div#rollover {position: relative;float: left;margin: none;text-decoration: none;}div#rollover a:hover {padding: 0;text-decoration: none;}div#rollover a span {display: none;}div#rollover a:hover span {text-decoration: none;display: block;width: 250px;margin-top: 5px;margin-left: 5px;position: absolute;padding: 10px;color: #333; border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #fff; font-size: 12px;z-index: 1000;}\n"; var $cachePath; var $cacheFile = 'robin.cache.php'; var $replyDelimiter = "> "; var $emailDescription; var $emailDescriptionHTML; var $emailRawSource; var $link_action; var $emailAddress; var $attachments = array(); /* to support Email 2.0 */ var $isDuplicate; var $uid; var $to; var $flagged; var $answered; var $seen; var $draft; var $relationshipMap = array( 'Contacts' => 'emails_contacts_rel', 'Accounts' => 'emails_accounts_rel', 'Leads' => 'emails_leads_rel', 'Users' => 'emails_users_rel', 'Prospects' => 'emails_prospects_rel', ); /* public */ var $et; // EmailUI object /** * sole constructor */ function Email() { $this->cachePath = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir'].'modules/Emails'; parent::SugarBean(); $this->safe = new HTML_Safe(); $this->safe->clear(); $this->emailAddress = new SugarEmailAddress(); } function email2init() { require_once('modules/Emails/EmailUI.php'); $this->et = new EmailUI(); } function bean_implements($interface){ switch($interface){ case 'ACL': return true; default: return false; } } /** * Presaves one attachment for new email 2.0 spec * DOES NOT CREATE A NOTE * @return string ID of note associated with the attachment */ function email2saveAttachment() { global $sugar_config; $filesError = array( 0 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_OK - There is no error, the file uploaded with success.', 1 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE - The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.', 2 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE - The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.', 3 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL - The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.', 4 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE - No file was uploaded.', 5 => 'UNKNOWN ERROR', 6 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR - Missing a temporary folder. Introduced in PHP 4.3.10 and PHP 5.0.3.', 7 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE - Failed to write file to disk. Introduced in PHP 5.1.0.', ); // cn: Bug 5995 - rudimentary error checking if($_FILES['email_attachment']['error'] != 0 && $_FILES['email_attachment']['error'] != 4) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Email Attachment could not be attach due to error: '.$filesError[$_FILES['email_attachment']['error']]); return array(); } if(isset($_FILES['email_attachment']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['email_attachment']['tmp_name'])) { $guid = create_guid(); $cleanAttachmentFileName = from_html($_FILES['email_attachment']['name']); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Email Attachment [ {$cleanAttachmentFileName} ] "); $cleanAttachmentFileName = str_replace("\\", "", $cleanAttachmentFileName); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Email Attachment [ {$cleanAttachmentFileName} ] "); //$destination = clean_path("{$this->et->userCacheDir}/{$guid}{$cleanAttachmentFileName}"); $destination = clean_path("{$this->et->userCacheDir}/{$guid}"); $badExt = $this->safeAttachmentName($cleanAttachmentFileName); if ($badExt) { //$destination = $destination . ".txt"; } // if $fileName = $badExt ? $cleanAttachmentFileName . ".txt" : $cleanAttachmentFileName; if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['email_attachment']['tmp_name'], $destination)) { return array( 'guid' => $guid, 'name' => $GLOBALS['db']->helper->escape_quote($fileName), 'nameForDisplay' => $fileName ); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Email Attachment [ {$cleanAttachmentFileName} ] could not be moved to cache dir"); return array(); } } } function safeAttachmentName($filename) { global $sugar_config; $badExtension = false; //get position of last "." in file name $file_ext_beg = strrpos($filename, "."); $file_ext = ""; //get file extension if($file_ext_beg !== false) { $file_ext = substr($filename, $file_ext_beg + 1); } //check to see if this is a file with extension located in "badext" foreach($sugar_config['upload_badext'] as $badExt) { if(strtolower($file_ext) == strtolower($badExt)) { //if found, then append with .txt and break out of lookup $filename = $filename . ".txt"; $badExtension = true; break; // no need to look for more } // if } // foreach return $badExtension; } // fn /** * takes output from email 2.0 to/cc/bcc fields and returns appropriate arrays for usage by PHPMailer * @param string addresses * @return array */ function email2ParseAddresses($addresses) { $addresses = from_html($addresses); $addresses = $this->et->unifyEmailString($addresses); $pattern = '/@.*,/U'; preg_match_all($pattern, $addresses, $matchs); if (!empty($matchs[0])){ $total = $matchs[0]; foreach ($total as $match) { $convertedPattern = str_replace(',', '::;::', $match); $addresses = str_replace($match, $convertedPattern, $addresses); } //foreach } $exAddr = explode("::;::", $addresses); $ret = array(); $clean = array("<", ">"); $dirty = array("<", ">"); foreach($exAddr as $addr) { $name = ''; $addr = str_replace($dirty, $clean, $addr); if((strpos($addr, "<") === false) && (strpos($addr, ">") === false)) { $address = $addr; } else { $address = substr($addr, strpos($addr, "<") + 1, strpos($addr, ">") - 1 - strpos($addr, "<")); $name = substr($addr, 0, strpos($addr, "<")); } $addrTemp = array(); $addrTemp['email'] = trim($address); $addrTemp['display'] = trim($name); $ret[] = $addrTemp; } return $ret; } /** * takes output from email 2.0 to/cc/bcc fields and returns appropriate arrays for usage by PHPMailer * @param string addresses * @return array */ function email2ParseAddressesForAddressesOnly($addresses) { $addresses = from_html($addresses); $pattern = '/@.*,/U'; preg_match_all($pattern, $addresses, $matchs); if (!empty($matchs[0])){ $total = $matchs[0]; foreach ($total as $match) { $convertedPattern = str_replace(',', '::;::', $match); $addresses = str_replace($match, $convertedPattern, $addresses); } //foreach } $exAddr = explode("::;::", $addresses); $ret = array(); $clean = array("<", ">"); $dirty = array("<", ">"); foreach($exAddr as $addr) { $name = ''; $addr = str_replace($dirty, $clean, $addr); if(strpos($addr, "<") && strpos($addr, ">")) { $address = substr($addr, strpos($addr, "<") + 1, strpos($addr, ">") - 1 - strpos($addr, "<")); } else { $address = $addr; } $ret[] = trim($address); } return $ret; } /** * Determines MIME-type encoding as possible. * @param string $fileLocation relative path to file * @return string MIME-type */ function email2GetMime($fileLocation) { if(function_exists('mime_content_type')) { $mime = mime_content_type($fileLocation); } elseif(function_exists('ext2mime')) { $mime = ext2mime($fileLocation); } else { $mime = 'application/octet-stream'; } return $mime; } function sendEmailTest($mailserver_url, $port, $ssltls, $smtp_auth_req, $smtp_username, $smtppassword, $fromaddress, $toaddress, $mail_sendtype = 'smtp') { global $current_user,$app_strings; $mod_strings = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], 'Emails'); //Called from EmailMan as well. $mail = new SugarPHPMailer(); $mail->Mailer = strtolower($mail_sendtype); if($mail->Mailer == 'smtp') { $mail->Host = $mailserver_url; $mail->Port = $port; if (isset($ssltls) && !empty($ssltls)) { $mail->protocol = "ssl://"; if ($ssltls == 1) { $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; } // if if ($ssltls == 2) { $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; } // if } else { $mail->protocol = "tcp://"; } if ($smtp_auth_req) { $mail->SMTPAuth = TRUE; $mail->Username = $smtp_username; $mail->Password = $smtppassword; } } else $mail->Mailer = 'sendmail'; $mail->Subject = from_html($mod_strings['LBL_TEST_EMAIL_SUBJECT']); $mail->From = $fromaddress; $mail->FromName = $current_user->name; $mail->Sender = $mail->From; $mail->AddAddress($toaddress); $mail->Body = $mod_strings['LBL_TEST_EMAIL_BODY']; $return = array(); if(!$mail->Send()) { ob_clean(); $return['status'] = false; $return['errorMessage'] = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_PREPEND']. $mail->ErrorInfo; return $return; } // if $return['status'] = true; return $return; } // fn function decodeDuringSend($htmlData) { $htmlData = str_replace("sugarLessThan", "<", $htmlData); $htmlData = str_replace("sugarGreaterThan", ">", $htmlData); return $htmlData; } /** * Returns true or false if this email is a draft. * * @param array $request * @return bool True indicates this email is a draft. */ function isDraftEmail($request) { return ( isset($request['saveDraft']) || ($this->type == 'draft' && $this->status == 'draft') ); } /** * Sends Email for Email 2.0 */ function email2Send($request) { global $mod_strings; global $app_strings; global $current_user; global $sugar_config; global $locale; global $timedate; global $beanList; global $beanFiles; $OBCharset = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_email_charset'); /********************************************************************** * Sugar Email PREP */ /* preset GUID */ $orignialId = ""; if(!empty($this->id)) { $orignialId = $this->id; } // if if(empty($this->id)) { $this->id = create_guid(); $this->new_with_id = true; } /* satisfy basic HTML email requirements */ $this->name = $request['sendSubject']; $this->description_html = '<html><body>'.$request['sendDescription'].'</body></html>'; /********************************************************************** * PHPMAILER PREP */ $mail = new SugarPHPMailer(); $mail = $this->setMailer($mail, '', $_REQUEST['fromAccount']); if (empty($mail->Host) && !