[$merge[$i]][0]); } } unset($attr[0]); } /** * Expands all string identifiers in an attribute array by replacing * them with the appropriate values inside HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes * @param &$attr Reference to attribute array * @param $attr_types HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes instance */ public function expandIdentifiers(&$attr, $attr_types) { // because foreach will process new elements we add, make sure we // skip duplicates $processed = array(); foreach ($attr as $def_i => $def) { // skip inclusions if ($def_i === 0) continue; if (isset($processed[$def_i])) continue; // determine whether or not attribute is required if ($required = (strpos($def_i, '*') !== false)) { // rename the definition unset($attr[$def_i]); $def_i = trim($def_i, '*'); $attr[$def_i] = $def; } $processed[$def_i] = true; // if we've already got a literal object, move on if (is_object($def)) { // preserve previous required $attr[$def_i]->required = ($required || $attr[$def_i]->required); continue; } if ($def === false) { unset($attr[$def_i]); continue; } if ($t = $attr_types->get($def)) { $attr[$def_i] = $t; $attr[$def_i]->required = $required; } else { unset($attr[$def_i]); } } } } /** * Base class for all validating attribute definitions. * * This family of classes forms the core for not only HTML attribute validation, * but also any sort of string that needs to be validated or cleaned (which * means CSS properties and composite definitions are defined here too). * Besides defining (through code) what precisely makes the string valid, * subclasses are also responsible for cleaning the code if possible. */ abstract class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef { /** * Tells us whether or not an HTML attribute is minimized. Has no * meaning in other contexts. */ public $minimized = false; /** * Tells us whether or not an HTML attribute is required. Has no * meaning in other contexts */ public $required = false; /** * Validates and cleans passed string according to a definition. * * @param $string String to be validated and cleaned. * @param $config Mandatory HTMLPurifier_Config object. * @param $context Mandatory HTMLPurifier_AttrContext object. */ abstract public function validate($string, $config, $context); /** * Convenience method that parses a string as if it were CDATA. * * This method process a string in the manner specified at * by removing * leading and trailing whitespace, ignoring line feeds, and replacing * carriage returns and tabs with spaces. While most useful for HTML * attributes specified as CDATA, it can also be applied to most CSS * values. * * @note This method is not entirely standards compliant, as trim() removes * more types of whitespace than specified in the spec. In practice, * this is rarely a problem, as those extra characters usually have * already been removed by HTMLPurifier_Encoder. * * @warning This processing is inconsistent with XML's whitespace handling * as specified by section 3.3.3 and referenced XHTML 1.0 section * 4.7. However, note that we are NOT necessarily * parsing XML, thus, this behavior may still be correct. We * assume that newlines have been normalized. */ public function parseCDATA($string) { $string = trim($string); $string = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), ' ', $string); return $string; } /** * Factory method for creating this class from a string. * @param $string String construction info * @return Created AttrDef object corresponding to $string */ public function make($string) { // default implementation, return a flyweight of this object. // If $string has an effect on the returned object (i.e. you // need to overload this method), it is best // to clone or instantiate new copies. (Instantiation is safer.) return $this; } /** * Removes spaces from rgb(0, 0, 0) so that shorthand CSS properties work * properly. THIS IS A HACK! */ protected function mungeRgb($string) { return preg_replace('/rgb\((\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\)/', 'rgb(\1,\2,\3)', $string); } /** * Parses a possibly escaped CSS string and returns the "pure" * version of it. */ protected function expandCSSEscape($string) { // flexibly parse it $ret = ''; for ($i = 0, $c = strlen($string); $i < $c; $i++) { if ($string[$i] === '\\') { $i++; if ($i >= $c) { $ret .= '\\'; break; } if (ctype_xdigit($string[$i])) { $code = $string[$i]; for ($a = 1, $i++; $i < $c && $a < 6; $i++, $a++) { if (!ctype_xdigit($string[$i])) break; $code .= $string[$i]; } // We have to be extremely careful when adding // new characters, to make sure we're not breaking // the encoding. $char = HTMLPurifier_Encoder::unichr(hexdec($code)); if (HTMLPurifier_Encoder::cleanUTF8($char) === '') continue; $ret .= $char; if ($i < $c && trim($string[$i]) !== '') $i--; continue; } if ($string[$i] === "\n") continue; } $ret .= $string[$i]; } return $ret; } } /** * Processes an entire attribute array for corrections needing multiple values. * * Occasionally, a certain attribute will need to be removed and popped onto * another value. Instead of creating a complex return syntax for * HTMLPurifier_AttrDef, we just pass the whole attribute array to a * specialized object and have that do the special work. That is the * family of HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform. * * An attribute transformation can be assigned to run before or after * HTMLPurifier_AttrDef validation. See HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition for * more details. */ abstract class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform { /** * Abstract: makes changes to the attributes dependent on multiple values. * * @param $attr Assoc array of attributes, usually from * HTMLPurifier_Token_Tag::$attr * @param $config Mandatory HTMLPurifier_Config object. * @param $context Mandatory HTMLPurifier_Context object * @returns Processed attribute array. */ abstract public function transform($attr, $config, $context); /** * Prepends CSS properties to the style attribute, creating the * attribute if it doesn't exist. * @param $attr Attribute array to process (passed by reference) * @param $css CSS to prepend */ public function prependCSS(&$attr, $css) { $attr['style'] = isset($attr['style']) ? $attr['style'] : ''; $attr['style'] = $css . $attr['style']; } /** * Retrieves and removes an attribute * @param $attr Attribute array to process (passed by reference) * @param $key Key of attribute to confiscate */ public function confiscateAttr(&$attr, $key) { if (!isset($attr[$key])) return null; $value = $attr[$key]; unset($attr[$key]); return $value; } } /** * Provides lookup array of attribute types to HTMLPurifier_AttrDef objects */ class HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes { /** * Lookup array of attribute string identifiers to concrete implementations */ protected $info = array(); /** * Constructs the info array, supplying default implementations for attribute * types. */ public function __construct() { // pseudo-types, must be instantiated via shorthand $this->info['Enum'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(); $this->info['Bool'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Bool(); $this->info['CDATA'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text(); $this->info['ID'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_ID(); $this->info['Length'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Length(); $this->info['MultiLength'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_MultiLength(); $this->info['NMTOKENS'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Nmtokens(); $this->info['Pixels'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Pixels(); $this->info['Text'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text(); $this->info['URI'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI(); $this->info['LanguageCode'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Lang(); $this->info['Color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Color(); // unimplemented aliases $this->info['ContentType'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text(); $this->info['ContentTypes'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text(); $this->info['Charsets'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text(); $this->info['Character'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text(); // "proprietary" types $this->info['Class'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Class(); // number is really a positive integer (one or more digits) // FIXME: ^^ not always, see start and value of list items $this->info['Number'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Integer(false, false, true); } /** * Retrieves a type * @param $type String type name * @return Object AttrDef for type */ public function get($type) { // determine if there is any extra info tacked on if (strpos($type, '#') !== false) list($type, $string) = explode('#', $type, 2); else $string = ''; if (!isset($this->info[$type])) { trigger_error('Cannot retrieve undefined attribute type ' . $type, E_USER_ERROR); return; } return $this->info[$type]->make($string); } /** * Sets a new implementation for a type * @param $type String type name * @param $impl Object AttrDef for type */ public function set($type, $impl) { $this->info[$type] = $impl; } } /** * Validates the attributes of a token. Doesn't manage required attributes * very well. The only reason we factored this out was because RemoveForeignElements * also needed it besides ValidateAttributes. */ class HTMLPurifier_AttrValidator { /** * Validates the attributes of a token, returning a modified token * that has valid tokens * @param $token Reference to token to validate. We require a reference * because the operation this class performs on the token are * not atomic, so the context CurrentToken to be updated * throughout * @param $config Instance of HTMLPurifier_Config * @param $context Instance of HTMLPurifier_Context */ public function validateToken(&$token, &$config, $context) { $definition = $config->getHTMLDefinition(); $e =& $context->get('ErrorCollector', true); // initialize IDAccumulator if necessary $ok =& $context->get('IDAccumulator', true); if (!$ok) { $id_accumulator = HTMLPurifier_IDAccumulator::build($config, $context); $context->register('IDAccumulator', $id_accumulator); } // initialize CurrentToken if necessary $current_token =& $context->get('CurrentToken', true); if (!$current_token) $context->register('CurrentToken', $token); if ( !$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start && !$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty ) return $token; // create alias to global definition array, see also $defs // DEFINITION CALL $d_defs = $definition->info_global_attr; // don't update token until the very end, to ensure an atomic update $attr = $token->attr; // do global transformations (pre) // nothing currently utilizes this foreach ($definition->info_attr_transform_pre as $transform) { $attr = $transform->transform($o = $attr, $config, $context); if ($e) { if ($attr != $o) $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'AttrValidator: Attributes transformed', $o, $attr); } } // do local transformations only applicable to this element (pre) // ex.


foreach ($definition->info[$token->name]->attr_transform_pre as $transform) { $attr = $transform->transform($o = $attr, $config, $context); if ($e) { if ($attr != $o) $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'AttrValidator: Attributes transformed', $o, $attr); } } // create alias to this element's attribute definition array, see // also $d_defs (global attribute definition array) // DEFINITION CALL $defs = $definition->info[$token->name]->attr; $attr_key = false; $context->register('CurrentAttr', $attr_key); // iterate through all the attribute keypairs // Watch out for name collisions: $key has previously been used foreach ($attr as $attr_key => $value) { // call the definition if ( isset($defs[$attr_key]) ) { // there is a local definition defined if ($defs[$attr_key] === false) { // We've explicitly been told not to allow this element. // This is usually when there's a global definition // that must be overridden. // Theoretically speaking, we could have a // AttrDef_DenyAll, but this is faster! $result = false; } else { // validate according to the element's definition $result = $defs[$attr_key]->validate( $value, $config, $context ); } } elseif ( isset($d_defs[$attr_key]) ) { // there is a global definition defined, validate according // to the global definition $result = $d_defs[$attr_key]->validate( $value, $config, $context ); } else { // system never heard of the attribute? DELETE! $result = false; } // put the results into effect if ($result === false || $result === null) { // this is a generic error message that should replaced // with more specific ones when possible if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'AttrValidator: Attribute removed'); // remove the attribute unset($attr[$attr_key]); } elseif (is_string($result)) { // generally, if a substitution is happening, there // was some sort of implicit correction going on. We'll // delegate it to the attribute classes to say exactly what. // simple substitution $attr[$attr_key] = $result; } else { // nothing happens } // we'd also want slightly more complicated substitution // involving an array as the return value, // although we're not sure how colliding attributes would // resolve (certain ones would be completely overriden, // others would prepend themselves). } $context->destroy('CurrentAttr'); // post transforms // global (error reporting untested) foreach ($definition->info_attr_transform_post as $transform) { $attr = $transform->transform($o = $attr, $config, $context); if ($e) { if ($attr != $o) $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'AttrValidator: Attributes transformed', $o, $attr); } } // local (error reporting untested) foreach ($definition->info[$token->name]->attr_transform_post as $transform) { $attr = $transform->transform($o = $attr, $config, $context); if ($e) { if ($attr != $o) $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'AttrValidator: Attributes transformed', $o, $attr); } } $token->attr = $attr; // destroy CurrentToken if we made it ourselves if (!$current_token) $context->destroy('CurrentToken'); } } // constants are slow, so we use as few as possible if (!defined('HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX')) { define('HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX', dirname(__FILE__) . '/standalone'); } // accomodations for versions earlier than 5.0.2 // borrowed from PHP_Compat, LGPL licensed, by Aidan Lister if (!defined('PHP_EOL')) { switch (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3))) { case 'WIN': define('PHP_EOL', "\r\n"); break; case 'DAR': define('PHP_EOL', "\r"); break; default: define('PHP_EOL', "\n"); } } /** * Bootstrap class that contains meta-functionality for HTML Purifier such as * the autoload function. * * @note * This class may be used without any other files from HTML Purifier. */ class HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap { /** * Autoload function for HTML Purifier * @param $class Class to load */ public static function autoload($class) { $file = HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap::getPath($class); if (!$file) return false; // Technically speaking, it should be ok and more efficient to // just do 'require', but Antonio Parraga reports that with // Zend extensions such as Zend debugger and APC, this invariant // may be broken. Since we have efficient alternatives, pay // the cost here and avoid the bug. require_once HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX . '/' . $file; return true; } /** * Returns the path for a specific class. */ public static function getPath($class) { if (strncmp('HTMLPurifier', $class, 12) !== 0) return false; // Custom implementations if (strncmp('HTMLPurifier_Language_', $class, 22) === 0) { $code = str_replace('_', '-', substr($class, 22)); $file = 'HTMLPurifier/Language/classes/' . $code . '.php'; } else { $file = str_replace('_', '/', $class) . '.php'; } if (!file_exists(HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX . '/' . $file)) return false; return $file; } /** * "Pre-registers" our autoloader on the SPL stack. */ public static function registerAutoload() { $autoload = array('HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap', 'autoload'); if ( ($funcs = spl_autoload_functions()) === false ) { spl_autoload_register($autoload); } elseif (function_exists('spl_autoload_unregister')) { $buggy = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.11', '<'); $compat = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.2', '<=') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0', '>='); foreach ($funcs as $func) { if ($buggy && is_array($func)) { // :TRICKY: There are some compatibility issues and some // places where we need to error out $reflector = new ReflectionMethod($func[0], $func[1]); if (!