!! The PhpWiki Development Team Please report bugs to mailto:phpwiki-talk@lists.sourceforge.net ! Core team ;[ Steve Wainstead | mailto:swain@wcsb.org ] : ;: original author ;: chief in charge ;[ Arno Hollosi | mailto:ahollosi@mail.com ] : ;: wrote the MySQL library, the templates, and the database schema ;: plus many other things too numerous to mention. ;[ Jeff Dairiki | mailto:dairiki@dairiki.org ] : ;: wrote the diff code ;: did a complete rewrite of PhpWiki using PHP classes. ;[ Aredridel Niothke | mailto:aredridel@nbtsc.org ] : ;: has started a flat file database for Phpwiki. ! Localization ;[ Jan Nieuwenhuizen | mailto:janneke@gnu.org ] : ;: built architecture to support internationalization ;: contributed Dutch translation ;[ Sandino Araico Sánchez | mailto:sandino@sandino.net ] : ;: contributed Spanish translation ;: Pablo added some updates ;[ Jon Ĺslund | mailto:d98-jas@nada.kth.se ] : ;: contributed Swedish translation ; Arno : contributed German translation ! Patches ;[Joel Uckelman | mailto:uckelman@iastate.edu ] : ;: ported the dbmlib.php to the new dba_* interface, which is the default in PHP 4.0.4 and later. ;[ Pablo Roca Rozas | mailto:proca@clavo.net ] : ;: contributed a new logo image file and updated the Spanish translation ;[Scott R. Anderson | mailto:sra@diem.net ] : ;: contributed a patch to allow authorized users' names to appear in RecentChanges. ;[Neil Brown | mailto:neilb@cse.unsw.edu.au ] : ;: has contributed numerous useful patches e.g. nested definition lists ;[Jan Hidders | mailto:hidders@win.tue.nl ] : ;: has contributed a patch for dbmlib.php for the wikilinks stuff and page removal. ;[Antti Kaihola | mailto:akaihola@siba.fi ] : ;: patch for named internal links ;[Jeremie Kass | mailto:jeremie@umich.edu ] : ;: contributed a patch so the logo is decided in the templates instead of being hardcoded. ------------ !! In the 1.0 series: * John Jorgensen http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?AnotherPhpWiki, * Tim Voght http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?TimVoght, * Grant Morgan http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?GrantMorgan, * and especially Clifford A. Adams: http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?CliffordAdams