$this->isDraftEmail($request)) { $this->status = 'send_error'; if ($mail->oe->type == 'system') echo($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_PREPEND']. $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_INVALID_SYSTEM_OUTBOUND']); else echo($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_PREPEND']. $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_INVALID_PERSONAL_OUTBOUND']); return false; } $subject = $this->name; $mail->Subject = from_html($this->name); // work-around legacy code in SugarPHPMailer if($_REQUEST['setEditor'] == 1) { $_REQUEST['description_html'] = $_REQUEST['sendDescription']; $this->description_html = $_REQUEST['description_html']; } else { $this->description_html = ''; $this->description = $_REQUEST['sendDescription']; } // end work-around if ( $this->isDraftEmail($request) ) { if($this->type != 'draft' && $this->status != 'draft') { $this->id = create_guid(); $this->new_with_id = true; $this->date_entered = ""; } // if $q1 = "update emails_email_addr_rel set deleted = 1 WHERE email_id = '{$this->id}'"; $r1 = $this->db->query($q1); } // if if (isset($request['saveDraft'])) { $this->type = 'draft'; $this->status = 'draft'; $forceSave = true; } else { /* Apply Email Templates */ // do not parse email templates if the email is being saved as draft.... $toAddresses = $this->email2ParseAddresses($_REQUEST['sendTo']); $sea = new SugarEmailAddress(); $object_arr = array(); if( isset($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && !empty($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && ($_REQUEST['parent_type'] == 'Accounts' || $_REQUEST['parent_type'] == 'Contacts' || $_REQUEST['parent_type'] == 'Leads' || $_REQUEST['parent_type'] == 'Users' || $_REQUEST['parent_type'] == 'Prospects')) { if(isset($beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']]) && !empty($beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']])) { $className = $beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']]; if(isset($beanFiles[$className]) && !empty($beanFiles[$className])) { if(!class_exists($className)) { require_once($beanFiles[$className]); } $bean = new $className(); $bean->retrieve($_REQUEST['parent_id']); $object_arr[$bean->module_dir] = $bean->id; } // if } // if } foreach($toAddresses as $addrMeta) { $addr = $addrMeta['email']; $beans = $sea->getBeansByEmailAddress($addr); foreach($beans as $bean) { if (!isset($object_arr[$bean->module_dir])) { $object_arr[$bean->module_dir] = $bean->id; } } } /* template parsing */ if (empty($object_arr)) { $object_arr= array('Contacts' => '123'); } $object_arr['Users'] = $current_user->id; $this->description_html = EmailTemplate::parse_template($this->description_html, $object_arr); $this->name = EmailTemplate::parse_template($this->name, $object_arr); $this->description = EmailTemplate::parse_template($this->description, $object_arr); $this->description = html_entity_decode($this->description,ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8'); if($this->type != 'draft' && $this->status != 'draft') { $this->id = create_guid(); $this->date_entered = ""; $this->new_with_id = true; $this->type = 'out'; $this->status = 'sent'; } } if(isset($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && empty($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && empty($_REQUEST['parent_id']) ) { $this->parent_id = ""; $this->parent_type = ""; } // if $mail->Subject = $this->name; $mail = $this->handleBody($mail); $mail->Subject = $this->name; $this->description_html = from_html($this->description_html); $this->description_html = $this->decodeDuringSend($this->description_html); $this->description = $this->decodeDuringSend($this->description); /* from account */ $replyToAddress = $current_user->emailAddress->getReplyToAddress($current_user); $replyToName = ""; if(empty($request['fromAccount'])) { $defaults = $current_user->getPreferredEmail(); $mail->From = $defaults['email']; $mail->FromName = $defaults['name']; $replyToName = $mail->FromName; //$replyToAddress = $current_user->emailAddress->getReplyToAddress($current_user); } else { // passed -> user -> system default $ie = new InboundEmail(); $ie->retrieve($request['fromAccount']); $storedOptions = unserialize(base64_decode($ie->stored_options)); $fromName = ""; $fromAddress = ""; $replyToName = ""; //$replyToAddress = ""; if (!empty($storedOptions)) { $fromAddress = $storedOptions['from_addr']; $fromName = from_html($storedOptions['from_name']); $replyToAddress = (isset($storedOptions['reply_to_addr']) ? $storedOptions['reply_to_addr'] : ""); $replyToName = (isset($storedOptions['reply_to_name']) ? from_html($storedOptions['reply_to_name']) : ""); } // if $defaults = $current_user->getPreferredEmail(); // Personal Account doesn't have reply To Name and Reply To Address. So add those columns on UI // After adding remove below code // code to remove if ($ie->is_personal) { if (empty($replyToAddress)) { $replyToAddress = $current_user->emailAddress->getReplyToAddress($current_user); } // if if (empty($replyToName)) { $replyToName = $defaults['name']; } // if //Personal accounts can have a reply_address, which should //overwrite the users set default. if( !empty($storedOptions['reply_to_addr']) ) $replyToAddress = $storedOptions['reply_to_addr']; } // end of code to remove $mail->From = (!empty($fromAddress)) ? $fromAddress : $defaults['email']; $mail->FromName = (!empty($fromName)) ? $fromName : $defaults['name']; $replyToName = (!empty($replyToName)) ? $replyToName : $mail->FromName; } $mail->Sender = $mail->From; /* set Return-Path field in header to reduce spam score in emails sent via Sugar's Email module */ if (!empty($replyToAddress)) { $mail->AddReplyTo($replyToAddress,$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim( $replyToName), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset)); } else { $mail->AddReplyTo($mail->From,$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim( $mail->FromName), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset)); } // else $emailAddressCollection = array(); // used in linking to beans below // handle to/cc/bcc foreach($this->email2ParseAddresses($request['sendTo']) as $addr_arr) { if(empty($addr_arr['email'])) continue; if(empty($addr_arr['display'])) { $mail->AddAddress($addr_arr['email'], ""); } else { $mail->AddAddress($addr_arr['email'],$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim( $addr_arr['display']), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset)); } $emailAddressCollection[] = $addr_arr['email']; } foreach($this->email2ParseAddresses($request['sendCc']) as $addr_arr) { if(empty($addr_arr['email'])) continue; if(empty($addr_arr['display'])) { $mail->AddCC($addr_arr['email'], ""); } else { $mail->AddCC($addr_arr['email'],$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim( $addr_arr['display']), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset)); } $emailAddressCollection[] = $addr_arr['email']; } foreach($this->email2ParseAddresses($request['sendBcc']) as $addr_arr) { if(empty($addr_arr['email'])) continue; if(empty($addr_arr['display'])) { $mail->AddBCC($addr_arr['email'], ""); } else { $mail->AddBCC($addr_arr['email'],$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim( $addr_arr['display']), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset)); } $emailAddressCollection[] = $addr_arr['email']; } /* parse remove attachments array */ $removeAttachments = array(); if(!empty($request['templateAttachmentsRemove'])) { $exRemove = explode("::", $request['templateAttachmentsRemove']); foreach($exRemove as $file) { $removeAttachments = substr($file, 0, 36); } } /* handle attachments */ if(!empty($request['attachments'])) { $exAttachments = explode("::", $request['attachments']); foreach($exAttachments as $file) { $file = trim(from_html($file)); $file = str_replace("\\", "", $file); if(!empty($file)) { //$fileLocation = $this->et->userCacheDir."/{$file}"; $fileGUID = substr($file, 0, 36); $fileLocation = $this->et->userCacheDir."/{$fileGUID}"; $filename = substr($file, 36, strlen($file)); // strip GUID for PHPMailer class to name outbound file $mail->AddAttachment($fileLocation,$filename, 'base64', $this->email2GetMime($fileLocation)); //$mail->AddAttachment($fileLocation, $filename, 'base64'); // only save attachments if we're archiving or drafting if((($this->type == 'draft') && !empty($this->id)) || (isset($request['saveToSugar']) && $request['saveToSugar'] == 1)) { $note = new Note(); $note->id = create_guid(); $note->new_with_id = true; // duplicating the note with files $note->parent_id = $this->id; $note->parent_type = $this->module_dir; $note->name = $filename; $note->filename = $filename; $noteFile = "{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}{$note->id}"; $note->file_mime_type = $this->email2GetMime($fileLocation); if(!copy($fileLocation, $noteFile)) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAIL 2.0: could not copy attachment file to cache/upload [ {$fileLocation} ]"); } $note->save(); } } } } /* handle sugar documents */ if(!empty($request['documents'])) { $exDocs = explode("::", $request['documents']); foreach($exDocs as $docId) { $docId = trim($docId); if(!empty($docId)) { $doc = new Document(); $docRev = new DocumentRevision(); $doc->retrieve($docId); $docRev->retrieve($doc->document_revision_id); $filename = $docRev->filename; $fileLocation = "{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}{$docRev->id}"; $mime_type = $docRev->file_mime_type; $mail->AddAttachment($fileLocation,$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($filename), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset), 'base64', $mime_type); // only save attachments if we're archiving or drafting if((($this->type == 'draft') && !empty($this->id)) || (isset($request['saveToSugar']) && $request['saveToSugar'] == 1)) { $note = new Note(); $note->id = create_guid(); $note->new_with_id = true; // duplicating the note with files $note->parent_id = $this->id; $note->parent_type = $this->module_dir; $note->name = $filename; $note->filename = $filename; $note->file_mime_type = $mime_type; $noteFile = "{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}{$note->id}"; if(!copy($fileLocation, $noteFile)) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAIL 2.0: could not copy SugarDocument revision file to {$sugar_config['upload_dir']} [ {$fileLocation} ]"); } $note->save(); } } } } /* handle template attachments */ if(!empty($request['templateAttachments'])) { $exNotes = explode("::", $request['templateAttachments']); foreach($exNotes as $noteId) { $noteId = trim($noteId); if(!empty($noteId)) { $note = new Note(); $note->retrieve($noteId); if (!empty($note->id)) { $filename = $note->filename; $fileLocation = "{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}{$note->id}"; $mime_type = $note->file_mime_type; if (!$note->embed_flag) { $mail->AddAttachment($fileLocation,$filename, 'base64', $mime_type); // only save attachments if we're archiving or drafting if((($this->type == 'draft') && !empty($this->id)) || (isset($request['saveToSugar']) && $request['saveToSugar'] == 1)) { if ($note->parent_id != $this->id) $this->saveTempNoteAttachments($filename,$fileLocation, $mime_type); } // if } // if } else { //$fileLocation = $this->et->userCacheDir."/{$file}"; $fileGUID = substr($noteId, 0, 36); $fileLocation = $this->et->userCacheDir."/{$fileGUID}"; //$fileLocation = $this->et->userCacheDir."/{$noteId}"; $filename = substr($noteId, 36, strlen($noteId)); // strip GUID for PHPMailer class to name outbound file $mail->AddAttachment($fileLocation,$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($filename), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset), 'base64', $this->email2GetMime($fileLocation)); //If we are saving an email we were going to forward we need to save the attachments as well. if( (($this->type == 'draft') && !empty($this->id)) || (isset($request['saveToSugar']) && $request['saveToSugar'] == 1)) { $mimeType = $this->email2GetMime($fileLocation); $this->saveTempNoteAttachments($filename,$fileLocation, $mimeType); } // if } } } } /********************************************************************** * Final Touches */ /* save email to sugar? */ $forceSave = false; if($this->type == 'draft' && !isset($request['saveDraft'])) { // sending a draft email $this->type = 'out'; $this->status = 'sent'; $forceSave = true; } elseif(isset($request['saveDraft'])) { $this->type = 'draft'; $this->status = 'draft'; $forceSave = true; } /********************************************************************** * SEND EMAIL (finally!) */ $mailSent = false; if ($this->type != 'draft') { $mail->prepForOutbound(); $mail->Body = $this->decodeDuringSend($mail->Body); $mail->AltBody = $this->decodeDuringSend($mail->AltBody); if (!