Sandino Araico Sánchez contributed a patch for Spanish translations for PhpWiki. Jan Nieuwenhuizen contributed a major patch to supply default pages in Dutch; this led to an architecture to support internationalization, and PhpWiki can now accomodate pages in any language. Neil Brown has contributed numerous useful patches for the 1.1.8 release. Aredridel Niothke has started a flat file database for Phpwiki, which is included in the 1.1.8 release. Arno Hollosi wrote the MySQL library, the templates, and wrote the finished version of the database schema, plus many other things too numerous to mention. Jeff Dairiki wrote the diff code and a complete rewrite of PhpWiki using PHP classes. Jeremie Kass contributed a patch so the logo is decided in the templates instead of being hardcoded. In the 1.0 series: John Jorgensen, Tim Voght, Grant Morgan, and especially Clifford A. Adams: