'"From" Address: ', 'LBL_REPLY_ADDR' => '"Reply-to" Address: ', 'LBL_REPLY_NAME' => '"Reply-to" Name: ', 'LBL_MODULE_NAME' => 'Campaigns', 'LBL_MODULE_TITLE' => 'Campaigns: Home', 'LBL_NEWSLETTER_TITLE'=>'Campaigns: Newsletters', 'LBL_SEARCH_FORM_TITLE' => 'Campaign Search', 'LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE' => 'Campaign List', 'LBL_NEWSLETTER_LIST_FORM_TITLE' => 'Newsletter List', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_NAME' => 'Name:', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN' => 'Campaign:', 'LBL_NAME' => 'Name: ', 'LBL_INVITEE' => 'Contacts', 'LBL_LIST_CAMPAIGN_NAME' => 'Campaign', 'LBL_LIST_STATUS' => 'Status', 'LBL_LIST_TYPE' => 'Type', 'LBL_LIST_START_DATE' => 'Start Date', 'LBL_LIST_END_DATE' => 'End Date', 'LBL_DATE_ENTERED' => 'Date Created', 'LBL_DATE_MODIFIED' => 'Date Modified', 'LBL_MODIFIED' => 'Modified by: ', 'LBL_CREATED' => 'Created by: ', 'LBL_TEAM' => 'Team: ', 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO' => 'Assigned to: ', 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO_ID' => 'Assigned to:', 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO_NAME'=> 'Assigned to:', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_START_DATE' => 'Start Date: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_END_DATE' => 'End Date: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_STATUS' => 'Status: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_BUDGET' => 'Budget: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_EXPECTED_COST' => 'Expected Cost: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_ACTUAL_COST' => 'Actual Cost: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_EXPECTED_REVENUE' => 'Expected Revenue: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_IMPRESSIONS' => 'Impressions: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_COST_PER_IMPRESSION' => 'Cost Per Impression: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_COST_PER_CLICK_THROUGH' => 'Cost Per Click Through: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_OPPORTUNITIES_WON' =>'Opportunities Won:', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_TYPE' => 'Type: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_OBJECTIVE' => 'Objective: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_CONTENT' => 'Description: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_DAYS_REMAIN' => 'Days Remaining', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INACTIVE_SCHEDULE' => "Campaign '{0}' has status 'Inactive'. You have to set campaign status to 'Active'.", 'LNK_NEW_CAMPAIGN' => 'Create Campaign (Classic)', 'LNL_NEW_CAMPAIGN_WIZARD' => 'Create Campaign (Wizard)', 'LNK_CAMPAIGN_LIST' => 'View Campaigns', 'LNK_NEW_PROSPECT' => 'Create Target', 'LNK_PROSPECT_LIST' => 'View Targets', 'LNK_NEW_PROSPECT_LIST' => 'Create Target List', 'LNK_PROSPECT_LIST_LIST' => 'View Target Lists', 'LBL_MODIFIED_BY' => 'Modified by: ', 'LBL_CREATED_BY' => 'Created by: ', 'LBL_DATE_CREATED' => 'Date Created: ', 'LBL_DATE_LAST_MODIFIED' => 'Date Modified: ', 'LBL_TRACKER_KEY' => 'Tracker: ', 'LBL_TRACKER_URL' => 'Tracker URL: ', 'LBL_TRACKER_TEXT' => 'Tracker Link Text: ', 'LBL_TRACKER_COUNT' => 'Tracker Count: ', 'LBL_REFER_URL' => 