$reflector->isStatic()) { throw new Exception(' HTML Purifier autoloader registrar is not compatible with non-static object methods due to PHP Bug #44144; Please do not use HTMLPurifier.autoload.php (or any file that includes this file); instead, place the code: spl_autoload_register(array(\'HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap\', \'autoload\')) after your own autoloaders. '); } // Suprisingly, spl_autoload_register supports the // Class::staticMethod callback format, although call_user_func doesn't if ($compat) $func = implode('::', $func); } spl_autoload_unregister($func); } spl_autoload_register($autoload); foreach ($funcs as $func) spl_autoload_register($func); } } } /** * Super-class for definition datatype objects, implements serialization * functions for the class. */ abstract class HTMLPurifier_Definition { /** * Has setup() been called yet? */ public $setup = false; /** * If true, write out the final definition object to the cache after * setup. This will be true only if all invocations to get a raw * definition object are also optimized. This does not cause file * system thrashing because on subsequent calls the cached object * is used and any writes to the raw definition object are short * circuited. See enduser-customize.html for the high-level * picture. */ public $optimized = null; /** * What type of definition is it? */ public $type; /** * Sets up the definition object into the final form, something * not done by the constructor * @param $config HTMLPurifier_Config instance */ abstract protected function doSetup($config); /** * Setup function that aborts if already setup * @param $config HTMLPurifier_Config instance */ public function setup($config) { if ($this->setup) return; $this->setup = true; $this->doSetup($config); } } /** * Defines allowed CSS attributes and what their values are. * @see HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition */ class HTMLPurifier_CSSDefinition extends HTMLPurifier_Definition { public $type = 'CSS'; /** * Assoc array of attribute name to definition object. */ public $info = array(); /** * Constructs the info array. The meat of this class. */ protected function doSetup($config) { $this->info['text-align'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'), false); $border_style = $this->info['border-bottom-style'] = $this->info['border-right-style'] = $this->info['border-left-style'] = $this->info['border-top-style'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('none', 'hidden', 'dotted', 'dashed', 'solid', 'double', 'groove', 'ridge', 'inset', 'outset'), false); $this->info['border-style'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple($border_style); $this->info['clear'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('none', 'left', 'right', 'both'), false); $this->info['float'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('none', 'left', 'right'), false); $this->info['font-style'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('normal', 'italic', 'oblique'), false); $this->info['font-variant'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('normal', 'small-caps'), false); $uri_or_none = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite( array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('none')), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_URI() ) ); $this->info['list-style-position'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('inside', 'outside'), false); $this->info['list-style-type'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('disc', 'circle', 'square', 'decimal', 'lower-roman', 'upper-roman', 'lower-alpha', 'upper-alpha', 'none'), false); $this->info['list-style-image'] = $uri_or_none; $this->info['list-style'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_ListStyle($config); $this->info['text-transform'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'none'), false); $this->info['color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color(); $this->info['background-image'] = $uri_or_none; $this->info['background-repeat'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('repeat', 'repeat-x', 'repeat-y', 'no-repeat') ); $this->info['background-attachment'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('scroll', 'fixed') ); $this->info['background-position'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_BackgroundPosition(); $border_color = $this->info['border-top-color'] = $this->info['border-bottom-color'] = $this->info['border-left-color'] = $this->info['border-right-color'] = $this->info['background-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('transparent')), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color() )); $this->info['background'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Background($config); $this->info['border-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple($border_color); $border_width = $this->info['border-top-width'] = $this->info['border-bottom-width'] = $this->info['border-left-width'] = $this->info['border-right-width'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('thin', 'medium', 'thick')), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length('0') //disallow negative )); $this->info['border-width'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple($border_width); $this->info['letter-spacing'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('normal')), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length() )); $this->info['word-spacing'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('normal')), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length() )); $this->info['font-size'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large', 'larger', 'smaller')), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length() )); $this->info['line-height'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('normal')), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Number(true), // no negatives new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length('0'), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(true) )); $margin = $this->info['margin-top'] = $this->info['margin-bottom'] = $this->info['margin-left'] = $this->info['margin-right'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length(), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('auto')) )); $this->info['margin'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple($margin); // non-negative $padding = $this->info['padding-top'] = $this->info['padding-bottom'] = $this->info['padding-left'] = $this->info['padding-right'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length('0'), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(true) )); $this->info['padding'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple($padding); $this->info['text-indent'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length(), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage() )); $trusted_wh = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length('0'), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(true), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('auto')) )); $max = $config->get('CSS.MaxImgLength'); $this->info['width'] = $this->info['height'] = $max === null ? $trusted_wh : new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Switch('img', // For img tags: new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length('0', $max), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('auto')) )), // For everyone else: $trusted_wh ); $this->info['text-decoration'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_TextDecoration(); $this->info['font-family'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_FontFamily(); // this could use specialized code $this->info['font-weight'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum( array('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900'), false); // MUST be called after other font properties, as it references // a CSSDefinition object $this->info['font'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Font($config); // same here $this->info['border'] = $this->info['border-bottom'] = $this->info['border-top'] = $this->info['border-left'] = $this->info['border-right'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Border($config); $this->info['border-collapse'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array( 'collapse', 'separate')); $this->info['caption-side'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array( 'top', 'bottom')); $this->info['table-layout'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array( 'auto', 'fixed')); $this->info['vertical-align'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('baseline', 'sub', 'super', 'top', 'text-top', 'middle', 'bottom', 'text-bottom')), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length(), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage() )); $this->info['border-spacing'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple(new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length(), 2); // partial support $this->info['white-space'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('nowrap')); if ($config->get('CSS.Proprietary')) { $this->doSetupProprietary($config); } if ($config->get('CSS.AllowTricky')) { $this->doSetupTricky($config); } if ($config->get('CSS.Trusted')) { $this->doSetupTrusted($config); } $allow_important = $config->get('CSS.AllowImportant'); // wrap all attr-defs with decorator that handles !important foreach ($this->info as $k => $v) { $this->info[$k] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_ImportantDecorator($v, $allow_important); } $this->setupConfigStuff($config); } protected function doSetupProprietary($config) { // Internet Explorer only scrollbar colors $this->info['scrollbar-arrow-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color(); $this->info['scrollbar-base-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color(); $this->info['scrollbar-darkshadow-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color(); $this->info['scrollbar-face-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color(); $this->info['scrollbar-highlight-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color(); $this->info['scrollbar-shadow-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color(); // technically not proprietary, but CSS3, and no one supports it $this->info['opacity'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_AlphaValue(); $this->info['-moz-opacity'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_AlphaValue(); $this->info['-khtml-opacity'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_AlphaValue(); // only opacity, for now $this->info['filter'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Filter(); } protected function doSetupTricky($config) { $this->info['display'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array( 'inline', 'block', 'list-item', 'run-in', 'compact', 'marker', 'table', 'inline-table', 'table-row-group', 'table-header-group', 'table-footer-group', 'table-row', 'table-column-group', 'table-column', 'table-cell', 'table-caption', 'none' )); $this->info['visibility'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array( 'visible', 'hidden', 'collapse' )); $this->info['overflow'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('visible', 'hidden', 'auto', 'scroll')); } protected function doSetupTrusted($config) { $this->info['position'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array( 'static', 'relative', 'absolute', 'fixed' )); $this->info['top'] = $this->info['left'] = $this->info['right'] = $this->info['bottom'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length(), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('auto')), )); $this->info['z-index'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array( new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Integer(), new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('auto')), )); } /** * Performs extra config-based processing. Based off of * HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition. * @todo Refactor duplicate elements into common class (probably using * composition, not inheritance). */ protected function setupConfigStuff($config) { // setup allowed elements $support = "(for information on implementing this, see the ". "support forums) "; $allowed_properties = $config->get('CSS.AllowedProperties'); if ($allowed_properties !== null) { foreach ($this->info as $name => $d) { if(!isset($allowed_properties[$name])) unset($this->info[$name]); unset($allowed_properties[$name]); } // emit errors foreach ($allowed_properties as $name => $d) { // :TODO: Is this htmlspecialchars() call really necessary? $name = htmlspecialchars($name); trigger_error("Style attribute '$name' is not supported $support", E_USER_WARNING); } } $forbidden_properties = $config->get('CSS.ForbiddenProperties'); if ($forbidden_properties !== null) { foreach ($this->info as $name => $d) { if (isset($forbidden_properties[$name])) { unset($this->info[$name]); } } } } } /** * Defines allowed child nodes and validates tokens against it. */ abstract class HTMLPurifier_ChildDef { /** * Type of child definition, usually right-most part of class name lowercase. * Used occasionally in terms of context. */ public $type; /** * Bool that indicates whether or not an empty array of children is okay * * This is necessary for redundant checking when changes affecting * a child node may cause a parent node to now be disallowed. */ public $allow_empty; /** * Lookup array of all elements that this definition could possibly allow */ public $elements = array(); /** * Get lookup of tag names that should not close this element automatically. * All other elements will do so. */ public function getAllowedElements($config) { return $this->elements; } /** * Validates nodes according to definition and returns modification. * * @param $tokens_of_children Array of HTMLPurifier_Token * @param $config HTMLPurifier_Config object * @param $context HTMLPurifier_Context object * @return bool true to leave nodes as is * @return bool false to remove parent node * @return array of replacement child tokens */ abstract public function validateChildren($tokens_of_children, $config, $context); } /** * Configuration object that triggers customizable behavior. * * @warning This class is strongly defined: that means that the class * will fail if an undefined directive is retrieved or set. * * @note Many classes that could (although many times don't) use the * configuration object make it a mandatory parameter. This is * because a configuration object should always be forwarded, * otherwise, you run the risk of missing a parameter and then * being stumped when a configuration directive doesn't work. * * @todo Reconsider some of the public member variables */ class HTMLPurifier_Config { /** * HTML Purifier's version */ public $version = '4.3.0'; /** * Bool indicator whether or not to automatically finalize * the object if a read operation is done */ public $autoFinalize = true; // protected member variables /** * Namespace indexed array of serials for specific namespaces (see * getSerial() for more info). */ protected $serials = array(); /** * Serial for entire configuration object */ protected $serial; /** * Parser for variables */ protected $parser; /** * Reference HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema for value checking * @note This is public for introspective purposes. Please don't * abuse! */ public $def; /** * Indexed array of definitions */ protected $definitions; /** * Bool indicator whether or not config is finalized */ protected $finalized = false; /** * Property list containing configuration directives. */ protected $plist; /** * Whether or not a set is taking place due to an * alias lookup. */ private $aliasMode; /** * Set to false if you do not want line and file numbers in errors * (useful when unit testing). This will also compress some errors * and exceptions. */ public $chatty = true; /** * Current lock; only gets to this namespace are allowed. */ private $lock; /** * @param $definition HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema that defines what directives * are allowed. */ public function __construct($definition, $parent = null) { $parent = $parent ? $parent : $definition->defaultPlist; $this->plist = new HTMLPurifier_PropertyList($parent); $this->def = $definition; // keep a copy around for checking $this->parser = new HTMLPurifier_VarParser_Flexible(); } /** * Convenience constructor that creates a config object based on a mixed var * @param mixed $config Variable that defines the state of the config * object. Can be: a HTMLPurifier_Config() object, * an array of directives based on loadArray(), * or a string filename of an ini file. * @param HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema Schema object * @return Configured HTMLPurifier_Config object */ public static function create($config, $schema = null) { if ($config instanceof HTMLPurifier_Config) { // pass-through return $config; } if (!