
You currently have installed, and activated.

$plugin ) { // default fields to read from the plugin header $fields = array( 'name' => 'Plugin Name', 'uri' => 'Plugin URI', 'desc' => 'Description', 'version' => 'Version', 'author' => 'Author', 'author_uri' => 'Author URI' ); // Loop through all default fields, get value if any and reset it foreach( $fields as $field=>$value ) { if( $plugin[ $value ] ) { $data[ $field ] = $plugin[ $value ]; } else { $data[ $field ] = '(no info)'; } unset( $plugin[$value] ); } $plugindir = trim( dirname( $file ), '/' ); $action = yourls_is_active_plugin( $file ) ? "Deactivate" : "Activate" ; $class = yourls_is_active_plugin( $file ) ? 'active' : 'inactive' ; // Other "Fields: Value" in the header? Get them too if( $plugin ) { foreach( $plugin as $extra_field=>$extra_value ) { $data['desc'] .= "
\n$extra_field: $extra_value"; unset( $plugin[$extra_value] ); } } $data['desc'] .= "
plugin location: $file"; printf( "", $class, $data['uri'], $data['name'], $data['version'], $data['desc'], $data['author_uri'], $data['author'], $action ); } ?>
Plugin Name Version Description Author Action

If something goes wrong after you activate a plugin and you cannot use YOURLS or access this page, simply rename or delete its directory, or rename the plugin file to something different than plugin.php.