'Tracker Redirect URL: ', 'LBL_DEFAULT_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Campaigns', 'LBL_EMAIL_CAMPAIGNS_TITLE' =>'Email Campaigns', 'LBL_NEW_FORM_TITLE' => 'New Campaign', 'LBL_TRACKED_URLS'=>'Tracker URLs', 'LBL_TRACKED_URLS_SUBPANEL_TITLE'=>'Tracker URLs', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_ACCOUNTS_SUBPANEL_TITLE'=>'Accounts', 'LBL_PROSPECT_LIST_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Target List', 'LBL_EMAIL_MARKETING_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Email Marketing', 'LNK_NEW_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Create Email Template', 'LNK_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_LIST' => 'View Email Templates', 'LBL_TRACK_BUTTON_TITLE' =>'View Status', 'LBL_TRACK_BUTTON_KEY' =>'T', 'LBL_TRACK_BUTTON_LABEL' =>'View Status', 'LBL_QUEUE_BUTTON_TITLE'=>'Send Emails', 'LBL_QUEUE_BUTTON_KEY'=>'u', 'LBL_QUEUE_BUTTON_LABEL'=>'Send Emails', 'LBL_TEST_BUTTON_TITLE'=>'Send Test', 'LBL_TEST_BUTTON_KEY'=>'e', 'LBL_TEST_BUTTON_LABEL'=>'Send Test', 'LBL_COPY_AND_PASTE_CODE' => 'Or copy and paste the html below into an existing page', 'LBL_CHARSET_NOTICE' => 'NOTE: Please make sure that the page containing the web-to-lead form has the following lines in the <head> section:', 'LBL_TODETAIL_BUTTON_TITLE'=>'View Details', 'LBL_TODETAIL_BUTTON_KEY'=>'T', 'LBL_TODETAIL_BUTTON_LABEL'=>'View Details', 'LBL_DEFAULT'=>'All Target Lists', 'LBL_MESSAGE_QUEUE_TITLE'=>'Message Queue', 'LBL_LOG_ENTRIES_TITLE'=>'Responses', 'LBL_LOG_ENTRIES_TARGETED_TITLE'=>'Message Sent/Attempted', 'LBL_LOG_ENTRIES_SEND_ERROR_TITLE'=>'Bounced Messages,Other', 'LBL_LOG_ENTRIES_INVALID_EMAIL_TITLE'=>'Bounced Messages,Invalid Email', 'LBL_LOG_ENTRIES_LINK_TITLE'=>'Click-thru Link', 'LBL_LOG_ENTRIES_VIEWED_TITLE'=>'Viewed Message', 'LBL_LOG_ENTRIES_REMOVED_TITLE'=>'Opted Out', 'LBL_LOG_ENTRIES_LEAD_TITLE'=>'Leads Created', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_LEAD_SUBPANEL_TITLE'=>'Leads', 'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_SUBPANEL_TITLE'=>'Opportunities', 'LBL_LOG_ENTRIES_CONTACT_TITLE'=>'Contacts Created', 'LBL_BACK_TO_CAMPAIGNS'=>'Back to Campaigns', //error messages. 'ERR_NO_EMAIL_MARKETING'=>'There must be at least one active Email Marketing message associated with the campaign.', 'ERR_NO_TARGET_LISTS'=>'There must be at least one Target List associated with the campaign.', 'ERR_NO_TEST_TARGET_LISTS'=>'There must be at least one Target List of type Test associated with the campaign.', 'ERR_SENDING_NOW'=>'Messages are being delivered , please try this later.', 'ERR_MESS_NOT_FOUND_FOR_LIST'=>'No Email Marketing message found for this target list', 'ERR_MESS_DUPLICATE_FOR_LIST'=>'Multiple Email Marketing messages are defined for this target list', 'ERR_FIX_MESSAGES'=>'Please correct the following errors before proceeding', 'LBL_TRACK_DELETE_BUTTON_KEY'=>'D', 'LBL_TRACK_ROI_BUTTON_LABEL' =>'View ROI', 'LBL_TRACK_DELETE_BUTTON_TITLE'=>'Delete Test Entries', 'LBL_TRACK_DELETE_BUTTON_LABEL'=>'Delete Test Entries', 'LBL_TRACK_DELETE_CONFIRM'=>'This option will delete log entries created by the test run. Continue?', 'ERR_NO_MAILBOX'=>"The following marketing messages do not have a mail account associated with them.