$mail->Send()) { $this->status = 'send_error'; ob_clean(); echo($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_PREPEND']. $mail->ErrorInfo); return false; } } if ((!(empty($orignialId) || isset($request['saveDraft']) || ($this->type == 'draft' && $this->status == 'draft'))) && (($_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'reply') || ($_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'replyAll') || ($_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'replyCase')) && ($orignialId != $this->id)) { $originalEmail = new Email(); $originalEmail->retrieve($orignialId); $originalEmail->reply_to_status = 1; $originalEmail->save(); $this->reply_to_status = 0; } // if if ($_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'reply' || $_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'replyCase') { if (isset($_REQUEST['ieId']) && isset($_REQUEST['mbox'])) { $emailFromIe = new InboundEmail(); $emailFromIe->retrieve($_REQUEST['ieId']); $emailFromIe->mailbox = $_REQUEST['mbox']; if (isset($emailFromIe->id) && $emailFromIe->is_personal) { if ($emailFromIe->isPop3Protocol()) { $emailFromIe->mark_answered($this->uid, 'pop3'); } elseif ($emailFromIe->connectMailserver() == 'true') { $emailFromIe->markEmails($this->uid, 'answered'); $emailFromIe->mark_answered($this->uid); } } } } if( $forceSave || $this->type == 'draft' || (isset($request['saveToSugar']) && $request['saveToSugar'] == 1)) { // saving a draft OR saving a sent email $decodedFromName = mb_decode_mimeheader($mail->FromName); $this->from_addr = "{$decodedFromName} <{$mail->From}>"; $this->from_addr_name = $this->from_addr; $this->to_addrs = $_REQUEST['sendTo']; $this->to_addrs_names = $_REQUEST['sendTo']; $this->cc_addrs = $_REQUEST['sendCc']; $this->cc_addrs_names = $_REQUEST['sendCc']; $this->bcc_addrs = $_REQUEST['sendBcc']; $this->bcc_addrs_names = $_REQUEST['sendBcc']; $this->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $this->date_sent = $timedate->now(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// LINK EMAIL TO SUGARBEANS BASED ON EMAIL ADDY if( isset($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && !empty($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['parent_id']) ) { $this->parent_id = $_REQUEST['parent_id']; $this->parent_type = $_REQUEST['parent_type']; $q = "SELECT count(*) c FROM emails_beans WHERE email_id = '{$this->id}' AND bean_id = '{$_REQUEST['parent_id']}' AND bean_module = '{$_REQUEST['parent_type']}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); if($a['c'] <= 0) { if(isset($beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']]) && !empty($beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']])) { $className = $beanList[$_REQUEST['parent_type']]; if(isset($beanFiles[$className]) && !empty($beanFiles[$className])) { if(!class_exists($className)) { require_once($beanFiles[$className]); } $bean = new $className(); $bean->retrieve($_REQUEST['parent_id']); if($bean->load_relationship('emails')) { $bean->emails->add($this->id); } // if } // if } // if } // if } else { if(!class_exists('aCase')) { } else{ $c = new aCase(); if($caseId = InboundEmail::getCaseIdFromCaseNumber($mail->Subject, $c)) { $c->retrieve($caseId); $c->load_relationship('emails'); $c->emails->add($this->id); $this->parent_type = "Cases"; $this->parent_id = $caseId; } // if } } // else //// LINK EMAIL TO SUGARBEANS BASED ON EMAIL ADDY /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $this->save(); } if(!empty($request['fromAccount'])) { if (isset($ie->id) && !$ie->isPop3Protocol()) { $sentFolder = $ie->get_stored_options("sentFolder"); if (!empty($sentFolder)) { $data = $mail->CreateHeader() . "\r\n" . $mail->CreateBody() . "\r\n"; $ie->mailbox = $sentFolder; if ($ie->connectMailserver() == 'true') { $connectString = $ie->getConnectString($ie->getServiceString(), $ie->mailbox); $returnData = imap_append($ie->conn,$connectString, $data, "\\Seen"); if (!$returnData) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("could not copy email to {$ie->mailbox} for {$ie->name}"); } // if } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("could not connect to mail serve for folder {$ie->mailbox} for {$ie->name}"); } // else } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("could not copy email to {$ie->mailbox} sent folder as its empty"); } // else } // if } // if return true; } // end email2send /** * Generates a comma sperated name and addresses to be used in compose email screen for contacts or leads * from listview * * @param $module string module name * @param $idsArray array of record ids to get the email address for * @return string comma delimited list of email addresses */ public function getNamePlusEmailAddressesForCompose($module, $idsArray) { global $locale; global $db; $table = SugarModule::get($module)->loadBean()->table_name; $returndata = array(); $idsString = ""; foreach($idsArray as $id) { if ($idsString != "") { $idsString = $idsString . ","; } // if $idsString = $idsString . "'" . $id . "'"; } // foreach $where = "({$table}.deleted = 0 AND {$table}.id in ({$idsString}))"; if ($module == 'Users' || $module == 'Employees') { $selectColumn = "{$table}.first_name, {$table}.last_name, {$table}.title"; } elseif (SugarModule::get($module)->moduleImplements('Person')) { $selectColumn = "{$table}.first_name, {$table}.last_name, {$table}.salutation, {$table}.title"; } else { $selectColumn = "{$table}.name"; } $query = "SELECT {$table}.id, {$selectColumn}, eabr.primary_address, ea.email_address"; $query .= " FROM {$table} "; $query .= "JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr ON ({$table}.id = eabr.bean_id and eabr.deleted=0) "; $query .= "JOIN email_addresses ea ON (eabr.email_address_id = ea.id) "; $query .= " WHERE ({$where}) ORDER BY eabr.primary_address DESC"; $r = $this->db->query($query); while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { if (!isset($returndata[$a['id']])) { if ($module == 'Users' || $module == 'Employees') { $full_name = from_html($locale->getLocaleFormattedName($a['first_name'], $a['last_name'], '', $a['title'])); $returndata[$a['id']] = "{$full_name} <".from_html($a['email_address']).">"; } elseif (SugarModule::get($module)->moduleImplements('Person')) { $full_name = from_html($locale->getLocaleFormattedName($a['first_name'], $a['last_name'], $a['salutation'], $a['title'])); $returndata[$a['id']] = "{$full_name} <".from_html($a['email_address']).">"; } else { $returndata[$a['id']] = from_html($a['name']) . " <".from_html($a['email_address']).">"; } // else } } return join(",", array_values($returndata)); } /** * Overrides */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// SAVERS function save($check_notify = false) { if($this->isDuplicate) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAIL - tried to save a duplicate Email record"); } else { if(empty($this->id)) { $this->id = create_guid(); $this->new_with_id = true; } $this->from_addr_name = $this->cleanEmails($this->from_addr_name); $this->to_addrs_names = $this->cleanEmails($this->to_addrs_names); $this->cc_addrs_names = $this->cleanEmails($this->cc_addrs_names); $this->bcc_addrs_names = $this->cleanEmails($this->bcc_addrs_names); $this->reply_to_addr = $this->cleanEmails($this->reply_to_addr); $this->description = to_html($this->safeText(from_html($this->description))); $this->description_html = $this->safeText($this->description_html); $this->saveEmailText(); $this->saveEmailAddresses(); $GLOBALS['log']->debug('-------------------------------> Email called save()'); // handle legacy concatenation of date and time fields if(empty($this->date_sent)) $this->date_sent = $this->date_start." ".$this->time_start; parent::save($check_notify); if(!empty($this->parent_type) && !empty($this->parent_id)) { if(!empty($this->fetched_row) && !empty($this->fetched_row['parent_id']) && !empty($this->fetched_row['parent_type'])) { if($this->fetched_row['parent_id'] != $this->parent_id || $this->fetched_row['parent_type'] != $this->parent_type) { $mod = strtolower($this->fetched_row['parent_type']); $rel = array_key_exists($mod, $this->field_defs) ? $mod : $mod . "_activities_emails"; //Custom modules rel name if($this->load_relationship($rel) ) { $this->$rel->delete($this->id, $this->fetched_row['parent_id']); } } else { // we already have this relationship, don't add it return; } } $mod = strtolower($this->parent_type); $rel = array_key_exists($mod, $this->field_defs) ? $mod : $mod . "_activities_emails"; //Custom modules rel name if($this->load_relationship($rel) ) { $this->$rel->add($this->parent_id); } } } } /** * Helper function to save temporary attachments assocaited to an email as note. * * @param string $filename * @param string $fileLocation * @param string $mimeType */ function saveTempNoteAttachments($filename,$fileLocation, $mimeType) { global $sugar_config; $tmpNote = new Note(); $tmpNote->id = create_guid(); $tmpNote->new_with_id = true; $tmpNote->parent_id = $this->id; $tmpNote->parent_type = $this->module_dir; $tmpNote->name = $filename; $tmpNote->filename = $filename; $tmpNote->file_mime_type = $mimeType; $noteFile = "{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}{$tmpNote->id}"; if(!copy($fileLocation, $noteFile)) $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("EMAIL 2.0: could not copy SugarDocument revision file to {$sugar_config['upload_dir']} [ {$fileLocation} ]"); $tmpNote->save(); } /** * Handles normalization of Email Addressess */ function saveEmailAddresses() { // from, single address $fromId = $this->emailAddress->getEmailGUID(from_html($this->from_addr)); if(!empty($fromId)){ $this->linkEmailToAddress($fromId, 'from'); } // to, multiple $replace = array(",",";"); $toaddrs = str_replace($replace, "::", from_html($this->to_addrs)); $exToAddrs = explode("::", $toaddrs); if(!empty($exToAddrs)) { foreach($exToAddrs as $toaddr) { $toaddr = trim($toaddr); if(!empty($toaddr)) { $toId = $this->emailAddress->getEmailGUID($toaddr); $this->linkEmailToAddress($toId, 'to'); } } } // cc, multiple $ccAddrs = str_replace($replace, "::", from_html($this->cc_addrs)); $exccAddrs = explode("::", $ccAddrs); if(!empty($exccAddrs)) { foreach($exccAddrs as $ccAddr) { $ccAddr = trim($ccAddr); if(!empty($ccAddr)) { $ccId = $this->emailAddress->getEmailGUID($ccAddr); $this->linkEmailToAddress($ccId, 'cc'); } } } // bcc, multiple $bccAddrs = str_replace($replace, "::", from_html($this->bcc_addrs)); $exbccAddrs = explode("::", $bccAddrs); if(!empty($exbccAddrs)) { foreach($exbccAddrs as $bccAddr) { $bccAddr = trim($bccAddr); if(!empty($bccAddr)) { $bccId = $this->emailAddress->getEmailGUID($bccAddr); $this->linkEmailToAddress($bccId, 'bcc'); } } } } function linkEmailToAddress($id, $type) { // TODO: make this update? $q1 = "SELECT * FROM emails_email_addr_rel WHERE email_id = '{$this->id}' AND email_address_id = '{$id}' AND address_type = '{$type}' AND deleted = 0"; $r1 = $this->db->query($q1); $a1 = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r1); if(!empty($a1) && !empty($a1['id'])) { return $a1['id']; } else { $guid = create_guid(); $q2 = "INSERT INTO emails_email_addr_rel VALUES('{$guid}', '{$this->id}', '{$type}', '{$id}', 0)"; $r2 = $this->db->query($q2); } return $guid; } function cleanEmails($emails) { $emails = str_replace(array(",",";"), "::", from_html($emails)); $addrs = explode("::", $emails); $res = array(); foreach($addrs as $addr) { $parts = $this->emailAddress->splitEmailAddress($addr); if(empty($parts["email"])) { continue; } if(!empty($parts["name"])) { $res[] = "{$parts["name"]} <{$parts["email"]}>"; } else { $res[] .