/* * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Id: view.h,v 2006/03/09 23:38:21 marka Exp $ */ #ifndef DNS_VIEW_H #define DNS_VIEW_H 1 /***** ***** Module Info *****/ /*! \file * \brief * DNS View * * A "view" is a DNS namespace, together with an optional resolver and a * forwarding policy. A "DNS namespace" is a (possibly empty) set of * authoritative zones together with an optional cache and optional * "hints" information. * * Views start out "unfrozen". In this state, core attributes like * the cache, set of zones, and forwarding policy may be set. While * "unfrozen", the caller (e.g. nameserver configuration loading * code), must ensure exclusive access to the view. When the view is * "frozen", the core attributes become immutable, and the view module * will ensure synchronization. Freezing allows the view's core attributes * to be accessed without locking. * * MP: *\li Before the view is frozen, the caller must ensure synchronization. * *\li After the view is frozen, the module guarantees appropriate * synchronization of any data structures it creates and manipulates. * * Reliability: *\li No anticipated impact. * * Resources: *\li TBS * * Security: *\li No anticipated impact. * * Standards: *\li None. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS struct dns_view { /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int magic; isc_mem_t * mctx; dns_rdataclass_t rdclass; char * name; dns_zt_t * zonetable; dns_dlzdb_t * dlzdatabase; dns_resolver_t * resolver; dns_adb_t * adb; dns_requestmgr_t * requestmgr; dns_acache_t * acache; dns_cache_t * cache; dns_db_t * cachedb; dns_db_t * hints; dns_keytable_t * secroots; dns_keytable_t * trustedkeys; isc_mutex_t lock; isc_boolean_t frozen; isc_task_t * task; isc_event_t resevent; isc_event_t adbevent; isc_event_t reqevent; /* Configurable data. */ dns_tsig_keyring_t * statickeys; dns_tsig_keyring_t * dynamickeys; dns_peerlist_t * peers; dns_order_t * order; dns_fwdtable_t * fwdtable; isc_boolean_t recursion; isc_boolean_t auth_nxdomain; isc_boolean_t additionalfromcache; isc_boolean_t additionalfromauth; isc_boolean_t minimalresponses; isc_boolean_t enablednssec; isc_boolean_t enablevalidation; isc_boolean_t acceptexpired; dns_transfer_format_t transfer_format; dns_acl_t * queryacl; dns_acl_t * recursionacl; dns_acl_t * sortlist; isc_boolean_t requestixfr; isc_boolean_t provideixfr; dns_ttl_t maxcachettl; dns_ttl_t maxncachettl; in_port_t dstport; dns_aclenv_t aclenv; dns_rdatatype_t preferred_glue; isc_boolean_t flush; dns_namelist_t * delonly; isc_boolean_t rootdelonly; dns_namelist_t * rootexclude; isc_boolean_t checknames; dns_name_t * dlv; dns_fixedname_t dlv_fixed; isc_uint16_t maxudp; /* * Configurable data for server use only, * locked by server configuration lock. */ dns_acl_t * matchclients; dns_acl_t * matchdestinations; isc_boolean_t matchrecursiveonly; /* Locked by themselves. */ isc_refcount_t references; /* Locked by lock. */ unsigned int weakrefs; unsigned int attributes; /* Under owner's locking control. */ ISC_LINK(struct dns_view) link; }; #define DNS_VIEW_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('V','i','e','w') #define DNS_VIEW_VALID(view) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(view, DNS_VIEW_MAGIC) #define DNS_VIEWATTR_RESSHUTDOWN 0x01 #define DNS_VIEWATTR_ADBSHUTDOWN 0x02 #define DNS_VIEWATTR_REQSHUTDOWN 0x04 isc_result_t dns_view_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, const char *name, dns_view_t **viewp); /*%< * Create a view. * * Notes: * *\li The newly created view has no cache, no resolver, and an empty * zone table. The view is not frozen. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li 'rdclass' is a valid class. * *\li 'name' is a valid C string. * *\li viewp != NULL && *viewp == NULL * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * *\li Other errors are possible. */ void dns_view_attach(dns_view_t *source, dns_view_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach '*targetp' to 'source'. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid, frozen view. * *\li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_view_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li *targetp is attached to source. * *\li While *targetp is attached, the view will not shut down. */ void dns_view_detach(dns_view_t **viewp); /*%< * Detach '*viewp' from its view. * * Requires: * *\li 'viewp' points to a valid dns_view_t * * * Ensures: * *\li *viewp is NULL. */ void dns_view_flushanddetach(dns_view_t **viewp); /*%< * Detach '*viewp' from its view. If this was the last reference * uncommited changed in zones will be flushed to disk. * * Requires: * *\li 'viewp' points to a valid dns_view_t * * * Ensures: * *\li *viewp is NULL. */ void dns_view_weakattach(dns_view_t *source, dns_view_t **targetp); /*%< * Weakly attach '*targetp' to 'source'. