// // Automated Testing Framework (atf) // // Copyright (c) 2007 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND // CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, // INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE // GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR // OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN // IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // #include #include #include "atf-c/defs.h" #include "atf-c++/config.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/env.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/fs.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/sanity.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/parser.hpp" #include "config.hpp" namespace impl = atf::atf_run; namespace detail = atf::atf_run::detail; namespace { namespace atf_config { static const atf::parser::token_type eof_type = 0; static const atf::parser::token_type nl_type = 1; static const atf::parser::token_type text_type = 2; static const atf::parser::token_type dblquote_type = 3; static const atf::parser::token_type equal_type = 4; static const atf::parser::token_type hash_type = 5; class tokenizer : public atf::parser::tokenizer< std::istream > { public: tokenizer(std::istream& is, size_t curline) : atf::parser::tokenizer< std::istream > (is, true, eof_type, nl_type, text_type, curline) { add_delim('=', equal_type); add_delim('#', hash_type); add_quote('"', dblquote_type); } }; } // namespace atf_config class config_reader : public detail::atf_config_reader { atf::tests::vars_map m_vars; void got_var(const std::string& var, const std::string& name) { m_vars[var] = name; } public: config_reader(std::istream& is) : atf_config_reader(is) { } const atf::tests::vars_map& get_vars(void) const { return m_vars; } }; template< class K, class V > static void merge_maps(std::map< K, V >& dest, const std::map< K, V >& src) { for (typename std::map< K, V >::const_iterator iter = src.begin(); iter != src.end(); iter++) dest[(*iter).first] = (*iter).second; } static void merge_config_file(const atf::fs::path& config_path, atf::tests::vars_map& config) { std::ifstream is(config_path.c_str()); if (is) { config_reader reader(is); reader.read(); merge_maps(config, reader.get_vars()); } } static std::vector< atf::fs::path > get_config_dirs(void) { std::vector< atf::fs::path > dirs; dirs.push_back(atf::fs::path(atf::config::get("atf_confdir"))); if (atf::env::has("HOME")) dirs.push_back(atf::fs::path(atf::env::get("HOME")) / ".atf"); return dirs; } } // anonymous namespace detail::atf_config_reader::atf_config_reader(std::istream& is) : m_is(is) { } detail::atf_config_reader::~atf_config_reader(void) { } void detail::atf_config_reader::got_var( const std::string& var ATF_DEFS_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, const std::string& val ATF_DEFS_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { } void detail::atf_config_reader::got_eof(void) { } void detail::atf_config_reader::read(void) { using atf::parser::parse_error; using namespace atf_config; std::pair< size_t, atf::parser::headers_map > hml = atf::parser::read_headers(m_is, 1); atf::parser::validate_content_type(hml.second, "application/X-atf-config", 1); tokenizer tkz(m_is, hml.first); atf::parser::parser< tokenizer > p(tkz); for (;;) { try { atf::parser::token t = p.expect(eof_type, hash_type, text_type, nl_type, "eof, #, new line or text"); if (t.type() == eof_type) break; if (t.type() == hash_type) { (void)p.rest_of_line(); t = p.expect(nl_type, "new line"); } else if (t.type() == text_type) { std::string name = t.text(); t = p.expect(equal_type, "equal sign"); t = p.expect(text_type, "word or quoted string"); ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_var(name, t.text())); t = p.expect(nl_type, hash_type, "new line or comment"); if (t.type() == hash_type) { (void)p.rest_of_line(); t = p.expect(nl_type, "new line"); } } else if (t.type() == nl_type) { } else UNREACHABLE; } catch (const parse_error& pe) { p.add_error(pe); p.reset(nl_type); } } ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_eof()); } atf::tests::vars_map impl::merge_configs(const atf::tests::vars_map& lower, const atf::tests::vars_map& upper) { atf::tests::vars_map merged = lower; merge_maps(merged, upper); return merged; } atf::tests::vars_map impl::read_config_files(const std::string& test_suite_name) { atf::tests::vars_map config; const std::vector< atf::fs::path > dirs = get_config_dirs(); for (std::vector< atf::fs::path >::const_iterator iter = dirs.begin(); iter != dirs.end(); iter++) { merge_config_file((*iter) / "common.conf", config); merge_config_file((*iter) / (test_suite_name + ".conf"), config); } return config; }