= $parts["email"]; } } return join(", ", $res); } function saveEmailText() { $isOracle = ($this->db->dbType == "oci8") ? true : false; if ($isOracle) { } else { $description = $this->db->quote(trim($this->description)); $description_html = $this->db->quoteForEmail(trim($this->description_html)); $raw_source = $this->db->quote(trim($this->raw_source)); $fromAddressName = $this->db->helper->escape_quote($this->from_addr_name); $toAddressName = $this->db->helper->escape_quote($this->to_addrs_names); $ccAddressName = $this->db->helper->escape_quote($this->cc_addrs_names); $bccAddressName = $this->db->helper->escape_quote($this->bcc_addrs_names); $replyToAddrName = $this->db->helper->escape_quote($this->reply_to_addr); if(!$this->new_with_id) { $q = "UPDATE emails_text SET from_addr = '{$fromAddressName}', to_addrs = '{$toAddressName}', cc_addrs = '{$ccAddressName}', bcc_addrs = '{$bccAddressName}', reply_to_addr = '{$replyToAddrName}', description = '{$description}', description_html = '{$description_html}', raw_source = '{$raw_source}' WHERE email_id = '{$this->id}'"; } else { $q = "INSERT INTO emails_text (email_id, from_addr, to_addrs, cc_addrs, bcc_addrs, reply_to_addr, description, description_html, raw_source, deleted) VALUES('{$this->id}', '{$fromAddressName}', '{$toAddressName}', '{$ccAddressName}', '{$bccAddressName}', '{$replyToAddrName}', '{$description}', '{$description_html}', '{$raw_source}', 0)"; } $this->db->query($q); } // else } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// RETRIEVERS function retrieve($id, $encoded=true, $deleted=true) { // cn: bug 11915, return SugarBean's retrieve() call bean instead of $this $ret = parent::retrieve($id, $encoded, $deleted); if($ret) { $ret->retrieveEmailText(); $ret->retrieveEmailAddresses(); $ret->raw_source = to_html($ret->safeText(from_html($ret->raw_source))); $ret->description = to_html($ret->safeText(from_html($ret->description))); $ret->description_html = $ret->safeText($ret->description_html); $ret->date_start = ''; $ret->time_start = ''; $dateSent = explode(' ', $ret->date_sent); if (!empty($dateSent)) { $ret->date_start = $dateSent[0]; if ( isset($dateSent[1]) ) $ret->time_start = $dateSent[1]; } // for Email 2.0 foreach($ret as $k => $v) { $this->$k = $v; } } return $ret; } /** * Retrieves email addresses from GUIDs */ function retrieveEmailAddresses() { $return = array(); $q = "SELECT email_address, address_type FROM emails_email_addr_rel eam JOIN email_addresses ea ON ea.id = eam.email_address_id WHERE eam.email_id = '{$this->id}' AND eam.deleted=0"; $r = $this->db->query($q); while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { if(!isset($return[$a['address_type']])) { $return[$a['address_type']] = array(); } $return[$a['address_type']][] = $a['email_address']; } if(count($return) > 0) { if(isset($return['from'])) { $this->from_addr = implode(", ", $return['from']); } if(isset($return['to'])) { $this->to_addrs = implode(", ", $return['to']); } if(isset($return['cc'])) { $this->cc_addrs = implode(", ", $return['cc']); } if(isset($return['bcc'])) { $this->bcc_addrs = implode(", ", $return['bcc']); } } } /** * Handles longtext fields */ function retrieveEmailText() { $q = "SELECT from_addr, reply_to_addr, to_addrs, cc_addrs, bcc_addrs, description, description_html, raw_source FROM emails_text WHERE email_id = '{$this->id}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r, -1, false); $this->description = $a['description']; $this->description_html = $a['description_html']; $this->raw_source = $a['raw_source']; $this->from_addr_name = $a['from_addr']; $this->reply_to_addr = $a['reply_to_addr']; $this->to_addrs_names = $a['to_addrs']; $this->cc_addrs_names = $a['cc_addrs']; $this->bcc_addrs_names = $a['bcc_addrs']; } function delete($id='') { if(empty($id)) $id = $this->id; $q = "UPDATE emails SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = '{$id}'"; $qt = "UPDATE emails_text SET deleted = 1 WHERE email_id = '{$id}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $rt = $this->db->query($qt); } /** * creates the standard "Forward" info at the top of the forwarded message * @return string */ function getForwardHeader() { global $mod_strings; global $current_user; //$from = str_replace(array(">","<"), array(")","("), $this->from_name); $from = to_html($this->from_name); $subject = to_html($this->name); $ret = "

"; $ret .= $this->replyDelimiter."{$mod_strings['LBL_FROM']} {$from}
"; $ret .= $this->replyDelimiter."{$mod_strings['LBL_DATE_SENT']} {$this->date_sent}
"; $ret .= $this->replyDelimiter."{$mod_strings['LBL_TO']} {$this->to_addrs}
"; $ret .= $this->replyDelimiter."{$mod_strings['LBL_CC']} {$this->cc_addrs}
"; $ret .= $this->replyDelimiter."{$mod_strings['LBL_SUBJECT']} {$subject}
"; $ret .= $this->replyDelimiter."
"; return $ret; //return from_html($ret); } /** * retrieves Notes that belong to this Email and stuffs them into the "attachments" attribute */ function getNotes($id, $duplicate=false) { if(!class_exists('Note')) { } $exRemoved = array(); if(isset($_REQUEST['removeAttachment'])) { $exRemoved = explode('::', $_REQUEST['removeAttachment']); } $noteArray = array(); $q = "SELECT id FROM notes WHERE parent_id = '".$id."'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { if(!in_array($a['id'], $exRemoved)) { $note = new Note(); $note->retrieve($a['id']); // duplicate actual file when creating forwards if($duplicate) { if(!class_exists('UploadFile')) { require_once('include/upload_file.php'); } // save a brand new Note $noteDupe->id = create_guid(); $noteDupe->new_with_id = true; $noteDupe->parent_id = $this->id; $noteDupe->parent_type = $this->module_dir; $noteFile = new UploadFile('none'); $noteFile->duplicate_file($a['id'], $note->id, $note->filename); $note->save(); } // add Note to attachments array $this->attachments[] = $note; } } } /** * creates the standard "Reply" info at the top of the forwarded message * @return string */ function getReplyHeader() { global $mod_strings; global $current_user; $from = str_replace(array(">","<", ">","<"), array(")","(",")","("), $this->from_name); $ret = "
{$mod_strings['LBL_REPLY_HEADER_1']} {$this->date_start}, {$this->time_start}, {$from} {$mod_strings['LBL_REPLY_HEADER_2']}"; return from_html($ret); } /** * Quotes plain-text email text * @param string $text * @return string */ function quotePlainTextEmail($text) { $quoted = "\n"; // plain-text $desc = nl2br(trim($text)); $exDesc = explode('
', $desc); foreach($exDesc as $k => $line) { $quoted .= '> '.trim($line)."\r"; } return $quoted; } /** * "quotes" (i.e., "> my text yadda" the HTML part of an email * @param string $text HTML text to quote * @return string */ function quoteHtmlEmail($text) { $text = trim(from_html($text)); if(empty($text)) { return ''; } $out = "
"; return $out; } /** * "quotes" (i.e., "> my text yadda" the HTML part of an email * @param string $text HTML text to quote * @return string */ function quoteHtmlEmailForNewEmailUI($text) { $text = trim($text); if(empty($text)) { return ''; } $text = str_replace("\n", "\n
", $text); $out = "
"; return $out; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// LEGACY CODE /** * Safes description text (both HTML and Plain Text) for display * @param string str The text to safe * @return string Safed text */ function safeText($str) { // Safe_HTML $this->safe->clear(); $ret = $this->safe->parse($str); // Julian's XSS cleaner $potentials = clean_xss($str, false); if(is_array($potentials) && !empty($potentials)) { //_ppl($potentials); foreach($potentials as $bad) { $ret = str_replace($bad, "", $ret); } } // clean and tags $html = '#<\\\\\?HTML[\w =\'\"\&]*>#sim'; $body = '#<\\\\\?BODY[\w =\'\"\&]*>#sim'; $ret = preg_replace($html, "", $ret); $ret = preg_replace($body, "", $ret); return $ret; } /** * Ensures that the user is able to send outbound emails */ function check_email_settings() { global $current_user; $mail_fromaddress = $current_user->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($current_user); $replyToName = $current_user->getPreference('mail_fromname'); $mail_fromname = (!empty($replyToName)) ? $current_user->getPreference('mail_fromname') : $current_user->full_name; if(empty($mail_fromaddress)) { return false; } if(empty($mail_fromname)) { return false; } $send_type = $current_user->getPreference('mail_sendtype') ; if (!empty($send_type) && $send_type == "SMTP") { $mail_smtpserver = $current_user->getPreference('mail_smtpserver'); $mail_smtpport = $current_user->getPreference('mail_smtpport'); $mail_smtpauth_req = $current_user->getPreference('mail_smtpauth_req'); $mail_smtpuser = $current_user->getPreference('mail_smtpuser'); $mail_smtppass = $current_user->getPreference('mail_smtppass'); if (empty($mail_smtpserver) || empty($mail_smtpport) || (!empty($mail_smtpauth_req) && ( empty($mail_smtpuser) || empty($mail_smtppass))) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * outputs JS to set fields in the MassUpdate form in the "My Inbox" view */ function js_set_archived() { global $mod_strings; $script = ' '; return $script; } /** * replaces the javascript in utils.php - more specialized */ function u_get_clear_form_js($type='', $group='', $assigned_user_id='') { $uType = ''; $uGroup = ''; $uAssigned_user_id = ''; if(!empty($type)) { $uType = '&type='.$type; } if(!empty($group)) { $uGroup = '&group='.$group; } if(!empty($assigned_user_id)) { $uAssigned_user_id = '&assigned_user_id='.$assigned_user_id; } $the_script = ' '; return $the_script; } function pickOneButton() { global $theme; global $mod_strings; $out = '
