/* * Copyright (C) 2004-2008, 2012 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2003 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Id$ */ #ifndef DNS_SSU_H #define DNS_SSU_H 1 /*! \file dns/ssu.h */ #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_NAME 0 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SUBDOMAIN 1 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_WILDCARD 2 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SELF 3 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SELFSUB 4 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SELFWILD 5 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SELFKRB5 6 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SELFMS 7 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SUBDOMAINMS 8 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SUBDOMAINKRB5 9 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_TCPSELF 10 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_6TO4SELF 11 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_MAX 11 /* max value */ isc_result_t dns_ssutable_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_ssutable_t **table); /*%< * Creates a table that will be used to store simple-secure-update rules. * Note: all locking must be provided by the client. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context *\li 'table' is not NULL, and '*table' is NULL * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void dns_ssutable_attach(dns_ssutable_t *source, dns_ssutable_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach '*targetp' to 'source'. * * Requires: *\li 'source' is a valid SSU table *\li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_ssutable_t *. * * Ensures: *\li *targetp is attached to source. */ void dns_ssutable_detach(dns_ssutable_t **tablep); /*%< * Detach '*tablep' from its simple-secure-update rule table. * * Requires: *\li 'tablep' points to a valid dns_ssutable_t * * Ensures: *\li *tablep is NULL *\li If '*tablep' is the last reference to the SSU table, all * resources used by the table will be freed. */ isc_result_t dns_ssutable_addrule(dns_ssutable_t *table, isc_boolean_t grant, dns_name_t *identity, unsigned int matchtype, dns_name_t *name, unsigned int ntypes, dns_rdatatype_t *types); /*%< * Adds a new rule to a simple-secure-update rule table. The rule * either grants or denies update privileges of an identity (or set of * identities) to modify a name (or set of names) or certain types present * at that name. * * Notes: *\li If 'matchtype' is of SELF type, this rule only matches if the * name to be updated matches the signing identity. * *\li If 'ntypes' is 0, this rule applies to all types except * NS, SOA, RRSIG, and NSEC. * *\li If 'types' includes ANY, this rule applies to all types * except NSEC. * * Requires: *\li 'table' is a valid SSU table *\li 'identity' is a valid absolute name *\li 'matchtype' must be one of the defined constants. *\li 'name' is a valid absolute name *\li If 'ntypes' > 0, 'types' must not be NULL * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_boolean_t dns_ssutable_checkrules(dns_ssutable_t *table, dns_name_t *signer, dns_name_t *name, isc_netaddr_t *tcpaddr, dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Checks that the attempted update of (name, type) is allowed according * to the rules specified in the simple-secure-update rule table. If * no rules are matched, access is denied. * * Notes: * 'tcpaddr' should only be set if the request received * via TCP. This provides a weak assurance that the * request was not spoofed. 'tcpaddr' is to to validate * DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_TCPSELF and DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_6TO4SELF * rules. * * For DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_TCPSELF the addresses are mapped to * the standard reverse names under IN-ADDR.ARPA and IP6.ARPA. * RFC 1035, Section 3.5, "IN-ADDR.ARPA domain" and RFC 3596, * Section 2.5, "IP6.ARPA Domain". * * For DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_6TO4SELF, IPv4 address are converted * to a 6to4 prefix (48 bits) per the rules in RFC 3056. Only * the top 48 bits of the IPv6 address are mapped to the reverse * name. This is independent of whether the most significant 16 * bits match 2002::/16, assigned for 6to4 prefixes, or not. * * Requires: *\li 'table' is a valid SSU table *\li 'signer' is NULL or a valid absolute name *\li 'tcpaddr' is NULL or a valid network address. *\li 'name' is a valid absolute name */ /*% Accessor functions to extract rule components */ isc_boolean_t dns_ssurule_isgrant(const dns_ssurule_t *rule); /*% Accessor functions to extract rule components */ dns_name_t * dns_ssurule_identity(const dns_ssurule_t *rule); /*% Accessor functions to extract rule components */ unsigned int dns_ssurule_matchtype(const dns_ssurule_t *rule); /*% Accessor functions to extract rule components */ dns_name_t * dns_ssurule_name(const dns_ssurule_t *rule); /*% Accessor functions to extract rule components */ unsigned int dns_ssurule_types(const dns_ssurule_t *rule, dns_rdatatype_t **types); isc_result_t dns_ssutable_firstrule(const dns_ssutable_t *table, dns_ssurule_t **rule); /*%< * Initiates a rule iterator. There is no need to maintain any state. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE */ isc_result_t dns_ssutable_nextrule(dns_ssurule_t *rule, dns_ssurule_t **nextrule); /*%< * Returns the next rule in the table. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_SSU_H */