02/12/01 More Jeff's hacks: * More CSS stuff. I think it's neat. * Added tables! And modified the footnote stuff a litte. See TextFormattingRules for details. * Fixed bugs: including (I hope the two which Reini Urban just reported.) Also added Reini's patches to the README. Thanks! 02/11/01 Jeff's hacks continue: * User preferences can be stored in a cookie. Currently the only user preference is the size of the textarea on the edit page. See the UserPreferences wiki page. * When a zip/file is uploaded, set the author to the user who does the upload (ie. the administrator). Also enter the upload in RecentChanges. * Don't load RecentChanges from zip or dir. Only from file. * Clean up error reporting. Warning messages screw up header() and setcookie() operations, and also corrupt the zip dumps. New function PostponeErrorMessages() allows one to postpone the reporting of selected warnings. * Beginnings of CSS support. Still in the ugly stage. * More bug fixes. 02/11/01 Jeff's hacks continue: * Moved user configuration stuff into index.php. What was index.php is now in lib/main.php. * Refactored the DB configuration variables. There's one define() constant which specifies type database type, and one hash (used by all the databases) which holds database, file, and server selection. The actual file/table names are now "hard-coded" into the individual database modules --- I have added the hook for setting a prefix to be applied to all file/table names. I think it's much cleaner, but let me know if you think otherwise. (I've only tested the dba and mysql backends.) * Refactored the dump/load zip/directory stuff. You can now upload zip-dumps or individual files from your local (client) machine. See PhpWikiAdministration. * Fixed a bunch of bugs --- mostly the one's I introduced in my last big commit. 02/09/01 Jeff hack's again: * Pagename in PATH_INFO support added. This is configurable, cause, near as I can figure, if the php interpreter is run stand-alone in /cgi-bin there's no way to pass any useful PATH_INFO to it. (If a stand-alone php, in say /usr/local/bin, is used as a CGI interpreter, PATH_INFO will work, as long as php was configured with --enable-discard-path .) Along with this I refactored the semantics of all the query arguments to make them (IMHO) more consistent. * Redid the administrator authentication stuff. Eliminated admin.php --- all access is now through index.php. (New file lib/userauth.php.) Still a little rough, but a big improvement, I think. Hopefully this can be developed into a more general user identification scheme... Along with eliminating admin.php and the new auth scheme, completely refactored index.php. It should be easy now to swap config.php and index.php. (I'll do that soon.) * Continued cleaning out page reference stuff. * Force archive of old page if author changes. (Unless new author is admin.) * More warning fixes in diff.php * Refactored the semantics of the phpwiki: URL's. See pgsrc/PhpWikiAdministration and pgsrc/MagicPhpWikiURLs for more information. Bug fixes: * Don't show signature image if $SignatureImg (in config.php) is left unset * Bug fix: hang on full zip dump * Bug fix: hang on diff * Bug fix: unzip failed on some old zip-dumps * Bug fix: check for DB files in /tmp was broken * Minor security fix: pagename must now be url-encoded * Spelling fixes in pgsrc/* 1.2.0 02/01/01 * Support for PHP 4.0.4 (using the dba_* interface for DBM files), thanks to Joel Uckelman * Swedish translation added, thanks to Jon Ĺslund * dbmlib.php has all functions in mysql/postgresql, thanks to Jan Hidder * German version updated * Dutch translation updated * Spanish version updated * More robust support for flat file based Wiki (INSTALL.flatfile included) * "named internal links," i.e. [wow | FrontPage] * New IF syntax added to templates * New PhpWikiAdministration page added * New term/defintion syntax (for
tags) * Plenty of bug fixes 1.1.9 11/05/00: * Spanish language support added, thanks to Sandino Araico Sánchez * German language support thanks to Arno Hollosi * Postgresql version brought up to date (plus fixes from Sandino) * Neil Brown contributed a patch Arno worked in to heavily modify lib/transform.php, much cleaner structure now * Various page updates to English pages * Schema update for mSQL * Assorted E_NOTICE warnings fixed throughout (though still not done) * URL no longer stored in page source of RecentChanges * various bugs squashed 1.1.8 10/25/00: * Internationalization, with support for Dutch, and an architecture to add more languages easily * Term/defintion tags updated to next and use tabless markup * MostPopular works for all implementations, except flat files * Flat file database support; it's not yet complete but the