$schema) { $ret = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); } else { $ret = new HTMLPurifier_Config($schema); } if (is_string($config)) $ret->loadIni($config); elseif (is_array($config)) $ret->loadArray($config); return $ret; } /** * Creates a new config object that inherits from a previous one. * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config Configuration object to inherit * from. * @return HTMLPurifier_Config object with $config as its parent. */ public static function inherit(HTMLPurifier_Config $config) { return new HTMLPurifier_Config($config->def, $config->plist); } /** * Convenience constructor that creates a default configuration object. * @return Default HTMLPurifier_Config object. */ public static function createDefault() { $definition = HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::instance(); $config = new HTMLPurifier_Config($definition); return $config; } /** * Retreives a value from the configuration. * @param $key String key */ public function get($key, $a = null) { if ($a !== null) { $this->triggerError("Using deprecated API: use \$config->get('$key.$a') instead", E_USER_WARNING); $key = "$key.$a"; } if (!$this->finalized) $this->autoFinalize(); if (!isset($this->def->info[$key])) { // can't add % due to SimpleTest bug $this->triggerError('Cannot retrieve value of undefined directive ' . htmlspecialchars($key), E_USER_WARNING); return; } if (isset($this->def->info[$key]->isAlias)) { $d = $this->def->info[$key]; $this->triggerError('Cannot get value from aliased directive, use real name ' . $d->key, E_USER_ERROR); return; } if ($this->lock) { list($ns) = explode('.', $key); if ($ns !== $this->lock) { $this->triggerError('Cannot get value of namespace ' . $ns . ' when lock for ' . $this->lock . ' is active, this probably indicates a Definition setup method is accessing directives that are not within its namespace', E_USER_ERROR); return; } } return $this->plist->get($key); } /** * Retreives an array of directives to values from a given namespace * @param $namespace String namespace */ public function getBatch($namespace) { if (!$this->finalized) $this->autoFinalize(); $full = $this->getAll(); if (!isset($full[$namespace])) { $this->triggerError('Cannot retrieve undefined namespace ' . htmlspecialchars($namespace), E_USER_WARNING); return; } return $full[$namespace]; } /** * Returns a md5 signature of a segment of the configuration object * that uniquely identifies that particular configuration * @note Revision is handled specially and is removed from the batch * before processing! * @param $namespace Namespace to get serial for */ public function getBatchSerial($namespace) { if (empty($this->serials[$namespace])) { $batch = $this->getBatch($namespace); unset($batch['DefinitionRev']); $this->serials[$namespace] = md5(serialize($batch)); } return $this->serials[$namespace]; } /** * Returns a md5 signature for the entire configuration object * that uniquely identifies that particular configuration */ public function getSerial() { if (empty($this->serial)) { $this->serial = md5(serialize($this->getAll())); } return $this->serial; } /** * Retrieves all directives, organized by namespace * @warning This is a pretty inefficient function, avoid if you can */ public function getAll() { if (!$this->finalized) $this->autoFinalize(); $ret = array(); foreach ($this->plist->squash() as $name => $value) { list($ns, $key) = explode('.', $name, 2); $ret[$ns][$key] = $value; } return $ret; } /** * Sets a value to configuration. * @param $key String key * @param $value Mixed value */ public function set($key, $value, $a = null) { if (strpos($key, '.') === false) { $namespace = $key; $directive = $value; $value = $a; $key = "$key.$directive"; $this->triggerError("Using deprecated API: use \$config->set('$key', ...) instead", E_USER_NOTICE); } else { list($namespace) = explode('.', $key); } if ($this->isFinalized('Cannot set directive after finalization')) return; if (!isset($this->def->info[$key])) { $this->triggerError('Cannot set undefined directive ' . htmlspecialchars($key) . ' to value', E_USER_WARNING); return; } $def = $this->def->info[$key]; if (isset($def->isAlias)) { if ($this->aliasMode) { $this->triggerError('Double-aliases not allowed, please fix '. 'ConfigSchema bug with' . $key, E_USER_ERROR); return; } $this->aliasMode = true; $this->set($def->key, $value); $this->aliasMode = false; $this->triggerError("$key is an alias, preferred directive name is {$def->key}", E_USER_NOTICE); return; } // Raw type might be negative when using the fully optimized form // of stdclass, which indicates allow_null == true $rtype = is_int($def) ? $def : $def->type; if ($rtype < 0) { $type = -$rtype; $allow_null = true; } else { $type = $rtype; $allow_null = isset($def->allow_null); } try { $value = $this->parser->parse($value, $type, $allow_null); } catch (HTMLPurifier_VarParserException $e) { $this->triggerError('Value for ' . $key . ' is of invalid type, should be ' . HTMLPurifier_VarParser::getTypeName($type), E_USER_WARNING); return; } if (is_string($value) && is_object($def)) { // resolve value alias if defined if (isset($def->aliases[$value])) { $value = $def->aliases[$value]; } // check to see if the value is allowed if (isset($def->allowed) && !isset($def->allowed[$value])) { $this->triggerError('Value not supported, valid values are: ' . $this->_listify($def->allowed), E_USER_WARNING); return; } } $this->plist->set($key, $value); // reset definitions if the directives they depend on changed // this is a very costly process, so it's discouraged // with finalization if ($namespace == 'HTML' || $namespace == 'CSS' || $namespace == 'URI') { $this->definitions[$namespace] = null; } $this->serials[$namespace] = false; } /** * Convenience function for error reporting */ private function _listify($lookup) { $list = array(); foreach ($lookup as $name => $b) $list[] = $name; return implode(', ', $list); } /** * Retrieves object reference to the HTML definition. * @param $raw Return a copy that has not been setup yet. Must be * called before it's been setup, otherwise won't work. * @param $optimized If true, this method may return null, to * indicate that a cached version of the modified * definition object is available and no further edits * are necessary. Consider using * maybeGetRawHTMLDefinition, which is more explicitly * named, instead. */ public function getHTMLDefinition($raw = false, $optimized = false) { return $this->getDefinition('HTML', $raw, $optimized); } /** * Retrieves object reference to the CSS definition * @param $raw Return a copy that has not been setup yet. Must be * called before it's been setup, otherwise won't work. * @param $optimized If true, this method may return null, to * indicate that a cached version of the modified * definition object is available and no further edits * are necessary. Consider using * maybeGetRawCSSDefinition, which is more explicitly * named, instead. */ public function getCSSDefinition($raw = false, $optimized = false) { return $this->getDefinition('CSS', $raw, $optimized); } /** * Retrieves object reference to the URI definition * @param $raw Return a copy that has not been setup yet. Must be * called before it's been setup, otherwise won't work. * @param $optimized If true, this method may return null, to * indicate that a cached version of the modified * definition object is available and no further edits * are necessary. Consider using * maybeGetRawURIDefinition, which is more explicitly * named, instead. */ public function getURIDefinition($raw = false, $optimized = false) { return $this->getDefinition('URI', $raw, $optimized); } /** * Retrieves a definition * @param $type Type of definition: HTML, CSS, etc * @param $raw Whether or not definition should be returned raw * @param $optimized Only has an effect when $raw is true. Whether * or not to return null if the result is already present in * the cache. This is off by default for backwards * compatibility reasons, but you need to do things this * way in order to ensure that caching is done properly. * Check out enduser-customize.html for more details. * We probably won't ever change this default, as much as the * maybe semantics is the "right thing to do." */ public function getDefinition($type, $raw = false, $optimized = false) { if ($optimized && !$raw) { throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception("Cannot set optimized = true when raw = false"); } if (!$this->finalized) $this->autoFinalize(); // temporarily suspend locks, so we can handle recursive definition calls $lock = $this->lock; $this->lock = null; $factory = HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCacheFactory::instance(); $cache = $factory->create($type, $this); $this->lock = $lock; if (!$raw) { // full definition // --------------- // check if definition is in memory if (!empty($this->definitions[$type])) { $def = $this->definitions[$type]; // check if the definition is setup if ($def->setup) { return $def; } else { $def->setup($this); if ($def->optimized) $cache->add($def, $this); return $def; } } // check if definition is in cache $def = $cache->get($this); if ($def) { // definition in cache, save to memory and return it $this->definitions[$type] = $def; return $def; } // initialize it $def = $this->initDefinition($type); // set it up $this->lock = $type; $def->setup($this); $this->lock = null; // save in cache $cache->add($def, $this); // return it return $def; } else { // raw definition // -------------- // check preconditions $def = null; if ($optimized) { if (is_null($this->get($type . '.DefinitionID'))) { // fatally error out if definition ID not set throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception("Cannot retrieve raw version without specifying %$type.DefinitionID"); } } if (!empty($this->definitions[$type])) { $def = $this->definitions[$type]; if ($def->setup && !$optimized) { $extra = $this->chatty ? " (try moving this code block earlier in your initialization)" : ""; throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception("Cannot retrieve raw definition after it has already been setup" . $extra); } if ($def->optimized === null) { $extra = $this->chatty ? " (try flushing your cache)" : ""; throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception("Optimization status of definition is unknown" . $extra); } if ($def->optimized !== $optimized) { $msg = $optimized ? "optimized" : "unoptimized"; $extra = $this->chatty ? " (this backtrace is for the first inconsistent call, which was for a $msg raw definition)" : ""; throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception("Inconsistent use of optimized and unoptimized raw definition retrievals" . $extra); } } // check if definition was in memory if ($def) { if ($def->setup) { // invariant: $optimized === true (checked above) return null; } else { return $def; } } // if optimized, check if definition was in cache // (because we do the memory check first, this formulation // is prone to cache slamming, but I think // guaranteeing that either /all/ of the raw // setup code or /none/ of it is run is more important.) if ($optimized) { // This code path only gets run once; once we put // something in $definitions (which is guaranteed by the // trailing code), we always short-circuit above. $def = $cache->get($this); if ($def) { // save the full definition for later, but don't // return it yet $this->definitions[$type] = $def; return null; } } // check invariants for creation if (!$optimized) { if (!is_null($this->get($type . '.DefinitionID'))) { if ($this->chatty) { $this->triggerError("Due to a documentation error in previous version of HTML Purifier, your definitions are not being cached. If this is OK, you can remove the %$type.DefinitionRev and %$type.DefinitionID declaration. Otherwise, modify your code to use maybeGetRawDefinition, and test if the returned value is null before making any edits (if it is null, that means that a cached version is available, and no raw operations are necessary). See Customize for more details", E_USER_WARNING); } else { $this->triggerError("Useless DefinitionID declaration", E_USER_WARNING); } } } // initialize it $def = $this->initDefinition($type); $def->optimized = $optimized; return $def; } throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception("The impossible happened!"); } private function initDefinition($type) { // quick checks failed, let's create the object if ($type == 'HTML') { $def = new HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition(); } elseif ($type == 'CSS') { $def = new HTMLPurifier_CSSDefinition(); } elseif ($type == 'URI') { $def = new HTMLPurifier_URIDefinition(); } else { throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception("Definition of $type type not supported"); } $this->definitions[$type] = $def; return $def; } public function maybeGetRawDefinition($name) { return $this->getDefinition($name, true, true); } public function maybeGetRawHTMLDefinition() { return $this->getDefinition('HTML', true, true); } public function maybeGetRawCSSDefinition() { return $this->getDefinition('CSS', true, true); } public function maybeGetRawURIDefinition() { return $this->getDefinition('URI', true, true); } /** * Loads configuration values from an array with the following structure: * Namespace.Directive => Value * @param $config_array Configuration associative array */ public function loadArray($config_array) { if ($this->isFinalized('Cannot load directives after finalization')) return; foreach ($config_array as $key => $value) { $key = str_replace('_', '.', $key); if (strpos($key, '.') !== false) { $this->set($key, $value); } else { $namespace = $key; $namespace_values = $value; foreach ($namespace_values as $directive => $value) { $this->set($namespace .'.'. $directive, $value); } } } } /** * Returns a list of array(namespace, directive) for all directives * that are allowed in a web-form context as per an allowed * namespaces/directives list. * @param $allowed List of allowed namespaces/directives */ public static function getAllowedDirectivesForForm($allowed, $schema = null) { if (!$schema) { $schema = HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::instance(); } if ($allowed !== true) { if (is_string($allowed)) $allowed = array($allowed); $allowed_ns = array(); $allowed_directives = array(); $blacklisted_directives = array(); foreach ($allowed as $ns_or_directive) { if (strpos($ns_or_directive, '.') !== false) { // directive if ($ns_or_directive[0] == '-') { $blacklisted_directives[substr($ns_or_directive, 1)] = true; } else { $allowed_directives[$ns_or_directive] = true; } } else { // namespace $allowed_ns[$ns_or_directive] = true; } } } $ret = array(); foreach ($schema->info as $key => $def) { list($ns, $directive) = explode('.', $key, 2); if ($allowed !== true) { if (isset($blacklisted_directives["$ns.$directive"])) continue; if (!isset($allowed_directives["$ns.$directive"]) && !isset($allowed_ns[$ns])) continue; } if (isset($def->isAlias)) continue; if ($directive == 'DefinitionID' || $directive == 'DefinitionRev') continue; $ret[] = array($ns, $directive); } return $ret; } /** * Loads configuration values from $_GET/$_POST that were posted * via ConfigForm * @param $array $_GET or $_POST array to import * @param $index Index/name that the config variables are in * @param $allowed List of allowed namespaces/directives * @param $mq_fix Boolean whether or not to enable magic quotes fix * @param $schema Instance of HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema to use, if not global copy */ public static function loadArrayFromForm($array, $index = false, $allowed = true, $mq_fix = true, $schema = null) { $ret = HTMLPurifier_Config::prepareArrayFromForm($array, $index, $allowed, $mq_fix, $schema); $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::create($ret, $schema); return $config; } /** * Merges in configuration values from $_GET/$_POST to object. NOT STATIC. * @note Same parameters as loadArrayFromForm */ public function mergeArrayFromForm($array, $index = false, $allowed = true, $mq_fix = true) { $ret = HTMLPurifier_Config::prepareArrayFromForm($array, $index, $allowed, $mq_fix, $this->def); $this->loadArray($ret); } /** * Prepares an array from a form into something usable for the more * strict parts of HTMLPurifier_Config */ public static function prepareArrayFromForm($array, $index = false, $allowed = true, $mq_fix = true, $schema = null) { if ($index !== false) $array = (isset($array[$index]) && is_array($array[$index])) ? $array[$index] : array(); $mq = $mq_fix && function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc(); $allowed = HTMLPurifier_Config::getAllowedDirectivesForForm($allowed, $schema); $ret = array(); foreach ($allowed as $key) { list($ns, $directive) = $key; $skey = "$ns.