/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bearssl.h" #include "inner.h" /* * Pointers to implementations. */ typedef struct { uint32_t word_size; void (*zero)(uint32_t *x, uint32_t bit_len); void (*decode)(uint32_t *x, const void *src, size_t len); uint32_t (*decode_mod)(uint32_t *x, const void *src, size_t len, const uint32_t *m); void (*reduce)(uint32_t *x, const uint32_t *a, const uint32_t *m); void (*decode_reduce)(uint32_t *x, const void *src, size_t len, const uint32_t *m); void (*encode)(void *dst, size_t len, const uint32_t *x); uint32_t (*add)(uint32_t *a, const uint32_t *b, uint32_t ctl); uint32_t (*sub)(uint32_t *a, const uint32_t *b, uint32_t ctl); uint32_t (*ninv)(uint32_t x); void (*montymul)(uint32_t *d, const uint32_t *x, const uint32_t *y, const uint32_t *m, uint32_t m0i); void (*to_monty)(uint32_t *x, const uint32_t *m); void (*from_monty)(uint32_t *x, const uint32_t *m, uint32_t m0i); void (*modpow)(uint32_t *x, const unsigned char *e, size_t elen, const uint32_t *m, uint32_t m0i, uint32_t *t1, uint32_t *t2); } int_impl; static const int_impl i31_impl = { 31, &br_i31_zero, &br_i31_decode, &br_i31_decode_mod, &br_i31_reduce, &br_i31_decode_reduce, &br_i31_encode, &br_i31_add, &br_i31_sub, &br_i31_ninv31, &br_i31_montymul, &br_i31_to_monty, &br_i31_from_monty, &br_i31_modpow }; static const int_impl i32_impl = { 32, &br_i32_zero, &br_i32_decode, &br_i32_decode_mod, &br_i32_reduce, &br_i32_decode_reduce, &br_i32_encode, &br_i32_add, &br_i32_sub, &br_i32_ninv32, &br_i32_montymul, &br_i32_to_monty, &br_i32_from_monty, &br_i32_modpow }; static const int_impl *impl; static gmp_randstate_t RNG; /* * Get a random prime of length 'size' bits. This function also guarantees * that x-1 is not a multiple of 65537. */ static void rand_prime(mpz_t x, int size) { for (;;) { mpz_urandomb(x, RNG, size - 1); mpz_setbit(x, 0); mpz_setbit(x, size - 1); if (mpz_probab_prime_p(x, 50)) { mpz_sub_ui(x, x, 1); if (mpz_divisible_ui_p(x, 65537)) { continue; } mpz_add_ui(x, x, 1); return; } } } /* * Print out a GMP integer (for debug). */ static void print_z(mpz_t z) { unsigned char zb[1000]; size_t zlen, k; mpz_export(zb, &zlen, 1, 1, 0, 0, z); if (zlen == 0) { printf(" 00"); return; } if ((zlen & 3) != 0) { k = 4 - (zlen & 3); memmove(zb + k, zb, zlen); memset(zb, 0, k); zlen += k; } for (k = 0; k < zlen; k += 4) { printf(" %02X%02X%02X%02X", zb[k], zb[k + 1], zb[k + 2], zb[k + 3]); } } /* * Print out an i31 or i32 integer (for debug). */ static void print_u(uint32_t *x) { size_t k; if (x[0] == 0) { printf(" 00000000 (0, 0)"); return; } for (k = (x[0] + 31) >> 5; k > 0; k --) { printf(" %08lX", (unsigned long)x[k]); } printf(" (%u, %u)", (unsigned)(x[0] >> 5), (unsigned)(x[0] & 31)); } /* * Check that an i31/i32 number and a GMP number are equal. */ static void check_eqz(uint32_t *x, mpz_t z) { unsigned char xb[1000]; unsigned char zb[1000]; size_t xlen, zlen; int good; xlen = ((x[0] + 31) & ~(uint32_t)31) >> 3; impl->encode(xb, xlen, x); mpz_export(zb, &zlen, 1, 1, 0, 0, z); good = 1; if (xlen < zlen) { good = 0; } else if (xlen > zlen) { size_t u; for (u = xlen; u > zlen; u --) { if (xb[xlen - u] != 0) { good = 0; break; } } } good = good && memcmp(xb + xlen - zlen, zb, zlen) == 0; if (!good) { size_t u; printf("Mismatch:\n"); printf(" x = "); print_u(x); printf("\n"); printf(" ex = "); for (u = 0; u < xlen; u ++) { printf("%02X", xb[u]); } printf("\n"); printf(" z = "); print_z(z); printf("\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* obsolete static void mp_to_br(uint32_t *mx, uint32_t x_bitlen, mpz_t x) { uint32_t x_ebitlen; size_t xlen; if (mpz_sizeinbase(x, 2) > x_bitlen) { abort(); } x_ebitlen = ((x_bitlen / 31) << 5) + (x_bitlen % 31); br_i31_zero(mx, x_ebitlen); mpz_export(mx + 1, &xlen, -1, sizeof *mx, 0, 1, x); } */ static void test_modint(void) { int i, j, k; mpz_t p, a, b, v, t1; printf("Test modular integers: "); fflush(stdout); gmp_randinit_mt(RNG); mpz_init(p); mpz_init(a); mpz_init(b); mpz_init(v); mpz_init(t1); mpz_set_ui(t1, (unsigned long)time(NULL)); gmp_randseed(RNG, t1); for (k = 2; k <= 128; k ++) { for (i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { unsigned char ep[100], ea[100], eb[100], ev[100]; size_t plen, alen, blen, vlen; uint32_t mp[40], ma[40], mb[40], mv[60], mx[100]; uint32_t mt1[40], mt2[40], mt3[40]; uint32_t ctl; uint32_t mp0i; rand_prime(p, k); mpz_urandomm(a, RNG, p); mpz_urandomm(b, RNG, p); mpz_urandomb(v, RNG, k + 60); if (mpz_sgn(b) == 0) { mpz_set_ui(b, 1); } mpz_export(ep, &plen, 1, 1, 0, 0, p); mpz_export(ea, &alen, 1, 1, 0, 0, a); mpz_export(eb, &blen, 1, 1, 0, 0, b); mpz_export(ev, &vlen, 1, 1, 0, 0, v); impl->decode(mp, ep, plen); if (impl->decode_mod(ma, ea, alen, mp) != 1) { printf("Decode error\n"); printf(" ea = "); print_z(a); printf("\n"); printf(" p = "); print_u(mp); printf("\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mp0i = impl->ninv(mp[1]); if (impl->decode_mod(mb, eb, blen, mp) != 1) { printf("Decode error\n"); printf(" eb = "); print_z(b); printf("\n"); printf(" p = "); print_u(mp); printf("\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } impl->decode(mv, ev, vlen); check_eqz(mp, p); check_eqz(ma, a); check_eqz(mb, b); check_eqz(mv, v); impl->decode_mod(ma, ea, alen, mp); impl->decode_mod(mb, eb, blen, mp); ctl = impl->add(ma, mb, 1); ctl |= impl->sub(ma, mp, 0) ^ (uint32_t)1; impl->sub(ma, mp, ctl); mpz_add(t1, a, b); mpz_mod(t1, t1, p); check_eqz(ma, t1); impl->decode_mod(ma, ea, alen, mp); impl->decode_mod(mb, eb, blen, mp); impl->add(ma, mp, impl->sub(ma, mb, 1)); mpz_sub(t1, a, b); mpz_mod(t1, t1, p); check_eqz(ma, t1); impl->decode_reduce(ma, ev, vlen, mp); mpz_mod(t1, v, p); check_eqz(ma, t1); impl->decode(mv, ev, vlen); impl->reduce(ma, mv, mp); mpz_mod(t1, v, p); check_eqz(ma, t1); impl->decode_mod(ma, ea, alen, mp); impl->to_monty(ma, mp); mpz_mul_2exp(t1, a, ((k + impl->word_size - 