'; return $out; } /** * Determines what Editor (HTML or Plain-text) the current_user uses; * @return string Editor type */ function getUserEditorPreference() { global $sugar_config; global $current_user; $editor = ''; if(!isset($sugar_config['email_default_editor'])) { $sugar_config = $current_user->setDefaultsInConfig(); } $userEditor = $current_user->getPreference('email_editor_option'); $systemEditor = $sugar_config['email_default_editor']; if($userEditor != '') { $editor = $userEditor; } else { $editor = $systemEditor; } return $editor; } /** * takes the mess we pass from EditView and tries to create some kind of order * @param array addrs * @param array addrs_ids (from contacts) * @param array addrs_names (from contacts); * @param array addrs_emails (from contacts); * @return array Parsed assoc array to feed to PHPMailer */ function parse_addrs($addrs, $addrs_ids, $addrs_names, $addrs_emails) { // cn: bug 9406 - enable commas to separate email addresses $addrs = str_replace(",", ";", $addrs); $ltgt = array('<','>'); $gtlt = array('<','>'); $return = array(); $addrs = str_replace($ltgt, '', $addrs); $addrs_arr = explode(";",$addrs); $addrs_arr = $this->remove_empty_fields($addrs_arr); $addrs_ids_arr = explode(";",$addrs_ids); $addrs_ids_arr = $this->remove_empty_fields($addrs_ids_arr); $addrs_emails_arr = explode(";",$addrs_emails); $addrs_emails_arr = $this->remove_empty_fields($addrs_emails_arr); $addrs_names_arr = explode(";",$addrs_names); $addrs_names_arr = $this->remove_empty_fields($addrs_names_arr); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// HANDLE EMAILS HAND-WRITTEN $contactRecipients = array(); $knownEmails = array(); foreach($addrs_arr as $i => $v) { if(trim($v) == "") continue; // skip any "blanks" - will always have 1 $recipient = array(); //// get the email to see if we're dealing with a dupe //// what crappy coding preg_match("/[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}/i",$v, $match); if(!empty($match[0]) && !in_array(trim($match[0]), $knownEmails)) { $knownEmails[] = $match[0]; $recipient['email'] = $match[0]; //// handle the Display name $display = trim(str_replace($match[0], '', $v)); //// only trigger a "displayName" when necessary if(isset($addrs_names_arr[$i])){ $recipient['display'] = $addrs_names_arr[$i]; } else if(!empty($display)) { $recipient['display'] = $display; } if(isset($addrs_ids_arr[$i]) && $addrs_emails_arr[$i] == $match[0]){ $recipient['contact_id'] = $addrs_ids_arr[$i]; } $return[] = $recipient; } } return $return; } function remove_empty_fields(&$arr) { $newarr = array(); foreach($arr as $field) { $field = trim($field); if(empty($field)) { continue; } array_push($newarr,$field); } return $newarr; } /** * handles attachments of various kinds when sending email */ function handleAttachments() { global $mod_strings; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ATTACHMENTS FROM DRAFTS if(($this->type == 'out' || $this->type == 'draft') && $this->status == 'draft' && isset($_REQUEST['record'])) { $this->getNotes($_REQUEST['record']); // cn: get notes from OLD email for use in new email } //// END ATTACHMENTS FROM DRAFTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ATTACHMENTS FROM FORWARDS // Bug 8034 Jenny - Need the check for type 'draft' here to handle cases where we want to save // forwarded messages as drafts. We still need to save the original message's attachments. if(($this->type == 'out' || $this->type == 'draft') && isset($_REQUEST['origType']) && $_REQUEST['origType'] == 'forward' && isset($_REQUEST['return_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['return_id']) ) { $this->getNotes($_REQUEST['return_id'], true); } // cn: bug 8034 - attachments from forward/replies lost when saving in draft if(isset($_REQUEST['prior_attachments']) && !empty($_REQUEST['prior_attachments']) && $this->new_with_id == true) { $exIds = explode(",", $_REQUEST['prior_attachments']); if(!isset($_REQUEST['template_attachment'])) { $_REQUEST['template_attachment'] = array(); } $_REQUEST['template_attachment'] = array_merge($_REQUEST['template_attachment'], $exIds); } //// END ATTACHMENTS FROM FORWARDS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ATTACHMENTS FROM TEMPLATES // to preserve individual email integrity, we must dupe Notes and associated files // for each outbound email - good for integrity, bad for filespace if(isset($_REQUEST['template_attachment']) && !empty($_REQUEST['template_attachment'])) { $removeArr = array(); $noteArray = array(); if(isset($_REQUEST['temp_remove_attachment']) && !empty($_REQUEST['temp_remove_attachment'])) { $removeArr = $_REQUEST['temp_remove_attachment']; } foreach($_REQUEST['template_attachment'] as $noteId) { if(in_array($noteId, $removeArr)) { continue; } $noteTemplate = new Note(); $noteTemplate->retrieve($noteId); $noteTemplate->id = create_guid(); $noteTemplate->new_with_id = true; // duplicating the note with files $noteTemplate->parent_id = $this->id; $noteTemplate->parent_type = $this->module_dir; $noteTemplate->date_entered = ''; $noteTemplate->save(); $noteFile = new UploadFile('none'); $noteFile->duplicate_file($noteId, $noteTemplate->id, $noteTemplate->filename); $noteArray[] = $noteTemplate; } $this->attachments = array_merge($this->attachments, $noteArray); } //// END ATTACHMENTS FROM TEMPLATES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ADDING NEW ATTACHMENTS $max_files_upload = 10; // Jenny - Bug 8211 Since attachments for drafts have already been processed, // we don't need to re-process them. if($this->status != "draft") { $notes_list = array(); if(!empty($this->id) && !$this->new_with_id) { $note = new Note(); $where = "notes.parent_id='{$this->id}'"; $notes_list = $note->get_full_list("", $where, true); } $this->attachments = array_merge($this->attachments, $notes_list); } // cn: Bug 5995 - rudimentary error checking $filesError = array( 0 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_OK - There is no error, the file uploaded with success.', 1 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE - The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.', 2 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE - The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.', 3 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL - The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.', 4 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE - No file was uploaded.', 5 => 'UNKNOWN ERROR', 6 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR - Missing a temporary folder. Introduced in PHP 4.3.10 and PHP 5.0.3.', 7 => 'UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE - Failed to write file to disk. Introduced in PHP 5.1.0.', ); for($i = 0; $i < $max_files_upload; $i++) { // cn: Bug 5995 - rudimentary error checking if (!isset($_FILES["email_attachment{$i}"])) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Email Attachment {$i} does not exist."); continue; } if($_FILES['email_attachment'.$i]['error'] != 0 && $_FILES['email_attachment'.$i]['error'] != 4) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Email Attachment could not be attach due to error: '.$filesError[$_FILES['email_attachment'.$i]['error']]); continue; } $note = new Note(); $note->parent_id = $this->id; $note->parent_type = $this->module_dir; $upload_file = new UploadFile('email_attachment'.$i); if(empty($upload_file)) { continue; } if(isset($_FILES['email_attachment'.$i]) && $upload_file->confirm_upload()) { $note->filename = $upload_file->get_stored_file_name(); $note->file = $upload_file; $note->name = $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT'].': '.$note->file->original_file_name; $this->attachments[] = $note; } } $this->saved_attachments = array(); foreach($this->attachments as $note) { if(!empty($note->id)) { array_push($this->saved_attachments, $note); continue; } $note->parent_id = $this->id; $note->parent_type = 'Emails'; $note->file_mime_type = $note->file->mime_type; $note_id = $note->save(); $this->saved_attachments[] = $note; $note->id = $note_id; $note->file->final_move($note->id); } //// END NEW ATTACHMENTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ATTACHMENTS FROM DOCUMENTS for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) { if(isset($_REQUEST['documentId'.$i]) && !empty($_REQUEST['documentId'.$i])) { $doc = new Document(); $docRev = new DocumentRevision(); $docNote = new Note(); $noteFile = new UploadFile('none'); $doc->retrieve($_REQUEST['documentId'.$i]); $docRev->retrieve($doc->document_revision_id); $this->saved_attachments[] = $docRev; // cn: bug 9723 - Emails with documents send GUID instead of Doc name $docNote->name = $docRev->getDocumentRevisionNameForDisplay(); $docNote->filename = $docRev->filename; $docNote->description = $doc->description; $docNote->parent_id = $this->id; $docNote->parent_type = 'Emails'; $docNote->file_mime_type = $docRev->file_mime_type; $docId = $docNote = $docNote->save(); $noteFile->duplicate_file($docRev->id, $docId, $docRev->filename); } } //// END ATTACHMENTS FROM DOCUMENTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// REMOVE ATTACHMENTS if(isset($_REQUEST['remove_attachment']) && !empty($_REQUEST['remove_attachment'])) { foreach($_REQUEST['remove_attachment'] as $noteId) { $q = 'UPDATE notes SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = \''.$noteId.'\''; $this->db->query($q); } } //this will remove attachments that have been selected to be removed from drafts. if(isset($_REQUEST['removeAttachment']) && !empty($_REQUEST['removeAttachment'])) { $exRemoved = explode('::', $_REQUEST['removeAttachment']); foreach($exRemoved as $noteId) { $q = 'UPDATE notes SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = \''.$noteId.'\''; $this->db->query($q); } } //// END REMOVE ATTACHMENTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } /** * Determines if an email body (HTML or Plain) has a User signature already in the content * @param array Array of signatures * @return bool */ function hasSignatureInBody($sig) { // strpos can't handle line breaks - normalize $html = $this->removeAllNewlines($this->description_html); $htmlSig = $this->removeAllNewlines($sig['signature_html']); $plain = $this->removeAllNewlines($this->description); $plainSig = $this->removeAllNewlines($sig['signature']); // cn: bug 11621 - empty sig triggers notice error if(!empty($htmlSig) && false !== strpos($html, $htmlSig)) { return true; } elseif(!empty($plainSig) && false !== strpos($plain, $plainSig)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * internal helper * @param string String to be normalized * @return string */ function removeAllNewlines($str) { $bad = array("\r\n", "\n\r", "\n", "\r"); $good = array('', '', '', ''); return str_replace($bad, $good, strip_tags(br2nl(from_html($str)))); } /** * Set navigation anchors to aid DetailView record navigation (VCR buttons) * @param string uri The URI from the referring page (always ListView) * @return array start Array of the URI broken down with a special "current_view" for My Inbox Navs */ function getStartPage($uri) { if(strpos($uri, '&')) { // "&" to ensure that we can explode the GET vars - else we're gonna trigger a Notice error $serial = substr($uri, (strpos($uri, '?')