Please correct that before proceeding.", 'LBL_LIST_TO_ACTIVITY'=>'View Status', 'LBL_CURRENCY_ID'=>'Currency ID', 'LBL_CURRENCY'=>'Currency:', 'LBL_ROLLOVER_VIEW' => 'Rollover a bar to view details.', 'LBL_TARGETED' => 'Targeted', 'LBL_TOTAL_TARGETED' => 'Total Targeted', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_FREQUENCY'=>'Frequency:', 'LBL_NEWSLETTERS'=>'View Newsletters', 'LBL_NEWSLETTER'=>'Newsletter', 'LBL_NEWSLETTER_FORENTRY'=>'NewsLetter', 'LBL_MORE_DETAILS' => 'More Details', 'LBL_CREATE_NEWSLETTER'=>'Create Newsletter', 'LBL_LIST_NAME' => 'Name', 'LBL_STATUS_TEXT' => 'Status:' , 'LBL_FROM_MAILBOX_NAME'=>'Use Mail Account:', 'LBL_FROM_NAME' => 'From Name: ', 'LBL_START_DATE_TIME' => 'Start Date & Time: ', 'LBL_DATE_START' => 'Start Date ', 'LBL_TIME_START' => 'Start Time ', 'LBL_TEMPLATE' => 'Email Template: ', 'LBL_CREATE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'=> 'Create', 'LBL_MESSAGE_FOR' => 'Send This Message To:', 'LBL_FINISH' => 'Finish', 'LBL_ALL_PROSPECT_LISTS'=>'All Target List(s) in the Campaign.', 'LBL_EDIT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'=> 'Edit', 'LBL_EMAIL_SETUP_WIZARD'=> 'Set Up Email', 'LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_WIZARD'=> 'View Diagnostics', 'LBL_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED_HEADER'=>'Newsletters Subscribed To', 'LBL_UNSUBSCRIBED_HEADER'=>'Available/Newsletters Unsubscribed To', 'LBL_UNSUBSCRIBED_HEADER_EXPL'=>'Moving the newsletter to the Available Newsletters/Newsletters Unsubscribed To list will add the contact to the Unsubscription List for this newsletter. It will not remove the contact from the original Subscription List or Target List.', 'LBL_FILTER_CHART_BY'=>'Filter Chart By:', 'LBL_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_TITLE'=>'Manage Subscriptions', 'LBL_MARK_AS_SENT' =>'Mark As Sent', 'LBL_DEFAULT_LIST_NOT_FOUND'=>'Target list of type default was not found', 'LBL_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRIES_NOT_FOUND'=>'No entries were found', 'LBL_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRIES_WERE_PROCESSED' => 'Entries were Processed', //newsletter wizard 'LBL_EDIT_TRACKER_NAME'=>'Tracker Name:', 'LBL_EDIT_TRACKER_URL'=>'Tracker URL:', 'LBL_EDIT_OPT_OUT_'=>'Opt-out Link?', 'LBL_EDIT_OPT_OUT'=>'Opt-out Link:', 'LBL_UNSUBSCRIPTION_LIST_NAME'=>'Unsubscription List Name:', 'LBL_SUBSCRIPTION_LIST_NAME'=>'Subscription List Name:', 'LBL_TEST_LIST_NAME'=>'Test List Name:', 'LBL_UNSUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_NAME'=>'Unsubscription', 'LBL_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_NAME'=>'Subscription', 'LBL_TEST_TYPE_NAME'=>'Test', 'LBL_UNSUBSCRIPTION_LIST'=>'Unsubscription List', 'LBL_SUBSCRIPTION_LIST'=>'Subscription List', 'LBL_MRKT_NAME' => 'Name', 'LBL_TEST_LIST'=>'Test List', 'LBL_WIZARD_HEADER_MESSAGE' => 'Fill out the required fields to help identify the campaign.', 'LBL_WIZARD_BUDGET_MESSAGE' => 'Enter the budget to calculate the ROI.', 'LBL_WIZARD_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE' => 'Each newsletter must have three target lists (Subscription, Unsubscription, and Test). You can assign an existing target list. If not, an empty target list will be created when you save the newsletter.', 'LBL_WIZARD_TARGET_MESSAGE1' => 'Select or create a target list for use with your campaign. This list will be used while sending emails with your marketing messages.', 'LBL_WIZARD_TARGET_MESSAGE2' => 'Or create a new one using the form below:', 'LBL_WIZARD_TRACKER_MESSAGE' => 'Define a tracker URL here to use with this campaign. You must