basic Wiki functionality is there, thanks to Ari * New zip file format for page dumps follows standard email format * Removed tabs from all default pages * Added whitespace padding to pages after they are serialized and written to the DBM file; this goes a long way towards fixing the memory leak problems for DBM-based Wikis. * Numerous bug fixes, as always * Some refactoring of the database interface 1.1.7 07/15/00: A lot was added since the 1.1.6b release. Diffs are the handiwork of Jeff Dairiki, though Arno wrote the second revision. Features and changes include: * Page diffs, with color * "MostPopular" page added which dynamically tracks most viewed pages (MySQL only so far) * Admin functions: page dumps, page loads, Zip dumps, page locking * MySQL, DBM, mSQL and Postgresql support all functional and appear stable * Full HTML compliance in page output * Tabless markup language introduced for
      * Fixed raw HTML exploit in [info] page * Perl script included to reduce the size of a DBM file * documentation updates * page source updates * gazillion feature enhancements and bug fixes, no doubt necessitating another gazillion feature enhancements and bug fixes ;-) 1.1.6b 06/27/00: The wrong wiki_config.php3 file was included in 1.1.6, and this release corrects that; also in my hurry, I included all the CVS directories and files, and a test file. That stuff was left out. 1.1.6 06/26/00: Added templates, Postgresql support, mSQL support, new database schema, new date storage format, an "info" link on all pages, and introduced some new bugs (RecentChanges is broken ;-) 1.1.5 06/08/00: Here are the comments from the CVS logs: fixed magic_quotes_gpc=1 bug for $pagename fixed raw-HTML exploit for $pagename fixed javascript: links exploit Concurrent editing of pages is detected now - fixes LostUpdateProblem (note: EditLinks is *not* treated this way yet) search term is now preg_quote()'ed instead of chars removed bugfix: UpdateRecentChanges didn't link names of new-style pages. Fixed FindPage and search boxes Added headings (!,!!,!!!), suppression of wiki linking (!WikiName), and linebreaks (%%%) changed mySQL schema: column 'data' renamed 'hash' because 'dada' is a reserved word. (update your tables!) This release should work fine with the new linking scheme, but then again, hey, it's beta! 1.1.4 05/11/00: I added the new linking scheme, which largely follows the scheme of Wikic (http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/RefactoringBrowser/Wiki+Syntax). Both "classic Wiki" linking and the new linking are supported; you can now also link things by using square brackets, like this: [this is a page link] [this is an external link | http://wcsb.org/] [ftp://ftp.redhat.com/] Reference links are still supported. 1.1.3 04/22/00: I rewrote UpdateRecentChanges completely; it's more efficient now because it only loops over the lines once, and entries are now newest-first instead of oldest-first. 1.1.2 04/20/00: I finally solved the problem once and for all (I hope!) with loading pages into a brand new wiki. Vim allows you to change the file formats so I wrote a two line ex script to convert all the pages to dos format. (This gives them the CR/NL, unlike Un*x). 1.1.1 04/15/00: I changed the way Wiki markup is converted and displayed. Before pages were rendered line by line; now it accumulates all the HTML in a variable and does one "echo" to display the page. While this might be a bit slower (it will use a little bit more memory) this means PhpWiki can be modified so the HTML can be written to a file. a whole PhpWiki site might either be served as static HTML, or periodically exported to disk after a period of activity. This is the secod beta (more or less) of the 1.1 release. 1.1.0 04/10/00: Support for MySQL added. Thanks to Arno Hollosi for his excellent work! He also provided patches to clean up the wiki_setup procedure and fix rendering bugs with italics and bold text, amongst others. Alister provided patches for arbitrary numbers of reference links, fixing a rotten logic error on my part. Removed "static" declarations to help the PHP4 porters. 1.03 03/21/00: Refactored index.php3 and wiki_display.php3, which had dbm function calls in them. Thanks to Christian Lindig for pointing this out. This should make it a little easier to port to a different database. 1.02 02/02/00: Disabled embedded HTML, due to security holes described in this CERT advisory: http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2000-02.html You can re-enable it by removing the comment tags in wiki_display.php3. Please be certain of what you are doing if you allow this! 1.01 02/01/11: Fixed bug where header rules (