+1), strlen($uri)); $exUri = explode('&', $serial); $start = array('module' => '', 'action' => '', 'group' => '', 'record' => '', 'type' => ''); foreach($exUri as $k => $pair) { $exPair = explode('=', $pair); $start[$exPair[0]] = $exPair[1]; } // specific views for current_user if(isset($start['assigned_user_id'])) { $start['current_view'] = "{$start['action']}&module={$start['module']}&assigned_user_id={$start['assigned_user_id']}&type={$start['type']}"; } return $start; } else { return array(); } } /** * preps SMTP info for email transmission * @param object mail SugarPHPMailer object * @param string mailer_id * @param string ieId * @return object mail SugarPHPMailer object */ function setMailer($mail, $mailer_id='', $ieId='') { global $current_user; require_once("include/OutboundEmail/OutboundEmail.php"); $oe = new OutboundEmail(); $oe = $oe->getInboundMailerSettings($current_user, $mailer_id, $ieId); // ssl or tcp - keeping outside isSMTP b/c a default may inadvertantly set ssl:// $mail->protocol = ($oe->mail_smtpssl) ? "ssl://" : "tcp://"; if($oe->mail_sendtype == "SMTP") { //Set mail send type information $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host = $oe->mail_smtpserver; $mail->Port = $oe->mail_smtpport; if ($oe->mail_smtpssl == 1) { $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; } // if if ($oe->mail_smtpssl == 2) { $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; } // if if($oe->mail_smtpauth_req) { $mail->SMTPAuth = TRUE; $mail->Username = $oe->mail_smtpuser; $mail->Password = $oe->mail_smtppass; } } else $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $mail->oe = $oe; return $mail; } /** * preps SugarPHPMailer object for HTML or Plain text sends * @param object SugarPHPMailer instance */ function handleBody($mail) { global $current_user; global $sugar_config; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// HANDLE EMAIL FORMAT PREFERENCE // the if() below is HIGHLY dependent on the Javascript unchecking the Send HTML Email box // HTML email if( (isset($_REQUEST['setEditor']) /* from Email EditView navigation */ && $_REQUEST['setEditor'] == 1 && trim($_REQUEST['description_html']) != '') || trim($this->description_html) != '' /* from email templates */ && $current_user->getPreference('email_editor_option', 'global') !== 'plain' //user preference is not set to plain text ) { $this->handleBodyInHTMLformat($mail); } else { // plain text only $this->description_html = ''; $mail->IsHTML(false); $plainText = from_html($this->description); $plainText = str_replace(" ", " ", $plainText); $plainText = str_replace("

", "

", $plainText); $plainText = strip_tags(br2nl($plainText)); $plainText = str_replace("&", "&", $plainText); $plainText = str_replace("'", "'", $plainText); $mail->Body = wordwrap($plainText, 996); $mail->Body = $this->decodeDuringSend($mail->Body); $this->description = $mail->Body; } // wp: if plain text version has lines greater than 998, use base64 encoding foreach(explode("\n", ($mail->ContentType == "text/html") ? $mail->AltBody : $mail->Body) as $line) { if(strlen($line) > 998) { $mail->Encoding = 'base64'; break; } } //// HANDLE EMAIL FORMAT PREFERENCE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return $mail; } /** * Retrieve function from handlebody() to unit test easily * @param $mail * @return formatted $mail body */ function handleBodyInHTMLformat($mail) { global $current_user; global $sugar_config; // wp: if body is html, then insert new lines at 996 characters. no effect on client side // due to RFC 2822 which limits email lines to 998 $mail->IsHTML(true); $body = from_html(wordwrap($this->description_html, 996)); $mail->Body = $body; // cn: bug 9725 // new plan is to use the selected type (html or plain) to fill the other $plainText = from_html($this->description_html); $plainText = strip_tags(br2nl($plainText)); $mail->AltBody = $plainText; $this->description = $plainText; $fileBasePath = "{$sugar_config['cache_dir']}images/"; $filePatternSearch = "{$sugar_config['cache_dir']}"; $filePatternSearch = str_replace("/", "\/", $filePatternSearch); $filePatternSearch = $filePatternSearch . "images\/"; if(strpos($mail->Body, "\"{$fileBasePath}") !== FALSE) { //cache/images $matches = array(); preg_match_all("/{$filePatternSearch}.+?\"/i", $mail->Body, $matches); foreach($matches[0] as $match) { $filename = str_replace($fileBasePath, '', $match); $filename = urldecode(substr($filename, 0, -1)); $cid = $filename; $file_location = clean_path(getcwd()."/{$sugar_config['cache_dir']}images/{$filename}"); $mime_type = "image/".strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, ".")+1, strlen($filename))); if(file_exists($file_location)) { $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($file_location, $cid, $filename, 'base64', $mime_type); } } //replace references to cache with cid tag $mail->Body = str_replace("/" . $fileBasePath,'cid:',$mail->Body); $mail->Body = str_replace($fileBasePath,'cid:',$mail->Body); // remove bad img line from outbound email $regex = '#]+src[^=]*=\"\/([^>]*?[^>]*)>#sim'; $mail->Body = preg_replace($regex, '', $mail->Body); } $fileBasePath = "{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}"; $filePatternSearch = "{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}"; $filePatternSearch = str_replace("/", "\/", $filePatternSearch); if(strpos($mail->Body, "\"{$fileBasePath}") !== FALSE) { $matches = array(); preg_match_all("/{$filePatternSearch}.+?\"/i", $mail->Body, $matches); foreach($matches[0] as $match) { $filename = str_replace($fileBasePath, '', $match); $filename = urldecode(substr($filename, 0, -1)); $cid = $filename; $file_location = clean_path(getcwd()."/{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}{$filename}"); $mime_type = "image/".strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, ".")+1, strlen($filename))); if(file_exists($file_location)) { $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($file_location, $cid, $filename, 'base64', $mime_type); } } //replace references to cache with cid tag $mail->Body = str_replace("/" . $fileBasePath,'cid:',$mail->Body); $mail->Body = str_replace($fileBasePath,'cid:',$mail->Body); // remove bad img line from outbound email $regex = '#]+src[^=]*=\"\/([^>]*?[^>]*)>#sim'; $mail->Body = preg_replace($regex, '', $mail->Body); } //Replace any embeded images using the secure entryPoint for src url. $noteImgRegex = "/]*[\s]+src[^=]*=\"index.php\?entryPoint=download\&id=([^\&]*)[^>]*>/im"; $embededImageMatches = array(); preg_match_all($noteImgRegex, $mail->Body, $embededImageMatches,PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($embededImageMatches as $singleMatch ) { $fullMatch = $singleMatch[0]; $noteId = $singleMatch[1]; $cid = $noteId; $filename = $noteId; //Retrieve note for mimetype $tmpNote = new Note(); $tmpNote->retrieve($noteId); //Replace the src part of img tag with new cid tag $cidRegex = "/src=\"([^\"]*)\"/im"; $replaceMatch = preg_replace($cidRegex, "src=\"cid:$noteId\"", $fullMatch); //Replace the body, old tag for new tag $mail->Body = str_replace($fullMatch, $replaceMatch, $mail->Body); //Attach the file $file_location = clean_path(getcwd()."/{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}{$noteId}"); if(file_exists($file_location)) $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($file_location, $cid, $filename, 'base64', $tmpNote->file_mime_type); } //End Replace $mail->Body = from_html($mail->Body); } /** * Sends Email * @return bool True on success */ function send() { global $mod_strings,$app_strings; global $current_user; global $sugar_config; global $locale; $OBCharset = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_email_charset'); $mail = new SugarPHPMailer(); foreach ($this->to_addrs_arr as $addr_arr) { if ( empty($addr_arr['display'])) { $mail->AddAddress($addr_arr['email'], ""); } else { $mail->AddAddress($addr_arr['email'],$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim( $addr_arr['display']), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset)); } } foreach ($this->cc_addrs_arr as $addr_arr) { if ( empty($addr_arr['display'])) { $mail->AddCC($addr_arr['email'], ""); } else { $mail->AddCC($addr_arr['email'],$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($addr_arr['display']), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset)); } } foreach ($this->bcc_addrs_arr as $addr_arr) { if ( empty($addr_arr['display'])) { $mail->AddBCC($addr_arr['email'], ""); } else { $mail->AddBCC($addr_arr['email'],$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($addr_arr['display']), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset)); } } $mail = $this->setMailer($mail); // FROM ADDRESS if(!empty($this->from_addr)) { $mail->From = $this->from_addr; } else { $mail->From = $current_user->getPreference('mail_fromaddress'); $this->from_addr = $mail->From; } // FROM NAME if(!empty($this->from_name)) { $mail->FromName = $this->from_name; } else { $mail->FromName = $current_user->getPreference('mail_fromname'); $this->from_name = $mail->FromName; } //Reply to information for case create and autoreply. if(!empty($this->reply_to_name)) { $ReplyToName = $this->reply_to_name; } else { $ReplyToName = $mail->FromName; } if(!empty($this->reply_to_addr)) { $ReplyToAddr = $this->reply_to_addr; } else { $ReplyToAddr = $mail->From; } $mail->Sender = $mail->From; /* set Return-Path field in header to reduce spam score in emails sent via Sugar's Email module */ $mail->AddReplyTo($ReplyToAddr,$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($ReplyToName), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset)); //$mail->Subject = html_entity_decode($this->name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mail->Subject = $this->name; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ATTACHMENTS foreach($this->saved_attachments as $note) { $mime_type = 'text/plain'; if($note->object_name == 'Note') { if(!empty($note->file->temp_file_location) && is_file($note->file->temp_file_location)) { // brandy-new file upload/attachment $file_location = $sugar_config['upload_dir'].$note->id; $filename = $note->file->original_file_name; $mime_type = $note->file->mime_type; } else { // attachment coming from template/forward $file_location = rawurldecode(UploadFile::get_file_path($note->filename,$note->id)); // cn: bug 9723 - documents from EmailTemplates sent with Doc Name, not file name. $filename = !empty($note->filename) ? $note->filename : $note->name; $mime_type = $note->file_mime_type; } } elseif($note->object_name == 'DocumentRevision') { // from Documents $filePathName = $note->id; // cn: bug 9723 - Emails with documents send GUID instead of Doc name $filename = $note->getDocumentRevisionNameForDisplay(); $file_location = getcwd().'/'.$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['upload_dir'].