enter both the name and the URL to create the tracker.', 'LBL_WIZARD_MARKETING_MESSAGE' => 'Fill out the form below to create an email instance for your newsletter. This will allow you to specify the information regarding when and how your newsletter should be distributed.', 'LBL_WIZARD_SENDMAIL_MESSAGE' => 'This is the last step in the process. Select whether you wish to send out a test email, schedule your newsletter for distribution, or save the changes and proceed to the summary page.', 'LBL_HOME_START_MESSAGE' => 'Select the type of Campaign you would like to create.', 'LBL_WIZARD_LAST_STEP_MESSAGE'=> ' You are already at the last step.', 'LBL_WIZARD_FIRST_STEP_MESSAGE'=>' You are already at the first step.', 'LBL_WIZ_NEWSLETTER_TITLE_STEP1' => 'Campaign Header', 'LBL_WIZ_NEWSLETTER_TITLE_STEP2' => 'Campaign Budget', 'LBL_WIZ_NEWSLETTER_TITLE_STEP3' => 'Campaign Tracker URLs ', 'LBL_WIZ_NEWSLETTER_TITLE_STEP4' => 'Subscription Information', 'LBL_WIZ_MARKETING_TITLE' => 'Marketing Email', 'LBL_WIZ_SENDMAIL_TITLE' => 'Send Email', 'LBL_WIZ_TEST_EMAIL_TITLE' => 'Test Email', 'LBL_WIZ_NEWSLETTER_TITLE_SUMMARY' => 'Summary', 'LBL_NAVIGATION_MENU_GEN1' => 'Campaign Header', 'LBL_NAVIGATION_MENU_GEN2' => 'Budget', 'LBL_NAVIGATION_MENU_TRACKERS' => 'Trackers', 'LBL_NAVIGATION_MENU_MARKETING' => 'Marketing', 'LBL_NAVIGATION_MENU_SEND_EMAIL' => 'Send Email', 'LBL_NAVIGATION_MENU_SUBSCRIPTIONS' => 'Subscriptions', 'LBL_NAVIGATION_MENU_SUMMARY' => 'Summary', 'LBL_SUBSCRIPTION_TARGET_WIZARD_DESC' => 'This will define the target list of type Subscription for this campaign.
This target list will be used to send out emails for this campaign.
If you do not have a list ready, an empty list will be created for you.', 'LBL_UNSUBSCRIPTION_TARGET_WIZARD_DESC' => 'This will define the target list of type Unsubscription for this campaign.
This target list will contain names of people who have opted out of your campaign and should not be contacted through email.
If you do not have a list ready, an empty list will be created for you.', 'LBL_TEST_TARGET_WIZARD_DESC' => 'This will define the target list of type Test for this campaign.
This target list will be used to send out test emails for this campaign.
If you do not have a list ready, an empty list will be created for you.', 'LBL_TRACKERS' => 'Trackers', 'LBL_ADD_TRACKER' => 'Create Tracker', 'LBL_ADD_TARGET' => 'Add', 'LBL_CREATE_TARGET'=> 'Create', 'LBL_SELECT_TARGET'=> 'Use existing Target List', 'LBL_REMOVE' => ' rem', 'LBL_CONFIRM' => 'Start', 'LBL_START' => 'Start', 'LBL_TOTAL_ENTRIES' => 'Entries', 'LBL_CONFIRM_CAMPAIGN_SAVE_CONTINUE' => 'Save work and proceed to Marketing Email', 'LBL_CONFIRM_CAMPAIGN_SAVE_OPTIONS' => 'Save Options', 'LBL_CONFIRM_CAMPAIGN_SAVE_EXIT' => 'Do you wish to save the information and exit?', 'LBL_CONFIRM_SEND_SAVE' => 'You are about to leave and proceed to the Send Campaign Email page. Do you wish to save and continue?', 'LBL_NEWSLETTER WIZARD_TITLE' => 'Newsletter: ', 'LBL_NEWSLETTER_WIZARD_START_TITLE' => 'Edit Newsletter: ', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_WIZARD_START_TITLE' => 'Edit Campaign: ', 'LBL_SEND_AS_TEST' => 'Send Marketing Email As Test', 'LBL_SAVE_EXIT_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'Finish', 'LBL_SAVE_CONTINUE_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'Save and Continue', 'LBL_TARGET_LISTS' => 'Target Lists', 'LBL_NO_SUBS_ENTRIES_WARNING' => 'You cannot send a marketing email until your subscription list has at least one entry. You can populate your list after finishing.', 'LBL_NO_TARGET_ENTRIES_WARNING' => 'You cannot send a