$Id: DBLIB.txt,v 1.3 2000-06-20 02:29:18 wainstead Exp $ This is a description of the database interface for PhpWiki. Regardless of what kind of data store is used (RDBMS, DBM files, flat text files) you should be able to write a library that supports that data store. A few notes: * While most functions specify a "db reference" as the first value passed in, this can be any kind of data type that your functions know about. For example, in the DBM implementation this is an integer that refers to an open database handle, but in the MySQL version it's an associative array that contains the DB information. * Functions that return the page data must return a hash (associative array) of all the data, where 'text' == the text of the page in Wiki markup, 'version' is an integer representing the version, 'author' the IP address or host name of the previous author and so on. See the source code for the full listing. * The data structure. This is commonly named $pagehash in the source code; it's an associative array with values that are integers, strings and arrays (i.e. a heterogenous data structure). Here's a current description: $pagehash = { author => string, content => array (where each element is a line of the page), created => integer (a number in Unix time since the Epoch), flags => string, lastmodified => integer (Unix time), pagename => string, version => integer, refs => array (where each element is a reference) }; OpenDataBase($dbname) takes: a string, the name of the database returns: a reference to the database (a handle) CloseDataBase($dbi) takes: a reference to the database (handle) returns: the value of the close RetrievePage($dbi, $pagename) takes: db reference, string which is the name of a page returns: a PHP associative array containing the page data (text, version, author, etc) InsertPage($dbi, $pagename, $pagehash) takes: db reference, page name (string), associative array of all page data returns: nothing (hmm. It should probably return true/false) IsWikiPage($dbi, $pagename) takes: db reference, string containing page name returns: true or false, if the page already exists InitTitleSearch($dbi, $search) takes: db reference, search string returns: a handle to identify the query and the current position within the result set. TitleSearchNextMatch($dbi, &$pos) takes: db reference, reference to a hash created by InitTitleSearch returns: the next page name that contains a match to the search term (advances $pos to next result field as well) InitFullSearch($dbi, $search) takes: db reference, string containing search term returns: similar to InitTitleSearch: a handle to identify the query and the current position within the result set. FullSearchNextMatch($dbi, &$pos) takes: db reference, reference to a hash created by InitFullSearch returns: an associative array, where: 'name' -- contains the page name 'hash' -- contains the hash of the page data (advances $pos to next result field as well)