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid, frozen view. * *\li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_view_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li *targetp is attached to source. * * \li While *targetp is attached, the view will not be freed. */ void dns_view_weakdetach(dns_view_t **targetp); /*%< * Detach '*viewp' from its view. * * Requires: * *\li 'viewp' points to a valid dns_view_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li *viewp is NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_view_createresolver(dns_view_t *view, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, unsigned int ntasks, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, unsigned int options, dns_dispatchmgr_t *dispatchmgr, dns_dispatch_t *dispatchv4, dns_dispatch_t *dispatchv6); /*%< * Create a resolver and address database for the view. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view. * *\li 'view' does not have a resolver already. * *\li The requirements of dns_resolver_create() apply to 'taskmgr', * 'ntasks', 'socketmgr', 'timermgr', 'options', 'dispatchv4', and * 'dispatchv6'. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any error that dns_resolver_create() can return. */ void dns_view_setcache(dns_view_t *view, dns_cache_t *cache); /*%< * Set the view's cache database. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view. * *\li 'cache' is a valid cache. * * Ensures: * * \li The cache of 'view' is 'cached. * *\li If this is not the first call to dns_view_setcache() for this * view, then previously set cache is detached. */ void dns_view_sethints(dns_view_t *view, dns_db_t *hints); /*%< * Set the view's hints database. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view, whose hints database has not been * set. * *\li 'hints' is a valid zone database. * * Ensures: * * \li The hints database of 'view' is 'hints'. */ void dns_view_setkeyring(dns_view_t *view, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring); /*%< * Set the view's static TSIG keys * * Requires: * * \li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view, whose static TSIG keyring has not * been set. * *\li 'ring' is a valid TSIG keyring * * Ensures: * *\li The static TSIG keyring of 'view' is 'ring'. */ void dns_view_setdstport(dns_view_t *view, in_port_t dstport); /*%< * Set the view's destination port. This is the port to * which outgoing queries are sent. The default is 53, * the standard DNS port. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid view. * *\li 'dstport' is a valid TCP/UDP port number. * * Ensures: *\li External name servers will be assumed to be listning * on 'dstport'. For servers whose address has already * obtained obtained at the time of the call, the view may * continue to use the previously set port until the address * times out from the view's address database. */ isc_result_t dns_view_addzone(dns_view_t *view, dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Add zone 'zone' to 'view'. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view. * *\li 'zone' is a valid zone. */ void dns_view_freeze(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Freeze view. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view. * * Ensures: * *\li 'view' is frozen. */ isc_result_t dns_view_find(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_stdtime_t now, unsigned int options, isc_boolean_t use_hints, dns_db_t **dbp, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); /*%< * Find an rdataset whose owner name is 'name', and whose type is * 'type'. * * Notes: * *\li See the description of dns_db_find() for information about 'options'. * If the caller sets #DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK, it must ensure that 'name' * and 'type' are appropriate for glue retrieval. * *\li If 'now' is zero, then the current time will be used. * *\li If 'use_hints' is ISC_TRUE, and the view has a hints database, then * it will be searched last. If the answer is found in the hints * database, the result code will be DNS_R_HINT. If the name is found * in the hints database but not the type, the result code will be * #DNS_R_HINTNXRRSET. * *\li 'foundname' must meet the requirements of dns_db_find(). * *\li If 'sigrdataset' is not NULL, and there is a SIG rdataset which * covers 'type', then 'sigrdataset' will be bound to it. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, frozen view. * *\li 'name' is valid name. * *\li 'type' is a valid dns_rdatatype_t, and is not a meta query type * except dns_rdatatype_any. * *\li dbp == NULL || *dbp == NULL * *\li nodep == NULL || *nodep == NULL. If nodep != NULL, dbp != NULL. * *\li 'foundname' is a valid name with a dedicated buffer or NULL. * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * *\li 'sigrdataset' is NULL, or is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * * Ensures: * *\li In successful cases, 'rdataset', and possibly 'sigrdataset', are * bound to the found data. * *\li If dbp != NULL, it points to the database containing the data. * *\li If nodep != NULL, it points to the database node containing the data. * *\li If foundname != NULL, it contains the full name of the found data. * * Returns: * *\li Any result that dns_db_find() can return, with the exception of * #DNS_R_DELEGATION. */ isc_result_t dns_view_simplefind(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_stdtime_t now, unsigned int options, isc_boolean_t use_hints, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); /*%< * Find an rdataset whose owner name is 'name', and whose type is * 'type'. * * Notes: * *\li This routine is appropriate for simple, exact-match queries of the * view. 'name' must be a canonical name; there is no DNAME or CNAME * processing. * *\li See the description of dns_db_find() for information about 'options'. * If the caller sets DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK, it must ensure that 'name' * and 'type' are appropriate for glue retrieval. * *\li If 'now' is zero, then the current time will be used. * *\li If 'use_hints' is ISC_TRUE, and the view has a hints database, then * it will be searched last. If the answer is found in the hints * database, the result code will be DNS_R_HINT. If the name is found * in the hints database but not the type, the result code will be * DNS_R_HINTNXRRSET. * *\li If 'sigrdataset' is not NULL, and there is a SIG rdataset which * covers 'type', then 'sigrdataset' will be bound to it. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, frozen view. * *\li 'name' is valid name. * *\li 'type' is a valid dns_rdatatype_t, and is not a meta query type * (e.g. dns_rdatatype_any), or dns_rdatatype_rrsig. * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * *\li 'sigrdataset' is NULL, or is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * * Ensures: * *\li In successful cases, 'rdataset', and possibly 'sigrdataset', are * bound to the found data. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success; result is desired type. *\li DNS_R_GLUE Success; result is glue. *\li DNS_R_HINT Success; result is a hint. *\li DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN Success; result is a ncache entry. *\li DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET Success; result is a ncache entry. *\li DNS_R_NXDOMAIN The name does not exist. *\li DNS_R_NXRRSET The rrset does not exist. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No matching data found, * or an error occurred. */ /*% See dns_view_findzonecut2() */ isc_result_t dns_view_findzonecut(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *fname, isc_stdtime_t now, unsigned int options, isc_boolean_t use_hints, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); isc_result_t dns_view_findzonecut2(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *fname, isc_stdtime_t now, unsigned int options, isc_boolean_t use_hints, isc_boolean_t use_cache, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); /*%< * Find the best known zonecut containing 'name'. * * This uses local authority, cache, and optionally hints data. * No external queries are performed. * * Notes: * *\li If 'now' is zero, then the current time will be used. * *\li If 'use_hints' is ISC_TRUE, and the view has a hints database, then * it will be searched last. * *\li If 'use_cache' is ISC_TRUE, and the view has a cache, then it will be * searched. * *\li If 'sigrdataset' is not NULL, and there is a SIG rdataset which * covers 'type', then 'sigrdataset' will be bound to it. * *\li If the DNS_DBFIND_NOEXACT option is set, then the zonecut returned * (if any) will be the deepest known ancestor of 'name'. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, frozen view. * *\li 'name' is valid name. * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * *\li 'sigrdataset' is NULL, or is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success. * *\li Many other results are possible. */ isc_result_t dns_viewlist_find(dns_viewlist_t *list, const char *name, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_view_t **viewp); /*%< * Search for a view with name 'name' and class 'rdclass' in 'list'. * If found, '*viewp' is (strongly) attached to it. * * Requires: * *\li 'viewp' points to a NULL dns_view_t *. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS A matching view was found. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No matching view was found. */ isc_result_t dns_view_findzone(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_zone_t **zonep); /*%< * Search for the zone 'name' in the zone table of 'view'. * If found, 'zonep' is (strongly) attached to it. There * are no partial matches. * * Requires: * *\li 'zonep' points to a NULL dns_zone_t *. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS A matching zone was found. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No matching zone was found. *\li others An error occurred. */ isc_result_t dns_view_load(dns_view_t *view, isc_boolean_t stop); isc_result_t dns_view_loadnew(dns_view_t *view, isc_boolean_t stop); /*%< * Load zones attached to this view. dns_view_load() loads * all zones whose master file has changed since the last * load; dns_view_loadnew() loads only zones that have never * been loaded. * * If 'stop' is ISC_TRUE, stop on the first error and return it. * If 'stop' is ISC_FALSE, ignore errors. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is valid. */ isc_result_t dns_view_gettsig(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *keyname, dns_tsigkey_t **keyp); /*%< * Find the TSIG key configured in 'view' with name 'keyname', * if any. * * Reqires: *\li keyp points to a NULL dns_tsigkey_t *. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS A key was found and '*keyp' now points to it. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No key was found. *\li others An error occurred. */ isc_result_t dns_view_getpeertsig(dns_view_t *view, isc_netaddr_t *peeraddr, dns_tsigkey_t **keyp); /*%< * Find the TSIG key configured in 'view' for the server whose * address is 'peeraddr', if any. * * Reqires: * keyp points to a NULL dns_tsigkey_t *. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS A key was found and '*keyp' now points to it. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No key was found. *\li others An error occurred. */ isc_result_t dns_view_checksig(dns_view_t *view, isc_buffer_t *source, dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Verifies the signature of a message. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid view. *\li 'source' is a valid buffer containing the message *\li 'msg' is a valid message * * Returns: *\li see dns_tsig_verify() */ void dns_view_dialup(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Perform dialup-time maintenance on the zones of 'view'. */ isc_result_t dns_view_dumpdbtostream(dns_view_t *view, FILE *fp); /*%< * Dump the current state of the view 'view' to the stream 'fp' * for purposes of analysis or debugging. * * Currently the dumped state includes the view's cache; in the future * it may also include other state such as the address database. * It will not not include authoritative data since it is voluminous and * easily obtainable by other means. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is valid. * *\li 'fp' refers to a file open for writing. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS The cache was successfully dumped. * \li others An error occurred (see dns_master_dump) */ isc_result_t dns_view_flushcache(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Flush the view's cache (and ADB). * * Requires: * 'view' is valid. * * No other tasks are executing. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_view_flushname(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *); /*%< * Flush the given name from the view's cache (and ADB). * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. *\li 'name' is valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * other returns are failures. */ isc_result_t dns_view_adddelegationonly(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Add the given name to the delegation only table. * * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. *\li 'name' is valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_view_excludedelegationonly(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Add the given name to be excluded from the root-delegation-only. * * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. *\li 'name' is valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_boolean_t dns_view_isdelegationonly(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Check if 'name' is in the delegation only table or if * rootdelonly is set that name is not being excluded. * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. *\li 'name' is valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_TRUE if the name is is the table. *\li #ISC_FALSE othewise. */ void dns_view_setrootdelonly(dns_view_t *view, isc_boolean_t value); /*%< * Set the root delegation only flag. * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. */ isc_boolean_t dns_view_getrootdelonly(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Get the root delegation only flag. * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. */ isc_result_t dns_view_freezezones(dns_view_t *view, isc_boolean_t freeze); /*%< * Freeze/thaw updates to master zones. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. */ #endif /* DNS_VIEW_H */