marketing email until your target list has at least one entry. You can populate your list after finishing.', 'LBL_NO_TARGETS_WARNING' => 'You cannot send a marketing email until your campaign has at least one target list.', 'LBL_NONE' => 'none created', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_WIZARD' => 'Campaign Wizard', 'LBL_EMAIL' =>'Email', 'LBL_OTHER_TYPE_CAMPAIGN' => 'Non-email based Campaign', 'LBL_CHOOSE_CAMPAIGN_TYPE' => 'Campaign Type', 'LBL_TARGET_LIST' => 'Target List', 'LBL_TARGET_TYPE' => 'Target List Type', 'LBL_TARGET_NAME' => 'Target List Name', 'LBL_EMAILS_SCHEDULED' => 'Emails Scheduled', 'LBL_TEST_EMAILS_SENT' => 'Test Emails Sent', 'LBL_USERS_CANNOT_OPTOUT' => 'System Users cannot opt out of receiving emails.', 'LBL_ELECTED_TO_OPTOUT' => 'You have elected to opt out of receiving emails.', 'LBL_COPY_OF' => 'Copy of ', 'LBL_SAVED_SEARCH' => 'Saved Search & Layout', //email setup wizard 'LBL_WIZ_FROM_NAME' => 'From Name:', 'LBL_WIZ_FROM_ADDRESS' => 'From Address:', 'LBL_EMAILS_PER_RUN' => 'Number of emails sent per batch:', 'LBL_CUSTOM_LOCATION' => 'User Defined', 'LBL_DEFAULT_LOCATION' => 'Default ', 'ERR_INT_ONLY_EMAIL_PER_RUN' => 'Only integer values are allow for Number of emails sent per batch', 'LBL_LOCATION_TRACK' => 'Location of campaign tracking files (like campaign_tracker.php):', 'LBL_MAIL_SENDTYPE' => 'Mail Transfer Agent:', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPAUTH_REQ' => 'Use SMTP Authentication?', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPPASS' => 'SMTP Password:', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPPORT' => 'SMTP Port', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPSERVER' => 'SMTP Server', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPUSER' => 'SMTP Username', 'LBL_EMAIL_SETUP_WIZARD_TITLE' => 'Email Setup for Campaigns', 'TRACKING_ENTRIES_LOCATION_DEFAULT_VALUE' => 'Value of Config.php setting site_url', 'LBL_NOTIFY_TITLE' => 'Email Notification Options', 'LBL_MASS_MAILING_TITLE' => 'Mass Mailing Options', 'LBL_SERVER_TYPE' => 'Mail Server Protocol', 'LBL_SERVER_URL' => 'Mail Server Address', 'LBL_LOGIN' => 'User Name', 'LBL_PORT' => 'Mail Server Port', 'LBL_MAILBOX_NAME' => 'Mail Account Name:', 'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Password', 'LBL_MAILBOX_DEFAULT' => 'INBOX', 'LBL_MAILBOX' => 'Monitored Folder', 'LBL_NAVIGATION_MENU_SETUP' => 'Setup Email', 'LBL_NAVIGATION_MENU_NEW_MAILBOX' => 'New Mail Account', 'LBL_NAVIGATION_MENU_SUMMARY' => 'Summary', 'LBL_MAILBOX_CHECK_WIZ_GOOD' => 'Mail account(s) with bounce handling were detected. You do not need to create a new one, but you can still do so below.', 'LBL_MAILBOX_CHECK_WIZ_BAD' => 'No mail accounts with bounce handling were detected, please create a new one below.', 'LBL_CAMP_MESSAGE_COPY' => 'Keep copies of campaign messages:', 'LBL_CAMP_MESSAGE_COPY_DESC' => 'Would you like to store complete copies of EACH email message sent during all campaigns? We recommend and default to no. Choosing no will store only the template that is sent and the needed variables to recreate the individual message.', 'LBL_YES' => 'Yes', 'LBL_NO' => 'No', 'LBL_FROM_ADDR' => '"From" Address', 'LBL_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDR' => 'Default: ', 'LBL_EMAIL_SETUP_DESC' => 'Fill out the form below to modify your system settings so that campaign emails can be sent out.', 'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX' => 'Create New Mail Account', 'LBL_SSL_DESC' => 'If your mail server supports secure socket connections, enabling this will force SSL connections when importing