''); var $logger = NULL; var $previous_sugar_override_config_array = array(); var $useAuthenticationClass = false; protected $error = null; function Configurator() { $this->loadConfig(); } function loadConfig() { $this->logger = LoggerManager::getLogger(); global $sugar_config; $this->config = $sugar_config; } function populateFromPost() { $sugarConfig = SugarConfig::getInstance(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($key == "logger_file_ext") { $trim_value = preg_replace('/.*\.([^\.]+)$/', '\1', $value); if(in_array($trim_value, $this->config['upload_badext'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->security("Invalid log file extension: trying to use invalid file extension '$value'."); continue; } } if (isset ($this->config[$key]) || in_array($key, $this->allow_undefined)) { if (strcmp("$value", 'true') == 0) { $value = true; } if (strcmp("$value", 'false') == 0) { $value = false; } $this->config[$key] = $value; } else { $v = $sugarConfig->get(str_replace('_', '.', $key)); if ($v !== null){ setDeepArrayValue($this->config, $key, $value); }} } } function handleOverride($fromParseLoggerSettings=false) { global $sugar_config, $sugar_version; $sc = SugarConfig::getInstance(); $overrideArray = $this->readOverride(); $this->previous_sugar_override_config_array = $overrideArray; $diffArray = deepArrayDiff($this->config, $sugar_config); $overrideArray = sugarArrayMergeRecursive($overrideArray, $diffArray); // To remember checkbox state if (!$this->useAuthenticationClass && !$fromParseLoggerSettings) { if (isset($overrideArray['authenticationClass']) && $overrideArray['authenticationClass'] == 'SAMLAuthenticate') { unset($overrideArray['authenticationClass']); } } $overideString = "config); $GLOBALS['sugar_config'] = $this->config; //print_r($overrideArray); //Bug#53013: Clean the tpl cache if action menu style has been changed. if( isset($overrideArray['enable_action_menu']) && ( !isset($this->previous_sugar_override_config_array['enable_action_menu']) || $overrideArray['enable_action_menu'] != $this->previous_sugar_override_config_array['enable_action_menu'] ) ) { require_once('modules/Administration/QuickRepairAndRebuild.php'); $repair = new RepairAndClear; $repair->module_list = array(); $repair->clearTpls(); } foreach($overrideArray as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, $this->allow_undefined) || isset ($sugar_config[$key])) { if (is_string($val) && strcmp($val, 'true') == 0) { $val = true; $this->config[$key] = $val; } if (is_string($val) && strcmp($val, 'false') == 0) { $val = false; $this->config[$key] = false; } } $overideString .= override_value_to_string_recursive2('sugar_config', $key, $val); } $overideString .= '/***CONFIGURATOR***/'; $this->saveOverride($overideString); if(isset($this->config['logger']['level']) && $this->logger) $this->logger->setLevel($this->config['logger']['level']); } //bug #27947 , if previous $sugar_config['stack_trace_errors'] is true and now we disable it , we should clear all the cache. function clearCache(){ global $sugar_config, $sugar_version; $currentConfigArray = $this->readOverride(); foreach($currentConfigArray as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, $this->allow_undefined) || isset ($sugar_config[$key])) { if (empty($val) ) { if(!empty($this->previous_sugar_override_config_array['stack_trace_errors']) && $key == 'stack_trace_errors'){ require_once('include/TemplateHandler/TemplateHandler.php'); TemplateHandler::clearAll(); return; } } } } } function saveConfig() { if($this->saveImages() === false) { return false; } $this->populateFromPost(); $this->handleOverride(); $this->clearCache(); } function readOverride() { $sugar_config = array(); if (file_exists('config_override.php')) { if ( !is_readable('config_override.php') ) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Unable to read the config_override.php file. Check the file permissions"); } else { include('config_override.php'); } } return $sugar_config; } function saveOverride($override) { require_once('install/install_utils.php'); if ( !file_exists('config_override.php') ) { touch('config_override.php'); } if ( !(make_writable('config_override.php')) || !(is_writable('config_override.php')) ) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Unable to write to the config_override.php file. Check the file permissions"); return; } $fp = sugar_fopen('config_override.