$directive"; if (!empty($array["Null_$skey"])) { $ret[$ns][$directive] = null; continue; } if (!isset($array[$skey])) continue; $value = $mq ? stripslashes($array[$skey]) : $array[$skey]; $ret[$ns][$directive] = $value; } return $ret; } /** * Loads configuration values from an ini file * @param $filename Name of ini file */ public function loadIni($filename) { if ($this->isFinalized('Cannot load directives after finalization')) return; $array = parse_ini_file($filename, true); $this->loadArray($array); } /** * Checks whether or not the configuration object is finalized. * @param $error String error message, or false for no error */ public function isFinalized($error = false) { if ($this->finalized && $error) { $this->triggerError($error, E_USER_ERROR); } return $this->finalized; } /** * Finalizes configuration only if auto finalize is on and not * already finalized */ public function autoFinalize() { if ($this->autoFinalize) { $this->finalize(); } else { $this->plist->squash(true); } } /** * Finalizes a configuration object, prohibiting further change */ public function finalize() { $this->finalized = true; unset($this->parser); } /** * Produces a nicely formatted error message by supplying the * stack frame information OUTSIDE of HTMLPurifier_Config. */ protected function triggerError($msg, $no) { // determine previous stack frame $extra = ''; if ($this->chatty) { $trace = debug_backtrace(); // zip(tail(trace), trace) -- but PHP is not Haskell har har for ($i = 0, $c = count($trace); $i < $c - 1; $i++) { if ($trace[$i + 1]['class'] === 'HTMLPurifier_Config') { continue; } $frame = $trace[$i]; $extra = " invoked on line {$frame['line']} in file {$frame['file']}"; break; } } trigger_error($msg . $extra, $no); } /** * Returns a serialized form of the configuration object that can * be reconstituted. */ public function serialize() { $this->getDefinition('HTML'); $this->getDefinition('CSS'); $this->getDefinition('URI'); return serialize($this); } } /** * Configuration definition, defines directives and their defaults. */ class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema { /** * Defaults of the directives and namespaces. * @note This shares the exact same structure as HTMLPurifier_Config::$conf */ public $defaults = array(); /** * The default property list. Do not edit this property list. */ public $defaultPlist; /** * Definition of the directives. The structure of this is: * * array( * 'Namespace' => array( * 'Directive' => new stdclass(), * ) * ) * * The stdclass may have the following properties: * * - If isAlias isn't set: * - type: Integer type of directive, see HTMLPurifier_VarParser for definitions * - allow_null: If set, this directive allows null values * - aliases: If set, an associative array of value aliases to real values * - allowed: If set, a lookup array of allowed (string) values * - If isAlias is set: * - namespace: Namespace this directive aliases to * - name: Directive name this directive aliases to * * In certain degenerate cases, stdclass will actually be an integer. In * that case, the value is equivalent to an stdclass with the type * property set to the integer. If the integer is negative, type is * equal to the absolute value of integer, and allow_null is true. * * This class is friendly with HTMLPurifier_Config. If you need introspection * about the schema, you're better of using the ConfigSchema_Interchange, * which uses more memory but has much richer information. */ public $info = array(); /** * Application-wide singleton */ static protected $singleton; public function __construct() { $this->defaultPlist = new HTMLPurifier_PropertyList(); } /** * Unserializes the default ConfigSchema. */ public static function makeFromSerial() { $contents = file_get_contents(HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX . '/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema.ser'); $r = unserialize($contents); if (!$r) { $hash = sha1($contents); trigger_error("Unserialization of configuration schema failed, sha1 of file was $hash", E_USER_ERROR); } return $r; } /** * Retrieves an instance of the application-wide configuration definition. */ public static function instance($prototype = null) { if ($prototype !== null) { HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::$singleton = $prototype; } elseif (HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::$singleton === null || $prototype === true) { HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::$singleton = HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::makeFromSerial(); } return HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::$singleton; } /** * Defines a directive for configuration * @warning Will fail of directive's namespace is defined. * @warning This method's signature is slightly different from the legacy * define() static method! Beware! * @param $namespace Namespace the directive is in * @param $name Key of directive * @param $default Default value of directive * @param $type Allowed type of the directive. See * HTMLPurifier_DirectiveDef::$type for allowed values * @param $allow_null Whether or not to allow null values */ public function add($key, $default, $type, $allow_null) { $obj = new stdclass(); $obj->type = is_int($type) ? $type : HTMLPurifier_VarParser::$types[$type]; if ($allow_null) $obj->allow_null = true; $this->info[$key] = $obj; $this->defaults[$key] = $default; $this->defaultPlist->set($key, $default); } /** * Defines a directive value alias. * * Directive value aliases are convenient for developers because it lets * them set a directive to several values and get the same result. * @param $namespace Directive's namespace * @param $name Name of Directive * @param $aliases Hash of aliased values to the real alias */ public function addValueAliases($key, $aliases) { if (!isset($this->info[$key]->aliases)) { $this->info[$key]->aliases = array(); } foreach ($aliases as $alias => $real) { $this->info[$key]->aliases[$alias] = $real; } } /** * Defines a set of allowed values for a directive. * @warning This is slightly different from the corresponding static * method definition. * @param $namespace Namespace of directive * @param $name Name of directive * @param $allowed Lookup array of allowed values */ public function addAllowedValues($key, $allowed) { $this->info[$key]->allowed = $allowed; } /** * Defines a directive alias for backwards compatibility * @param $namespace * @param $name Directive that will be aliased * @param $new_namespace * @param $new_name Directive that the alias will be to */ public function addAlias($key, $new_key) { $obj = new stdclass; $obj->key = $new_key; $obj->isAlias = true; $this->info[$key] = $obj; } /** * Replaces any stdclass that only has the type property with type integer. */ public function postProcess() { foreach ($this->info as $key => $v) { if (count((array) $v) == 1) { $this->info[$key] = $v->type; } elseif (count((array) $v) == 2 && isset($v->allow_null)) { $this->info[$key] = -$v->type; } } } } /** * @todo Unit test */ class HTMLPurifier_ContentSets { /** * List of content set strings (pipe seperators) indexed by name. */ public $info = array(); /** * List of content set lookups (element => true) indexed by name. * @note This is in HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition->info_content_sets */ public $lookup = array(); /** * Synchronized list of defined content sets (keys of info) */ protected $keys = array(); /** * Synchronized list of defined content values (values of info) */ protected $values = array(); /** * Merges in module's content sets, expands identifiers in the content * sets and populates the keys, values and lookup member variables. * @param $modules List of HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule */ public function __construct($modules) { if (!is_array($modules)) $modules = array($modules); // populate content_sets based on module hints // sorry, no way of overloading foreach ($modules as $module_i => $module) { foreach ($module->content_sets as $key => $value) { $temp = $this->convertToLookup($value); if (isset($this->lookup[$key])) { // add it into the existing content set $this->lookup[$key] = array_merge($this->lookup[$key], $temp); } else { $this->lookup[$key] = $temp; } } } $old_lookup = false; while ($old_lookup !== $this->lookup) { $old_lookup = $this->lookup; foreach ($this->lookup as $i => $set) { $add = array(); foreach ($set as $element => $x) { if (isset($this->lookup[$element])) { $add += $this->lookup[$element]; unset($this->lookup[$i][$element]); } } $this->lookup[$i] += $add; } } foreach ($this->lookup as $key => $lookup) { $this->info[$key] = implode(' | ', array_keys($lookup)); } $this->keys = array_keys($this->info); $this->values = array_values($this->info); } /** * Accepts a definition; generates and assigns a ChildDef for it * @param $def HTMLPurifier_ElementDef reference * @param $module Module that defined the ElementDef */ public function generateChildDef(&$def, $module) { if (!empty($def->child)) return; // already done! $content_model = $def->content_model; if (is_string($content_model)) { // Assume that $this->keys is alphanumeric $def->content_model = preg_replace_callback( '/\b(' . implode('|', $this->keys) . ')\b/', array($this, 'generateChildDefCallback'), $content_model ); //$def->content_model = str_replace( // $this->keys, $this->values, $content_model); } $def->child = $this->getChildDef($def, $module); } public function generateChildDefCallback($matches) { return $this->info[$matches[0]]; } /** * Instantiates a ChildDef based on content_model and content_model_type * member variables in HTMLPurifier_ElementDef * @note This will also defer to modules for custom HTMLPurifier_ChildDef * subclasses that need content set expansion * @param $def HTMLPurifier_ElementDef to have ChildDef extracted * @return HTMLPurifier_ChildDef corresponding to ElementDef */ public function getChildDef($def, $module) { $value = $def->content_model; if (is_object($value)) { trigger_error( 'Literal object child definitions should be stored in '. 'ElementDef->child not ElementDef->content_model', E_USER_NOTICE ); return $value; } switch ($def->content_model_type) { case 'required': return new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Required($value); case 'optional': return new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Optional($value); case 'empty': return new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Empty(); case 'custom': return new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Custom($value); } // defer to its module $return = false; if ($module->defines_child_def) { // save a func call $return = $module->getChildDef($def); } if ($return !== false) return $return; // error-out trigger_error( 'Could not determine which ChildDef class to instantiate', E_USER_ERROR ); return false; } /** * Converts a string list of elements separated by pipes into * a lookup array. * @param $string List of elements * @return Lookup array of elements */ protected function convertToLookup($string) { $array = explode('|', str_replace(' ', '', $string)); $ret = array(); foreach ($array as $i => $k) { $ret[$k] = true; } return $ret; } } /** * Registry object that contains information about the current context. * @warning Is a bit buggy when variables are set to null: it thinks * they don't exist! So use false instead, please. * @note Since the variables Context deals with may not be objects, * references are very important here! Do not remove! */ class HTMLPurifier_Context { /** * Private array that stores the references. */ private $_storage = array(); /** * Registers a variable into the context. * @param $name String name * @param $ref Reference to variable to be registered */ public function register($name, &$ref) { if (isset($this->_storage[$name])) { trigger_error("Name $name produces collision, cannot re-register", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $this->_storage[$name] =& $ref; } /** * Retrieves a variable reference from the context. * @param $name String name * @param $ignore_error Boolean whether or not to ignore error */ public function &get($name, $ignore_error = false) { if (!isset($this->_storage[$name])) { if (!$ignore_error) { trigger_error("Attempted to retrieve non-existent variable $name", E_USER_ERROR); } $var = null; // so we can return by reference return $var; } return $this->_storage[$name]; } /** * Destorys a variable in the context. * @param $name String name */ public function destroy($name) { if (!isset($this->_storage[$name])) { trigger_error("Attempted to destroy non-existent variable $name", E_USER_ERROR); return; } unset($this->_storage[$name]); } /** * Checks whether or not the variable exists. * @param $name String name */ public function exists($name) { return isset($this->_storage[$name]); } /** * Loads a series of variables from an associative array * @param $context_array Assoc array of variables to load */ public function loadArray($context_array) { foreach ($context_array as $key => $discard) { $this->register($key, $context_array[$key]); } } } /** * Abstract class representing Definition cache managers that implements * useful common methods and is a factory. * @todo Create a separate maintenance file advanced users can use to * cache their custom HTMLDefinition, which can be loaded * via a configuration directive * @todo Implement memcached */ abstract class HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache { public $type; /** * @param $name Type of definition objects this instance of the * cache will handle. */ public function __construct($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * Generates a unique identifier for a particular configuration * @param Instance of HTMLPurifier_Config */ public function generateKey($config) { return $config->version . ',' . // possibly replace with function calls $config->getBatchSerial($this->type) . ',' . $config->get($this->type . '.DefinitionRev'); } /** * Tests whether or not a key is old with respect to the configuration's * version and revision number. * @param $key Key to test * @param $config Instance of HTMLPurifier_Config to test against */ public function isOld($key, $config) { if (substr_count($key, ',') < 2) return true; list($version, $hash, $revision) = explode(',', $key, 3); $compare = version_compare($version, $config->version); // version mismatch, is always old if ($compare != 0) return true; // versions match, ids match, check revision number if ( $hash == $config->getBatchSerial($this->type) && $revision < $config->get($this->type . '.DefinitionRev') ) return true; return false; } /** * Checks if a definition's type jives with the cache's type * @note Throws an error on failure * @param $def Definition object to check * @return Boolean true if good, false if not */ public function checkDefType($def) { if ($def->type !== $this->type) { trigger_error("Cannot use definition of type {$def->type} in cache for {$this->type}"); return false; } return true; } /** * Adds a definition object to the cache */ abstract public function add($def, $config); /** * Unconditionally saves a definition object to the cache */ abstract public function set($def, $config); /** * Replace an object in the cache */ abstract public function replace($def, $config); /** * Retrieves a definition object from the cache */ abstract public function get($config); /** * Removes a definition object to the cache */ abstract public function remove($config); /** * Clears all objects from cache */ abstract public function flush($config); /** * Clears all expired (older version or revision) objects from cache * @note Be carefuly implementing this method as flush. Flush must * not interfere with other Definition types, and cleanup() * should not be repeatedly called by userland code. */ abstract public function cleanup($config); } /** * Responsible for creating definition caches. */ class HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCacheFactory { protected $caches = array('Serializer' => array()); protected $implementations = array(); protected $decorators = array(); /** * Initialize default decorators */ public function setup() { $this->addDecorator('Cleanup'); } /** * Retrieves an instance of global definition cache factory. */ public static function instance($prototype = null) { static $instance; if ($prototype !