$filePathName; $mime_type = $note->file_mime_type; } // strip out the "Email attachment label if exists $filename = str_replace($mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT'].': ', '', $filename); //is attachment in our list of bad files extensions? If so, append .txt to file location //get position of last "." in file name $file_ext_beg = strrpos($file_location,"."); $file_ext = ""; //get file extension if($file_ext_beg >0){ $file_ext = substr($file_location, $file_ext_beg+1 ); } //check to see if this is a file with extension located in "badext" foreach($sugar_config['upload_badext'] as $badExt) { if(strtolower($file_ext) == strtolower($badExt)) { //if found, then append with .txt to filename and break out of lookup //this will make sure that the file goes out with right extension, but is stored //as a text in db. $file_location = $file_location . ".txt"; break; // no need to look for more } } $mail->AddAttachment($file_location,$locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($filename), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset), 'base64', $mime_type); // embedded Images if($note->embed_flag == true) { $cid = $filename; $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($file_location, $cid, $filename, 'base64',$mime_type); } } //// END ATTACHMENTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $mail = $this->handleBody($mail); $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Email sending --------------------- '); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// I18N TRANSLATION $mail->prepForOutbound(); //// END I18N TRANSLATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if($mail->Send()) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// INBOUND EMAIL HANDLING // mark replied if(!empty($_REQUEST['inbound_email_id'])) { $ieMail = new Email(); $ieMail->retrieve($_REQUEST['inbound_email_id']); $ieMail->status = 'replied'; $ieMail->save(); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug(' --------------------- buh bye -- sent successful'); //// END INBOUND EMAIL HANDLING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return true; } $GLOBALS['log']->debug($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_PREPEND'].$mail->ErrorInfo); return false; } function listviewACLHelper(){ $array_assign = parent::listviewACLHelper(); $is_owner = false; if(!empty($this->parent_name)){ if(!empty($this->parent_name_owner)){ global $current_user; $is_owner = $current_user->id == $this->parent_name_owner; } } if(!ACLController::moduleSupportsACL($this->parent_type) || ACLController::checkAccess($this->parent_type, 'view', $is_owner)){ $array_assign['PARENT'] = 'a'; } else { $array_assign['PARENT'] = 'span'; } $is_owner = false; if(!empty($this->contact_name)) { if(!empty($this->contact_name_owner)) { global $current_user; $is_owner = $current_user->id == $this->contact_name_owner; } } if(ACLController::checkAccess('Contacts', 'view', $is_owner)) { $array_assign['CONTACT'] = 'a'; } else { $array_assign['CONTACT'] = 'span'; } return $array_assign; } function getSystemDefaultEmail() { $email = array(); $r1 = $this->db->query('SELECT config.value FROM config WHERE name=\'fromaddress\''); $r2 = $this->db->query('SELECT config.value FROM config WHERE name=\'fromname\''); $a1 = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r1); $a2 = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r2); $email['email'] = $a1['value']; $email['name'] = $a2['value']; return $email; } function create_new_list_query($order_by, $where,$filter=array(),$params=array(), $show_deleted = 0,$join_type='', $return_array = false,$parentbean=null, $singleSelect = false) { if ($return_array) { return parent::create_new_list_query($order_by, $where,$filter,$params, $show_deleted,$join_type, $return_array,$parentbean, $singleSelect); } $custom_join = $this->custom_fields->getJOIN(); $query = "SELECT ".$this->table_name.".*, users.user_name as assigned_user_name\n"; if($custom_join){ $query .= $custom_join['select']; } $query .= " FROM emails\n"; if ($where != "" && (strpos($where, "contacts.first_name") > 0)) { $query .= " LEFT JOIN emails_beans ON emails.id = emails_beans.email_id\n"; } $query .= " LEFT JOIN users ON emails.assigned_user_id=users.id \n"; if ($where != "" && (strpos($where, "contacts.first_name") > 0)) { $query .= " JOIN contacts ON contacts.id= emails_beans.bean_id AND emails_beans.bean_module='Contacts' and contacts.deleted=0 \n"; } if($custom_join){ $query .= $custom_join['join']; } if($show_deleted == 0) { $where_auto = " emails.deleted=0 \n"; }else if($show_deleted == 1){ $where_auto = " emails.deleted=1 \n"; } if($where != "") $query .= "WHERE $where AND ".$where_auto; else $query .= "WHERE ".$where_auto; if($order_by != "") $query .= " ORDER BY $order_by"; else $query .= " ORDER BY date_sent DESC"; return $query; } // fn function fill_in_additional_list_fields() { global $timedate; $this->fill_in_additional_detail_fields(); $this->link_action = 'DetailView'; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //populate attachment_image, used to display attachment icon. $query = "select 1 from notes where notes.parent_id = '$this->id' and notes.deleted = 0"; $result =$this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional list fields: "); $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if ($row !=null) { $this->attachment_image = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('attachment',"","",""); } else { $this->attachment_image = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('blank',"","",""); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(empty($this->contact_id) && !empty($this->parent_id) && !empty($this->parent_type) && $this->parent_type === 'Contacts' && !empty($this->parent_name) ){ $this->contact_id = $this->parent_id; $this->contact_name = $this->parent_name; } } function fill_in_additional_detail_fields() { global $app_list_strings,$mod_strings; // Fill in the assigned_user_name $this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id, ''); //if ($this->parent_type == 'Contacts') { $query = "SELECT contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name, contacts.phone_work, contacts.id, contacts.assigned_user_id contact_name_owner, 'Contacts' contact_name_mod FROM contacts, emails_beans "; $query .= "WHERE emails_beans.email_id='$this->id' AND emails_beans.bean_id=contacts.id AND emails_beans.bean_module = 'Contacts' AND emails_beans.deleted=0 AND contacts.deleted=0"; if(!empty($this->parent_id)){ $query .= " AND contacts.id= '".$this->parent_id."' "; }else if(!empty($_REQUEST['record'])){ $query .= " AND contacts.id= '".$_REQUEST['record']."' "; } $result =$this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: "); // Get the id and the name. $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if($row != null) { $contact = new Contact(); $contact->retrieve($row['id']); $this->contact_name = $contact->full_name; $this->contact_phone = $row['phone_work']; $this->contact_id = $row['id']; $this->contact_email = $contact->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($contact); $this->contact_name_owner = $row['contact_name_owner']; $this->contact_name_mod = $row['contact_name_mod']; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Call($this->id): contact_name = $this->contact_name"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Call($this->id): contact_phone = $this->contact_phone"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Call($this->id): contact_id = $this->contact_id"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Call($this->id): contact_email1 = $this->contact_email"); } else { $this->contact_name = ''; $this->contact_phone = ''; $this->contact_id = ''; $this->contact_email = ''; $this->contact_name_owner = ''; $this->contact_name_mod = ''; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Call($this->id): contact_name = $this->contact_name"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Call($this->id): contact_phone = $this->contact_phone"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Call($this->id): contact_id = $this->contact_id"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Call($this->id): contact_email1 = $this->contact_email"); } //} $this->created_by_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->created_by); $this->modified_by_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->modified_user_id); $this->link_action = 'DetailView'; if(!empty($this->type)) { if($this->type == 'out' && $this->status == 'send_error') { $this->type_name = $mod_strings['LBL_NOT_SENT']; } else { $this->type_name = $app_list_strings['dom_email_types'][$this->type]; } if(($this->type == 'out' && $this->status == 'send_error') || $this->type == 'draft') { $this->link_action = 'EditView'; } } //todo this isset( $app_list_strings['dom_email_status'][$this->status]) is hack for 3261. if(!empty($this->status) && isset( $app_list_strings['dom_email_status'][$this->status])) { $this->status_name = $app_list_strings['dom_email_status'][$this->status]; } if ( empty($this->name ) && empty($_REQUEST['record'])) { $this->name = $mod_strings['LBL_NO_SUBJECT']; } $this->fill_in_additional_parent_fields(); } function create_export_query(&$order_by, &$where) { $contact_required = stristr($where, "contacts"); $custom_join = $this->custom_fields->getJOIN(true, true,$where); if($contact_required) { $query = "SELECT emails.*, contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name"; if($custom_join) { $query .= $custom_join['select']; } $query .= " FROM contacts, emails, emails_contacts "; $where_auto = "emails_contacts.contact_id = contacts.id AND emails_contacts.email_id = emails.id AND emails.deleted=0 AND contacts.deleted=0"; } else { $query = 'SELECT emails.*'; if($custom_join) { $query .= $custom_join['select']; } $query .= ' FROM emails '; $where_auto = "emails.deleted=0"; } if($custom_join){ $query .= $custom_join['join']; } if($where != "") $query .= "where $where AND ".$where_auto; else $query .= "where ".$where_auto; if($order_by != "") $query .= " ORDER BY $order_by"; else $query .= " ORDER BY emails.name"; return $query; } function get_list_view_data() { global $app_list_strings; global $theme; global $current_user; global $timedate; global $mod_strings; $email_fields = $this->get_list_view_array(); $this->retrieveEmailText(); $email_fields['FROM_ADDR'] = $this->from_addr_name; $mod_strings = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], 'Emails'); // hard-coding for Home screen ListView if($this->status != 'replied') { $email_fields['QUICK_REPLY'] = ''.$mod_strings['LNK_QUICK_REPLY'].''; $email_fields['STATUS'] = ($email_fields['REPLY_TO_STATUS'] == 1 ? $mod_strings['LBL_REPLIED'] : $email_fields['STATUS']); } else { $email_fields['QUICK_REPLY'] = $mod_strings['LBL_REPLIED']; } if(!empty($this->parent_type)) { $email_fields['PARENT_MODULE'] = $this->parent_type; } else { switch($this->intent) { case 'support': $email_fields['CREATE_RELATED'] = ''.$mod_strings['LBL_CREATE_CASE'].''; break; case 'sales': $email_fields['CREATE_RELATED'] = ''.$mod_strings['LBL_CREATE_LEAD'].''; break; case 'contact': $email_fields['CREATE_RELATED'] = ''.$mod_strings['LBL_CREATE_CONTACT'].''; break; case 'bug': $email_fields['CREATE_RELATED'] = ''.$mod_strings['LBL_CREATE_BUG'].''; break; case 'task': $email_fields['CREATE_RELATED'] = ''.$mod_strings['LBL_CREATE_TASK'].''; break; case 'bounce': break; case 'pick': // break; case 'info': //break; default: $email_fields['CREATE_RELATED'] = $this->quickCreateForm(); break; } } //BUG 17098 - MFH changed $this->from_addr to $this->to_addrs $email_fields['CONTACT_NAME'] = empty($this->contact_name) ? ''.