email.', 'LBL_SSL' => 'Use SSL', //campaign diagnostics 'LNK_CAMPAIGN_DIGNOSTIC_LINK' => 'Campaign may not function as desired and your emails may not be sent for the following reasons:', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_DIAGNOSTICS' => 'Campaign Diagnostics', 'LBL_DIAGNOSTIC' => 'Diagnostic', 'LBL_MAILBOX_CHECK1_GOOD' => ' Mail account(s)) with bounce handling detected:', 'LBL_MAILBOX_CHECK1_BAD' => 'No mail account(s) with bounce handling detected.', 'LBL_MAILBOX_CHECK2_GOOD' => ' E-mail Settings have been configured:', 'LBL_MAILBOX_CHECK2_BAD' => 'Please configure your system email address. E-mail Settings have not been configured or are invalid.', 'LBL_SCHEDULER_CHECK_GOOD' => 'Schedulers detected', 'LBL_SCHEDULER_CHECK_BAD' => 'No Schedulers detected', 'LBL_SCHEDULER_CHECK1_BAD' => 'Scheduler has not been set up to process Bounced Campaign Emails.', 'LBL_SCHEDULER_CHECK2_BAD' => 'Scheduler has not been set up to process Campaign Emails.', 'LBL_SCHEDULER_NAME' => 'Scheduler', 'LBL_SCHEDULER_STATUS' => 'Status', 'LBL_MARKETING_CHECK1_GOOD' => 'Email marketing components detected.', 'LBL_MARKETING_CHECK1_BAD' => 'No Email marketing components detected, you will need to create one to mail out a campaign.', 'LBL_MARKETING_CHECK2_GOOD' => 'Target lists detected.', 'LBL_MARKETING_CHECK2_BAD' => 'No target lists detected, you will need to create one from desired campaign screen.', 'LBL_EMAIL_SETUP_WIZ' => 'Launch Email Setup', 'LBL_SCHEDULER_LINK' => 'go to scheduler admin screen.', 'LBL_TO_WIZARD' => 'launch', 'LBL_TO_WIZARD_TITLE' => 'Launch Wizard', 'LBL_EDIT_EXISTING' => 'Edit Campaign', 'LBL_EDIT_TARGET_LIST' => 'Edit Target List', 'LBL_SEND_EMAIL' => 'Schedule Email', 'LBL_USE_EXISTING' => 'Use Existing', 'LBL_CREATE_NEW_MARKETING_EMAIL' => 'Create New Marketing Email', 'LBL_CHOOSE_NEXT_STEP' => 'Choose your next step', 'LBL_NON_ADMIN_ERROR_MSG' => 'Please notify your System Administrator so that they may correct this problem', 'LBL_EMAIL_COMPONENTS' => 'Email Components', 'LBL_SCHEDULER_COMPONENTS' => 'Scheduler Components', 'LBL_RECHECK_BTN'=>'Re-Check', //web to lead wizard titles 'LBL_WEB_TO_LEAD_FORM_TITLE1' => 'Create Lead Form: Select fields', 'LBL_WEB_TO_LEAD_FORM_TITLE2' => 'Create Lead Form: Form properties', 'LBL_DRAG_DROP_COLUMNS' => 'Drag and drop lead fields in column 1 & 2', 'LBL_DEFINE_LEAD_HEADER' => 'Form Header:', 'LBL_LEAD_DEFAULT_HEADER' => 'Web to lead form for Campaign', 'LBL_DEFINE_LEAD_SUBMIT' => 'Submit Button Label:', 'LBL_DEFINE_LEAD_POST_URL' => 'Post URL:', 'LBL_EDIT_LEAD_POST_URL' => 'Edit Post URL?', 'LBL_DEFINE_LEAD_REDIRECT_URL' => 'Redirect URL:', 'LBL_LEAD_NOTIFY_CAMPAIGN' => 'Related Campaign:', 'LBL_DEFAULT_LEAD_SUBMIT' => 'Submit', 'LBL_WEB_TO_LEAD' => 'Create Lead Form', 'LBL_LEAD_FOOTER' => 'Form Footer:', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_NOT_SELECTED' => 'Select and associate a campaign:', 'NTC_NO_LEGENDS' => 'None', 'NTC_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this record?', 'LBL_SELECT_LEAD_FIELDS' => 'Please select from available fields', 'LBL_DESCRIPTION_LEAD_FORM' => 'Form Description:', 'LBL_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_LEAD_FORM' => 'Submitting this form will create a lead and link with campaign', 'LBL_DOWNLOAD_TEXT_WEB_TO_LEAD_FORM' =>'Please download your Web To Lead form', 'LBL_DOWNLOAD_WEB_TO_LEAD_FORM' =>'Web To Lead Form', 'LBL_PROVIDE_WEB_TO_LEAD_FORM_FIELDS' =>'Please provide all the required fields', 'LBL_NOT_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' =>'Not a valid email address', 'LBL_AVALAIBLE_FIELDS_HEADER' => 