== null) { $instance = $prototype; } elseif ($instance === null || $prototype === true) { $instance = new HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCacheFactory(); $instance->setup(); } return $instance; } /** * Registers a new definition cache object * @param $short Short name of cache object, for reference * @param $long Full class name of cache object, for construction */ public function register($short, $long) { $this->implementations[$short] = $long; } /** * Factory method that creates a cache object based on configuration * @param $name Name of definitions handled by cache * @param $config Instance of HTMLPurifier_Config */ public function create($type, $config) { $method = $config->get('Cache.DefinitionImpl'); if ($method === null) { return new HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Null($type); } if (!empty($this->caches[$method][$type])) { return $this->caches[$method][$type]; } if ( isset($this->implementations[$method]) && class_exists($class = $this->implementations[$method], false) ) { $cache = new $class($type); } else { if ($method != 'Serializer') { trigger_error("Unrecognized DefinitionCache $method, using Serializer instead", E_USER_WARNING); } $cache = new HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Serializer($type); } foreach ($this->decorators as $decorator) { $new_cache = $decorator->decorate($cache); // prevent infinite recursion in PHP 4 unset($cache); $cache = $new_cache; } $this->caches[$method][$type] = $cache; return $this->caches[$method][$type]; } /** * Registers a decorator to add to all new cache objects * @param */ public function addDecorator($decorator) { if (is_string($decorator)) { $class = "HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Decorator_$decorator"; $decorator = new $class; } $this->decorators[$decorator->name] = $decorator; } } /** * Represents a document type, contains information on which modules * need to be loaded. * @note This class is inspected by Printer_HTMLDefinition->renderDoctype. * If structure changes, please update that function. */ class HTMLPurifier_Doctype { /** * Full name of doctype */ public $name; /** * List of standard modules (string identifiers or literal objects) * that this doctype uses */ public $modules = array(); /** * List of modules to use for tidying up code */ public $tidyModules = array(); /** * Is the language derived from XML (i.e. XHTML)? */ public $xml = true; /** * List of aliases for this doctype */ public $aliases = array(); /** * Public DTD identifier */ public $dtdPublic; /** * System DTD identifier */ public $dtdSystem; public function __construct($name = null, $xml = true, $modules = array(), $tidyModules = array(), $aliases = array(), $dtd_public = null, $dtd_system = null ) { $this->name = $name; $this->xml = $xml; $this->modules = $modules; $this->tidyModules = $tidyModules; $this->aliases = $aliases; $this->dtdPublic = $dtd_public; $this->dtdSystem = $dtd_system; } } class HTMLPurifier_DoctypeRegistry { /** * Hash of doctype names to doctype objects */ protected $doctypes; /** * Lookup table of aliases to real doctype names */ protected $aliases; /** * Registers a doctype to the registry * @note Accepts a fully-formed doctype object, or the * parameters for constructing a doctype object * @param $doctype Name of doctype or literal doctype object * @param $modules Modules doctype will load * @param $modules_for_modes Modules doctype will load for certain modes * @param $aliases Alias names for doctype * @return Editable registered doctype */ public function register($doctype, $xml = true, $modules = array(), $tidy_modules = array(), $aliases = array(), $dtd_public = null, $dtd_system = null ) { if (!is_array($modules)) $modules = array($modules); if (!is_array($tidy_modules)) $tidy_modules = array($tidy_modules); if (!is_array($aliases)) $aliases = array($aliases); if (!is_object($doctype)) { $doctype = new HTMLPurifier_Doctype( $doctype, $xml, $modules, $tidy_modules, $aliases, $dtd_public, $dtd_system ); } $this->doctypes[$doctype->name] = $doctype; $name = $doctype->name; // hookup aliases foreach ($doctype->aliases as $alias) { if (isset($this->doctypes[$alias])) continue; $this->aliases[$alias] = $name; } // remove old aliases if (isset($this->aliases[$name])) unset($this->aliases[$name]); return $doctype; } /** * Retrieves reference to a doctype of a certain name * @note This function resolves aliases * @note When possible, use the more fully-featured make() * @param $doctype Name of doctype * @return Editable doctype object */ public function get($doctype) { if (isset($this->aliases[$doctype])) $doctype = $this->aliases[$doctype]; if (!isset($this->doctypes[$doctype])) { trigger_error('Doctype ' . htmlspecialchars($doctype) . ' does not exist', E_USER_ERROR); $anon = new HTMLPurifier_Doctype($doctype); return $anon; } return $this->doctypes[$doctype]; } /** * Creates a doctype based on a configuration object, * will perform initialization on the doctype * @note Use this function to get a copy of doctype that config * can hold on to (this is necessary in order to tell * Generator whether or not the current document is XML * based or not). */ public function make($config) { return clone $this->get($this->getDoctypeFromConfig($config)); } /** * Retrieves the doctype from the configuration object */ public function getDoctypeFromConfig($config) { // recommended test $doctype = $config->get('HTML.Doctype'); if (!empty($doctype)) return $doctype; $doctype = $config->get('HTML.CustomDoctype'); if (!empty($doctype)) return $doctype; // backwards-compatibility if ($config->get('HTML.XHTML')) { $doctype = 'XHTML 1.0'; } else { $doctype = 'HTML 4.01'; } if ($config->get('HTML.Strict')) { $doctype .= ' Strict'; } else { $doctype .= ' Transitional'; } return $doctype; } } /** * Structure that stores an HTML element definition. Used by * HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition and HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule. * @note This class is inspected by HTMLPurifier_Printer_HTMLDefinition. * Please update that class too. * @warning If you add new properties to this class, you MUST update * the mergeIn() method. */ class HTMLPurifier_ElementDef { /** * Does the definition work by itself, or is it created solely * for the purpose of merging into another definition? */ public $standalone = true; /** * Associative array of attribute name to HTMLPurifier_AttrDef * @note Before being processed by HTMLPurifier_AttrCollections * when modules are finalized during * HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition->setup(), this array may also * contain an array at index 0 that indicates which attribute * collections to load into the full array. It may also * contain string indentifiers in lieu of HTMLPurifier_AttrDef, * see HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes on how they are expanded during * HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition->setup() processing. */ public $attr = array(); /** * Indexed list of tag's HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform to be done before validation */ public $attr_transform_pre = array(); /** * Indexed list of tag's HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform to be done after validation */ public $attr_transform_post = array(); /** * HTMLPurifier_ChildDef of this tag. */ public $child; /** * Abstract string representation of internal ChildDef rules. See * HTMLPurifier_ContentSets for how this is parsed and then transformed * into an HTMLPurifier_ChildDef. * @warning This is a temporary variable that is not available after * being processed by HTMLDefinition */ public $content_model; /** * Value of $child->type, used to determine which ChildDef to use, * used in combination with $content_model. * @warning This must be lowercase * @warning This is a temporary variable that is not available after * being processed by HTMLDefinition */ public $content_model_type; /** * Does the element have a content model (#PCDATA | Inline)*? This * is important for chameleon ins and del processing in * HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Chameleon. Dynamically set: modules don't * have to worry about this one. */ public $descendants_are_inline = false; /** * List of the names of required attributes this element has. Dynamically * populated by HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition::getElement */ public $required_attr = array(); /** * Lookup table of tags excluded from all descendants of this tag. * @note SGML permits exclusions for all descendants, but this is * not possible with DTDs or XML Schemas. W3C has elected to * use complicated compositions of content_models to simulate * exclusion for children, but we go the simpler, SGML-style * route of flat-out exclusions, which correctly apply to * all descendants and not just children. Note that the XHTML * Modularization Abstract Modules are blithely unaware of such * distinctions. */ public $excludes = array(); /** * This tag is explicitly auto-closed by the following tags. */ public $autoclose = array(); /** * If a foreign element is found in this element, test if it is * allowed by this sub-element; if it is, instead of closing the * current element, place it inside this element. */ public $wrap; /** * Whether or not this is a formatting element affected by the * "Active Formatting Elements" algorithm. */ public $formatting; /** * Low-level factory constructor for creating new standalone element defs */ public static function create($content_model, $content_model_type, $attr) { $def = new HTMLPurifier_ElementDef(); $def->content_model = $content_model; $def->content_model_type = $content_model_type; $def->attr = $attr; return $def; } /** * Merges the values of another element definition into this one. * Values from the new element def take precedence if a value is * not mergeable. */ public function mergeIn($def) { // later keys takes precedence foreach($def->attr as $k => $v) { if ($k === 0) { // merge in the includes // sorry, no way to override an include foreach ($v as $v2) { $this->attr[0][] = $v2; } continue; } if ($v === false) { if (isset($this->attr[$k])) unset($this->attr[$k]); continue; } $this->attr[$k] = $v; } $this->_mergeAssocArray($this->attr_transform_pre, $def->attr_transform_pre); $this->_mergeAssocArray($this->attr_transform_post, $def->attr_transform_post); $this->_mergeAssocArray($this->excludes, $def->excludes); if(!empty($def->content_model)) { $this->content_model = str_replace("#SUPER", $this->content_model, $def->content_model); $this->child = false; } if(!empty($def->content_model_type)) { $this->content_model_type = $def->content_model_type; $this->child = false; } if(!is_null($def->child)) $this->child = $def->child; if(!is_null($def->formatting)) $this->formatting = $def->formatting; if($def->descendants_are_inline) $this->descendants_are_inline = $def->descendants_are_inline; } /** * Merges one array into another, removes values which equal false * @param $a1 Array by reference that is merged into * @param $a2 Array that merges into $a1 */ private function _mergeAssocArray(&$a1, $a2) { foreach ($a2 as $k => $v) { if ($v === false) { if (isset($a1[$k])) unset($a1[$k]); continue; } $a1[$k] = $v; } } } /** * A UTF-8 specific character encoder that handles cleaning and transforming. * @note All functions in this class should be static. */ class HTMLPurifier_Encoder { /** * Constructor throws fatal error if you attempt to instantiate class */ private function __construct() { trigger_error('Cannot instantiate encoder, call methods statically', E_USER_ERROR); } /** * Error-handler that mutes errors, alternative to shut-up operator. */ public static function muteErrorHandler() {} /** * Cleans a UTF-8 string for well-formedness and SGML validity * * It will parse according to UTF-8 and return a valid UTF8 string, with * non-SGML codepoints excluded. * * @note Just for reference, the non-SGML code points are 0 to 31 and * 127 to 159, inclusive. However, we allow code points 9, 10 * and 13, which are the tab, line feed and carriage return * respectively. 128 and above the code points map to multibyte * UTF-8 representations. * * @note Fallback code adapted from utf8ToUnicode by Henri Sivonen and * at under the * LGPL license. Notes on what changed are inside, but in general, * the original code transformed UTF-8 text into an array of integer * Unicode codepoints. Understandably, transforming that back to * a string would be somewhat expensive, so the function was modded to * directly operate on the string. However, this discourages code * reuse, and the logic enumerated here would be useful for any * function that needs to be able to understand UTF-8 characters. * As of right now, only smart lossless character encoding converters * would need that, and I'm probably not going to implement them. * Once again, PHP 6 should solve all our problems. */ public static function cleanUTF8($str, $force_php = false) { // UTF-8 validity is checked since PHP 4.3.5 // This is an optimization: if the string is already valid UTF-8, no // need to do PHP stuff. 99% of the time, this will be the case. // The regexp matches the XML char production, as well as well as excluding // non-SGML codepoints U+007F to U+009F if (preg_match('/^[\x{9}\x{A}\x{D}\x{20}-\x{7E}\x{A0}-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FFFD}\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]*$/Du', $str)) { return $str; } $mState = 0; // cached expected number of octets after the current octet // until the beginning of the next UTF8 character sequence $mUcs4 = 0; // cached Unicode character $mBytes = 1; // cached expected number of octets in the current sequence // original code involved an $out that was an array of Unicode // codepoints. Instead of having to convert back into UTF-8, we've // decided to directly append valid UTF-8 characters onto a string // $out once they're done. $char accumulates raw bytes, while $mUcs4 // turns into the Unicode code point, so there's some redundancy. $out = ''; $char = ''; $len = strlen($str); for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $in = ord($str{$i}); $char .= $str[$i]; // append byte to char if (0 == $mState) { // When mState is zero we expect either a US-ASCII character // or a multi-octet sequence. if (0 == (0x80 & ($in))) { // US-ASCII, pass straight through. if (($in <= 31 || $in == 127) && !($in == 9 || $in == 13 || $in == 10) // save \r\t\n ) { // control characters, remove } else { $out .= $char; } // reset $char = ''; $mBytes = 1; } elseif (0xC0 == (0xE0 & ($in))) { // First octet of 2 octet sequence $mUcs4 = ($in); $mUcs4 = ($mUcs4 & 0x1F) << 6; $mState = 1; $mBytes = 2; } elseif (0xE0 == (0xF0 & ($in))) { // First octet of 3 octet sequence $mUcs4 = ($in); $mUcs4 = ($mUcs4 & 0x0F) << 12; $mState = 2; $mBytes = 3; } elseif (0xF0 == (0xF8 & ($in))) { // First octet of 4 octet sequence $mUcs4 = ($in); $mUcs4 = ($mUcs4 & 0x07) << 18; $mState = 3; $mBytes = 4; } elseif (0xF8 == (0xFC & ($in))) { // First octet of 5 octet sequence. // // This is illegal because the encoded codepoint must be // either: // (a) not the shortest form or // (b) outside the Unicode range of 0-0x10FFFF. // Rather than trying to resynchronize, we will carry on // until the end of the sequence and let the later error // handling code catch it. $mUcs4 = ($in); $mUcs4 = ($mUcs4 & 0x03) << 24; $mState = 4; $mBytes = 5; } elseif (0xFC == (0xFE & ($in))) { // First octet of 6 octet sequence, see comments for 5 // octet sequence. $mUcs4 = ($in); $mUcs4 = ($mUcs4 & 1) << 30; $mState = 5; $mBytes = 6; } else { // Current octet is neither in the US-ASCII range nor a // legal first octet of a multi-octet sequence. $mState = 0; $mUcs4 = 0; $mBytes = 1; $char = ''; } } else { // When mState is non-zero, we expect a continuation of the // multi-octet sequence if (0x80 == (0xC0 & ($in))) { // Legal continuation. $shift = ($mState - 1) * 6; $tmp = $in; $tmp = ($tmp & 0x0000003F) << $shift; $mUcs4 |= $tmp; if (0 == --$mState) { // End of the multi-octet sequence. mUcs4 now contains // the final Unicode codepoint to be output // Check for illegal sequences and codepoints. // From Unicode 3.1, non-shortest form is illegal if (((2 == $mBytes) && ($mUcs4 < 0x0080)) || ((3 == $mBytes) && ($mUcs4 < 0x0800)) || ((4 == $mBytes) && ($mUcs4 < 0x10000)) || (4 < $mBytes) || // From Unicode 3.2, surrogate characters = illegal (($mUcs4 & 0xFFFFF800) == 0xD800) || // Codepoints outside the Unicode range are illegal ($mUcs4 > 0x10FFFF) ) { } elseif (0xFEFF != $mUcs4 && // omit BOM // check for valid Char unicode codepoints ( 0x9 == $mUcs4 || 0xA == $mUcs4 || 0xD == $mUcs4 || (0x20 <= $mUcs4 && 0x7E >= $mUcs4) || // 7F-9F is not strictly prohibited by XML, // but it is non-SGML, and thus we don't allow it (0xA0 <= $mUcs4 && 0xD7FF >= $mUcs4) || (0x10000 <= $mUcs4 && 0x10FFFF >= $mUcs4) ) ) { $out .= $char; } // initialize UTF8 cache (reset) $mState = 0; $mUcs4 = 0; $mBytes = 1; $char = ''; } } else { // ((0xC0 & (*in) != 0x80) && (mState != 0)) // Incomplete multi-octet sequence. // used to result in complete fail, but we'll reset $mState = 0; $mUcs4 = 0; $mBytes = 1; $char =''; } } } return $out; } /** * Translates a Unicode codepoint into its corresponding UTF-8 character. * @note Based on Feyd's function at * , * which is in public domain. * @note While we're going to do code point parsing anyway, a good * optimization would be to refuse to translate code points that * are non-SGML characters. However, this could lead to duplication. * @note This is very similar to the unichr function in * maintenance/generate-entity-file.php (although this is superior, * due to its sanity checks). */ // +----------+----------+----------+----------+ // | 33222222 | 22221111 | 111111 | | // | 10987654 | 32109876 | 54321098 | 76543210 | bit // +----------+----------+----------+----------+ // | | | | 0xxxxxxx | 1 byte 0x00000000..0x0000007F // | | | 110yyyyy | 10xxxxxx | 2 byte 0x00000080..0x000007FF // | | 1110zzzz | 10yyyyyy | 10xxxxxx | 3 byte 0x00000800..0x0000FFFF // | 11110www | 10wwzzzz | 10yyyyyy | 10xxxxxx | 4 byte 0x00010000..0x0010FFFF // +----------+----------+----------+----------+ // | 00000000 | 00011111 | 11111111 | 11111111 | Theoretical upper limit of legal scalars: 2097151 (0x001FFFFF) // | 00000000 | 00010000 | 11111111 | 11111111 | Defined upper limit of legal scalar codes // +----------+----------+----------+----------+ public static function unichr($code) { if($code > 1114111 or $code < 0 or ($code >= 55296 and $code <= 57343) ) { // bits are set outside the "valid" range as defined // by UNICODE 4.1.0 return ''; } $x = $y = $z = $w = 0; if ($code < 128) { // regular ASCII character $x = $code; } else { // set up bits for UTF-8 $x = ($code & 63) | 128; if ($code < 2048) { $y = (($code & 2047) >> 6) | 192; } else { $y = (($code & 4032) >> 6) | 128; if($code < 65536) { $z = (($code >> 12) & 15) | 224; } else { $z = (($code >> 12) & 63) | 128; $w = (($code >> 18) & 7) | 240; } } } // set up the actual character $ret = ''; if($w) $ret .