(function(){ var JSON = YAHOO.lang.JSON; SUGAR.quickCompose = {}; SUGAR.quickCompose = function() { return { parentPanel : null, dceMenuPanel : null, options: null, loadingMessgPanl : null, frameLoaded : false, resourcesLoaded: false, tinyLoaded : false, /** * Get the required compose package in an ajax call required for * the quick compose. * @method initComposePackage * @param {Array} c Options containing compose package and full return url. * @return {} none **/ initComposePackage: function(c) { //Init fix for YUI 2.7.0 datatable sort. SUGAR.email2.addressBook.initFixForDatatableSort(); //JS resources must have been loaded if we reach this step. SUGAR.quickCompose.resourcesLoaded = true; var callback = { success: function(o) { var responseData = JSON.parse(o.responseText); //Create and insert the necessary script tag var scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); scriptTag.id = 'quickComposeScript'; scriptTag.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'); if(YAHOO.env.ua.ie > 0) //IE hack scriptTag.text = responseData.jsData; else //Everybody else scriptTag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(responseData.jsData)); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(scriptTag); //Create and insert the necessary div elements and html markup var divTag = document.createElement("div"); divTag.innerHTML = responseData.divData; divTag.id = 'quickCompose'; YAHOO.util.Dom.insertBefore(divTag, 'footer'); //Set the flag that we loaded the compose package. SUGAR.quickCompose.frameLoaded = true; //Init the UI SUGAR.quickCompose.initUI(c.data); } } if(!SUGAR.quickCompose.frameLoaded) YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', 'index.php?entryPoint=GenerateQuickComposeFrame', callback, null); else SUGAR.quickCompose.initUI(c.data); }, /** * Initalize the UI for the quick compose * the quick compose. * @method initComposePackage * @param {Array} options Options containing compose package and full return url. * @return {} none **/ initUI: function(options) { var SQ = SUGAR.quickCompose; this.options = options; //Hide the loading div loadingMessgPanl.hide(); var dce_mode = (typeof this.dceMenuPanel != 'undefined' && this.dceMenuPanel != null) ? true : false; //Destroy the previous quick compose panel to get a clean slate if (SQ.parentPanel != null) { //First clean up the tinyMCE instance tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, SUGAR.email2.tinyInstances.currentHtmleditor); SUGAR.email2.tinyInstances[SUGAR.email2.tinyInstances.currentHtmleditor] = null; SUGAR.email2.tinyInstances.currentHtmleditor = ""; SQ.parentPanel.destroy(); SQ.parentPanel = null; } var theme = SUGAR.themes.theme_name; //The quick compose utalizes the EmailUI compose functionality which allows for multiple compose //tabs. Quick compose always has only one compose screen with an index of 0. var idx = 0; //Get template engine with template if (!SE.composeLayout.composeTemplate) SE.composeLayout.composeTemplate = new YAHOO.SUGAR.Template(SE.templates['compose']); var panel_modal = dce_mode ? false : true, panel_width = '880px', panel_constrain = dce_mode ? false : true, panel_height = dce_mode ? 'auto' : '400px', panel_shadow = dce_mode ? false : true, panel_draggable = dce_mode ? false : true, panel_resize = dce_mode ? false : true, panel_close = dce_mode ? false : true; SQ.parentPanel = new YAHOO.widget.Panel("container1", { modal: panel_modal, visible: true, constraintoviewport: panel_constrain, width : panel_width, height : panel_height, shadow : panel_shadow, draggable : panel_draggable, resize: panel_resize, close: panel_close }); if(!dce_mode) { SQ.parentPanel.setHeader( SUGAR.language.get('app_strings','LBL_EMAIL_QUICK_COMPOSE')) ; } SQ.parentPanel.setBody("
"); var composePanel = SE.composeLayout.getQuickComposeLayout(SQ.parentPanel,this.options); if(!dce_mode) { var resize = new YAHOO.util.Resize('container1', { handles: ['br'], autoRatio: false, minWidth: 400, minHeight: 350, status: false }); resize.on('resize', function(args) { var panelHeight = args.height; this.cfg.setProperty("height", panelHeight + "px"); var layout = SE.composeLayout[SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId]; layout.set("height", panelHeight - 50); layout.resize(true); SE.composeLayout.resizeEditor(SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId); }, SQ.parentPanel, true); } else { SUGAR.util.doWhen("typeof SE.composeLayout[SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId] != 'undefined'", function(){ var panelHeight = 400; SQ.parentPanel.cfg.setProperty("height", panelHeight + "px"); var layout = SE.composeLayout[SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId]; layout.set("height", panelHeight); layout.resize(true); SE.composeLayout.resizeEditor(SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId); }); } YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle("container1", "z-index", 1); if (!SQ.tinyLoaded) { //TinyMCE bug, since we are loading the js file dynamically we need to let tiny know that the //dom event has fired. tinymce.dom.Event.domLoaded = true; tinyMCE.init({ convert_urls : false, theme_advanced_toolbar_align : tinyConfig.theme_advanced_toolbar_align, valid_children : tinyConfig.valid_children, width: tinyConfig.width, theme: tinyConfig.theme, theme_advanced_toolbar_location : tinyConfig.theme_advanced_toolbar_location, theme_advanced_buttons1 : tinyConfig.theme_advanced_buttons1, theme_advanced_buttons2 : tinyConfig.theme_advanced_buttons2, theme_advanced_buttons3 : tinyConfig.theme_advanced_buttons3, plugins : tinyConfig.plugins, elements : tinyConfig.elements, language : tinyConfig.language, extended_valid_elements : tinyConfig.extended_valid_elements, mode: tinyConfig.mode, strict_loading_mode : true }); SQ.tinyLoaded = true; } SQ.parentPanel.show(); //Re-declare the close function to handle appropriattely. SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.forceCloseCompose = function(o){SUGAR.quickCompose.parentPanel.hide(); } if(!dce_mode) { SQ.parentPanel.center(); } }, /** * Display a loading pannel and start retrieving the quick compose requirements. * @method init * @param {Array} o Options containing compose package and full return url. * @return {} none **/ init: function(o) { if(typeof o.menu_id != 'undefined') { this.dceMenuPanel = o.menu_id; } else { this.dceMenuPanel = null; } loadingMessgPanl = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog('loading', { width: '200px', close: true, modal: true, visible: true, fixedcenter: true, constraintoviewport: true, draggable: false }); loadingMessgPanl.setHeader(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings','LBL_EMAIL_PERFORMING_TASK')); loadingMessgPanl.setBody(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings','LBL_EMAIL_ONE_MOMENT')); loadingMessgPanl.render(document.body); loadingMessgPanl.show(); //If JS files havn't been loaded, perform the load. if(! SUGAR.quickCompose.resourcesLoaded ) this.loadResources(o); else this.initUI(o); }, /** * Pull in all the required js files. * @method loadResources * @param {Array} o Options containing compose package and full return url. * @return {} none **/ loadResources: function(o) { //IE Bug fix for TinyMCE when pulling in the js file dynamically. window.skipTinyMCEInitPhase = true; var require = ["layout", "element", "tabview", "menu","cookie","tinymce","sugarwidgets","sugarquickcompose","sugarquickcomposecss"]; var loader = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader({ require : require, loadOptional: true, skin: { base: 'blank', defaultSkin: '' }, data: o, onSuccess: this.initComposePackage, allowRollup: true, base: "include/javascript/yui/build/" }); //TiinyMCE cannot be added into the sugar_grp_quickcomp file as it breaks the build, needs to be loaded //separately. loader.addModule({ name :"tinymce", type : "js", varName: "TinyMCE", fullpath: "include/javascript/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js" }); //Load the Sugar widgets with dependancies on the yui library. loader.addModule({ name :"sugarwidgets", type : "js", fullpath: "include/javascript/sugarwidgets/SugarYUIWidgets.js", varName: "YAHOO.SUGAR", requires: ["datatable", "dragdrop", "treeview", "tabview"] }); //Load the main components for the quick create compose screen. loader.addModule({ name :"sugarquickcompose", type : "js", varName: "SUGAR.email2.complexLayout", requires: ["layout", "sugarwidgets", "tinymce"], fullpath: "cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp_quickcomp.js" }); //Load the css needed for the quickCompose. loader.addModule({ name :"sugarquickcomposecss", type : "css", fullpath: "modules/Emails/EmailUI.css" }); loader.insert(); } }; }(); })();