1) / impl->word_size) * impl->word_size); mpz_mod(t1, t1, p); check_eqz(ma, t1); impl->from_monty(ma, mp, mp0i); check_eqz(ma, a); impl->decode_mod(ma, ea, alen, mp); impl->decode_mod(mb, eb, blen, mp); impl->to_monty(ma, mp); impl->montymul(mt1, ma, mb, mp, mp0i); mpz_mul(t1, a, b); mpz_mod(t1, t1, p); check_eqz(mt1, t1); impl->decode_mod(ma, ea, alen, mp); impl->modpow(ma, ev, vlen, mp, mp0i, mt1, mt2); mpz_powm(t1, a, v, p); check_eqz(ma, t1); /* br_modint_decode(ma, mp, ea, alen); br_modint_decode(mb, mp, eb, blen); if (!br_modint_div(ma, mb, mp, mt1, mt2, mt3)) { fprintf(stderr, "division failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mpz_sub_ui(t1, p, 2); mpz_powm(t1, b, t1, p); mpz_mul(t1, a, t1); mpz_mod(t1, t1, p); check_eqz(ma, t1); br_modint_decode(ma, mp, ea, alen); br_modint_decode(mb, mp, eb, blen); for (j = 0; j <= (2 * k + 5); j ++) { br_int_add(mx, j, ma, mb); mpz_add(t1, a, b); mpz_tdiv_r_2exp(t1, t1, j); check_eqz(mx, t1); br_int_mul(mx, j, ma, mb); mpz_mul(t1, a, b); mpz_tdiv_r_2exp(t1, t1, j); check_eqz(mx, t1); } */ } printf("."); fflush(stdout); } mpz_clear(p); mpz_clear(a); mpz_clear(b); mpz_clear(v); mpz_clear(t1); printf(" done.\n"); fflush(stdout); } #if 0 static void test_RSA_core(void) { int i, j, k; mpz_t n, e, d, p, q, dp, dq, iq, t1, t2, phi; printf("Test RSA core: "); fflush(stdout); gmp_randinit_mt(RNG); mpz_init(n); mpz_init(e); mpz_init(d); mpz_init(p); mpz_init(q); mpz_init(dp); mpz_init(dq); mpz_init(iq); mpz_init(t1); mpz_init(t2); mpz_init(phi); mpz_set_ui(t1, (unsigned long)time(NULL)); gmp_randseed(RNG, t1); /* * To test corner cases, we want to try RSA keys such that the * lengths of both factors can be arbitrary modulo 2^32. Factors * p and q need not be of the same length; p can be greater than * q and q can be greater than p. * * To keep computation time reasonable, we use p and q factors of * less than 128 bits; this is way too small for secure RSA, * but enough to exercise all code paths (since we work only with * 32-bit words). */ for (i = 64; i <= 96; i ++) { rand_prime(p, i); for (j = i - 33; j <= i + 33; j ++) { uint32_t mp[40], mq[40], mdp[40], mdq[40], miq[40]; /* * Generate a RSA key pair, with p of length i bits, * and q of length j bits. */ do { rand_prime(q, j); } while (mpz_cmp(p, q) == 0); mpz_mul(n, p, q); mpz_set_ui(e, 65537); mpz_sub_ui(t1, p, 1); mpz_sub_ui(t2, q, 1); mpz_mul(phi, t1, t2); mpz_invert(d, e, phi); mpz_mod(dp, d, t1); mpz_mod(dq, d, t2); mpz_invert(iq, q, p); /* * Convert the key pair elements to BearSSL arrays. */ mp_to_br(mp, mpz_sizeinbase(p, 2), p); mp_to_br(mq, mpz_sizeinbase(q, 2), q); mp_to_br(mdp, mpz_sizeinbase(dp, 2), dp); mp_to_br(mdq, mpz_sizeinbase(dq, 2), dq); mp_to_br(miq, mp[0], iq); /* * Compute and check ten public/private operations. */ for (k = 0; k < 10; k ++) { uint32_t mx[40]; mpz_urandomm(t1, RNG, n); mpz_powm(t2, t1, e, n); mp_to_br(mx, mpz_sizeinbase(n, 2), t2); br_rsa_private_core(mx, mp, mq, mdp, mdq, miq); check_eqz(mx, t1); } } printf("."); fflush(stdout); } printf(" done.\n"); fflush(stdout); } #endif int main(void) { printf("===== i32 ======\n"); impl = &i32_impl; test_modint(); printf("===== i31 ======\n"); impl = &i31_impl; test_modint(); /* test_RSA_core(); */ return 0; }