Installing phpwiki with mySQL ----------------------------- This assumes that you have a working mySQL server and client setup. Installing mySQL is beyond the scope of this document. For more information on mySQL go to 1. If you do not have a suitable database already, create one. mysqladmin -uuser -ppaswword create phpwiki 2. If necessary create a user for that database which has the rights to select, insert, update, delete. A mySQL grant statment for this user would look like this: GRANT select, insert, update, delete ON phpwiki.* TO wikiuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; 3. Create tables inside your database. CREATE table wiki ( page varchar(100) primary key, hash mediumtext); CREATE table archive ( page varchar(100) primary key, hash mediumtext); 4. Edit wiki_config.php3 to reflect your settings. a) comment out the DBM settings b) uncomment the mySQL settings c) set $mysql_user to "wikiuser" as used in step 2 d) set $mysql_pwd to "password" as used in step 2 e) set $mysql_db to "phpwiki" as used in step 1 f) set MAX_DBM_ATTEMPTS to a low number or to '1'. Retrying has not much sense when using mySQL. I use a value of 2. That's it. phpwiki should now work. If you run into problems then check that your mySQL-user has the necessary access rights for the phpwiki tables. /Arno $Id: INSTALL.mysql,v 1.2 2000-06-08 22:11:05 ahollosi Exp $