'', 'name' => '', 'section' => , 'defaultValue' => , 'hide' => , 'description' => array( 'short' => '', 'full' => '' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => '' ) ); */ /** * Define the include path if necessary. */ $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Ini', 'name' => 'INCLUDE_PATH', 'section' => 0, 'defaultValue' => null, 'hide' => true, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Redefine the php.ini \'include_path\' setting.', 'full' => 'If PHP needs help in finding where you installed the rest ' . 'of the PhpWiki code, you can set the include_path here.\n\n' . 'You should not need to do this unless you have moved index.php ' . 'out of the PhpWiki install directory.\n\n' . 'NOTE: On Windows installations a semicolon (;) should be used ' . 'as the path seperator' ), 'example' => array( '.:/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/phpwiki' ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'String' ) ); /** * Enable debuging output */ $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'DEBUG', 'section' => 0, 'defaultValue' => false, 'hide' => true, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Enable Debug Output', 'full' => 'Set DEBUG to \'true\' to view XHMTL and CSS validator icons, page ' . 'process timer, and possibly other debugging messages at the ' . 'bottom of each page' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Boolean' ) ); /** * Enable Experimental User Classes */ $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'ENABLE_USER_NEW', 'section' => 0, 'defaultValue' => true, 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Enable Experimental User Classes', 'full' => 'Enable the new method of handling WikiUsers. This is currently an ' . 'experimental feature, although it is considered fairly stable. It is ' . 'best to leave it on, and only disable it if you have problems with it.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Boolean' ) ); /** * Experimental edit feature */ $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'JS_SEARCHREPLACE', 'section' => 0, 'defaultValue' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Enable Experimental Edit Feature', 'full' => '' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Boolean' ) ); /** * This defines the Constant that holds the name of the wiki */ $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'WIKI_NAME', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => 'PhpWiki', 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Name of your Wiki.', 'full' => 'This can be any string, but it should be short and informative.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'String' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'ENABLE_REVERSE_DNS', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => false, 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Perform reverse DNS lookups', 'full' => 'If set, we will perform reverse dns lookups to try to convert ' . 'the users IP number to a host name, even if the http server ' . 'didn\'t do it for us.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Boolean' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'ADMIN_USER', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => "", 'hide' => true, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Username of Administrator', 'full' => 'The username of the Administrator can be just about any string.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'String' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'ADMIN_PASSWD', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => "", 'hide' => true, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Password of Administrator', 'full' => 'The password of the Administrator, please use a secure password.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'String' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'ENCRYPTED_PASSWD', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => true, 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Encrypt Administrator Password.', 'full' => 'True if the Administrator password is encrypted using the embeded tool.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Boolean' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'ZIPDUMP_AUTH', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => true, 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Require privilage to make zip dumps.', 'full' => 'If true then only the Administrator will be allowed to make a zipped ' . 'archive of the Wiki.' ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Boolean' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'ENABLE_RAW_HTML', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => false, 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Enable the use of html in a WikiPage', 'full' => 'If true raw html will be respected in the markup of a WikiPage. ' . '*WARNING*: this is a major security hole! Do not enable on a public ' . 'Wiki.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Boolean' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'STRICT_MAILABLE_PAGEDUMPS', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => false, 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Page dumps are valid RFC 2822 e-mail messages', 'full' => 'If you define this to true, (MIME-type) page-dumps (either zip ' . 'dumps, or "dumps to directory" will be encoded using the ' . 'quoted-printable encoding. If you\'re actually thinking of ' . 'mailing the raw page dumps, then this might be useful, since ' . '(among other things,) it ensures that all lines in the message ' . 'body are under 80 characters in length. Also, setting this will ' . 'cause a few additional mail headers to be generated, so that the ' . 'resulting dumps are valid RFC 2822 e-mail messages. Probably, you ' . 'can just leave this set to false, in which case you get raw ' . '(\'binary\' content-encoding) page dumps.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Boolean' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => '.html', 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Suffix for XHTML page dumps', 'full' => 'This suffix will be appended to the name of each page for a ' . 