$this->trimLongTo($this->to_addrs).'' : $this->contact_name; $email_fields['CONTACT_ID'] = empty($this->contact_id) ? '' : $this->contact_id; $email_fields['ATTACHMENT_IMAGE'] = $this->attachment_image; $email_fields['LINK_ACTION'] = $this->link_action; if(isset($this->type_name)) $email_fields['TYPE_NAME'] = $this->type_name; return $email_fields; } function quickCreateForm() { global $mod_strings, $app_strings, $currentModule, $current_language; // Coming from the home page via Dashlets if($currentModule != 'Email') $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Emails'); return $mod_strings['LBL_QUICK_CREATE']." ".SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("advanced_search","alt='".$mod_strings['LBL_QUICK_CREATE']."' border='0' align='absmiddle'").""; } /** * Searches all imported emails and returns the result set as an array. * */ function searchImportedEmails($sort = '', $direction='') { require_once('include/TimeDate.php'); global $timedate; global $current_user; global $beanList; global $sugar_config; global $app_strings; $emailSettings = $current_user->getPreference('emailSettings', 'Emails'); // cn: default to a low number until user specifies otherwise if(empty($emailSettings['showNumInList'])) $pageSize = 20; else $pageSize = $emailSettings['showNumInList']; if( isset($_REQUEST['start']) && isset($_REQUEST['limit']) ) $page = ceil($_REQUEST['start'] / $_REQUEST['limit']) + 1; else $page = 1; //Determine sort ordering //Sort ordering parameters in the request do not coincide with actual column names //so we need to remap them. $hrSortLocal = array( 'flagged' => 'type', 'status' => 'reply_to_status', 'from' => 'emails_text.from_addr', 'subject' => 'name', 'date' => 'date_sent', 'AssignedTo' => 'assigned_user_id', 'flagged' => 'flagged' ); $sort = !empty($_REQUEST['sort']) ? $_REQUEST['sort'] : ""; $direction = !empty($_REQUEST['dir']) ? $_REQUEST['dir'] : ""; $order = ( !empty($sort) && !empty($direction) ) ? " ORDER BY {$hrSortLocal[$sort]} {$direction}" : ""; //Get our main query. $fullQuery = $this->_genereateSearchImportedEmailsQuery(); //Perform a count query needed for pagination. $countQuery = $this->create_list_count_query($fullQuery); $count_rs = $this->db->query($countQuery, false, 'Error executing count query for imported emails search'); $count_row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($count_rs); $total_count = ($count_row != null) ? $count_row['c'] : 0; $start = ($page - 1) * $pageSize; //Execute the query $rs = $this->db->limitQuery($fullQuery . $order, $start, $pageSize); $return = array(); while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($rs)) { $temp = array(); $temp['flagged'] = (is_null($a['flagged']) || $a['flagged'] == '0') ? '' : 1; $temp['status'] = (is_null($a['reply_to_status']) || $a['reply_to_status'] == '0') ? '' : 1; $temp['subject'] = $a['name']; $temp['date'] = $timedate->to_display_date_time($a['date_sent']); $temp['uid'] = $a['id']; $temp['ieId'] = $a['mailbox_id']; $temp['site_url'] = $sugar_config['site_url']; $temp['seen'] = ($a['status'] == 'unread') ? 0 : 1; $temp['type'] = $a['type']; $temp['mbox'] = 'sugar::Emails'; $temp['hasAttach'] = $this->doesImportedEmailHaveAttachment($a['id']); //To and from addresses may be stored in emails_text, if nothing is found, revert to //regular email addresses. $temp['to_addrs'] = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]/', '', $a['to_addrs']); $temp['from'] = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]/', '', $a['from_addr']); if( empty($temp['from']) || empty($temp['to_addrs']) ) { //Retrieve email addresses seperatly. $tmpEmail = new Email(); $tmpEmail->id = $a['id']; $tmpEmail->retrieveEmailAddresses(); $temp['from'] = $tmpEmail->from_addr; $temp['to_addrs'] = $tmpEmail->to_addrs; } $return[] = $temp; } $metadata = array(); $metadata['totalCount'] = $total_count; $metadata['out'] = $return; return $metadata; } /** * Determine if an imported email has an attachment by examining the relationship to notes. * * @param string $id * @return boolean */ function doesImportedEmailHaveAttachment($id) { $hasAttachment = FALSE; $query = "SELECT id FROM notes where parent_id='$id' AND parent_type='Emails' AND file_mime_type is not null AND deleted=0"; $rs = $this->db->limitQuery($query, 0, 1); $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($rs); if( !empty($row['id']) ) $hasAttachment = TRUE; return (int) $hasAttachment; } /** * Generate the query used for searching imported emails. * * @return String Query to be executed. */ function _genereateSearchImportedEmailsQuery() { global $timedate; $additionalWhereClause = $this->_generateSearchImportWhereClause(); $query = array(); $fullQuery = ""; $query['select'] = "emails.id , emails.mailbox_id, emails.name, emails.date_sent, emails.status, emails.type, emails.flagged, emails.reply_to_status, emails_text.from_addr, emails_text.to_addrs FROM emails "; $query['joins'] = " JOIN emails_text on emails.id = emails_text.email_id "; //Handle from and to addr joins if( !empty($_REQUEST['from_addr']) ) { $query['joins'] .= "INNER JOIN emails_email_addr_rel er_from ON er_from.email_id = emails.id AND er_from.deleted = 0 INNER JOIN email_addresses ea_from ON ea_from.id = er_from.email_address_id AND er_from.address_type='from' AND ea_from.email_address='" . strtolower($_REQUEST['from_addr']) . "'"; } if( !empty($_REQUEST['to_addrs']) ) { $query['joins'] .= "INNER JOIN emails_email_addr_rel er_to ON er_to.email_id = emails.id AND er_to.deleted = 0 INNER JOIN email_addresses ea_to ON ea_to.id = er_to.email_address_id AND er_to.address_type='to' AND ea_to.email_address='" . strtolower($_REQUEST['to_addrs']) . "'"; } $query['where'] = " WHERE (emails.type= 'inbound' OR emails.type='archived' OR emails.type='out') AND emails.deleted = 0 "; if( !empty($additionalWhereClause) ) $query['where'] .= "AND $additionalWhereClause"; //If we are explicitly looking for attachments. Do not use a distinct query as the to_addr is defined //as a text which equals clob in oracle and the distinct query can not be executed correctly. $addDistinctKeyword = ""; if( !empty($_REQUEST['attachmentsSearch']) && $_REQUEST['attachmentsSearch'] == 1) //1 indicates yes $query['where'] .= " AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM notes n WHERE n.parent_id = emails.id AND n.deleted = 0 AND n.filename is not null )"; else if( !empty($_REQUEST['attachmentsSearch']) && $_REQUEST['attachmentsSearch'] == 2 ) $query['where'] .= " AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM notes n WHERE n.parent_id = emails.id AND n.deleted = 0 AND n.filename is not null )"; $fullQuery = "SELECT " . $query['select'] . " " . $query['joins'] . " " . $query['where']; return $fullQuery; } /** * Generate the where clause for searching imported emails. * */ function _generateSearchImportWhereClause() { global $timedate; //The clear button was removed so if a user removes the asisgned user name, do not process the id. if( empty($_REQUEST['assigned_user_name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) ) unset($_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']); $availableSearchParam = array('name' => array('table_name' =>'emails'), 'data_parent_id_search' => array('table_name' =>'emails','db_key' => 'parent_id','opp' => '='), 'assigned_user_id' => array('table_name' => 'emails', 'opp' => '=') ); $additionalWhereClause = array(); foreach ($availableSearchParam as $key => $properties) { if( !empty($_REQUEST[$key]) ) { $db_key = isset($properties['db_key']) ? $properties['db_key'] : $key; $searchValue = $_REQUEST[$key]; $opp = isset($properties['opp']) ? $properties['opp'] : 'like'; if($opp == 'like') $searchValue = $searchValue . "%"; $additionalWhereClause[] = "{$properties['table_name']}.$db_key $opp '$searchValue' "; } } $isDateFromSearchSet = !empty($_REQUEST['searchDateFrom']); $isdateToSearchSet = !empty($_REQUEST['searchDateTo']); $bothDateRangesSet = $isDateFromSearchSet & $isdateToSearchSet; //Hanlde date from and to seperately if($bothDateRangesSet) { $dbFormatDateFrom = $timedate->to_db_date($_REQUEST['searchDateFrom'], false); $dbFormatDateFrom = db_convert("'" . $dbFormatDateFrom . "'",'datetime'); $dbFormatDateTo = $timedate->to_db_date($_REQUEST['searchDateTo'], false); $dbFormatDateTo = db_convert("'" . $dbFormatDateTo . "'",'datetime'); $additionalWhereClause[] = "( emails.date_sent >= $dbFormatDateFrom AND emails.date_sent <= $dbFormatDateTo )"; } elseif ($isdateToSearchSet) { $dbFormatDateTo = $timedate->to_db_date($_REQUEST['searchDateTo'], false); $dbFormatDateTo = db_convert("'" . $dbFormatDateTo . "'",'datetime'); $additionalWhereClause[] = "emails.date_sent <= $dbFormatDateTo "; } elseif ($isDateFromSearchSet) { $dbFormatDateFrom = $timedate->to_db_date($_REQUEST['searchDateFrom'], false); $dbFormatDateFrom = db_convert("'" . $dbFormatDateFrom . "'",'datetime'); $additionalWhereClause[] = "emails.date_sent >= $dbFormatDateFrom "; } $additionalWhereClause = implode(" AND ", $additionalWhereClause); return $additionalWhereClause; } /** * takes a long TO: string of emails and returns the first appended by an * elipse */ function trimLongTo($str) { if(strpos($str, ',')) { $exStr = explode(',', $str); return $exStr[0].'...'; } elseif(strpos($str, ';')) { $exStr = explode(';', $str); return $exStr[0].'...'; } else { return $str; } } function get_summary_text() { return $this->name; } function distributionForm($where) { global $app_list_strings; global $app_strings; global $mod_strings; global $theme; global $current_user; $distribution = get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['dom_email_distribution'], ''); $_SESSION['distribute_where'] = $where; $out = '
'; $out .= get_form_header($mod_strings['LBL_DIST_TITLE'], '', false); $out .=<< enableQS(true); eoq; $out .= '
'; $out .= ''; $out .= '
 '.$mod_strings['LBL_ASSIGN_SELECTED_RESULTS_TO'].' '; $out .= $this->userSelectTable(); $out .= '  '.$mod_strings['LBL_USING_RULES'].' 
'; $out .= '
'; return $out; } function userSelectTable() { global $theme; global $mod_strings; $colspan = 1; $setTeamUserFunction = ''; // get users $r = $this->db->query("SELECT users.id, users.user_name, users.first_name, users.last_name FROM users WHERE deleted=0 AND status = 'Active' AND is_group=0 ORDER BY users.last_name, users.first_name"); $userTable = ''; $userTable .= ''; $userTable .= ''; $userTable .= ''; $userTable .= '
'; $out = '   '; return $out; } function checkInbox($type) { global $theme; global $mod_strings; $out = '
'; return $out; } /** * Guesses Primary Parent id from From: email address. Cascades guesses from Accounts to Contacts to Leads to * Users. This will not affect the many-to-many relationships already constructed as this is, at best, * informational linking. */ function fillPrimaryParentFields() { if(empty($this->from_addr)) return; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("*** Email trying to guess Primary Parent from address [ {$this->from_addr} ]"); $tables = array('accounts'); $ret = array(); // loop through types to get hits foreach($tables as $table) { $q = "SELECT name, id FROM {$table} WHERE email1 = '{$this->from_addr}' OR email2 = '{$this->from_addr}' AND deleted = 0"; $r = $this->db->query($q); while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { if(!empty($a['name']) && !empty($a['id'])) { $this->parent_type = ucwords($table); $this->parent_id = $a['id']; $this->parent_name = $a['name']; return; } } } } } // end class def