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $override); fclose($fp); } function overrideClearDuplicates($array_name, $key) { if (!empty ($this->override)) { $pattern = '/.*CONFIGURATOR[^\$]*\$'.$array_name.'\[\''.$key.'\'\][\ ]*=[\ ]*[^;]*;\n/'; $this->override = preg_replace($pattern, '', $this->override); } else { $this->override = ""; } } function replaceOverride($array_name, $key, $value) { $GLOBALS[$array_name][$key] = $value; $this->overrideClearDuplicates($array_name, $key); $new_entry = '/***CONFIGURATOR***/'.override_value_to_string($array_name, $key, $value); $this->override = str_replace('?>', "$new_entry\n?>", $this->override); } function restoreConfig() { $this->readOverride(); $this->overrideClearDuplicates('sugar_config', '[a-zA-Z0-9\_]+'); $this->saveOverride(); ob_clean(); header('Location: index.php?action=EditView&module=Configurator'); } function saveImages() { if (!empty ($_POST['company_logo'])) { if($this->saveCompanyLogo("upload://".$_POST['company_logo']) === false) { return false; } } } function checkTempImage($path) { if(!verify_uploaded_image($path)) { $error = translate('LBL_ALERT_TYPE_IMAGE'); $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("A user ({$GLOBALS['current_user']->id}) attempted to use an invalid file for the logo - {$path}"); $this->error = $error; return false; } return $path; } public function getError() { $e = $this->error; $this->error = null; return $e; } /** * Saves the company logo to the custom directory for the default theme, so all themes can use it * * @param string $path path to the image to set as the company logo image */ function saveCompanyLogo($path) { $path = $this->checkTempImage($path); if($path === false) { return false; } mkdir_recursive('custom/'.SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getDefaultImagePath(), true); copy($path,'custom/'. SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getDefaultImagePath(). '/company_logo.png'); sugar_cache_clear('company_logo_attributes'); SugarThemeRegistry::clearAllCaches(); } /** * @params : none * @return : An array of logger configuration properties including log size, file extensions etc. See SugarLogger for more details. * Parses the old logger settings from the log4php.properties files. * */ function parseLoggerSettings(){ if(!function_exists('setDeepArrayValue')){ require('include/utils/array_utils.php'); } if (file_exists('log4php.properties')) { $fileContent = file_get_contents('log4php.properties'); $old_props = explode('\n', $fileContent); $new_props = array(); $key_names=array(); foreach($old_props as $value) { if(!empty($value) && !preg_match("/^\/\//", $value)) { $temp = explode("=",$value); $property = isset( $temp[1])? $temp[1] : array(); if(preg_match("/log4php.appender.A2.MaxFileSize=/",$value)){ setDeepArrayValue($this->config, 'logger_file_maxSize', rtrim( $property)); } elseif(preg_match("/log4php.appender.A2.File=/", $value)){ $ext = preg_split("/\./",$property); if(preg_match( "/^\./", $property)){ //begins with . setDeepArrayValue($this->config, 'logger_file_ext', isset($ext[2]) ? '.' . rtrim( $ext[2]):'.log'); setDeepArrayValue($this->config, 'logger_file_name', rtrim( ".".$ext[1])); }else{ setDeepArrayValue($this->config, 'logger_file_ext', isset($ext[1]) ? '.' . rtrim( $ext[1]):'.log'); setDeepArrayValue($this->config, 'logger_file_name', rtrim( $ext[0] )); } }elseif(preg_match("/log4php.appender.A2.layout.DateFormat=/",$value)){ setDeepArrayValue($this->config, 'logger_file_dateFormat', trim(rtrim( $property), '""')); }elseif(preg_match("/log4php.rootLogger=/",$value)){ $property = explode(",",$property); setDeepArrayValue($this->config, 'logger_level', rtrim( $property[0])); } } } setDeepArrayValue($this->config, 'logger_file_maxLogs', 10); setDeepArrayValue($this->config, 'logger_file_suffix', "%m_%Y"); $this->handleOverride(); unlink('log4php.properties'); $GLOBALS['sugar_config'] = $this->config; //load the rest of the sugar_config settings. require_once('include/SugarLogger/SugarLogger.php'); //$logger = new SugarLogger(); //this will create the log file. } if (!isset($this->config['logger']) || empty($this->config['logger'])) { $this->config['logger'] = array ( 'file' => array( 'ext' => '.log', 'name' => 'sugarcrm', 'dateFormat' => '%c', 'maxSize' => '10MB', 'maxLogs' => 10, 'suffix' => ''), // bug51583, change default suffix to blank for backwards comptability 'level' => 'fatal'); } $this->handleOverride(true); } } ?>