      ) were inserted whenever four or more dashes occured; this only works if it starts the line now. Thanks to Gerry Barksdale. 1.00 01/25/00: Changed the names of all files except index.php3; I prefaced them all with "wiki_" to avoid collisions with other files that might be in the include path. Thanks to Grant Morgan for the suggestion. A few corrections to the default pages; I think the small rendering problems are due to Unix's lack of a carriage return. 0.99 01/20/00: Added a logic change suggested by Clifford Adams, where a copy is saved to the archive if the previous author was different. A different person that is. Fixed a rendering bug. This was breaking: http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki followed by http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?PhpWiki on the same line. Because PHP only can do *global* search and replace, the second URL was incompletely swapped and linked. Using rsort() on the array of matches worked. Added a patch from Grant Morgan for servers with magic_quotes_gpc set. 0.98 01/18/00: Added code to build the $ServerAddress dyanamically. Now, PhpWiki will work as soon as it's untarred. No configuration should be necessary. 0.97 01/16/00: Added a feature suggested by Clifford Adams. It stores the author's remote address and disables the EditCopy the next time they edit a page. Added
      support and debugged it. A new Wiki will load a set of new pages, so the Wiki is ready to go out of the box. 0.96 01/15/00: Added EditCopy. This uses a second DBM file and could use some more pounding. I also found a bug when two URL's appear on the same line, like: http://foo.com/ http://foo.com/WikiWikiWeb In this case the second URL will not be linked correctly due to PHP's replace-all-or-nothing regular expression functions. 0.95 01/04/00: Severe reworking of the list code (UL amd OL tags). I added a stack class and "implemented recursion," which seemed the logical way to accomplish nested tags. There are a couple of minor bugs to work out, and I have to get DL tags working. I changed some constants to define()'s instead. There are magic numbers in stdlib.php3 that probably should be defined. I also used while() loops while doing push/pop operations which also gives me the willies, but I put in bounds checking. 0.94: 12/22/99 Mostly code cleanups; added code for waiting on the dbm file if not available; added more comments. 0.93: 12/21/99 Added full text search. Moved configuration code to a new file, config.php3. Fixed another bug in RecentChanges. Page titles now link to full search, which is a bit more useful. Added code to create a new RecentChanges if none existed. 0.92: 12/20/99 Added REMOTE_HOST to RecentChanges edits; fixed a bug where I typed in PUT instead of POST in editpage.php3; patched RecentChanges so hopefully the lines won't get screwed up anymore. 0.91: 12/20/99 Fixed bug that occurred when creating new pages. 0.90: 12/19/99 Added user-defined links (i.e. [1], [2] etc) and embedded images. This is the first beta release. Only an issue with second-level lists remains, and a couple of other minor things. 0.81: 12/19/99 Fixed another wiki word linking issue. It arose from having similar patterns in words in the same line. 0.80: 12/18/99 I'm bumping up the version to .8 because it's that close. I finally solved the crucial linking problem, by reinventing how classic Wiki does it ;-) URL's are first replaced with tokens, then Wiki words are linked, then linked URL's are put back. I improved the code a great deal for the differnet "modes" of display text; I have a function maintain the mode, and whether end tags are needed or not. 0.07: 12/18/99 Fixed minor bug in preformatted/bulleted code output; fixed reverse linking of page titles 0.06: 12/15/99: Added ChangeSpacesToTabs 0.05: 12/14/99: Added title searches, RecentChanges, fixed numerous bugs like only trying to render valid page names, the last-edited-date, removed the navigation toolbars, linked the new logo to FrontPage, and a half dozen other odd things. It's almost ready. 0.04: 12/12/99: Several additions to markup: italics bold preformatted text unordered lists (one level only, tow levels breaks) In addition, wiki links have been further debugged, but I still haven't solved the problem with wiki-links inside URLs. 0.03: 12/4/99: Pages are now serialized arrays instead of text blobs. Some markup rules have been implemented. HTML is escaped; Wiki linking works but undefined pages do not have the question mark after them (they look like a regular link to a Wiki page.) URL's hyperlink and should accept most legal URL's. 0.02: 12/3/99: Basic page editing/saving/displaying is now working. Prior to 0.02, there were no numbered releases, and in fact there was only one release, so I guess that would be 0.01 :-)