= chr($w); if($z) $ret .= chr($z); if($y) $ret .= chr($y); $ret .= chr($x); return $ret; } /** * Converts a string to UTF-8 based on configuration. */ public static function convertToUTF8($str, $config, $context) { $encoding = $config->get('Core.Encoding'); if ($encoding === 'utf-8') return $str; static $iconv = null; if ($iconv === null) $iconv = function_exists('iconv'); set_error_handler(array('HTMLPurifier_Encoder', 'muteErrorHandler')); if ($iconv && !$config->get('Test.ForceNoIconv')) { $str = iconv($encoding, 'utf-8//IGNORE', $str); if ($str === false) { // $encoding is not a valid encoding restore_error_handler(); trigger_error('Invalid encoding ' . $encoding, E_USER_ERROR); return ''; } // If the string is bjorked by Shift_JIS or a similar encoding // that doesn't support all of ASCII, convert the naughty // characters to their true byte-wise ASCII/UTF-8 equivalents. $str = strtr($str, HTMLPurifier_Encoder::testEncodingSupportsASCII($encoding)); restore_error_handler(); return $str; } elseif ($encoding === 'iso-8859-1') { $str = utf8_encode($str); restore_error_handler(); return $str; } trigger_error('Encoding not supported, please install iconv', E_USER_ERROR); } /** * Converts a string from UTF-8 based on configuration. * @note Currently, this is a lossy conversion, with unexpressable * characters being omitted. */ public static function convertFromUTF8($str, $config, $context) { $encoding = $config->get('Core.Encoding'); if ($encoding === 'utf-8') return $str; static $iconv = null; if ($iconv === null) $iconv = function_exists('iconv'); if ($escape = $config->get('Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters')) { $str = HTMLPurifier_Encoder::convertToASCIIDumbLossless($str); } set_error_handler(array('HTMLPurifier_Encoder', 'muteErrorHandler')); if ($iconv && !$config->get('Test.ForceNoIconv')) { // Undo our previous fix in convertToUTF8, otherwise iconv will barf $ascii_fix = HTMLPurifier_Encoder::testEncodingSupportsASCII($encoding); if (!$escape && !empty($ascii_fix)) { $clear_fix = array(); foreach ($ascii_fix as $utf8 => $native) $clear_fix[$utf8] = ''; $str = strtr($str, $clear_fix); } $str = strtr($str, array_flip($ascii_fix)); // Normal stuff $str = iconv('utf-8', $encoding . '//IGNORE', $str); restore_error_handler(); return $str; } elseif ($encoding === 'iso-8859-1') { $str = utf8_decode($str); restore_error_handler(); return $str; } trigger_error('Encoding not supported', E_USER_ERROR); } /** * Lossless (character-wise) conversion of HTML to ASCII * @param $str UTF-8 string to be converted to ASCII * @returns ASCII encoded string with non-ASCII character entity-ized * @warning Adapted from MediaWiki, claiming fair use: this is a common * algorithm. If you disagree with this license fudgery, * implement it yourself. * @note Uses decimal numeric entities since they are best supported. * @note This is a DUMB function: it has no concept of keeping * character entities that the projected character encoding * can allow. We could possibly implement a smart version * but that would require it to also know which Unicode * codepoints the charset supported (not an easy task). * @note Sort of with cleanUTF8() but it assumes that $str is * well-formed UTF-8 */ public static function convertToASCIIDumbLossless($str) { $bytesleft = 0; $result = ''; $working = 0; $len = strlen($str); for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) { $bytevalue = ord( $str[$i] ); if( $bytevalue <= 0x7F ) { //0xxx xxxx $result .= chr( $bytevalue ); $bytesleft = 0; } elseif( $bytevalue <= 0xBF ) { //10xx xxxx $working = $working << 6; $working += ($bytevalue & 0x3F); $bytesleft--; if( $bytesleft <= 0 ) { $result .= "&#" . $working . ";"; } } elseif( $bytevalue <= 0xDF ) { //110x xxxx $working = $bytevalue & 0x1F; $bytesleft = 1; } elseif( $bytevalue <= 0xEF ) { //1110 xxxx $working = $bytevalue & 0x0F; $bytesleft = 2; } else { //1111 0xxx $working = $bytevalue & 0x07; $bytesleft = 3; } } return $result; } /** * This expensive function tests whether or not a given character * encoding supports ASCII. 7/8-bit encodings like Shift_JIS will * fail this test, and require special processing. Variable width * encodings shouldn't ever fail. * * @param string $encoding Encoding name to test, as per iconv format * @param bool $bypass Whether or not to bypass the precompiled arrays. * @return Array of UTF-8 characters to their corresponding ASCII, * which can be used to "undo" any overzealous iconv action. */ public static function testEncodingSupportsASCII($encoding, $bypass = false) { static $encodings = array(); if (!$bypass) { if (isset($encodings[$encoding])) return $encodings[$encoding]; $lenc = strtolower($encoding); switch ($lenc) { case 'shift_jis': return array("\xC2\xA5" => '\\', "\xE2\x80\xBE" => '~'); case 'johab': return array("\xE2\x82\xA9" => '\\'); } if (strpos($lenc, 'iso-8859-') === 0) return array(); } $ret = array(); set_error_handler(array('HTMLPurifier_Encoder', 'muteErrorHandler')); if (iconv('UTF-8', $encoding, 'a') === false) return false; for ($i = 0x20; $i <= 0x7E; $i++) { // all printable ASCII chars $c = chr($i); // UTF-8 char $r = iconv('UTF-8', "$encoding//IGNORE", $c); // initial conversion if ( $r === '' || // This line is needed for iconv implementations that do not // omit characters that do not exist in the target character set ($r === $c && iconv($encoding, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $r) !== $c) ) { // Reverse engineer: what's the UTF-8 equiv of this byte // sequence? This assumes that there's no variable width // encoding that doesn't support ASCII. $ret[iconv($encoding, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $c)] = $c; } } restore_error_handler(); $encodings[$encoding] = $ret; return $ret; } } /** * Object that provides entity lookup table from entity name to character */ class HTMLPurifier_EntityLookup { /** * Assoc array of entity name to character represented. */ public $table; /** * Sets up the entity lookup table from the serialized file contents. * @note The serialized contents are versioned, but were generated * using the maintenance script generate_entity_file.php * @warning This is not in constructor to help enforce the Singleton */ public function setup($file = false) { if (!$file) { $file = HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX . '/HTMLPurifier/EntityLookup/entities.ser'; } $this->table = unserialize(file_get_contents($file)); } /** * Retrieves sole instance of the object. * @param Optional prototype of custom lookup table to overload with. */ public static function instance($prototype = false) { // no references, since PHP doesn't copy unless modified static $instance = null; if ($prototype) { $instance = $prototype; } elseif (!$instance) { $instance = new HTMLPurifier_EntityLookup(); $instance->setup(); } return $instance; } } // if want to implement error collecting here, we'll need to use some sort // of global data (probably trigger_error) because it's impossible to pass // $config or $context to the callback functions. /** * Handles referencing and derefencing character entities */ class HTMLPurifier_EntityParser { /** * Reference to entity lookup table. */ protected $_entity_lookup; /** * Callback regex string for parsing entities. */ protected $_substituteEntitiesRegex = '/&(?:[#]x([a-fA-F0-9]+)|[#]0*(\d+)|([A-Za-z_:][A-Za-z0-9.\-_:]*));?/'; // 1. hex 2. dec 3. string (XML style) /** * Decimal to parsed string conversion table for special entities. */ protected $_special_dec2str = array( 34 => '"', 38 => '&', 39 => "'", 60 => '<', 62 => '>' ); /** * Stripped entity names to decimal conversion table for special entities. */ protected $_special_ent2dec = array( 'quot' => 34, 'amp' => 38, 'lt' => 60, 'gt' => 62 ); /** * Substitutes non-special entities with their parsed equivalents. Since * running this whenever you have parsed character is t3h 5uck, we run * it before everything else. * * @param $string String to have non-special entities parsed. * @returns Parsed string. */ public function substituteNonSpecialEntities($string) { // it will try to detect missing semicolons, but don't rely on it return preg_replace_callback( $this->_substituteEntitiesRegex, array($this, 'nonSpecialEntityCallback'), $string ); } /** * Callback function for substituteNonSpecialEntities() that does the work. * * @param $matches PCRE matches array, with 0 the entire match, and * either index 1, 2 or 3 set with a hex value, dec value, * or string (respectively). * @returns Replacement string. */ protected function nonSpecialEntityCallback($matches) { // replaces all but big five $entity = $matches[0]; $is_num = (@$matches[0][1] === '#'); if ($is_num) { $is_hex = (@$entity[2] === 'x'); $code = $is_hex ? hexdec($matches[1]) : (int) $matches[2]; // abort for special characters if (isset($this->_special_dec2str[$code])) return $entity; return HTMLPurifier_Encoder::unichr($code); } else { if (isset($this->_special_ent2dec[$matches[3]])) return $entity; if (!$this->_entity_lookup) { $this->_entity_lookup = HTMLPurifier_EntityLookup::instance(); } if (isset($this->_entity_lookup->table[$matches[3]])) { return $this->_entity_lookup->table[$matches[3]]; } else { return $entity; } } } /** * Substitutes only special entities with their parsed equivalents. * * @notice We try to avoid calling this function because otherwise, it * would have to be called a lot (for every parsed section). * * @param $string String to have non-special entities parsed. * @returns Parsed string. */ public function substituteSpecialEntities($string) { return preg_replace_callback( $this->_substituteEntitiesRegex, array($this, 'specialEntityCallback'), $string); } /** * Callback function for substituteSpecialEntities() that does the work. * * This callback has same syntax as nonSpecialEntityCallback(). * * @param $matches PCRE-style matches array, with 0 the entire match, and * either index 1, 2 or 3 set with a hex value, dec value, * or string (respectively). * @returns Replacement string. */ protected function specialEntityCallback($matches) { $entity = $matches[0]; $is_num = (@$matches[0][1] === '#'); if ($is_num) { $is_hex = (@$entity[2] === 'x'); $int = $is_hex ? hexdec($matches[1]) : (int) $matches[2]; return isset($this->_special_dec2str[$int]) ? $this->_special_dec2str[$int] : $entity; } else { return isset($this->_special_ent2dec[$matches[3]]) ? $this->_special_ent2dec[$matches[3]] : $entity; } } } /** * Error collection class that enables HTML Purifier to report HTML * problems back to the user */ class HTMLPurifier_ErrorCollector { /** * Identifiers for the returned error array. These are purposely numeric * so list() can be used. */ const LINENO = 0; const SEVERITY = 1; const MESSAGE = 2; const CHILDREN = 3; protected $errors; protected $_current; protected $_stacks = array(array()); protected $locale; protected $generator; protected $context; protected $lines = array(); public function __construct($context) { $this->locale =& $context->get('Locale'); $this->context = $context; $this->_current =& $this->_stacks[0]; $this->errors =& $this->_stacks[0]; } /** * Sends an error message to the collector for later use * @param $severity int Error severity, PHP error style (don't use E_USER_) * @param $msg string Error message text * @param $subst1 string First substitution for $msg * @param $subst2 string ... */ public function send($severity, $msg) { $args = array(); if (func_num_args() > 2) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); unset($args[0]); } $token = $this->context->get('CurrentToken', true); $line = $token ? $token->line : $this->context->get('CurrentLine', true); $col = $token ? $token->col : $this->context->get('CurrentCol', true); $attr = $this->context->get('CurrentAttr', true); // perform special substitutions, also add custom parameters $subst = array(); if (!is_null($token)) { $args['CurrentToken'] = $token; } if (!is_null($attr)) { $subst['$CurrentAttr.Name'] = $attr; if (isset($token->attr[$attr])) $subst['$CurrentAttr.Value'] = $token->attr[$attr]; } if (empty($args)) { $msg = $this->locale->getMessage($msg); } else { $msg = $this->locale->formatMessage($msg, $args); } if (!empty($subst)) $msg = strtr($msg, $subst); // (numerically indexed) $error = array( self::LINENO => $line, self::SEVERITY => $severity, self::MESSAGE => $msg, self::CHILDREN => array() ); $this->_current[] = $error; // NEW CODE BELOW ... $struct = null; // Top-level errors are either: // TOKEN type, if $value is set appropriately, or // "syntax" type, if $value is null $new_struct = new HTMLPurifier_ErrorStruct(); $new_struct->type = HTMLPurifier_ErrorStruct::TOKEN; if ($token) $new_struct->value = clone $token; if (is_int($line) && is_int($col)) { if (isset($this->lines[$line][$col])) { $struct = $this->lines[$line][$col]; } else { $struct = $this->lines[$line][$col] = $new_struct; } // These ksorts may present a performance problem ksort($this->lines[$line], SORT_NUMERIC); } else { if (isset($this->lines[-1])) { $struct = $this->lines[-1]; } else { $struct = $this->lines[-1] = $new_struct; } } ksort($this->lines, SORT_NUMERIC); // Now, check if we need to operate on a lower structure if (!empty($attr)) { $struct = $struct->getChild(HTMLPurifier_ErrorStruct::ATTR, $attr); if (!$struct->value) { $struct->value = array($attr, 'PUT VALUE HERE'); } } if (!empty($cssprop)) { $struct = $struct->getChild(HTMLPurifier_ErrorStruct::CSSPROP, $cssprop); if (!$struct->value) { // if we tokenize CSS this might be a little more difficult to do $struct->value = array($cssprop, 'PUT VALUE HERE'); } } // Ok, structs are all setup, now time to register the error $struct->addError($severity, $msg); } /** * Retrieves raw error data for custom formatter to use * @param List of arrays in format of array(line of error, * error severity, error message, * recursive sub-errors array) */ public function getRaw() { return $this->errors; } /** * Default HTML formatting implementation for error messages * @param $config Configuration array, vital for HTML output nature * @param $errors Errors array to display; used for recursion. */ public function getHTMLFormatted($config, $errors = null) { $ret = array(); $this->generator = new HTMLPurifier_Generator($config, $this->context); if ($errors === null) $errors = $this->errors; // 'At line' message needs to be removed // generation code for new structure goes here. It needs to be recursive. foreach ($this->lines as $line => $col_array) { if ($line == -1) continue; foreach ($col_array as $col => $struct) { $this->_renderStruct($ret, $struct, $line, $col); } } if (isset($this->lines[-1])) { $this->_renderStruct($ret, $this->lines[-1]); } if (empty($errors)) { return '

' . $this->locale->getMessage('ErrorCollector: No errors') . '

'; } else { return ''; } } private function _renderStruct(&$ret, $struct, $line = null, $col = null) { $stack = array($struct); $context_stack = array(array()); while ($current = array_pop($stack)) { $context = array_pop($context_stack); foreach ($current->errors as $error) { list($severity, $msg) = $error; $string = ''; $string .= '
'; // W3C uses an icon to indicate the severity of the error. $error = $this->locale->getErrorName($severity); $string .= "$error "; if (!is_null($line) && !is_null($col)) { $string .= "Line $line, Column $col: "; } else { $string .= 'End of Document: '; } $string .= '' . $this->generator->escape($msg) . ' '; $string .= '
'; // Here, have a marker for the character on the column appropriate. // Be sure to clip extremely long lines. //$string .= '
                //$string .= '';
                //$string .= '