'Available Fields', 'LBL_LEAD_FORM_FIRST_HEADER' => 'Lead Form (First Column)', 'LBL_LEAD_FORM_SECOND_HEADER' =>'Lead Form (Second Column)', 'LBL_LEAD_MODULE' => 'Leads', 'LBL_CREATE_WEB_TO_LEAD_FORM' => 'CreateWebToLeadForm', 'LBL_SELECT_REQUIRED_LEAD_FIELDS' => 'Please select required fields:', //Campaign charts 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_RETURN_ON_INVESTMENT' =>'Campaign Return On Investment', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_RESPONSE_BY_RECIPIENT_ACTIVITY'=>'Campaign Response by Recipient Activity', 'LBL_LOG_ENTRIES_BLOCKEDD_TITLE'=>'Suppressed by Email Address or domain', 'LBL_AMOUNT_IN' => 'Amount in ', // Labels for ROI Chart 'LBL_ROI_CHART_REVENUE' => 'Revenue', 'LBL_ROI_CHART_INVESTMENT' => 'Investment', 'LBL_ROI_CHART_BUDGET' => 'Budget', 'LBL_ROI_CHART_EXPECTED_REVENUE' => 'Expected Revenue', // Top Campaigns Dashlet 'LBL_TOP_CAMPAIGNS' => 'Top Campaigns', 'LBL_TOP_CAMPAIGNS_NAME' => 'Campaign Name', 'LBL_TOP_CAMPAIGNS_REVENUE' => 'Revenue', 'LBL_TOP_CAMPAIGNS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Top Performing Campaigns by Revenue', 'LBL_LEADS' => 'Leads', 'LBL_CONTACTS' => 'Contacts', 'LBL_ACCOUNTS' => 'Accounts', 'LBL_OPPORTUNITIES' => 'Opportunities', 'LBL_CREATED_USER' => 'Created User', 'LBL_MODIFIED_USER' => 'Modified User', 'LBL_LOG_ENTRIES' => 'Log Entries', 'LBL_PROSPECTLISTS_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Prospect List', 'LBL_EMAILMARKETING_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Email Marketing', 'LBL_TRACK_QUEUE_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Track Queue', 'LBL_TARGETED_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Targeted', 'LBL_VIEWED_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Viewed', 'LBL_LINK_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Link', 'LBL_LEAD_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Lead', 'LBL_CONTACT_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Contact', 'LBL_INVALID EMAIL_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Invalid Email', 'LBL_SEND ERROR_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Send Error', 'LBL_REMOVED_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Removed', 'LBL_BLOCKED_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Blocked', 'LBL_ACCOUNTS_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Accounts', 'LBL_LEADS_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Leads', 'LBL_OPPORTUNITIES_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Opportunities', 'LBL_IMPORT_PROSPECTS'=>'Import Targets', 'LBL_LEAD_FORM_WIZARD' => 'Lead Form Wizard', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION' => 'Overview', 'LBL_MONTH' => "Month", 'LBL_YEAR' => "Year", 'LBL_DAY' => "Day", 'LBL_EDIT_LAYOUT' => 'Edit Layout' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_INVALID' => 'Invalid' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_VALID' => 'Valid' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_ALERT' => 'Alert' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_EDIT_INLINE' => 'Edit' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_DELETE_INLINE' => 'Delete' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_DELETE' => 'Remove' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_VIEW_INLINE' => 'View', 'ERR_NO_OPTS_SAVED' => 'No optimums were saved with your Inbound Email account.', 'ERR_REVIEW_EMAIL_SETTINGS' => 'Please review Inbound Email settings.', 'LBL_LEADS_DELETED_SINCE_CREATED' => '{0} leads that were created through this campaign have been deleted since creation.', ); ?>