'XHTML page dump and the page links will be modified accordingly.' ), 'example' => array( '.xml', '.htm' ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'String' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => (16 * 1024 * 1024), // 16MB 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Maximum file upload size', 'full' => 'The maximum file upload size in bytes.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Integer' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'MINOR_EDIT_TIMEOUT', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => (7 * 24 * 60 * 60), // One week 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Length of time where \'Minor Edit\' is default', 'full' => 'If an edit is started less than this period of time from the ' . 'prior edit, the \'Minor Edit\' checkbox will be set.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Integer' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Variable', 'name' => 'DisabledActions', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => '', 'hide' => true, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'List of actions to disable', 'full' => 'Each action listed will be disabled.' ), 'example' => array( 'dumpserial : loadfile', 'remove : dumpserial : loadfile : upload' ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'ArrayStringList', 'seperator' => ':', 'list' => array( 'browse', 'verify', 'diff', 'search', 'edit', 'viewsource', 'lock', 'unlock', 'remove', 'upload', 'xmlrpc', 'zip', 'ziphtml', 'dumpserial', 'dumphtml', 'loadfile' ) ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'ACCESS_LOG', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => '', 'hide' => true, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Enable and location of Wiki Access Log', 'full' => 'PhpWiki can generate an access_log (in NCSA combined log ' . 'format) for you. If you want one, define location for the ' . 'file. The server must have write access for the specified ' . 'location.' ), 'example' => array( '/var/tmp/wiki_access_log', '/tmp/phpwiki_log' ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'String' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'COMPRESS_OUTPUT', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => false, 'hide' => true, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Enable Ouput Compression', 'full' => 'By default PhpWiki will try to have PHP compress ' . 'its output before sending it to the browser (if you ' . 'have a recent enough version of PHP and the browser ' . 'supports it).\n' . 'Define COMPRESS_OUTPUT to false to prevent output compression.\n' . 'Define COMPRESS_OUTPUT to true to force output compression.\n' . 'Leave undefined to leave the choice up to PhpWiki.\n' . 'WARNING: Compressing the output has been reported to cause ' . 'serious problems when PHP is running as a CGI.' ), 'example' => array( 'false' ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Boolean' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'CACHE_CONTROL', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => 'LOOSE', 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'HTTP Cache Control Behavior', 'full' => 'Choose one of:\n\n' . 'NONE: PhpWiki will instruct proxies and browsers never to ' . 'cache PhpWiki output. This is roughly pre-1.3.4 behavior.\n\n' . 'STRICT: Cached pages will be invalidated whenever the database ' . 'global timestamp changes. This should be slightly more ' . 'efficient than NONE.\n\n' . 'LOOSE: Cached pages will be invalidated whenever they are ' . 'edited, or, if the pages include plugins, when the plugin ' . 'output could concievably have changed. This might result ' . 'in wikilinks that show up as undefined even though the page ' . 'has been (recently) created.\n\n' . 'ALLOW_STALE: Invalidation will be defined by ' . 'CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, allowing browsers and proxies to ' . 'display stale pages. This will result in very quirky ' . 'behavior. This setting is generally not advisable.\n\n' . 'The recommended default is LOOSE.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'StringList', 'list' => array( 'NONE', 'STRICT', 'LOOSE', 'ALLOW_STALE' ) ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => 600, 'hide' => false, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Maximum Page Staleness', 'full' => 'The maximum time in seconds proxies and browsers should ' . 'cache pages. This setting is relevant only if CACHE_CONTROL ' . 'is set to ALLOW_STALE.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Integer' ) ); $values[] = array( 'type' => 'Constant', 'name' => 'WIKIDB_NOCACHE_MARKUP', 'section' => 1, 'defaultValue' => false, 'hide' => true, 'description' => array( 'short' => 'Disable Caching of Page Markup', 'full' => 'PhpWiki normally caches a preparsed version of the most recent ' . 'version of each page. Define this setting to true to disable ' . 'the caching of marked-up page content.\n\n' . 'NOTE: You can also disable markup cacheing on a per-page ' . 'temporary basis by adding a query arg of \'?nocache=1\' ' . 'to the URL to the page, or \'?nocache=purge\' to completely ' . 'discard the cached version of the page. Additionally via the ' . '"Purge Markup Cache" button on the PhpWikiAdministration page, ' . 'you can purged the cached markup globally.' ), 'example' => array( ), 'validator' => array( 'type' => 'Boolean' ) ); //$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ //Revision 1.5 2004/04/21 00:15:24 zorloc //Added Section 0 values // //Revision 1.4 2003/12/07 19:25:41 carstenklapp //Code Housecleaning: fixed syntax errors. (php -l *.php) // //Revision 1.2 2003/01/28 18:55:25 zorloc //I have added all of the values for Part One of our configuration values. // //Revision 1.1 2003/01/28 07:32:24 zorloc //This file holds all of the config settings for the constants, variables, //and arrays that can be customized/defined. // //I have done a template and one constant (WIKI_NAME). More to follow. // // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>