'; $ret[] = $string; } foreach ($current->children as $type => $array) { $context[] = $current; $stack = array_merge($stack, array_reverse($array, true)); for ($i = count($array); $i > 0; $i--) { $context_stack[] = $context; } } } } } /** * Records errors for particular segments of an HTML document such as tokens, * attributes or CSS properties. They can contain error structs (which apply * to components of what they represent), but their main purpose is to hold * errors applying to whatever struct is being used. */ class HTMLPurifier_ErrorStruct { /** * Possible values for $children first-key. Note that top-level structures * are automatically token-level. */ const TOKEN = 0; const ATTR = 1; const CSSPROP = 2; /** * Type of this struct. */ public $type; /** * Value of the struct we are recording errors for. There are various * values for this: * - TOKEN: Instance of HTMLPurifier_Token * - ATTR: array('attr-name', 'value') * - CSSPROP: array('prop-name', 'value') */ public $value; /** * Errors registered for this structure. */ public $errors = array(); /** * Child ErrorStructs that are from this structure. For example, a TOKEN * ErrorStruct would contain ATTR ErrorStructs. This is a multi-dimensional * array in structure: [TYPE]['identifier'] */ public $children = array(); public function getChild($type, $id) { if (!isset($this->children[$type][$id])) { $this->children[$type][$id] = new HTMLPurifier_ErrorStruct(); $this->children[$type][$id]->type = $type; } return $this->children[$type][$id]; } public function addError($severity, $message) { $this->errors[] = array($severity, $message); } } /** * Global exception class for HTML Purifier; any exceptions we throw * are from here. */ class HTMLPurifier_Exception extends Exception { } /** * Represents a pre or post processing filter on HTML Purifier's output * * Sometimes, a little ad-hoc fixing of HTML has to be done before * it gets sent through HTML Purifier: you can use filters to acheive * this effect. For instance, YouTube videos can be preserved using * this manner. You could have used a decorator for this task, but * PHP's support for them is not terribly robust, so we're going * to just loop through the filters. * * Filters should be exited first in, last out. If there are three filters, * named 1, 2 and 3, the order of execution should go 1->preFilter, * 2->preFilter, 3->preFilter, purify, 3->postFilter, 2->postFilter, * 1->postFilter. * * @note Methods are not declared abstract as it is perfectly legitimate * for an implementation not to want anything to happen on a step */ class HTMLPurifier_Filter { /** * Name of the filter for identification purposes */ public $name; /** * Pre-processor function, handles HTML before HTML Purifier */ public function preFilter($html, $config, $context) { return $html; } /** * Post-processor function, handles HTML after HTML Purifier */ public function postFilter($html, $config, $context) { return $html; } } /** * Generates HTML from tokens. * @todo Refactor interface so that configuration/context is determined * upon instantiation, no need for messy generateFromTokens() calls * @todo Make some of the more internal functions protected, and have * unit tests work around that */ class HTMLPurifier_Generator { /** * Whether or not generator should produce XML output */ private $_xhtml = true; /** * :HACK: Whether or not generator should comment the insides of )#si', array($this, 'scriptCallback'), $html); } $html = $this->normalize($html, $config, $context); $cursor = 0; // our location in the text $inside_tag = false; // whether or not we're parsing the inside of a tag $array = array(); // result array // This is also treated to mean maintain *column* numbers too $maintain_line_numbers = $config->get('Core.MaintainLineNumbers'); if ($maintain_line_numbers === null) { // automatically determine line numbering by checking // if error collection is on $maintain_line_numbers = $config->get('Core.CollectErrors'); } if ($maintain_line_numbers) { $current_line = 1; $current_col = 0; $length = strlen($html); } else { $current_line = false; $current_col = false; $length = false; } $context->register('CurrentLine', $current_line); $context->register('CurrentCol', $current_col); $nl = "\n"; // how often to manually recalculate. This will ALWAYS be right, // but it's pretty wasteful. Set to 0 to turn off $synchronize_interval = $config->get('Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval'); $e = false; if ($config->get('Core.CollectErrors')) { $e =& $context->get('ErrorCollector'); } // for testing synchronization $loops = 0; while(++$loops) { // $cursor is either at the start of a token, or inside of // a tag (i.e. there was a < immediately before it), as indicated // by $inside_tag if ($maintain_line_numbers) { // $rcursor, however, is always at the start of a token. $rcursor = $cursor - (int) $inside_tag; // Column number is cheap, so we calculate it every round. // We're interested at the *end* of the newline string, so // we need to add strlen($nl) == 1 to $nl_pos before subtracting it // from our "rcursor" position. $nl_pos = strrpos($html, $nl, $rcursor - $length); $current_col = $rcursor - (is_bool($nl_pos) ? 0 : $nl_pos + 1); // recalculate lines if ( $synchronize_interval && // synchronization is on $cursor > 0 && // cursor is further than zero $loops % $synchronize_interval === 0 // time to synchronize! ) { $current_line = 1 + $this->substrCount($html, $nl, 0, $cursor); } } $position_next_lt = strpos($html, '<', $cursor); $position_next_gt = strpos($html, '>', $cursor); // triggers on "asdf" but not "asdf " // special case to set up context if ($position_next_lt === $cursor) { $inside_tag = true; $cursor++; } if (!$inside_tag && $position_next_lt !== false) { // We are not inside tag and there still is another tag to parse $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text( $this->parseData( substr( $html, $cursor, $position_next_lt - $cursor ) ) ); if ($maintain_line_numbers) { $token->rawPosition($current_line, $current_col); $current_line += $this->substrCount($html, $nl, $cursor, $position_next_lt - $cursor); } $array[] = $token; $cursor = $position_next_lt + 1; $inside_tag = true; continue; } elseif (!$inside_tag) { // We are not inside tag but there are no more tags // If we're already at the end, break if ($cursor === strlen($html)) break; // Create Text of rest of string $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text( $this->parseData( substr( $html, $cursor ) ) ); if ($maintain_line_numbers) $token->rawPosition($current_line, $current_col); $array[] = $token; break; } elseif ($inside_tag && $position_next_gt !== false) { // We are in tag and it is well formed // Grab the internals of the tag $strlen_segment = $position_next_gt - $cursor; if ($strlen_segment < 1) { // there's nothing to process! $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text('<'); $cursor++; continue; } $segment = substr($html, $cursor, $strlen_segment); if ($segment === false) { // somehow, we attempted to access beyond the end of // the string, defense-in-depth, reported by Nate Abele break; } // Check if it's a comment if ( substr($segment, 0, 3) === '!--' ) { // re-determine segment length, looking for --> $position_comment_end = strpos($html, '-->', $cursor); if ($position_comment_end === false) { // uh oh, we have a comment that extends to // infinity. Can't be helped: set comment // end position to end of string if ($e) $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Lexer: Unclosed comment'); $position_comment_end = strlen($html); $end = true; } else { $end = false; } $strlen_segment = $position_comment_end - $cursor; $segment = substr($html, $cursor, $strlen_segment); $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Comment( substr( $segment, 3, $strlen_segment - 3 ) ); if ($maintain_line_numbers) { $token->rawPosition($current_line, $current_col); $current_line += $this->substrCount($html, $nl, $cursor, $strlen_segment); } $array[] = $token; $cursor = $end ? $position_comment_end : $position_comment_end + 3; $inside_tag = false; continue; } // Check if it's an end tag $is_end_tag = (strpos($segment,'/') === 0); if ($is_end_tag) { $type = substr($segment, 1); $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($type); if ($maintain_line_numbers) { $token->rawPosition($current_line, $current_col); $current_line += $this->substrCount($html, $nl, $cursor, $position_next_gt - $cursor); } $array[] = $token; $inside_tag = false; $cursor = $position_next_gt + 1; continue; } // Check leading character is alnum, if not, we may // have accidently grabbed an emoticon. Translate into // text and go our merry way if (!ctype_alpha($segment[0])) { // XML: $segment[0] !== '_' && $segment[0] !== ':' if ($e) $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Lexer: Unescaped lt'); $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text('<'); if ($maintain_line_numbers) { $token->rawPosition($current_line, $current_col); $current_line += $this->substrCount($html, $nl, $cursor, $position_next_gt - $cursor); } $array[] = $token; $inside_tag = false; continue; } // Check if it is explicitly self closing, if so, remove // trailing slash. Remember, we could have a tag like
, so // any later token processing scripts must convert improperly // classified EmptyTags from StartTags. $is_self_closing = (strrpos($segment,'/') === $strlen_segment-1); if ($is_self_closing) { $strlen_segment--; $segment = substr($segment, 0, $strlen_segment); } // Check if there are any attributes $position_first_space = strcspn($segment, $this->_whitespace); if ($position_first_space >= $strlen_segment) { if ($is_self_closing) { $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty($segment); } else { $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start($segment); } if ($maintain_line_numbers) { $token->rawPosition($current_line, $current_col); $current_line += $this->substrCount($html, $nl, $cursor, $position_next_gt - $cursor); } $array[] = $token; $inside_tag = false; $cursor = $position_next_gt + 1; continue; } // Grab out all the data $type = substr($segment, 0, $position_first_space); $attribute_string = trim( substr( $segment, $position_first_space ) ); if ($attribute_string) { $attr = $this->parseAttributeString( $attribute_string , $config, $context ); } else { $attr = array(); } if ($is_self_closing) { $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty($type, $attr); } else { $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start($type, $attr); } if ($maintain_line_numbers) { $token->rawPosition($current_line, $current_col); $current_line += $this->substrCount($html, $nl, $cursor, $position_next_gt - $cursor); } $array[] = $token; $cursor = $position_next_gt + 1; $inside_tag = false; continue; } else { // inside tag, but there's no ending > sign if ($e) $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Lexer: Missing gt'); $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text( '<' . $this->parseData( substr($html, $cursor) ) ); if ($maintain_line_numbers) $token->rawPosition($current_line, $current_col); // no cursor scroll? Hmm... $array[] = $token; break; } break; } $context->destroy('CurrentLine'); $context->destroy('CurrentCol'); return $array; } /** * PHP 5.0.x compatible substr_count that implements offset and length */ protected function substrCount($haystack, $needle, $offset, $length) { static $oldVersion; if ($oldVersion === null) { $oldVersion = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1', '<'); } if ($oldVersion) { $haystack = substr($haystack, $offset, $length); return substr_count($haystack, $needle); } else { return substr_count($haystack, $needle, $offset, $length); } } /** * Takes the inside of an HTML tag and makes an assoc array of attributes. * * @param $string Inside of tag excluding name. * @returns Assoc array of attributes. */ public function parseAttributeString($string, $config, $context) { $string = (string) $string; // quick typecast if ($string == '') return array(); // no attributes $e = false; if ($config->get('Core.CollectErrors')) { $e =& $context->get('ErrorCollector'); } // let's see if we can abort as quickly as possible // one equal sign, no spaces => one attribute $num_equal = substr_count($string, '='); $has_space = strpos($string, ' '); if ($num_equal === 0 && !$has_space) { // bool attribute return array($string => $string); } elseif ($num_equal === 1 && !$has_space) { // only one attribute list($key, $quoted_value) = explode('=', $string); $quoted_value = trim($quoted_value); if (!$key) { if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Lexer: Missing attribute key'); return array(); } if (!$quoted_value) return array($key => ''); $first_char = @$quoted_value[0]; $last_char = @$quoted_value[strlen($quoted_value)-1]; $same_quote = ($first_char == $last_char); $open_quote = ($first_char == '"' || $first_char == "'"); if ( $same_quote && $open_quote) { // well behaved $value = substr($quoted_value, 1, strlen($quoted_value) - 2); } else { // not well behaved if ($open_quote) { if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Lexer: Missing end quote'); $value = substr($quoted_value, 1); } else { $value = $quoted_value; } } if ($value === false) $value = ''; return array($key => $this->parseData($value)); } // setup loop environment $array = array(); // return assoc array of attributes $cursor = 0; // current position in string (moves forward) $size = strlen($string); // size of the string (stays the same) // if we have unquoted attributes, the parser expects a terminating // space, so let's guarantee that there's always a terminating space. $string .= ' '; while(true) { if ($cursor >= $size) { break; } $cursor += ($value = strspn($string, $this->_whitespace, $cursor)); // grab the key $key_begin = $cursor; //we're currently at the start of the key // scroll past all characters that are the key (not whitespace or =) $cursor += strcspn($string, $this->_whitespace . '=', $cursor); $key_end = $cursor; // now at the end of the key $key = substr($string, $key_begin, $key_end - $key_begin); if (!$key) { if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Lexer: Missing attribute key'); $cursor += strcspn($string, $this->_whitespace, $cursor + 1); // prevent infinite loop continue; // empty key } // scroll past all whitespace $cursor += strspn($string, $this->_whitespace, $cursor); if ($cursor >= $size) { $array[$key] = $key; break; } // if the next character is an equal sign, we've got a regular // pair, otherwise, it's a bool attribute $first_char = @$string[$cursor]; if ($first_char == '=') { // key="value" $cursor++; $cursor += strspn($string, $this->_whitespace, $cursor); if ($cursor === false) { $array[$key] = ''; break; } // we might be in front of a quote right now $char = @$string[$cursor]; if ($char == '"' || $char == "'") { // it's quoted, end bound is $char $cursor++; $value_begin = $cursor; $cursor = strpos($string, $char, $cursor); $value_end = $cursor; } else { // it's not quoted, end bound is whitespace $value_begin = $cursor; $cursor += strcspn($string, $this->_whitespace, $cursor); $value_end = $cursor; } // we reached a premature end if ($cursor === false) { $cursor = $size; $value_end = $cursor; } $value = substr($string, $value_begin, $value_end - $value_begin); if ($value === false) $value = ''; $array[$key] = $this->parseData($value); $cursor++; } else { // boolattr if ($key !== '') { $array[$key] = $key; } else { // purely theoretical if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Lexer: Missing attribute key'); } } } return $array; } } /** * Composite strategy that runs multiple strategies on tokens. */ abstract class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_Composite extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy { /** * List of strategies to run tokens through. */ protected $strategies = array(); abstract public function __construct(); public function execute($tokens, $config, $context) { foreach ($this->strategies as $strategy) { $tokens = $strategy->execute($tokens, $config, $context); } return $tokens; } } /** * Core strategy composed of the big four strategies. */ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_Core extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy_Composite { public function __construct() { $this->strategies[] = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements(); $this->strategies[] = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed(); $this->strategies[] = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_FixNesting(); $this->strategies[] = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_ValidateAttributes(); } } /** * Takes a well formed list of tokens and fixes their nesting. * * HTML elements dictate which elements are allowed to be their children, * for example, you can't have a p tag in a span tag. Other elements have * much more rigorous definitions: tables, for instance, require a specific * order for their elements. There are also constraints not expressible by * document type definitions, such as the chameleon nature of ins/del * tags and global child exclusions. * * The first major objective of this strategy is to iterate through all the * nodes (not tokens) of the list of tokens and determine whether or not * their children conform to the element's definition. If they do not, the * child definition may optionally supply an amended list of elements that * is valid or require that the entire node be deleted (and the previous * node rescanned). * * The second objective is to ensure that explicitly excluded elements of * an element do not appear in its children. Code that accomplishes this * task is pervasive through the strategy, though the two are distinct tasks * and could, theoretically, be seperated (although it's not recommended). * * @note Whether or not unrecognized children are silently dropped or * translated into text depends on the child definitions. * * @todo Enable nodes to be bubbled out of the structure. */ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_FixNesting extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy { public function execute($tokens, $config, $context) { //####################################################################// // Pre-processing // get a copy of the HTML definition $definition = $config->getHTMLDefinition(); // insert implicit "parent" node, will be removed at end. // DEFINITION CALL $parent_name = $definition->info_parent; array_unshift($tokens, new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start($parent_name)); $tokens[] = new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($parent_name); // setup the context variable 'IsInline', for chameleon processing // is 'false' when we are not inline, 'true' when it must always // be inline, and an integer when it is inline for a certain // branch of the document tree $is_inline = $definition->info_parent_def->descendants_are_inline; $context->register('IsInline', $is_inline); // setup error collector $e =& $context->get('ErrorCollector', true); //####################################################################// // Loop initialization // stack that contains the indexes of all parents, // $stack[count($stack)-1] being the current parent $stack = array(); // stack that contains all elements that are excluded // it is organized by parent elements, similar to $stack, // but it is only populated when an element with exclusions is // processed, i.e. there won't be empty exclusions. $exclude_stack = array(); // variable that contains the start token while we are processing // nodes. This enables error reporting to do its job $start_token = false; $context->register('CurrentToken', $start_token); //####################################################################// // Loop // iterate through all start nodes. Determining the start node // is complicated so it has been omitted from the loop construct for ($i = 0, $size = count($tokens) ; $i < $size; ) { //################################################################// // Gather information on children // child token accumulator $child_tokens = array(); // scroll to the end of this node, report number, and collect // all children for ($j = $i, $depth = 0; ; $j++) { if ($tokens[$j] instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) { $depth++; // skip token assignment on first iteration, this is the // token we currently are on if ($depth == 1) continue; } elseif ($tokens[$j] instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) { $depth--; // skip token assignment on last iteration, this is the // end token of the token we're currently on if ($depth == 0) break; } $child_tokens[] = $tokens[$j]; } // $i is index of start token // $j is index of end token $start_token = $tokens[$i]; // to make token available via CurrentToken //################################################################// // Gather information on parent // calculate parent information if ($count = count($stack)) { $parent_index = $stack[$count-1]; $parent_name = $tokens[$parent_index]->name; if ($parent_index == 0) { $parent_def = $definition->info_parent_def; } else { $parent_def = $definition->info[$parent_name]; } } else { // processing as if the parent were the "root" node // unknown info, it won't be used anyway, in the future, // we may want to enforce one element only (this is // necessary for HTML Purifier to clean entire documents $parent_index = $parent_name = $parent_def = null; } // calculate context if ($is_inline === false) { // check if conditions make it inline if (!empty($parent_def) && $parent_def->descendants_are_inline) { $is_inline = $count - 1; } } else { // check if we're out of inline if ($count === $is_inline) { $is_inline = false; } } //################################################################// // Determine whether element is explicitly excluded SGML-style // determine whether or not element is excluded by checking all // parent exclusions. The array should not be very large, two // elements at most. $excluded = false; if (!empty($exclude_stack)) { foreach ($exclude_stack as $lookup) { if (isset($lookup[$tokens[$i]->name])) { $excluded = true; // no need to continue processing break; } } } //################################################################// // Perform child validation if ($excluded) { // there is an exclusion, remove the entire node $result = false; $excludes = array(); // not used, but good to initialize anyway } else { // DEFINITION CALL if ($i === 0) { // special processing for the first node $def = $definition->info_parent_def; } else { $def = $definition->info[$tokens[$i]->name]; } if (!empty($def->child)) { // have DTD child def validate children $result = $def->child->validateChildren( $child_tokens, $config, $context); } else { // weird, no child definition, get rid of everything $result = false; } // determine whether or not this element has any exclusions $excludes = $def->excludes; } // $result is now a bool or array //################################################################// // Process result by interpreting $result if ($result === true || $child_tokens === $result) { // leave the node as is // register start token as a parental node start $stack[] = $i; // register exclusions if there are any if (!empty($excludes)) $exclude_stack[] = $excludes; // move cursor to next possible start node $i++; } elseif($result === false) { // remove entire node if ($e) { if ($excluded) { $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node excluded'); } else { $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node removed'); } } // calculate length of inner tokens and current tokens $length = $j - $i + 1; // perform removal // CODE HAS TO BE MOVED WITH UPGRADE START if ($tokens instanceof HTMLPurifier_Array) { $tokens->splice($i, $length); } else { array_splice($tokens, $i, $length); } // CODE HAS TO BE MOVED WITH UPGRADE ENT // update size $size -= $length; // there is no start token to register, // current node is now the next possible start node // unless it turns out that we need to do a double-check // this is a rought heuristic that covers 100% of HTML's // cases and 99% of all other cases. A child definition // that would be tricked by this would be something like: // ( | a b c) where it's all or nothing. Fortunately, // our current implementation claims that that case would // not allow empty, even if it did if (!$parent_def->child->allow_empty) { // we need to do a double-check $i = $parent_index; array_pop($stack); } // PROJECTED OPTIMIZATION: Process all children elements before // reprocessing parent node. } else { // replace node with $result // calculate length of inner tokens $length = $j - $i - 1; if ($e) { if (empty($result) && $length) { $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node contents removed'); } else { $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node reorganized'); } } // perform replacement // CODE HAS TO BE MOVED WITH UPGRADE START if ($tokens instanceof HTMLPurifier_Array) { $tokens->splice($i + 1, $length, $result); } else { array_splice($tokens, $i + 1, $length, $result); } // CODE HAS TO BE MOVED WITH UPGRADE END // update size $size -= $length; $size += count($result); // register start token as a parental node start $stack[] = $i; // register exclusions if there are any if (!empty($excludes)) $exclude_stack[] = $excludes; // move cursor to next possible start node $i++; } //################################################################// // Scroll to next start node // We assume, at this point, that $i is the index of the token // that is the first possible new start point for a node. // Test if the token indeed is a start tag, if not, move forward // and test again. $size = count($tokens); while ($i < $size and !$tokens[$i] instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) { if ($tokens[$i] instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) { // pop a token index off the stack if we ended a node array_pop($stack); // pop an exclusion lookup off exclusion stack if // we ended node and that node had exclusions if ($i == 0 || $i == $size - 1) { // use specialized var if it's the super-parent $s_excludes = $definition->info_parent_def->excludes; } else { $s_excludes = $definition->info[$tokens[$i]->name]->excludes; } if ($s_excludes) { array_pop($exclude_stack); } } $i++; } } //####################################################################// // Post-processing // remove implicit parent tokens at the beginning and end array_shift($tokens); array_pop($tokens); // remove context variables $context->destroy('IsInline'); $context->destroy('CurrentToken'); //####################################################################// // Return return $tokens; } } /** * Takes tokens makes them well-formed (balance end tags, etc.) * * Specification of the armor attributes this strategy uses: * * - MakeWellFormed_TagClosedError: This armor field is used to * suppress tag closed errors for certain tokens [TagClosedSuppress], * in particular, if a tag was generated automatically by HTML * Purifier, we may rely on our infrastructure to close it for us * and shouldn't report an error to the user [TagClosedAuto]. */ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy { /** * Array stream of tokens being processed. */ protected $tokens; /** * Current index in $tokens. */ protected $t; /** * Current nesting of elements. */ protected $stack; /** * Injectors active in this stream processing. */ protected $injectors; /** * Current instance of HTMLPurifier_Config. */ protected $config; /** * Current instance of HTMLPurifier_Context. */ protected $context; public function execute($tokens, $config, $context) { // CODE HAS TO BE MOVED WITH UPGRADE START $tokens = new HTMLPurifier_Array($tokens); // CODE HAS TO BE MOVED WITH UPGRADE END $definition = $config->getHTMLDefinition(); // local variables $generator = new HTMLPurifier_Generator($config, $context); $escape_invalid_tags = $config->get('Core.EscapeInvalidTags'); // used for autoclose early abortion $global_parent_allowed_elements = array(); if (isset($definition->info[$definition->info_parent])) { // may be unset under testing circumstances $global_parent_allowed_elements = $definition->info[$definition->info_parent]->child->getAllowedElements($config); } $e = $context->get('ErrorCollector', true); $t = false; // token index $i = false; // injector index $token = false; // the current token $reprocess = false; // whether or not to reprocess the same token $stack = array(); // member variables $this->stack =& $stack; $this->t =& $t; $this->tokens =& $tokens; $this->config = $config; $this->context = $context; // context variables $context->register('CurrentNesting', $stack); $context->register('InputIndex', $t); $context->register('InputTokens', $tokens); $context->register('CurrentToken', $token); // -- begin INJECTOR -- $this->injectors = array(); $injectors = $config->getBatch('AutoFormat'); $def_injectors = $definition->info_injector; $custom_injectors = $injectors['Custom']; unset($injectors['Custom']); // special case foreach ($injectors as $injector => $b) { // XXX: Fix with a legitimate lookup table of enabled filters if (strpos($injector, '.') !== false) continue; $injector = "HTMLPurifier_Injector_$injector"; if (!$b) continue; $this->injectors[] = new $injector; } foreach ($def_injectors as $injector) { // assumed to be objects $this->injectors[] = $injector; } foreach ($custom_injectors as $injector) { if (!$injector) continue; if (is_string($injector)) { $injector = "HTMLPurifier_Injector_$injector"; $injector = new $injector; } $this->injectors[] = $injector; } // give the injectors references to the definition and context // variables for performance reasons foreach ($this->injectors as $ix => $injector) { $error = $injector->prepare($config, $context); if (!$error) continue; array_splice($this->injectors, $ix, 1); // rm the injector trigger_error("Cannot enable {$injector->name} injector because $error is not allowed", E_USER_WARNING); } // -- end INJECTOR -- // a note on reprocessing: // In order to reduce code duplication, whenever some code needs // to make HTML changes in order to make things "correct", the // new HTML gets sent through the purifier, regardless of its // status. This means that if we add a start token, because it // was totally necessary, we don't have to update nesting; we just // punt ($reprocess = true; continue;) and it does that for us. // isset is in loop because $tokens size changes during loop exec for ( $t = 0; $t == 0 || isset($tokens[$t - 1]); // only increment if we don't need to reprocess $reprocess ? $reprocess = false : $t++ ) { // check for a rewind if (is_int($i) && $i >= 0) { // possibility: disable rewinding if the current token has a // rewind set on it already. This would offer protection from // infinite loop, but might hinder some advanced rewinding. $rewind_to = $this->injectors[$i]->getRewind(); if (is_int($rewind_to) && $rewind_to < $t) { if ($rewind_to < 0) $rewind_to = 0; while ($t > $rewind_to) { $t--; $prev = $tokens[$t]; // indicate that other injectors should not process this token, // but we need to reprocess it unset($prev->skip[$i]); $prev->rewind = $i; if ($prev instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) array_pop($this->stack); elseif ($prev instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) $this->stack[] = $prev->start; } } $i = false; } // handle case of document end if (!isset($tokens[$t])) { // kill processing if stack is empty if (empty($this->stack)) break; // peek $top_nesting = array_pop($this->stack); $this->stack[] = $top_nesting; // send error [TagClosedSuppress] if ($e && !isset($top_nesting->armor['MakeWellFormed_TagClosedError'])) { $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Tag closed by document end', $top_nesting); } // append, don't splice, since this is the end $tokens[] = new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($top_nesting->name); // punt! $reprocess = true; continue; } $token = $tokens[$t]; //echo '
'; printTokens($tokens, $t); printTokens($this->stack); //flush(); // quick-check: if it's not a tag, no need to process if (empty($token->is_tag)) { if ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Text) { foreach ($this->injectors as $i => $injector) { if (isset($token->skip[$i])) continue; if ($token->rewind !== null && $token->rewind !== $i) continue; $injector->handleText($token); $this->processToken($token, $i); $reprocess = true; break; } } // another possibility is a comment continue; } if (isset($definition->info[$token->name])) { $type = $definition->info[$token->name]->child->type; } else { $type = false; // Type is unknown, treat accordingly } // quick tag checks: anything that's *not* an end tag $ok = false; if ($type === 'empty' && $token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) { // claims to be a start tag but is empty $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty($token->name, $token->attr, $token->line, $token->col, $token->armor); $ok = true; } elseif ($type && $type !== 'empty' && $token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty) { // claims to be empty but really is a start tag $this->swap(new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($token->name)); $this->insertBefore(new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start($token->name, $token->attr, $token->line, $token->col, $token->armor)); // punt (since we had to modify the input stream in a non-trivial way) $reprocess = true; continue; } elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty) { // real empty token $ok = true; } elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) { // start tag // ...unless they also have to close their parent if (!empty($this->stack)) { // Performance note: you might think that it's rather // inefficient, recalculating the autoclose information // for every tag that a token closes (since when we // do an autoclose, we push a new token into the // stream and then /process/ that, before // re-processing this token.) But this is // necessary, because an injector can make an // arbitrary transformations to the autoclosing // tokens we introduce, so things may have changed // in the meantime. Also, doing the inefficient thing is // "easy" to reason about (for certain perverse definitions // of "easy") $parent = array_pop($this->stack); $this->stack[] = $parent; if (isset($definition->info[$parent->name])) { $elements = $definition->info[$parent->name]->child->getAllowedElements($config); $autoclose = !isset($elements[$token->name]); } else { $autoclose = false; } if ($autoclose && $definition->info[$token->name]->wrap) { // Check if an element can be wrapped by another // element to make it valid in a context (for // example,